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Wimont's Pharmacy Drone Project Revision Date: Nov.

27, 2020
Revision No:0


1.0 Develop Drone Prototypes Overall Project

1.1 Initiating
Define the scope, purpose and goals pf project. Prepare the statement of work. Do project cost estimation , schedule
1.1.1 Develop Scope and Plan and other basic documents such as project charter.

Communication with project stakeholders including distribution of project charter, status reports and discussions on
1.1.2 Engage Stakeholders scope.
1.1.3 Raise Funds Meet with stakeholders, potential contributors and preparation of promotional materials.

1.2 Planning
Drone prototype system design and engineering by DroneTech including materials specification hence prepation of
1.2.1 System Design drawings related to construction of the drones to later be approved.
1.2.2 Cost Estimate Calculations of materials required for execution and their quantities hence preparing for bills of quantity.
1.2.3 Approvals Submission of design documents and cost estimate to concerned stakeholders for approval.
1.2.4 Create a Project Organization Chart Identifying all the levels of authorities and reporting structure of the project.

1.3 Execution
1.3.1 Purchase Materials Buying spare parts for Drone assembly and cost of labor associated with it and delivery.
1.3.2 Rent equiptment and engage specialists Consultation of additional expertise and acquisition of equiptment for the construction of drone
1.3.3 Complete Assembly Assembly of the Drones accoding to the design and specifications by DroneTech as mentioned in project scope plan.
1.3.4 Development of Mobile Application Coding of a mobile application used for booking and ordering drugs by Wilmont's Pharmacy clients.

1.4 Testing
1.4.1 Piloting and Delivering The launch of the drones to deliver prescriptions for testing.
Organize the Wilmont's resources in order to make an interface with DroneTech flight operations and aother
1.4.2 Interface with flight operations management system that control and manage the drone delivery system.
Interface communications about deliveries for Wilmont's customers electronically through email online and moblie
1.4.3 Interface Communications alerts.
1.4.4 Information Security Management Ensure the privacy and Security of Wilmont pharmacy, DroneTech will collaborate with IT department.
1.4.5 Drones Allocation DroneTech will need to allocate a total of 4 new drones for this prototype prject.
1.4.6 Drone Maintenance /Repair parts Budget will be maintained of Drones and construction of new parts.
1.4.7 First Delivery Through Drones Delivery through Drones will start from Jan 30

1.5 Management and Control

1.5.1 Regular Meetings There will be regular meetings with the Team, Stakeholders and Cross-impacted aread of the company.
1.5.2 Quality Control and user Training Users will be trained to pilot the drone and quality assessment of Drones will take place.
Changes in Drone Manufacturing and add on features of Drones will be monitored to keep them within Project Cost
1.5.3 Monitoring Changes Plan.

1.6 Closeout
Performance of the porject personals and delivery systems will be audited by the external organizations or
1.6.1 Audit Performance stakeholders.
1.6.2 Close out report A closeout report on project success and Phase will be made at the end of the project.
1.6.3 Documenting the files All the files will be documented and archived into company storage for future reference.

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