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Military Roleplay
in the 20th Century

PATROL was a labour of love by the author, but many others deserve credit.

Ryan Chiong
Joe McNeil
Beau LaManna
Linda Park

White Mice - Chris Ammerman, Beau LaManna
Wallaby Squad - Churba, Victor Frost, Nelson
Sparky Squad - Samdamandias, Ingo Krause, Thomas Clapp, Logan
Squad C.o.S.a.R

Special Thanks
The 35th Infantry Regiment Association,
the Sufficient Velocity Forums and IRC,
Kit Hohler, for fact checking,
MJ12 Commando, for fixing the vehicle system,
Gareth Lazelle, for game design advice,
Sandro Cacciotti, for the theme song,
all of my Patreons and fans for putting up with my delays,
and Joe F. Martin, for writing the original RECON.

Photo Credits
The sources for the art in this book were derived from the public domain, primarily
from the Department of Defense. They were sourced from the US National Archives,
Pintrest, and Wikimedia Commons.

The cover, “Hitchin’ a Ride”, was painted by Frederick Lin, and was sourced from a
photo taken in 1967 by Roger E. Surprenant of the US Army. The photo is used with the
permission of the 35th Infantry Regiment Association.

Scott5114 created the Roundel arrow graphic, and Gareth Lazelle created the symbols.

PATROL’s main influence was ADVANCED RECON, originally written
by Joe F. Martin, and its second edition REVISED RECON by Erick
Wujcik, published by Palladium Books. In many ways, PATROL was
envisioned as a spiritual successor to that wonderful game, and I
hope that it lives up.

PATROL took inspiration in tone from Oliver Stone’s Platoon and

Micheal Herr’s Dispatches. In particular, the game attempts to relay the arc of Platoon’s plot in its game structure, and the alignment
system is based on Elias, Chris, Barnes and O’Neil respectively.

Version 1.16 Other major inspirations include Gustav Hasford The Short-Timers,
the CBS series Tour of Duty, J. Micheal Orange’s Fire in the Hole,
and Robert Tonsetic’s books Forsaken Warriors and Days of Valour.

Introduction 8
• Allies
• Support
• Common Support
• Hostile Forces
• Basic Training 8 • Rules of Engagement 31
• Ground Rules 9 Combat Rules 32
• Rolling Dice 9 • Firearm Combat Range 32
• Resolving Attacks 32
Example of Play 10 • Ambushes & Taking Cover 32
Character Creation 12 •

Firing Blind
Defensive Fire
• Personal Info 12 • Crossfire 32
• Standard Issue 13 • Suppression 32
• Service Rifle 13 • Hand to Hand Combat 32
• M.O.S. 13 • Melee 32
• The Rifleman  14 • Heavy Weapon Rules 33
• The Radio Operator  14 • Extended Combat Range 33
• The Pigman  15 • Artillery 33
• The Grenadier  15 • Multi-Part Weapons 33
• The Point 16 • Multi-Crew Weapons 33
• The Marksman  16 • Emplaced Artillery
• The Firebug  17 • Deviation & Scatter 33
• The Gunner  17 • Guided Weapons 33
• The Medic  18 • Munition Rules 33
• The Intel  18
• The Handler  19 • Casualties 34
• The Engineer  19 • Wounded 34
• Ongoing Damage 34
• Psychological Profile 20 • Armour Saves 34
• Attributes 20 • Blast Effects and Fire 34
• Customization 21 • Incapacitation 34
• Assigning Rank 21 • Stunned 34
• Code of Conduct 22 • Death 34
• Desertion 35
• Oath of Enlistment 22 • Capture 35
Basic Rules  24 • Arrest 35
• Objectives 24 • Missing 35
• Turns 24 • Combat Example 36
• Turn Sequence 24 Status Tracks 38
• Actions 24 • Gear Status 39
• Overwatch 24 • Firearm Tracks 39
• The Roundel 24 • Electronic Charges 39
• the Map 25 • Taking Doubt 40
• Distances 25 • Doubt and Fatigue 40
• Units 25 • Doubt Guidelines 40
• Units and Player Actions 25 • Doubt Guideline Chart 41
• Detection 26 • Fatigue 42
• Visual Detection 26 • Victory Points 42
• General Awareness 26 • Alignment VP Chart 42
• Tracking 26
• Stealth Ratings 26 • Narcotics 43
• Addiction  43
• Equipment 27 • Overdosing 43
• Equipment Types  27 • Hallucinogenics Chart 43
• Enemy Gear 27
• Liquids 27 • Fatigue Example 43
• Radios and Telephones 27 Environment 44
• Movement Rules 28 • Map Features 44
• Move Speed Chart 28
• Fortitude Requirements 28 • Time 44
• Enemy Presence 28 • Structures 45
• Contact 28 • Small Structures 45
• Trap Rules 28 • Structure Toughness 45
• Defensive Positions  45
• Interaction Rules 29 • Defensive Obstacles 45
• Communication Basics 29 • Large Structure 45
• The Language Barrier 29 • Room-to-Room Fighting 46
• Weapon Up 29 • The Date 47
• Warning Shots & Small Violence 29
• Trading & Bribes 29 • Conditions 47
NPCs 30 Vehicles 48
• Vehicle Basics 48
• Squadmates 30 • Vehicle Profiles 48
• Taking the Bullet 30 • Passengers and Crew 48
• NPC Restrictions 30 • Operating a Vehicle 48
• Battle Buddies 30 • Vehicles and Damage 49
• Crew and Damage 49 • Free World Helicopters 96
• Using a Vehicle as Cover 49 • Free world Boats 99
• Vehicular Homicide 49
• Generic Planes 100
• Aircraft 50 • Free world Support Planes 101
• Altitude 50
• Aircraft Basics 50 • Communist Vehicles 102
• Dropping Bombs 50 • Communist AFVs 103
• Vehicle Example 51 • Communist Tanks 104
Dogs 52 • Civilian Vehicles 105
• Dog Profiles 52 Field Manual 106
• Commands 52 • Military Basics 106
• On Industrial War 107
Animals 53 • The role of Infantry 107
• Horses 53
• Pack Animals 53 • About You 108
• Elephants 53 • Why You’re Here 108
• Tigers 53 • About Your Enemy 109
• After-Action Report 54 • The Kill Ratio 109
• Accusations 54 • The Red Menace 109
• Recommendations 54 • Garrison Duty 110
• Resolving Reports 55 • Out in the Bush 110
• Real Bases 111
• In Between Missions 55 • Going on Leave 111
• Spending your XP 55 • Military Culture 111
• Negative XP 55
• Trauma 55 • On the March 112
• Reducing Trauma 55 • Walking In a Combat Zone 112
• Getting Short 55 • Start Digging 113
• Advanced Entrenchment 113
Skills 56 • Love your Rifle 114
Actions 58 • Misconceptions 115
• The Gun, A History 115
• Equipment And Personal Actions 58 • Fully Automatic 115
• Radio Actions 59 • Man Portable Repeaters 116
• Movement Actions 60 • Surviving a Firefight 117
• Awareness Actions 62 • Shoot First, Questions Later 117
• Medical Actions 63 • Pull the Pin and Throw 118
• Fortification and Structure Actions64 • Danger - Mines! 119
• Body Armour 119
• Interactions 65 • Neutralizing Targets 120
• Combat Actions 66 • Casualties & Treatment 120
• Vehicle Actions 69 • Taking Prisoners 121
Equipment 70 • The Big Guns 122
• Medical Equipment 71 • Armour Support 123
• Load Bearing Equipment 71 • Whirly Birds 124
• Flying a Helicopter 124
• Communication Equipment 72 • Types of Helicopters 125
• Electronics 73 • The Air War 126
• Wearable Items 74 • Air to Ground Warfare 126
• Armour and Lifesaving Gear 75 • Fast Movers & Bomb Trucks 126
• Rideable Equipment 75 • Bombing Hanoi 127
• Supplies 76 Vietnam 128
• Liquid Carriers 77 • A Brief History of Vietnam 128
• Narcotics 77 • People and Language 129
• Firearms 78 • Culture and Religion 129
• Special Firearms 80 • Notable Places 129
• Recoilless Rifles 81 • Saigon 129
• Da Nang 129
• Grenades 82 • Hue 129
• Grenade Types 82 • Hanoi 129
• Grenade Launchers 83 • Laos and Cambodia 130
• Melee Weapons 84 • Laos Tripartite Government 130
• Item Modifiers 84 • Cambodian Civil War 130
• Weapon Supplies 85 • Other Neighbours 131
• Heavy Guns 85 Glossary 132
• Artillery 86 • Acronyms 132
• Heavy Munitions 87 • Military Terms & Slang 133
• Traps and Mines 88 • US Marine Terms & Slang 135
• Explosive Gear 89 • Civilian Period Slang 136
• Vietnamese Loan Terms 137
Vehicles 90 GM Guide 140
• Free World Tanks 92 • What do I do? 140
• Free World AFVs 94 • The GM is a Player 140
• The GM is a Referee 140 • ...AS Aussie Special Forces 171
• The GM is a Narrator 141 • Royal Thailand 172
• The GM is Not The Boss 141 • ...As Queen’s Cobras 172
• The GM is Not a God 141 • Mercenaries 173
• Your First Session 141 • ...As Western Contractors 173
• Styles of Play 142 • ...As Local Mercenaries 173
• Full Myth vs Improv 142
• Closed Map vs Open Map 143 Communists 174
• Playing Narratively 143 • Viet Cong 174
• Using the Timescale 143 • Wartime Changes 174
• Fair Unfairness 144 • Charlie’s Tactics 175
• Making Sense of PvP 144 • End of the Road 175
• Non-Player Characters 145 • Playing V.C. 176
• Making a Strong NPC 145 • Controlling the VC 177
• Quickly Generating Characters 145 • Basic V.C. Organization 177
• Friends and Comrades 146 • Tactics and Tricks 177
• The Vietnamese 146 • Arming the V.C. 177
• Vietnamese Name Generator 147 • Viet Cong NPCs 178
• Enemy Forces 147 • North Vietnamese Army 180
• Tips & Tricks 148 • Second Hand Stock 180
• Charts 150 • By the Book 180
• The Weather 150 • All Out Aggression 181
• The Wind 150 • Heavy Hitters 181
• Forage Chart 150 • Last Army Standing 181
• Pocket Finds 150 • Playing NVA 182
• Village Attitude Table 150 • NVA Regulars 182
• Supply Drop Mishap 151 • NVA Armour 182
• Specific Injury Generator 151 • North Vietnamese Navy 182
• Shortcuts 151 • Using The NVA 183
• Random Hits 151 • NVA Infantry Organization 183
• Crowd Mechanics 151 • NVA Support Elements 183
• Resolving Off-Screen Fights 151 • NVA Vehicles 183
• NPC Veterancy 151 • North Vietnamese NPCs 184
• Interesting Missions 152 • The Pathet Lao 186
• Game Tone 154 • Using the Pathet Lao 186
Free World Forces 156 • The Khmer Rouge 186
• U.S. Military 158 • Using the Khmer Rouge 186
• The Space-Age Soldier 158 • Red Chinese PLA 187
• Special Forces Lead the Way 158 • Using The PLA 187
• Conventional Force 159 • Soviet Union 187
• New Techniques 159
• Search and Destroy 160 Third Parties 188
• Losing the Home Front 160 • Pacification Strategies 188
• Vietnam’s Minority Populations 189
• Playing Americans 161 • Urban Living 189
• ...As US Marines 161
• ...As US Armour 161 • Civilian NPCs 189
• ...As Special Forces 161 • Civilian Profiles & Rules 189
• ...As US Navy 161 • Montagnards 190
• American NPCs 162 • ...As Isolated Montagnards 190
• ...As FWF Irregulars 190
• South Vietnam 164 • ...As Integrated FWFs 190
• Humble Beginnings 164
• Stepping Up 164 • Third Party NPCs 191

From Bad to Worse
Rangers Never Surrender
Timeline 192
• Falling Apart 165 • Early Days 192
• Playing ARVN 166 • Escalation 192
• ...As Regulars 166 • Tet and Aftermath 193
• ...As an Interpreter 166 • Vietnamization 193
• ...As Rangers 166 • Last Days 193
• ...As Armoured Cavalry 166
• ...As Popular Forces 167 Equipment List 194
• ...AS Regional Forces 167
• ...As Irregular Militia 167 Skill List 199
• ...As National Police 167 PATROL 200
• ...As VNN Sailors 167
• ...AS ARVN Armour 167 Turn Roundel 200
• ARVN NPCs 168 Printable Status Tracks 201
• South Korea 170
• ...As Tiger Division 170 Printable Character Sheet 202
• ...As Blue Dragons 170
• ANZUS Pact 171
Printable Status Chart 203
• ...As Diggers 171
• ...AS Aussie Armour 171
PATROL “Patrol went up the mountain. One man came back.
He died before he could tell us what happened.”
- Quoted in Dispatches from the Vietnam War, Michael Herr

In 1961, the United States began an intervention Both sides engaged in terrorism, forced
in the Republic of Vietnam, a small post-colonial relocation, and attacks on civilian populations.
military dictatorship formed from the partition US troops and Viet Cong insurgents alike spent
of the former French colony into communist days, weeks and sometimes months at a time in the
and nationalist halves. The young nation was jungle, battling the elements and each other while
in crisis, wracked by widespread poverty, taking out their frustration and desperation
corruption, inequality, religious tensions, and on the civilian population. The United States
the insurgency known as the National Liberation deployed shocking incendiary weapons and toxic
Front, or Viet Cong, a movement backed by by chemical defoliants to root out the Vietcong, and
North Vietnam, their much more industrialized cities burned as the NVA forced their way south.
Communist neighbour. These atrocities were not new or unique to the
history of warfare, but for the first time, the war
Intending to harden the young nation into a was recorded and broadcast on colour television.
bulwark in South-East Asia which could act as a
counter to communist influence, the United States With local forces unable to keep up with the
dispatched advisors to train the nascent ARVN, demands of anti-guerilla warfare, the United
followed by special forces to assist in combating States and its allies took primary responsibility
the insurgency, and then regular military units. for fighting in Vietnam, engaging in sweeping
By 1965, there were nearly a million US troops Search and Destroy missions across the country.
in the country, and the United States rapidly This manpower-intensive process led to multiple
awoke to the sudden realization that they were expansions of the draft of US citizens, involving
embroiled in a war spiralling out of control. ever-larger numbers of US troops. The popularity
of the war plummeted as it was transformed from
Vietnam had been under the rule of colonial police action to a nebulous, extended war of
masters for a thousand years; the Chinese, the attrition, and the United States was wracked
French, and the Japanese. There was a desperate with protests and a growing counter-cultural
desire for independence, ideological among movement. Veterans threw away their medals in
the educated classes and for simple survival disgust and young men burnt their draft cards as a
in rural areas which had suffered too long succession of US Presidents issued increasingly
under distant and uncaring governments. The hollow reassurances and promises.
Southern government was seen as a transparent
continuation of the colonial government, Eventually, this growing anti-war sentiment and
putting into power the same officials who sold lack of progress led to a gradual withdrawal of US
out the Vietnamese people over generations, and forces. By 1973 a ceasefire was called and foreign
the incoming American forces were seen as little forces pulled out, leaving an unprepared and
different from the French and Japanese. under-equipped ARVN to fend for themselves. The
ceasefire was broken in predictably short order,
Over the next decade, as the conflict dragged and 1975 would close with Vietnam reunited at
on through multiple attempts at ceasefire and terrible cost, as NVA tanks rolled through the
negotiations, violence engulfed the country at streets of Saigon, the last helicopters taking
all levels. It was a conflict rife with controversy off from the US embassy just minutes ahead of
from its very roots. The South Vietnam that the advancing enemy forces.
United States and their allies were propping
up was a brutal military dictatorship, while The war claimed over a million lives, perhaps as
North Vietnam was a ruthless single-party state many as three million, more than half of whom were
which purged thousands of their own citizens. civilians. Millions more were displaced, and
The Viet Cong and Free World Forces alike many fled the country during and after, creating
displaced and killed tens of thousands in back a refugee crisis that would span decades. Over
and forth campaigns across rural Vietnam, and three million US citizens served in Vietnam,
bombers dropped millions of tons of ordinance on and nearly 60,000 died there. The war profoundly
population centres. affected an entire generation in both regions.
PATROL is a game about soldiers, set in the
Basic Training
If you’ve never played a Roleplaying Game before,
you’ll need a quick primer before we go any further.
Vietnam War. You and your friends take control A roleplaying game is a structure placed around
of Americans stationed in-country who engage a game of make-believe, which uses rules and dice
directly with enemy guerilla forces. Under a to resolve conflicts in a fair and unbiased way.
merciless sun and the jungle canopy, you carry Anyone with an imagination can tell a story, but
out your missions and do your best to survive the with the right framework, a roleplaying game can
brutality of war both mentally and physically, empower you and your friends tell a better, more
while invariably contributing to it. meaningful story.

PATROL is a game which depicts human beings in The players of PATROL each takes the role of
positions of extreme stress and the desperate, a character. The player describes what their
primal actions they take when they are torn character does, speaks for them when they talk,
from the niceties of civilization. The themes it and shapes the story with their actions. This can
tackles are not comfortable ones, and the game be done in the first-person (“I advance down the
may not be suitable for all players. If you are road.”) or in the third-person (“Bill advances
looking for a light-hearted action-adventure, down the road.”); different groups have different
or if you feel the themes of the game might be too conventions, and either way is valid.
uncomfortable to confront, you might be better
off playing something else. The soldiers controlled by the players are known
in the rules as Player Characters, or PCs.
Likewise, PATROL is not written with the intent
of creating a fully realistic experience, to One player in the group does not directly control
accurately model firearms or military equipment, a character. Instead, they tak on the role of the
engage deeply with realistic tactics, strategy Game Master, or GM. The GM acts as a combination
or infrastructure. Equipment is generic and narrator, referee, and master of ceremonies. They
abstract, the structure and order of the military provide a mission for the players, set the scene,
is simplified, and missions are exaggerated and play all the characters that aren’t played by
for dramatic effect. The consequences for the other other players (The “Non-Player Characters”,
characters participating in these events are or NPCs), like allied forces, civilians and the
what is important. enemy. The GM is not your opponent; they’re there
to provide a world for you to explore, interact
Finally, PATROL is not a power fantasy. It is with, and confront.
not about the glory of war or the fetishization
The game is played in a series of Missions, which
of military hardware. The players are regular
are scenarios where the players are presented
people extended beyond their limits, rather than
with one or more Objectives and a series of
elite special forces. It is not a game that is won
obstacles along the way. Events advance in Turns
or lost; it is a game about cost. It is about being
in which the GM sets the scene, players describe
pushed to the brink, and what we do in the dark.
their actions, and consequences are determined.
After a number of turns, the mission ends, there
is some final resolution and bookkeeping, and
the scene is set for the next play session and the
next Mission.

PATROL is played with a map of the area the players

are fighting over, using real-world distances.
These maps can be derived from any source, so long
as they have a scale. You can use period maps of
sections of Vietnam, internet mapping services,
old road maps, or even rough drawings in pencil
showing terrain and landmarks. Bigger maps are
better, as they allow distances to be measured
more accurately, but don’t worry too much about
precision as long as everyone can generally
agree on where everything is.

Finally, you’ll need character and condition

sheets, pencils and tokens, and the timekeeping
roundel. Eight, ten or twelve-sided dice can
be used to make random hits easier to assign. A
good way to track the time in the game world is
to punch it into a calculator with each turn so
everyone can see it.
Ground Rules Rolling Dice
It is important to establish a few rules from the PATROL is played with the classic six-sided die,
start that will apply throughout your games, known as d6s. If you are asked to roll 3d6, you
in order to make playing a straightforward and roll three dice. You will need a lot of dice; we
fair experience. Some of these are more like recommend at least twenty, but more is always
guidelines while others are hard and fast rules, better. It is best if you find smaller ones to make
but you should always keep them in mind. rolling them easier, and a tray to roll them in.

Your Character is Yours If you are asked to roll a d3, just roll a d6 and
You and you alone have control over your divide the results in half, rounding up.
character; nobody can make your actions for you,
put words in their mouth, or make stuff up about When you roll a dice in PATROL, it is almost always
them without your approval. That includes the in the form of a Check; a determination of whether
GM! This goes both ways; you only control your the character can accomplish what they have set
own character, so while you can make suggestions out to do, and what unexpected consequences
for other people, they always get the final say. might arise.

To resolve a Check, you roll a number of dice

Bad Things Happen equal to your character’s relevant Attribute,
Vietnam fucking sucks. Things don’t always go as plus any bonuses from the Equipment they are
planned, good people get hurt and die, and often using, if applicable. Any 6s rolled are Successes,
it isn’t even really their fault. That’s the nature and any 1s rolled are Failures. All the other dice
of war. When you sit down to play PATROL, you have are discarded.
to be willing to accept that. If you character
gets hurt or dies, that’s how the dice landed. Go When rolling a Check, you can always roll fewer
take a break, get a snack, and write up another dice than the maximum number you could roll.
character. However, you must always roll at least 1 die.

No GOing Back If you character has a Skill which is relevant for

Likewise, you can’t take back actions you the Check you are taking, rolls of 5s also count
performed just because it didn’t go your way. Once as Successes. The Skills section will give you a
you’ve made your choice, that’s what happened. guideline as to what Skills apply to what Checks.
If dice have been rolled, the results stand. If
something goes badly, take it as a lesson for next Checks have associated Difficulties, which
time. represent how challenging it is to accomplish
your goal. Some Checks don’t have a Difficulty;
instead, the Successes you roll have an effect on
Off Limits their own.
The Vietnam War is one of the low points of the
20th century for a reason, so while it should If you get a number of Successes equal to or
be recognized that PATROL can stray into some greater than the Check’s Difficulty, you pass. If
pretty dark and uncomfortable territory, it’s you don’t, you don’t, and things don’t work out.
important to set some boundaries. Before the Additional Successes above and beyond what
game, the players and the GM should have a frank was required often have greater effects, so you
discussion about what sort of themes are and are always want to get as many Successes as you can.
not acceptable to explore. PATROL is a serious
work, but it’s also a game; ideally it shouldn’t If a Check is Opposed, when you make it, another
traumatise the participants. character also rolls a Check at the same time. The
Difficulty of your Check is equal to the number
Give the GM some Room of Successes they rolled.
The GM’s word is not absolute; it shouldn’t
override the basic function of the system. These Failures do not necessarily stop you from
rules exist for a reason, and you should follow passing a Check. Instead, if you manage to roll
them for the best experience. That said, it is more Failures than Successes, your roll is FUBAR.
important to trust your GM; don’t tolerate them A FUBAR roll can still pass a Check if it has
if they are being a tyrant or just ignoring the sufficient Successes, but it also means something
rules, but don’t rush to call them out over every has gone wrong. For common Checks, there is a
little thing either. If they fudge a few numbers FUBAR Penalty listed, usually either inflicting
or make a ruling you don’t agree with, let it slide a negative effect on your character or damaging
in the moment. a piece of equipment. Some Actions may have
consequences for Failures independent of FUBAR
Put your phone away rolls as well.
Seriously. The game requires you participate.
Rich: “You do a quick headcount and you think
Example of Play
Amy, Tom and Sarah are playing a game of PATROL, and
there are about twenty, all told. There’s
presumably some very young kids and infants out
of sight in the huts.”
Rich is their gamemaster. Amy is the team leader,
a Pragmatic Point, Tom is the team’s Idealistic
Amy: “Alright, second question. Is anyone armed?”
Medic, and Sarah is playing a Righteous Intel
character. To keep things simple, they are just
Rich: “Not that you can see, unless you count some
using their own names for their characters.
farming implements.”
The group are starting the second day of their
Tom: “Never discount farming implements! Sarah,
mission, hunting for an elusive NVA artillery
you should see if you can strike up a conversation
piece in the mountains. They plan to talk to local
with somebody.”
villagers for clues.
Sarah: “Yeah, I’m going to do that. I take out my
Rich: “Alright, the sun is just cresting over the
phrasebook and try to find somebody important
trees as you begin your descent down the path
to ask if there’s been any communist activity.
towards the village. Amy, as you reach this point
That’s a Communicate action, right? I have Local
on the map...”
Language, this should be easy.”
Rich moves a corresponding game piece.
Sarah rolls her dice, to middling results.
Rich: “You notice, barely visible in a sunbeam,
Rich: “You pick out a wizened old man who looks
a tripwire across the path. It’s connected to the
like he might be some kind of elder or something
firing trigger of a claymore that points straight
and do your best to ask if there’s been any Viet
at you.”
Cong activity. You stumble through the sentence,
and the guy claims he doesn’t understand and he
Sarah: “Crafty Charlie bastards must have known
doesn’t know what “communist” means. Some of the
we were coming.”
other villagers are crowding around as you try
to talk to him.”
Tom: “Isn’t this path used by civilians? We should
remove this before somebody gets hurt.”
Sarah: “Urgh. Useless locals. Hey Tom, have you
got anything you want to do this turn?”
Amy: “We can just step over it and keep going,
Tom: “Is there anyone in the village who is sick I
can help with Treat Sickness?”
Rich: “Yes. If you want to remove it, you’d have
to stop here, spend a turn to defuse it, and then
Rich: “Not that you can tell.”
move on.”
Tom: “Alright then, I’ll just Rest this turn.”
Amy: “Well, we’re on a bit of a tight schedule,
so we should probably leave it, but I’m going to
Sarah: “Okay, good. Communicate isn’t getting us
leave a signal flag behind in case we come back
anywhere and I’m starting to get worried about
in a hurry, and if we don’t, at least the civilians
these villagers, so I’m going to take out my pistol
will see it. Can I do that?”
and hold it to his head till he tells us something
Rich: “No problem. Alright, you spend ten more
minutes working your way down the path and you
Tom: “What the hell Sarah!?!”
arrive in a tiny, nameless Vietnamese hamlet. The
people eye you suspiciously, and parents quickly
Amy: “No, I get it. The village is clearly in on
pull children into the huts and out of sight.
it, Tom. The briefing said they use that path
Nobody comes to greet you, but you can feel eyes
every day; they had to have known about the mine.
watching you from every window.”
Better to just get this over with before they can
warn somebody.”
Tom: “What a friendly bunch.”
Tom: “...fine.”
Amy: “I’m going to make an Observe Check to gather
information about the village.”
Sarah rolls her dice, and a bunch of ones come up.
Amy rolls a handful of dice, coming up with two
Sarah: “Oh crap. Fubar.”
Rich: “Oh boy. You pull your pistol to threaten
Amy: “Alright! Okay, so, first of all, how many
the guy, but he pulls away in a panic, and as a
people are in the village?”
reflex you pull the trigger. You accidentally

shoot him, right in the leg, right in front of Amy: “Ah crap, didn’t we just do this to the other
everyone. People jump and scream and panic, and guys?”
you’re fairly sure only your guns have kept them
from rushing you. Good news is, you also got Tom: “It’s called karma, you should look it up.”
enough successes to ask him a question.”
Sarah: “Can it, hippy, we’re 200 meters up the
Sarah: “I tell him that he best tell me where the road, how can you even hear us? Okay, this isn’t
commie gun position is, or I’m taking out the the end of the world. They’re terrible shots. We’ll
other leg.” just retreat back up the road after they shoot.”

Rich: “He tearfully admits that there’s a big Rich: “...and shoot they do. Sarah, bad news, you’ve
artillery cannon located halfway up the river, been hit for 2 Injury. Roll a shock check.”
near a ravine, and points towards it.”
Sarah: “I knew I shouldn’t have ditched my flak
Tom: “Christ. Sarah, I just took two points of vest, but at least I passed the roll. I’m still
Doubt from that. Okay, I’m going to use my turn to conscious, but I’m not doing great.”
bandage up his leg, and then we’re leaving.”
Rich: “Well, it’s your turn, and by the way, its been
Rich: “Tom, you get a Victory Point for that. six turns on the roundel so take an Exhaustion
Alright, if that’s it, show me where you want to and a Thirst.”
Sarah: “I’m too wounded and suppressed to have any
The group spends several turns moving upriver, chance of hitting, so I’m going to dig a shallow
stealthily infiltrating and staying out of sight. hole in the ditch to protect myself.”
While advancing, a team of V.C. moving ammo up
the path nearly walks right into them. The V.C. Tom: “Okay, I know my friends are in trouble up
stop just 60m away and hit the dirt. there, so I’m going to go help. I’m going to advance
up the road.”
Amy: “Aw crap, they saw us. Let’s take them out,
then push on quick to the gun before they can set Amy: “No, wait a minute, I’ve got a better idea. I’m
up a defence. I’ll fire some precision shots with going to scream out in pain and stop shooting.
my rifle.” Sarah, you do the same. Then, with my action, I’m
going to prepare to throw a concussion grenade
Sarah: “I’ll suppress them with my SMG.” using overwatch for when they enter close range.”

Tom: “I want to save my ammo, so I’ll use my pistol.” Sarah: “Oooh. I get it. Yeah, let’s do that. But here,
use my incendiary grenade instead. I’m probably
Everyone rolls some dice for their attacks. not going to get to at this rate...”

Rich: “Between your shooting, you manage to Tom: “Playing dead is against the Code, you
incapacitate two of them and wound the other two know...”
lightly. Both of those drop their wheelbarrows
and run away down the road.” Sarah: “Private Wet Blanket reporting for duty!”

Sarah: “Awesome! Does that count as a fight, Rich: “Alright, you both make a show of falling
because I want my Victory Points!” into the bushes, and after a few minutes and some
probing shots that come pretty close, you hear
Rich: “This was a bit too one-sided to count. footsteps as people approach through the bushes,
Maybe start a fist fight with the wounded?.” within 30 meters.”

Amy: “Sounds good, you can finish them off later. Amy: “Bombs away!”
Let’s advance up the road!”
Rich: “You easily catch the enemy in the blast of
Tom: “I’m not going. I’m going to stay here and white phosphorous, and all three of them drop to
stop that guy’s bleeding. I need the VPs after all the ground screaming. Actually, Amy, you manage
the crap I’ve been through today.” to catch some shards too, and go rolling around
in the dirt trying to put the fire out.”
Sarah: “Fine, we don’t need a medic for killing
V.C. anyway. Up the road we go!” Amy: “... and I failed my shock test, too. Looks like
I’m out. Tom, it’s up to you now.”
Rich: “You advance up the road only to find that
the rearguard of the unit were waiting. You spot Tom: “A medic’s work is never done...”
them here, and so you have to stop at Contact and
take cover.”

Character Personal Info
This section covers identifying information

about who your character is as a person and a
soldier. Fill out this part first.

Before anyone can go off on Missions, each player Your character needs a given name and a surname.
will need a character. The relevant information Go around the group in a circle and assign
about your character is contained on your everyone’s character a nickname; players do not
Character Sheet. Ensure every player has a copy, have a say in their own nickname. Your Rank will
and fill it out as you proceed through this be handled before you deploy.
Your Serial Number is an 8-digit number used to
Your character can be any kind of person you identify you within army records. The first digit
like, within the limits of reason. They can be indicates if you were a volunteer (1), National
a well developed character with an extensive Guard (2) or a draftee (3). The second shows the
backstory, a simplistic cypher for interacting state you were inducted in.
with the rules, or even a fictionalized version
of yourself. This last option will make for # States
something of a personal game, if you let it. 1 ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT
2 NY, NJ, DE
Before anyone makes their characters, the group
3 PA, MD, VA, D.C.
should discuss any themes they wish to explore
in their game which affect character creation. A 4 NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, TN, MS, LA
more historically-oriented game would not have 5 OH, WV, IN, KT
female or openly LGBT combat soldiers, but a group 6 IL, MI, WI
might choose to overlook such petty details.
7 MO, KN, AR, IA, NB, MN, ND, SD
The year can be a very important part of your game. 8 TX, OK, CO, NM, AZ
A campaign set in 1965 will see most players as 9 WA, OR, CA, ID, MT, WY, UT, NV, AK
professional volunteers, unaware of the nature 10 Hawaii
of the conflict and confident of quick victory,
while a game set in 1971 will see most characters The remaining numbers consist of six random
as draftees entering an unpopular war and digits. If you are National Guard or came through
feeling like part of a losing battle. the Hawaiian Department, use five digits instead.
You should also settle on your branch of service. Your age, gender and origin simply provide some
The assumption in this book is that player basic information you can use to flesh out your
characters are members of the US Army, but the character. The average age of soldiers serving in
group could agree to play US Marines, local Vietnam was 22, but infantrymen were generally
recruits in the ARVN, or soldiers from nations younger, often only 18 or 19. If you are playing as
like Australia or South Korea. US military, all characters will be male, but both
Vietnams had female fighters in militia units.
If the GM has a campaign ready for you, they will
often provide most of this information, but you Roll 2d6 for your simplified Blood Type, vital if
should feel free to voice any concerns, ideas somebody needs a transfusion.
or opinions you have, so long as you are not
disrupting the flow of the group. # Blood Type
2 AB+ (Universal Recipient)
Because PATROL is not shy about killing player 3-5 A+ or B+ (Positive)
characters suddenly and frequently, it can be
helpful to make a spare character or two, just in 6-8 O+
case something dreadful happens. Try to shake 9-11 A-, B- or AB- (Negative)
things up with subsequent characters; even if 12 0- (Universal Donor)
you are playing the same role, changing some of
your Skills or your Alignment can go a long way Your GM will provide your Outfit, your military
to giving your new character a different feel and unit. You might belong to, for example, the 18th
opening up roleplaying options. Infantry, 2nd Battalion, Able Company.

The Character Creation rules here apply Finally, your Helmet Scrawl is a slogan, symbol
primarily for US Army ground forces. If you are or pattern marked onto your equipment, a small
playing Marines, Special Forces, ARVN troops, avenue of self-expression. Are you hoping for
NVA or V.C., or a different scenario entirely, the Peace or Born to Kill? A quick prayer or a calender
rules might be a little different. counting the days until you can go home?

Standard Issue M.O.S.
All members of the US Army are put through a Basic At this point you must choose your Military
Training Course and issued a standard set of Occupational Specialities, or MOS. This is your
equipment. As such, all characters start off with job in the Army; if you had a business card, your
the following Skills and Equipment; mark them MOS is what would be written on it.
down on your sheet.
Skills Each player character has an MOS, and once you’ve
made your selection, it can’t be changed. You can
Assault Rifle (Medium)
select your MOS from the list on the following
Battle Rifle (Medium)
pages. With the exception of Rifleman, your Squad
Basic Medical
can’t have more than one of any given MOS.
Hand Grenade
You should discuss as a group which players
Prepare Position
should take which roles on the team, depending on
Equipment Weight your mission and how you want to tackle problems.
x1 Fatigues (US Army) 2 (Negated) Though a party should generally be able to scout
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated) ahead, fight at different ranges, attack with
x1 Steel Helmet 2 heavy weapons and support one another, there is
x1 Field Jacket 2 some overlap between what various MOSs are good
x1 Flak Vest 4 at, so don’t feel overly pressured.
x1 Poncho 2
x1 Webbing Belt 0 (+10 Capacity) Your MOS comes with additional starting Skills
x1 Military Pack 4 (+15 Capacity) and Equipment, which you receive at no cost. In
x1 Entrenching Tool 2 addition, each MOS has a Perk associated with
x1 Flashlight 1 it, a special bonus that makes you better at your
x1 First Aid Kit 1 speciality than anyone else, even people that
x1 Gas Mask 2 use your equipment. Don’t worry about the rules
x1 Knife 1 associated with them yet; the perks will make
x1 Dog Tags 0 sense in the context of the rules as a whole.
Total Weight 21
Once you’ve made a selection, mark it down in the
MOS field, and add the Skills and Equipment from
This isn’t quite a full accounting of everything your MOS choices to their respective sections of
a soldier would expect to carry. On average, your Character Sheet. Your character can’t change
American soldiers in Vietnam carried 90 pounds MOS once they’ve been assigned, but they can gain
worth of equipment into the jungle; there just additional skills and equipment over the course
isn’t space to list all of it. of the game.

For the purposes of gameplay, you can assume that

every character is also carrying a map, a working
timepiece, a compass, a lighter, bug spray, small
utility tools, a mess kit, toilet paper, a notepad
and writing implements, elastic bands, a pocket
knife, a wallet, condoms, a fair length of rope,
personal hygiene items, and so forth. Likewise,
the game doesn’t bother tracking stuff like
sunglasses, bandanas, facepaint, or political
buttons. Only the big military gear matters.

Service Rifle
In Vietnam, the M14 Rifle was frequently used
instead of the M16; most troops trained on it
instead of or in addition to the M16, and the M16
had something of a reputation among US troops
after they had found a pile of dead Marines at Khe
Sahn with their jammed M16s disassembled beside

At character creation or between missions, you

can choose to take either an Assault Rifle or a
Battle Rifle into combat. Whichever Service
Weapon you choose to take will not cost you XP.

The Rifleman
Riflemen are the bread and butter of the infantry
and form the backbone of every Squad. Riflemen
don’t have any fancy equipment or special duties,
so they can focus all their efforts on the important
things; digging holes and killing the enemy.

Whether with an assault rifle or a battle rifle,

Riflemen provide general security for your
operations. They make a good MOS for new players
still learning the ropes, characters who want
to focus on leading the team, or for NPC squad

Riflemen are generalists, so they benefit

from an even mix of Attributes. As consummate
team players, Riflemen are well-suited to the
Pragmatic alignment, and can spend their XP on
more or less any skill or equipment to flesh out
the team.

Generalist: Riflemen add +1 to all their Attributes after they have been set, and reduce the XP
cost of increasing Attributes by 1 XP, to a minimum of 1 XP.
Skills Equipment
Assault Rifle (Close)
Battle Rifle (Close)

The Radio Operator

The Radio Telephone Operator, or RTO, has the vital
job of carrying, maintaining and using the team’s
radios, their only link back to the rest of the
Army. Through the radio network, the RTO can keep
Command updated, or request air and artillery
support, reinforcements, and extraction.

The RTO is easily capable of being the most lethal

member of the party, as they are responsible for
coordinating the supporting fire that gives the
US military its edge. Players who like playing
powerful magic-users in other roleplaying games
will enjoy playing the RTO; they spend their
batteries like mana to call down destructive
powers from the heavens.

Being an RTO is a very intellectual and technical

job, so they generally lean hard on Vigilance.
Their default equipment and the batteries to run
it can be very heavy. As RTOs tend not to be the
strongest physically, they should spend their XP
on Skills instead of more heavy gear.

Frequency Jockey: Radio Telephone Operators have the unique ability to perform Adjust Frequency
Actions as Free Actions, and Negotiate with friendlies as a Minor Action.
Skills Equipment
Electronics Portable Radio Telephone
Forward Air Controller
Forward Observer

The Pigman
In Vietnam, the standard light machine-gun used
by US forces was the M60, known affectionately
as the Pig. Thus, the men who carried it were
Pigmen. The Pigman is tasked with keeping the
enemy pinned down while the rest of their section
manoeuvres, and represents a disproportionate
amount of the Squad’s lethal power.

In a firefight, the Pigman can lay down as

much firepower as two or three other soldiers,
pinning the enemy in place with ease. He is the
toughest and most lethal shooter on the team in a
straightforward package, akin to a barbarian or
warlord in a fantasy RPG.

The Pigman needs to carry both a very heavy weapon

and a lot of ammo for it, making them reliant on
Fortitude, though a Proficiency Pigman can be very
lethal. Because of their Perk, they inevitably get
tasked with carrying all the spare odds and ends
for the team.
Brawn: Pigmen get +5 Strength.
Skills Equipment
Light Machine Gun (Medium) Light Machine Gun + Bipod
Tactical Vest

The Grenadier
The Vietnam War saw extensive use of personal
grenade launchers, valued for their ability
to project the lethal power of explosives long
distances in infantry-scale combat. These weapons
became so common they effectively replaced the
light mortars of earlier conflicts.

Grenadiers provide a lot of utility to the team,

offering many different possible paths of escape
from bad situations using a wide variety of
explosives. If you like the puzzle-solving aspect
of RPG combat, the Grenadier is probably for you.

Grenadiers are often the heaviest hitter on a

highly mobile team, so they need good Proficiency
to safely land their explosives and good Fortitude
to carry them. Your grenade launcher is very
heavy and you can quickly burn your ammo for it,
so in fights that don’t warrant high explosives
you’ll need a good backup weapon of some kind.

Explosive Safety: Grenadiers negate 1 Failure on any Grenade they are throwing.
Skills Equipment
Launcher Grenade Grenade Launcher
Rifle Grenade Bandoleer

The Point
War in the jungle required an entirely different
kind of soldier, unfamiliar to the line infantry
of past wars. Point men are the soldiers who range
ahead of the patrol, being the first to encounter
the enemy. These men must be hunters, survivors
and killers without equal, stalking the jungle as

Point is a position with a lot of responsibility.

It’s on you to sniff out traps and ambushes, and to
turn the tables on the enemy. If there’s a tunnel,
you’re probably going into it. You’ll often be
working alone and ahead of the Squad. If you like
playing rogues and assassins in other RPGs, take

Your Vigilance is your single most important

attribute, but you need a good mix to stay
competitive. You aren’t going to be standing up and
fighting, so you need to be able to evade, ambush
and sneak. Don’t rely too much on fancy equipment;
invest in Skills, upgrade your Attributes, and
run as light as you can.

Hunter: The Point can make Observe Actions targeting the tracks of other units to determine
facts about the unit that left them.
Skills Equipment
Stealth Machete
Detect Trap

The Marksman
The Marksman is responsible for long-range,
direct fire combat, serving as the squad’s observer
and assassin. It is their job to identify and kill
members of the enemy force who pose a particular
threat, such as officers, weapon crews, and in
many cases, other snipers.

Marksmen are the characters most likely to score

a kill whenever they shoot, but at the same time,
they are simply unable to survive a stand-up
fight. A good Marksman needs to be both a team
player and to have an understanding of when they
are outclassed.

Marksmen live and die on their Proficiency; no

other stat truly matters for them. Vigilance will
allow them to spot targets from farther away and
Take Aim, Fortitude will allow them to carry vital
supplies, backup weapons, maybe even a heavy
anti-tank rifle, but none of that matters as much
as hitting every shot they take.
Centre Mass: If a Marksman Takes Aim, their Precision Fire Action that Turn inflicts +1 Injury
on the target if it hits.
Skills Equipment
Battle Rifle (Long) Telescopic Sight
Bolt Action Rifle (Medium, Long)

The FireBug
Flamethrowers, first used in the First World War,
are terrifying weapons, both to use and to have
used on you. Though easily capable of working
an enemy out of a fortified position, either by
roasting them alive or convincing them to run
before that could happen, they were becoming
increasingly obsolete, not to mention a PR
nightmare. The Vietnam War was the last major
deployment of these weapons;

Of all the MOS, the Firebug is both the riskiest,

and the one with the potential to personally
cause the most havoc. If you are here to burn
things and kill people and you don’t really care
for anything nuanced or complicated, the Firebug
is your dream job.

Firebugs don’t need a lot of Proficiency to do

their job, but they’ll need Fortitude to carry
those big fuel tanks, especially since they’ll
need to ditch their backpacks. They are a good
match for the Righteous alignment.

Controlled Burn: When rolling damage for any incendiary weapons, Firebugs can choose one
struck target and roll three Injury dice for them, using only the highest result.
Skills Equipment
Flamethrower (Close) Flamethrower
Pyromania Backpack Fuel Tank

The Gunner
In modern warfare, the rifle is actually quite
far removed from the primary lethal instrument
of the infantry. No, the job of the rifle is to
provide security for the heavy-hitters; mortars,
recoilless cannons, rocket tubes, tripod machine-
guns, infrared missiles and other, more bizarre
foot-mobile artillery. The soldiers who command
these weapons are Gunners.

The tools gunners use are complicated and diverse;

but all of them are heavy and awkward. Gunners,
more than any other characters, are reliant on
other characters or NPCs carrying and setting up
gear for them. As a result, they are not well suited
for Special Forces type games.

Gunners need Proficiency above all else. They can

have their friends carry their gear and watch out
for them, but when they finally fire, they must hit
their targets.

Weapon Mastery: Before the start of their Mission, the Gunner can select any one of the following
weapons and two Weapon Skills related to it; Heavy Machine Gun, Mortar, Small Recoilless Rifle,
Automatic Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, or Anti-Air Missile Tube. They will receive both
the weapon and the associated skill for the duration of the mission.
Skills Equipment
Observation Flare Gun

The Medic
The Medic is a soldier trained in emergency
medicine. The Medic monitors the health of the
team, treats the wounded, and helps sick locals
where they can. In the modern age, all Medics are
armed, even if it is just to protect their patients.

As a Medic, the team will rely on you a lot to keep

them alive and fighting, and will need to protect
you, so if you want to feel important the Medic is
a good MOS. They serve the same role as clerics and
healers in other RPGs, and if you are wary about
the game’s subject matter, the Medic lets you push
back directly against the grim atmosphere.

Medics need both the smarts to treat their patients,

and the strength to move them, so it can be a good
idea to dump Proficiency entirely. As their job
involves helping their teammates, civilians, and
sometimes even enemy soldiers, they are a natural
fit for the Idealistic alignment.

Stabilization: When a Medic uses a Treat Injury action on a target, regardless of it is was a
success, they reduce the target’s Ongoing Damage by 1.
Skills Equipment
Trauma Care Medical Bag
Medicine Opiates are free

The Intel
Wars are won or lost on intelligence, and the
Intel MOS represents the front line of this battle
of the minds. They are tasked with collecting
vital data and disrupting enemy attempts to do
the same. Some of them are formal intelligence
specialists, some simply the designated soldier
in the platoon responsible for prisoners and
important papers, and a few may even be serving
two masters, working in secret for the CIA or
other classified organizations.

The Intel MOS is a natural fit for dedicated

roleplayers, as your primary weapon is your mind,
your skills and your charisma. They are also a
good pick for leaders, if your group has that kind
of dynamic.

Intel soldiers will need a high Vigilance and a

wide variety of skills, as they’ll be the public
face of the party. Because they don’t need much
equipment for their job, they are free to carry
the tools needed to fill in missing combat roles
as well.
Likeable: Intel characters are naturally disarming. They can use Negotiate Actions for the
specific purpose of gaining somebody’s trust. Unless they subsequently betray their trust or
hurt them, they get 1 Automatic Success whenever they Negotiate or Interrogate that person.
Skills Equipment
Diplomacy Phrasebook
Hallucinogenics only cost 1 XP

The Handler
Search and Destroy has a unique set of requirements
that tax regular infantry, opening up roles for
many unique specialities. The US military first
used military dogs in jungle warfare in the
Pacific, and the program came into it’s own in
Vietnam; the dogs could sniff out enemy forces or
explosives with much greater effectiveness than
any person or piece of tech.

K9 Handlers are a unique MOS that works directly

with an NPC character in the form of the Working
Dog. As your dog is your primary concern, you need
to be something like a mix between an officer, a
scout and a medic, so this isn’t an MOS for a new

As a K9 Handler, you’ll be spending most of your

XP on commands for your dog, so whatever is left
should be used to ensure you can keep up with your
animal. If you are hunting for bombs, be ready to
defuse them; if you are working with a war dog, be
ready to follow them into the bush.

Man’s Best Friend: K9 Handlers are accompanied by a Working Dog, a kind of special NPC. The
Working Dog will only obey the K9 Handler. Rules for Working Dogs are located on page 52.
Skills Equipment
Command: Recall Whistle

The Engineer
A military involves a massive effort in logistics,
construction, transportation and management,
and the tip of that spear is the combat engineer.
Tasked with building and destroying in equal
measure, the combat engineer has the training
both for the relatively safe use of destructive
devices and the can-do attitude to rebuild what
war so reliably destroys.

In PATROL, Engineers are the consummate defensive

class. They make their most dramatic mark on
combat before it begins, laying and removing
mines, digging trenches, cutting down trees,
laying wire and disguising their positions. If
you like preparation and careful planning, you
should consider the Engineer.

After combat begins, however, Engineers tend to

fade into the background. A good engineer doesn’t
need much Proficiency, because they’ll have made
their presence felt before shots are fired.

Get it Done: Engineers double their Successes for Prepare Position Actions, and grant +1
automatic Successes to everyone else in the Unit making the Action. The Engineer can also use
their Vigilance instead of Proficiency for the Set Trap Action and trap attack rolls.
Skills Equipment
Handyman Tool Kit
Drive (Utility Car, Truck, Bulldozer) Wirecutters
Defuse Traps and Demolition Charges are Free

Psychological AttriButes
Your Attributes are the statistics that form
Profile the basis of the problem-solving portion of the
game. They summarize, roughly, your character’s
The Psychological Profile section of your physical and mental abilities as they are relevant
Character Sheet gives you some insight into the to combat.
moral values of your character and what they
believe is important, summarized by selecting a The three Attributes in PATROL are Fortitude,
single Alignment. Vigilance, and Proficiency.
Your Psychological Profile is not a complete
picture of what your character believes, or Fortitude
why, but gives you a steady guideline for their Physical Conditioning
behaviour. It is more a basic assessment of what Represents your general level of physical
is most important when the chips are down. Two fitness. Fortitude affects how much you gear
characters who share the same belief systems you can carry and how fast you can move. It is
might still have different alignments. used for checks that require physical exertion,
such as melee combat or preparing a position.
Devoted to All Vigilance
Idealistic characters are morally upstanding, Mental Alertness
conscientious people. They hate war, have Represents your situational awareness, your
little desire to hurt anyone, and would rather intelligence, and your charisma. Vigilance is
help the locals where they can. They are the used to detect hidden things, to hide yourself,
bleeding hearts and fools who endanger the for negotiating with civilians, the enemy
squad with their sentiment. and your own bureaucracy, and for the use of
Devoted to Friends Proficiency
Pragmatic characters just want to do their Technical Prowess
job and go home. They fight because they have Represents your familiarity and skill with
orders and they want to protect their friends. the methods of modern warfare, both in its
They are the uneager, soft followers who are technical and tactical aspects. Proficiency is
losing us this war. used for making attacks with firearms, heavy
weapons and grenades, and for driving vehicles
and operating machinery.
Devoted to the Cause At this stage, you can freely assign your
Righteous characters believe in the Cause Attributes, with two restrictions.
and will die to advance it. They fight because
they believe the war is just, God is on their • You cannot have less than 5 in a given Attribute.
side, and their enemies are monsters. They are • All your Attributes added together must be equal
the idiotic blowhards who are squandering to or less than 24.
everything we have built.
Your Attributes are not fixed values; they will be
Egocentric adjusted during your missions by Status Effects
Devoted to Self and circumstances, and they may be raised or
Egocentric characters want to survive and lowered over time. Your Attributes, after they
get ahead by any means necessary. They only have been modified in this manner, are referred
look out for themselves and work with the to as your Effective Attributes. Your Effective
squad only to increase their odds. They are Attributes are the ones actually used for tests;
the backstabbing sociopaths that make things your Attributes on your character sheet (Your
miserable for everyone. “Base Attributes”) act as a baseline.

When you have made your choice, just check off the Different military forces might have different
appropriate box on your sheet. Your Alignment standards and training programs which would
will help determine how Vietnam will change you, result in different starting attributes. For
and what you do in response. example, a Special Forces unit might allow a
higher total Attribute count, whereas a guerrilla
Your Alignment is not fixed. Over the course of force might take what they can get with lower
a campaign, you may come to change Alignment as minimum values.
your worldview shifts.

Customization Assigning Rank
Once you’ve determined your Attributes, you The military is built on a rigid hierarchy of
choose Skills and Equipment, beyond the ones rank, from the highest general to the lowliest
you got with your MOS. You can also upgrade your private. There are only five ranks that matter for
Attributes further. PCs in PATROL.

Both Skills and Equipment are purchased with Officers

the same stat, Experience Points, referred to Officers are the ones nominally in charge of
throughout this book as XP. You have 6 XP to spend this show. They have their own set of ranks and
at Character Creation. special insignia, but you call them all “sir”.

Upgrade Attributes The officers are the ones who send you into
You can spend some of your XP to upgrade your this mess, whether they be green lieutenants,
Attributes, rounding out your character further. who don’t know a thing, or major generals, who
The specific costs for upgrading your Attributes can’t even remember being out in the field. In
are contained on page 55, “In Between Missions”. PATROL, player characters are generally not
Skills represent special expertise your Sergeant
character has which allows them to more Sergeant is the highest rank available to
proficiently engage in certain activities. A PCs. The Sergeant is responsible for leading
character without a Skill attempting an activity the Squad and exercising authority over the
will achieve less and be more likely to make Squad’s actions. There can only be one Sergeant
potentially disastrous mistakes. per Squad.
The Skills and their applications are listed on
page 56. Each skill costs 3 Points. Specialist
Specialist are tasked with leading detachments
Equipment and act on behalf of the Sergeant when he
Equipment represents everything your character cannot be present personally. They are usually
has managed to carry with them. Different pieces adept at operating more or less on their own.
of Equipment costs different amounts of XP; the
various Equipment, their uses and their costs Private, First Class
can be found on page 194, with detailed rules for Private First Class doesn’t have any particular
each piece in the Equipment section. responsibilities or command authority, but
they are better paid and trusted to manage
Equipment has Weight, and characters have a lesser Private soldiers.
Carrying Capacity, how much they carry and still
operate normally. To figure out your Carrying Private
Capacity, check page 27. You cannot carry excess Private soldiers are the lowest rank. They
weight between missions; you only own what’s on have no authority and have to do all the crappy
your back. jobs. In all likelihood, you are a private.
Before a mission, you should be stocking up on After the Squad is assembled, the GM should,
free equipment like food, water and ammunition. either randomly or maliciously, select a member
You’re gonna be using up a lot of it! of the Squad to be promoted to Sergeant. The other
ranks can be filled out appropriately according
Characters can freely swap equipment with one to the composition of the Squad, especially if
another at character creation; if you have XP to there are any NPC Squadmembers.
spare but are running out of Weight, you could
purchase Equipment for a teammate with the The job of the highest ranking character on
opposite problem, or you could carry some heavy the Squad is to settle any disputes over group
equipment or spare ammunition for a friend. actions which everyone must participate in, such
as movement. They also have a degree of authority
You can ditch any extraneous gear you were over Allied NPCs, and are usually in charge of
issued to make room. This won’t give you any XP any NPC squad members.
back, but it can free up some space. Take note;
you can always get any Standard Issue or MOS Out in the field, ranking characters hold no
equipment back between missions at no cost, but actual authority, but players are encouraged to
any equipment that you purchased with XP which defer to them during disagreements to it keeps
you ditch, use up or lose has to be repurchased. the game going. As for NPC officers, disobey them
at your own risk.

Code of Conduct
All soldiers are expected to follow an extensive list of rules and regulations. Violating these rules
will obviously result in sanctions and punishments being imposed. However, as the saying goes, it
isn’t cheating if you don’t get caught; and out in the field, the only witnesses to any violations you
might commit are your squadmates.

Obviously, this book doesn’t have room for the entirety of the military law. Instead, we’ve boiled it
down to ten easy to remember rules. As ignorance of the law is does not excuse violations, everyone
should recite these rules together before you begin your campaign.

1. I will obey any lawful order from officers to the best of my ability.
2. I will obey the Rules of Engagement during missions.
3. I will not deliberately bring harm to civilians or their livelihoods.
4. I will not abandon my weapon under any circumstances.
5. I will not deliberately bring harm to my squadmates or allies.
6. I will not fire upon surrendering enemy soldiers or wounded.
7. I will treat prisoners with respect and safeguard their well being.
8. I will not show cowardice or surrender while there is hope.
9. I will not feign surrender or injury to deceive the enemy.
10. I will leave no man behind.

Oath of Enlistment
Once you’ve gone through training, got your gear, and learned the rules, it is just about time to ship
out. There is just one thing left to do. Everyone should stand and recite the following.

“I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution
of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear
true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the
President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me,
according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me

Selective Service Form
Personal Information
Fill these fields to the best of your abilities. Misleading answers are a criminal offense.
Name Age Serial #
Rank Blood Gender Origin
MOS Outfit
Helmet Scrawl

Psychological Profile
Check one in the approved fashion. If you are unsure of your Alignment, refer to your recruitment
officer for a standard 9-point metaphysical evaluation.

Idealistic Pragmatic Righteous Egocentric

Your psych profile will be tracked on this form and duplicated for record-keeping.
Victory Experience
Points Points

Readiness AttriButes
Distribute 24 points. You must achieve a score of at least 5 in all categories to be approved.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency

Training Schedule
Each Skill costs 3XP. Weapon qualifications are not valid without range indicators.

Equipment Registration
Items outside of the approved list are contraband.

Listing commendations which were not issued is a violation of military law.

Property of the US ARMY

Basic Rules
When characters perform an Action, they simply
check if they meet the requirements to make the
action, and then follow the instructions given.
Each Mission begins with a Briefing, goes
When an Action involves a Check, the conditions
through a series of Turns where characters make
of the Check and the result of failures or FUBAR
Actions to effect the outcome, and then ends with
rolls will also be listed. Characters resolve
an Epilogue.
their actions in the order they are taken, through
movement actions will occur simultaneously so
OBjectives members of the Unit are not left behind.
The core of a Mission is the Objectives. The
To perform an Action, characters generally need
Objectives are a list of conditions the Squad is
to be within 10m of what they are interacting
attempting to fulfil. Objectives are how PATROL
with. They can use a Shift Minor Action (page 61)
regulates game tone, see page 154 for guidelines.
to move into position for these Actions.
When you complete an Objective, you get a number
of Victory Points, set at the start of the Mission. Overwatch
If you fail, you lose that many VPs. Sometimes, Any character can declare that, instead of taking
though, you’ll be assigned optional Objectives; their Regular Action for the Turn, they are
you’re rewarded for completing them, but don’t going to use Overwatch. Basically, this means the
lose anything if you don’t. character hunkers down and waits for specific
events to occur before acting. The Action they
take will interrupt somebody else’s turn when
Turns the trigger event occurs.
Your Mission consists of a series of Turns, which
regulate the passage of time and break down the When you want to use Overwatch, declare what
actions of everyone in the group. Turns are “I action you are going to use, and what event
go, you go”, with the PC’s side going first, then will trigger that Action. A good example of an
Hostiles taking their move. A typical turn would Overwatch Action is to hold your fire until the
look like this. enemy passes nearby.

You can only declare one potential Action for

Turn Sequence Overwatch, and if the trigger comes to pass, you
Player Turn
must take the action no matter what. Be careful
• Advance Status Effects
about declaring that you’ll shoot anything that
• Perform Actions
moves if you have friends in the bush!
• Reset Player Suppression to 0
• Assess Fatigue
Enemy Turn
The Roundel
PATROL is, in large part, a game about scarcity.
• Enemy Actions
Limited resources of ammunition, food, water and
• Reset Enemy Suppression to 0
other supplies are a constant issue. To make these
Civilian Turn
issues pressing, time plays a factor.
Though a dozen Turns can be resolved in a single
Normally, tracking these kinds of things is
sentence or a single Turn can take up most of
irritating. It is easy to forget when to tick off
the session, each individual Turn typically
status effects or when an event is going to take
represents 30 minutes of in-universe time. Under
place. So, to simplify matters, PATROL is played
normal conditions, this leaves 2 Turns per hour
with a special sheet called a Roundel, which
and 48 Turns in a day, though a GM can choose to
consists of a 12-part circular chart.
vary the time which individual Turns represent.
Take a token and place it at 12 o’clock. Every
These long turns reflect the reality that much of
time the Turn advances, move the token one
war is spent waiting. It helps if you think of the
section clockwise. The chart is labelled with
events of a Turn not as a single action, but as the
the intervals at which the most common Status
overall purpose or result of a series of events.
Effects advance. These will act as a reminder to
In short, time is how PATROL punishes failure.
enact these Status Effects.

Actions The Roundel doesn’t care how long the Turns

Every Turn, players get to make a single Regular actually take. If you had 4 turns of intensive
Action which establishes how your character is firefight in a 30 minute period, you advance the
spending this time. These Actions are selected Roundel 4, not 1. Status Effects kick in at the
from the Action Chapter on page 58. In addition to same time for everyone. Even if you arrived by
their single Regular Action, characters can also helicopter on the last turn, if this is the turn
perform any number of Free Actions any number of where Exhaustion and Thirst advanced, you must
times, and any given Minor Action once. take the status effects.
the Map Units
The map is probably the single most important The interactive groups of individuals on the
physical element in PATROL. Most of the rules field in PATROL are known as Units. A Unit is
ultimately boil down to the relative positions everyone within 10 meters of one another. This
of characters and objects, and that can only be unit is treated as occupying the same space for
tracked properly on a map, so it is important to the purposes of the rules. This is not a formal
ensure your map is suitable for play. categorization; it is a loose guideline for
sorting geographically-distinct groups of
There are two ways of using the map in play. The people.
GM can keep the game map private, so the players
have to rely on the narration, or the map and As this could potentially make Units of thousands
gamepieces can be public for everyone to see. of people as long as there was an unbroken 10
For more information, see the GM Guide section meters between them, some common sense will need
“Closed Map vs Open Map” on page 143. to be used to keep things straightforward, such as
using 10 meter “chunks” of a crowd to form Units.
At the very least, a map needs a scale for distance
and a compass rose for direction. The best maps Units can be made out of civilians or opposing
have a grid system, markers for elevation, and some forces; even two groups involved in hand-to-hand
way of telling terrain apart. Not surprisingly, combat are a single Unit. A person on their own is
actual military maps work best! considered a Unit in PATROL. The only exception
to this rule is vehicles. Every vehicle is always
PATROL uses the cardinal (North, South, East and its own Unit, even when within 10m of people or
West) and intercardinal (Northeast, Southeast, another vehicle.
Northwest and Southwest) directions on the
compass whenever directions need to be described. The Unit(s) that the Player Characters belong to
is known in the rules as the Squad.
Using colour-coded gamepieces or writing
directly on the map can help you keep track of Units and Player Actions
everything. If you are playing over the Internet, A Unit effectively the nebulous zone where a group
collaborative image editing or generic tabletop of people moving, talking and fighting might
game programs can be very effective. occupy over a short period of time. Exactly where
people are in that group is irrelevant; the game
Distances never tracks things like walking order or the
As in the real-world US Military, all distances tactical formation of the soldiers. Characters
are measured in metric; meters and kilometres (or in a Unit are like electrons around a nucleus,
“klicks”). Exact distances aren’t to be worried occupying a probability space.
about; close enough really is good enough. If
there is any dispute about distances, the GM Though it is important that individuals never
settles it. go out on their own, splitting the party is a
legitimate action in PATROL and should not be
The smallest distance increment that PATROL discouraged. Laying down fire from multiple
concerns itself with is 10 meters; any distance or locations, “leapfrogging” and spreading out to
area smaller is to be rounded to 10m for the sake divide enemy fire are all important tactics.
of simplicity. Any group of characters or objects
within 10 meters is effectively considered to be Most of the time, Units don’t really factor into
in the same location. actions; individual actors are free to make
their own Actions without consideration for
Covering Distance what others are doing. If any Action allows or
When characters move, they cover all the distance requires the participation of multiple members
between their starting point and their end point. of a Unit, however, all members should commit
Treat them as having been present along their before anything is resolved.
route for the entire length of the movement; they
may spot something in the middle of their trip Generally, if a Unit is moving together, they will
that they would not see from either end, they may simply travel at the speed of their slowest member
be ambushed from an Overwatch action, they might so they can stick together. This isn’t mandated by
run into a mine, or so forth. the rules, however, so anyone can choose to move
faster and break up the Unit.
Because of this, nobody is ever committed to
finishing a move they started. Characters can In short, Units are a way of conveniently grouping
always pause at any time along their route to together characters for the purposes of the
make Minor or Free Actions, ask for more detail, rules. It should never be treated as inflexible or
or simply because they changed their mind. binding when it doesn’t make sense in the fiction.

Detection Wind direction is also important and can be
used to relate information to players who are
Avoiding being seen is a large part of modern downwind from places, people and events.
combat, so it is important to know what a character
can see at any given point in time. The most distinct scent is smoke; burning villages
and vehicles will be obvious from several klicks
Visual Detection away. The distinct smell of cordite from recently
On flat ground, characters are aware of everything fired artillery, the funk of a placid lake, or the
around them within their Vigilance x 100m. This stench of a day-old corpses are other scents that
awareness is passive; characters retain this for soldiers might pick up on from up to a kilometre
the entire length of a turn, even on the move. That away, if the wind is right. You’ll also pick up on
means they’ll spot anything interesting, like recent weather and signs of living like cooking
small terrain features, people and potential fires, industry, or latrines.
threats within that range.
Players should always feel free to ask the GM
In terrain that obscures vision, sight range drops “What do I hear?” or “What do I smell?”.
considerably. Sight range drops to Vigilance x
10m inside these areas. Tracking
When people and vehicles move, especially
These aspects can compound with one another. If off-road through dense terrain like jungle,
there is a forest within 700m, then a unit with 6 they leave tracks behind. Soldiers also have a
Vigilance cannot see things even to the edge of tendency to litter the ground behind them with
the forest. A unit with 9 Vigilance can see the spent ammunition casings, empty magazines,
forest, but cannot see any more than 90m inside. food wrappers, extraneous equipment, and the
Even if the forest is only 50m deep, the unit occasional body.
cannot see more than 90 meters past the edge of
the treeline. Any group of 3 or more people, or any wounded
characters, will leave a trail that can be followed
An exception comes with altitude. If you have a by the average soldier. A trail effectively lasts
height advantage of at least 10 meters, you can as long as the highest Vigilance of the person
see over the top of dense terrain. Characters tracking it, in Turns; a Vigilance 8 character
on low ground cannot see through high ground will notice the trail of unit which passed through
unless they are standing on higher ground. The the spot up to 8 Turns previously. For larger
highest points of an area are a solid wall on the groups, add the number of people being tracked to
map as far as vision is concerned. the tracker’s effective Vigilance. A vehicle adds
a tenth of it’s Weight to the tracker’s Vigilance.
Units automatically share information; if one
character sees it, the entire Unit sees it. Losing Stealth Ratings
sight of something is more difficult that failing The Stealth Rating is an aspect of characters or
to notice it in the first place. All Units can objects that makes them more difficult to spot.
retain vision on things they’ve already spotted For the purposes of view distance, Vigilance
out to twice their normal detection range. counts as being 1 less for every point of Stealth
Rating. If something has a higher Stealth Rating
General Awareness than your Vigilance, you’ll not find it even if
Just because a character is aware of the existence you walk directly over it.
of something doesn’t mean they know much about
it. GMs should inform players of things they see For example, a character with a Vigilance 5 would
in vague terms; “A small group of people moving normally spot another from 500m away. However,
through the trees, carrying weapons” rather than they would only spot a character with a Stealth
“5 Vietcong fighters with AK47s.” The Observe Rating of 3 if they were 200 meters away.
action can be used to gather further information.
Only the lowest Stealth Rating in a Unit is used
Players can gather information from more than for detecting Units. However, members of a Unit
visual information. There are many audio cues; with a higher Stealth Rating will generally
the sound of footsteps, or animals quieting remain unseen. This can give an observer an
as men move through an area. Characters can inaccurate impression of the hidden unit.
hear gunshots and explosions out to about 10
kilometers. Various effects can increase a unit’s Stealth
Rating. Most commonly, night conditions will
Smell is an important and often underrated raise the effective Stealth Rating of a unit.
avenue for presenting information. The jungles Conversely, firing a weapon will cause a unit’s
of Vietnam overflow with various olfactory Stealth Rating to immediately drop by 5 points.
There are no negative Stealth Ratings.
Equipment Liquids
Liquids are not discrete items. Instead, special
The modern warfighting equipment you use has Equipment is used to carry generic units of
many characteristics, but the one you are most liquids. These units don’t have Weight; at best
acutely aware of is Weight, an abstraction of both a container might weigh differently if it is
the mass and awkwardness of an object. To manage completely empty or ‘full’. You cannot carry
the problem of carrying loads, characters have Liquids without a carrier.
Strength and Carrying Capacity.
PATROL has two relevant kinds of liquid; Water
Your Strength is how easily your character can and Fuel. If you mix them, you just ruin both. Some
manage the loads they lug around. Your Strength containers cannot carry some kinds of liquid.
is equal to twice your Fortitude. You can always choose if a container is full or
empty before you depart.
Your Carrying Capacity is the limit of what you
can physically carry on your person. By default, Water you acquire from wells, taps, rain traps and
your Carrying Capacity is 10. Webbing and other reputable sources is Clean, but water from
backpacks will increase your Carrying Capacity rivers, puddles, lakes and other field sources is
by giving you more spaces to store things! Dirty. If you add Dirty Water to any container
carrying Clean Water, the Clean Water is turned
You physically cannot carry more than your into Dirty Water.
Carrying Capacity; you don’t have the space on
your body for it! You can drink Dirty Water, but you must
immediately make a Fortitude Check requiring
You can carry other characters who have consented successes equal to how much water you drank. If
or who is Incapacitated. A human body is Weight you fail, the water removes no Thirst, and if you
10, plus their Equipment. FUBAR, you take Exhaustion equal to the number
of Failures you rolled.
EquipmenT Types
Equipment comes in types, all of which work a Fuel represents gasoline, butane, or napalm used
little differently. for vehicles, lighters, flamethrowers, lanterns
• Equipment is for generic gear. and stoves. If a Wearable container of Fuel is
• Wearables are items you wear! destroyed by an attack, resolve a Throw Grenade
• Backpacks, Webbing, Helmets and Armour are Action with a Molotov Cocktail on the Unit. The
exclusive; you only benefit from one of each. To-Hit difficulty is 1, rolling the Fuel in the
• Clothing and Footwear are also exclusive, and carrier as dice. The wearer is always hit first.
don’t have Weight whilst you wear them.
• Supplies are consumable equipment, like food, Radios and Telephones
medicine and ammo. Out in the field, your only link to your allies
• Firearms, Blast Weapons, and Melee Weapons are is often through the cutting edge technology of
kinds of weapons. your portable radios and telephones.
• Modifiers are Equipment that attach to weapons
to give them extra functionality. Radios are wireless communication devices.
• Traps and Grenades are types of explosives. Radio receivers can pick up messages, and radio
transmitters can send them. The radios you use
Enemy Gear are generally both.
The weapons, grenades and ammunition your
enemies carry is not compatible with your own; If you want to contact somebody with a Radio
you are not trained for them, they use different Transmitter, you‘ll first need to use an Adjust
standards, ammunition sizes and tools, and they Frequency action to dial them. Your connection
are frequently in unknown condition. Thus, will be broken if you stray farther in klicks
pieces of equipment not compatible with your own than your Successes rolled.
is marked with an (E) for Enemy.
Telephones are another method you can use to
An E weapon cannot use non-E ammunition, and keep in touch. They can’t be jammed or intercepted
vise versa. If you want to become proficient in from a distance, so they are very secure. You also
a piece of enemy kit, you need the Enemy Weapon don’t need to manage their power consumption, as
(Type) Skill, in addition to your Weapon Skills. telephones have very light requirements; they
might be sound-powered, hand cranked or simply
The E label is relative. If you were playing Viet very light on their batteries.
Cong, then Free World Forces equipment would
be Enemy, and your own would be unlabeled. The However, telephones have to be linked to one
origin of Hand Grenades, mines and traps never another with electrical wire to work. Running
matters. wire through the jungle is dangerous business
and once set they are a prime target.
A Non-Player Character, or NPC, is any actor in the
Usually, the players won’t be operating alone.
There will be other units on the field, and they’ll
game world who is controlled by the GM instead of be operating inside a chain of command.
by one of the players. They represent comrades,
enemies and civilians alike. Most often, the Squad will be part of a platoon of
2-3 other squads they work closely with, lead by a
Squadmates lieutenant that acts as immediate supervision. As
these officers are usually very inexperienced,
As there won’t always be enough players to make
for a sensible number of soldiers for a Mission, the leaders of these various Units are effectively
oftentimes the player’s Squad will be buffed out in charge, so each squad more or less does their
with NPC Squadmates. own thing.

All NPC Squadmates are drawn from the profiles Allied soldiers work much like the team do,
provided in faction portion of the GM Guide, but it isn’t important to track all the details
filling out your Squad with, for instance, about them if you are just interacting with
American GIs or ARVN Regulars. If you need to fill them loosely. They have their own objectives and
gaps in the Squad, you can apply the MOS templates priorities, and may have varying opinions about
to some of them for extra skills and equipment. the PCs, especially if they are part of another
branch of service.
Taking the BUllet
The PCs are, like the protagonists of a movie, The Squad don’t have unlimited ability to contact
generally a little faster, smarter, or luckier anyone they please. Other units typically operate
than those around them. When a Player Character on different radio frequencies, so tuning in to
is hit by random fire, they can elect to allow an other units is often a lot of work. The Squad will
NPC in the Unit take the hit instead. The GM will have an easier time if they have direct contact
then pick an NPC target. This rule can be waived with air, artillery, or armour operating in the
if you are running a truly grim game. area, but they often won’t have this luxury.

NPC Restrictions Support

You should think of NPC squadmates as extras and Free World Forces in Vietnam had a nigh-absurd
bit roles, not as main characters. They might have collection of artillery, gunships, medivac
names and the occasional line, but the events do copters and strafing aircraft itching to be set
not pivot on them or their presence. loose. These are by far your greatest advantage.

NPC Squadmates should never take the initiative Players should know what is on-station and
from the players. They shouldn’t perform what isn’t, when helicopters can or can’t get to a
meaningful Interactions with anyone important, location, and what kind of guns are able to lend
and they will generally act at the direction of their support. Almost everywhere in Vietnam
the PCs. However, they aren’t controlled by the falls under the potential coverage of at least
players directly and they aren’t robots. They one firebase’s artillery pieces, but they might
will refuse suicidal orders, run away if they get be busy, and players should know that.
scared, and fight back if betrayed.
They should also be made aware of their place
NPC Squadmates don’t need to get Victory Points, in the hierarchy for calling on such support.
and they don’t write Reports. They have Alignments, If the players are the only allied forces in an
but only to give them a basic temperament. area, they likely have everything at their full
disposal and will not have to do much to convince
Battle Buddies the higher ups to unleash the ordnance.
A good way to pad out a squad lacking the numbers
for a Mission is to assign each player a Battle Conversely, if operating under a larger force,
Buddy. A Battle Buddy is an NPC who acts as a the Squad may not have the authority to call for
minion for a player, supporting them closely and support directly, and will need to go through
following their lead. their superiors or convince somebody with
Negotiate actions to lend them support.
A Battle Buddy is broadly under the control of
another PC, but they must still act under the Support doesn’t operate on any particular
restrictions placed on NPC characters, and the special rules; they just use the regular profiles
GM can take control of them in extreme cases. for soldiers, guns and vehicles operated by NPCs.
They let some of the boring work be offloaded to This makes it easy to know how long it’ll take
an NPC; a Battle Buddy can act as a spotter for a before a helicopter can arrive, what kind of guns
sniper, a loader for a machine-gun, a stretcher are in position, and so forth. Just resolve it like
bearer for a medic, and so forth. you would anything else.
Common Support Resupply Air Drop
If you’re somewhere that helicopters can’t go,
Artillery like a dangerous V.C. stronghold or on black ops
In most of the country, the players will have in a neighbouring country, you probably can’t
instant access to Medium Artillery from the get a helicopter to get supplies to you. However,
nearest firebase. More forward positions might its generally possible to get a large air drop of
have to rely on Pack Howitzers flown in for the supplies brought in by plane.
operation. In desperate situations, they might
have to rely exclusively on the mortars their If mission circumstances justify it, a resupply
platoon carries with them. air drop can get you as much as 50 Weight of gear
in a drop crate, but this isn’t an easy operation.
Calling in artillery should never be terribly They need to get a cargo plane, gather materials,
hard, but these positions usually have a pack a crate, make a flight plan and launch, which
fairly limited amount of ammunition on-hand, will generally take them a few hours, minimum,
especially far out into the field. The gunners before the plane is even launched.
will keep the Squad appraised.
The crate will suffer from the same resupply
Utility Helicopter issues as helicopter resupply, and will land
The other commonplace support element the 5d6x100 meters from wherever the drop was
players will have on-call are utility helicopters planned, worse in bad weather.
in a resupply and medical evacuation (Medivac)
Hostile Forces
A Medivac chopper is a transport with medics Your enemies in PATROL are known as the Hostile
aboard that will quickly take wounded to nearby Forces; these could be the Viet Cong, the regular
field hospitals. These same helicopters are North Vietnamese Army, isolationist villagers,
generally how replacement characters rejoin the ARVN traitors, rogue Western units, violent
action. There are always Medivac helicopters French holdouts or just hill bandits.
standing by, so they are generally dispatched the
turn they are called for. These NPCs function under the exact same rules
the players and Allied forces do.
Resupply might take longer, as they need to get
the materials together, and it might be more Quick Enemy Status
difficult to get flown in. They might not always Full enemy status charts are a hassle and not
get your order right; check page 151 in the GM worth it most of the time. Other than Injury, you
Section “Resupply Issues”. can usually get away with just giving each enemy
Unit a single track from 1-5. Everybody who
Choppers are reluctant to fly into dangerous dies and every 3 hours they spend unable to rest
areas; they are very vulnerable to ground fire. fighting the PCs, track advances by 1. They give
Generally, you’ll need to push pretty hard for up, retreat or surrender at 6.
a resupply flight into hostile territory, while
Medivacs will fly in all but the most dangerous
circumstances. Rules of Engagement
The Rules of Engagement, or ROE, dictate how the
Squad is allowed to use force during the Mission.
Gunship Support Obeying the Rules of Engagement is Rule 2 in the
Helicopter gunships are not as easy to call in as Code of Conduct and is very important!
utility choppers; there are less of them and they
require a lot more support. The best the PCs can The most permissive ROE is a Free Fire Zone. The
usually hope for is guiding the fire of a gunship military has decided that everything in the
already in the area. area is a hostile. You can freely call for air and
artillery to be fired blindly at grid squares.
Close Air Support
Coming from jets and ground attack planes In most battle zones, the ROE is Offensive. If you
operating in airbases in and near the country, see a weapon or an enemy uniform, light them up,
as well as from Naval aircraft carriers, close but you need to confirm your targets beforehand.
air support is both devastating to the enemy and You’ll need eyes-on or good evidence before air
quite difficult to get. The flyboys won’t get out of and artillery is unleashed.
bed for any target smaller than an NVA regiment.
The most limited ROE is Restrictive. You may
The squad doesn’t generally have the authority to not fire unless fired upon, you aren’t allowed
get planes launched, but they may be able to get to plant any mines or booby traps, you can never
planes already in the air redirected, or guide a fire blind, and every artillery or air strike
preplanned strike more precisely. will require an observer.
Movement Rules Enemy Presence
Troops move more cautiously under threat of enemy
Movement is governed by a few universal rules fire. If you can see an enemy within a kilometre,
regarding where and how fast you can move. any Full Moves you could normally make become
Half Moves instead. Moves that are normally Half
Move SpeeD Chart Moves or Shifts are unaffected.
Your Move Speed is determined by your Load.
Subtract your Strength from the Weight of what You cannot move through enemy Units. If you move
you’re carrying, and that’s your Load. into direct contact with an enemy Unit through
Speed Load Full Half Shift Swim any means, you must stop and fight them in hand
10 - 1500m 750m 325m - to hand. This may give the target a chance to make
Defensive Fire (see page 32).
9 <0 1000m 500m 250m 1
8 <5 900m 450m 225m 2 The only exception is if either party is unaware
7 <10 800m 400m 200m 3 of the other even at 10m; one unit sneaking past
6 <15 700m 350m 175m 4 another, or a unit passing over a hidden one.
Trap Rules
Mines, claymores, trip flares, crossbow traps,
3 <30 400m 200m 100m 7 and spikey pits dug in the ground all fall under
2 30+ 200m 100m 50m 8 the category of Traps. They come in three types.
1 - 100m 50m 25m 9
Contact Traps are created out of Mines, and are
Terrain, equipment, or weather can modify your probably the most common form of trap. They go
speed. If you had a Load of 12, you would move at off if a Unit comes within 10m of a Contact Trap
Speed 5. If you then walked into a Speed Down 3 without detecting it.
thicket, you would reduce your Speed to 2.
The second is a Booby Trap. These traps are rigged
The top and bottom Speeds on the Move Speed Chart to go off if somebody tampers with them. A Booby
only come into effect with modifiers. Trap is set on bodies, discarded equipment,
vehicles, doors, and so forth, and goes off if you
PUshing Yourself make an Action involving them.
If you need to move faster than your current Move
Speed, you can Push Yourself. Increase your Speed The third type of Trap are Command Traps. These
by 2 for the next Action, then take a point of traps consist of the trap itself, the detonator
Exhaustion and Thirst. You can Push Yourself for used to set them off, and a length of Electrical
as many points as you can handle. Wire connecting the two. If all three parts are
present, the trap goes off when the Detonate Trap
Mixed Movement Modifiers Action is used.
You will often find a Move causing you to pass
over multiple pieces of Terrain. Aways use the People can muck about with Command Traps after
lowest Speed value for your whole Move. they are placed. A common example is infiltrators
turning a claymore around to face enemy
You can break down your Move into Half Moves. So positions. This is a Set Trap Action, rerolling
if you were speed 6 but had to cross a Speed Down 2 the Stealth Rating of the Trap.
stream within 200m, you could take a Speed 4 Half
Move, then a Speed 6 Half Move on the other side. Setting off Traps
When a trap goes off, roll a d6. On a 1, the trap is
Fortitude Requirements a dud or otherwise nonfunctional, and everyone
For every point of Fortitude below 5 you drop, your gives a sigh of relief. Otherwise, boom!
effective Move Speed decreases by one category.
You cannot move at all if your Fortitude is 0. Traps that make attacks, like Claymore Mines,
use the Proficiency of the person last person to
Contact interact with them. Most Traps don’t make attacks,
If your movement makes you aware of a previously however; just resolve the effects immediately.
unseen enemy within 300 meters, or if you set off
a Trap, this is Contact; you drop everything to If there are multiple traps planted in the same
prepare to fight. location, they’ll all go off if one does.

On Contact, your Move stops immediately at your Grenade Traps

current location, and everyone must make an Evade Grenades can be set as both Contact Traps and
Action. If you make Contact at less than 100m, you Booby Traps. They automatically hit 1d3 members
can instead make Blind-Fire Suppressive Fire. of the struck squad for their listed effects.
Interaction Rules Weapon Up
When interacting with hostiles, or potential
Interactions are any action that has you talking hostiles, you can perform an Interaction “Weapon
with another group of people in order to get Up”. You keep a weapon trained, stay out of sight
something done. or stay in cover, protecting yourself at the cost
of clear communication and trust.
Communication Basics
In order to interact normally with people, Before you roll your Interaction, you can declare
you need to be within 10m. If you have time to you are staying Weapon Up. Add +1 to the Difficulty
prearrange hand or light signals, you can use needed for the Action. At the conclusion of your
those within visual range, but otherwise you Action, or if they try to use an Overwatch Action,
won’t really be able to Interact. you are allowed to Attack, Evade, or Flee.

Just repeating the same thing multiple times Warning Shots & Small Violence
rarely gets better results. A given person can Before you roll a Negotiate Action, you have
only be the target of the same type of Interact the option to use one of these Actions. They are
action once per Turn. mutually exclusive; if you use one, you cannot
benefit from the other.
The Language Barrier
In PATROL, there is no ability for player While these actions can make your upcoming Check
characters to become fluent in Vietnamese, easier, they will not endear you to the people you
French, or the various languages of ethnic use them on. Overdoing it may see your victims
minorities spoken in Vietnam. The best they can striking back.
do is get an elementary understanding of common
Players should be made to articulate exactly
words, use a phrasebook, or attempt to work
what they are doing to their victim when they use
through an interpreter.
a Small Violence Action.
This is a deliberate choice; American soldiers
are foreigners, detached from the world of the Trading & BriBes
Vietnamese. Because of the insurmountable Oftentimes, it helps if you can back up your words
cultural and linguistic gap, they cannot with something material that the other party
comprehend their struggles or understand their wants. It helps that Vietnam is an unbelievably
positions as a statement of basic fact. corrupt place, thanks in no small part to the
uncontrolled flood of foreign money pouring in.
Players should never be able to have a direct,
in-character conversation with a non-English Offering a Bribe or Trade can give you an
speaking character in a game of PATROL. Every automatic success in a Negotiate or Interrogate
interaction, be it with ARVN units, local Action, but only if the person both wants the
villagers or Viet Cong fighters, must be crude and item and is receptive to being bribed. Offering
filtered through a mutual lack of understanding. insulting bribes can make the Check even harder.

Medicine, ammunition and weapons are in high

Unless a character has a phrasebook, the Local
demand among rural populations, while local
Language skill, or an interpreter, characters will
militia and ARVN are always looking for US
automatically fail any attempted Interactions
gear. Surredering enemies often want medical
with non-English speakers. They simply have no
treatment and clean water. Desperate people will
way to relay information.
settle for food. Just about any character will
accept tabacco as a bribe.
There are a few universal exceptions to the
language barrier. The most ancient of these is
Idealistic or Righteous characters are less likely
the words soldiers use to end hostilities; most
to take a bribe, while Egocentric characters are
NVA soldiers know the English for “I surrender!”,
more receptive, as well as much greedier.
just the way most Americans know “Toy dau hang!”
means “I give up!”

Combat Rules
Fighting is the core of the soldier’s job. You need
Suppression reduces both a unit’s mobility and
lethality. For every point of Suppression, the
to know how if you want to survive. target’s Proficiency is reduced by 1, and their
Move Speed is reduced by one category.
Firearm Combat Range
The range to a target will provide the Difficulty When fired on, if the combined total of your Doubt
for an attack, referred to as the “To-Hit” Value. and the Suppression you’ve taken is greater than
To-Hit can never be lower than 1. the size of your Unit +3, you are Pinned Down.
While Pinned Down, you cannot make any Regular
Distance To-Hit Deviation Actions except Evade and Flee.
Close <50m 2 -
Medium <250m 3 25m Suppression is always inflicted on whole Units,
Long <500m 4 50m even with mixed To-Hit values. Suppression is
removed at the end of Turns.
Extreme <1000m 5 100m

Unless otherwise noted, small arms can fire to

Hand to Hand Combat
Hand to Hand occurs when a character ends their
Extreme Range, but beyond their listed effective
Turn within 10m of a hostile and they are both
range the To-Hit value goes up by 1.
aware of each other. When two units fight, they
break down into individual Melee. Each member of
Resolving Attacks the acting side randomly picks an enemy target.
To make an Attack, you choose a weapon and an
Anyone not made a target then randomly selects
Action (see page 66-67). A weapon can only be used
a member of the attacking side. Each group of
by one person in a Turn. Typically, an Attack is
characters fighting forms a Melee.
a Proficiency Check against the target’s To-Hit.
Hits are usually distributed randomly. Assign Each side of the Melee decides what outcome they
each member of the squad a number and roll a dice want to inflict on their target. If they win, these
for each hit to see who is struck. The same person effects are applied to all opponents in the Melee.
can be struck multiple times in one attack. • Lethal: Losers take 1d3 Injury.
In cases of mixed To-Hit values, use the lowest • Subdue: Losers are Stunned.
value, but characters with higher To-Hit Values • Drive Off: Losers make a Flee Action.
are exempt from being struck by attacks that
Carrying a handgun in addition to your melee
would not have hit them as individuals.
weapon gives you a bonus to Melee resolution.
Ambushes & Taking Cover Everyone in the Melee then makes their Check. Add
When a unit is aware of threats, they Take Cover up the Successes; the side with the most Successes
against them. A unit unaware of danger has their wins.
To-Hit lowered by 1. After they are ambushed and
attacks are resolved, the target Takes Cover and
their To-Hit is restored to normal. Melee
You fight the enemy hand to hand.
Firing Blind Attribute Fortitude Difficulty
Blind-Fire increases the To-Hit by 1. It can be
made as Suppressive Fire, Throw Grenade, Blast Length Regular Opposed
Attack and Bombard Actions against targets you Requirements
cannot directly see, but can locate by sound, A detected hostile within 10m.
sensors, intelligence, suspicion or tracer fire. Effects
Pick a weapon and roll Opposed Fortitude.
Defensive Fire Successes
If a visible enemy Unit tries to move to or through If you have more Successes then your
your position from more than 100m away, and you opponents, you win the melee. Every excess
are not in Hand to Hand combat, your Unit can Success negates 1 Failure.
make free Suppressive Fire Attacks against them Failures
at Close Range, as if they were in Overwatch. If Take 1 Injury for every Failure.
they are Pinned Down, they stop at 50 meters. FUBAR
You lose your Melee Weapon and/or handgun.
With the exception of indirect bombardment If you outnumber your opponent in the Melee,
weapons, if the line of your fire comes within every extra person on your side gives 1 automatic
10m of another Unit, you count them as part of the Success.
Unit you are shooting at for assigning hits. Only
use the target’s To-Hit values, though. Always take a point of Exhaustion after Melee.

Heavy Weapon Rules Multi-Crew Weapons
Some weapon profiles will list a number of
The Vietnam War saw a bewildering array of assistant positions, showing the maximum people
advanced heavy weaponry deployed by both sides. who can provide Fire Assistance. All weapons
Weapons like heavy machine-guns, mortars, can technically be operated by one person in a
howitzers, rocket launchers missile tubes and pinch, and only one person can actually fire such
cannons tore the landscape apart. a weapon at a time.

Extended Combat Range Emplaced Artillery

Heavy Weapons can often fire farther and more An Artillery piece being used or carried by a
effectively than smaller weapons, so they may use Unit is part of that Unit and can be treated as a
the extended To-Hit chart. These weapons usually character in appropriate circumstances. Though
have a Minimum Range, inside which they cannot it shouldn’t be factored in for small arms or
strike targets. As the difficulties at longer grenades, other artillery and cannons will
ranges are so high, typically Fire Assist actions destroy an artillery piece if they inflict 5 or
are necessary simply to roll enough dice. more Injury to it. An artillery piece takes up as
Distance To-Hit Deviation much space in a Defensive Position as 1/100th of
Firearm <1 km <5 - its Weight, rounding up to the nearest 100th.
Near <5 km 6 200m Generally, ammunition should be managed behind
Far <15 km 7 300m the scenes; a chain of men can unload a few dozen
shells from a truck in a Turn without issue.
Maximum <25 km 8 500m

Blind Fire at Extended Combat Range doubles the Deviation & Scatter
To-Hit value instead of adding +1. When a weapon makes a Bombard attack, it hits
every unit within a “Scatter” distance. This
Artillery distance is a radius around the initial target,
Artillery are large guns. They usually “count as and is determined by the Deviation at the range
their own Wagon”, meaning that, if multiple people to the target. The Deviation is multiplied by
or animals, or a single Vehicle, collectively Failures rolled to create the Scatter range.
contribute carrying capacity to pull it, they
count as half their listed Weight. Guided Weapons
Weapons are starting to be introduced that can
When an Artillery piece isn’t being moved, it is correct their path in flight. If you are Skilled
not “equipped” by anyone; it can be used by anyone with a weapon that is Guided at the range you are
within 10m. A given artillery piece can only be firing it, you succeed on 4s, 5s and 6s.
fired once per turn.
Guided Bombard weapons also negate 2 Failures.
Multi-Part Weapons
Many weapons are Multi-Part; they break down Munition Rules
into smaller pieces for easy use. This means the Most artillery consist of the weapon itself, which
weapon consists of multiple pieces of Equipment, determines factor of the attacks they make like
which can be carried by different individuals to range and attack bonuses, and the ammunition they
more evenly divide the weight. All the components fire. The effect the weapons have on their target
of a weapon must be present in the same Unit in are derived from the profiles of the ammunition
order for any member to use the weapon, and they consumed when fired.
must be assembled with an Assemble Weapon Action
before they can be used. Munition rules are listed on page 87.

Casualties Incapacitation
You can be Incapacitated by failing your Shock Roll
A casualty is anyone eliminated from the fighting or having 0 in all Attributes. An Incapacitated
by any means, temporarily or permanently. character is unconscious, in shock, or simply too
weak to do anything meaningful.
At the end of any Turn where you took Injury, you While you are Incapacitated, you cannot perform
must make a Shock Check. any Actions except Revive Person, targeted on
yourself. You do not have to roll this Action.
Shock Check
You try to hold it together... More than a few soldiers spend a lot of time
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty Injury thinking about how they would act if they got
shot. However, none of them really know until it
Length - Skill -
happens. If you get Incapacitated during combat,
Requirements roll a d6 on this table to find out how you react.
Manditory when Injury is taken.
Effects # Results
Roll a Fortitude Check. You just drop like a sack of bricks,
Successes 1 completely silent and unnoticed. Your body
If you meet the Difficulty, you are not has a Stealth Rating of 2d6.
Incapacitated. For every excess Success, You start screaming hysterically. Everyone
negate 1 Failure. 2 within 500m can hear you.
Unless you are in a Defensive Position or
Take 1 Ongoing for each Failure.
somebody stops you with a Drag Person or
FUBAR 3 Treat Injury action, you wander off 2d6x10m
Roll 2d6.
in a random direction in shocked delirium.
2 - Crippled. Reduce Fortitude by 1d6.
3 - Blinded. Reduce Vigilance by 1d6. You slump over and spend a few minutes
4 - Concussed. Reduce Proficiency to 1d6. 4 sobbing. You can still talk to your buddies
5+ - Reduce a random Attribute by 1. for the next turn, but otherwise you’re out.
You barely feel it. You sit down and calmly call
If you do not meet the Difficulty, you are
5 for a medic, then slip into unconsciousness.
Incapacitated. You don’t even notice the wound at first.
6 Take your next Turn before keeling over.
Characters who are very badly injured may be
replaced. If your character is medivac’d with 3+
Injury or long-term complications, add their VPs, Stunned
XP and +5 bonus XP to your next character. A character who has been Stunned, such as by a
flashbang grenade, cannot make any Actions on
the next Turn. They are effectively Incapacitated
Ongoing Damage for the duration for any relevant purposes.
For each point of Ongoing Damage you have, roll a
d6 at the end of each of your Turns. Every 1 your
roll results in 1 Injury, taken immediately. Death
When a character Forfeits on Thirst, Hunger, or
If you take Injury from Ongoing Damage, you Injury, they are KIA (Killed in Action). The XP of
will need to roll a Shock Check, but ignore the the dead character, including XP earned in this
Failures on this Check. While you have Ongoing mission, carries over to the next character.
Damage you take twice as much Thirst whenever
the Status Effect advances. Dead characters leave a corpse, which is treated
identically to an Incapacitated character. If
Armour Saves the body is returned to base, that player’s next
Equipment may give you an Armour Save. Under the character gets +5 XP on creation.
conditions listed in the gear, roll a d6 for each
point of Injury taken. If you meet or exceed the Every member of the US military carries a set of
target on the die, that Injury is negated. You can dog tags around their neck. If a player’s body
only ever roll one Armour Save per Injury. cannot be recovered but their tags are, their
next character will get +3 XP.
Blast Effects and Fire If neither a character’s remains or their dog tags
When you take Injury from incendiary, fire or are recovered, they are MIA (Missing in Action)
phosphorous weapons, 2s count as Failures as well instead, and use the rules on the opposite page.
as 1s on that Turn’s Shock Check. Additionally, If a character receives 5+ Injury from a single
1 random Wearable Item is destroyed for every source, they do not leave a body to be recovered.
Injury you take, rendered unusuable by the flames
or removed to contain the fire.
Desertion Arrest
Almost 50,000 US servicemen deserted during It’s one thing to violate the rules deep out in the
the Vietnam War, but the vast majority did so bush, where it can stay a secret between you and
either on US soil or in staging bases in Germany, your comrades. It’s quite another to attract the
Japan, and Thailand. However, there are around attention of the MPs on the field.
40 confirmed cases of men who deserted their
posts in Vietnam, and an unknown number of MIA Violating the Code of Conduct or going against
soldiers who may have deserted. orders in the presence of superior officers or
military police will generally result in your
Characters can desert on their own or in a Unit. own side coming to arrest you. The MPs will
To desert, a character simply has to make it out generally give you a warning to stand down and
of visual range of any allied forces, and then drop your weapon, and once you do they will take
declare their intention to desert. The characters you prisoner, just like enemies would.
are then declared MIA on the spot and removed from
play. All the normal rules for going MIA apply, However, the Vietnam War has something of a
but, when you create a new character, if at the manpower shortage, so you’ll probably be put back
time of desertion you had more VPs (including the on the field in short order, one way or another.
VPs earned for deserting) than you had Fatigue, You will, however, lose all the VPs you got during
you gain the difference in bonus XP on your new the Mission. If your crimes are particularly
character. You gain no other XP for any source. egregious, however, like deliberately killing
friendlies, your character will probably spend
Capture the remainder of their life behind bars, so you
Characters, both soldiers and civilians, who have should roll a new one.
declared their surrender can voluntarily become
prisoners once they come within 10m of an enemy Missing
unit. Until they actually become prisoners, they Sometimes, soldiers just go missing. The way this
are treated as regular characters and can make usually happens is if a character is separated
actions normally; their intent to surrender is from the group and cannot return at the end of
not binding. the Mission, missing their extraction chopper or
never showing up at the rally point.
Once a character has been made a prisoner, they
take their actions on the Turn of the faction who The US Military maintains a policy of “No Man
have taken them prisoner. Prisoners have no hard Left Behind”, but due to the nature of warfare in
restrictions on the actions they can take, but Vietnam this didn’t always work out. The limited
generally their captors will enforce rules on diplomatic contact with North Vietnam and the
them. A prisoner stops being a prisoner once they irregular nature of their war effort made it
leave the visual range of their captor’s faction. difficult to tell if soldiers were taken prisoner,
killed in the field without witnesses, deserted,
To manage prisoners, they will often be or actually cut off from the lines. At the time of
Restrained. This requires a Police action and no writing, there are still some 1,488 US soldiers
special equipment. This prevents the character unaccounted for.
from performing actions other than moving with
their Captor, Resting, being given supplies to Characters who are listed as MIA do not get any
consume, or Escape Restraints. Restraints can bonus XP for their next character, but characters
include a blindfolding a target or securing to a who are actually missing may turn up again as
stationary location so they cannot move. prisoners or hostages, or maybe living in a local
village or as a wild man out in the jungle. It’s a
If a PC is taken captive and not recovered by good plot hook, if nothing else.
their faction by the end of the mission, they are
listed as a POW. Create a new character, who will
inherit any XP the prisoner would have received
from the last Mission.

Combat Example Laura: “The survivors of the bombardment fire
down onto you from the trenches. The bombardment
Laura is running a game of PATROL for Vincent, has suppressed them a bit, but they’re still pretty
an RTO, Luke, a Pigman, and Katie, a Firebug. They competent. You guys are likewise suppressed for
have a gaggle of eight NPC riflemen on their side, 4 points. Vincent, you’ve been hit for 2 Injury.”
and have been tasked with taking a fortified hill
from the North Vietnamese Army. They spend the Vincent: “That’s more injury than I can handle
night infiltrating an enemy position to launch a right now. I’ll let an NPC squadmate take it.”
dawn assault, supported by a pack howitzer.
Katie: “This is really bad. With this much
Laura: “From your position, you can see the suppression, we can only crawl if we want to move,
hill above as dawn breaks. You see the smoke of and the enemy is still half a klick away!”
campfires drifting over the trees, but you can’t
see anyone specific.” Luke: “Okay, I got this. I can’t see the enemy, but
if any of you have enough Proficiency left to
Katie: “Vincent, you could try firing now to maybe fire, shoot at the enemy unit.”
catch some of them with scatter shots?”
Katie: “Oh, so you can follow my tracers!”
Vincent: “That just seems like a waste. I’ll
infiltrate up close with four of the riflemen and Laura: “Yep! That’s really clever of you. You and
spot directly.” the riflemen?”

Katie: “I want to tag along! I’ll get up closer to The two squads blaze away. They even score some
the action that way.” hits, but no Injury because of the enemy’s trench.

They breaks off from the unit and Infiltrates up Luke: “Okay, NVA turn. Thanks to the multiple
to the base of the hill, spotting a shallow trench attacks from Luke’s machine-gun, these guys in
with an NVA unit some 500m up the hill. the trench are completely pinned down!”

Vincent: “Alright, I get on my radio and use 2 Katie: “Oh boy, my time to shine! I’m going to ditch
Charges to broadcast to the howitzer to fire at everything but my flamethrower, tank and machete
that unit.” to gain some speed, and then I’m going to charge
those bastards with the rifleman.”
Laura: “Roll your Spot Target, then roll Bombard
for the gunners. There’s 2 Assistant Gunners, Katie rolls a successful charge thanks to her
so reroll your discarded dice twice on that Bloodlust Skill, and pounds up the hill.
Katie: “Do they get Defensive Fire against me?”
Vincent: “How many dice for the Bombard?”
Laura: “Nope! They’re pinned down, so no regular
Laura: “16. 7 for the gunner, plus 9 for the three actions.”
Katie: “Okay, so I get to make my flamethrower
Dice come tumbling down, and we end up 7 attack before I start melee, so I roll my blast
Successes and 3 Failures. Laura assigns hits and attack. Close range and 3 Successes, so I hit 2 of
rolls damage. Several NVA soldiers on the hill them for 1d6 Injury each!”
are killed, and the GM rolls damage in secret
for unseen NVA units. However, Vincent’s unit is Laura: “Ouch, there’s only three soldiers left.”
within the Scatter distance, so a few shells land
near and injure 3 riflemen. Katie: “Alright, I jump into the trench here and
get stabby. Let’s do this.”
Vincent: “Oops. I guess that’s why it’s called
danger close. I’ll try to patch them up while you Laura: “Okay. You and the rifleman attack one NVA
guys move forward.” soldier each. The last one attacks... you, Katie. So
one Melee with the NVA gunner and the rifleman,
Laura: “Up on the hill, the NVA are actively and one Melee with you against those two.”
searching for you now. One of them uses a Sentry
action...” Katie: “Bring it on! I just got 4 Successes and 2
Failures for a lethal attack.”
She rolls some dice.
Laura: “Combined, your opponents only got 2
Laura: “... and successfully sees Vincent’s unit.” Successes. You cancel out your failures, so you
block their attacks and roll damage against
Vincent: “Aww crap.” those two...”

STatus Tracks
In order to track the condition of your character
as they progress through the Mission, PATROL uses
a mechanic called Status Effects. Each Character
has a Status Effect Sheet. This sheet is used to
track the compounding mental and physical wear
your character is subject to over the course of
the game.

A well rested, fed, equipped and motivated soldier

has no Status Effects, so this is where you start
at the beginning of the Mission, unless there are
extenuating circumstances.

When you first acquire a Status Effect, place a Exhaustion

token on the first coloured box on the Status Gained: Every 6 turns, pushing yourself.
Effect chart. If you Status Effect is Advanced Removed: Resting, Stimulants
by a certain amount, move your token towards Penalty: -1 Vigilance
the bottom by that much. If you have a number of Forfeiture: Incapacitated. Until you Revive,
Status Effects removed, move the token up the you are treated as taking Rest Actions.
chart by the same amount. Exhaustion represents the weariness and ache
that accompanies long operations, sapping the
You can acquire Status Effects in various ways, soldier of their attentiveness.
from combat, failed rolls, or simply the passage
of time. As many Status Effects are removed by
Supply items, and as consuming Supplies is a Free
Gained: Every 6 turns, pushing yourself.
Action, just remove the relevant Supplies instead
Removed: Drinking water.
until the character runs out, or they chose not to
Penalty: -1 Fortitude
consume them for whatever reason.
Forfeiture: Death
Thirst tracks effects of dehydration on the
Your Status Effect sheet looks roughly like this.
soldier as they weaken under the hot sun.
Status Effects
Exhaust Thirst Hunger Injury Doubt
Gained: Every 12 turns.
1 2 Removed: Eating rations.
Penalty: -1 Proficiency
3 4 Forfeiture: Death
1 1 1 5 6 Hunger represents the distraction of gnawing
ache of an empty stomach as it eats away at the
1 2 2 7 8
soldier’s will to fight.
2 4 3 10
3 6 4 12 Injury
4 8 5 14 Gained: Violence, accidents, overdose.
Removed: Medical attention.
16 Penalty: -1 to all Attributes
Forfeiture: Death
Inside each box is the Fatigue each Status Effect Injury abstracts the terrible wounds that
generates. This is explored in more detail on modern weapons inflict on the human body.
page 42. Whenever you take Injury, you must immediately
make a Shock Check (see page 34)
Each Status Effect comes with a Penalty. This
effect is applied for each instance of that Status
Effect you have. For instance, Exhaustion places Doubt
a -1 Vigilance penalty on your character, so a Gained: From Alignment
character with 3 Exhaustion is subject to a -3 Removed: Tobacco, from Alignment, Narcotics
Vigilance penalty total. Penalty: -1 to Opposed Negotiate
Forfeiture: None
When you have accrued enough of a particular Doubt, the creeping suspicion that the mission
Status Effect to reach one of the black boxes, is bullshit and there’s no victory to be had, is
an additional penalty, called the Forfeiture, a disease that spreads among fighting men and
is immediately applied. You never want these robs them of their will.
penalties happening to you!
Gear Status Electronic Charges
Equipment dependent on batteries use a system
In addition to your personal statuses, various of Charges. There are 2 Battery Tracks used for
pieces of your gear have their own Status Tracks. electronics; the Large Track has 12 slots, and the
A paperclip on the side of a Track card will easily Small Track has 6 slots.
track your position for each piece of gear. These
Status Tracks are transferred when the gear is. Large Small
These Status Effects do not inflict Fatigue, at
least not directly, but running out of reloads
will often inflict Doubt.

FirearM Tracks
Firearm Tracks are an abstract of the ammo
your soldier has immediately on-hand, ready to
load and fire quickly. Other than Feed weapons,
Firearms start the mission with a full Firearm
Track; you only need Spare Ammo to reload.

Firearms are divided into three track types, When you get to the lower portion of the chart,
indicated in their Equipment Type. The Light you are Low on Power. This generally only affects
Machine Gun can switch between Standard or Belt. Radios, and it negates 2 Successes on your Adjust
• Standard Firearms use a 3-slot track with a Frequency and Scramble Signal Actions, as
forfeiture. If you hit that Forfeiture while your radio’s transmission range is decreased.
firing, add +1 to the To-Hit Difficulty; you ran This will reduce your range even for current
out of ammo at an inopportune moment! connections.
• Firearm - Belt uses the 2-slot track. Every time
you run off the end of the track, immediately By changing out the batteries, you restore your
consume the relevant Supply and go back to the equipment to the top of the Track.
top. You can run through the track multiple
times in a single firing action. All equipment consumes charges differently,
• When you fire, roll a d6. If you roll equal or as listed in their equipment profiles. Some
less than the number of times you cleared the electronics have such long battery life it isn’t
track, you must either consume a Spare Barrel even tracked, while Radios in particular consume
or wait a Turn before shooting again. Charges in a specific way.
• Firearm - Feed uses no track. Every time you
fire a Feed Firearm, use up 1 unit of ammunition. • Adjusting Frequency uses 1 Charge.
• Transmitting a message uses 2 Charges.
• Scramble Signal Actions uses 3 Charges.
Firearm Belt Feed • Intercept Transmission Actions use 3 Charges.

While transmitting, you can consume additional

Charges for bonus Successes. A dedicated Receiver
uses up 1 Charge every Turn it is used. You can
turn it off to save power, though you won’t know
about incoming messages.

Unless otherwise stated, Firearms are fed with Any Electronics mounted on a Vehicle regains 2
Spare Ammo. When you consume the relevant Ammo, Charges every Turn the vehicle is running, as the
you restore the Firearm Track back to the top. engine acts as a generator.

Taking Doubt Doubt Guidelines
In terms of Fatigue, Doubt is the most important Different soldiers take Doubt differently. While
Status Effect, as each point causes so much the guideline chart is helpful in assigning this,
Fatigue. Managing your Doubt is vital to keeping it doesn’t cover every eventuality.
your overall Fatigue low.
The chart opposite provides guidelines for Idealistic characters take Doubt from needless
assigning Doubt based on Alignment. Positive violence, from suffering around them, and from
numbers are Doubt gained, while negative numbers civilians being hurt, particularly if they are
are Doubt removed. This chart is not exhaustive; personally responsible.
Outside of the prewritten possibility, Doubt can
always be handed out at GM discretion. They tend to get Doubt removed when fights don’t
happen, when the enemy retreats without violence,
The GM should generally allow players to inflict and when they aren’t placed in a position of
Doubt on themselves beyond their Alignment responsibility to act against the enemy.
penalties, if they believe it is appropriate to
their character. To help encourage this kind
of action, the GM should keep track of these Pragmatic
circumstances, and remove Doubt from those Pragmatic characters take Doubt from seeing their
players if an event occurs in opposition to those comrades injured and killed, complications or
situations. delays in the mission, or lack of support. Friends
dying for unclear objectives will quickly sap a
A soldier with a phobia of snakes, for example, Pragmatic character of their will to fight.
would take Doubt in an encounter with them, but
will be quite relieved when a nest of them is On the other hand, when things go well for their
destroyed by an ally. team and nobody they know gets hurt, Pragmatic
characters tend to rally. Nothing gives them
more of a boost than an easy mission where the
Doubt and Fatigue objective is seized and everyone can go home.
As Characters gain higher Fatigue, they become
desensitized to the horrors of war, and are more
affected by the small joys they can find. Righteous
Righteous characters take Doubt when they are in
As characters take more and more Fatigue, the a position where they cannot fight the enemy, or
GM should issue less Doubt. A good rule of thumb when allies fail to hold up to their standards.
is for every 5 points of Fatigue, events should
inflict 1 fewer Doubt. They are invigorated by victory and violence
committed against the enemy. Nothing is better
This might result in actions that would formerly to them than the smell of napalm and the sight of
have issued Doubt to soldiers remove it instead. the opposition driven before them.
This is intended. The exclamation point (!)
included indicates penalties that should never Egocentric
result in removing Doubt, while the Asterisk (*) Egocentric characters have their faith in the
indicates a value that should never be modified war pivot on how much danger they are in; they
at all. feel better about any situation when somebody
else is taking the risk.
This can also make the distractions your soldiers
find more meaningful and have a larger impact. They only care about themselves, so they only take
A rocking USO performance can mean nothing to Doubt when they are hurt or miserable, and they
fresh troops while snippets of a song distorted don’t give a damn about the mission or anyone
by the radio means the world to a worn soldier. else’s welfare.

Doubt Guideline Chart
Event Idealistic Pragmatic Righteous Egocentric
Squadmate killed or badly wounded. 1! 2! 1 1
Witness a member of an Allied Unit killed
or badly wounded. 1! 1! 0! 0!
Enemy Unit retreats or gives up. -1 -2 -2 -2
Witnessed a person executed, or an enemy
killed with a flamethrower. 1! 1 0 1
Failure to pass while Executing. 4! 3 2 3
An allied unit or a Squadmate flees or
deserts. 1 3 4 3
Flee from combat. 0 1 3! -2
Kill an enemy in hand-to-hand combat. 2! 1! -1 2
You are singled out for a dangerous task. 1 2 0 4
A squadmate refuses to fight, aids the
enemy, or betrays your side. 0 3 3 1
A civilian is badly wounded or killed by
the actions of your Unit. 3 1 1 0
Accidentally fire on friendly troops. 2 3! 1 0
Have a magazine run dry in the middle of
a fight, thus discarding the attack. 1* 1* 1! 1*
Running out of ammunition entirely in a
combat zone. 1* 2* 2* 2*
Running out of Batteries or losing your
Radio while isolated from your allies. 2* 2* 1! 2*
The enemy attacks your position with a
flamethrower. 2! 2! 2! 2!
Your unit is relieved from a hazardous
or stressful duty. -2 -1 1 -2
Another unit is sent ahead of your own
into a dangerous situation. 0 0* 1* -1
Get through an encounter with the enemy
without any of your own getting hurt. -1 -2 -1 0*
Friendly armour arrives to assist. -1 -2 -1 -1
A motivating speech from a commanding
officer before battle. 1 -1 -2 0*
Gaining the respect of a commanding
officer or rival unit. 0 -1 -2 0*
You are thanked wholeheartedly by a
local for your efforts. -2 -1 -1 0*
You make an aggressive move against a
position and the enemy is already gone. -2 0 3 -2
No bodies are found after an artillery
bombardment. -1 1 1 0*

TITLE FONTS All Charactersvelit
by completing
can acquire
odio eget maximus a
some Victory
vel consectetur. Points
little Pellentesque
egestas. suffering is
Lorem each dolor
Status Effect
sit box is a small
amet, consectetur number.
adipiscing worth it when
habitant morbiyou come home
tristique from your
senectus Mission
et netus et
This Nulla
elit. is thesollicitudin
Fatigue thatmiStatus Effect ornare.
sed pulvinar causes. successful fames
malesuada and inaconeturpis
piece. egestas.
However,Ut thesagittis
VPs you
Fatigue is
Aliquam a way of
mollis tracking
enim an aggregate
eu fermentum picture
consequat. get from Objectives
ultricies may notAliquam
neque a vulputate. be enough, if your
et dignissim
of your metus
Quisque soldier’s
augue,overall condition,
tristique sit amet and how
tortor Mission vel
libero, has hendrerit
been particularly trying.etThus,
orci. Aliquam each
eget, theirplacerat
accumsan situation hasDonec
orci. made non
them. Fatigue
fringilla Alignment
mauris. hasaccumsan
Duis their own utways
getting Victory
commodo. Nam
is more nec
turpis, thancongue
just being
Fusceit is the weariness
convallis sit amet Points.
ac libero id ante convallis cursus in ut est.
one feels
lorem in their
et cursus. Invery
antewhen exposed
et massa to the
feugiat idofacwar.
quam. Aenean tincidunt turpis nec The Victory
Lorem Point
ipsum dolor sitChart details methods
amet, consectetur each
tellus luctus, in sollicitudin orci finibus. Duis Alignment
elit. Nulla can use to gain
sollicitudin VPs
mi sed by performing
pulvinar ornare.
At theante,
nibh end ofcongue
each Turn,id miafter you’ve hadconvallis
vulputate, a chance certain actions
Aliquam mollis during
enim eua Mission.
fermentumHowever, not
to negate Status
scelerisque augue. Effects
Phasellus with supplies, your
sollicitudin eget all these
Quisque methods
metus augue,aretristique
always available. As a
sit amet tortor
nulla Fatigue is Phasellus
vitae vulputate. assessed by euadding up the
ante viverra, Character
eget, gains
accumsan more Fatigue,
placerat theynon
orci. Donec getfringilla
more and
Fatigue value
volutpat massaassociated
non, fermentumwith the highest
erat. level
Ut rhoncus more desperate,
turpis, nec congueandenim.
actions that
Fusce were previously
convallis sit amet
of each ut
turpis Status
tempor you have. ThisSed
fermentum. total gives
pharetra unthinkable
lorem seemInincreasingly
et cursus. vitae ante etrational.
massa convallis
you a picture
tellus in orciofgravida
your Character’s
auctor. Sedmental
nec state.
eros at feugiat id ac quam. Aenean tincidunt turpis nec
ipsum fringilla congue. When a luctus,
tellus character has 0 Fatigue,
in sollicitudin thefinibus.
orci only action
Your Fatigue can only increase, not decrease, on theante,
nibh chartcongue
that grants
id mithem Victory convallis
vulputate, Points is
over the
Class course
aptent of a mission.
taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent the one at theaugue.
scelerisque very top; each time
Phasellus they perform
sollicitudin it,
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. they gain
nulla 1 Victory
vitae vulputate. Point.
Phasellus eu ante viverra,
Nam ac is profoundly
sodales tortor.negative; returning
Suspendisse potenti. to volutpat massa non, fermentum erat. Ut rhoncus
base with
Proin id Fatigue
accumsan willdiam.
have aDonec
deleterious effect
ullamcorper As Characters
turpis ut loremtake more fermentum.
tempor Fatigue, as Sed
on your Character.
vehicula volutpat. Phasellus tempus purus at the left-hand
tellus in orcicolumn,
gravida meeting
nec eros at
massa consequat bibendum. Nullam vel odio ut conditions
ipsum will
fringilla grant Victory Points in
Points malesuada. Aenean vulputate accordance with the right-hand “VP” column.
ullamcorper tincidunt.
If Fatigue is a measure of the Mauris maximus
ways your urna
character While most
Class of these
aptent taciticonditions
sociosqu ad canlitora
be met torquent
porta tellus malesuada, sed gravida
feels they are losing their own personal war, felis timesconubia
per in the course
nostra, of aper
Mission, it ishimenaeos.
inceptos up to your
then VictoryInteger
(VPs) areposuere
the wayselit,
they quis
feel GM toac
Nam determine
sodales iftortor.
an event counts and to
Suspendisse award
pellentesque ipsum lobortis eget. Interdum
they are winning and making a difference, ways et Victoryid
Proin Points for it. diam. Donec ullamcorper
malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in
they took charge of their own destiny for betterfaucibus. vehicula volutpat. Phasellus tempus purus at
or for worse. Victory Points are not necessarily In anyconsequat
massa case, if you do not have
bibendum. enough
Nullam Fatigue
vel odio ut
happy non est nunc.
things, but atPhasellus ornare
the very least ex agive
they eleifend
your at thetincidunt
odio moment themalesuada.
act is committed,
Aenean you get no
vehicula. Suspendisse nec enim porttitor,
soldier a feeling of agency, progress, or safety. Victory Pointstincidunt.
ullamcorper for it. Mauris maximus urna
pretium odio nec, sagittis ante. Aenean et nibh porta tellus malesuada, sed gravida felis
eget metus fringilla consectetur nec id magna. ultrices. Integer faucibus posuere elit, quis
Suspendisse VP Chart
potenti. Nam tristique metus ornare, pellentesque ipsum lobortis eget. Interdum et
interdum massa vel, placerat velit. Sed nisi malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Fatigue Idealistic Pragmatic Righteous Egocentric VPs
sapien, tincidunt vitae semper sed, sagittis a
quam. Ut gravida helpjusto sit amet sagittis.
euismod Donec non est nunc. Phasellus
+1 VP for Come ornare ex a eleifend
out of an
Duis non-combatants, Start, or Suspendisse
0 vitaeprisoners
mauris eu tellus fringilla
and the
completing vehicula.
a Fight
nec enim
interaction richer 1
et vitae felis. Objectives pretium odio nec, sagittis
or more nibh
ante. Aenean
wounded eget metus fringilla consectetur nec id magna.
Aid non-combatants
Etiam gravida vitae lectus a feugiat. Assist with
Pellentesque Suspendisse potenti. Steal
Nam from or metus
tristique take ornare,
Use violence or
in a way dapibus.
faucibus pulvinar that may Pellentesque
an Idealistic
sit amet interdum massa vel, advantagevelit.
placerat of the Sed nisi
3 vitae endangers
felis metus varius yourporta idcharacter’s VP
accumsan ante.
torture on helpless
sapien, tincidunt vitae locals, allies
semper sed,or
sagittis a
Aliquam quis auguesquad in lacus posuereactions
vestibulum quam. Ut gravida euismod other units
justo sit amet sagittis.
at id massa.
Render Morbi
aid toquis
enemyvelit Neutralize
sapien. Mauris
an Duis vitae mauris eu tellus fringilla ultricies
efficitur wounded,
to tempor
who is etDestroy civilian
vitae felis. Hide, flee or play
6 ut miss,
Aenean leo molestie,
or allow pulvinar
the justo sit amet,
infrastructure that dead to avoid 3
ultrices nulla. Aenean facilisis ornare the enemy might use fighting
enemy to escape. others.mi at Etiam gravida vitae lectus a feugiat. Pellentesque
molestie. Pellentesque faucibus pretium blandit. faucibus pulvinar dapibus. Pellentesque sit amet
Participate in
In laoreetForcefully
pulvinar stopnunc, vel tempor felis Offervitae
felis no quarter Steal
metus varius from
porta idor take
accumsan ante.
an Egocentric
9 comrades
dignissim nec. Nullam in ante at augue tempus
or Righteous VP
to surrendering
Aliquam or inadvantage
quis augue of your
lacus posuere 4
accumsan at eget arcu. Quisque commodo metus
violence. atwounded enemies
id massa. Morbi quis own squad
velit sapien. Mauris
dapibus eleifend cursus. Donec euismod dui vitae efficitur accumsan sapien tempor hendrerit.
justo pharetra orders, nec quis ante. Proin
fringilla Aenean ut leo molestie,Use violence
pulvinar on sit amet,
Neutralize an ally
12 quis diam quisyour
abandon eleifend.who
nulla out
vel Employ violence your own comrades
ultrices nulla. Aenean facilisis ornare mi5 at
weapon, or tempus.
purus ullamcorper otherwise against civilians
molestie. Pellentesquefor your safety
faucibus pretiumor blandit.
of line.
refuse to fight personal gain
In laoreet pulvinar nunc, vel tempor felis
Phasellus viverra lectus vitae ultrices aliquet. dignissim nec. Nullam in ante at augue tempus
Curabitur nec urna eu enim lobortis vehicula. accumsan at eget arcu. Quisque
15 dictum urna Defect Surrender Punish Defeatists Desertcommodo metus6
Etiam eget ipsum pharetra faucibus dapibus eleifend cursus. Donec euismod dui vitae
id placerat urna. Pellentesque vestibulum justo pharetra fringilla nec quis ante. Proin

Fatigue Example Rym: “Hey, I’m just looking out for number 1. If
they didn’t want to get robbed, they shouldn’t
Rym the Egocentric Point, Emily the Idealistic have built their village where we were dropping
Medic and Scott the Pragmatic Intel have all had all that napalm. Now hand it over.”
a hard mission and racked up a lot of Fatigue.
They’re sitting in the burnt out remains of a Emily: “Well, we’re not participating in this
village after a tough fight. atrocity, and we’re definitely reporting you when
we get back to base.”
Emily: “Ah jeez, I can’t go back to base like this. I
have, like, ten Fatigue I need to negate.” Scott: “... actually, I’m going to go along. These
guys were probably helping Charlie anyway, and
Scott: “You can’t negate ten Fatigue!” I get even more Victory Points for helping Rym.”

Emily: “Well, I can make a start. There are some Rym: “Now you’re getting it. Just figure out what
survivors in this village, so I’ll go patch them gives you Victory Points, and do that as much as
up. That’ll get me a single Victory Point, at least.” possible. It’s how I live my life.

Scott: “I might as well help, because that’ll get me Emily: “That’s a pretty good philosophy. I think
3 Victory Points for assisting you. I’m completely I’ll start following it right now.”
out of ammunition so I’ve got so much Fatigue...”
Scott: “How so?”
Rym: “Oh man, me too. They don’t know that, though.
I’m going to point my gun at them and take them for Emily: “Well, it says here ‘Forcefully stop
everything they have.” comrades from committing war crimes’, and I’ve
still got a loaded gun...”
Scott: “What the fuck dude.”

Narcotics Hallucinogenics Chart

# Result
Drug use has always been a part of warfare, but
the Vietnam War saw an explosion of illicit Bad trip. You whimper and scream
substances in the hands of fighting men. Narcotics 1 uncontrollably, and 1 Failure is added to
are one of the ways soldiers manage Fatigue. all your actions.
Paranoia. Any newly spotted character will
All drug durations and outcomes should be rolled 2 been seen as an enemy, and harmless actions
in secret by the GM. will seem less so.
Completely tripped out. You are treated as
Addiction 3
having 0 Vigilance. The GM will give you
Addiction is a risk one has to face with drug no information except surreal images and
use. At the end of any mission where you used any non-sequitors.
Narcotic, roll 1d6. If you roll lower than the Peaceful state of mind. You generally fail
number of Narcotics you consumed, you become 4 to perceive weapons or hostility and see
physiologically or psychologically dependant friendly intent in everyone you meet.
to one of the drugs you took, your choice.
Burst of inspiration. The GM gives you
insight into the motivations of characters
Addicted characters take 2 Doubt every 12 Turns 5
around you, and you can tell instantly if
if they don’t get their fix in that time. You can
anyone is lying.
spend 10 XP to remove an addiction.
You see beyond the veil, so your effective
Vigilance is doubled.
Abusing drugs is dangerous business. While it is Imagery
difficult to consume enough alcohol to pose an You see the world in cloaked in unnatural
emergency health risk in a war zone, and you can’t 1
overdose on marijuana or LSD, all other drugs 2 You see all movement as crawling insects.
have rough potential effects on their users.
You see dancing prisms of light and
Keep track of all the Uppers, Downers and Opiates formless shapes.
you’ve taken over the last 24 hours of game time. The world seems washed out and unreal,
Whenever you take an Upper or an Opiate, roll a like a painting.
Fortitude Check, with the Difficulty set to the 5 Colours seem too intense to be real.
number of drugs still in your system. If you fail,
Everything is seen as God-like figures and
you OD and take 2d3 Injury. On a FUBAR, you are 6
golden light.

You can, and should, overlap terrain types. The
deep jungle is Difficult, Obscuring Terrain.
The dense streets of Saigon are Hard Surface and
Every game starts with the Briefing, during
Obscuring Terrain, but the ruins of Hue would
which the GM lays out the Mission the players
add Broken Ground and Difficult Terrain to the
will undertake. During the Briefing, players
mix. A Swamp mixes Shallow Water and Difficult
will be presented with the Map that the game will
Terrain. Use as many as you need!
be p[ayed on, giving them a chance to understand
what they will be doing in a greater context.
Difficult Terrain
Thickets, forests, rubble.

Map Features Speed Down between 1-3.

When presenting the Map, the GM should lay out

major areas and landmarks, naming each location
Obscuring Terrain
Forests, tall grass, corn fields, reeds.
and giving a brief description. They should be
Reduced visibility.
ready to answer any questions the players have.

If there are any villages in the area, the GM Dead Ground

should tell the Squad a little about each one. Rice paddies, open streets, flat mowed lawns.
Are the occupants friendly or hostile to Allied Units cannot take Cover.
forces? Does the military have a prior history
with them? Are they armed? Broken Ground
Rock outcroppings, concrete ruins, craters.
Local villages are typically given code-names Add +1 to To-Hit of Infantry in area.
by American forces. Designating villages with
numbers, American city or state names, or the hARD Surface
phonetic alphabet can be easier for English- Concrete, asphalt, packed earth, bedrock.
speaking players to remember. Defensive Positions are twice as Difficult to
create. Vehicle Speed Doubled.
It is important to decide now what part of the
map features what terrain. Different areas on the Easy Trails
map can be marked with colours, patterns, or by Cobblestone, roads, maintained clearings.
circling areas. Clearings should be highlighted, Speed Up 2.
roads established, and hills marked. Don’t be
afraid to write on your map before or during play.
Shallow Water
Creeks, tributaries, ponds, rice paddies.
Mechanically, PATROL uses only a small number of
Speed Down 2. Ground Vehicles cannot cross.
terrain types to represent everything that isn’t
flat ground like fields, scrub, or dirt roads.
Deep Water
Terrain can be conditional. For example, rain can Ancient lakes, fast rivers, the ocean.
turn Flat Ground into muddy Difficult Terrain. Make a Swim Check, normal visibility.
Steep hills are Flat Ground if you are descending,
and Difficult Terrain if you are going up. IMpassible Terrain
Ridgelines, cliffs, large structures.
Generally impassible, blocks vision.

Structures Defensive OBstacles
Defensive Obstacles are how PATROL represents
The landscape of Vietnam is dotted in buildings modern fortifications like barbed wire and tank
of all sorts, from rural grass mat huts, wooden traps. Anti-Infantry (AI) and Anti-Vehicles (AV).
houses on the outskirts of cities, modern Obstacles take up a 10x10m space, though they may
structures in urban areas , old French plantation be laid out to provide a continuous line.
houses, trenches and bunkers of all sorts.
AI Obstacles will cause Speed Down 3, reduce the
Small Structures To-Hit of anyone who passes through by 1, and will
Huts, shanty-town hovels and other buildings prompt a Cross Obstacle Action, though infantry
that generally occupy less than a 10x10 meter can cut it, blow it open, or lay down on it with a
space are Small Structures. Small Structures Crush Obstacle Action. AV Obstacles simply stop
do not block line of sight; a moving person or vehicle movement dead.
a group of people can mostly see behind them
through parallax effect. Large Structure
A Large Structure is any building which...
Being inside a Small Structure gives you a Stealth
Rating of 5, representing how difficult it is to • Is a complete structure still mostly enclosed.
identify people inside the structures. You can • Has more than one room separated by a wall and
further hide yourself inside a structure with connected by one or more doors.
Conceal Actions and such. Tough Small Structures • Is not composed of large, empty spaces; an
also reduce Injury against incoming attacks like open aircraft hangar doesn’t count as a large
Defensive Positions via their Cover stat. structure.
If a person opens up a Small Structure, this Large structures include upper-class housing,
Stealth Rating is immediately negated for the apartment blocks, old French plantation manors,
intruders. Explosives thrown inside a Small office buildings and the insides of large ships.
Structure will only affect those inside it. They block line of sight, and are impassible
terrain if you don’t move through them directly,
Structure Toughness though you may be able to scale them.
This chart is a guide for destroying structures
with Arson/Fire Injury or Blast Injury. Add +1 to Large structures use their own internal maps. The
the Burn difficulty if it’s been raining. map doesn’t need to be detailed; all you need to
Type Cover Burn Blast know is where rooms are relative to one another,
and how they are connected to one another with
Grass Hut 0 1 3 doors and windows. Squares on graph paper will
Wooden House 0 2 5 do. If there are multiple stories, you need to
Old Stone 2 5 8 mark where the stairs or ladders are.
Modern Building 1 4 6 Rather than using distance, everything inside a
Concrete Bunker 4 - 8 Large Structure is measured in Rooms. Each Room
is essentially its own Small Structure with its
Defensive Positions own doors, which conceal people from other rooms.
Defensive Positions are structures representing
foxholes, slit trenches, bunkers and so forth. A Characters can move freely between any rooms as
Defensive Position is made of a Capacity, Level, Shifts, and can make attacks out of any room on
and Stealth Rating. the outside of the structure outward. Even if
there are no windows, troops can generally hack
The Capacity is how many people can fit in loopholes in the walls. These outer rooms also
a Position. If too many people try to enter a give +1 Cover; Large Structures are typically
position, roll Melee to determine who makes it. built tougher than smaller ones. As with all
attacks after Shifts, characters need to stay
The Level of a Position determines how hardened in the room they were in when they made their
it is. Each Level negates 1 Injury that the Attacks, but can otherwise act normally.
character would otherwise take from an attack.
Large Structures are destroyed room-by-room;
Defensive Positions made in the field are capped blast attacks will destroy the Room they are
at Level 3. Defensive Positions of level 4 or more targeted at, though an attack that inflicts twice
also count as Small Structures. as much Blast injury as the Room’s Blast limit
will destroy adjacent rooms as well. Fire will
Finally, the Stealth Rating of a Defensive Position destroy a room, then spread to adjacent rooms via
is automatically applied to the occupants, and doors and stairs. When half a structure’s Rooms,
conceals the defensive position itself. or an entire lower story has been destroyed, the
Structure collapses.
Room-to-Room Fighting Tunnel Complexes
When a unit Breaches a Large Structure and To insulate themselves from air and artillery
starts moving inside, the regular turn structure attack and move in secret, the Viet Cong dug huge
is put on hold while Room-to-Room Fighting is tunnel complexes all over the country, and were
resolved. You want to have everyone who is going more than happy to take advantage of Vietnam’s
into a large structure in position to Breach at extensive natural caves.
the same time, because they might not get a chance
to once Room-to-Room Fighting has begun. A Tunnel is treated like a Large Structure in
most respects, but is subject to some special
During Room-to-Room Fighting, the regular rules. Most notably, it is much more difficult to
rules of play change slightly. Everyone in a move in. Every time you make an action during
Room is considered one Unit, and Suppression is Room-to-Room fighting in a tunnel, you must
ignored in Room-to-Room. Additionally, the Turn roll a Tunnel Crawl Action. (See page 64) This
structure is temporarily suspended. Check uses the Weight of your gear (not including
your clothing and footwear) as its Difficulty, so
Room-to-Room Fighting is a series of short the more you take into a tunnel, the harder it is.
turns, called Steps, that take place inside one
regular Turn. Every room in the tunnel has a Width factor. A
tiny crawlspace might be 0 or 1, while a full-
The Breaching team goes first, selecting one sized hallway might be around 8. The average
option from this list. tunnel should be 3-5. Subtract the tunnel Width
• Move to an adjacent room. from your gear’s Weight when you make your
• Attacks or Interactions. Tunnel Crawl roll. You don’t need to roll if your
• Use a Free Action other than listed here. Difficulty is 0 or less.
• Set up Overwatch for the next Step.
• Leave the building. A tunnel’s entrances can be geographically
• Another Regular Action, then end their Turn. separated from one another, and unless otherwise
marked, all rooms in a tunnel are isolated from
Then it is their opponent’s Step. Go back and forth the outside; you can’t shoot in or out, unless they
until nobody can take a Step or all hostiles (from are special bunker areas.
any perspective) have been neutralized or driven
out of a building.

You can move into adjacent rooms if there is a

door, stairway, or other appropriate venue to do
so. Movement distance is not tracked.

Firing from one room to another is resolved as

Close-Range attacks. You can see through doors
and windows, allowing you to make attacks
normally, but you can also use Blind Fire to
shoot indiscriminately through walls into other

Crossfire still exists, and bullets pass easily

through partition walls. Draw a line on your
paper to see which rooms are affected, and factor
those characters in to your hit allocation.
However, the walls and objects in the way will
start to pile up, so every room past the first
you shoot through acts like 1 level of Defensive
Position, reducing a point of Injury. You can stop
counting crossfire after 3 rooms, or if there are
sufficiently thick walls at any point.

Grenades and heavy weapons can all be used as

normal. Blast weapons other than flamethrowers
will blow holes through walls when fired at them,
hitting everything in the rooms on either side.

If a character decides to make a Regular Action

that is not on the list or end their Turn, they
will take no more Steps this turn, and will resume
Room-to-Room fighting next Turn.
Time Conditions
The time period the mission will take place is The GM must also use this time to lay out the
critical, as the nature of the conflict changes conditions of the Mission and give a weather
drastically in the change between day and night. forecast for the relevant period of time. Of
During the day, Free World Forces effectively course, some of this information might be
rule the country, with aircraft easily capable inaccurate,, but it’s better than nothing.
of preventing troop movement. At night, rural
Vietnam becomes Charlie’s country. While Southeast Asia is a distinctly tropical
environment where wet jungle is dominate and
Remember to advance time each turn, and keep snow falls only rarely, at the highest altitudes,
track of the time of day. Characters are all rules for desert and snowfall are included here
presumed to be wearing timepieces. for completeness, alternate campaigns, and the
possibility of nuclear holocaust.
Default Conditions. All normal rules apply. Clear Skies
Default Conditions. All normal rules apply.
+2 to all Stealth Ratings. Cloudy
Night conditions count as Moonless Night.
Aircraft Altitude To-Hit modifiers doubled.
Waxing/Waning Moon
+5 to all Stealth Ratings.
Thick Fog
As Cloud, but Reduced Visibility in all Terrain.
Moonless Night
+7 to all Stealth Ratings.
Heat Wave
Thirst advances every 3 Turns instead of every 6.
Full Moon
+3 to all Stealth Ratings.
Cold Snap
In total, a full day has 22 Night turns, 22 Day Without appropriate shelter or protective
turns, and 4 Dawn/Dusk turns. clothing, Exhaustion advances every 3 Turns
instead of every 6. Characters who Rest or are
As Vietnam is very nearly equatorial, day and Incapacitated take Injury every 3 Turns.
night are always the same length. Dawn is from 5
am to 6 am, and Dusk is from 6pm to 7pm. Blizzard
As Cold Snap and Cloudy, but Speed Down 2.
Likewise, the lunar cycle is simplified. Each Visibility restricted to 10 meters. +2 to Flight
phase of the moon lasts 7 days, and goes in the Difficulty.
order Night, Moonless Night, Night, Full Moon.
The GM should specify the phase of the moon at
the start of the mission, and how long it will be Sandstorm
until it changes. As Heat Wave, but Speed Down 2. Visibility
restricted to 10 meters. +2 to Flight Difficulty.
Lighting may not always be totally consistent. A
city at night is brighter than a dark jungle, for Drizzle
example. Some buildings will be lit up at night, As Cloudy, but take 1 Doubt while without
while unlit tunnels will be dark in mid-day. shelter. Remove it when the rain stops or you
Stealth Ratings can be adjusted accordingly. find shelter.

The Date Thunderstorms

A solid date should be established. Little details As Cloudy, but take 3 Doubt while without
like what day of the week it is, how far into the shelter. Speed Down 1. Precision Fire will only
tour it is for the soldiers, and any holidays, both reduce your Stealth Rating by 2.
American and Vietnamese, that might coincide
with the mission can help give a sense of reality During rain, and for 6 Turns after, add +2 Difficult
to the world and get players invested. per person to any Prepare Position Action.

GMs should look up any historical events Another vital piece of information is the
that might have happened on the same date; direction of the wind, along the eight compass
introducing an issue like a pending election, a points. This is relevant for detection by scent
music festival, or a recent major protest can give and for the spread of fire. Charts to change the
players a jumping-off point for roleplaying. weather and wind are on page 150.
Though the jungle is not friendly to most vehicles,
Passengers and Crew
Vehicles have “slots” for characters to occupy.
Each unique set of slots has a short profile.
modern war still demands their inclusion.
The Role of the slot tells you what it does. The
Driver chooses where the vehicle goes, Gunners
Vehicle Basics shoot, and Loaders use Fire Assist actions for
A Vehicle is any multi-person transportation Gunners. Passengers are just along for the ride.
that moves under its own power. Bicycles, horse
carts and motorcycles are all equipment, but a The second is the Type; if the slot is In or On the
jeep, a tank or a motorboat are all vehicles. vehicle. In vehicles without armour, everyone
will just be On the vehicle, but you can be Inside a
Ground vehicles only work on land, Helicopters vehicle like a tank. People Outside can’t interact
and Planes fly, and Boats only work on water. with those Inside unless they have an Intercom
Amphibious vehicles treat water as Difficult Telephone and the vehicle is stationary.
If it is an Inside position, Visibility comes into
Vehicles have weight. Bigger vehicles can even play. This is a cap for the occupant’s Vigilance
tow or carry smaller ones! Don’t count the weight for the purposes of awareness, viewing range, and
inside a vehicle if you are towing it. Observation. If you pop the hatch, the Visibility
factor ceases to matter.
Vehicles are much more visible than infantry.
Unless they are Concealed, they can be seen 10 If there is a plus sign next to Visibility, the
times further away than infantry. All surface slot has a hatch which can be opened. This allows
vehicles have Flashlights in the form of a character to open the hatch and be “On” the
their headlights. At night, if they have their vehicle for certain purposes, including vision.
headlights off, a vehicle is restricted to Combat
Speed. Finally, the slot’s Capacity is how much Weight
total can occupy the slot, ie: the operator’s 20
Weight and their stuff. You can also fill this
slot with half this Capacity in gear.

Each slot has a list of equipment controlled

from that slot. For example, a slot might have the
vehicle’s main gun, radio, or smoke dispensers.

Gunners who control multiple weapons can fire

all of them as one Action at the same target. If you
have multiple guns, you can sacrifice 1 ammo and
give up the attack to range for your main guns,
Vehicle Profiles reducing To-Hit by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Vehicles have profiles, just like characters.
If a piece of equipment is marked with a plus
Speed tells you how fast a vehicle is. The first sign, you need to unbutton the hatch or be riding
number is Maximum Speed, while the second is On the vehicle to use it; a character riding atop
Combat Speed. Vehicles are limited to their Combat a tank can use the commander’s pintle-mounted
Speed in Difficult Terrain, and crew cannot make hatch gun, for example. Multi-part weapons do
Attacks if they move faster than Combat Speed. not need other components to work on a vehicle.

The two Fuel numbers are how often (in Turns) 1 You can interact with or perform actions on
Fuel is consumed, and how much fuel is carried. anybody sharing a vehicle with you.
Vehicles consume Fuel if they were active at all
since the last time they used Fuel. Slots will sometimes provide additional storage
space. For example, a Gunner or Loader slot could
Storage tells you how much Weight worth of gear have space for ammunition. This can only be used
you can stick in the trunk or hang on the outside. for the listed kind of storage.
You need to Retrieve this stuff to use it.

Armour protects a vehicle and makes it more Operating a Vehicle

difficult to damage. If a weapon doesn’t have The Driver or Pilot of a vehicle uses the Operate
Penetration equal or greater than the Armour, Vehicle action to move the vehicle from place to
the attack is completely ignored! place, moving up to their Speed and choosing a
compass direction to face at the end of the move.
Toughness is how robust and reliable a vehicle Gunners fire weapons using the appropriate
is. It’s rolled for vehicular Shock Checks. action.
Vehicles and Damage Though being Inside a vehicle protects you, if an
Every time a Vehicle takes a hit from a weapon attack pierces that armour, there is a chance you
that can pierce its Armour, it takes Damage. When will be hurt or killed.
a Vehicle takes Damage, it must immediately roll
a Shock Check, using its Toughness value. For every point of Damage taken by a Vehicle, a
random member of the crew Inside the vehicle
If a vehicle fails to get as many Successes as takes 1d3 Injury. So if a vehicle takes 3 Damage, 3
Damage taken, it is Disabled. Disabled vehicles hits are distributed. Roll Shock Checks for these
cannot be operated, though any external weapons Injuries immediately, as it may be relevant if the
like pintle machine-guns will still function. Vehicle catches fire.

Always use the basic To-Hit values against If a person Inside a vehicle has opened a hatch,
vehicles; they don’t take cover! they can be struck by an attack as though they
were On the vehicle. To represent the relative
If an attack Disables a vehicle, the Damage from safety of a hatch, these character count as being
that Attack will be the Difficult to repair it. in a Level 2 Defensive Position.
Vehicles never take Ongoing Damage. If you roll
FUBAR on your Shock Check, roll 2d6. Using a Vehicle as Cover
Infantry within 10m of a Vehicle are not part of
Roll Results
the same Unit; a Vehicle is always its own unit.
Track or wheel blown off. The vehicle is However, it the vehicle is friendly, and bulky
2-4 immobilized.
enough, they can use it as cover.
Eliminate one gun from the vehicle at
5-6 random. Infantry who move within 10m of a friendly or
Fuel leak! The vehicle loses 1d3 Fuel disabled vehicle can declare they are using
7 every Turn until repaired. the vehicle as cover. To do this, they must pick
a compass direction, indicating how they are
Fire! Everyone who is riding Inside the
positioning themselves to use the vehicle.
8+ vehicle must try to bail out. If they are
unable to do so, they burn to death.
Against any attack coming from that direction, or
adjacent compass directions, the Unit counts as
If a vehicle takes as much Damage in a single
occupying a Defensive Position of a Level equal
attack as its Toughness, don’t bother rolling; the
to the vehicle’s Armour.
Vehicle is Catastrophically Destroyed, reduced
to a completely unrecoverable, burnt out ruin at
best or simply shards of twisted metal at worst.
Vehicular Homicide
If you move through a Unit, you can attempt to run
them down. The driver makes an Operate Vehicle
Characters who are On a vehicle are subject to
check, opposed against the Fort of everyone in
Suppression. Characters Inside a vehicle ignore
the Unit. Infantry who get lose the Check take 1d3
normal Suppression rules, but must either Button
+ 1/100th (rounding up) your vehicle’s Weight in
Up or Bail Out if they hit 5 Suppression. Vehicles
themselves don’t take Suppression.
Defensive Positions still reduce these Injuries.
Tanks are always most thickly armoured up front.
However, if you have a vehicle with a Weight
Attacks that come from 90 degrees or more to either
over 300, a driver can collapse foxholes as they
side count their armour as 1 less. Characters
cross them by turning in place, spending 50m of
Inside vehicles with Armour ignore chemical
movement allowance. This kills 1d3 occupants.
attacks so long as the hatches are closed.
When running people down, unarmoured vehicle
Crew and Damage takes 1 Damage for each struck target and stop in
Characters who are On a vehicle have a chance place. You can only try to run down a given Unit
of being hit by attacks directed at the vehicle. once per Turn.
When attacks are made, treat them as being part
of a Unit with the vehicle, so roll to see who Any incapacitated, immobilized, restrained or
gets hit by the attack between the vehicle and consenting characters run down by a tank or
each of the characters riding On the vehicle. No similar are instantly killed.
matter what you actually roll, the vehicle itself
is always hit; you are just checking to see if the You can ram other vehicles or buildings if you
characters On the vehicle are hit as well. start your movement at least 100m away. Roll
1/100th of a vehicle’s Weight + Toughness, or a
Characters who are On a vehicle if it is structure’s Blast for each participant. Each 6 is
Catastrophically Destroyed are also killed, but 1 point of Damage taken by the other. Armoured
they generally leave bodies behind. Crew Inside vehicles succeed on 5s. If a Building takes more
such a vehicle are not so lucky. Damage than their Cover, it collapses.
Aircraft Aircraft Basics
Aircraft Speed, like vehicle Speed, is presented
Aircraft come in two kinds in PATROL; helicopters as two numbers. These two numbers are the
and planes. You’ll mostly be interacting with Minimum and Maximum Speed of the aircraft, as
copters, but occasionally planes will be relevant. unlike ground vehicles, Aircraft don’t encounter
Usually when they dump bombs onto people. Difficult Terrain (Well, they might, but this is
In almost all respects, aircraft are vehicles. usually the end of the aircraft.)
They have profiles like vehicles and operate
similar to them in all respects. All aircraft which aren’t Landed, even
Helicopters, must move at least the Minimum
speed from their starting location in a turn.
Altitude Your turn must end with you at least this far away
To represent the various levels an aircraft might from your starting location. Additionally, the
be flying, they have Altitude Bands, which make Turn an Aircraft first takes off, they can only
it harder both to hit and be hit by weapons and move their Minimum Speed as they gain altitude.
set the difficulty for parachute jumps.
Aircraft ignore the Combat Speed rules; they can
Falling from any higher than Treetop is instantly always attack with their weapons at any speed.
lethal; Treetop will just inflict 1d3 Injury,
providing you fell from a copter. Falling from Usually, the pilot of the aircraft also controls
a speeding plane at Treetop will still kill you. the guns. This means that aircraft pilots are one
Altitude To-Hit Deviation Jump of the very few circumstances in the entire game
Landed 0 - - where one character can both move and shoot at
the same time.
Treetop +1 20m -
Low +2 50m 3 Many planes have co-pilots. These are basically
second drivers; they can take over flying the
High +3 100m 2
plane for the pilot, but they both can’t fly on the
Distant +4 500m 1 same turn. They might also operate weapons.

Each Altitude band also corresponds to a range Aircraft have a Difficulty associated with their
band. Treetop is Close, Low is Medium, and so operation. Though this is usually very low, you’ll
forth. You cannot hit a Distant plane unless your need to roll this every turn while piloting, or
weapon can fire to at least Near range. your aircraft loses one level of Altitude from
your mistakes. If you are flying close to the
Shooting men on the ground is like shooting fish
ground, this can mean disaster.
in a barrel. At Treetop height, Door Gunners and
Passengers with small arms reduce their To-Hit
A disabled aircraft is generally doomed. If the
against ground targets by 1, and they ignore up
pilot is still conscious, they can try to steer the
to 2 points of Defensive Position. Use common
aircraft into a controlled descent; make a Check
sense, though; you can’t fire a rocket launcher or
using the Jump Difficulty of your Altitude. If
flamethrower from a helicopter!
you are successful, you crash land “safely”. If you
Aircraft can transition up or down one altitude fail, you just crash, and everyone dies. A FUBAR
band in a Turn. All aircraft have a “ceiling” means everyone takes 1d6 Injury on the landing.
which they cannot fly higher than.
A Helicopter can land in any 10x10 area of clear
To mitigate the difficulties of attacking terrain, or test Toughness to try to cut a hole
aircraft, use Overwatch actions such as “Fire through the trees, Difficulty 2. It crashes if
when an aircraft comes close to our position.” it fails. A Plane must land at an established
airstrip of some kind, or it counts as a crash
landing as above.

Dropping Bombs
A speciality of aircraft is dropping bombs on
things. A Bomb is a Shell from the Munitions
which is dropped instead of shot!

Dropping a bomb is basically a Bombard action.

The range of this attack is 0; you are passing
overhead whatever you are attacking. The attack’s
To-Hit Difficulty and Deviation is derived from
your Altitude. If you drop more than one of the
same kind of bomb in an attack, it counts as second
shot in the same Bombard Action.
Vehicle Example Jordan: “Okay, great, but what about their tank?
I don’t want it shooting back at us, we’re not that
Jordan and Chris are playing in Juliet’s game tough!”
as ARVN tankers in an M42 Walker Bulldog, with
Jordan controlling the driver and commander and Juliet: “You’ll need to wait. Their gunner had
Chris the gunner and loader. They are tasked with an overwatch action to fire at any threats that
supporting an infantry platoon and driving an appeared, and you just became visible after that
NVA mechanized unit out of a valley. shot. So the turret tracks around and it kicks a
shot your way.”
Juliet: “The platoon leader’s radio crackles, a
report from the squad in the valley. An NVA unit Jordan: “Oh crap.”
has been sighted moving down the main road, two
trucks with infantry and a light tank, with two Juliet rolls her dice, and then damage.
squads of infantry ranging ahead.”
Juliet: “You hear an almighty clang against the
Jordan: “That’s our cue. We should probably saddle outside of your vehicle from it’s shell that makes
up, so my guys get into their tank.” your ears ring and you are all buffeted about, but
the armour holds. I just need to roll the scatter.”
Chris: “As do mine. This is going to be awesome.”
Jordan: “Oh no, my hatch is still open. My
Jordan: “My commander is going to leave the commander guy might get hit!”
hatch open so he can talk to their guys and use
the pintle gun. He’s going to offer the LT and his Juliet: “Well, you don’t fortunately, but the
radioguy a ride on the tank to get in good with platoon leader isn’t so lucky. The shell ricochets
him, just in case.” off the leading edge of the turret and takes his
head straight off.”
Juliet: “He graciously accepts, and his assistant,
radioman and two riflemen pile on. Everyone else Chris: “Gross. Well, it’s payback time.”
files behind the tank to move out.”
He rolls again. An appreciable number of successes
Jordan: “Alright, let’s get moving. We’ll drive to come up.
the bend in the road at infantry walking pace so
we’ll be able to see them coming down the road, Juliet: “The attack punches through the tank’s
turn to face them, and shoot them up.” armour and leaves a smoking hole. A few seconds
later, something catches fire inside the tank. The
Juliet: “You grind your way down the road, top hatch opens, but only one crewman escapes.”
conversing with the lieutenant. As you come to the
edge of the road, you can see down in the valley, Chris: “Well, that’s what you get.”
and there, about four hundred meters away, is the
enemy convoy coming more or less straight at you. The battle continues for a few turns, with the
They can’t see you yet in the treeline, but they’re remaining NVA forces trying to push up on the
coming.” ARVN position. Despite the best efforts of the
tank, they are gaining ground and it looks like
Chris: “Alright, I’m going to put some high they’ll be overrun.
explosive into the truck at the back, and then
shoot the light tank with anti-tank. Lets start Jordan: “Alright, those NVA guys are getting a
with the truck.” little too close. I’m going to shut the commander
hatch, and I think we should didi out next turn.”
Chris rolls, and a great many sixes come up.
Juliet: “On their turn, you hear something
Juliet: “This is a Blast Attack against a vehicle, clattering across the hull of the tank, moving
so those extra Successes are bonus damage there towards the turret. There’s banging on your
for when you roll that, but it also means a bunch hatches, and then something cracks outside.
of extra hits on the guys on the vehicle.” They’ve planted a bomb! It pierces the armour and
wounds... the loader for 2 and the driver for 1.
Chris rolls damage. Roll your Shock Check, and crash helmets if you
have them.”
Chris: “I don’t think it’s going to matter much. I
think I just turned this truck into scrap metal.” Jordan rolls for the tank, and not a lot of sixes
come up.
Juliet: “Indeed you do. It goes up in a massive
fireball, Catastrophically Destroyed, so nobody Jordan: “Okay, well, good news and bad news. The
on or in it is going to be in much shape to do good news is, the tank isn’t on fire. The bad news
anything.” is, we just got downgraded to bunker...”

If you play the K9 Handler class, you are
By default, a Dog will just follow their Handler
closely, keep their ears open for anything
accompanied by a Working Dog, an NPC with their dangerous, and defend themselves and their
own profile which follows your Commands. handler in melee. If they get hungry and are not
fed, they will usually Forage on their own. If
you want your dog to do any more than that, the
Dog Profiles handler needs to use Commands.
Your dog is an NPC character just like human
characters, though with a few restrictions. Dogs
Commands are a kind of Skill that, rather than
don’t have the Proficiency attribute, as they
affecting your Checks, allows you to give orders
don’t use equipment.
to your Working Dog. Like Skills, they cost 3 XP
each to teach your Dog.
When you create your character, create a Working
Dog profile as well. They’ll need a name, and will
Commands are recorded on the sheet of both the
receive a rank one higher than their Handler.
Dog and the Handler. If a Dog should be replaced
Divide 18 points between Fortitude and Vigilance,
with another, it’ll only cost the handler 1 XP to
minimum 5 in either stat. Their MOS is Dog.
train the new Dog in a Command the Handler knows.
All Dogs have the following Skills: Observation,
Commands need to be delivered verbally, so the
Guard, Aquatic, Bloodlust, Melee (Teeth), Fleet
Dog generally has to be part of the same Unit.
Footed, Stealth. They cannot learn more Skills,
Even with commands, Working Dogs will not leave
but their handler can spend XP to upgrade their
direct line of sight with their handler if they
can help it.
Dogs can only ever carry one piece of Equipment
at a time of up to 5 Weight, and they cannot use Recall
any equipment they pick up, just carry it around. The Dog will try to return to the same Unit as
They can’t wear items, fire guns, or anything like the Handler. Usually given by whistle.
that. They obviously cannot communicate with
humans, but are capable of indicating direction Fetch
or signalling a threat. Order the dog to leave the unit to retrieve a
piece of equipment from the ground or a corpse,
Dogs have Teeth, giving them +3 in Melee. Their then carry it back to the Unit.
sharp sense of smell lets them follow the Tracks
of a Unit twice as long as others.
Working Dogs have a Status Effect sheet, and they The Dog will act as a sentry until ordered
get hungry, thirsty and tired like any other otherwise, using the Sentry action every turn.
character. However, their Doubt is always the
same as the Doubt of their handler, rather than Maul
being handled independently. Order the dog to leave the unit and charge
at a person. The Dog will attempt to subdue
Working Dogs all have the same Alignment, which the person without killing them with a non-
is “Loyal”. Their only goal is to please their lethal melee attack. They will then guard the
handler, and they are completely devoted to them. prisoner until you catch up.
Their behaviour will usually echo the Alignment
of their handler. Dogs do not receive XP.
As per Maul, but the dog goes for the throat.
All Working Dogs will instinctively defend
themselves or attack anyone who attacks their
handler. They are trained to be wary around Find
anything that might resemble a mine and to If you have a piece of equipment that belonged
signal to their trainer, so the Dog finding a Trap to somebody, your dog can point you at him.
is treated the same way as any other member of the Essentially, you can Track just that one person
group doing the same. specifically now.

Sadly, most of the service animals used in the Go Home

Vietnam War were left behind when US forces You tell the dog to get back to your base or
pulled out, due to fears that the dogs could be landing site as fast as they can, perhaps while
a danger to handlers and civilians back in the carrying something. This can be a good way to
States. Protests from animal rights groups and deliver a message in an emergency, or get a dog
veterans saw this policy discontinued for future out of danger.

In addition to military Working Dogs, players can
The Asian Elephant is native to Vietnam, and is
used by locals as a kind of organic bulldozer. A
expect to encounter a number of other animals, prosperous village’s elephant is probably their
both wild and domesticated. Vietnam is a heavily most valuable piece of equipment. Early in the
impoverished country still heavily dependant on war, both sides used them as pack animals; the
animal power for farm labour and transportation. North used them to pull loads across the Ho Chi
Mihn Trail, while the South used them for patrols.
Animals are NPCs without a Proficiency attribute,
like dogs. Some are hostile, some have utility, Elephants have Fortitude 30 and 8 Vigilance.
and some are both. Most small creatures like They can carry or pull up to 200 Weight, with a
snakes, monkeys and insects don’t have profiles; maximum of 3 riders. Thanks to their huge bulk,
they can just be added to scenes for character. they inflict double injury in Melee, and receive
-1 Injury from all sources.
If your mount makes a Regular Action, that counts
as your Regular Action for the Turn. Non-Dog The equipment they carry doesn’t really add much
animals, and characters riding animals, always to their existing bulk, so Elephants always move
count their To-Hit values as -1 as if they were at the same pace.
unaware, as they can’t take cover very well. Weight Full Half Shift Swim
- 500m 250m 100m 2
Though cars, bicycles and scooters have almost
entirely displaced horses in Vietnam, you’ll still
Probably the most feared creature in Vietnam,
see the occasional rural militia patrolling on
tigers are silent predators which stalk the bush
horseback, and the creatures are somewhat common
throughout the country. For the most part, tigers
in the boonies, pulling wagons or lending muscle
leave humans alone and vis versa, but every once
power to farm machinery.
in a while a tiger gets the taste for human flesh.
Rumours of a man-eating tiger on the loose can
A Horse has Fortitude 15 and Vigilance 7. They can
lead to something of a cease fire on the front
carry up to 100 Weight in the form of riders and
lines as both sides try desperately to hunt down
their gear, equipment stowed in saddlebags, or in
the murderous beast.
a Wagon. They use the following move speed chart.
Weight Full Half Shift Swim Tigers are Fortitude 10 and Vigilance 10. They
<10 2000m 600m 300m 1 move 600m over any terrain, losing 100m for every
point of Injury, and always Infiltrate. Their
11-25 1500m 500m 250m 2 Swim Difficulty is always 1. Their claws give
26-35 1200m 400m 200m 3 them +5 in Melee, they have natural Tiger Stripe
36-55 700m 300m 150m 4 camouflage, and the skills Aquatic, Stealth,
Melee (Claws), Fleet-Footed and Bloodlust.
56+ 400m 200m 100m 5
Tigers are lethargic during the day and hunt at
Horses make Half-Moves instead of Shifts when night. All tigers are shy of direct human contact,
Charging on flat ground. Fire or 3+ Injury will but man-eating tigers will often stalk a group
spook them and cause them to Flee. as they move. During the day they will attack
stragglers or isolated humans, and at night they
Pack Animals will attempt to attack when the group is asleep,
Mules, oxen, and similar creatures are common quickly killing and dragging off one victim.
in rural Vietnam. These creatures generally
don’t take well to being ridden, or don’t provide
enough benefit to be worth tracking, but they are
great for moving equipment. Treat them as horses
for the purposes of carrying or pulling Weight.
Weight Full Half Shift Swim
<10 1000m 500m 300m 1
11-20 800m 400m 200m 2
21-30 600m 300m 150m 3
31-50 500m 250m 100m 4
51+ 400m 150m 25m 5

A Mission concludes when the player characters
A Recommendation is a note in your report of the
unusual heroism or superb conduct of a member of
have been extracted from (or have otherwise left) your Squad, putting them in for a decoration to
the mission area and returned to their base or recognize their contribution.
outfit. After turning in their broken equipment,
getting treated for their injuries, and getting a Identify up to 2 squadmates and then choose
well deserved shower and rest, the members of the the awards from the list below that you believe
Squad are expected to turn in a Report. they deserve. You can write Recommendations for
deceased characters.

After-Action Report Purple Heart

After-Action Reports are how the Army keeps track 5 Victory Points
the progress of the war, and so are utterly vital You should recommend a Purple Heart for
to the process. It is also how acts of gallantry members of your squad who are badly wounded
and violations of military law are ascertained. in the line of duty. Give this to the member
Thus, it is of critical importance that everyone of your Squad who pulled through despite
drafts a Report. Everyone should take a small the odds.
piece of paper and a pencil and fill their reports
out in silence. Communication or collaboration
during the writing of reports is not tolerated. Soldier’s Medal
5 Victory Points
In PATROL, you of course don’t have to summarize You should recommend a Soldier’s Medal
any of the events or objectives you tackled during for acts of courage, leadership or empathy
your Mission; fortunately for you, your character outside of a direct combat situation. Give
does all the heavy lifting on that front. All you this to the member of your Squad who made a
need to do is write about your comrades in two difference without using their weapon.
ways; Accusations and Recommendations. These
can only be done for your squadmates; you cannot Bronze Star
give yourself recommendations, or turn yourself 6 Victory Points
in, for that matter. You should recommend a Bronze Star for
initiative and intelligence in engaging
Reports can be written at the table, in which case with the enemy. Give this to the member of
everyone should write them quietly on a piece your squad who used their brains to get
of paper, but if you’ve run out of time at the end ahead, and got away with it.
of the day, you can relay your reports through
email. This method also allows more time for
private scheming and negotiation, not that you
Silver Star
8 Victory Points
should be doing those things for official Army
You should recommend a Silver Star for
ruthlessness in persecuting the enemy.
Give this to the member of your squad who
If your character was KIA, MIA or taken prisoner
consciously took actions that resulted
during the Mission, you don’t get to write a
in extraordinary destruction of enemy
report. If you played multiple characters, only
equipment and personnel.
the last one you played gets to make a report.

Accusations Distinguished Service Cross

10 Victory Points
An Accusation is a note in your report that a
Automatic Promotion
member of your Squad has broken the military
You should recommend a Distinguished
Code of Conduct during the course of the mission.
Service Cross for extreme gallantry and
The military recognizes that this is a very
courage in the face of the enemy. Give this
serious affair, and that it is difficult to report
to the member of your squad who lead from
the wrongdoings of your comrades. However, we
the front and took bold action at every turn.
are fighting a battle of hearts and minds and it
is important to hold our own accountable. False
reports will not be tolerated, but substantiated Congressional Medal of Honour
reports will be rewarded in order to incentivize 20 Victory Points
honesty. Double Automatic Promotion
The very highest honour the United States
To make an Accusation, simply name the offender, Military can issue, you should only
and indicate which rule they violated. You can recommend a Medal of Honour for extreme
make any number of Accusations. selflessness, courage, and persistence.
There is a reason that most Medals of Honour
are issued posthumously.
Resolving Reports In between missions, you can always trade in any
In order for a Report to have any effect, it has piece of 0-XP Equipment for any other piece. This
to be substantiated; more than one member of lets you rearrange your kit to suit new Missions.
the Squad has to make the same Accusation or You can also keep any gear you took on the field.
Recommendation in their Report.
Negative XP
Therefore, Reports are cross-referenced. For If you have more Fatigue than VPs, your character
Recommendations, if two or more people have degrades as hardship takes a toll on them. You
made the same Recommendation, award the medal! must make up the difference in XP by reducing
The only exception is the Medal of Honour; every your Attributes or losing a Skill. You can also
member of the Squad except the recipient must voluntarily take an addiction to a Narcotic,
recommend that medal for it to be issued. worth 4 XP.

If a deceased character receives a medal, then You may retire a character if any of your
that player’s next character gets half the VPs Attributes falls below 5.
(rounding up) as Experience Points during
character creation. Trauma
Fatigue doesn’t just go away. As your character
If an Accusation is substantiated, then the experiences more Missions, they gradually
accused character is in trouble; all the Victory become hardened to the world, represented with
Points they got for this session are split up Trauma.
between the accusers instead.
Trauma is effectively a new minimum Fatigue
If an Accusation is not substantiated, the accuser value for your character. No matter what your
loses the VPs for completing Objectives on the Status Effects are, your Fatigue always counts
mission, though they keep any extra VPs. being at least this value for the purposes of XP
calculation and the VP chart.
In Between Missions At the end of your Mission, add 1/4th of your
The only thing left to do is to see what effects the Fatigue (rounding up) to your Trauma value. Your
mission has had on the members of the Squad. This Fatigue then returns to 0.
means figuring out how much XP everyone got, or
conversely, how much they lost. If your Trauma ever reaches 12 or higher, you’ll
be removed from duty as a psychological casualty.
Surviving a Mission and getting back to base Roll a new character.
grants you 3 XP. Everything else has to be earned
through your actions on the field.
Reducing Trauma
The XP you earn is equal to the difference between If you are accruing too much Trauma, you can get
your Victory Points and your Fatigue at the end rid of it in two ways. First, you can spend XP to
of the Mission. If you have more VPs than Fatigue, get rid of it. Every 2 XP spent removes 1 point of
you’ve come out of the experience stronger, more Trauma.
aware, more skilled and less inhibited. You are a
better soldier, if not a better person. Alternatively, after any Mission where you
received fewer Victory Points than Fatigue, you
can remove all your Trauma by changing your
Spending your XP Alignment. A character can only change Alignment
Before your next Mission, you can spend your once in a campaign, though there may be special
bonus XP for new Skills and Equipment, exactly exceptions at GM discretion.
like you did during Character Creation, or to
improve your Attributes. This change in Alignment can represent many
things, like a Idealistic character losing their
The XP cost to improve an Attribute varies faith in God or Humanity, a Righteous character
depending on your current Attribute score. It is becoming disillusioned with their cause, or
generally easier to improve lesser skills. an Egocentric character having a painful
revelatory moment.
Attribute XP for +1
<8 1 Getting Short
9-12 2 After you’ve served a few Missions, you and the
GM might decide your character is approaching
13-16 3 the end of their tour. Run one last mission as a
17+ 4 short-timer. If they make it home, transfer all
their XP and VP to their replacement.

EScape Artist
You can break these cuffs.
Applies to the Escape Restraint Action.

You’re as at home on water as on land.

Applies to Swim Actions. Enemy Equipment (Type)
You understand your way around various Soviet
and Chinese weapons nearly as well as their
Basic Medical American counterparts and are well aware of
You know just enough about the human body to
their quirks.
probably not kill the person you are trying to
You treat this type of Enemy Equipment as your
own for the purposes of Weapon Skills.
Applies to the Stem Bleeding Action.

Bloodlust EnGlish/French/Korean
You want nothing more than to get to grips with You know enough of the language of the Westerners
the enemy. to get by.
Applies to the Charge Action. Select one. Works like Local Language for
Vietnamese speakers.

Cold Blooded
You’ve shot a lot of people, and the only thing Explosives
you’ve ever felt is recoil. You love nothing more in the universe than
Applies to the Execute Action. Off-limits to explosions. The bigger, the better.
Idealistic characters. Applies to the Blast Attacks rolled with Mines
and Claymores, and the Throw Grenade attacks
used with Satchel Charges.
You know the basic principles of keeping
something hidden; use lots of branches and lots E-War
of green paint. You have the latest NSA-approved training in
Applies to the Conceal Position and Conceal electronic surveillance techniques.
Vehicle Actions. Applies to Intercept Tranmission Actions.

DEfuse Fleet Footed

You’ve got the iron will it takes to stare down You know when you’ve overstayed your welcome.
several pounds of explosives and make the call to Applies to the Flee Action.
cut the red wire.
Applies to the Disable Trap Action. Forward Air Controller
You know the skies better than the flyboys
Diplomacy themselves. Thanks to you, supplies will never
You always seem to know just what to say to get fall far and ordnance will never fall close.
what you want out of a conversation. Applies to rolling any checks for aircraft,
Applies to Negotiate and Opposed Negotiate including Spot Target.
Forward OBserver
Drive/Fly (Vehicle) You can walk mortar fire across anything. Hell,
You might not have your license, but you can make you can make it tap-dance.
this vehicle do what you like. You know the gas Applies to the Spot Target Action for artillery.
and brakes, or the ups and downs for aircraft. The
gentle, controlled downs, hopefully. (Type) Grenade
Applies to many Actions related to the chosen You have a good throwing arm, and you know to
vehicle. Specify a vehicle when taken. pull the pin, then throw.
Applies to Throw Grenade attacks, at any range,
Eagle-Eyed using the listed type of Grenade (ie: Hand,
Your keen eyes can distinguish between a weapon Rifle, Launcher or Rocket) of any type.
and a farming tool, or a bomb and a piece of debris
on the side of the road. Molotov Cocktails use the Pyromania skill,
Applies to Search and Observe actions. and Satchel Charges use the Explosive skill.

Electronics Handyman
You know your way around the dials and You can, with a wrench and a little elbow grease,
frequencies, encryption and moon-bounce. As long make anything work (or stop working) with ease.
as you have batteries, the signal can’t be stopped. Applies to the Repair, Sabotage Vehicle and
Applies to the Adjust Frequency Actions. Pry Hatch Actions.
Guard SCuBa Certified
You have the capacity to stay awake and the basic You’re as at home on water as on land.
ability to pay attention to things around you, Required to use SCUBA gear.
traits that are both vital and shockingly rare.
Applies to the Sentry Action. Silent Killer
You’ve learned how to kill up close and silent,
Interrogate close enough to feel their last breath.
You have a hacksaw and you are running out of Applies to the Assassinate Action.
time. They don’t start talking in the next few
minutes, you can’t be held responsible. Stealth
Applies to the Interrogate actions. You know how to remain unseen and unheard, even
on the move, and remain still and quiet even as
Jump Training boots fall within inches of you.
You’ve taken off in more planes than you’ve landed Applies to the Conceal Self Action.
Applies to Parachute Actions. Survivalist
You know which mushrooms are safe to eat, and
Local Language which are fun to eat.
You know your way around some of the basics of the Applies to the Forage action.
lingo used by the villagers in this area. Enough
that you can get basic concepts across, at least. Tolerance
Select if Vietnamese, Indigenous or other. You’ve done things to your body that would
Applies to Communicate Actions. Allows probably kill a lesser man.
interactions with non-English speakers Applies to the Fortitude Check taken when one
without the use of a phrasebook or interpreter. uses Narcotics.

Medicine Tough Nut

You’re basically the town doctor for your unit You’ll crack eventually, but it’ll take you a while.
and the locals. You’ve treated malaria, handed out Maybe long enough for help to arrive.
a variety of multicoloured tablets and maybe even Applies to Opposed Interrogate actions.
played midwife a few times.
Applies To the Administer Care and Transfusion
Actions. Trapper
You know how to set up a mine to go unseen and to
do the most damage possible, and where to set it up
Melee (Weapon) to ensure it finds a worthy target.
You aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty. Applies to any Set Trap Actions.
Applies to Melee fighting with this weapon.

Trauma Care
Prepare Position You are a trusted first responder who can clamp
You know all about cover vs concealment, moving an artery, apply a tourniquet and treat a sucking
piles of dirt, and you’re considering a doctorate chest wound well enough for your patient to get
in South-East Asian pedology after the war. to a real doctor.
Applies to Prepare Position. Applies to the Treat Injury and Revive Person
You have friends who live in your head. They tell TUnnel Rat
you to burn things. You have many skills related to moving through
Applies to Arson actions and Throw Grenade tight underground spaces... the best of which is
with Molotov Cocktails. Inappropriately probably your small stature.
lighting fires gives you 1 VP. Applies to the Tunnel Crawl Action.

Scrambling Weapon (Range)

You know how to get exactly the right frequency You’ve trained hard with this weapon. You can
of incredibly infuriating white noise into the disassemble and reassemble it blindfolded and
receiver of every radio for miles, and sometimes, know its every quirk. There are many like it, but
you even use it for useful purposes. this one is yours.
Applies to the Scramble Signal Action. Applies to any Attack with this weapon at
the listed range, as well as any Clear Action
involving this weapon. Does not apply to the
Enemy versions of weapons.

Equipment And Personal Actions
Rest Quick Retrieve
You take five. You pluck something off the ground.
Attribute - Difficulty - Attribute - Difficulty -
Length Regular Skill - Length Minor Skill -
Requirements Requirements
Not in Melee or being fired upon. Within 10 meters of loose equipment, consenting,
Effects restrained or incapacitated characters, or
Vigilance to 0. After 2 successful consecutive bodies.
Rest actions, remove 1 Exhaustion. Don’t take Effects
Exhaustion if you’ve Rested 2+ turns in a row. You can pick up a single item as per a Police
Manage Equipment
You take a drink from your canteen, trade off Escape Restraints
some gear, and drop some excess load. You slip your cuffs.
Attribute - Difficulty - Attribute Fortitude Difficulty 2
Length Free Skill - Escape
Length Minor Skill
Requirements Artist
None. Requirements
Effects Restrained.
As a Free Action, you can drop, trade or activate Effects
any item. You can also consume an item and apply Roll a Fortitude Check.
the listed effects. Successes
You manage to pry off your restraints.
Though this is a Free Action, you can only FUBAR
consume 1 piece each of food or drink per Turn. You hurt yourself trying to pull loose,
causing 1 Injury.
With the consent of another character, or if
they are Incapacitated, you can Manage other Clear
character’s equipment or use their supplies on You get your weapon back in working order.
yourself or them.
Attribute Proficiency Difficulty 1
Police Length Regular Skill Weapon
You manage fallen equipment, wrangle prisoners, Requirements
and take the gear you need off the dead. A jammed Firearm.
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty - Effects
This action restores a weapon to working order
Length Regular Skill - after a FUBAR roll. Make a Proficiency Check.
Requirements Successes
Within 10m of equipment, consenting, restrained If you achieve Minimum Successes, you
or incapacitated characters, or bodies. restore the weapon to working order.
Effects FUBAR
You can take the Equipment from up to 2 people, You destroy the weapon attempting to fix it.
pick up discarded items, apply Restraints to a
person, and/or pick up a person or body. Dispose
You destroy a piece of equipment to deny it to
A body weighs 20 + Equipment. the enemy.
Give Command Attribute Fortitude Difficulty Variable
You give an order to your canine. Length Regular Skill -
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty -
Holding the equipment.
Length Regular Skill - Effects
Requirements Make a Fortitude Check. You can destroy up to 2
Within 10m of your Working Dog. x Successes Weight of gear in one turn. Larger
Effects pieces of gear might require some intervention.
Select a Command from your list. The dog will
then attempt to perform that action.

Radio Actions
Adjust Frequency Intercept Transmission
You tune in to talk to somebody far away. You surreptitiously tap into enemy channels
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty KM to Target and listen to their chatter.
Length Regular Skill Electronics Attribute Vigilance Difficulty Opposed
Requirements Length Regular Skill E-War
Not in Melee, a working radio transmitter. Requirements
Effects A working Radio Backpack.
Choose a target radio and make an Vigilance Effects
Check. Each character targeted makes their own This action can be used to intercept signals
Opposed Vigilance Check. being sent and received by another radio. Make
Successes an Adjust Frequency Action to connect to the
If you pass the Check, you establish contact target radio, then make an Opposed Vigilance
to the Target through the Radio. Check. The target is not aware of the inception;
FUBAR roll their Check in secret.
One way signal. You can transmit to the Successes
target, but they can’t respond until you If the interceptor gets more Successes, they
reestablish the connection. are able to hear all communication that
passes over that radio. This may require a
The difficulty of the Check is your distance Communicate Check to understand foreign
in kilometres from the target. The number language transmissions.
of Successes you roll is the total number of FUBAR
kilometers you can move away from your target If you are intercepting, your effort is
before the connection is broken. revealed and the target is made aware that
you are attempting to intercept their
Add +2 Difficulty to contact units you haven’t transmission. They do not necessarily know
got a frequency for and +2 for enemy radios. if you succeeded.

You can also use this Action to tune in to You will continue to passively intercept
various radio channels and even TV audio, if transmissions until you make another Radio
you want to passively listen to some music or Action or they Adjust Frequency.

ScramBle Signal
You flood the airwaves with an overpowering
signal to prevent the enemy from making radio
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty 1
Length Regular Skill Scrambling
A working Radio Backpack.
This action can be used to prevent the use of
radios near your location. Make a Vigilance
Every Success negates a Success on Adjust
Frequency actions for radios within 2 km.
Welp, you accidentally burnt out your radio.
You can repair it with 2 Successes on a Repair

This will also reduce the range of radios

within 2 kilometers with existing connections
by 1 kilometer for each success, potentially
causing a drop in connection.

Movement Actions
march Infiltrate
You move at a brisk pace that strikes a balance You move stealthily through the undergrowth,
between exertion and ground covered. doing your best to stay out of sight.
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty - Attribute Fortitude Difficulty -
Length Regular Skill - Length Regular Skill -
Requirements Requirements
On foot. On foot. Were not fired on last Turn.
Effects Effects
Make a Full Move. Makes a free Conceal Action on yourself. You
can then make a Half Move.
Quick March
You move at double-time, sacrificing awareness Contact Distance is reduced to 100m. If you
for speed. Attack on Contact, it will not be Blind Fire.
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty - Walking Fire
Length Regular Skill - You put down a volley of fire as you move,
Requirements covering your advance or retreat.
On foot. Attribute Fortitude Difficulty -
Length Regular Skill -
Make two March Actions in a row. Reduce
Vigilance by 5 until next turn. If you make Requirements
Contact, you stop, but do not get free Actions. On foot, open terrain, a visible target, a weapon
capable of Suppressive Fire.
Flee Effects
You run like the devil was chasing you. Choose a target and make a Half Move. You can
make one Suppressive Fire, Throw Grenade or
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty - Blast Attack Action along your move.
Length Regular Skill Fleet-Footed
Requirements Increase the To-Hit difficulty by 1, and reduce
On foot, enemy visible. your own To-Hit Difficulty by 1 next Turn.
Make a Fortitude Check. Ignore Contact and
Cross Wire
Suppression. Your effective Vigilance is 0 You attempt to crawl through barbed wire.
during the move. Attribute Fortitude Difficulty 2
Successes Length Free Skill Stealth
Make 1 Shift away from the enemy per Success.
FUBAR Requirements
Discard 1d6 Weight in Equipment. On foot. Not Pinned Down.
Charge The Action is rolled when you cross an Anti-
Infantry Obstacle. Roll a Fortitude Check.
You charge at the enemy and give him what-for.
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty - Reduce your Stealth Rating by 1.
Length Regular Skill Bloodlust FUBAR
Requirements You get badly cut on the wire. Take 1 Injury
On foot, enemy visible. for every excess Failure.
Make a Fortitude Check. Ignore Contact and If you fail to get enough Successes, your move
Suppression. stops at the Wire. Roll again next Turn.
Make 1 Shift towards the enemy per Success.
Crush Obstacle
FUBAR You lay down on the wire so others can cross.
Reduce your To-Hit Value by 1 for incoming Attribute Fortitude Difficulty -
Defensive Fire. Length Minor Skill -
If you make it to Melee range, you can make a Requirements
single Suppressive Fire, Throw Grenade or About to cross an Anti-Infantry Obstacle.
Blast Attack Action at the target Unit before Effects
you resolve Melee. Stop your move. Your Unit can ignore the
Obstacle, but you are Stunned next Turn. Roll a
Difficult Terrain negates 1 Success. d6 for everyone crossing and take Injury on a 1.

You get on your belly and move as far as you can.
Trap Actions
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty -
Set Trap
Length Regular Skill - You lay down some stakes or barbed wire.
Requirements Attribute Proficiency Difficulty Variable
On foot. Length Regular Skill Trapper
Effects Requirements
Make a Shift Move, even if Pinned Down. Not in Melee, on foot, on dry land, and armed
with a trap or the appropriate equipment.
Shift Effects
You move a short distance to do something. This action places a Trap on your current
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty - location. Make a Vigilance Check.
Length Minor Skill -
Every Success adds +3 to the Stealth Rating
Requirements of the Trap.
On foot. Not Pinned Down. Have not Moved. FUBAR
Effects The trap goes off while you are setting it,
Move up to your Shift Move Speed to perform an with you as the target. Good job.
Action. You can then move back to your starting
location, or any point in between, providing Disarm Trap
you did not make an Attack Action.
You lay down some stakes or barbed wire.
Swim Attribute Vigilance Difficulty 2
You try to keep your head above water. Length Regular Skill Defuse
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty Swim Move Requirements
Not in Melee.
Length Regular Skill Aquatic
Requirements This action disables and removes a Trap at your
In Deep Water. current location. Make a Vigilance Check.
Effects Successes
If you enter Deep Water, roll a Fortitude Check If you get the minimum Successes, the trap
at the beginning of your next turn. is disabled. You can add it to your own
Successes Equipment, modify it, or destroy it.
You can move 100m for every Success equal to FUBAR
or exceeding the Difficulty. The trap is activated as you try to disarm it.
Failures Oops!
Take 1 Exhaustion fighting the current.
FUBAR Detonate Trap
You drown and die. Roll a new character.
You lay down some stakes or barbed wire.
Characters above their Carrying Capacity will Attribute Proficiency Difficulty -
FUBAR immediately. Length Free Skill -
Parachute Requirements
A detonator and an active command trap.
You pull the cord and hope for the best.
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty Jump Roll a d6. On a 1, it’s a dud. Otherwise, the
Length Regular Skill Jump Train. explosive goes off!
A parachute, a long drop.
Roll a Proficiency Check. The difficulty is set
by your Altitude.
If you pass the Check, your parachute opens
and you don’t die!
You drift 100m for each Failure in a random
compass direction.
You land roughly and possibly in a tree. Take
1 Injury for every excess Failure.

Awareness Actions
OBserve Search
You carefully scrutinize the situation. You scrutinize an area carefully.
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty To-Hit Attribute Vigilance Difficulty 1
Length Minor Skill Eagle Eyed Length Regular Skill Eagle Eyed
Requirements Requirements
Not in Melee. Not in Melee.
Effects Effects
Target a location, group of people or vehicle A Search Action is effectively a Sentry action
and make a Vigilance Check. targeted against a person, vehicle, item or
Successes small structure within 10 meters.
Each Success meeting or exceeding the target Successes
grants you a single question about the Each Success adds +3 to your Vigilance
landscape, the number, armaments, location, against the Stealth Rating of objects on or
activity or intent of a Unit. The GM must around your Target.
answer these questions truthfully. FUBAR
FUBAR Your clumsy search results in property
For each excess Failure, the GM can lie on destruction, injury or intense discomfort.
one of your questions. Raise the difficulty of future Interactions
with these people by 1.
Add the target’s Stealth Rating as Failures.
The GM should roll this check for you; if you A person can Search up to 3 people, locations or
suspect the GM is lying, you can ask the same items per Search Action.
question again, using up one more Success.
Sentry You try to stay out of sight.
You set up camp and keep a watchful eye for Attribute Vigilance Difficulty 1
oncoming threats. Length Regular Skill Stealth
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty 1 Requirements
Length Regular Skill Guard Not in Melee.
Not in Melee. Effects
Effects Target yourself, a piece of equipment, or a body.
Make a Vigilance Check. Successes
Successes Every Success adds +3 to the Stealth Rating
Add +2 to your Vigilance per Success until of your Target. If targeted on yourself, it
the beginning of next Turn. lasts until you take another action.
You fall asleep. Treat this as a Rest Action. You break noise discipline, alerting
everyone within 100m.
Take 1 automatic failure per 2 Exhaustion.
You can also use the Action to hide an item
Forage of Weight 1 or less on your person or at your
location. The item’s Stealth Rating will persist
You hunt for water or food.
until you use it next. You can only hide 1 item.
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty 1
Length Regular Skill Survivalist When in water, you can add +1 to your Swim check
Requirements to attempt to Conceal yourself as a Free Action.
On foot, not in Melee.
Make a Vigilance Check.
Every Success grants 1 Grub, Punji Stick, or
Arrow. 2 Successes can grant 1 Clean Water.
Every Failure grants 1 Dirty Water.
You found the fun mushrooms! Roll Fortitude
as if you drank Dirty Water. On a failure,
apply the effects of a Hallucinogen.

Medical Actions
Treat Injury
You do your best to manage a wounded person.
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty Injury
Length Regular Skill Trauma Care
Not in Melee, consenting or restrained Target,
a First Aid Kit. Stem Bleeding
Effects You do your best to keep as much blood inside
Target a person with Injury, consume a First the patient as possible.
Aid Kit and make a Vigilance check.
Successes Attribute Vigilance Difficulty 1
If you roll as many Successes as target Basic
Length Regular Skill
Injury, remove 1 point of Injury or end all Medical
Ongoing Damage. Requirements
FUBAR Not in Melee, consenting or restrained Target.
Malpractice. You inflict 1 Injury on the Effects
target. Target a person taking Ongoing Damage and make
a Vigilance check.
Treat Injury can be performed on yourself, but Successes
increase the Difficulty by 1. Each Success equal to or greater than the
requirement reduces the target’s Ongoing
Revive Person Damage by 1 next Turn.
You slap someone back into awareness and get
them on their feet. This action can only be used on a given person
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty Injury once per Turn. Stem Bleeding can be performed
on yourself, but increase the Difficulty by 1.
Length Regular Skill Trauma Care
Requirements Transfusion
Not in Melee, an Incapacitated person with at You move some blood around.
least one Attribute above 0.
Effects Attribute Vigilance Difficulty 1
Target an Incapacitated person and make a Length Regular Skill Medicine
Vigilance check. Requirements
Successes Either Blood Plasma or a live person of a
The target is no longer Incapacitated. compatible blood type.
While Incapacitated, Revive Person actions Target an Incapacitated person and make a
targeted on yourself are the only action you Vigilance check.
can perform. Do not apply your Skill. Successes
Negate this many Ongoing Damage as long as
ADminister Care the Transfusion lasts.
You do what you can for the sick. FUBAR
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty Injury You somehow worsen the bleeding on the
patient trying to get the IV in. +1 Ongoing.
Length Regular Skill Medicine
Requirements The transfusion will last until the patient, the
Not in Melee, consenting or restrained Target donor or any third party in contact chooses to
within 10m with a sickness or infection. end it, or the Patient or Donor make more than a
Effects Half Move on foot.
Target a person make a Vigilance check.
Successes Characters must have the same general blood
Each success gives you and your Unit a type as their donor (Positive, Negative or O+),
spendable +2 to Interactions with friends though O- can donate to any character and AB-
and family of the target. can accept any donor.
You cause some discomfort for the target, The Donor will gain double Thirst as though
negating a success. they were taking Ongoing Damage, and will take
FUBAR 1 Injury after 6 consecutive Turns donating
You make an embarrassing misdiagnosis. Your blood.
treatment inflicts 1d3 Injury.

Fortification and Structure Actions
Prepare Position Enter Structure
You move some earth around. You kick in a door.
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty Variable Attribute Fortitude Difficulty Door
Length Regular Skill Prepare Pos. Length Free Skill -
Requirements Requirements
Entrenching Tool, on solid ground. Contact with a Structure or Tunnel entrance.
Effects Effects
Plan the Capacity and Level of the Position you Pick an entrance way.
are creating. Multiply the intended Capacity Successes
to be created by the Level, then multiply this If you meet the minimum Successes, you open
value by 2. That is the Difficulty. the door.
To modify an existing position, use the Your entrance is clumsy and hesitant. In
difference between the current Level and the Small Structures, the occupant is allowed one
intended Level to calculate Difficulty. Add new Action before you enter. In Large Structures,
Capacity as if you were digging a new position. the other team gets the first Step.

Everyone building the position should roll a In any case, you open up the structure and
Fortitude Check. Add all the Successes together. expose whatever is inside the immediate room.
If you wish, you can then go inside.
Digging a Position requires consecutive Turns
of Regular Actions equal to the Difficulty. TunneL CRAWl
Every Success in excess of the Difficulty You worm your way underground.
reduces this time by 1, to a minimum of 1 Turn.
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty Weight
Conversely, if you fail to roll enough Successes, Length Special Skill Tunnel Rat
the number of Turns it takes to complete goes up Requirements
by the difference. Inside a Tunnel
If a character leaves before the position is Roll when you take an action inside a Tunnel.
finished, remove their Successes. If a new Subtract the tunnel Width from your Weight for
character join, roll their Check to reduce the difficulty.
time, but divide their Successes in half. Successes
If you meet the Difficulty, the action goes
If work is stopped early, sacrifice one for each ahead.
Turn left. FUBAR
• 1 Capacity in the Position Even if you pass the Check, your Turn ends.
• 1 Level of the Position
If you fail, the Action fails and your Turn ends.
Conceal Position
You use foliage, netting and debris to hide a Arson
fighting position from watchful eyes. You burn this motherfucker down.
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty Capacity Attribute Proficiency Difficulty Burn Rating
Length Regular Skill Camouflage Length Regular Skill Pyromania
Requirements Requirements
A Defensive Position or stationary Vehicle. In contact with a Structure.
Effects Effects
Raises the Stealth Rating of a Position or Roll a Proficiency Check. Add the Successes of
Vehicle. Roll a Vigilance Check. Use the target everyone taking the Action together.
Capacity as Difficulty. Combine Successes from Successes
everyone taking the Action. If you meet the Difficulty, the building
Successes catches fire. Small Structures or Rooms will
Every Success equal to or in excess of the burn down in 1d3 Turns, inflicting 1d3 Fire
Difficulty adds +1 to the Stealth Rating of Damage to occupants each Turn.
the position, up to 5. FUBAR
You light your own dumb ass on fire for 1d3.
Use 1/100th of a Vehicle’s Weight as the
Difficulty. If a concealed Vehicle moves, it You can consume a unit of Fuel for +1 Success
loses this Stealth Rating. and +1 Failure.

Talk Negotiate
You talk, to your friends, to the enemy, to God, You attempt to convince some folks to do things
or maybe just to yourself. your way.
Attribute - Difficulty - Attribute Vigilance Difficulty Opposed
Length Free Skill - Length Regular Skill Diplomacy
Talking in your native language without trying Requirements
to convince somebody is always a free action. Somebody to talk to.
Communicate Target a character or a Unit and make an
You try your best to make yourself understood Vigilance Check. Each character targeted makes
in the alien language of the locals. their own Opposed Vigilance Check.
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty 1 Successes
If you get more successes than the target, you
Length Minor Skill Language convince them!
Requirements FUBAR
A person who does not share your language. You have seriously pissed off whoever you are
Effects talking to with your presumptive bullshit.
Roll a Vigilance Check.
Successes This check can be used to convince English-
For every success, you can ask 1 question, speakers of complex position or challenge
understand 1 answer, or accurately convey a their orders. With speakers of other languages,
simple concept. it can only be used to convince characters of
crude positions, such as to surrender or get out
When NPCs talk to the players, one PC will make a of the way. You may need to make an additional
free Communicate Check in order to understand. Communicate action to get across more complex
Locals are under no obligation to answer your concepts before trying to convince them.
questions honestly or follow your orders.
When attempting to resist a call to surrender,
If your questions can be answered without Doubt removes one dice from your Vigilance for
language, like by pointing or binary yes/no Opposed Negotiate actions.
answers, the answer consumes no Successes.
Warning Shot You make somebody else talk for a change,
You fire a shot into the air. whether they want to or not.
Attribute Proficiency Difficulty - Attribute Vigilance Difficulty Opposed
Length Minor Skill - Length Regular Skill Interrogate
Requirements Requirements
A Firearm. About to roll a Negotiate Action. A captive audience.
Effects Effects
Consume 1 Ammo. Gain a bonus Success on your Target a prisoner or some other powerless
Communicate roll. individual and roll an Opposed Check vs their
Fortitude, with the Tough Nut Skill applying.
Small Violence Successes
You use pain and force to get your way. Each Success grants you a single question
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty 1 that the target might know about. The GM
must answer these questions truthfully, to
Length Minor Skill Special
the best ability of the character.
Requirements Failures
About to roll a Negotiate Action against a The target can tell one lie for each failure.
target who cannot fight back. FUBAR
Effects You’ve gone too far and caused a point of
Roll a Fortitude Check. Injury for each excess Failure. On the plus
Successes side, if you got enough Successes, the target
Get +1 Successes on your Negotiate Check. cannot lie to you.
Inflict 1 Injury for every 2 Failures. When interrogating targets who do not share
your language, you may need to make Communicate
Resolve the Shock Check immediately, before the actions to understand what they are saying. Of
next Action. If you have 10+ Fatigue, 5s and 6s course, you don’t have to if you don’t care.
are Successes and 1s and 2s are Failures.
ComBat Actions
Suppressive Fire Throw Grenade
You fire rapidly and hope you hit something, or You wind up and throw a lethal fastball.
at least keep their head down. Attribute Proficiency Difficulty To-Hit
Attribute Proficiency Difficulty To-Hit Length Special Skill Grenade
Length Regular Skill Weapon Requirements
Requirements A Grenade and a target.
A loaded Firearm capable of Suppressive Fire. Effects
Effects Choose a Grenade, target a Unit and make a
Choose a weapon, target a Unit and make a Proficiency Check. Your grenade is consumed.
Proficiency Check. Successes
Successes Every Success meeting or exceeding the
Every Success meeting or exceeding the Minimum Successes is one hit on the target
Difficulty inflicts 1 Suppression. Unit. Resolve the effect of the Grenade, as
listed in its profile, on the targets struck.
For every multiple of the To-Hit, a member of Failures
the target Unit is struck for 1d6-1 Injury. Collateral hit! A random character within
Failures 50m of the target Unit (not including the
Consume 1 Ammunition for each Failure. target Unit) is struck. This can include
FUBAR members of the Unit which threw the grenade.
Jam! Discard your attack. You’ll need to FUBAR
take a Clear action before you can fire this You drop the grenade, it lands poorly, or it
weapon again. is thrown back by an enemy. Treat your own
Unit as the target Unit.
Suppressive Fire always inflicts a minimum of
1 point of Suppression. When throwing at a Structure or Defensive
Position, only count your Failures if you fail
When using a Belt weapon, roll 1d6. If you roll to meet the To-Hit. If you hit, the blast is
equal or under the times ammo track was cleared, contained by the structure. Grenades will not
use a Spare Barrel or wait a Turn to shoot again. scatter outside of a room if thrown inside.
Precision Fire Throw Grenade can be used as a Minor or Regular
You carefully pick your targets. Action. You can do both to throw two grenades in
one Turn.
Attribute Proficiency Difficulty To-Hit
Length Regular Skill Weapon Blast Attack
Requirements You lay down punishing fire with a cannon,
A loaded Firearm capable of Precision Fire and rocket launcher or flamethrower.
a visible target. Attribute Proficiency Difficulty To-Hit
Choose a weapon, check one mark on its Length Regular Skill Weapon
Ammunition Track, target a Unit and make a Requirements
Proficiency Check. A weapon capable of a Blast Attack. Not in Melee.
Successes Effects
If the Difficulty is met, a hit is scored and Target a Unit and make a Proficiency Check.
the target Unit takes a point of Suppression. Consumes 1 appropriate ammunition.
For each hit, a random member of the unit Every Success meeting or exceeding the
takes 2 Injury, plus 1 additional Injury for Minimum Successes is 1 enemy hit by the blast
each excess Success. and 1 Suppression inflicted on the Unit.
Jam! Discard your attack. You’ll need to Each Failure in excess of your Successes is
take a Clear action before you can fire this a friendly within Close Range of the target
weapon again! caught in the blast.

If your attack hits, you can opt to take an Resolve the effect of the Heavy Weapon, as listed
additional shot. Discard your Failures from in its profile, on the targets struck.
your dice pool and roll the attack again,
against the same Unit, at +1 Difficulty. Against Vehicles and buildings, Successes
matching and exceeding the target is +1 Damage,
You may continue to make additional attacks to which the damage of the weapon is added, as
until you miss, run out of ammunition, jam, or well as an extra Hit that might strike the crew
run out of dice. On the Vehicle.
Take Aim Execute
You take your time to carefully line up a shot. You put a bullet in them at point-blank.
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty Suppression Attribute Proficiency Difficulty Alignment
Length Minor Skill Weapon Length Variable Skill Cold Blooded
Requirements Requirements
A loaded Firearm and a visible target. A Firearm or Melee Weapon.
Effects Effects
Use before you make an attack Action. Target Restrained, Incapacitated or consenting
Successes characters within 10 meters.
For each Success, choose 1 bonus on the first FUBAR
shot of Precision Fire Action this Turn. You lose your nerve. Nobody dies.
• Choose which member of the target unit
you hit. Unless you FUBAR, the targets die.
• Add +3 to your attack. Difficulty is based on Alignment; 4 for
• Reduce the Injury Reduction of the Idealists, 3 for Pragmatists, and 2 for Righteous
target’s position or cover by 1. and Egotists. Add +1 to the Difficulty for
FUBAR Civilians, and +1 for every additional person.
Reduce your To-Hit by 1.
If you do not pass the Check, take Doubt in
Add all points of Suppression you’ve taken accordance with the Doubt chart on page 41.
as Difficulty. If you fail, you cannot make a
Regular Action this Turn; you miss your chance. With a Firearm, add +3 and use an ammo.

Evade Assemble Weapon

You make yourself the smallest target you can. You scramble to get all the pieces in place for a
Attribute Proficiency Difficulty - heavy weapon, and calibrate it to fire.
Length Minor Skill - Attribute Proficiency Difficulty -
Requirements Length Minor Skill -
First Action in a Turn, aware of an enemy. Requirements
Effects All the parts of a Multi-Part Weapon carried
Increase your To-Hit difficulty by 1. All other within one Unit.
Difficulties this Turn are +1. Take 1 Doubt. Effects
The character contributes one piece of the
COntain Blast weapon. A single individual can only contribute
You jump on a grenade to save your comrades. a one weapon part for an Assemble Weapon Action.
Attribute Proficiency Difficulty - Fire Assistance
Length Special Skill - You aid a comrade in the operation of their
Requirements weapon, calling targets or loading rounds.
A grenade has been thrown at your unit, after Attribute Proficiency Difficulty -
hits are assigned but before damage is rolled.
Effects Length Regular Skill -
Take the grenade damage x2. Negate effects of Requirements
the grenade on the rest of the Unit. A member of your Unit with a weapon that has
open crew positions.
Assassinate Effects
You kill silently, from the shadows. Before a member of your Unit makes an attack,
you can declare you are using a Fire Assistance
Attribute Proficiency Difficulty 2
Action to aid them in firing.
Length Regular Skill Silent Killer
Requirements This will have the following effects.
A Melee or Silenced weapon and a detected • Add +3 to Effective Proficiency.
hostile within 10m who is unaware of you. • Your Ammunition can be used.
Effects • For Blast Attacks, make an additional attack
Choose a target and make a Proficiency Check. If roll and consume 1 more ammunition. This can
you pass, the target is killed outright. be against the same target or different one,
FUBAR and can use different types of ammunition.
You make a lot of noise. The sound carries • For Bombard Attacks, fire an additional piece
200m for every additional failure. of ammunition. (See page 68)
• When making a Suppressive Fire Action, add
If you fail, your target is made aware of you. +1 to the automatic Suppression inflicted by
the weapon, before hits are distributed.

Spot Target Bombard
You guide munitions to the target. You fire a weapon at a distant target.
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty To-Hit Attribute Proficiency Difficulty To-Hit
Length Regular Skill Variable Length Regular Skill Weapon
Requirements Requirements
In contact with a gunner, not in Melee. A Bombardment weapon and a target outside of
Effects the minimum range. Not in Melee.
Target a Unit and make a Vigilance Check. Effects
Successes Target a Unit or location and make a Proficiency
With sufficient Successes, you spot the Check. Consumes 1 piece of ammunition.
target. The gunner treats your vision as Successes
their own for attacking that target. Every Every Success meeting or exceeding the
additional Success negates 1 Failure for the Difficulty is 1 Hit and 1 Suppression on
Bombard Action. every Unit within Scatter distance of the
FUBAR Target.
Map misread! Negate 1 Success for every Failures
excess Failure you rolled. Multiply Deviation by Failures to get total
Scatter distance.
For fire by artillery, tanks or heavy weapons, FUBAR
use the Forward Observer Skill. For bombers or Uh, oops. Centre the attack on the Unit who
gunships, use the Forward Air Controller Skill. made the Spot Target Action.

Subsequent Spot Target Actions made from the Attacks always Scatter at least the base
same location are at -1 Difficulty to a minimum Deviation of the Range Band.
of 1. You lose this bonus if you move.
You can fire on targets called by anyone in
For cautious fire, call Danger Close! Every
contact with you, but without a successful Spot
excess Success negates 2 gunner Failures, but
Target Action shooting targets you can’t see
gunner To-Hit goes up by 1.
will be Blind Fire.
To saturate a grid square, call Immediate
Suppression! Excess Successes reduce gunner For each character using a Fire Assist Action,
To-Hit by 1 (to a minimum of 1) instead of consume an additional piece of ammunition
negating Failures. to reroll discarded dice (Any not Failures or
Successes). Extra shots can use a different
As a last resort, call for Final Defensive Fire! Ammunition type; keep these Successes separate.
The To-Hit of the Bombard Action becomes 1 no Resolve shell effects in the order they were
matter the range. The attack is centred on you. fired; if the first set of Successes weren’t
enough for a hit, those shells won’t do damage,
even if subsequent rerolls manage to meet the

Vehicle Actions
Operate Vehicle Repair Vehicle
You push the buttons, steer the wheels and You attempt to patch up damage done to a vehicle.
press the pedals to make a vehicle go. Attribute Vigilance Difficulty Damage
Attribute Proficiency Difficulty Variable Length Regular Skill Handyman
Length Regular Skill Drive/Fly Requirements
Requirements Within 10m of a vehicle (or other mechanical
Be in the driver’s seat. equipment) that has been Disabled.
Effects Effects
The vehicle does what you want it to. Do not Target a location, group of people or vehicle
roll this check if the Vehicle’s Difficulty is 0. and make a Vigilance Check.
Add +1 in Difficult Terrain, and +1 if you are If you get sufficient Successes, the vehicle
under the effects of Narcotics. is no longer Disabled.
For ground vehicles, when an Operate Vehicle For each Failure in excess of Successes,
check is failed, move 1d3 x 100m in your choose you increase the difficulty of fixing the
direction, then the vehicle and all the occupants vehicle by 1.
make Shock Checks as the vehicle crashes, with
a difficulty equal to your Failures. SaBotage Vehicle
You disable a vehicle before it can reach the
Flying vehicles lose 1 Altitude when this Check fight or be stolen by the enemy.
is failed.
Attribute Vigilance Difficulty Armour
Mount/Dismount Vehicle Length Regular Skill Drive/Fly
You take up position in or on a vehicle. Requirements
An unoccupied vehicle.
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty -
Length Minor Skill - Make a Vigilance Check. If you are successful,
Requirements the vehicle is Disabled on the spot.
Be within 10m of a stationary unoccupied or
friendly vehicle, or be within a ground vehicle Pry Hatch
moving within it’s Combat Speed. You force your way into a closed vehicle.
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty Armour
You enter a vehicle and take up an unoccupied
position on or in it, or you leave the vehicle. Length Minor Skill Handyman
Bail Out A crowbar and a vehicle with a closed hatch.
You take up position in or on a vehicle. Effects
Make a Fortitude Check against the vehicle’s
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty 1
Length Minor Skill Drive/Fly Successes
Requirements If you get sufficient Successes, a hatch on
A fast moving vehicle, flying aircraft or the vehicle (your choice) is opened.
armoured vehicle which has caught fire. FUBAR
Effects If you open the hatch, a member of the crew
Roll Fortitude. If you get enough Successes, can make an attack against you with any of
you escape. If you don’t... you don’t. their weapons.

Heads Up/Button Up Hot Box

You poke your head out for some fresh air, or You drop a surprise in an open hatch.
slam the hatch closed. Attribute Proficiency Difficulty -
Attribute Fortitude Difficulty - Length Minor Skill -
Length Minor Skill Drive/Fly Requirements
Requirements A grenade and a vehicle that has Inside crew
Sitting in a vehicle Slot that can be opened. slots which have been opened.
Effects Effects
You either pop open the hatch, or close it. The grenade is consumed. Roll a Throw Grenade
Simple enough! attack against everyone in the vehicle.
Failures will also hit the vehicle crew.

Entrenching Tool Crowbar
This foldable shovel is the most important tool Just a handy thing to have around in general,
a soldier carries. It gives him a chance against Crowbars are particularly useful for opening
bursting explosives, and is pretty handy at tough containers like crates or tank hatches.
close range if you swing it hard enough.
Type Equipment
Type Equipment Weight 2 XP Cost 2
Weight 2 XP Cost 2 When Used...
Required for Prepare Position actions. • Allows the user to pry open hatches for a Hot
• +3 to Set Trap Box Action.
• Counts as a Melee Weapon. • Can use as a Melee Weapon, +2.
• Gives +5 to Lethal Melee. Allows the user to pry open Hatches for a Hot
• Inflicts +1 Injury in Melee. Box Action, or open locked doors.
Binoculars Toolkit
Used by spotters, officers and scouts, binoculars Most soldiers learn to carry small items like
have remained unchanged for decades. a pliers, but combat engineers and mechanics
often carry a full toolbelt into combat.
Type Equipment
Weight 2 XP Cost 2 Type Equipment
+5 to Observation. Weight 3 XP Cost 3
When used...
PhraseBook • +5 to Repair and Defuse Trap Actions.
The Vietnamese language might as well be • +3 to Sabotage and Arson Actions.
Martian for US soldier, and interpreters are • Consume a Battery to give +4 in Interrogation.
few and far between. A handy booklet for some
of the more common words and phrases is a good Wirecutters
start, though. Heavy, full-sized wirecutters come in handy for
a variety of tasks, the most important of which
Type Equipment is quickly cutting away brambles of barbed wire
Weight 1 XP Cost 3 fence for those following behind.
Allows Interactions with non-English speakers.
• +2 to these Interactions. Type Equipment
Weight 2 XP Cost 2
Whistle When used...
Whistles are a time-honoured piece of military • part of a Crush Obstacle Action, the
equipment, useful for sending prearranged user takes no Injury.
signals long distances. • Destroys Electrical Line as a Free Action.
• Gives +3 to a Sabotage Vehicle Action.
Type Equipment
• Gives 1 free Success in an Interrogate
Weight 1 XP Cost 1 Action, and 1 Injury to the Target.
Can send prearranged signals up to 500m.
• K9 Handlers can assign a Whistle a Command. Flashlight
The modern military flashlight has a 90 degree
Flare Gun bend, and comes with a red filter so it can
Flare guns are useful both for signalling in an cast a beam that won’t ruin night vision. Many
emergency situation, and illuminating an area; discarded them because they were just about the
a parachute flare can provide near-daylight best way to draw enemy fire.
conditions over an area for several minutes.
Type Equipment
Type Equipment
Weight 1 XP Cost 2
Weight 1 XP Cost 1 When activated at night as a Free Action...
When fired as a Free Action... • Removes the nighttime Stealth Rating bonus
• Removes the effects of Night conditions in a within 10m.
100m Radius. • Reduces your Stealth Rating to 0.
• Overloads all night vision devices in that • Can be used to send prearranged signals up
radius for 2 Turns. to 1000m.
• One-Use. Choose flare colour when fired. • Overloads any night vision devices in your
Flares can be seen up to 10 km away. Unit for the turn.

Medical Equipment Blood Plasma
When bleeding was bad, particularly when it
First Aid Kit was internal, emergency transfusions were
The first rule of combat first aid is that you often needed.
always treat a soldier using their medical
equipment rather than your own. That way you Type Supplies
know they can use your own kit if you get hit. Weight 1 XP Cost -
Consume to sustain a Transfuse Action for 3
Type Supplies Turns.
Weight 1 XP Cost -
Consume to use a Treat Injury Action.
Most of the time, stretchers were improvised
Medical Bag out of whatever was handy; ponchos, jackets or
Though you treat wounds with the first aid kits tent canvas. A proper stretcher, however, allows
the victim carries, a medical bag with spare a casualty to be moved much more safely.
supplies and reusable extras comes in handy.
Type Equipment
Type Equipment Weight 2 XP Cost -
Weight 3 XP Cost 3 When used...
When used... • Allows 2 Characters in the same Unit to share
• +3 to Treat Injury Actions carrying 1 other Character, splitting their
• +3 to Stem Bleeding Actions Weight between them evenly.
• Required to make a Transfusion Action.

Load Bearing Equipment

WeBBing Belt Military Pack
Probably the most important thing a soldier Robust backpacks are key for carrying large
owns after his shovel and rifle is his webbing, amounts of spare equipment, but are also very
the reinforced belt that carries his equipment bulky and are usually dropped once the shooting
and ammunition in special pouches. starts.
Type Wearable - Webbing Type Wearable - Backpack
Weight - XP Cost 3 Weight 4 XP Cost 1
Add +10 Carrying Capacity. Adds +15 Carrying Capacity.
Tactical Vest Civilian Basket
Special load-bearing vests and rigs are often Civilians in Vietnam and many other poor
employed that allow soldiers to load themselves countries carry their valuables in baskets
down with easy to grab magazines. balanced on their shoulders, heads or bicycles.
Type Wearable - Webbing Type Wearable
Weight - XP Cost 3 Weight 2 XP Cost 1
Add +5 Carrying Capacity. Adds +5 Carrying Capacity.
• Carries up to 5 Spare Ammo which do not • Adds +5 to the Check to Conceal an item on a
count towards Load or Carrying Capacity. person.
• Limit 2 per Person.
Simple loose straps slung over the body can be Wagon
used to carry grenades much more easily than a Be it a purpose-built trailer for a jeep, a
belt around the waist. horse-drawn buggy, or a hand cart, wagons of all
shapes and sizes are a common sight in Vietnam.
Type Wearable - Webbing
Weight - XP Cost 3 Type Special
Add +5 Carrying Capacity. Weight 20 XP Cost -
• Carries up to 5 Grenades which do not count Items or characters can be put in a Wagon.
towards Load or Carrying Capacity. • A Wagon can hold up to 100 Weight.
• Wagons can be pulled by Characters, Animals,
Haversack or a Vehicle.
Small backpacks are valuable for light troops. • Divide the Weight of everything carried in
the Wagon by half, not including the Wagon.
Type Wearable - Backpack
• Wagons drawn through Difficult Terrain
Weight 2 XP Cost - count as twice their regular Weight.
Add +10 Carrying Capacity.

Communication Equipment
Portable Radio Telephone Field Telephone
The PRC-25, known derisively as the “Prick”, Radios were useful for mobile troops, but you
is the same radio they put on the dashboard of could jam or intercept them, and their reliance
command vehicles, just with backpack straps. on batteries could be a problem. Old fashioned
It’s heavy, temperamental, devours batteries, wired telephones were still widely in use,
and has revolutionized infantry warfare. especially by the NVA.
Type Wearable - Backpack Type Equipment
Weight 6 XP Cost 5 Weight 6 XP Cost 4
Radio transmitter/receiver. Transmitter/Receiver.
• 2 Automatic Successes to Adjust Frequency. • Operates without Charges.
• Large Track. • Allows Interactions with characters with
Field Telephones connected to this one with
Handheld Radio Telephone an Electrical Wire.
Looking something like a large brick with an • Can connect to 1 Telephone or Switchboard.
antenna, the “walkie-talkie” can transmit • Cannot perform radio actions.
messages a short distance, though it burns out • Must be set up in a stationary location.
its battery in very short order.
Telephone Headset
Type Equipment A must-have for any tunnel rat, this compact,
Weight 3 XP Cost 5 bite-activated headset trails a telephone
Radio transmitter/receiver. wire that acts as both a way of communicating
• Small Track. outisde the tunnel, and a breadcrumb trail to
find your way out.
Helmet Radio Receiver
A small, helmet-mounted antenna with a speaker Type Equipment
directed at the ear. They were experimented Weight 1 XP Cost 3
with in the early 60s. It can’t transmit, but it Telephone transmitter/receiver.
was intended for private soldiers who don’t • Acts as a Field Telephone that can move.
have anything useful to say anyway. • Comes with 1 unit of Electrical Line.
Type Equipment Field Switchboard
Weight 1 XP Cost 5 If you want to operate multiple telephones,
Radio receiver. you’ll need one of these. Destroying them can
• Everyone in the Squad has the same frequency cripple an artillery battery.
and can be contacted with a single Adjust
Frequency Action. Type Equipment
• Small Track. Weight 6 XP Cost 4
Can be connected to up to 8 Field Telephones
Signal Booster with Electrical Wires.
Basically a tripod-mounted array of metal, • The operator can perform Adjust Frequency
this system picks up and projects signals from Actions as a Free Action to allow any
much farther away. Absolutely vital for special connected Telephone to talk to any other
forces on deep deployments. connected Telephone.
• Also acts as a Field Telephone.
Type Equipment
• Does not use Charges.
Weight 6 XP Cost 4
When assembled like a part of a Multi-Part Electrical Line
Weapon... Lay this out to make calls between telephones,
• Doubles the effect of extra Charges spent. or to your claymores.
• Only works while the user is stationary.
Type Supplies
Transistor Radio Weight 2 XP Cost -
Want to listen to music out in the field? You Lay out while moving. (Up to a Half Move)
could pick up these incredibly compact radios • Covers up to 500 meters.
in Japan to listen in to AFR and Hanoi Hannah. • Can link telephones and switchboards,
explosives and detonators, or microphones
Type Equipment
and control units.
Weight 2 XP Cost 1 • Laid wire counts as a Unit for incoming
Radio receiver. artillery scatter. It will be instantly
• Large Track. destroyed if hit.

Electronics Loudspeaker
If you want to talk to somebody over the gunshots
Camera and the distance, this is the way to do it. You
By the 1960s, anyone, even a draftee, could can play music through it to spice up an assault.
easily own a camera, so day to day life and
atrocity alike were documented in photographs. Type Equipment
Weight 3 XP Cost 2
Type Equipment Used with Interactions.
Weight 1 XP Cost 2 • Allows one-sided Interactions to be
Can take a picture once per game per Camera as performed at ranges of up to 250m.
a Free Action. • Counts as performing “Weapon Up”.
• If you photograph somebody breaking the • Can be used with a Cassette Deck to play
Code of Conduct, your camera counts as a music. This can inflict or remove 1 Doubt in
second witness during the Epilogue. appropriate circumstances.
• Pictures taken of documents count as a
second copy.
People Sniffer
You must still have the camera for the benefits A backpack connected to an air hose, the people
to take effect. sniffer looks for traces of human beings through
the chemical signature of sweat, gunpowder, and
Starlight Scope urine, and so can detect the presence of hidden
The first night vision equipment was born in enemy positions. Sometimes.
the last days of WW2, and has been enhanced to
the point where it is now mostly portable and Type Wearable - Backpack
can be mounted on a rifle, carried by hand or Weight 8 XP Cost 4
mounted in bulky goggles. When activated as a Free Action...
• Gives Compass Direction to hidden enemies
Type Equipment within d6x100m.
Weight 2 XP Cost 6 • On a 6, the People Sniffer gives a false alarm
When used in Sentry or Observation actions... in a random direction.
• Reduces the Stealth Rating given by night • Makes a loud ticking noise that can be heard
conditions by 3. for 300m.
• Small Track, uses 1 Charge per Turn. • Small Battery Track, uses 1 Charge per Turn.
The range die should be rolled in secret by the
Lineman’s Phone GM every Turn.
A Lineman’s Phone is a special device that can
be patched into a telephone line, allowing the Intruder Detector
user to listen in without cluing them in. Super-sensitive microphones with a control
unit linked to a receiver by telephone wire, the
Type Equipment Intruder Detector allows remote monitoring of
Weight 3 XP Cost 4 an area. Connected to transmitters or telephone
When in contact with Telephone Wire... lines, they would be seeded along trails to
• Allows the user to instantly pass an create a record of activity, catch infiltrators,
Intercept Signal Action applying to all and even coordinate blind artillery fire.
Telephones connected by the wire.
• The wiretap lasts until the character moves. Type Equipment
• The Lineman’s Phone can be left behind for Weight 1 XP Cost 2
other characters to use to continue the When planted with a Set Trap action...
wiretap. • The Intruder Detector is connected to a
Radio Transmitter or Field Switchboard
Cassette Deck with an Electrical Wire.
The brand new magnetic tapes were popular in • Transmitters can be set to transmit activity
Vietnam. They weren’t great yet for music, but to any radio.
audio letters to the troops became popular, and • The Intruder Detector will detect anyone
they were useful for intel workers. moving within 100m, and vehicles moving
within 500m.
Type Equipment
• It is sensitive enough to pick up voices.
Weight 1 XP Cost 2 • Up to 4 Intruder Detectors can be connected
Can take a recording as a Free Action. to one Transmitter or Switchboard.
• Recording non-English language for later • Radio devices connected to the Intruder
translation. Detector use up 1 Charge every 6 Turns and
• Voice recording can be used to verify a transmit continuously.
statement or confession.
• Use to record/listen to a letter/music to
remove 1 Doubt. One Use.

Wearable Items
Footwear Fatigues
The Americans wore advanced boots of rubber and Olive or khaki fatigues are standard issue for
canvas that somehow never managed to stand up all soldiers these days. Using drab colours
to the jungle, while the NVA got by with Soviet for minimum visibility, fatigues are usually
surplus and rubber sandals. festooned with pockets and made from hard-
wearing materials that can withstand a great
Type Wearable - Footwear deal. If you aren’t wearing a helmet, you usually
Weight 2 XP Cost 1 have a soft hat with your uniform.
By default, the rules assume every Character is
wearing footwear. Type Wearable - Clothing
• Characters without Footwear are at Speed Weight 2 XP Cost -
Down 2 at all times. Identify the wearer as belonging to a military.
Will also carry rank and unit information.
Poncho • Rank and Unit patches can be removed as a
A garment worn overtop your clothes that, if Manage Equipment Action.
worn properly, will keep a soldier completely
dry in the rain. Unfortunately, nobody has ever Camouflage Fatigues
figured out how to wear it properly. Most US soldiers just wear regular olive
fatigues, with proper jungle camo reserved for
Type Wearable special forces, but many ARVN wear tiger stripe
Weight 2 XP Cost 1 full time. Some US soldiers on long patrols
-1 Doubt taken from adverse weather. would beg, borrow or improvise to break up
• Can be used to cover bodies. their silhouette.
Dog Tags Type Wearable - Clothing
These small, oval plates engraved with personal Weight 2 XP Cost 4
and medical information let responders know Fatigues. In appropriate environments...
your blood type. They also allow your body to • +3 Stealth Rating.
be identified if you die. Experienced soldiers • Comes in Woodland, Desert and Tundra.
soon learn to tape their tags together to reduce
noise, and put an extra set in their boots. Civvies
For the locals, this is usually silk clothing
Type Wearable in black or white, referred to derisively as
Weight - XP Cost 1 “pyjamas”. Americans usually opt for patterned
Can be recovered for XP bonus on subsequent short-sleeves or t-shirts, with cloth shorts.
characters. Lists a character’s Blood Type.
Type Wearable - Clothing
Sniper Suit Weight 1 XP Cost -
A mat covered in long grasses, leaves and strips
of canvas, these wearable blinds are hot and Wetsuit
heavy, but can make the user almost completely A neoprene suit insulating and streamlining
invisible. the wearer to make swimming in cold water both
Type Wearable easier and less likely to give you hypothermia.
Weight 5 XP Cost 5 Type Wearable - Clothing
When worn... Weight 2 XP Cost 3
• +5 Stealth Rating when stationary. Increases your Move speed by 1 Category while
• If worn, cannot make Full Moves. Swimming.
• Overrides Camouflage Fatigues.
Field Jacket
Scuba Tank
Reinforced field jackets do a good job of keeping
A relatively new invention, this wearable out the cold and a barely acceptable job keeping
compressed air tank allows the user to breathe out the damp.
for extended periods of time underwater.
Type Wearable
Type Wearable - Backpack
Weight 2 XP Cost 1
Weight 8 XP Cost 3 Prevents the Exhaustion effects from the Cold
When used in water... Snap weather event.
• Negates FUBAR effects in Swim Checks. • Field Jackets issued by military units will
• +5 Stealth Rating. contain the same rank and unit information
Lasts 3 Turns. as their Fatigues.

Armour and Lifesaving Gear
Steel Helmet Chicken Plate
You wear a helmet in a warzone for the same Issued to the crew of low-flying aircraft,
reason you wear one at a construction site; “Chicken Plate” consisted of heavy ceramic
there’s lots of dangerous things that can fall front and back plates that could actually stop
on your head. When you’re in a hole, a helmet rifle bullets, though they were extremely heavy
will save your noggin from the shrapnel and and awkward to wear, beyond what was generally
pressure waves of bursting bombs. practical for infantry.
Type Wearable - Helmet Type Wearable - Armour
Weight 2 XP Cost 1 Weight 10 XP Cost 3
By default, the rules assume every Character is Body Armour.
wearing a helmet. • 5+ Armour Save.
• Characters without a helmet count their No save vs fire or Heavy Ammo weapons.
Defensive Positions as 2 levels lower
against explosive attacks.
If you plan on exiting a plane while it’s still
Flak jacket in the air, you’ll need one of these.
First issued to airmen in WW2, and then to
soldiers in Korea, a flak jacket is a mix of Type Backpack
nylon layers and plates of fibreglass or steel. Weight 10 XP Cost 3
They aren’t much against bullets, but can slow Required to use Parachute action.
shell fragments. • One Use Only.
Type Wearable - Armour Life Preserver
Weight 4 XP Cost 3 Naval crewmen, and anyone operating on a boat,
Body Armour. are recommended to wear life preservers. It’s
• 6+ Armour Save from small arms fire. quite difficult to swim with combat boots and a
• 5+ Armour Save against explosives. load of ammunition weighing you down.
No save vs fire, melee or Heavy Ammo weapons.
Type Wearable - Armour
Crash Helmet Weight 3 XP Cost 2
Used by vehicle crews to protect their skulls Reduces Swim Difficulty by 3.
from the myriad of threats inside a tank. This
can include being knocked around by enemy
Gas Mask
fire, but is mostly for when they bump into Troops still had to carry their filter masks with
closed hatches and low ceilings. them into Vietnam, though it was very common
for them to be “lost”. Still, getting caught in
Type Wearable - Helmet a cloud of CS gas without one is... unpleasant.
Weight 2 XP Cost 3
Type Wearable
Gives a 5+ Armour Save against...
• Weapons fire penetrating vehicle armour. Weight 2 XP Cost 1
• Crash landing aircraft. Reduces the effect of gas to -3 Vigilance.

Rideable Equipment
Bicycle Motorcycle
Sturdy bicycles were the workhorse of the Ho Motorcycles are excellent tools for couriers
Chi Minh Trail, and were commonly used by and scouts, and some special forces use them for
messengers, civilians, and off-duty soldiers. daring raids.
Type Equipment Type Equipment
Weight 8 XP Cost 3 Weight 16 XP Cost 6
Doubles movement rate on Paved Ground. Triple movement rate on Paved Ground.
• Only has Weight off of Paved or Flat Ground. • Only has Weight off of Paved or Flat Ground.
• Uses 1 Fuel after 3 Turns of using its
movement bonus.

Supplies Development Kit
Containing some simple medicine, clean
Rations bottled water, candy, propaganda and maybe
Keeping soldiers fed is always a difficult some worthless South Vietnamese currency,
proposition, as carrying enough C Rations was development kits are prime bribery material
often impractical. for most locals.
Type Supplies Type Supplies
Weight 2 XP Cost - Weight 1 XP Cost 1
Consume to remove 2 Hunger. Can be used to bribe civilians. Are generally
Army Rations are non-perishable and easy to Spare Battery
prepare in a way regular food distinctly isn’t. Electronics need to be powered, but battery
technology is not all it could be. Most
Type Supplies equipment is charged either through blocky,
Weight 2 XP Cost - non-rechargable 4 pound batteries, or large
Consume with a Rest Action to remove 1 Hunger. racks of cell batteries.
Care Package Type Supplies
You got something nice from home! Maybe it’s Weight 2 XP Cost -
some of your mom’s cookies, or the baking output Consume to recharge electronics.
of a “support our troops!” organization. • Can be used with Tool Kit to give +4 on
Interrogate Actions.
Type Supplies
Weight 1 XP Cost 2 Camo Netting
Consume to remove 1 Hunger and 2 Doubt. Made from irregularly cut strips of cloth
strung across a web of string, camo netting
Tobacco quickly breaks up the silhouette of a position
The idea that smoking might not be good for you or vehicle, hiding it from sight.
is still rather novel.
Type Supplies
Type Supplies
Weight 2 XP Cost -
Weight 1 XP Cost 1 Consume for 2 Automatic Successes in a Conceal
1 Tobacco is automatically consumed every 12 Position Action.
Turns to remove 1 Doubt.
Chlorine Tablet PsyOps works with local officals to produce
These little pills could turn almost any a dizzying array of comics, newspapers and
water drinkable, if disgusting. Soldiers used pamphlets for every conceivable topic.
powdered juice crystals to mask the taste.
Type Supplies
Type Supplies
Weight 1 XP Cost -
Weight 1 XP Cost - Consume to place or hand to another character.
Consume while drinking to treat Dirty Water as • Automatically conveys a simple concept as
Clean. 5 per 1 Weight. per a Communicate action.
Signal Flag • You can choose the meaning of the Leaflet
when you use it.
Brightly-coloured signal flags let the folks
• 5 for 1 Weight.
coming up behind you know of danger.
Death Card
Type Supplies
A rumour went around that the Spade in a deck
Weight 1 XP Cost 1 of cards was a symbol of death in Vietnamese
Consume as a Free Action to remove the Stealth culture. It wasn’t true before, but it is now.
Rating of a detected Trap or object within 10m.
3 per 1 Weight. Type Supplies
BarBed Wire Spool Weight 1 XP Cost -
Consume to place.
The fastest way to bring an infantry advance to
• Collect 1 VP when placed on a slain enemy.
a halt is some barbed wire across the road.
• Inflicts 1 Doubt when found on the body of
Type Supplies an ally.
• 5 for 1 Weight.
Weight 2 XP Cost -
Consume to use a Create Obstacle Action.

Liquid Carriers Flamethrower Fuel Tank
A backpack-mounted setup with one or two
Canteen pressurized containers, these heavy steel
In Vietnam, canteens came in two kinds. Regular tanks carry the fuel needed for a flamethrower.
soldiers usually had metal or plastic classic Contrary to popular belief, if you shoot a
types, but special forces used collapsible flamethrower tank, the fuel just leaks out.
canteens that prevented water from sloshing
about. Type Wearable - Backpack
Weight 10 XP Cost -
Type Supplies Carries 10 units of Fuel.
Weight 1 XP Cost - • When empty, weighs 4 Weight.
Carries 2 units of liquid.
Collapsible Carrier Got to carry an unreasonably large amount of
Basically a sturdy plastic bag with a handle, liquid? A barrel is how you do it. Obviously,
water carriers aren’t typically carried by soldiers don’t carry these around, but trucks
soldiers in the field, but instead used for tend to be loaded with them.
resupply. It’s awkward when full, but you can
store it easily when empty. Type Supplies
Weight 25 XP Cost -
Type Supplies Carries 60 units of liquid.
Weight 6 XP Cost - • When empty, weighs 10 Weight.
Carries 10 units of Water. • Carrying one counts as carrying a person.
• When empty, weighs 1 Weight.
Jerry Can
An ingenious way of carrying liquids easily,
Jerry Cans were invented by the Germans in WW2
and copied by everyone. Usually used to carry
fuel, but they can carry water in a pinch.
Type Supplies
Weight 6 XP Cost -
Carries 12 units of liquid.
• When empty, weighs 3 Weight.

Narcotics Opiates
Morphine is God’s gift to the wounded soldier;
Uppers it makes the pain go away and replaces it with
Amphetamines have long been used by soldiers, an uplifting feeling. Heroin was an epidemic;
often at the quiet approval of their leaders. as much as 40% of American troops were addicts.
Type Supplies Type Supplies
Weight 1 XP Cost 2 Weight 1 XP Cost 2
When consumed... When consumed...
• Lasts 2d3 Turns. • Lasts 2d6 Turns.
• Negate the effects, and Fatigue, of all points • Negates Fatigue from Doubt and Injury.
of Exhaustion and Injury for the duration. • Reduces Fatigue to current Status Effects.
• Prevents use of the Rest Action for twice the • Reduce all Attributes higher than 4 to 4.
duration of the effect after it ends.
• Makes the user Skilled at Shock Checks.
LSD had just hit the mainstream at the height
Downers of the Vietnam War, and it was a favourite of
Many soldiers turned to depressants like soldiers looking to escape the treacherous
cannabis and alcohol to cope with the hardship boredom.
of the war and constant overstimulation.
Type Supplies
Type Supplies Weight - XP Cost 2
Weight 1 XP Cost 2 When consumed...
When consumed... • Takes effect in 1d3+1 Turns.
• Lasts 2d3 Turns. • Last 5d6 Turns.
• Reduce Proficiency and Vigilance by 1. • Take no Doubt from any source.
• Negates 3 Doubt until effect ends. • Roll on Hallucination and Imagery tables
every 3 Turns.
Assault RIfle
The assault rifle is a recent revolution in small arms design, combining
the best aspects of full rifles and sub-machine guns in a single package
for maximum versatility. These weapons can represent the M16 for Allied
forces, or the AK47/AKM assault rifles for the communists.
Type Firearm Weight 3 XP Cost 4
Medium-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive and Precision Fire.
• +3 to All Attacks
Battle Rifle
These category represents the previous generation of automatic and
semi-automatic rifles like the M14, M21 or M1 Garand for the FWF and
the SKS/Type 56 Carbine, SVT-40 and SVD Dragunov for communists.
Type Firearm Weight 3 XP Cost 4
Medium-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive and Precision Fire.
• +2 to Suppressive Fire
• +4 to Precision Fire
Representing a wide range of revolvers and automatics, pistols are
invaluable for officers, special forces, and the desperate. Americans
refer to all these weapons as “45s” after their 45 calibre M1911s.
Type Firearm Weight 1 XP Cost 3
Close-Range Firearm capable of Precision Fire.
• Consume 2 Ammo for +2 Damage from Lethal Melee results.
• Maximum Range of Medium.
Special Forces looking for a backup weapon love machine-pistols,
automatic weapons about the size of regular pistols. Green Berets love
the Mac-10, while NVA special forces used the Polish PM-63 RAK.
Type Firearm Weight 1 XP Cost 4
Close-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive Fire.
• Consume all Ammo and inflict 1d3 random Injury to Melee opponents.
• Maximum Range of Medium.
Submachine-guns rapidly fire pistol rounds, excellent for spraying
down a location without particular care for accuracy. The Americans
used the Swedish K and the M3A1 Grease Gun, the Aussies preferred the
Owens SMG, and the communists used the MAT-49 and the PPSH-41. Both
sides used the famous Thompson SMG; the V.C. hand-made their own.
Type Firearm Weight 2 XP Cost 3
Close-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive Fire.
• +6 at Close.
• +3 at Medium.
Bolt Action Rifles
Once the service rifle of militaries around the world, bolt actions
require a manual action between shots, which makes them slow to fire
but accurate and powerful. In Vietnam the FWF primarily used the
Springfield .303, while the communists used Mosin-Nagants, French
MAS-36s, and Japanese Type 99s.
Type Firearm Weight 4 XP Cost 4
Extreme-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive and Precision Fire.
• +6 to Precision Fire.
• Treat 1s, 2s, and 3s as Failures for Follow-Up Shots.
• -2 to Suppressive Fire.

Pump-action shotguns have been an American military staple since WW1,
used as a sidearm by field troops or kept as an emergency stash in bases.
Type Firearm Weight 2 XP Cost 3
Close-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive Fire.
• +5 to Attack +1 Injury at Close.
• Never jams, no attack penalty for running out of ammo.
• A Clear Action must be used to reload.
• Maximum Range of Medium.
Light Machine-Gun
Squad machine-guns fire belts of rifle rounds but are portable like
rifles, allowing this firepower to be carried around easily. The US uses
the M60 “Pigs”, while the communists use the RPK and RPD.
Type Firearm - Special Weight 5 XP Cost 6
Long-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive Fire.
• +5 to Suppressive Fire, inflicts +1 Suppression.
• You can choose to use the Magazine or Belt ammunition track.
• Room for 1 Assistant when loaded with a Belt.
Light rifles firing cut-down cartridges were popular with special
forces early in the war, and as sidearms for vehicle crews. The venerable
M2 Carbine was widely used by US and ARVN alike, while the communists
had custom cut-down versions of a variety of their own weapons.
Type Firearm Weight 2 XP Cost 3
Medium-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive and Precision Fire.
• +1 to Suppressive Fire, +3 to Precision Fire.
• Uses the Battle Rifle Skill.
Auto CarBine
Special forces, paratroopers and mechanized troops use cut-down ARs
with short barrels and lighter rounds for convience inside vehicles or
close quarters. These can represent the Colt Commando or the AKS, as well
as a variety of post-war weapons.
Type Firearm Weight 2 XP Cost 4
Medium-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive and Precision Fire.
• +4 to Close Attacks, +3 to Medium, +1 to Long.
• Uses the Assault Rifle Skill.
Anti-Tank Rifle
Anti-tank rifles are almost entirely obsolete, but some clever snipers
use them as heavy, long-ranged sniper rifles. Some Americans used
specially converted .50 Cal M2s fitted with rifle stocks and sights,
while the NVA used small numbers of PTRD-41s.
Type Firearm Weight 6 XP Cost 6
Extreme-Range Firearm capable of Precision Fire.
• +6 to Precision Fire. +2 Injury, 1 Armour Penetration.
• Treat 2s as Failures for Follow-Up Shots.
• +1 AP at Close Range.
• Fires Heavy Ammo.
An experimental weapon tested in the Vietnam era, the gyrojet is a gun
that fires tiny rockets. Its reliability and accuracy leave something to
be desired, but it’s unbelievably light, silent and has few moving parts.
Type Firearm Weight - XP Cost 4
Long-Range Firearm capable of Precision Fire.
• +1 Injury for every Range Category past Close.
• Fires Microrockets. Built in Suppressor

Special Firearms Flamethrower
Flamethrowers were loved and loathed in equal
Crossbow measure by those who used them. They were
Crossbows are a historic weapon of the dangerous to everyone in operation and horrific
Vietnamese people, and still seen out in the bush weapons to witness used, but were just about the
with villagers and militia. It’s not exactly an most efficient tool available to infantry for
assault rifle, but it’ll still kill you. clearing fortified positions.
Type Firearm - Feed Type Firearm - Feed
Weight 3 XP Cost 3 Weight 4 XP Cost 4
Close-Range Firearm capable of Precision Fire. Firearm capable of Blast Attack at Close Range.
• -2 at Close and -5 at Medium. • Inflicts 1d6 Fire Damage.
• Does not reduce Stealth Rating to fire. • Ignores Defensive Positions and Terrain.
• Maximum Range of Medium. • Against vehicles, roll 1d6. If the result
• Fires Arrows. exceeds Armour, the vehicle catches fire.
• Maximum Range of Close.
Medium Machine-Gun Operator must carry a Fuel Tank. Use 1 Fuel for
Tripod-mounted machine-guns operated by each Failure.
teams could make a hell of an impact, but they
were in an awkward spot during the era; not Incendiary Projector
worth their weight for infantry festooned The classic flamethrower was soon replaced
with automatics, and not as good as a heavier with an aluminium-based incendiary compound
machine-gun on vehicles. fired from a multi-barreled rocket launcher.
Type Firearm - Belt Type Firearm - Feed
Weight 6 XP Cost 6 Weight 6 XP Cost 4
Medium-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive Fire. Firearm capable of Blast Attacks.
• +6 to Suppressive Fire • Inflicts 1d6 Fire Injury.
• +2 Suppression • Ignores 2 Levels of Defensive Position.
• Room for 1 Assistant. • Can fire twice as one Action.
• Extra Parts: 3 Weight Tripod. • Maximum Range of Medium.
• Fires Rockets.
Heavy Machine-Gun
Firing bullets as big around as your thumb, a Minigun
heavy machine-gun will go through just about Electrically powered gating guns capable of
anything short of a tank. While the US preferred firing a blistering 50 rounds a second were
to keep these weapons on vehicles, the NVA just coming into their own in Vietnam, and the
favoured using them in large infantry teams. Minigun was the smallest.
Type Firearm - Belt Type Firearm - Belt
Weight 8 XP Cost 6 Weight 6 XP Cost 6
Extreme-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive Fire. Long-Range Firearm capable of Suppressive Fire.
• +6 to Suppressive Fire • +12 to Suppressive Fire
• +2 Suppression • Does not Overheat.
• +2 Injury, 1 Armour Pen, +1 AP at Close. • +3 Suppression
• Fires Heavy Ammo • Miniguns use the 6 slot Charge track,
• Room for 2 Assistants. consuming a Charge every time the ammo
• Extra Parts: 5 Wgt Tripod, 3 Wgt Ammo Box. track is cleared.
• Extra Parts: 3 Weight Tripod, 3 Weight Ammo
Water-Cooled Machine-Gun Feed, 5 Weight Motor.
Older-style medium machine-guns use a sleeve
around the barrel carrying water, which, while Man PortaBle Air Defence
bulky, allows the weapon to fire more or less This weapon represents the advanced FIM-43
non-stop for hours. Redeye and the Soviet SA-7 rocket launchers,
weapons that used infrared tracking to strike
Type Firearm - Belt low-flying aircraft.
Weight 8 XP Cost 6
• Counts as Medium-Machine Gun. Type Firearm - Feed
• Requires a Jerry Can filled with Water. Weight 6 XP Cost 6
• If it Overheats, consume 1 Water instead. Firearm capable of Blast Attacks against Aircraft.
• Extra Parts: 3 Weight Tripod, Jerry Can. • Inflicts 1d6+2 Damage. Penetrates 3 Armour.
• Maximum Range of Long.
• Targets at Treetop and Low Altitude.
• Uses IR Missiles as ammunition.

Rocket Launcher Tow Missile
This represents the Super Bazooka used in The most advanced defensive weapon of the era,
small numbers by US forces early in the war and a TOW Missile fires a guided missile linked
the RPG-2, an early design equipped only with to the firer by a long length of trailing wire,
anti-tank warheads. allowing the missile to be flown accurately
into the target.
Type Firearm - Feed
Weight 5 XP Cost 3 Type Firearm - Feed
Firearm capable of Blast Attacks. Weight 6 XP Cost 6
• Does 1 Damage. Firearm capable of Blast Attacks.
• Ignores 2d3 Armour at Close. • Guided Weapon.
• Ignores 1d3 Armour at Medium. • Does 2 Damage and ignores 2d3+1 Armour
• Maximum Range of Medium. • Inflicts 1d6+2 Injury.
• Fires Rockets • Maximum Range of Near.
• Fires Wire Missiles.
DisposaBle AnTi-Tank Weapon • Room for 2 Assistants.
The US mostly abandoned the idea of reusable • Extra Part: 5 Weight Tripod
rocket launchers in favour of the “Panzerfaust”
style one-shot rocket launcher in the form of
the M-72 LAW; the Light Anti-Tank Weapon. Just
fire and forget.
Type Firearm - One Use
Weight 3 XP Cost 3
Used as the Rocket Launcher, One Shot Only.

Recoilless Rifles
Recoilless rifles are artillery cannons with
a special baffling on the breach that lets them
Recoilless Rifles fire modified Heavy Munitions,
fire large shells without meaningful recoil.
weighing l more Weight to represent the added
Though underrepresented in fiction or mistaken
bulk of their baffling. Recoilless shells come in
for rocket launchers, they were and are a vital
all varieties except Illumination and Leaflet.
military tool.

Small Recoilless Rifle Large Recoilless Rifle

A valuable infantry support weapon, this item The nature of recoilless rifles means that very
represents man-portable versions like the 57mm large models firing projectiles over 100mm can
M18, the 75mm M20, and the 75mm Type 52. be mounted mounted on utility cars or tripods.
Type Firearm - Feed Type Firearm - Feed
Weight 8 XP Cost 6 Weight 10 XP Cost 6
Firearm capable of Blast Attacks. Firearm capable of Blast Attacks.
• Fires Recoilless Tiny Shells. • Fires Recoilless Small Shells.
• Room for 1 Assistant. • Room for 1 Assistant.
• Maximum Range of Extreme. • Maximum Range of Extreme.
• Extra Part: 3 Weight Tripod.

Grenades Grenade Types
• Hand Grenades are the common sort which are
In PATROL, all grenades operate under the same used in standard Throw Grenade actions.
general rules in terms of their effects, and are • Launcher Grenades can only be used with Grenade
divided into three types. All of these grenade Launchers.
types cost the same amount of XP. • Rocket Grenades only work with RPG Launchers.
They have +1 Weight, +1 Armour Penetration and
In more historical games, the GM may restrict your inflict +1 Injury if they inflict any at all.
access to some kinds of grenade. For example, your • Rifle Grenades can be used by any character who
launcher grenades for your M79s probably don’t has and can use an Assault Rifle, Auto Carbine,
include anti-tank grenades, while the launcher Battle Rifle or Bolt Action Rifle. They work
grenades for enemy RPGs probably don’t come in like grenades fired from a Grenade Launcher,
any type but anti-tank, and maybe concussion. but have +1 Weight.

Fragmentation Grenade Anti-Tank Grenade

Fragmentation Grenades are the most common sort Anti-tank grenades are typically impact-
of grenade. When they detonate, their explosive detonated and shaped like a dart, with a shaped
charge converts the heavy metal casing into a charge on one end. It arcs into the target and
hail of high-velocity metal fragments. They are the detonation drives a spike of molten metal
quite dangerous, but not always reliable, as the through the armour.
pattern of fragmentation can be inconsistent.
Type Grenade
Type Grenade Weight 1 XP Cost 1
Weight 1 XP Cost - Grenade available in all varieties.
Grenade available in all varieties. • Against Vehicles, Penetration equal to
• +5 to Throw Grenade Attack. Successes, inflicts 1d3 Damage.
• Inflicts 1d6 Injury. • Against buildings, 1d3 Damage.
• Inflicts 1 Suppression for every struck • +2 To-Hit against Infantry.
character. • Can only strike 1 infantry target.
• Does not cause Injury to characters in • Struck Target takes 2d6 Injury.
Defensive Positions. • Ignore Collateral hits.
Concussion Grenade Defensive Grenade
A common, if often overlooked, variety of Modernized frag grenades like the M67,
grenade, Concussion Grenades use a light introduced in 1968, have a much-reduced
casing, often cardboard, with a heavy explosive wounding radius without impacting lethal
charge inside. The resultant blast is small and power, making them safer to use for the operator.
contained, but will stun or kill anyone caught
near the blast. Type Grenade
Weight 1 XP Cost -
Type Grenade Grenade available in all varieties.
Weight 1 XP Cost - • Inflicts 1d6 Injury.
Grenade available in all varieties. • Inflicts 1d3 Injury as Collateral.
• Inflicts 1d3+1 Injury. • Inflicts 1 Suppression for every struck
• Inflicts +2 Injury inside Structures. character.
• Ignores 1 level of Defensive Positions. • Does not cause Injury to characters in
• Does not inflict Collateral. Defensive Positions.
Stun Grenade Satchel Charge
Stun grenades are basically small concussion Basically a messenger bag full of high
bombs that use a tough, perforated casing, so explosive, a satchel charge is used to destroy
when it detonates there is just an extremely vehicles and bunkers in one go.
disorienting flash and eardrum-shattering
noise. Type Grenade
Weight 5 XP Cost 2
Type Grenade Grenade available as a Hand Grenade.
Weight 1 XP Cost - • Inflicts 2d6 Injury.
Grenade available in all varieties. • Inflicts 1d6 Injury as Collateral.
• Only works on targets inside a Defensive • 3 Armour Penetration.
Position, Vehicle or Structure. • 2s count as Failures while throwing.
• Stuns struck targets. • +3 Injury vs Structures.
• Does not inflict Collateral.

Smoke Grenade Molotov Cocktail
Smoke grenades create a nice thick cloud of Stuff a beer bottle full of gasoline and light
smoke that can obscure your movements or blind the rag on top and you have yourself a party.
a position. With the addition of a dye, it can Burns people out of holes, tanks and huts.
also be used to mark a position.
Type Grenade
Type Grenade Weight 2 XP Cost -
Weight 1 XP Cost - Grenade available as a Hand Grenade.
Grenade available in all varieties. • Inflicts 2d3 Fire Injury.
• Strikes an entire Unit if any member is hit. • 2s count as Failures.
• Affected Units can only Blind Fire and can • Does not inflict Collateral.
only be Blind Fired upon. • On FUBAR, you hit yourself and only yourself.
• Reduces the To-Hit difficulty of the Unit by • Ignores Defensive Positions and Terrain.
1 for Aircraft looking for the smoke. • Against Vehicles, roll 1d6. If the result
• Will fill up to 3 adjacent rooms in a structure exceeds Armour, the vehicle catches fire.
or tunnel, showing exits and windows.
• Does not inflict Collateral.
Incendiary Grenade
• As a Minor Action, strike your own unit These grenades were much hated because there
automatically, also removing 5 Suppression. were few safe ways to use them. The explosion
Smoke grenades come in a variety of colours. carries fragments of white phosphorous high
into the air and lets it fall into foxholes.
CS Grenade
Tear gas was a favoured tool of the US war effort. Type Grenade
There was few better ways to flush out the V.C. Weight 1 XP Cost 2
out of a tunnel or thick grove. Grenade available as a Hand Grenade.
• Inflicts 2d3+1 Fire Injury.
Type Grenade • 2s cause Collateral hits, but do not count as
Weight 1 XP Cost - Failures for the purposes of FUBAR.
Grenade available as Hand or Launcher. • Ignores 1 Level of Defensive Position.
• Struck targets have all Attributes halved.
• Struck targets must either Move next turn
or take a Shock Check, Difficulty 1.
• Automatically strikes all characters inside
a Small Structure, room or 3 tunnel rooms.

Grenade Launchers
Grenade Launcher
A Grenade Launcher is a weapon that launches
small explosives farther and harder than a
soldier could throw them. This represents the
M79, the M203 underbarrel launcher, and the
multi-shot, pump-action China Lake.
Type Firearm - Feed
Weight 3 XP Cost 4
Firearm which modifies Throw Grenade actions.
• Fires Launcher Grenades.
• Allows Throw Grenade Actions at Medium
Automatic Grenade Launcher RPG Launcher
The American Mk19 automatic grenade launcher Where the west settled on bullet-style grenade
is basically like one of those machines that launchers, the Communists invested more
shoot tennis balls, except the tennis balls are heavily in developing the Panzerfaust into
highly explosive grenades. a variety of infantry support weapons. These
weapons are heavier, but hit a lot harder.
Type Firearm - Feed
Type Firearm - Feed
Weight 8 XP Cost 6
Weight 4 XP Cost 4
Multi-Part Firearm.
• Acts like a Grenade Launcher. Firearm which modifies Throw Grenade actions.
• Allows 3 Throw Grenade Actions in one Turn. • Fire Rocket Grenades.
• Extra Parts: 3 Weight Tripod, 2 Weight Feeder • Allows Throw Grenade Actions at Medium

Melee Weapons Machete
A large, heavy knife designed to have a lot of heft
Combat Knife behind the swing. It is an indispensable tool
When it comes down to it, almost every basic for jungle living, chopping through underbrush
tool and weapon is essentially a variation on or limbs with roughly equal efficiency.
the knife. The standard combat knives used by
soldiers are great for digging, opening cans, Type Melee Weapon
cutting wood, slicing clothing, eating, medical Weight 2 XP Cost 3
work, whittling and, in a pinch, stabbing. Melee Weapon.
• +6 to Melee.
Type Melee Weapon • Inflicts +3 Injury if you win Melee.
Weight 1 XP Cost - • In jungle, a Machete in a Unit will reduce
Melee Weapon. the Speed Down value of Difficult Terrain by
• +3 in Melee. 1. If everyone has a Machete, reduce it by 2.
• Inflicts +2 Injury if you win Melee. • Machete Movement will triple the amount of
time your Trail is visible.
Be it the primitive weapon of some mountain Garrotte Wire
folk or the bludgeon used by an MP to keep order, Basically a sharp wire with two handles. Placed
the simple weaponized stick has never gone out around the windpipe, it’ll cut and crush with
of style. one motion.
Type Melee Weapon Type Melee Weapon
Weight 1 XP Cost - Weight 1 XP Cost 2
Melee Weapon. Melee Weapon.
• +3 to Melee. • +2 to Melee.
• Can be used in nonlethal Melee. • +5 to Assassination.

Item Modifiers Suppressor

A suppressor is a shroud that slows the escape of
Modifiers are equipment that are applied to
equipment. The modular nature of modern weapon gas, turning the loud bang of gunfire into the
accessories didn’t really exist in the 1960s, so slightly less loud “clack!” of metal on metal.
modifiers applied to weapons cannot be removed. Type Modifier
Weight 1 XP Cost 3
Telescopic Sight Firearm Modifier.
A telescopic sight (or “scope”) allows the user • Reduces Stealth Rating modifier for firing
to more precisely aim their weapon at a longer weapon by 3.
distance, and place their shots when they would • Reduces Effective Range by 1 Range Category.
otherwise have to make rough guesses.
Under-Barrel Mount
Type Modifier The Vietnam War brought about new advances in
Weight 2 XP Cost 4 the art of strapping a gun to another gun, like
Firearm Modifier. the XM148 and M203 grenade launchers.
• Double Effective Vigilance for Take Aim.
Type Modifier
• Functions as a set of Binoculars.
Weight - XP Cost -
Bipod Firearm Modifier for Assault Rifles, Auto
A bipod is just a forked platform for stabilizing Carbines, Battle Rifles, and SMGs.
a gun, usually set up to fold away when not in • Combines two weapons into one.
use. They are a must have both for sniper rifles • Pick 1: Grenade Launcher, Shotgun, Flare
and machine-guns. Gun, Crossbow.
• The new weapon weighs 1 less than the total
Type Modifier Weight of both components.
Weight 2 XP Cost 3
Firearm Modifier.
Extended Magazines
• +3 to Take Aim Extended magazines were popular in the jungle;
• +1 Suppression on Suppressive Fire Actions. some official, and some homemade.
• Can replace the Tripod on multi-part
Type Modifier
Suppressive Fire weapons. This reduces the
weapon’s bonus Attack Dice by 3. Weight 1 XP Cost 3
Firearm Modifier for magazine guns.
• Use the Small Charge chart for ammunition.
• Reloading costs 2 Spare Ammo.
Weapon Supplies Wire Missile
The most reliable way to control a missile in
Spare Ammo flight is to connect it to hundreds of meters
GIs would typically carry upwards of ten spare of uncoiling wire and send electrical signals
magazines, plus a belt for the squad’s machine- down it as it flies.
Type Supplies
Type Supplies Weight 4 XP Cost 1
Weight 1 XP Cost - Used as ammunition for TOW Missile tubes.
Resets Firearm Tracks.
IR Missile
Heavy Ammo These cutting-edge infrared missiles cost more
The rounds fired by heavy machine-guns aren’t than your education. If it comes down to saving
like the ones used by regular small arms; they yourself or saving a crate of them... well, your
are much larger and heavier. sacrifice won’t be in vain.
Type Supplies Type Supplies
Weight 2 XP Cost - Weight 4 XP Cost 2
Used as ammunition for heavy machine-guns. Used as ammunition for MPADs.
Spare Barrel Micro-Rockets
Extended machine-gun fire can burn out a A gyrojet rocket is like a tiny rocket ship, but
barrel, causing it to warp or even catch fire. instead of going to the moon it kills people.
Type Supplies Type Supplies
Weight 2 XP Cost - Weight 1 XP Cost 1
Used by overheating Belt weapons. Used as ammunition for Gyrojets.
Rocket Arrows
The rockets for a bazooka or similar weapons A sharp stick can be just as deadly as a bullet if
aren’t actually terribly heavy, but they are it hits you somewhere soft.
bulky and kind of a pain in the ass to work with.
Type Supplies
Type Supplies Weight 1 XP Cost 1
Weight 2 XP Cost - Used as ammunition for Crossbows.
Used as ammunition for rocket launchers.

Heavy Guns
Standing in for the diverse variety of repeating
Heavy anti-tank Cannon
anti-air guns, the autocannon can shred light Representing the cutting-edge of main battle
targets and helicopters. tank cannons, like those used by the T-55 and
Patton tanks, capable of punching through any
Type Artillery armour with ease.
Weight 90 XP Cost -
Type Artillery
• Capable of Blast Attacks to Extreme range.
• Fires Tiny shells. Weight 150 XP Cost -
• Failures consume shells. • Capable of Blast Attacks to Near range.
• Room for 2 Assistants. • Fires Medium shells.
• Counts as its own Wagon. • Room for 1 Assistant.
• Counts as its own Wagon.
Light anti-tank Cannon
Standing in for all the smaller calibre tank
Rocket Pod
cannons used by vehicles like the M41 Walker Used to represent the rocket systems of
Bulldog and PT-76 tank, this gun is quite helicopter gunships, rocket pods use rapid
sufficient against most targets. bursts of projectiles to saturate a large area
in fire.
Type Artillery
Type Artillery
Weight 120 XP Cost -
• Capable of Blast Attacks to Near range. Weight 150 XP Cost -
• Fires Small shells. • Capable of Blast Attacks to Near range.
• Room for 1 Assistant. • Fires Small shells.
• Counts as its own Wagon. • Can fire as many times as it has Shells.

Artillery Heavy Artillery Cannon
Representing the 155mm American and 152mm
PortaBle Mortar Communist weapons, these huge artillery pieces
These tiny mortars, representing the US 60mm are called to level bases, collapse tunnels, and
mortar and similar weapons, are a platoon’s best shell cities into oblivion.
friend. You can carry them anywhere, drop them
in a hole, and boom, instant fire support. Type Artillery
Weight 500 XP Cost -
Type Artillery • Capable of Bombard Attacks between Long and
Weight 5 XP Cost 6 Far Range.
• Capable of Bombard Attacks to Extreme Range. • Fires Massive shells.
• Fires Tiny shells. • Room for 4 Assistants.
• Room for 1 Assistant.
• Extra Parts: 3 Weight Tripod
Long-ranged Artillery Cannon
Specifically representing the 130mm M1954
Medium Mortar Soviet artillery piece, the longest range
These guns, representing the 81mm mortar and artillery gun in mass production. This weapon
counterparts, are the common company-level was a constant thorn in the sides of US forces,
mortars and the bread and butter of infantry firing from beyond the retaliatory range.
fire support.
Type Artillery
Type Artillery Weight 400 XP Cost -
Weight 6 XP Cost 6 • Capable of Bombard Attacks between Long and
• Capable of Bombard Attacks between Close Maximum range.
and Near Range. • Fires Large shells.
• Fires Small shells. • Room for 4 Assistants.
• Room for 2 Assistants. • Counts as its own Wagon.
• Extra Parts: 3 Weight Tripod, 3 Weight
Pack Howitzer
The Pack Howitzer is an American light
Heavy Mortar artillery piece, so named because it could be
These heavy mortars are barely infantry- broken into smaller parts that could be carried
portable, usually mounted in a half-track truck by mules. Though the US didn’t use a lot of mules
or gun carrier. They hit real hard and fire a in Vietnam, they loved these weapons as they
wide variety of rounds. The American version is could be carried by Hueys or towed by jeeps. The
known as the “Four-Deuce”. NVA fielded some too, acquired by the Chinese.
Type Artillery Type Artillery
Weight 12 XP Cost 6 Weight 300 XP Cost -
• Capable of Bombard Attacks between Medium • Capable of Bombard Attacks between Medium
and Near Range. and Far Range.
• Fires Medium shells. • Capable of Blast Attacks out to Near Range.
• Room for 3 Assistants. • Fires Medium shells.
• Extra Parts: 12 Weight Rotator, 12 Weight • Room for 3 Assistants.
Baseplate • Counts as its own Wagon.
• The Pack Howitzer can be disassembled into
Medium Artillery Gun 6 components, each weighing 50 Weight; the
Representing the 105mm artillery gun and Tube, Carriage, Wheels, Breech, Trial and
their 122mm Communist counterparts, Medium Axel. All parts must be present to fire.
artillery pieces are the most widely-used
artillery pieces on both sides. Rocket Artillery
Rocket Artillery covers a variety of weapons;
Type Artillery the larger XM3 Rocket Launcher arrays on
Weight 400 XP Cost - helicopters, the rocket pods of aircraft, and the
• Capable of Bombard Attacks between Medium artillery rocket racks favoured by communists.
and Far Range.
• Fires Large shells. Type Artillery
• Room for 4 Assistants. Weight 300 XP Cost -
• Counts as its own Wagon. • Capable of Bombard Attacks from Medium to
Near Range.
• Fires High Explosive Medium shells.
• Must be Cleared to load new shells in.
• Can fire as many times as it has Shells.

Heavy Munitions Size X Y
Artillery, aircraft bombs and mortars are Tiny 1 50m
endlessly flexible weapons. Small 2 100m
Shell Sizes Medium 3 200m
Artillery in PATROL uses a scaling chart of Large 4 350m
values depending on the size of the shell. Just Massive 5 500m
replace X and Y in the profiles below with the
corresponding value on the chart.

High Explosive Dummy Shell

The most basic and common sort of shell, HE is Shells without explosive filler are a safer way
simply as much explosive as can be packed in. of making ranging shots.
Type Heavy Munitions Type Heavy Munitions
Weight X XP Cost - Weight X XP Cost -
• Inflicts 1d3+X Injury, X-1 Penetration. • Negates 2 Failures worth of Scatter Distance
for subsequent shots if there is a spotter.
Shaped Charge
These weapons burst into a directed explosion Beehive
on contact to cut through bunkers and armour. Modernized old-school canister rounds, firing
hundreds of metal darts like a giant shotgun.
Type Heavy Munitions
Weight X XP Cost X Type Heavy Munitions
• Inflicts X Injury, 1d6 Penetration. Weight X XP Cost X
• Does no damage to infantry. • Close to Long Range Blast Attacks only.
• +X to Attack, inflicts 1d6 damage.
Armour Piercing • Converts Bombard weapons to Blast Attack.
Replaces the explosive payload with a dense
penetrating head to cut through steel. Leaflet
Carrier shells packed with leaflets allow an
Type Heavy Munitions entire area to be plastered in propaganda.
Weight X XP Cost -
• Blast Attacks only. Type Heavy Munitions
• Inflicts X Injury on one Struck Target. Weight X XP Cost X
• Does 1 Damage vs. Vehicles. • All struck units receive a flood of Leaflets,
• X+1d3 Armour Pen, -1 at every range past Medium. the content chosen by the firer.
Incendiary Carrier
WP and napalm are a workhorse of the US war Carrier shells can also be used simply to convey
effort and a constant PR blight. objects to the field.
Type Heavy Munitions Type Heavy Munitions
Weight X XP Cost X Weight X XP Cost X
• Inflicts 2d3 Fire Injury on Struck Targets. • Carries X-1 Weight in Equipment.
• Ignores X Levels of Defensive Position. • Cannot fire other shells in the same action.
Smoke Illumination
Shells that act as giant smoke grenades that can Shells that turn artillery into big flare guns.
provide cover for entire units.
Type Heavy Munitions
Type Heavy Munitions Weight X XP Cost X
Weight X XP Cost - • If they hit, they light up everything within
• Works exactly like a Smoke Grenade. Y distance like a Flare Gun.
• Affects all Units within Y of Units that were
hit directly.
Bombs filled with dozens of tiny bomblets.
Smoke shells can also be used to carry tear gas. Type Heavy Munitions
Weight X XP Cost X
Type Heavy Munitions • Inflicts Xd3 Injury.
Weight X XP Cost X • Anyone moving inside Y distance of the
• Struck Targets are affected as per a CS target has a 1/6 chance of setting off a Toe
Grenade. Popper each Turn.

Traps and Mines
Blast Mine Anti-Tank Mine
Close enough to the standard sort of land Anti-tank mines combine a heavy directional
mine, these small, cylindrical mines have good blast with a heavy trigger to take the tracks
effect both on people and unarmoured vehicles, off a vehicle and fill the interior with lethal
equally capable of blowing off a leg or a wheel. spalling.
Type Trap Type Trap
Weight 3 XP Cost - Weight 3 XP Cost -
Contact Trap which will detonate for any Unit Contact Trap which will detonate for Vehicles.
• Inflicts 2d3 Injury, 2 Penetration. • Inflicts 2d3 Injury to the Unit.
• Inflicts 1d3-1 Injury on the rest of the Unit. • Penetrates 2d3 Armour.
Non-Metallic Blast Mine Toe Popper
Rather than the traditional metal casing, many A lovely little US mine about the size of a tuna
modern mines are made out of plastic or wood can, the toe popper was a minimum metal mine
to fool metal detectors. Though harder to find, that did exactly what it’s name implied.
these mines are less lethal without a metal
shell to turn into shrapnel. Type Trap
Weight 1 XP Cost -
Type Trap Contact Trap which will detonate for any Unit.
Weight 3 XP Cost - • Inflicts 1 Injury.
Contact Trap which will detonate for any Unit • FUBAR Shock Checks automatically Cripple.
• Inflicts 2d3 Injury, 1 Penetration. • Minesweeper bonus does not apply.
• Inflicts 1d3-2 Injury on the rest of the Unit.
• Minesweepers bonus does not apply.
Punji Stake
The most famous Viet Cong weapon, a punji
S-Mine trap is just a covered hole lined with sharped
Bounding shrapnel mines, known as “Bouncing stakes. These stakes are covered in poisons or
Bettys”, use an explosive force to throw feces, so even if you just get a small cut there
themselves upwards to waist level before is great risk of infection.
detonating into a hail of ball bearings right at
crotch level. A lower-tech version is basically Type Trap
a frag grenade mounted on an elevated stake. Weight 2 XP Cost -
Contact Trap which will detonate for infantry.
Type Trap • Requires an Entrenching Tool to create.
Weight 3 XP Cost - • Inflicts 1d3 Injury on one Target.
Contact Trap which will detonate for any Unit • Inflicts +2 Failures on the Shock Check.
• Inflicts 1d6-2 Injury to the Unit.
• Do no Damage to Vehicles.
Crossbow Trap
Crossbows are easy enough to make in rural
Trip Flare areas, and simple to set off. Pointing one down
It’s dead simple; just a flare connected to a a path connected to a tripwire can not only kill
tripwire as a warning system. or injure, but the trap can be reset with ease.
Type Trap Type Trap
Weight 3 XP Cost - Weight 3 XP Cost -
Contact Trap which will detonate for any Unit Contact Trap which will detonate for infantry.
• Acts as a flare gun centred on the unit that • Makes a Precision Fire attack.
sets it off. • Can be reset as a Free Action with an Arrow.
• Can be made with a Crossbow.

Claymore Mine Demolition Charge
As iconic to the Vietnam War as the Huey, the A hefty bundle of TNT or C4 that must be carefully
Claymore mine is a flat mine on a platform that, laid, a demolition charge is used to blast apart
when detonated, sends a storm of ball bearings buildings or obstacles in one go.
over a hundred meters distant in a giant
shotgun blast. The huge potential kill-zone Type Trap
and the relative safety made a favoured tool. Weight 5 XP Cost -
Command-Detonated Trap.
Type Trap • Does 2d6 Injury, 2 Penetration.
Weight 3 XP Cost - • Does 1d6 Injury on all targets within 50m of
Command-Detonated Trap. the detonation site.
• Specify a target direction when placed. • Instead of collapsing adjacent rooms, it
• When detonated, makes a Blast Attack... will bring down the whole building.
• Against Units within Medium Range in a
100m path along the target direction.
Blasting Cap
• Against Units within Close Range in the A tiny, low-velocity explosive, blasting caps
opposite direction. are simply designed to set off other explosives.
• Does 1d6 Injury. They can be used to create improvised bombs out
of other materials.
Fougasse Barrel
A small barrel packed with gasoline, with a Type Trap
grenade or blasting cap at the bottom, a Fougasse Weight 1 XP Cost -
transforms the environment into a firestorm. Command-Detonated Trap.
• Will detonate other Traps when fired.
Type Trap • Will also detonate unrelated explosives in
Weight 8 XP Cost - the following manner.
Command-Detonated Trap. • All Grenades will count as S-Mines.
• Affects all units within 1d3x10m. • Every 10 Units of Fuel will count as a
• Does 2d3 Fire Injury. Fougasse Barrel.
• Destroys foilage inside the blast zone. • Every 3 Weight in Spare Ammo will cause +1
Injury from shrapnel.

Explosive Gear Detonator

You’ll need one of these if you want to blow
Bangalore Torpedo something up. Pull the trigger three times to
Basically long, interconnected tubes with be sure.
an explosive at one end, the bangalore is an
engineering tool that allows explosives to be Type Equipment
placed inside dangerous areas, such as under a Weight 1 XP Cost -
line of barbed wire or inside a minefield. Used as a Free Action.
• Can be connected to multiple explosives,
Type Equipment but all will detonate at once.
Weight 3 XP Cost - • You cannot connect a Detonator to a new wire
Consume as a Minor Action to... after using it to explode an explosive in
• Instantly destroy 10m of Obstacle. the same Turn.
• Instantly defuse any Trap within 10m by
detonating it from a safe distance.
• Attack a Structure within 10m with the If you’re going to destroy something, might
effect of a Concussion Grenade. as well do it right. Thermite is a chemical
compound that burns so hot it instantly melts
Minesweeper or cuts through steel.
Metal detectors use magnetic fields to detect
metallic objects without making contact with Type Equipment
them, allowing buried mines to be found safely.. Weight 1 XP Cost 1
When used as part of a Dispose action...
Type Equipment • Gives 5 Automatic Successes.
Weight 5 XP Cost 5 • Instantly disable 1 Artillery piece.
Used as a Free Action while moving. When used as part of a Sabotage Action...
• Increases the user’s Vigilance by 5 for • Gives 3 Automatic Successes.
detecting Traps. When used as part of an Enter Structure Action...
• Only works at Half or Shift speed. • Automatically opens any lock.


4x4 Utility car 6x6 Cargo Truck

Representing the jeep for the Americans, Covering the common American M35 two-and-
Land Rovers for Australians and... basically a-half ton, it’s larger 5 ton cousin the M939,
anything with four wheels for the Communists. and their many Communist counterparts like
You typically want to avoid driving these the ZIL-157. This is how most soldiers and
sorts of vehicles into combat, but it happens. gear gets from A to B.

Type: Ground Weight: 60 Type: Ground Weight: 100

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

15km/500 6/5 25 12km/250 4/5 5
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
0 8 0 10

Driver x4 Passenger Driver x2 Passenger (Cab)

Type On Type On Type On Type On
Visibility - Visibility - Visibility - Visibility -
Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 30

Trade 2 Passenger slots...

x12 Passenger (Bed)
- For a Medium Machine-Gun: 5XP
- For a Heavy Machine-Gun: 8XP Type On
- For a Large Recoilless Rifle: 12XP Visibility -
Add up to 1 Passenger Med. Machine-Gun: 4XP Capacity 40

Add Radio Telephone for Passenger: 3XP

Mount up to 2 Passenger Bed weapons...
- A Light Machine-Gun: 5XP
Sandbags can be added to the bed to give 1
- A Medium Machine-Gun: 8XP
Armour against Traps and the Passengers a
Level 1 Defensive Position bonus. This will
Add Radio Telephone for Cab Passenger: 3XP
increase fuel use to 4 and reduce speed to
Sandbags can be added to the bed to give 1
Armour against Traps and the bed Passengers
Independent of Storage, a Utility Car can tow
a Level 1 Defensive Position bonus. This will
a Wagon up to 60 Weight, another vehicle of up
increase fuel use to 3 and reduce speed to
to 60 Weight, or a Pack Howitzer.

Independent of Storage, a Cargo Truck can tow

a Wagon up to 60 Weight, another vehicle of up
to 60 Weight, or a Pack Howitzer.

Gun Truck Armoured Personnel Carrier
To protect their convoys, American supply The M113 and it’s counterpart the Type 63
units converted some of their cargo trucks into ferried troops in the relative safety of an
rolling fortresses. These gun trucks would armoured compartment, or on top, in case they
be painted gaudy colours and have slogans or hit a mine. The ARVN cooked up ways to use
titles on the side for easy identification. them as deadly combat vehicles as well.

Type: Ground Weight: 150 Type: Amphibious Weight: 160

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

10km/150 3/5 5 10km/600 3/5 25
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
1 10 2 10

Driver x1 Passenger (Cab) Driver x1 Commander

Type In Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 6 Visibility 6 Visibility 3+ Visibility 5+
Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 20 Capacity 20
Radio Telephone Radio Telephone

x2 Gunners x4 Passengers x10 Passengers x6 Passengers

Type On Type On Type In Type On
Visibility - Visibility - Visibility - Visibility -
Capacity 40 Capacity 40 Capacity 35 Capacity 40
Hvy. Machine-Gun Can’t use as Storage

Only one of the weapons on the back can fire on Add a weapon to the Commander slot...
any given Unit per turn. - A Medium Machine-Gun+: 5XP
- A Heavy Machine-Gun+: 8XP
Upgrade a Heavy Machine-Gun... - A Flamethrower+: 6XP
- To an Automatic Grenade Launcher: 5XP
Add 2 Med. Machine-Gun+ for Passengers: 10XP
Trade 1 Passenger slots for a Gunner slot: 5XP
Replace all Passengers with...
Gunners and bed Passengers benefit from a x3 Gunners (In) with a Heavy Mortar: 10XP
Level 2 Defensive Position. x1 Gunner (On) with a Minigun: 10XP

Add Mine Protection (+1 Armour vs Traps): 8XP

Add Radio Booster: 3XP.
Add Driver Starlight Scope: 3XP

Free World Tanks

M41 walker Bulldog M48 Patton

An obsolete light tank, the US handed these en An American Main Battle Tank, the M48 Patton
masse to the ARVN, who were desperate for any was used by American forces as their main
kind of armour. The ARVN often painted them battle tank. M67 “Zippo” variations with
in bright colours or with snarling animal flamethrowers were used; they used a fake gun
motifs for intimidation. so you couldn’t tell until it was too late.

Type: Ground Weight: 400 Type: Ground Weight: 500

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

12km/1km 3/15 25 10km/1km 2/16 25
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
4 10 5 10

Driver Commander Driver Loader

Type In Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 3+ Visibility 5+ Visibility 3+ Visibility 0
Capacity 20 Capacity 20 Capacity 20 Capacity 20
Radio Telephone Starlight Scope 10 Med. Shells

Gunner Loader Gunner Commander

Type In Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 3+ Visibility 0 Visibility 3+ Visibility 5+
Capacity 20 Capacity 15 Capacity 20 Capacity 20
Light Tank Cannon 15 Small Shells Starlight Scope Starlight Scope
Med. Machine-Gun Heavy Tank Cannon Radio Telephone
Med. Machine-Gun Med. Machine Gun
x6 Passenger x1 Passenger
Type On Type In x8 Passenger x1 Passenger
Visibility - Visibility 0 Type On Type In

Capacity 40 Capacity 15 Visibility - Visibility 0

Can’t use as Storage Can’t use as Storage Capacity 30 Capacity 15

Intercom Telephone Can’t use as Storage Can’t use as Storage
Intercom Telephone
Add a weapon to the Commander slot...
- A Medium Machine-Gun+: 4 XP M67 Zippo
- A Heavy Machine-Gun+: 6 XP - Delete Loader and internal Passenger slot.
- Replace Heavy Tank Cannon with Flamethrower
Add Driver, Gunner or Commander Starlight - Add 15 Unit fuel tank to Gunner position.
Scope: 2XP Each

M551 Sheridan Centurion MK5 tANK
An experimental tank with a multipurpose A popular British heavy cruiser, the Centurion
launcher that fired both missiles and shells, served as the battle tank for Australian
light enough to be carried by helicopter and forces. They were bigger and tougher than all
amphibious. The recoil of the cannon tended their counterparts; one tank was subject to
to knock out the electronics. atomic testing and still served in ‘Nam!

Type: Ground/Boat Weight: 300 Type: Ground Weight: 650

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

15km/750 3/15 20 8km/1km 2/15 30
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
3 8 5 12

Driver Commander Driver Commander

Type In Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 3+ Visibility 5+ Visibility 3+ Visibility 5+
Capacity 20 Capacity 20 Capacity 25 Capacity 25
Starlight Scope Starlight Scope Grenade Launcher Radio Telephone
Grenade Launcher Radio Telephone 3 Smoke Rounds Med. Machine-Gun
3 Smoke Rounds Hvy. Machine-Gun+
Gunner Loader
Gunner Loader Type In Type In
Type In Type In Visibility 3+ Visibility 0
Visibility 3+ Visibility 0 Capacity 25 Capacity 20
Capacity 20 Capacity 15 Heavy Tank Cannon 10 Med. Shells
Starlight Scope 6 Medium Shells Hvy. Machine-Gun 5 Ammo
Pack Howitzer 2 Wire Missiles Med. Machine-Gun 2 Hvy. Ammo
TOW Missile
Med. Machine-Gun x10 Passenger x2 Passenger
Type On Type In
x8 Passenger
Visibility - Visibility 0
Type On
Capacity 40 Capacity 15
Visibility -
Can’t use as Storage Can’t use as Storage
Capacity 40 Intercom Telephone
Can’t use as Storage
The tank’s Kettle can convert 2 Dirty Water to
If you roll 3 or more Failures firing the TOW
1 Clean Water per turn.
or Howitzer, your TOW Missile loses the Guided
feature. Gunner’s HMG can only be used to range the gun.
Free World AFVs

M706 Commando M42 Duster

The Cadillac Gage Commando, or “Duck”, was an Built from the chassis of the M41 Walker
armoured car used for security duties. You’d Bulldog, the M42 Duster is an autocannon-
see Air Force pukes and MPs driving this thing armed anti-air artillery vehicle. Without
around the cities, and they occasionally got many targets in the air, they were used as
their hands dirty escorting convoys. anti-infantry weapon platforms.

Type: Ground/Boat Weight: 400 Type: Ground Weight: 400

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

20km/300 4/15 30 12km/600 3/15 15
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
1 7 2 8

Driver Radioman Driver Commander

Type In Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 6+ Visibility 6+ Visibility 3+ Visibility 5+
Capacity 20 Capacity 30 Capacity 20 Capacity 20
Grenade Launcher Radio Telephone Starlight Scope Starlight Scope
3 Smoke Rounds Radio Telephone

x4 Passenger Gunner x2 Loader

Type On Type On Type On

Visibility - Visibility 3+ Visibility 0

Capacity 40 Capacity 20 Capacity 15

Can’t use as Storage x2 Autocannon 30 Tiny Shells

Add up to three... The Gunner and Loader are both recessed into
- Light Machine-Guns: 3 XP the hull, offering them Injury reduction equal
- Med. Machine-Guns: 4 XP to Armour.
- Hvy. Machine-Guns: 6 XP
Add a weapon to the Commander slot...
Replace 2 Passenger slots with a Turret... - A Medium Machine-Gun+: 4 XP
- Heavy Turret: Autocannon, 12 Tiny Shells - A Heavy Machine-Gun+: 6 XP
- Light Turret: Minigun, 8 Spare Ammo

If a Turret is added, remaining Passenger

slots become In Gunner/Loader slots with 6+
Visibility and 30 Capacity.

Military Bulldozer M50 Ontos
In particularly troubling areas, the US Greek for “The Thing”, the Ontos was, believe
resorted to simply bulldozing down as much it or not, a real vehicle. Designed as a tank
jungle as they could to deny Charlie a place to destroyer, it turned out to be an incredible
hide. Defending a bulldozer as it cuts a path infantry support machine, and the Marines
is an excellent mission objective. used them until they fell apart.

Type: Ground Weight: 400 Type: Ground Weight: 250

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

3km/500 2/15 10 12km/500 3/10 10
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
1 10 2 7

Driver x2 Passengers Driver Loader

Type On Type On Type In Type In
Visibility - Visibility - Visibility 3+ Visibility 0
Capacity 30 Capacity 40 Capacity 15 Capacity 15
Radio Telephone 15 Medium
Recoilless Shells
The Military Bulldozer has a large dozer blade
mounted on the front which serves several Gunner
purposes. The Dozer Blade bonuses only apply Type In
if the machine is moving at Combat Speed. Visibility 4+
- The Dozer can make Prepare Position actions
using the driver’s Proficiency + 10. Capacity 20
- Bulldozers never take Damage from attempting x6 Lrg. Recoilless
to crush Small Structures and Rooms of Large Med. Machine-Gun+
Structures less than 1 story tall.
- The Dozer counts their armour as 4 higher
In order to reload, the Ontos must stay
against mines.
stationary and Unbutton for 1 Turn, and at
- Bulldozers can convert terrain to Flat
least 1 character must spend 1 Turn outside
Ground in a 10m path behind them.
the vehicle reloading it.
Armoured Bulldozers gain +1 Armour and
Add a weapon to the Gunner slot...
convert their Driver slot to an In slot with
- A Medium Machine-Gun+: 4 XP
visibility 5.
- A Heavy Machine-Gun+: 6 XP

Free World
FONTS Helicopters sollicitudin velit vel consectetur. Maecenas
ornare odio eget maximus egestas. Pellentesque
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
elit. Nulla sollicitudin mi sed pulvinar ornare. malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut sagittis
Aliquam mollis enim eu fermentum consequat. ultricies neque a vulputate. Aliquam et dignissim
Quisque metus augue, tristique sit amet tortor libero, vel hendrerit orci. Aliquam et sagittis
eget, accumsan placerat orci. Donec non fringilla mauris. Duis accumsan ut urna non commodo. Nam
turpis, nec congue enim. Fusce convallis sit amet ac libero id ante convallis cursus in ut est.
lorem et cursus. In vitae ante et massa convallis
feugiat id ac quam. Aenean tincidunt turpis nec Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
tellus luctus, in sollicitudin orci finibus. Duis elit. Nulla sollicitudin mi sed pulvinar ornare.
nibh ante, congue id mi vulputate, convallis Aliquam mollis enim eu fermentum consequat.
scelerisque augue. Phasellus sollicitudin eget Quisque metus augue, tristique sit amet tortor
nulla vitae vulputate. Phasellus eu ante viverra, eget, accumsan placerat orci. Donec non fringilla
volutpat massa non, fermentum erat. Ut rhoncus turpis, nec congue enim. Fusce convallis sit amet
turpis ut lorem tempor fermentum. Sed pharetra lorem et cursus. In vitae ante et massa convallis
tellus in orci gravida auctor. Sed nec eros at feugiat id ac quam. Aenean tincidunt turpis nec
ipsum fringilla congue. tellus luctus, in sollicitudin orci finibus. Duis
nibh ante, congue id mi vulputate, convallis
Cayuse taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent scelerisque augue. “Huey”
UH-1 Iroquois Phasellus sollicitudin eget
per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. nulla vitae vulputate. Phasellus eu ante viverra,
Nam ac universally as theSuspendisse
sodales tortor. Loach, this potenti.
tiny, The single best known vehicle of the war, the
volutpat massa non, fermentum erat. Ut rhoncus
extremely light helicopter was used
Proin id accumsan diam. Donec ullamcorper as a Huey could go anywhere and do anything. The
turpis ut lorem tempor fermentum. Sed pharetra
scout and observation platform, ultralight
vehicula volutpat. Phasellus tempus purus at transport model could carry a whole squad,
tellus in orci gravida auctor. Sed nec eros at
massa and, with
consequat a few upgrades,
bibendum. as a small
Nullam vel odio ut casualties, rations, munitions, supplies, or
ipsum fringilla congue.
gunship that could get right into the
odio tincidunt malesuada. Aenean vulputateaction. even light vehicles and artillery.
ullamcorper tincidunt. Mauris maximus urna Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora
Type: Helicopter Weight: 150 Type: Helicopter Weight: 200 torquent
porta tellus malesuada, sed gravida felis per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
ultrices. Low
Ceiling: Integer Difficulty:
faucibus posuere2 elit, quis NamCeiling: Low tortor. Difficulty:
ac sodales Suspendisse1 potenti.
pellentesque ipsum lobortis eget. Interdum et Proin id accumsan diam. Donec ullamcorper
malesuada Fuel
fames ac ante Storage
ipsum primis in faucibus. Speed Fuel Storage
vehicula volutpat. Phasellus tempus purus at
250/5km 2/15 15 massa500/10km 2/15 Nullam vel5 odio ut
consequat bibendum.
Donec non est nunc. Phasellus ornare ex a eleifend odio tincidunt malesuada. Aenean vulputate
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
vehicula. Suspendisse nec enim porttitor, ullamcorper tincidunt. Mauris maximus urna
pretium odio 0 nec, sagittis ante. 5
Aenean et nibh porta tellus0 malesuada, sed gravida7 felis
eget metus fringilla consectetur nec id magna. ultrices. Integer faucibus posuere elit, quis
Suspendisse Co-Pilot
potenti. Nam tristique metus ornare, Pilot
pellentesque Co-Pilot
ipsum lobortis eget. Interdum et
Typemassa In
vel, placerat velit. InSed nisi
Type malesuada fames ac In
Type ante ipsum primis
Type in faucibus.
sapien, tincidunt vitae semper sed, sagittis a
Visibility 9 Visibility 9 Visibility 9 Visibility 9
quam. Ut gravida euismod justo sit amet sagittis. Donec non est nunc. Phasellus ornare ex a eleifend
Duis vitae mauris30eu tellus
fringilla30ultricies Capacity
vehicula. 30
Suspendisse Capacity
nec 30
enim porttitor,
et vitae felis. Radio Telephone pretium odio nec, sagittis Radio
ante. Aenean et nibh
eget metus fringilla consectetur nec id magna.
Etiam gravida vitae lectus a feugiat. Pellentesque Suspendisse potenti. Nam tristique metus ornare,
- Add running boards: 3XP Pellentesque sit amet x4 Passengers x8 Passengers
faucibus pulvinar dapibus. interdum massa vel, placerat velit. Sed nisi
felis vitae metus varius porta id accumsan ante. Type On Type In
sapien, tincidunt vitae semper sed, sagittis a
Aliquam boards
augue add external
in lacus posuere spots for
vestibulum quam. Visibility -
Ut gravida euismod Visibility
justo -
sit amet sagittis.
commandos to ride and fire off the sides.
at id massa. Morbi quis velit sapien. Mauris Duis vitae mauris
Capacity eu
30 tellus fringilla
Capacity ultricies
efficitur accumsan sapien tempor hendrerit. et vitae felis.
x6 Passenger
Aenean ut leo molestie, pulvinar justo sit amet,
nulla. On Aenean facilisis ornare mi at Etiam
Add gravida vitae lectus
up to 2 doorguns forathe
feugiat. Pellentesque
On Passengers...
molestie. Pellentesque
Visibility - faucibus pretium blandit. faucibus pulvinar
- Add Light. dapibus. Pellentesque
Machine-Gun: 3XP sit amet
In laoreet
Capacity pulvinar
35 nunc, vel tempor felis felis vitae
- Add Med.metus varius porta
Machine-Gun: 3XP id accumsan ante.
dignissim nec. Nullam in ante at augue tempus Aliquam quiscannot
Door guns augue both
in lacus
fire posuere vestibulum
on the same unit.
accumsan at eget arcu. Quisque commodo metus at id massa. Morbi quis velit sapien. Mauris
dapibus eleifend cursus. Donec euismod dui vitae efficitur accumsan
If the Huey sapien 4tempor
is carrying hendrerit.
or fewer people
Underpharetra fringilla
Pilot/Copilot necadd
control, quis
up ante. Proin
to two... Aenean ut leo molestie,
or equivalent gear, itpulvinar justoto
can be used sit amet,
lift a
tempor quisMachine-Gun:
- Add Hvy. diam quis eleifend.
3XP Cras et nulla vel ultrices
vehiclenulla. Aeneanpiece
or artillery facilisis ornare
up to 200 mi at
Weight, a
- Add ullamcorper
Minigun: 6XPtempus. molestie. Pellentesque
prepacked crate of the faucibus pretium
same Weight, or blandit.
2 Large
- Add Rocket Pods with 6 Shells: 5XP In Bombs.
laoreet pulvinar nunc, vel tempor felis
Phasellus viverra lectus vitae ultrices aliquet. dignissim nec. Nullam in ante at augue tempus
Curabitur nec urna eu enim lobortis vehicula. accumsan
Replace at eget arcu.slots
2 Passenger Quisque
with acommodo metus
Etiam dictum urna eget ipsum pharetra faucibus dapibus eleifend
and Tape Deck,cursus.
a PeopleDonec euismod
Sniffer withdui vitae
id placerat urna. Pellentesque vestibulum justo pharetra
effective fringilla
range, or a Largenec quisBomb.
Smoke ante. Proin

tempor quis diam quis eleifend. Cras et nulla vel ultrices nulla. Aenean facilisis ornare mi at
purus ullamcorper tempus. molestie. Pellentesque faucibus pretium blandit.
In laoreet pulvinar nunc, vel tempor felis
Phasellus viverra lectus vitae ultrices aliquet. dignissim nec. Nullam in ante at augue tempus
Curabitur nec urna eu enim lobortis vehicula. accumsan at eget arcu. Quisque commodo metus
Etiam dictum urna eget ipsum pharetra faucibus dapibus eleifend cursus. Donec euismod dui vitae
id placerat urna. Pellentesque vestibulum justo pharetra fringilla nec quis ante. Proin
sollicitudin velit vel consectetur. Maecenas tempor quis diam quis eleifend. Cras et nulla vel
ornare odio eget maximus egestas. Pellentesque purus ullamcorper tempus.
habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut sagittis Phasellus viverra lectus vitae ultrices aliquet.
ultricies neque a vulputate. Aliquam et dignissim Curabitur nec urna eu enim lobortis vehicula.
libero, vel hendrerit orci. Aliquam et sagittis Etiam dictum urna eget ipsum pharetra faucibus
mauris. Duis accumsan ut urna non commodo. Nam id placerat urna. Pellentesque vestibulum
ac libero id ante convallis cursus in ut est. sollicitudin velit vel consectetur. Maecenas
ornare odio eget maximus egestas. Pellentesque
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
elit. Nulla sollicitudin mi sed pulvinar ornare. malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut sagittis
Aliquam mollis enim eu fermentum consequat. ultricies neque a vulputate. Aliquam et dignissim
Quisque metus augue,
UH-1 Iroquois tristique
“Huey” (Hog)sit amet tortor libero,
CoBra velGunship
hendrerit orci. Aliquam et sagittis
eget, accumsan placerat orci. Donec non fringilla mauris. Duis accumsan ut urna non commodo. Nam
By piling on thick armour around the engine Highly advanced and deadly area suppression
turpis, nec congue enim. Fusce convallis sit amet ac libero id ante convallis cursus in ut est.
and crew compartment and then attaching guns gunships, the “Snake” was revolutionary, but
lorem et cursus. In vitae ante et massa convallis
to every surface that would take them, a “Slick” too advanced for the war they were fighting.
feugiat id ac quam. Aenean tincidunt turpis nec Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
became a “Hog”, a deadly flying artillery piece Body counts dropped significantly when they
tellus luctus, in sollicitudin orci finibus. Duis elit. Nulla sollicitudin mi sed pulvinar ornare.
spitting fire in all directions. replaced Huey patrols and their door gunners.
nibh ante, congue id mi vulputate, convallis Aliquam mollis enim eu fermentum consequat.
scelerisque augue. Phasellus
Type: Helicopter sollicitudin
Weight: 200 eget Quisque
Type: metus augue, tristique
Helicopter Weight:sit
250amet tortor
nulla vitae vulputate. Phasellus eu ante viverra, eget, accumsan placerat orci. Donec non fringilla
volutpat Low non, fermentum
Ceiling:massa Difficulty:
erat.2 Ut rhoncus Ceiling:
turpis, Low enim. Fusce
nec congue Difficulty: 1 sit amet
turpis ut lorem tempor fermentum. Sed pharetra lorem et cursus. In vitae ante et massa convallis
Speed Fuel Storage
tellus in orci gravida auctor. Sed nec eros at
Speed Fuel Storage
feugiat id ac quam. Aenean tincidunt turpis nec
ipsum500/10km 2/15
fringilla congue. 5 tellus1km/12km 2/15 orci finibus.
luctus, in sollicitudin 5 Duis
Armour Toughness nibh ante,Armour
congue id mi vulputate,
Toughness convallis
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent scelerisque augue. Phasellus sollicitudin eget
per conubia1 nostra, per inceptos 7 himenaeos. 1
nulla vitae vulputate. Phasellus eu6ante viverra,
Nam ac sodales tortor. Suspendisse potenti. volutpat massa non, fermentum erat. Ut rhoncus
Proin idPilot Co-Pilot
accumsan diam. Donec ullamcorper Pilottempor fermentum.
turpis ut lorem Co-Pilot/Gunner
Sed pharetra
In PhasellusTypetempusInpurus at tellus inType
orci gravida
In auctor. Sed necIneros at
massa consequat 9bibendum.
Visibility Nullam vel
Visibility 9 odio ut ipsum Visibility
fringilla congue.
5 Visibility 6
odio tincidunt malesuada. Aenean vulputate
ullamcorper 30 Capacity
Mauris 30
maximus urna Capacity
Class aptent 30sociosquCapacity
taciti 30
ad litora torquent
porta tellus
Minigun malesuada, sed gravida
Radio Telephone felis per conubia
Pod per inceptos
ultrices. Integer
6 Hvy. Ammo faucibus posuere elit, quis Nam ac12sodales tortor. Suspendisse
Small Shells potenti.
Auto G. Launcher
Pod lobortis eget. Interdum et Proin Radio
id accumsan
Telephonediam. Donec ullamcorper
10 Ammo
malesuada fames
8 Shellsac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. vehicula volutpat. Phasellus10tempus purus at
massa consequat bibendum. Nullam vel odio ut
Donecx2non est nunc. Phasellus
Passengers x2ornare ex a eleifend
Passengers odio tincidunt malesuada. Aenean vulputate
You can swap the Gunner’s Grenade Launcher
vehicula. Suspendisse nec enim porttitor, ullamcorper tincidunt. Mauris maximus urna
Type On Type In and ammo for a second Minigun and ammo, or
pretium odio nec, sagittis ante. Aenean et nibh porta tellus malesuada, sed gravida felis
vis versa.
eget Visibility -
metus fringilla Visibility
consectetur nec -id magna. ultrices. Integer faucibus posuere elit, quis
Capacity potenti.
30 Nam tristique
30 ornare, pellentesque ipsum lobortis eget. Interdum et
Half the Small Shells for the Rocket Pod can
interdum massa vel, placerat velit. Sed nisi malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
be swapped for a Minigun and 15 Ammo, or an
sapien, tincidunt vitae semper sed, sagittis a ravida vitae.
Autocannon and 15 Tiny Shells.
Add upUtto
gravida euismod
2 doorguns justo
for the Onsit amet sagittis.
- Addvitae
Med. mauris eu tellus
Machine-Gun: 3XP fringilla ultricies
US Marine versions are called “SuperCobras”.
- vitae felis. 6XP
Add Minigun:
They replace the Gunner’s Minigun and Grenade
Door guns cannot both fire on the same unit.
Launcher with a Gatling Autocannon mount and
Etiam gravida vitae lectus a feugiat. Pellentesque
25 shells. The Gatling Autocannon can fire 5
faucibus pulvinar
Add Co-Pilot dapibus.
Automatic Pellentesque
Grenade Launcher sit amet
Shells per turn instead of 3.
felis vitae metus
12 Grenades: 10XPvarius porta id accumsan ante.
Aliquam quis augue in lacus posuere vestibulum
at id massa.
Upgrade RocketMorbi quis
Pod to velit
Rocket sapien.with
Artillery Mauris
efficitur accumsan
Medium Shells: 8XP sapien tempor hendrerit.
Aenean ut leo molestie, pulvinar justo sit amet,

CH-34 Choctaw/SeaBat Ch-47 Chinook
Known as the “HUS” to the Marines it carried, These gargantuan twin-rotor transports
this was used in place of the Huey by the Corps could carry just about anything you could
in the early war. It was well loved by them imagine; a platoon of infantry, a village worth
because it’s reliability meant one was always of refugees, crates, fuel tanks, artillery
on station; “Get me a HUS” meant “Help me out.” cannons, trucks, tanks, other helicopters...

Type: Helicopter Weight: 400 Type: Helicopter Weight: 500

Ceiling: Low Difficulty: 1 Ceiling: Low Difficulty: 2

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

500/8km 2/15 5 600/10km 1/15 15
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
0 7 0 9

x2 Pilot x16 Passengers x2 Pilot x40 Passengers

Type In Type On Type In Type In
Visibility 9 Visibility - Visibility 9 Visibility 3
Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 25
Radio Telephone Radio Telephone Med. Machine-Gun
Med. Machine-Gun
Add up to 2 doorguns for the Passengers... Med.Machine-Gun+
- Add Light. Machine-Gun: 3XP
- Add Med. Machine-Gun: 3XP The two passenger Medium Machine-Guns are
Door guns cannot both fire on the same unit. door guns; they cannot both fire on the same
target. If somebody is using the third gun, the
Seabat Stinger: Replace 8 Passenger Slots with ramp gun, all passengers are exposed. Replace
Rocket Pod, 2 Light Machine Guns, 6 Shells and any of these guns with a Minigun for +4 XP.
16 Ammo .
If the Chinook is carrying fewer than 10
If the Seabat is carrying 4 or fewer people and passengers or stowed gear in those slots,
nothing in the passenger Capacity, it can be it can be used to lift a vehicle or artillery
used to lift a vehicle or artillery piece up piece up to 500 Weight, a prepacked crate of
to 150 Weight, a prepacked crate of the same the same Weight, or 4 Large Bombs.
Weight, or 1 Large Bomb.
ACH-47A Guns A Go-Go: Reduce passenger slots
to 25 and lift weight to 300. Add the following.
- Automatic Grenade Launcher, 15 Grenades.
- Rocket Artillery, 12 Shells
- x2 Hvy. Machine-Guns, 15 Ammo
- x2 Autocannons, 15 Shells

Free world Boats

Patrol Boat, River Patrol Craft, Fast (Swift Boat)

A fibreglass-hulled, jet-powered light Slightly larger aluminium-hulled patrol
patrol boat, the PBR was the workhorse of the boats, these vehicles had the extreme speed
brownwater navy. They were light, fast, and needed to blaze past defences or react to events
carried enough firepower to sweep the shores upriver. They made excellent transports for
clear of any infantry threat. troops, supplies or special forces.

Type: Boat Weight: 400 Type: Boat Weight: 800

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

12km/1km 6/15 30 12km/1km 6/25 45
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
0 11 0 15

Driver Gunner
Driver Gunner
Type On Type On
Type On Type On
Visibility - Visibility -
Visibility - Visibility -
Capacity 40 Capacity 30
Capacity 40 Capacity 30
Radio Telephone x2 Hvy. M.Gun
10 Heavy Ammo Radio Telephone x2 Hvy. M.Gun
10 Heavy Ammo
x4 Passengers
Radarman Main Gunner
Type On
Type On Type On
Visibility -
Visibility - Visibility -
Capacity 60
Capacity 40 Capacity 30
x2 Light M.Gun
x1 Hvy. M.Gun Radio Telephone x1 Hvy. M.Gun
x1 Auto G. Launcher Signal Booster x1 Medium Mortar
Radar 8 Shells, 10 Ammo

Both Gunner Heavy Machine-Guns attack the x12 Passengers

same target at the same time.
Type On
The two Light Machine-Guns cannot target the Visibility -
same unit. Capacity 60 Replace Light. M.Gun
with Auto Grenade
The Gunner and Driver positions offer Level 1 x1 Light M.Gun Launcher: 3XP
Defensive Positions to their occupants.
The Radar can detect all aircraft and large
ships on level water within 10 kilometres as
featureless blips.

Generic PLanes

Jet Fighter Prop Raider

The planes flown over Vietnam were second With uncontested control of the sky, the US
and third generation jet fighters, like the military began to see a role for propeller
F-4 Phantom, the MIG-21 and the A-6 Intruder. planes which could drop bombs with extreme
Though they engaged in their own dogfights, precision, using the tough A-1 Skyraider and
US jets were mostly used for ground attack. the sleek A-37 Dragonfly in this role.

Type: Airplane Weight: 800 Type: Airplane Weight: 800

Ceiling: Distant Difficulty: 2 Ceiling: High Difficulty: 1

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

10km/500km 1/6 6 3km/250km 1/10 6
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
0 8 1 10

Pilot Co-Pilot Pilot

Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 9 Visibility 9 Visibility 9
Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 30
Minigun, 10 Ammo Radio Telephone x2 Autocannon
20 Shells
Jet Fighters can go Supersonic in an
emergency, immediately consuming 3 Fuel to Choose 4...
arrive anywhere in the country in one turn.

Ejector Seat: Pilot and Co-Pilot can both - 1 Medium Bomb

Parachute if one of them is still conscious. - 2 Small Bombs
- 1 Rocket Artillery, 6 Shells
Choose 2 Co-Pilot Weapons... - 1 Rocket Pod, 12 Shells
- 2 Large Bombs - 1 Minigun, 5 Ammo
- 2 Medium Bombs, Guided - Mine Dispenser
- 3 Air-to-Air Guided TOW Missiles - Drop Tank: Add +5 Fuel
- Rocket Artillery, 12 Shells
- Drop Tank: Add +3 Fuel The Mine Dispenser is a one-use weapon that
- Gun Pod: x1 Autocannon, 15 Shells scatters 1d6 Blast Mines when used. Randomly
determine a compass direction and place each
Single-seater Jet Fighters are also available. mine Xd6 x 50 meters from the drop location,
The Pilot and Co-Pilot roles folded. where X is the plane’s Altitude.
The Radar can detect all aircraft and large
ships on level water within 15 kilometres as
featureless blips.

Free world Support PLanes

Propeller OBserver Spooky Gunship

The use of propeller planes to act as scouts, It turns out if you mount a bunch of miniguns
command vehicles and radio relays was a major onto the side of a cargo plane, you create an
part of anti-guerrilla operations. They could extremely powerful anti-guerilla weapon
loiter over a problem area far longer than a that can tear up acres of jungle at a time and
gas-guzzling jet fighter. circle over a combat area.

Type: Airplane Weight: 500 Type: Airplane Weight: 1200

Ceiling: High Difficulty: 1 Ceiling: High Difficulty: 1

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

2km/200km 1/15 25 1km/150km 1/25 60
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
0 6 0 14

Pilot Observer x2 Pilot x4 Passenger

Type In Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 9 Visibility 15 Visibility 9 Visibility 9
Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 30
Radio Telephone Radio Telephone
Signal Booster
x1 Gunner x1 Observer
The Propeller Observer can be equipped with... Type 1n Type In
Visibility 6 Visibility 15
PSYOPS: The Observer gains a Loudspeaker and
Tape Deck. It can carry 2 Massive Bomb filled Capacity 30 Capacity 30
with Leaflets. x3 Miniguns
30 Ammo
Close Support: The Pilot gets a Minigun and
the Observer gets 4 Small Bombs of any type.
Trade 1 Minigun and 10 Ammo for...
- Autocannon and 10 Shells.
Tank Hunter: Pilot gets 6 Disposable Rocket
- Heavy Anti-Tank Cannon and 5 Shells.
You can only mount 1 AT Cannon per gunship.
Chemical Detector: Observer gets a People
Sniffer with double effective range.

Scanner: Add a Radar, which can detect all

aircraft and large ships on level water within
20 kilometres as featureless blips.

Communist Vehicles

Soviet Armoured Car KAtyusha

The NVA employed a variety of Soviet armoured A Russian innovation of the Great Patriotic
cars to limited effect during the war. Most of War, a Katyusha consists of a truck chassis
them ended up being patrol vehicles hunting mated with a large rack of rocket artillery,
for downed airmen as they were difficult to making for a deadly, mobile, long-ranged
move south. artillery piece.

Type: Ground/Boat Weight: 400 Type: Ground Weight: 120

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

20km/500 4/15 30 1200/250 5/15 15
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
1 5 0 10

Driver Radioman Driver x1 Passenger (Cab)

Type In Type In Type On Type On
Visibility 6+ Visibility 6+ Visibility - Visibility -
Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 40 Capacity 40
Radio Telephone

x4 Passenger Mounted on the back of the Katyusha is a Rocket

Type On Artillery system holding 8 Rockets. It can be
fired by anyone in contact with the Katyusha
Visibility - providing it stays still during the turn it
Capacity 60 shoots.
Can’t use as Storage

Replace 2 Passenger slots with a Turret...

- Light Turret: Hvy Machine-Gun, 8 Spare Ammo
- Rocket Artillery, 3 Shells

Uparmoured: Reduce speed to 16km/500, add +1

Armour and 3 Toughness.

Independent of Storage, an Armoured Car can

tow a Wagon up to 60 Weight, another vehicle
of up to 60 Weight, or a Pack Howitzer.

Communist AFVs

ZSU-57-2 PT-76
A Soviet anti-air vehicle comparable to the A cheap and fast amphibious light tank, the
M42 Duster, the ZSU-57-2 accompanied North PT-76 was less effective than many of its
Vietnamese armour everywhere during the counterparts, but could be built by anyone
later stages of the war, as it could ward off in large numbers. The ability to ford rivers
ARVN helicopters. made it invaluable in Vietnam.

Type: Ground Weight: 400 Type: Ground/Boat Weight: 400

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

12km/500 3/15 25 10km/800 3/15 20
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
2 10 3 8

Driver Commander Driver Loader

Type In Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 3+ Visibility 5+ Visibility 3+ Visibility 0
Capacity 20 Capacity 20 Capacity 15 Capacity 15
Starlight Scope Starlight Scope Radio Telephone 15 Small Shells
Radio Telephone
Gunner x4 Passenger
Gunner x2 Loader Type In Type On
Type On Type On Visibility 3+ Visibility -
Visibility - Visibility - Capacity 15 Capacity 40
Capacity 20 Capacity 20 Light Tank Cannon Can’t use as Storage
x2 Autocannon 40 Tiny Shells Med. Machine-Gun

The Gunner and Loader are both recessed into

the hull, offering them Injury reduction equal
to Armour.

Communist Tanks

T-34/85 T-54/Type 59
One of the weapons that won the Great Designed in the closing days of the Great
Patriotic War, this was the original battle Patriotic War, the T-54 was a terror for NATO
tank of North Vietnam. They never really had military planners. It was cheap, deadly, and
the opportunity to deploy it aggressively in between the original and the Chinese knock-
large numbers, but they fielded them. off it is the most manufactured tank ever.

Type: Ground Weight: 400 Type: Ground Weight: 500

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

13km/700 3/16 25 12km/1km 3/16 25
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
3 11 4 11

Driver Commander Driver Commander

Type In Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 3+ Visibility 5+ Visibility 3+ Visibility 5+
Capacity 15 Capacity 15 Capacity 12 Capacity 15
Radio Telephone Radio Telephone
Med. Machine Gun+ Med. Machine Gun+

Gunner Loader Gunner Loader

Type In Type In Type In Type In
Visibility 2+ Visibility 0 Visibility 3+ Visibility 0
Capacity 15 Capacity 15 Capacity 15 Capacity 12
Light Tank Cannon 10 Small. Shells Heavy Tank Cannon 10 Med. Shells
Med. Machine-Gun Med. Machine-Gun

x6 Passenger x1 Hull Gunner x6 Passenger

Type On Type In Type On
Visibility - Visibility 0 Visibility -
Capacity 40 Capacity 15 Capacity 40
Can’t use as Storage Med. Machine Gun+ Can’t use as Storage
Intercom Telephone

Add external fuel tanks for +10 Fuel. In Add external fuel tanks for +10 Fuel. In
the event of a Fire, add +1 to the Bail-Out the event of a Fire, add +1 to the Bail-Out
Difficulty. Difficulty.

Civilian Vehicles

Civilian Car SampaN

A variety of cars, mostly of French make, putter The traditional riverboat of the Vietnamese,
through the streets of Saigon. In the rural a sampan is a small wooden boat with a shelter
areas, however, they are almost unknown, and in the centre, driven by poles. Many of the
a sure sign of an important official or rich people of Vietnam’s rivers will live their
aristocrat. entire life on one of these.

Type: Ground Weight: 60 Type: Boat Weight: 150

Speed Fuel Storage Speed Fuel Storage

18km/150 1/10 25 3km/200 - 25
Armour Toughness Armour Toughness
0 5 0 4

Driver x3 Passenger Driver x3 Passengers

Type On Type On Type On Type On
Visibility - Visibility - Visibility - Visibility -
Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 30 Capacity 30

Independent of Storage, a Civilian Car can tow As the Sampan is propelled by a driver, the
a Wagon up to 50 Weight, another vehicle of up driver takes 1 Exhaustion every 3 turn they
to 60 Weight, or a Pack Howitzer. operate the boat.

An Outboard Motor can be added to the Sampan,

raising the speed to 6km and sparing the
driver. Fuel becomes 1/10.

Items hidden on a Sampan have +3 to their

Stealth Rating.

Field Manual
They then work their way up the officer hierarchy.
Junior officers, like lieutenants and captains,
lead units on the field, coming up with tactical
If you want to roleplay as soldiers, you might
plans on the spot for soldiers to execute and
need to know something about soldiering. This
leading men. Senior officers, like Brigadiers
section is intended to give you a little overview
and Generals, are old men who come up with the
of what soldiers do and why.
strategic plans for large armies.
This basic training guide assumes you know just
There are a lot of protocols between officers and
about nothing about the army, the weapons they
enlisted men, to ensure they can both do their
use, or modern combat, but by the end of it you
jobs. Officers aren’t supposed to be friends with
should be more than ready to serve your country
their subordinates, and are isolated from them.
as a make-believe soldier with dice.
Bases have officer clubs where officers spend
their downtime away from the enlisted. When you

Military Basics meet an officer outside of a combat situation, you

are required to salute them, and hold that salute
The military is an organization whose mission until they return it, unless it is impractical or
statement is to win wars and advance the interests you are indoors. You are also required to call
and causes of their nation through violence. They officers “Sir”, or by their rank.
are a branch of government and a bureaucracy
that must continue functioning even as their The army is divided into nested sets of units,
components and employees are eliminated and with plenty of redundancy, for organization
concerted efforts are made to destroy them. As the and to make the chain of command clear. Every
retirement of small numbers of individuals are military on earth has their own organisational
capable of effectively destroying companies and quirks, and much ink is spilled figuring out how
bureaus in civilian life, the military employs they all equate to each other.
many unique strategies to be able to continue
functioning in war. In the US Army, generals command divisions, which
are made up of a number of regiments, commanded
Discipline and the chain of command is paramount by colonels. Regiments can be thought of as your
in the military, and is the element that is most “team”, with special insignia, nicknames, flags
removed from the way that civilian life functions. and mottos.
In civilian life, not listening to your boss might
get you fired, but in the military, its a crime. A regiment is divided into battalions, commanded
For the military to function, soldiers must obey by a Lt. Colonel. Battalions are generally the
orders from their superiors immediately and smallest field unit for organisational purposes.
without question. They consist of somewhere between 300 and 1000
men, plus a number of in-between officers, called
To facilitate this, militaries have a very rigid majors, who act assistant commanders. In the US
hierarchy of ranks and seniority. Soldiers Army, there are independent battalions which
are divided into three categories, called the are treated as regiments in and of themselves,
Enlisted, Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO), as the US Military is organized primarily at the
and Officers. Each has a different role and is division level instead of the regimental level
subservient to the groups above them. like most nations.

Enlisted soldiers are Privates and Specialists, The battalion is made up of a number of companies,
and the Lance Corporals in the US Marines. They about 100 men lead by a captain. Each company is
hold no authority over anyone, and their only broken into platoons, batteries or squadrons,
concern is to follow the orders of the people depending on the type of unit, each lead by a
above them and get the job done. lieutenant. NCOs are distributed within those
units to coordinate small squads of men or the
Above them are the Non-Coms, the NCOs. They lead crews of individual guns or vehicles.
a very small number of men, and their job is to
keep them organized, motivated and following When losses are taken from among the higher
the rules. They don’t make plans or dictate ranks, the men below take up the duties of the men
tactics, they just ensure they are executed. NCOs above them. To square this with the hierarchy,
are usually promoted from soldiers among the acting ranks are used; a lieutenant might be
enlisted men. acting as a captain until a replacement arrives.
If replacements aren’t immediately to be had, or
The officers are the people who come up with the promotions need to be handed out quickly, brevet
plans. Officers don’t typically spend time as ranks are used. This is a kind of quick field
enlisted men first; rather, they went to a special promotion that lasts until the craziness dies
officer school, usually hold a degree, and are down and it can either be confirmed or reverted
generally upper-class. with no loss of status.

On Industrial War The role of Infantry
The infantry is the public face of the army. When In our extended construction company metaphor,
people picture a soldier, they see an infantryman infantry are security guards. Just as people
in their heads. Recruits are generally divided might come to break or steal the machines at a
between those who desperately want to be construction company, the other side generally
infantry, and those who desperately want to be wants to destroy your war machines. The infantry
anything but. The reality is that most soldiers are the people who prevent this from happening.
are not infantrymen. Most of them are really They aren’t destroying the enemy wholesale, like
truck drivers, road layers, and office workers. artillery, or driving through their battle lines,
In order to understand why the infantry so like armour, but they are vital for victory.
important, we’ll need to talk about the military
around them. Destroying the enemy military is only step one
of winning a war. The second step is occupying
The closest approximation for what the military or defending ground, and defending or minding
is in civilian terms is a very large construction the people who live on that ground. Without it, a
conglomerate. That sounds very strange, but it military operation is just a lot of firecrackers
holds up in a lot of ways. They both have a lot and a lot of bodies without any progress made.
of necessary support infrastructure for each
person doing the actual work, they both utilize An excellent example of what infantry do is the
a lot of machines to get the job done more easily, island-hopping campaigns of the Pacific Theatre
and both require helmets at the jobsite. of World War 2. Most Japanese soldiers would be
killed by naval artillery and the country itself
The only difference is the construction company would be bombed into oblivion by aircraft, but in
builds houses, and the military kills people. order to win the war men with rifles had to land on
the islands themselves and extract the Japanese
Like the construction company, the military is soldiers from it, one way or another. Otherwise,
industrialized. It used to be that building a ports and airfields wouldn’t get built, which was
structure was the work of a few trained experts the real objective of the fighting.
directing the unskilled labour of dozens or
hundreds of people. Now, you have machines, like Infantry mostly fight in self-defence. If you are
cranes, backhoes and bulldozers, which handle confronted by the enemy during your duties, it
the heavy lifting with just a few operators. is kill or be killed. Your life and the lives of
your comrades are much more important than the
Likewise, the military has gone from a large lives of the enemy. “You did what you had to do.”
mass of people who can be used for various tasks To help cope with this, the enemy is dehumanized;
to a small number of specialized operators who thinking of the enemy as less than human makes
use machines to kill people. Machines like it much easier when you are forced to kill them.
artillery, bombing aircraft, missiles, and tanks.
Most of these operators never see the people they Many American soldiers came to resent the kill
are killing; they simply input numbers and press ratio-driven missions during the Vietnam
a button, and some seconds and a few miles away War. It became very difficult to reconcile the
some people are filled with shrapnel. If you contrary messages that the lives of the enemy
want a name for these people, you might settle on were worthless, and that trading ten of them for
“death technician.” It is they, and not infantry, the life of your comrade was worthy.
who do most of the work of winning wars.

About You Why You’re Here
According to the radio and television broadcasts
Let’s take a minute to talk about the American you’ve seen of the various presidents who have
Soldier of the modern age. been in office since the war began, Americans
have deployed soldiers in Vietnam to combat
As a young soldier in the army of the nebulous something they call Domino Theory.
mid-to-late 1960s, you are a member of the
generation born in the immediate aftermath of The Theory goes like this; communism is an
the Second World War, during what would become international threat that has no borders or
known as the “Baby Boom”, a massive expansion limits. The people in Moscow and Beijing who push
of the US population as a result of the strong it onto other nations arrange things so that each
economic upturn, rapidly expanding housing nation that falls to communism works to push
market, and the general post-war euphoria. over their neighbours as well. If North Vietnam
conquers South Vietnam, then Laos and Cambodia
As a youth, you learned to duck and cover under will fall to communism, and then Thailand and
your desks if the unthinkable happened. You Malaysia, then South Korea and India, then Japan
heard about satellites and men in orbit through and Australia, and the thing you know there’s Reds
the radio and, if your family was rich enough in Mexico pushing into Texas and California!
for a television, you knew the Mickey Mouse Club
theme song by heart. You grew up alongside the
Civil Rights movement and watched your parents
react to the death of President Kennedy.

As you were growing up, your parents and teachers

probably talked to you about your “military
obligation”. All young men are registered into
the Selective Service, a conscription system
which fills gaps in the military’s structure that
can’t be filled by volunteers. As you wouldn’t get
to pick your branch of service or influence what
job you got if you were drafted, young men were
encouraged to volunteer instead to ensure they
ended up where they wanted to go.

As the war in Vietnam worsened and the draft

expanded, your military options were probably
at the forefront of your mind during high school.
Getting into the Navy, Coast Guard or Air Force,
while safer, was a lot more difficult than the Now, you might believe this wholeheartedly,
Army or Marines. If you went to college you could or not really believe in the details but agree
get a deferment, but you might not qualify. You with the premise that communism needs to be
could sign up for the National Guard, but some of confronted. There’s horror stories from Eastern
them got shipped over anyway. Europe, South America, and Asia about what
happens when communism takes root; talk about
In short, there wasn’t really a way to ensure you purging dissidents, burning books and crushing
weren’t going to go to Vietnam. On the other hand, poverty. If you’re religious, the state atheism
that might have been okay with you; a lot of young enforced in communist nations and the violence
people, raised on stories about the horrors of they practice against clergy and believers is
communism, were quite eager to get a chance at reason enough to take up the sword.
taking the fight to the Reds. Either way, when
your 19th birthday rolled around, either you On the other hand, you might have some more
went out and volunteered, or you tried your luck cynical beliefs about the war. Maybe it’s all just
against the draft and lost. a way of showing Soviet Russia that the United
States isn’t afraid of fighting communists, or
When you get drafted, they send you a card in maybe you think the American Empire has decided
the mail telling you where to show up. If you that Vietnam is its next colony. Perhaps you
don’t arrive to be inducted, you’re breaking the think the entire war is about lining the pockets
law. Some people, “draft dodgers”, ignored their of defence contractors with a never-ending
letters anyway, hitting the road or fleeing conflict, or that the White Man in Washington has
to Canada to avoid Vietnam. You might have conspired to pit Black against Yellow.
considered it, or you might consider those guys
cowards. You might also believe there’s no reason at all,
and it’s all just some cosmic joke.

About Your Enemy The Kill Ratio
Your mission in Vietnam is to kill or capture as
That’s why you’re here, but war is a tango that many V.C. as you can. This isn’t like your dad’s
takes two. Who are you fighting, and why? war, where they could roll in to liberate Paris
or yank an island out from under the Japanese
Your comrades refers to your enemy as the V.C., garrisons. The V.C. won’t stop until they’ve won
Victor Charlie. The Vietnamese you work with call or they’re all dead, so...
them Viet Cong. They call themselves the National
Liberation Front. In any case, they are a guerilla The thing is, Charlie is really brave and hardy,
army that lives out in the rural parts of Vietnam, but he’s not a terribly good fighter compared
and they’re fighting to unify Vietnam under the to you guys. They don’t have your training or
rule of their communist leaders in Hanoi. equipment, and it shows. According to your
commanders, Americans kill about ten or twelve
You don’t know too much about Charlie because you V.C. for every soldier they lose. If Free World
don’t see much of him. They live out in the jungle Forces can keep that up, the enemy will run out
in tunnel complexes, or blend into the civilian of fighters before America runs out of patience.
population when they aren’t fighting you. Anyone
you see in the villages could be V.C., waiting for You’re not entirely sure if you can trust that
your unit to pass by before retrieving a hidden kill ratio; you think command probably pads it
weapon and shooting you in the back. Most of the out a bit by counting some of the civilians who
time, all you see of Charlie is tracers zipping get caught up in your firefights, or making
through the foliage, or corpses lined up after a assumptions about the effectiveness of artillery
firefight. and airstrikes. Still, the fact that Charlie keeps
in the fight despite knowing how one-sided it is
You do find a lot of evidence of the enemy lying can be pretty unnerving.
around, though. The Viet Cong love to build
deathtraps out in the jungle, laying mines, Some of your comrades take this body count
digging pits lined with spikes, and rigging business very seriously, and aren’t too
crossbows into trees. You could easily be killed discriminating in whose bodies they count. Some
by a trap set by long-dead enemy fighter. people came over here twisted, and a lot more got
that way by being in the war too long. Life is
Depending on when and where you’re fighting, cheap in Vietnam, so nobody really seems to care.
Charlie can be organized in all sorts of different
ways. In some places, they’re just small bands
raiding villages and throwing grenades into The Red Menace
passing trucks. They’re basically just bandits On the other hand, Charlie isn’t exactly a bastion
with a cause. of morality either. Your commanders call them
terrorists, because most of their tactics are
In others, the Viet Cong are like a big rural about using fear to force South Vietnam into
military, with thousands of soldiers organized compliance. They plant bombs in crowded city
in divisions and ranks and giant tunnel complex streets, assassinate teachers, doctors and
bases buried out in the boonies. They wear preachers, and kill anyone who won’t help them.
something almost like a uniform, they have
proper officers, and sometimes really scary gear Sometimes, when you hear about war protests on
sent by the North Vietnamese Army. the radio, you want to take some of those students
you hear about back in the States, the ones who
The NVA, or Nathan Charlie, that’s on a completely say the V.C. are brave freedom fighters against
different level. North Vietnam has a whole proper American Imperialists, over here for a few days.
army of fanatics just itching to invade the South, Maybe they’ll change their minds about the baby
but the presence of the Free World Forces means killer thing after they see what Charlie does to
they can’t manage a proper war, because there’s villages that don’t toe the party line.
no way the military of a backward shithole
like Vietnam can compete with the US army, the This is part of the reason that fighting the V.C.
greatest military machine in history. is such a nightmare. On the one hand, they’re a
huge threat to the rural people of Vietnam. A lot
Instead, a lot of them take off their uniforms of people are scared of them and a lot of people
and sneak down into the south through Laos and hate them, and you often help people relocate to
Cambodia to fight as Viet Cong, providing them fortified villages that can keep them safer.
experienced soldiers and officers. As things
heat up in the war, the NVA is getting bold again. At the same time, though, any one of those villagers
Uniformed battalions are entering the country could be Viet Cong, and there are villages who
again, with artillery and armoured cars. You’ve don’t seem to care about their atrocities and
even heard terrifying rumours from the Marines provide them aid, or simply don’t help US forces.
in I Corps that they have tanks and helicopters. ere’s no way of knowing who you can trust.

Garrison Duty Out in the Bush
As a regular infantry solider in Vietnam, you and Just sitting in the base doesn’t get the war won;
your unit will most likely be posted to a firebase, Victor Charlie and his big brother Nathan are
properly known as Fire Support Bases or FSBs. out there, beyond the wire, moving supplies and
These are a kind of fort out in the rural parts raiding villages and setting up weapon caches.
of the country that acts both to extend artillery Its simply not possible to watch the whole country
coverage over the entire warzone and as a base to at once, so instead you go out on patrols in the
launch patrol missions from. hopes of catching a percentage of enemy activity
and, by doing so, make it more difficult overall
The size of a firebase could vary considerably, for the enemy to operate.
with some just temporary piles of dirt to house
a platoon of soldiers and some pack howitzers, A typical recon patrol involves a platoons of
and others near the front line garrisoned by soldiers, kitted up for combat, leaving the wire
entire battalions. Most, however, house six either on foot or in a helicopter and walking
heavy artillery guns, a helicopter detachment, a beat around the surrounding countryside,
engineers to build and maintain the place, a basically looking for trouble. They are usually
medical staff, and a company-sized infantry out to investigate known patterns of enemy
force to act as a garrison. activity, checking on hotspots like popular
trails. It is also important to visit villages to
Firebases tend to go through a lot of abuse. remind civilian populations of US presence, look
They are the face of the American occupation for enemy hiding among them, and ask around.
in the rural areas, so they tend to catch a
disproportionate amount of mortar and rocket If your officers have direct evidence of enemy
fire, not to mention snipers lurking just outside activity, like a recon report, they might also
the wire. NVA regulars or large forces of V.C. send you out for a combat patrol with the direct
sometimes get it in their head that they should purpose of ambushing the enemy. This’ll often
make a run at a firebase and overwhelm it with involve two platoons; one to attack, and one to
shock and sheer numbers. block their escape.

To protect against these hostile actions, Patrolling is incredibly nerve-wracking because

firebases are ringed in barbed wire and have it is both extremely dangerous and unbelievably
containment walls of dirt, called berms, built up boring. It is physically and psychologically
around it. Behind the berm are firing positions, demanding and the tension is suffocating. You
machine-gun nests, and watchtowers. All the stand a fairly good chance of encountering
foliage in the area will be cut or bulldozed back the enemy or their traps, but likely not in any
several hundred meters to provide clear lanes of concrete way. There might be some gunshots up the
fire, and mines may be placed in problem areas. line and the zip of bullets going overhead, but
This makes firebases a tough nut to crack for an in all likelihood you personally won’t see who is
infantry force. responsible and it’ll be over before it started,
leaving you to deal with the aftermath.
For most of your tour, the firebase is home.
There’s a number of buildings inside the wire, How long a recon patrol lasts varies immensely.
hastily built to withstand enemy fire. Your room If you’re lucky, your officers just want a better
is a small bunker, dug about waist-deep in the look at some very specific thing, so you’ll be back
ground, with raised sandbag walls and a canvas inside the wire by sundown. If you were lucky,
roof, which you share with slightly too many of though, you wouldn’t be in Vietnam, so your
your fellow soldiers given its size. You sleep patrol will probably last a couple of days. At
on a portable air mattress placed on a raised night, you set up claymores around your position
aluminium frame, with spare clothes or a bag full for security and get as much sleep as you can on
of socks as a pillow. the ground, providing you aren’t on watch.

Your duties on the base are divided into two A few days into these patrols, you might start
segments. Garrison duty is your day-to-day to realize that this is how Charlie lives every
routine, basically doing everything that needs day, and that he doesn’t have a fancy base with
doing to keep the base going while staying present a bed and fresh supplies and a shower to go back
to repel any enemy incursions. That means a lot to. That’s about when you start to understand how
of digging and carrying for the engineers, long a bunch of rural yokels from an impoverished,
hours watching nothing happen on sentry duty, backward nation like Vietnam could be giving
and, worst of all, collecting and burning the the US military so much trouble, and your level
refuse from the garbage pit and latrines. of respect for and fear of the V.C. jumps up.

Still, garrison duty is practically heavenly When you finally get back to the FSB, suddenly
compared to the nightmare that is going on patrol. that air mattress in a damp bunker will seem real
Real Bases Military Culture
Not every infantry soldier is assigned to a The first thing you might notice is that everyone
firebase, and not everyone assigned to a firebase is very concerned with the time. Soldiers have a
stays there. Command is constantly shifting one-year tour in Vietnam, and they count every
troops around based on their own obscure logic, single day of it in obsessive detail. You’ll see
meaning you might end up serving in quite a few improvised calenders inside hooches, or scrawled
places. onto helmets and flak vests in black pen, every
day gleefully marked off. Any given soldiers can
Many soldiers end up garrisoning larger military tell you to the minute how long they have left
bases, like divisional field headquarters or the in-country.
large garrison bases outside of Saigon. These
are a bit further removed from the fight than the When a soldier starts approaching the day when
firebases, being huge, sprawling complexes with he gets to go home, he is said to be “short”. The
many layers of security. Things here are a lot “short-timers” are treated with the utmost
more established. respect by everyone around them, because the
irony of somebody dying just before they get out
Instead of a bunker, you sleep in a hooch, a raised is too much to handle. Short-timers don’t walk
wooden structure with screen doors and working point, don’t get to volunteer for anything, and
lights. You’ve something approximating a real bed their comrades will pull whatever strings they
and there’s a real kitchen, which makes garrison have to get them out faster.
duty a lot more bearable. It’s a lot safer, too; its
much harder for the enemy to get into range to try Of course, the army knows that losing its veteran
something, not that they don’t try. troops within a year is a bad deal for them, so
reenlistment officers are constantly buzzing
You still have patrol duties, and these patrols around the short-timers, trying to convince
can be even longer and more elaborate as there are them they are better off staying in the army. The
a lot more troops and helicopters laying around animosity between field troops and the re-up
to throw at them, but once it’s over you return brigade is quite serious.
to something almost resembling normality. A
common, if rather surreal, sight is to see a group On the flip side, newcomers, “cherries” or “FNGs”,
of men come back from a week out in the bush, their are widely resented, as their inexperienced
fatigues brown with mud and sweat, elbowing past idiocy tends to get others killed. If you’re new,
the gaggles of rear-echelon types on their way to you get all the dirty and dangerous jobs. Not
hot chow, a long shower, and as much sleep as they surprisingly, you were most likely to die in your
can get away with. first two months. As officers serve six-months
field duty, then six months desk duty, the worst
Going on Leave FNG is probably your platoon commander.
Though soldiers are on-the-job 24/7, they also
accumulate leave over time, kind of like sick This time obsession connects to the incredible
days that they can use with the permission of superstition of soldiers. Every unit has a long
their commander. After a few hard patrols, your list of conversation topics, gestures, foods,
officers might give you some time off. This would orders and people who are bad luck or good luck.
often involve shipping soldiers in their command
down to “safe areas” inside Vietnam for a day or Soldiers don’t have many avenues to express
two, usually at a beach in some well-secured part themselves verbally, but they do have an ample
of the country, where the troops would basically supply of black markers, time, and nothing to
have a ridiculous barbecue beach party, get write on but their own gear. As a result, you tend
blackout drunk, and then stagger back to the war. to see a lot of slogans and art drawn crudely
onto helmet covers, flak jackets, ponchos, and
During your tour, every soldier was also entitled backpacks. Two favourites are the “Though I walk
to five days of leave in Bangkok, Hong Kong, in the valley of death/badass motherfucker”
Penang, Manila, Singapore, Taipei or Tokyo, or quote, which is so common as to be utterly cliché,
seven days in Hawaii or Sydney. Of these, Bangkok, and “born to X” slogans; Kill, Die, Love, Fuck, etc.
a city flooded with Western money and catering to
just about any fancy a soldier might have, was far Among soldiers, there is a strong racial divide
and away the most popular with single soldiers. in socialization. Though the military was
integrated shortly after the Second World War,
Soldiers on the larger bases could often swing and segregation laws were slowly struck down
day passes, allowing them a chance to head into over the course of the decade, there was still a
Saigon, Dai Nam, or one of the camps established strong social divide between black and white.
outside the army bases to hit up the bars and Though this barrier usually broke down a little
brothels. The MPs and SV Police were often tasked after the unit had seen combat, the constant
with retrieving soldiers out past curfew. influx of new troops kept the division strong.

On the March Walking In a Combat Zone
Once your overland march (or drive) has brought
Soldiers, even soldiers in a modern army, spend you into a combat area, its time to start walking
a lot of time walking. Learning strategies for differently. You break up your marching column
moving from place to place quickly, safely and and you start moving to fight.
sustainably is one of the most important skills
that basic training seeks to drill into soldiers. The first and most important thing to do is to
maintain a decent distance between one another.
Left to their own devices, a group of untrained This serves two purposes. It makes it harder to hit
people trying to move together tends to be any one soldier, and it also reduces the number
something of a mess. People move at different of casualties the unit will take from blasts or
rates, causing slowdowns and interruptions and rapid-fire weapons. The ideal is a “five meter
spreading the group out over the trail. This in spread”, just enough space to be able to easily
turn makes communication difficult. When this keep track of one another, while still leaving
happens to a group of soldiers on the march, it is your formation more open air than soldier.
referred to as getting “strung out” and it can add
hours to a journey. When you can, move in dips in the ground, and stay
off worn trails. Move behind hills, never atop
When they teach you to march in basic, what they them where you’ll leave an obvious silhouette.
are teaching you is how to move on a beat, with Don’t make yourself an obvious target.
everyone stepping in time with one another.
Though important for general discipline and When you’re moving in a potentially threatening
presentation, this training also teaches soldiers location, there’s a number of different formations
to move at a single pace. That hugely simplifies you and your comrades can assume to move about
crowd management, and allows large numbers of the area safely. The most basic of these in jungle
people to move at maximum speed and be organized warfare is called Mobile Overwatch, and it’s what
when they arrive at their destination. US soldiers employed primarily in Vietnam.
Overland marching is how infantry throughout Leading the Mobile Overwatch group is the Point,
the ages have got from A to B. In simple terms, who ranges somewhat ahead of the unit. The Point
you and your unit all get together on the road finds safe paths through the jungle for the rest
and start walking in time, and some hours later of the team, checks for traps, and investigates.
you all stop, or break into combat movement. By moving alone, the Point can set his own pace
Historically, you might have maintained such to a degree, moving more quietly and quickly
a march even under fire, only breaking it a few when he needs to. As the Point moves alone, the
hundred meters from the enemy. In the modern age, enemy knows that ambushing him will blow their
however, you never do this kind of march in sight surprise, and if his group is ambushed, he can
of the enemy. Usually, an overland march will just double back and flank the enemy.
carry you to a base or staging area.
Behind the Point moves the rest of the team.
The US Army is a very modern organization, which You move single-file, slightly staggered, each
means that it is motorized. Motorized means that man able to see the man in front of him, and
the “infantry” actually have trucks and cars each watching a different section rather than
assigned to them, so their overland marching is dividing their attention watching everything
typically a drive instead. Nothing in war ever around them. The first guy, the Overpoint, watches
goes to plan, though, so you should be prepared to his left, the next guy watches the right, and so
march if something goes wrong. Because it will. forth. The last guy in the unit, the sweep, cleans
up your trail and keeps an eye out for anyone
shadowing the unit.

If the Point spots an enemy moving towards the

group, you can quickly break the unit into what’s
called an L-shaped ambush. In simple form, this
is what it sounds like; you form an L-shape beside
the trail and let the enemy come close before
opening fire. The L shaped ambush can be hastily
prepared simply by having the front half of the
group break off the trail to one side or another,
which is why your machine-gunner and other
support elements typically walk near the rear of
the unit. The L-shaped ambush doesn’t leave a lot
of places for your enemy to go, and also ensures
you won’t accidently shoot one another, as you
would if you surrounded your foe.
Start Digging Advanced Entrenchment
Artillery is the way that most people die in Now, in military parlance there are many kinds
a warzone. A bursting 105mm shell can kill or of holes. There’s shallow ones you carve in the
maim a dozen people at once from out of the blue. ground quickly, to lower your prone form under
Artillery also exists in the form of cannons and the earth. These are good for sleeping, and are
mortars carried by opposing enemy infantry, who known as “Shell Scraps” or the rather morbid
are keen to use them on you. As an infantryman, “Ranger Grave.” There’s the foxhole, which is
artillery is your greatest fear. If you just sit your traditional one-man hole in the ground, dug
around, it can be more or less guaranteed that shoulder-deep. If you’ve got a two-man job, like
some shrapnel will find you and open you up in operating a machine-gun, or an officer and his
short order. radioman, you can dig a slightly bigger foxhole
the two of them occupy. A slit trench is a long
When an artillery shell explodes on contact with foxhole for a whole group, or to link multiple
the ground, most of its deadly power comes from foxholes together.
the fragments of its casing which are ejected to
either side, skimming low across the ground at Though your average foxhole is just a pit in the
high speeds. These fragments are large, irregular ground to keep you safe, if you have time (and in
and leave cruel wounds indiscriminately across war, you always have time, right up until you
the bodies of soldiers. A solid defence is to simply don’t) you can improve it in a myriad of ways.
lie down and let the fragments pass overhead, but
you don’t always have forewarning, nor does it For starters, a good foxhole has a slight slope
protect you from all the elements of the blast. in the floor with a sump, which is a narrow, deep
Fortunately, a better defence exists against such trench in the bottom, usually a few feet deep.
weapons. Holes. Water will drain into the sump, keeping you dry,
and if somebody throws a grenade into your hole,
By digging down and keeping your body beneath you can kick it into the sump to protect yourself.
the contour of the earth, the deadly high-speed
shrapnel fragments will pass over your head, Sandbags can be laid around the hole, especially
sparing your tender flesh. The thick earth will around back, to provide additional protection.
also help protect you against the pressure of the You can dig a little deeper and add a firing step,
blast wave when a shell strikes nearby. If you which will be both a comfortable place to sit and
dig deep enough, and cover your shelter with a to stand when shooting. You can dig elbow holes
tarp, you can even have good odds of surviving a for your arms when you’re in the firing position,
nuclear blast! and pile the dirt a bit thicker around the edges
to provide more cover. You can lay logs down to
Now, a hole in the ground is still open to the provide overhead protection, maybe with a tarp
sky, so there’s still some risk. Obviously, to keep the rain out. If you put some foliage atop
nothing will save you if an artillery shell lands and around that, you’ve hidden it from the enemy.
directly atop you, but there’s not much you can
do about that. Another problem is things falling If you need to fight at night, and you should
atop you through the open hole. You generally generally assume you’ll have to, you can use local
want your hole to be as narrow as it can be to resources to make the job easier. During the day,
minimize that, but chunks of shell, rock and define your fields of fire, and then place a stick
earth are still going to rain on your head with point up out of the dirt at where your target
regularity. This is why you wear a steel helmet; area starts and ends. That way, you can feel where
it wards off the falling shell fragments which, you should be shooting, even if you can’t see.
while slower and less deadly, will still cause Likewise, you can use a forked branch as a crude
you considerable harm if they land on you. Your bipod, stabilizing your weapon and providing
helmet also protects your body and brain from you with a direction to shoot in the dark.
the overpressure wave of nearby explosions; the
expanding air from a shell impact can literally Finally, you can do some specialized things with
beat you to death otherwise. your foxhole. If you leave it flush to the ground
and place a camouflaged cover atop it, you’ve
On top of all that, a good hole can protect you created a spider-hole; you just wait for Charlie
from bullets, too! As gravity is the enemy of the to pass by, then you pop up out of it and attack him
marksman (more on that later), you can greatly from behind. Of course, Charlie loves to do this
improve your odds of survival by reducing in return. When you aren’t in a spider-hole, it
your vertical profile. You do this when you lie becomes a rather nasty fall trap for anyone that
prone, but this is even better because you aren’t treads atop it. If you line it with some sharpened
extending your body across the ground, and you bamboo, you’ve got yourself a good old-fashioned
can duck back into the hole for more complete tiger trap, one of Charlie’s favourite tools. The
protection. Thirty-six inches of dirt will stop V.C. take it a step further, smearing the spikes
a rifle bullet dead, so a hole is just about the in venom or human faeces to try and induce an
best cover you can have. infection in victims.
Love your Rifle Though gunfights in movies always seem to occur
at arms length, in reality your average firefight
At the heart of a soldier’s job description is takes place at over a hundred meters distant,
killing people. Most of that killing will be done though jungle firefights can be murderously
with artillery, bombs and mines, but the infantry close. Take a dime and hold it out at arm’s length;
have to do it too, sometimes. You could use a knife that’s about how big a human being is at 100m. Now
or a particularly large rock, but it’s a lot easier imagine that dime moving around, ducking and
to use a gun. diving between the trees and sticking to dips in
the ground. That’s what you need to hit.
Guns come in many shapes and sizes. As a general
rule, if it fits in your hand, its a pistol, and To make things more complicated, bullets don’t
if its long and has a thing to put against your fly in a straight line, but instead curve with
shoulder, its a rifle. If its somewhere in between, gravity, far more dramatically than you might
its a carbine. expect. Except at the shortest ranges, you are
effectively trying to get the bullet to fall into
At the most basic, a modern firearm consists of the target. Rifles have adjustable sights that
a barrel, an action, and the cartridge which is you can use to angle your shots, but the gradient
loaded into the weapon. The cartridge is a brass doesn’t tend to be very fine and there are many
tube filled with explosives, called propellant. other factors involved, so even if you have the
On one end is the projectile, called a bullet, and target dead in your sights, you’ll tend to over or
on the other end, a tiny blasting cap, called the undershoot your first few rounds.
Experienced shooters soon learn to compensate
When you pull the trigger, the action of the and get a feel for the performance of their
weapon snaps a needle-like press called a hammer weapons. A trained soldier can hit a man-sized
against the back of the round. The shock of this target at 200 meters with the first shot with
impact sets off the primer, causing the propellant fair reliability, given time to aim. In combat,
to ignite and burn very rapidly. This explosion however, time isn’t on your side. What you do
forces the bullet off the end of the cartridge, instead is shoot a lot of bullets, and hope one of
into the barrel and then out of the end of the gun them hit.
(the muzzle) at high speeds. The bullet is followed
by the expanding gas from the explosion, which During the Second World War, there was a study
comes out the end in a flash of fire and a puff conducted by US Army combat historian S.L.A.
of smoke. In accordance with Newton’s Second Law Marshall which claimed that, even in direct
of Motion, the user experiences the gun pushing combat, 75% of soldiers would not fire their
back against them with the same force, which is weapons with the direct intent of killing enemy
called the recoil. soldiers, and frequently wouldn’t fire at all.
The US military took his study to heart, and
To prevent the bullet from tumbling in midair, implemented programs to try and encourage their
the barrel is lined with small, twisting grooves, troops to shoot without hesitation, no matter
called rifling. The bullet catches against these what the situation.
grooves and is forced into a spin, so it comes out
the barrel rotating at high speeds. This rotation The only problem was that S.L.A. Marshall was
is called spin stabilization; it makes it much basically making it up. His methodology was
more difficult for the bullet to tumble in the garbage, where it existed at all, and both
air, keeping it more accurate. logistical reference and veterans of the Second
World War had long disputed it, but it sounded
Guns are much more nuanced machines than good to upper officers and confirmed many of
popular culture would have you believe, and their self-serving biases.
it is a lot harder to hit a person than you’d
think, presuming you can even see them. It’s not
just point and click; there are a huge number of
factors involved that govern if the bullet you
fired from your gun strikes the target or not.

This resulted in considerable overcompensation Contemporary with these were semi-automatic
on the part of US training methods. Thinking pistols. These used a spring-loaded mechanism to
the main problem would be to get troops to pull reset a sliding action that ejected one cartridge
the trigger at all, it was drilled into soldiers and loaded another from the magazine after each
that, when in doubt, you shoot, regardless of shot, so you could just pull the trigger multiple
circumstances. US Soldier entering Vietnam times for multiple shots with no other work
were trained to be trigger-happy even before needed. Pistols fire very small rounds; this is
they encountered the realities of the conflict to keep the weapon small, control the recoil,
there. All too often, the problem was not getting and allow the spring to work. Big pistols rather
men to start shooting, but getting them to stop. defeat the purpose!
They managed to fire about 52,000 rounds of
ammunition for each enemy casualty.

Popular culture will have given you a very
different image of what a sniper is than the
reality. Most of the “snipers” you will encounter
are just lone individuals with rifles taking
potshots at you or your vehicles as you pass by.
What makes them deadly is primarily the element
of surprise, as it gives them the chance to hit
somebody before you start moving evasively,
hugging the ground or firing back.

Likewise, silencers don’t work like they do in

the movies either. There isn’t a quiet “fwip”
sound, but something more akin to a staple gun
being used as the metal of the gun clacks against
itself. Most silencers are used not to keep an
operation secret but to protect the hearing of
the user, especially indoors. Fully Automatic
At around the same time the magazine bolt
Pedantic gun people get very annoyed when action rifle was coming into service, the fully
you confuse the terms “magazine” and “clip”. A automatic machine-gun was being perfected. Most
magazine is the reservoir of bullets inside a work by using the expanding gases they drive the
gun, from which new rounds are loaded when the bullet out of the barrel to reset the mechanism,
gun’s action is cycled using a spring. It takes its firing as long as the trigger is held, though some
name from the magazines in a ship or fort where early models are recoil-operated.
powder and cannonballs would be stored. Most
magazines on modern weapons are detachable, so The machine-gun ended once and for all the
you can take them off and place a new one in. debate between the bayonet and the rifle, as it
could easily destroy any formation of troops in
A clip, by contrast, is literally a clip that holds minutes. The Maxim gun was the British Empire’s
together a number of bullets, like a money clip. ticket to colonial domination, and it continues
They hold your bullets until you are ready to use to play a vital part in warfare.
them. Though a lot of people will try to make this
difference out as critical, in reality you can Machine-guns are not without limitations. They
usually tell what people are talking about in day consume so much ammunition that they are fed
to day life through context. fifty or a hundred bullets at a time on a leather
belt or metal chain. In action, a machine-gunner
often has a loader to help feed new belts.
The Gun, A History
The historical service weapon for the better Machine-guns are also very heavy, and difficult
part of fifty years was the magazine bolt action to control when firing rapidly, but the biggest
rifle, which fired full size rifle rounds one at a problem is that the friction and heat generated
time. The rounds fired by these weapons are quite from firing so many bullets will soon cause the
powerful, very accurate out to a full kilometre. barrel to heat up and warp.
and capable of passing through most cover.
To solve the problem of overheating barrels,
In between each shot, you turn or pull a mechanical machine-guns use a few different methods.
bolt manually, opening the chamber to eject the Actively encouraging cooling is important; most
remains of the round and then closing it again machine-guns have baffling around the barrel
to move the next one in place. With a magazine of filled with holes, which encourages the flow of
extra shots, you could put a lot of lead down. cool air against the surface of the barrel.
This usually isn’t enough, so air-cooled guns Man Portable Repeaters
typically have barrels that can be rapidly Just before the Second World War broke out, there
removed and replaced with a spare when they was many attempts to create a semi-automatic
get too hot. A good gunner will try to change rifle that fired a full rifle-round with each
the barrel as often as possible to let them cool, triggerpull. The recoil action was too intense
but in an intense firefight you can end up with for the traditional method of semi-automatic
warped or worn-out barrels that have become fire, so the attempt was centred around using
inaccurate, or worse, dangerous. You’ll often the same gas-operated systems of a machine-gun
seen machine-gunners with thick gloves or oven in rifle form. There were several successes, but
mitts so they can handle the blazing hot barrels the most prominent was the M1 Garand, the weapon
of their weapons. the United States deployed in the Second World
War, making them the first with a semi-automatic
If you really need to get serious, you can put service rifle, though the Soviet Union and
a jacket of water against the barrel to act as a Germany soon followed.
big heat-sink; the Vickers, Maxim and M1917
Browning machine-guns did this and as a result After the Second World War, improvements lead to
could fire just about endlessly. This also serves select fire automatic rifles that fired full-sized
to make a weapon quite heavy and immobile. rounds; called Battle Rifles. Though powerful
and precise, rifle rounds simply are not suited
To help control machine-guns, they are usually to personal automatic fire due to massive recoil,
mounted on support frames, usually tripods. making the full-auto option nearly useless. Thus,
These are very unwieldy, so calls rapidly went in the 1960s, a transition was made to another
out for smalle frames. Barrel-mounted bipods weapon developed in WW2, the Assault Rifle.
were soon mated to miniaturized machine-guns
to create the first “light machine-guns”, which Assault Rifles are the ultimate compromise
could move up with the troops and were usually between all previous service weapons, rendering
fed with magazines. the large variety of weapons a military would
previously issue obsolete, at least for general
At the same time, machine-guns firing even bigger line troopers.
bullets were coming into existence, weapons that
could hit from extremely long range and even cut An assault rifle fires a special cut-down round,
vehicles to pieces. The shot from a .50 calibre a cross between the smaller pistol or carbine
heavy machine-gun is as big around as your rounds and the full-sized, full power rifle
thumb and will travel through a car engine block round, at both automatic and semi-automatic
without stopping! rates, and sometimes in fixed bursts. This makes
for a flexible weapon that gives the user a fair
During the later years of World War 1, when analogue to both a rifle and a submachine-gun in
infiltration and assault tactics were getting one package. In most circumstances, the average
more sophisticated, armies started to demand even soldier needs nothing else.
smaller machine-guns. To satisfy this demand,
the submachine-gun was invented. These carbines The two iconic infantry weapons of the war were
fire pistol rounds very rapidly at rather short the American M16 and the Russian AK-47. The
range, and soon became standard for assault M16 was a plastic-framed wonderweapon, light
troops. Everyone except the Japanese fielded and accurate, but the early batches and their
large numbers of submachine-guns during WW2. substandard ammunition soon lead to problems.

The M16’s reliability issues were soon corrected,

but not before an incident near Khe Sanh and the
subsequent Congressional hearing tainted the
weapon with tales of jammed guns found next to
the bodies of fallen Marines.

The AK47 was infamous for its extreme hardiness,

as you could fill it with just about everything
short of concrete and it would still fire, but for
Viet Cong and NVA infiltrators, it was difficult
to stay supplied with Soviet Bloc weapons and

As a result, both sides extensively looted from

one another. American troops were looking for
something reliable, and the V.C. looking for
something they could reliably get ammunition
for. They also built, begged, borrowed, or stole
any weapoon that might give them an advantage.
Surviving a Firefight Shoot First, Questions Later
Knowing the mechanics of shooting isn’t enough.
Obviously, to survive a gun battle you want to do You need to know how fire is employed on the
as little getting shot as possible. New guys don’t battlefield to achieve your ends, and what you
know how not to get shot, and that’s why they get can do to maximize your chances of hitting the
killed so disproportionately. enemy and not getting hit in return.
First and foremost, you should endeavour not to This is a good place to remind you again that
be seen. Now, you might get told during training your personal firearm is not the tool that will
that the enemy cannot shoot what he cannot see, kill most of the enemy. You carry it primarily to
but this is patently untrue. Even if the enemy defend your life and make you a threat. Even in an
doesn’t know exactly where you are, they’re going infantry-scale firefight, a large proportion of
to be firing at anything that moves or anywhere casualties are going to be inflicted by mortars,
that might conceal a hidden soldier. This is where recoilless rifles, and grenade launchers.
we learn about the difference between cover and
concealment. Your rifle, and those used by your comrades, has
another role to play. The heavy weapons will
Concealment hides you from view, while cover have minimal effects if the enemy can move or
actually protects you against bullet impacts. return fire to counter them, but you can limit
Not all concealment is cover, and not all cover the options of your opponents by firing on them.
is effective concealment. Knowing the difference The zip of bullets flying and the sharp crack of
will save your life. impacts on concrete will drive the enemy down
and prevent them from acting against you. This
The first thing you should know about cover is effect is known as suppression.
that there isn’t actually very much of it around!
Rifle rounds will pass straight through a lot Suppression is the core of your role as an
of things you might have considered effective infantryman in a pitched battle; you suppress
cover, like cars, steel sheeting, smaller tree the enemy so something scarier than you can come
trunks, wooden fences, and many walls. Soldiers around and kill them.
in urban environments will frequently load
steel-tipped armour penetrating bullets which When two units shoot at each other, the one
will punch through brick and concrete like that gains the upper hand will quickly turn
paper. Even cover that will protect you against that advantage into complete domination of the
small arms fire will be utterly impotent against firefight as enemy fire slacks off. This is known
a heavy machine-gun, which can pass through a as fire superiority. American forces practice
truck, engine block and all, from end to end. what they call the Mad Minute; opening a firefight
with the sudden and overwhelming application of
You still want to get behind something solid in a firepower from everyone the moment a potential
firefight, because it’ll protect you from smaller threat is identified.
rounds and hide you from sight, but generally
speaking the best cover you have is the ground. That’s why it is so important to shoot first and
If you can’t dig, find a dip in the ground or a big keep up a constant tempo against the enemy until
rock and get your body behind it. If you can’t do they are destroyed. However, you are starkly
that, get out of the line of fire and get prone to limited in your ability to do so by your weapon;
make yourself a smaller target. your magazine is only so big, you only carry so
many spares, and in any case your weapon will
A firefight is all statistics. There’s a chance overheat and stop functioning after a while.
that any piece of lead thrown your way can hit Even your squad machine-guns will run through
you, so your job is to make that chance as slight their belts and barrels before very long. You must
as possible. If you have to move, move quickly and destroy the enemy quickly at that point.
between pieces of cover. Never emerge from cover
in the same place twice in a row. Expose as little Even if you don’t have heavy weapon or armour
of yourself to the enemy as possible. support, you still have many options. You could
withdraw safely if your position is untenable
That said, you must weigh this caution with or you can advance on the enemy to gain greater
effectiveness. If you aren’t shooting back, you advantage. To do this, you leapfrog; your
aren’t placing pressure on the enemy. This will riflemen move forward under the protection of
allow the enemy to reposition, getting a better your machine-gunners, then they lay down fire
angle on you. If this happens, your chances of while the machine-gunners advance.
getting shot goes up tremendously. You’ll have
to take the small risk of leaning out to get If the enemy is wise, they will soon retreat once
some shots off to prevent the larger threat of you begin to encroach on their flanks with this
being outflanked. This is where you learn the action. If they don’t, you can launch an assault
effectiveness of suppressive fire. with close-range fire and grenades.
Pull the Pin and Throw Most modern grenades work by having a fuse in an
At close range, ducking out to shoot can be internal chamber inside the grenade, which sets
unaceptably risky. That’s where grenades come in. off the explosives within. The fuse is ignited
Grenades are small bombs that are thrown by hand with a striker connected to a hinged handle,
or launched from a rifle or launcher. Broadly, called a spoon. The spoon is held in place with
grenades are divided into two types; offensive a safety pin. When the operator pulls the pin out
grenades, which can be thrown farther than their and releases his hand from spoon, a spring pushes
blast radius, and defensive grenades, which are the spoon off of its hinge and engages the striker,
the opposite. Because you can’t throw a defensive lighting the fuse.
grenade a safe distance, you need to use them from
behind defensive cover, hence the name. Grenades are among the most indiscriminately
dangerous tools the infantry use. Their fuse times
When assaulting an enemy position, grenades can often be wildly inconsistent, and getting
can be used to soften the target; when you get them to land where you want is quite difficult.
in close, toss a few among the enemy, into their They do not reliably produce casualties either;
holes and through the windows of buildings they something as simple as uneven ground will rob
are defending. The grenades will either kill a grenade of most of its lethal power, and there
them, force them into the open to be cut down, or are many ways you can mitigate the effect of
drive them back and disorient them long enough grenades, from kicking them into grenade pits to
for you to follow up. throwing them back. If you’re looking to earn a
posthumous Medal of Honour, jumping atop a live
On the defensive, large radius fragmentation grenade will usually do it.
grenades can reap a heavy toll from enemy foot
assaults. You can throw them into areas your Soldiers sometimes talk about “cooking” grenades,
line of fire can’t cover, to discourage movement letting the spoon come off and the fuse burn for
in an area, or directly at incoming soldiers to a short time before throwing, to minimize the
potentially kill or injure many of them at once. chance that the enemy can throw back. No army on
The grenades you use on the defensive can be much the planet recommends doing this, and several
heavier and set off much closer to yourself than ban it. Not only might you blow yourself up, but
the ones you use while attacking the enemy, as if you get shot with a ticking grenade in your
you can duck back into your hole after throwing. hand, you just doomed all your buddies.

Rifle-launched grenades were very popular in the

Second World War; they used a specially designed
grenade and a shroud that attached to the front
of a rifle, driven off the end either with a blank
cartridge or a live round to fly some distance
away. While effective enough, these had a fairly
limited range and middling accuracy at best.

The Imperial Japanese had a device that Americans

called a “Knee Mortar”, a super-light mortar that
could fire a hand grenade by using a special
propellant base. This weapon could flexibly
In urban warfare, grenades are among your most launch a variety of explosives more quickly
useful and lethal instruments. Any risky corner and deadly than the American equivalent. The
or potentially occupied room can be “scouted” Americans worked on the concept and developed
with a grenade, reducing the risk to yourselves. a more dedicated weapon for the same purpose,
Grenades are also excellent against enemy firing smaller, lighter shells to reduce the
bunkers, vehicles and trenches; a classic tactic recoil and allow it to be fired from the shoulder.
to neutralize deeply-buried enemy bunkers is to This weapon is the M-79, a weapon that gives
climb atop it, find a ventilation pipe or chimney, every infantry squad sudden, potent explosive
and drop a grenade down it. power against a variety of targets.

Grenades have been used in warfare for hundreds The Russians haven’t been slack on that front
of years. Vietnam’s first exposure to the weapons either. They’ve equipped their allies with their
would have been weapons used by the Song dynasty, own Rocket Propelled Grenade series, developed
ceramic or iron spheres packed with gunpowder based on the German Panzerfaust. These use a
and lit with a paper fuse. Similar weapons saw short-burning rocket to chuck a projectile from
use in Europe not long after, and “Grenadier” a cheap shoulder tube. They’re supposed to be used
soon became associated with elite troops. The against tanks, but the V.C. have taken to using
Americans grew used to the weapons during their them as a poor-man’s mortar, an ambush weapon,
Civil War, when both sides used specialized, and a direct-fire grenade launcher. Their only
dart-shaped impact grenades. real drawback is low accuracy over 100 meters.

Controlling the Battlefield The V.C. use a variety of homemade traps as well,
Digging holes, shooting bullets and throwing including the aforementioned pitfall and stake
explosives aren’t the only tools you have to traps. These are as much to ward off tigers as to
control the nature of the battlefield. kill Americans, though.

Soldiers often carry smoke grenades, which use a If you are operating in an area you suspect
slow-burning material loaded with a dye to create might be trapped, you must move cautiously
a large cloud of impenetrable smoke. Providing and attentively. Scan the ground for any signs
it isn’t too windy, a thrown smoke grenade will of disturbed earth, suspicious foliage, or
quickly envelop a large area, blocking line of tripwires. If you encounter a mine, make its
sight and allowing units to advance or manoeuvre location obvious in whatever way you can, and
behind the screen in relative safety. A smoke leave it for the experts to deal with.
grenade throw into or near an enemy position,
especially around a tank or in front of a bunker’s Oh, just as a note, real land mines don’t go “click”,
firing slit, can likewise blind the enemy while and you can’t save yourself by not lifting your
you move. Finally, smoke grenades coming a foot. If you step on a mine, it just goes off.
variety of colours, so you can use them to signal
to allies or mark a location to aircraft.

Combat engineers frequently lay out coils of

barbed wire to block off areas. If you’ve never
encountered barbed wire, these steel wire
fences are covered in small thorns that catch on
clothing and can cut skin. Trying to move through
barbed wire is slow going and very physically Body Armour
demanding, so US bases are often ringed with it, or As already mentioned, soldiers wear steel helmets
it is used to create roadblocks. You can get over to protect their heads against fragmentation.
or under it with some effort, so to detect such This helmet might stop a pistol round or a
efforts, you can hang empty tin cans on strings glancing shot from a carbine bullet as well,
from the wire. When somebody bumps up against it, though you shouldn’t count on it. Many soldiers
the can rattles against the wire, alerting you to will ditch their helmets if they don’t expect to
the infiltration. be spending much time in foxholes being shelled.

The most effective way to control the battlefield, Another good use of your helmet is as a helicopter
however, is mines. seat. The V.C. love taking pot-shots as passing
helicopters, and their bullets will pass right
Danger - Mines! through the aluminium floor of the helicopter. If
In regular warfare, mines are what is called an you don’t want to get shot in the undercarriage,
area denial tool. Mines are not primarily used pop your helmet under you, and hopefully it’ll
for their lethal effects, but rather to deter the stop the reduced-velocity round from doing some
enemy from entering certain areas. The classic unfortunate damage.
warning signs placed around a minefield don’t
really reduce their effectiveness; the point is American infantry, and many of their allies, are
that, for very little cost or effort, a field of land issued a flak vest, originally designed to help
mines can effectively cut an area off to enemy protect aircraft crews against the fragments from
operations. anti-air artillery. It weighs around 8 pounds
and is made of out of nylon, though the slightly
In conventional war, the main benefit of a mine heavier Marine variation has some fibreglass
going off is that a unit must then stop and begin plates for added protection.
the painful task of clearing the other mines from
the area, or else find another way. In guerrilla These vests will not stop a bullet. Direct hits
war, however, mines become a part of the strategy from just about any rounds will go right through,
of attrition. Instead of laying minefields, the though it might stop a ricochet or a light round
guerilla lays mines one or two at a time on roads, at long range. What it does do a good job of
jungle paths, inside buildings or just randomly stopping is fragments. Your vest is actually quite
around the countryside. effective at protecting your vital organs against
the fragmentation effects of hand grenades, land
These mines do little to disturb the overall mines and mortar blasts.
strategic operations of the enemy war machine,
as they are too sparse to effectively contest an The downside is these vests are heavy and
area. However, they act as a constant thorn in the uncomfortable in the heat. A lot of soldiers have
side of the occupier by killing or injuring them a habit of wearing them hanging open, defeating
in ones and twos at almost no risk to the person the purpose, and many more ditch them entirely.
planting them.
Neutralizing Targets To maximize your chances of survival at close
Let’s start out with a quick warning on this range, you need to hit your target many times very
section. This is about the ways that trauma is rapidly in vital areas. Don’t get fancy; just aim
inflicted on the human body from bullets and for the middle of their body and keep pulling the
shrapnel, and the processes of incapacitation trigger until they stop moving. If your weapon
and death. If you’re squeamish, please skip it. runs dry and the enemy is still standing, either
get out of there or get physical! Your rifle’s
While bullets and bombs are lethal, no mistake, barrel and butt are both lethal striking tools,
few things are immediately lethal. Between the and you also have your knife, shovel, and bayonet.
natural hardiness of human biology and the flood
of adrenaline that accompanies combat, the body This is one of the reasons that you switch your
can take a lot of punishment before giving in. weapon to fully-automatic fire at close range; its
much safer to hit an enemy soldier eight or nine
Add on the use of pain suppressing narcotics in times than once or twice, even if both situations
combat, a reality throughout history and on all inflicted lethal wounds.
sides of conflict, actually putting down enemy
soldiers before they can get you back starts to Don’t assume that because an enemy is down that
become problematic. they are out, either. Shooting enemy wounded
is generally frowned upon, though that doesn’t
When you get shot, the thing that kills you tends really stop anyone, but if you refrain from
to be blood loss. Having ragged holes ripped doing so the very first thing you should do after
in your body by pieces of metal leads to fairly shooting anyone is to take their weapon away,
rapid bleeding. Loss of blood pressure will lead just in case. If you see a body with a weapon, you
to unconsciousness in short order, which will should assume they are still a threat.
effectively remove an enemy combatant from the
fight. However, short is not instant, and instant Casualties & Treatment
is what you need when you are confronted with an For every soldier that dies in combat, somewhere
enemy soldier at close range. between two and five are wounded. This ratio will
seem higher on the battlefield as not all wounds
Short of a bullet striking the brain or spinal are immediately lethal.
cord directly, the time it takes to incapacitate
a target varies immensely. This is where we start Wounds are not all of the same severity. Many will
getting into the messy business of stopping be minor wounds with fairly negligeable effect
power, the ability of a projectile to put a target on a soldier’s ability to fight, especially while
down rapidly. the adrenaline is flowing. This might be small
shrapnel wounds, a bullet grazing the flesh, or,
Hits to vital organs, especially the heart and most frequently, some kind of environmental
lungs, are ideal, because they cause rapid injury sustained while moving around the field,
denigration of the ability to oxygenate blood. A like cuts from broken glass or welts from jumping
person struck in these areas will very quickly prone onto rocky ground. As long as they have
weaken and collapse, which will reduce their somebody look at the wound after the fight, these
ability to attack you before they expire. folks will be fine.

Bullets that strike thick bone, like the pelvis If somebody takes a real hit and is either rendered
or the long bones, will also have a very strong incapable of fighting on or keeping up with the
effect, as this will cause the bullet to lose a unit, this is a problem. These soldiers will need
lot of velocity, transferring its kinetic energy treatment, and quickly, or they won’t make it.
very rapidly. This will shatter the bone, destroy
large amounts of tissue, and inflict a lot of pain, However, if every time somebody got hit another
hopefully leading to the target going into shock. stopped shooting to jump to his aid, the enemy
would effectively neutralize two soldiers for
If you have a large enough bullet, a third every one they shot. As volume of fire is so very
important mechanism is hydrostatic shock. important, this cannot be allowed to happen. If
Liquids are non-compressible, so when a bullet the enemy is bearing down, you need to focus on
suddenly strikes the body, blood is violently the fight.
displaced, causing pressure on neighbouring
areas. The effects overall are disputed, but it is What you should do is get the wounded soldier out
known that large rounds can cause neurological of immediate danger. If they’re outside of cover,
damage from strikes anywhere in the body. grab them by a strap and pull them out of the line
of fire. If you’ve got time, begin emergency first
Finally, there are psychological effects. If aid, with an eye on keeping them stable until
somebody goes down in one shot, they have probably the medic arrives. See if you can identify the
fainted from shock. You don’t even always have to wound, remove clothing from around it, and apply
hit them to get this effect! pressure to slow the bleeding.
During a large battle, there’s generally a chain A prisoner of war is entitled to a great many
of medical treatment in place. The field medic protections and rights under international law.
arrives and does what they can to stabilize the However, the Vietnam conflict is not a war, it is
soldier and reduce their pain. Then, the casualty a police action.
is further evacuated by dedicated stretcher
bearers to a casualty collection point where a There’s three kinds of surrender that goes on in
more experienced medical officer can assess them a war zone. One is the surrender of units, where
further. If they are wounded badly enough, they a commander orders their subordinates to stand
are loaded into an ambulance and brought to a down in a hopeless fight. This is generally a
field hospital. The worse shape they are in, the pretty honourable affair and it means nobody has
farther back they end up being sent. to get hurt, so this is generally appreciated by
most parties. However, this kind of surrender
As an American soldier in Vietnam, you generally generally doesn’t happen very often unless one
have access to helicopter medivac. Rather than side is losing the war very badly.
slow your patrol down carrying wounded, your
radio operator calls for a helicopter to come and Another is when individual soldiers surrender
collect your wounded, ferrying them directly on their own. Depending on the context, this
to an advanced military hospital like a flying might involve deserting your own lines and
ambulance. There, they receive cutting-edge making your way to the enemy position, or
treatment with all the latest techniques at the simply throwing down your weapon in the
hands of full teams of surgeons and nurses. This presence of the enemy. How open your foes will
system was so effective that it was soon noted that be to accepting this surrender is up in the air;
a daily commute on the interstate outside of LA though you’re supposed to honour any signal to
had a better chance of killing you than fighting cease hostilities, soldiers are not always that
in the jungles of Vietnam. Not coincidently, there charitable. Flamethrowers operators or those who
were soon civilian helicopter ambulances. surrender only after running out of ammunition
don’t tend to last very long, and you might check
When soldiers die in the field, generally you try to see if a prisoner’s weapon is hot from firing
to remove their remains from the combat area as before allowing them to live.
soon as possible. In previous wars, depending on
your area of operations, you might temporarily The final sort of prisoner is are wounded who are
bury them with a marker that would allow them to either captured on the battlefield directly, or
be retrieved later by Graves Registration. who fall into the care of a force when a treatment
area is overrun.
You might still have to do that in special forces,
but bodies can also be rapidly retrieved by In any case, being a prisoner in the Vietnam War
helicopter. After the fight is over, you would was pretty terrible all around. North Vietnam had
move the bodies back to the landing zone to be prison complexes for downed airmen and captured
picked up. You should cover the body with a tarp special forces which subjected prisoners to
as soon as possible; it preserves their dignity horrific conditions. A-6 Intruder pilot Jeremiah
and your own morale, and leaving an uncovered Denton, who was forced to appear on television in
corpse is the height of bad luck. 1966 while a prisoner, blinked out T O R T U R E in
Morse Code to those watching. The Viet Cong took
As for enemy bodies, line them up to get a good count some prisoners back to the North, but might also
of them, search them for supplies, identification kill you in terrible, painful ways and leave you
or intelligence, and then dispose of them however in the bush for your buddies to find.
is economical. If you’re not going to be using
your fighting positions anymore, rolling them If your own prisoners survived the trip back to
all into a slit trench and covering them over base without suffering a tragic fall from your
will do. After a particularly large engagement, helicopter, the Americans would turn their
they’ll get some bulldozers up to help with that. prisoners over to the South Vietnamese secret
police, who would torture them for information,
try them in mock courts, and frequently execute
Taking Prisoners them for treason. The survivors would be herded
Prisoners are also a lot more common than indefinitely into prison camps.
Hollywood would have you believe. Soldiers do
not want to die, and commanders generally don’t There was a very successful amnesty programs for
want to see their units get wiped out. If they the Viet Cong, called the Chieu Hoi program. Many
think the fight is hopeless and they don’t have a V.C. were forced to join, so they would desert
good option for escape, people give up. if they thought they could safely. The plastic
magazine wrappers used by US troops had “safe
In recent conflicts, more soldiered were taken passage” tickets for defectors to use. Many of
prisoner than killed by large margins. During these former Viet Cong fighters ended up serving
World War 2, it wasn’t uncommon for entire in the South Vietnamese military or with the US
divisions to surrender if they were encircled. Marines as “Kit Carson Scouts”.
The Big Guns If you just kind of need artillery in an area to
prevent the enemy moving around too much, you can
As a member of one of the world’s most modern skip the ranging shots and call in suppression
militaries, you have artillery on tap. You carry on a grid square, basically asking the guns to
a rifle to protect yourself from the enemy, but set down artillery in a rough area while you do
you carry a radio to get real killing done. something important. Suppression missions can
blunt an enemy advance or give you an opening
In a proper, organized war, entirely unlike the for an escape, so they are an important tool.
one you are currently fighting, the majority
of artillery gets called in and directed by Immediate Suppression missions are a whole other
specialized forward artillery observers attached deal. That’s when you’re about to be overrun,
to your unit, who know the proper procedure for there’s enemy soldiers coming straight at you
calling in a bombardment on an enemy position. full-speed and nothing you have can stop them,
However, when you go out into the bush with just and you need them all dead yesterday.
your platoon of dumb grunts and somebody figures
out what button to press to make the radio work, Immediate Suppression ditches all the fancy
its up to you to figure out how to call in fire. stuff; you just tell the gunners where you want it
and then you get behind something, because until
This is why every soldier is trained in the art you call them again and ask them to stop, every
of the Call for Fire procedure. This basically gun in range is going to be shooting whatever
involve a checklist of information that, if you they can get their hands on as fast as possible
haven’t completely misread your map, should into the indicated area.
result in the enemy spontaneously exploding.
The trick is getting it right without accidently Needless to say, calling for Immediate Suppression
calling steel rain on your own head. when you don’t need it is frowned upon.

For starters, your call for fire involves If this sounds incredibly dangerous to be
identifying yourself and getting in contact directing in the age before GPS, you are absolutely
with the artillery. Depending on the situation, right. On average, you’ll be misreading both your
the technology involved and the local chain position and your target’s position somewhere to
of command, you might be relaying your order the degree of 200-300 meters, which is when the
through intermediaries or talking directly to an term “Danger Close” comes into play.
artillery officer. Then you order your mission
type; what you’re asking the artillery for. When you’re very near to the target you are trying
to hit, around 600m or thereabouts, that’s danger
The artilleryman behind the lines doesn’t know close, and you should tell the gunners. They’ll
where you are or what is going on. He’s sitting not do very much differently, but it’s polite.
in the base by his piece, reading a magazine and
getting served drinks by pretty USO girls while
you bust your ass in the bush. His gun is just like
your rifle, just bigger. Just like you, he has to
adjust his sights to compensate for the effect of
gravity, but unlike you, he can’t see what he’s
shooting. When you ask for his intervention, you
have to act as his eyes and aim for him.

As you might imagine, aiming a gun from several

kilometres away is tricky, and is much more
of a trial and error thing than you might be
comfortable with. There’s multiple ways to guide
a gun, but generally speaking it involves giving
your location and elevation as best you can, then
giving the location of your enemy relative to
you so the gunners can plot it on a map. They then
convert that to distance and angle for their gun.

In most fire missions, the first shot taken is a

ranging shot, firing a single shell, often loaded
with smoke or illumination for safety. This lets
you know if the gunners are roughly on target or
not; you look where the shell falls, and then ask
the gunners to adjust by however many meters and
then “Fire for Effect”; load the good stuff and go
to town on the targeted location!

Armour Support Even the commander, whose job description
primarily centres of keeping track of what is
A tank exists at the intersection of three happening outside the tank, is cruelly limited.
important qualities. It has armour, allowing it Some members of the crew can’t see outside the
to ignore small arms and machine-guns. It has vehicle at all once the hatches are closed. This
all terrain tracks and an engine, allowing it to gives people on foot a chance to attack a tank in
move swiftly over most terrain, and it has a heavy its weak points, especially if they get close.
cannon, allowing it to destroy fortifications.
These features allow a tank to swiftly destroy an
enemy position, drive through it, and continue
on to exploit this advantage.

A tank’s heavy armour might not be able to stop Though a tank’s front armour is impervious to
everything, but it means that a concerted, any attack an infantryman can muster, their
specialized effort needs to be made to stop its side, rear, top and underside armour is all much
advance. This is a huge boon to the force deploying thinner. Their tracks can be blown off, their
the armour, as it allows the vehicle to be used far periscopes and vision slits shot or blocked, and
more flexibly than infantry or lighter vehicles. their engines sabotaged. In these situations, a
A tank is capable of making manoeuvres near and tank can quickly be transformed from impervious
through enemy lines without being much slowed fortress to steel tomb.
down; it is very difficult to suppress a tank with
small arms, especially a modern tank. A sealed tank in Vietnam is like a sauna, so a
tank’s crew will often leave a hatch open to
Vietnam isn’t really tank country. It’s improve their situational awareness and get some
muddy, soggy, overgrown, underdeveloped and fresh air. In a guerilla warfare situation, this
mountainous, all things that don’t play well mistake can be swiftly punished with a sniper
with armoured vehicles. The degree of advantage taking a shot at the exposed crew, or a grenade
a tank provides is sufficient to try and get thrown from a hidden location or a “civilian”.
them involved wherever possible, though. The US
deployed the M48 Patton, and the NVA soon caught Things like that are why tanks don’t go anywhere
on and started getting their own from the Soviet unless accompanied by infantrymen in a support
Union and China. role. These infantry protect the tank by keeping
enemy infantry away, while the tank destroys the
When the first reports of amphibious light tanks them with its awesome firepower. Tanks can also
attacking US Special Forces bases came out in carry soldiers on their backs to a fight, though
1968, suddenly every patrol north of Saigon its is generally very unwise to try to fight while
found a few extra pounds in their patrol loads riding one. Finally, the tank can help protect
for a disposable AT missile or two. Tanks are soldiers by acting as mobile cover, launching
utterly terrifying to infantry; they are immune smoke grenades, and evacuating wounded.
to your weapons, faster than you, and carry both
machine-guns and artillery, the two things most If you drive a tank’s escorts away, the tank is a
likely to kill you. sitting duck; there’s no way they can keep track
of hostile infantry moving around them, and
Despite this, infantry are still a major threat you can do all kinds of nasty stuff to the tank,
to tanks. Tanks can have a difficult time keeping like hit it with rockets and grenades, set it on
track of infantry threats, as in operation they fire, cover the vision blocks, and even pry open
are cramped, claustrophobic and deafening. Until hatches. There’s not much a tank can do when
you experience it, its difficult to comprehend overwhelmed at close range, so most tank crews
how blind the tiny vision-slits and periscope with either retreat or abandon their vehicle if
blocks leave you. they are without support.

Whirly Birds Left to its own devices, the helicopter will
rapidly drift counter to the rotation of the
In Vietnam, helicopters are a prime resource. propeller, decreasing its cyclic velocity and
There’s thousands of them flitting around the wobbling until the air slips out from under the
country like oversized insects, carrying men blades and it pitches into the ground. If you
and supplies everywhere. Outside of the main aren’t actively wrangling the controls at any
firebases at the DMZ and the bases immediately given time, you are dead.
around Saigon, the vast majority of everything
is carried by helicopter. While helicopters can hover motionless in
one spot, this is very difficult to actually
When the British fought in Malaysia in the 1950s, accomplish. It’s actually considerably easier to
they took some early helicopters with them, and ascend or descend than to stay still. What will
their flexibility and sheer usefulness in the typically happen instead is a “Huey Shuffle”,
dense terrain was quickly noted by international where the pilot’s attempt to compensate for the
observers. The United States, already conceptual effects of wind and torque lead to the tail of the
enthusiasts of the helicopter after using them craft swinging back and forth like a pendulum.
to good effect in Korea for scouting and casualty
evacuation, redoubled their efforts and began Hovering in one place is also very dangerous.
developing an air calvary doctrine, using For one thing, you are providing a stationary
helicopters to rapidly mobilize and move large target in wartime, which is generally a bad idea.
numbers of infantry arbitrarily to different Maintaining a flat altitude also requires a lot
battle areas and keeping them resupplied while of power, so if you do it near max load you’ll lose
they disrupted the enemy line of battle. RPM and eventually start sinking.

Flying a Helicopter It doesn’t take much movement to get the machine

Regular aircraft use their own forward motion relatively stable. A helicopter can maintain
to drive air under the lifting surfaces, pushing steady forward motion at speed with only
the plane upward. Helicopters place their wings, minimum pedal-massaging from the pilot, letting
their rotors, on a rotating shaft connected to the the motion of air help keep it on the straight
engine, allowing the rotation to move air and and narrow. From this position the helicopter
create lift in the same way. Then, by tilting the can easily bank into turns just like an aircraft.
rotor, the craft can lean into various manoeuvres, Helicopters generally spend most of their time
move in any direction or turn in place. in the air flying more or less like a plane in
this fashion.
Flying a helicopter is an incredibly complicated
ordeal. There’s a lot of things that can go wrong Another good reason to keep flying forward is
and the controls require a lot of expertise and because if your engine fails while you’re doing
more than a little dexterity. You need all these so, you can glide, letting your forward motion
controls because helicopters do not want to fly. move air through the blade to keep it spinning
A plane could conceivably coast forward some and control your descent. If you’re stationary
distance before air currents or engine torque when the engine fails, you will instead just fall
moved it into an aerodynamically-unfortunate out of the sky like a brick.
configuration, because aeroplanes make sense.
They are like birds; nature understands them. Because the helicopter is capable of arresting its
forward velocity very quickly and controlling
By contrast, helicopters are kept in the air with its descend with good precision, it can land and
nothing but the operator’s will, an engine with take off in very small areas. That’s where it’s
a rotating blade on one end, and the ground’s utility comes from in guerrilla war; it can ferry
rejection of their accursed geometries. people anywhere without preparation.

The “vertical take off and landing” is a bit of The UH-1 Iroquois, known universally as the Huey,
an exaggeration in practical circumstances; a soon became the mainstay of the Free World war
helicopter will only be moving truly vertically effort in large part because the simple, flexible
for a short time in the ascend or descent. It can craft could fulfil all these roles with little
take a while for a helicopter to gain or bleed all modification, plus serve as a PSYOPS platform,
the momentum from cruising speed, especially aerial firefighter, defoliant duster and just
while loaded down, so you’ll often see helicopters about any other role the military could cook up.
spiralling into or out of a landing zone.
Hueys, and most similar craft, have a fairly
Retaining momentum is one of the reasons that a typical layout. They have two pilots up front
real combat drop isn’t a comfortable touch-down and a cramped crew compartment with doors on
that gives plenty of time for everyone to step off either side. Most of the time you fly with the
the chopper. If the landing zone is “hot”, which is doors open for increased awareness, airflow,
to say, there are people shooting, the helicopter and faster reaction getting in and out, though
will fly low over the area at a reduced speed, and you might close up at high altitude or if you’re
you jump out. Try to tuck and roll. transporting supplies or wounded.

You do this because the aluminium skin of a Most transport helicopters in Vietnam fly with
chopper will stop just about nothing in terms of door guns, machine-guns or miniguns, hanging
enemy fire, so the crew is very vulnerable even to off the sides. Door guns were probably one of the
small arms. Lingering too long stationary on the most lethal instruments used in the war, as a door
ground is how you end up with dead pilots. gunner has a commanding perspective from the
air, more precision available than the pilots and
Landing Zones, or LZs, are picked ahead of time by gunners of a gunship, and some of the heaviest
scouts in the air or on the ground. They ideally infantry weapons available.
give the helicopter space to skim to a landing for
safety, plus having a bit of wiggle room in case A door gunner can fire down into spider-holes
the pilot makes a mistake. Landing in arbitrary and trenches, spot the enemy in concealment with
areas is dangerous for both the helicopter and for ease, attack from multiple angles, and they pass
soldiers on the ground. However, in an emergency, over huge amounts of terrain with every sortie.
the helicopter can put those 14 meter weighted This not only makes for excellent fire support to
rotors to work clearing some of the undergrowth. suppress and destroy enemy formations in battle
Works great until you hit a particularly-thick or hunt lone snipers, but allows the gunners to
tree trunk, at which point your blades snap off make opportunistic attacks on targets they pass
and go flying while your airframe makes a sudden by on the way to something else.
and probably lethal right-hand turn.
When the purpose-built Cobra Gunship began
Types of Helicopters replacing the doorgunner-equipped Huey Hogs,
Helicopters in Vietnam come in three general there was a noticeable drop in enemy casualties.
sorts. Utility helicopters are general-purpose These sophisticated gunships couldn’t get in
workhorse vehicles that carry things and people close where they could do real damage to the
back and forth over the country, like flying enemy, so they ironically ended up serving in
pickup trucks. When you need to get to a battle a supporting role for scout choppers with door
area, a transport chopper brings you there. When gunners doing the real work.
you need to get back, another picks you up. If
you need supplies, they drop them off. If you get
wounded, they fly you to hospital.

Scout helicopters a light, nimble little vehicles

that zoom in over an area to check for signs of
the enemy or keep your commanders appraised
of the situation. You see these buzzing around
constantly, monitoring and tracking the enemy’s
every move. These hated vehicles are one of the
main reasons the V.C. mostly operates at night.

Finally, gunships are helicopters that carry

weapons and act as flying artillery platforms. A
helicopter in the hands of a trained operator is
a steady firing platform and they can carry a lot
of bang for their buck, so a helicopter swooping
in to unload with miniguns, automatic grenade
launchers, rocket tubes, and bombs can devastate
a huge area in no time at all, from any angle!
The Air War The other form of tactical air support is Close
Air Support, or CAS. This is employing air support
One of the overwhelming advantages the United directly on the battlefield against enemy troops,
States has in the Vietnam theatre is there complete in support of and guided by your own ground
lock on air superiority. Air Superiority is when assets. In other words, Close Air Support is like
your side of the war can freely operate aircraft artillery fire with observers, just with planes
and prevent the enemy from doing the same, and strafing and dropping bombs instead.
the US maintains this superiority practically
uncontested. Close Air Support is usually performed by small,
nimble craft which can quickly react to changing
Air superiority is part of what allows the circumstances, fly close to the ground for
deployment of so many helicopters, as against a precision, and drop a small amount of ordinance
fixed-wing aircraft, especially a jet fighter, exactly where it needs to go. As communication
a helicopter is dead meat. However, no North and coordination improves, this kind of air
Vietnamese fighter plane has a chance of getting support can be used against smaller targets in
past the DMZ without being intercepted, so Free closer proximity than ever to friendly forces.
World Forces can make extensive use of all kinds
of weird aircraft in many different roles.
Fast Movers & Bomb Trucks
America and her allies use a variety of craft in
Air to Ground Warfare the Close Support role, to the point where their
Air to Ground aircraft support comes in three increasing reliance on these tactics is starting
varieties, scaled by how far up the enemy to become a serious political issue.
logistics train the attacks are directed.
The US Army is not allowed to field fixed-wing
The big bombers you occasionally see thundering aircraft, a political divide made to prevent them
overhead on their way to drop a few hundred from encroaching on the territory of the US Air
tons of bombs on Hanoi are strategic bombers. Force. This means that the Army is reliant on the
Strategic bombing is any bombing intended to Navy and Air Force to provide all their CAS assets,
destroy the tools nations use to sustain armies which rankles them to no end. The development of
in the field, defeating them at home instead of helicopter gunships is in part inspired by the
by fighting their forces directly. It targets fact that it allows Army control over some air
factories, transportation infrastructure, support assets.
command headquarters, and resource extraction
industries to cripple a nation’s ability to The Marines, of course, skip the entire issue
sustain their forces. by virtue of being able to operate fixed-wing
A variation on this approach is terror bombing,
which deliberately targets civilian population The main arm of close air support used by the Navy,
centres to demoralize and kill supporters of Air Force, and Marines are jet fighters equipped
the enemy war effort. The line between strategic with bombs, called “fast movers” in military
and terror bombing is thin, as much war-vital parlance. These supersonic vehicles can arrive
industry tends to be located in or near population at a trouble area, plaster it with bombs, and be
centres, and strategic bombers are not precision home to rearm in extremely short order. The one
instruments. Officially, the United States does used most commonly is the F4 Phantom.
not conduct terror bombing campaigns, but tens
of thousands of civilians are still injured or The nature of guerilla war has opened up another
killed as a result of strategic bombing. option for slower-moving, more precision
propeller aircraft which can loiter near units
All aircraft strikes directed at military targets in operation and swoop in to support them, as
in the field is known as tactical air support, well as comb over problem areas. The most common
but this definition can be divided conceptually. of these is the A-1 Skyraider, which can fly low
Some of this support is directed at enemy military and slow to ensure its ordinance arrives exactly
resources which are not yet in action, aiming where it’s wanted.
to destroy men and materials moving towards
the battle area, or soften an enemy defensive CAS missions require extreme precision, which
position. For instance, a variety of aircraft run is not possible at high altitudes. Unfortunately
raids on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, aiming to take for aircraft, dropping a bomb while very close
out supply carriers and moving troops as well as to the ground is dangerous; the bomb retains all
destroy the infrastructure on the trail. its forward momentum, so will generally still
be directly under you when it goes off. At low
These raids blur the line between strategic altitude, and with a big enough bomb, the plane
and tactical bombing; as usual, the academic can be caught in the blast or peppered with
definitions are rather fuzzier on the battlefield. shrapnel, dangerous to pilot and plane alike.

A variety of techniques are used to mitigate The final, and most ludicrous, form of Close Air
this tendency. During WW2, dive bombers were Support came in the form of Operation Arclight,
used, which drove straight at the target from a a program to use B-52 heavy bombers to support
high altitude before releasing their bombs and ground forces. These units could, in theory, wipe
pulling up. This meant they could drop from a out an entire enemy force in one go completely
safer altitude and still retain their accuracy. without warning, flying so high that they
couldn’t be seen or heard. They were instrumental
Dive bombers are now quite obsolete, however. in breaking the siege of Khe Sahn.
Their post-dive recovery leaves them too
vulnerable to anti-air fire, and their extreme
precision is better achieved by rockets. It
also simply isn’t possible to achieve the attack
profile of a dive bomber uses in a jet fighter; the
G-force from pulling up would be far too much.

Instead, modern ground attack planes use other

techniques to ensure accuracy. As mentioned,
rockets have become the go-to precision weapon
for use against armoured targets like tanks.

Another techniques is to use bomb designs

which are safer at low altitude. Bombs designed
to reduce their own speed when released by Bombing Hanoi
deploying parachutes or airbrakes, and bombs America is forced by a variety of factors to limit
designed to tumble in the air when released, both their strategic bombing campaigns against North
ensure the plane will be farther out of the blast Vietnam. Most of North Vietnam’s industry has
area by the time they go off. been moved north to near the Chinese border,
which means striking them risks angering the
Finally, incendiary weapons like white Chinese. Similarly, strikes directly against
phosphorus bombs and napalm provide a great enemy population centres would be a PR nightmare
deal more safety for the operator while retaining and risk destroying the credibility of the war
lethality. These bombs do not rely on a large effort entirely.
explosive to create a lethal radius, instead
covering the target area with burning materials. Thus, more limited strikes were called for.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t entirely clear what
These weapons have three other advantages in should be hit; the North’s war infrastructure
jungle warfare. The first is that they are very was heavily distributed as cottage industry and
effective against entrenched enemies; napalm there were no obvious troop concentrations to be
soaks the target area, and the fragmentation from hit. Thus, for most of the war, the United States
white phosphorous, being low-velocity, will ended up dumping record amounts of ordinance on
drift back down into the holes of anyone inside the same bridges, rail junctions, and supposedly
the blast area. Secondly, these weapons also critical patches of jungle.
remove large areas of jungle, thus denying the
enemy a hiding place. In response, the North Vietnamese set up one of
the world’s densest air-defence networks, using
Third, and possibly most importantly, incendiary advanced surface-to-air missiles provided
weapons are terrifying. Napalm is a jellied by the Soviet Union as well as their own small
gasoline substance which simultaneously burns air force. The constant battle between American
at extreme temperatures and sticks to the target planes and Vietnamese air defence was just as
like superglue. White phosphorous burns white- intense and confused as the war on the ground,
hot, even when lodged in the body. Worse, neither including such cat-and-mouse tactics as Wild
of these weapons have any kind of immediate Weasel, deliberately exposing oneself to anti-
lethal mechanism; they both kill you slowly and air fire to reveal the launch positions.
agonizingly. For these reasons, they are feared
greatly by the enemy, and by the friendly troops Of note is the air-to-air battles between US jets
nearby when it is called in. and Vietnamese aircraft. Going into the war,
the United States was convinced that guns and
Vietnam has seen the creation of another type of dogfighting were obsolete concepts in air war,
Close Air Support in the form of gunships. These and that rockets and guided missiles would be
are modified cargo planes with guns, usually the absolute decider of any duel between planes.
miniguns or large numbers of machine-guns, Encounters with North Vietnamese jets using
which can circle slowly over a target while dangerous, close-in tactics quickly disproved
subjecting them to withering high-angle fire. this notion, leading to the foundation of the
TOPGUN air-to-air combat school.

In the 19th century, Europe began to take an
interest in Vietnam, especially France. Catholic
missionaries had reached the population and
The nation of Vietnam is a small coastal slice
Catholism was spreading through the country.
of Southeast Asia, but it has a long and complex
Using the oppression of Vietnamese Catholics as
history, beautiful geography and is home to many
a pretence, the French began campaigning against
Vietnam in the late 1850s, and by the late 1880s
had successfully invaded or intimidated Vietnam
A Brief History of Vietnam and the surrounding nations into submission,
The birthplace of some of the earliest agricultural creating a colonial region known as French
civilizations, Vietnam is, much like Russia and Indochina, still ruled by a puppet Vietnamese
Afghanistan, one of those regions of the world Emperor as a protectorate.
whose geography, conditions and people destroy
empires. During the Second World War, the Japanese took
control of Vietnam, ruling through the French
Vietnam, sometimes spelt as Viet Nam due to being colonial government. In response, a man named
composed of two Chinese words (Nam meaning Nguyen Ai Quoc, also known as Ho Chi Minh,
“South”, thus making Vietnam “South Viet.”) organized a resistance force from anti-colonial
maintained an independent existence despite and communist elements called the Viet Minh
the growing Chinese empire at their doorstep, Front. Initially a modest force involved mostly
During this time, they weathered repeated in intelligence gathering for the American OSS
invasions until, in 111 BC, the Han Chinese in hopes of future Vietnamese independence, a
finally conquered the area. famine leading to the abdication of the Emperor,
creating a massive power vacuum.
For the next thousand years, Vietnam was in
a continuous state of revolt and conquest, Realizing there was no time like the present,
repeatedly throwing off Chinese rule before being the Viet Minh declared that Vietnam was now
suppressed. Many of Vietnam’s great cultural an independent Democratic Republic under
heroes, such as a the Trung Sisters, originate Communist rule. When the British, KMT Chinese,
from this period. and French took exception to that, all hell broke
In 938, with China fragmenting politically,
Vietnam finally won its independence, gaining France has something of a complex about their
a new king and defeating a Chinese army sent to colonies. While the British reluctantly let their
reclaim it. A thousand years of Chinese rule had Empire go after the Second World War, the French
destroyed much of their traditional culture, are very adamant about keeping what they take.
but the kingdom of Dai Nam rebuilt, conquering The First Indochinese War was fought over France
the Champa people to form what would become attempting to keep Vietnam as a puppet state in
the southern portion of Vietnam and clashing the form of a State of Vietnam ruled by the former
repeatedly with the Khmer and Chinese empires. Emperor.
They even defeated a Mongol invasion!
When the war went pear-shaped for the French,
they negotiated a conference over the issue
that repeated the Korean solution, dividing the
country into a communist north and a military
dictatorship along Western lines in the South.

People and Language
Vietnam is very ethnically-diverse country, with Notable Places
a variety of different cultures and languages. Though the Vietnam War was mostly focused over
Around 85% of the population are Kinh, the people the ever-changing, overgrown countryside, there
known as the Vietnamese, who hold most of the were a variety of important locations in Vietnam
political power in the country. that were pivotal to the conflict.

The rural minority populations in Vietnam, Saigon

collectively known in the modern day as the Degar The capital of South Vietnam and the largest
and historically as the Montagnard, live mostly city in either state, Saigon is the sprawling
in Vietnam’s isolated highlands. Relations centralized heart of the nation. The population
between Vietnam’s dominate populations and these of the city has exploded as a result of both the
minorities are strained, with a long history of refugee crisis and the nearby Western military
antagonism and violence. bases, so the city is crowded and bustling.

Vietnam primarily speaks the Vietnamese Writers who lived in Saigon during the war often
language, along with a variety of minority described it as a city full of nervous energy. It
languages and Chinese. Much of the population spent the war under siege, not always directly,
also speaks French. but psychologically, with the threat of Viet Cong
attack, government crackdown, or the encroaching
Vietnamese is a tonal language, with a vocabulary NVA forces always looming. Beset by criminals,
by heavily influenced by Chinese. Originally Western money, and the V.C., Siagon is a hive of
written with modified Chinese characters, these crime, terror, and vice.
were replaced by modified Latin characters by
the French, using diacritic marks to represent Da Nang
tone. A large port city and home to the busiest airport
during the war, Da Nang is isolated by the coast
Culture and Religion and the mountains, making it extremely secure
Vietnam is a highly community-focused culture against attack. Thus, it was the safest area in
that highly values harmony, family and history. the entire war, and the surrounding beaches were
Vietnam’s limited number of family names reflects often used by US forces for R&R.
a strong importance placed on clanship.
Vietnam follows the Lunar Calender is and well The ancient imperial capital of Vietnam, Hue
known for its various holidays and festivals, changed hands more than once during the war. It
most notably Tet, the Vietnamese new year. is known for the majestic ruins of the Imperial
City, a strong Buddhist presence, and for its
Vietnam practices a variety of religions. As of status as the country’s spiritual centre.
the 1960s, Christianity, mostly Catholicism, has
a solid hold on urban areas alongside Buddhism. During the Tet Offensive, Hue was seized outright
Many Montagnards are Protestants, a result of by the Viet Cong, who massacred thousands of the
American missionary influence in the 1930s. civilian population. Efforts by the US Marines
and ARVN to retake the city resulted in its
Most of the rural population, however, practices near total destruction, leaving little of the
variations on an indigenous religion which monumental city standing.
worship the than, divine spirits which embody
certain forces or govern spheres of the natural
world. This religion also borrows Confucian and Hanoi
Buddhist elements. North Vietnam’s capital and the historic capital
of the nation for nearly a thousand years, Hanoi
A popular variation on this is Dao Mau, which is a mirror of Saigon in that it represents a
centralizes this pantheon of spirits onto a disproportionately large concentration of the
mother goddess, which manifests throughout power and wealth in its state. Though most of the
history as a variety of heroic female figures, industry has been distributed rurally, or moved
including the Trung Sisters. farther north near the Chinese border to dissuade
bombing, Hanoi is still quite developed.
A related religion is the quite recent Caodaism,
founding the 1930s, which worships a bifurcated Built on the Red River, Hanoi is a central hub for
deity divided into male and female aspects transportation both by boat and train. Due to the
called the Jade Emperor. This religion is almost threat of US bombing, which targets rail depots
a melting pot of different Vietnamese cultural and bridges inside city limits, Hanoi is dotted
influences, combining Christian monotheism, with a variety of underground air raid shelters,
Buddhist imagery, and aspects of folk religion. including small concrete foxholes embedded in
the sidewalks.
Laos and Cambodia CamBodian Civil War
The Khmer Rouges were the Communist Party
While the Vietnam War raged, both Laos and and resistance forces of Cambodia, another
Cambodia were dealing with their own civil of the groups backed by the North Vietnamese
conflicts involving communist uprisings. These government in hopes of turning the entire region
wars are dizzyingly complex and involve many into solid allies, blocking off the movement of
moving parts, but it was often quite relevant Free World Forces and bolstering their own war
to the Vietnam War, so a brief overview of the effort with men and material. Unlike the much
Communist forces involved is needed. more subservient Pathet Lao, the Khmer Rouge
had their own strong ideas as to how a communist
Laos Tripartite Government country ought to be run, and they were much more
Laos in the mid-1960s was a country so chaotic wary of Vietnamese influence.
it defies description. Massively divided in
ethnicity, geography, religion, politics, In addition to nationalism and nostalgia for
language, and wealth, the nation was embroiled Angkor Empire, the Khmer Rouge were advocates
in a decades-long, low-intensity civil war of an extreme form of agrarian socialism which
between multiple factions throughout the might be recognized as a culturally-specific
Vietnam conflict. form of communal-primitivism. Effectively,
the Khmer Rouge under their leader, Pol Pot,
It would take another book the size of this one believed that communism was the natural state of
to even begin to understand what was going on in agricultural human society, and that colonialism
that country, but a brief, extremely simplified and capitalism was enabled by technology, urban
overview follows. living, and intellectualism.

Laos is an ethnically diverse former colonial Rapidly expanding from just a few thousand
state. It’s poor, underdeveloped, and has basically fighters in 1967 to as many as a hundred thousand
no infrastructure to speak of. The national flag in the early 1970s, the Khmer Rogue was the cause
featured a 3 headed elephant, and it’s a pretty of considerable panic among Free World Forces,
good metaphor for how the mess of a government especially as, with NVA and VC help, they began
worked, because from 1961 until 1975 the country to overthrow the local government. President
was effectively a monarchy, a military junta and Nixon called for bombing raids into Cambodia
a Vietnamese communist puppet state all at the with B-52s in an attempt to destablize anti-
same time. government efforts, though it is to this day
unclear the effect this had. Eventually, with
When Laos was created in 1947, the French put a considerable help from North Vietnam, the Khmer
King in charge, but conflict immediately broke Rouge overthrew the existing government in 1975
out between the military leadership and the and took power.
communist underground. To prevent this from
becoming yet another split state engaged in Not long afterward, the killing started. The
civil war, a convention of nations was held that Khmer Rouge practiced one of the most viciously
managed to create a compromise government, with concentrated campaigns of genocide in world
right-wing, neutral and left-wing elements, all history, systematically destroying roughly a
vying for power with one another in both politics quarter of the country’s population on the basis of
and guerrilla war. ethnic origin, religious background, political
dissent, or engaging in “intellectualism”. Sins
The Royal Army and the right-wing military like reading, writing, or wearing glasses could
mostly keep to themselves, but the communists are get you condemned to death. The Killing Fields
closely backed by the North Vietnamese, because of Cambodia are considered the worst genocide of
they need Laos to not interfere with the Ho Chi the latter 20th century.
Minh Trail. As a result, a large section of Laos is
effectively under North Vietnamese occupation Already dealing with an unsteady relationship
by their Group 559 logistics unit. In 1968, North due to Khmer Rouge violence against Vietnamese
Vietnam launched a proper invasion, which in Cambodia, a combination of political
quickly knocked the Royal Army out of the fight. disagreements and Khmer Rouge incursions into
Free World Forces were politically unable to Vietnam lead to war. The recently united Vietnam
provide official support, but US Special Forces, invaded in 1978, disposing of the government
CIA-backed mercenaries and members of the Royal before painstakingly rebuilding the country.
Thai Army served as “unofficial volunteers” to
aid the flagging right-wing forces. The remains of the RAK formed a guerilla
resistance force against the new government and
Not long after the Vietnam War ended, the Laotian the North Vietnamese occupiers, continuing to
government collapsed entirely and the communist fight resistance actions until the early 1990s.
forces, the Pathet Lao, took control. They remain Cambodia remains scarred by the war and the
in power to this day. subsequent regime.
Other Neighbours Burma
Burma has had a complicated history. During WW2
Southeast Asia has a complex history of it was a British colony and a battleground against
colonialism and occupation. These countries had the Japanese. Afterward, much of the north of the
a considerable part to play in the war. country was controlled by the KMT nationalist
Chinese forces with American approval, which
Red China only solidified the dim view the Burmese had of
The elephant in the room, the People’s Republic Western political bodies. The country was then
of China looms large on the northern border of plagued by separatist crisis and a weak central
Northern Vietnam, a slowly awakening industrial government.
and demographic giant whose potential power
acts as a constricting force on Western interests. Burma has recently undergone a military-lead
socialist coup. The country has since done its
While the Vietnam War raged, China had just come best to isolated itself from foreign influence,
out of the Great Leap Forward, a disastrous attempt and plays little role in the Vietnam War due to
to remake the entire country’s economy at once, its policy of Neutralism.
and in the middle of the Cultural Revolution,
a massive frenzy by radical groups within the Malaysia
country to purge entirely all capitalist and Having recently obtained independence in 1963,
traditionalist elements. Malaysia doesn’t directly have much influence on
the Vietnam War. However, it’s independence from
Stinging from their experience in Korea, the the British was in large part won by Communist
Americans believed that, if they pushed things fighters, and the experience the British special
too hard, they could wind up in a second war forces picked up fighting in the jungles there,
with the “ChiComs”. They believed that the working in conjunction with early helicopters,
Chinese could, if sufficiently motivated, easily formed the basis for much of the small-unit
mobilize and arm a force sufficient to drive out tactics used by Free World Forces, and the threat
all US forces in continental Asia, and while the of Malaysian Communism largely drove the
US could eventually beat the Chinese, it would Australian entry into the war.
involve an effort mirroring the World Wars. In
reality, China had regressed considerably in
terms of industry and organization since the Korea
early 1950s, and was in no state to fight anyone. Ruled by the Japanese until 1945, Korea was
in many ways a template for Vietnam and the
problems it would face, and the lessons learned
Japan there heavily inform foreign policy regarding
Japan fought across Southeast Asia during the the conflict.
Second World War, battling British forces based
in India and integrating Vietnam into their Like Vietnam, Korea was split into two parts, with
colonial “Co-Prosperity Sphere” Since then, a communist government in the more populated
Japan has served as a US buffer against communist and industrialized northern regions bordering
interests in East Asia, and the bases there act as China, and a military dictatorship in the more
a staging area from forces coming in to Vietnam. rural southern half. Like Vietnam, North Korea
The US occupation of Japan has heavily coloured launched an invasion of the southern half to
their image of Asian culture. reunite the country.

Thailand When international forces intervened on behalf

Also known as Siam, Thailand is an unstable of the South Koreans, lead by the Americans, they
monarchy currently allied with the United embarked on a large-scale conventional war that
States. In the 1940s, Thailand attacked the French shattered the North Korean military. However,
Indochina colonies with Japanese encouragement, this offensive sparked Red Chinese involvement,
easily defeating the nation which had already and the bitter, unpopular war that followed
been eliminated from the Second World War by quickly ended in status quo. Fear of involving
German occupation. Less than a year later, the Red China in a conventional war has largely
Japanese invaded their ally. America refusing to dissuaded the United States from invading North
treat Thailand as an enemy nation, seeing them as Vietnam.
a puppet state, won great influence after the war.
Though Korea is still technically at war, the
Thailand provides both military bases and a two sides staring at each other over the DMZ, the
safe haven for US forces in Southeast Asia. Most South Koreans have provided an expeditionary
soldiers spend their out-of-country leave in force to Vietnam to fight alongside the Americans.
Bangkok, flooding the city with foreign money North Korea is at this point still richer and
and leading to an explosion of its black market more organized than the South, which is still a
and seedier elements. dictatorship.

• HE: High Explosive, used for both the artillery
The military uses a lot of specialized language
shell and demo charges.
• HQ: Headquarters, where the commanders are.
“MHQ” indicates a mobile headquarters, like
that outsiders will find very confusing. With
one located inside a vehicle.
nearly half-century between the Vietnam conflict
• KIA: Killed in Action.
and the time of writing to muddle the speech even
• KP: Kitchen Police. Being put on duty in the
more, common terms of the era can be quite removed
mess hall, a common minor punishment.
from modern civilian speech!
• LAW: Light Anti-Tank Weapon, the name given to
US disposable rocket launchers.
Acronyms • LP: Listening Post, a small fighting position
The military loves acronyms, often past the point
with a few forward sentries.
where it really adds any clarity or brevity.
• LRRP: Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol. A team
of special forces types who go on extended
• A-I-K: Assistance-in-Kind, AKA bribery.
observation patrols lasting days or weeks. A
• AA: Anti-Air. Often “AAA” or “Triple A”, meaning
member of an LRRP is a “Lurp”.
“Anti-Air Artillery.”
• LT: Lieutenant, especially your own.
• AAR: After-Action Report, a formal debriefing
• LZ: Landing Zone, a predesignated area for
in text.
helicopters to land and take off.
• AFVN: The Armed Forces Vietnam radio station.
• MACV: Military Assistance Command, Vietnam.
• ANZUS: Australia, New Zealand, and the United
The organization in charge of this mess.
States. The ANZUS Pact lead to a close alliance
• MFW: Multiple Frag Wounds. Used to describe the
of the three countries.
condition of casualties.
• AO: Area of Operation, where the fight takes
• MIA: Missing in Action.
• MPC: Military Payment Currency. US currency
• AP: Confusingly, either “Armour Piercing” or
inside Vietnam was illegal, so you’d get paid
in MPC and you could exchange it for real money
• APC: Armoured Personnel Carrier, a tank-like
when you went home.
vehicle that carries squads of soldiers.
• NDP: Night Defensive Position, a fighting
• APO: Army Post Office, the service that gets you
position dug to keep you safe while you sleep.
your letters.
• P: The (worthless) Vietnamese currency, Piaster.
• AR: Assault rifle, or used as short for “Army
• PAVN: The People’s Army of Vietnam. NVA was
Regulation” to say that everything is in order.
used by FWF official documents instead as a
• ARVN: The Army of South Vietnam.
propaganda tactic.
• ASAP: As soon as possible.
• PIO: Public Information Office or Officer, the
• ATC: Air traffic control.
folks who lie to the American people on your
• AWOL: Absent Without Leave, to not be on duty
when you should.
• POW: Prisoner of War.
• BS: Border surveillance, the guys who track
• R&R: Rest and Relaxation.
incoming VC. See this entry in Civilian Slang
• RBF: Reconnaissance by Fire, a fancy way of
for the content of their reports.
saying shooting at something and then checking
• C&C: Command and control, slang for any vehicle
for bodies.
or location used to manage a mission.
• REMF: Rear-Echelon motherfucker, somebody
• CAS: Close Air Support, planes or helicopters
with a job behind the lines while you’re out
making strikes very close to friendly forces.
putting yourself in danger.
• CO: Commanding Officer, the guy you report to.
• RIF: Reconnaissance in Force; to stroll into an
• DMZ: Demilitarized Zone, an area between two
area with a bunch of your friends looking for
sides in truce. In Vietnam, this was the no man’s
land between North and South.
• ROE: The rules of engagement.
• DP: Displaced person, or refugee.
• RPG: Rocket Propelled Grenade, a favoured
• FAC: Forward Air Controller, a radioman
weapon of the Soviet Bloc.
responsible for managing aircraft making
• RVN: The Republic of Vietnam.
strikes or landing in the field.
• SF: Special Forces.
• FNG: Fucking New Guy, green troops that have
• SOP: Standard Operating Procedure. Business
just arrived and still don’t know the basics.
as usual. Often used derisively when talking
• FO: Forward Observer. The guy responsible for
about something that’s gone wrong.
directing artillery.
• TAC: Tactical Air Strike, another word for CAS.
• FUBAR: Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition,
• USO: United Service Organization, a group that
• GI: General Infantry. Also, Government Issue, a
provides morale-boosting entertainment to
blackly humorous play on the acronym.
soldiers in the field.
• GSW: Gunshot Wound. Used to describe the
• WIA: Wounded in Action.
condition of casualties.
• WP: White Phosphorous.
• GVN: Government of South Vietnam.
• XO: Executive Officer, the second in command.
• H&I: Harassment and Interdiction. Suppressive
artillery fire, usually shot blind.
Military Terms & Slang • Bird: Any plane or helicopter.
The military has a confusing mass of specialized • Blood trail: Evidence of wounded enemies.
terminology for both the unique concepts it “Following blood trails” was often the job of
encounters and the equipment it uses. Here’s just infantry inserted after an artillery barrage.
a curated sample of the official and unofficial • Blooper: The M-79 Grenade Launcher. Also
terminology the US Army employed. “Blooker” in some circles.
• Blue Feature: Water, due to being delineated
• -san: Applied to any generic term to describe as such on a map. Usually used the context of
or address a local, ie: “Mama-san” for an older impassible terrain while planning a maneuver.
woman. Derived from the Japanese honorific and • Body Count: How many enemies were killed in an
a holdover from the US occupation of Japan. engagement, and the goal of any encounter with
• 50 Cal: Any heavy machine-gun. the enemy for US forces.
• A-Team: The business end of a special forces • Boonies: Any place more rural than you’d like.
unit. The B-Team is their backup and the C-Team Infantry, especially scouts, are “Boonierats”.
is their support. • Boot: Short for boot camp, and slang for new
• Agency, The: The CIA. soldiers.
• Airmobile: Like motorized, but with helicopters • Bouncing Betty: Bounding shrapnel mines.
instead of trucks. • Burn Case: See “Crispy Critter”.
• Ammo dump: A location where ammunition is • Bush: Used as a generic term for the field,
collected. especially in reference to troops whose
• Angel track: An APC being used as an ambulance. location is unknown or unclear.
• Arc Light: “Operation Arclight” was a program • C-Ration: Combat Rations, the barely edible
to use the B-52 heavy bombers in a close support packaged food that sustained soldiers in the
role, so “arc light” was used generically for field.
any heavy support run. • Cherry: New soldiers, particularly those who
• Article 15: Nonjudicial punishment. When your have not experienced their first firefight yet.
commander makes you do pushups for talking Derived from slang for virginity.
back without giving you a trial first, that’s • Chopper: Helicopter.
Article 15. • Commo: Slang for anything to do with radios or
• Arty: Artillery. signalling.
• Ash & Trash: A helicopter mission moving troops • Company, The: The CIA.
and supplies outside of combat areas. • Concerta Wire: Coiled Barbed Wire.
• Automatic Ambush: The use of booby traps, • Crispy Critter: Corpses left behind by
especially claymores, by Free World Forces. incendiaries.
Also known as a Mechanical Ambush. • Dead Ground: An area without cover or
• Backblast: The rush of expanding gas from a concealment.
rocket launcher or recoilless guns. • Dead Space: An area not covered by fire.
• Bad Guys: Euphemistic term for the enemy, • Deep Serious: Radio jargon meaning “We’re
used quite commonly, especially in confusing fucked.”
political situations. • Defcon: Defensive contact artillery, firing
• Band-aid: A medic or, dismissively, any medical heavy guns to drive off attackers.
attention. • Dime Nickle: 105mm artillery fire.
• Barrage: All the guns in a group firing at a • Dust Off: Medivac by helicopter.
target. • Early-Out: Having your length of service
• Baseball: Small fragmentation grenades. reduced, meaning you’d get to leave Vietnam
• Basic: Basic Training, and what FNG’s apparently early. The dream of almost all soldiers.
missed. • Electronic Battlefield: The name given to the
• Beaten zone: The area you have zeroed in for vast array of sensors and detectors strung out
machine-gun fire. over the DMZ, North Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
• Beehive: A direct-fire artillery shell, like a to detect troop movements. Known derisively as
big shotgun shell. the “McNamara Line”.
• Believer: A dead soldier. • Eleven Bravo: Infantryman, derived from the
• Berm: The opposite of a trench, a raised area of registration code of their MOS.
dirt used as fortification. • Evac: Evacuate.
• Big Max: The maximum security section of Long • Expectants: Mortally wounded casualties.
Binh prison. • Fast Mover: A jet fighter on ground attack duty.
• Big Red One: The 1st Infantry Division, named • Firebase: A field fortification containing a
for their simplistic unit patch. Derisively, number of artillery pieces and a garrison, used
the “Big Dead One” and “Bloody One”. to provide an area of operations with artillery
• Big boys: Tanks and artillery. coverage.
• Bingo: The amount of fuel an aircraft has when • Frag: Slang for fragmentation from explosives,
they only have enough to return to base. “I will and for fragmentation grenades.
have bingo fuel in five minutes.” • Fragging: The act of killing one of your own,
• Bird Dog: A C&C plane for forward ATC. usually an officer or NCO.

• Free World Forces: The self-appointed title of • Mike-Mike: Millimetre. A grenade launcher
the coalition of American allies in Vietnam. would be a “40 Mike-Mike”, a mortar an “81
• Friendly: Allies. Enemies are “Unfriendlies”. Mike-Mike”.
• Friendly Fire: When your own side accidently • Million-Dollar Wound: A wound bad enough to
shoots at you. Also known as “Blue-on-Blue”. get you send back home, but not bad enough to
• Fugazi: Something has gone terribly wrong. ruin your life.
• Ghosting: Wasting time. • Monday Pills: Another name for horse pills, for
• Green: Inexperienced soldiers. the day you’re supposed to take them.
• Ground Pounder: Infantryman. • Neutralize: The go-to euphemism for killing
• Grunt: Infantryman. Used both affectionately the enemy.
and derogatorily, often by the same people. • Out-Country: Not ‘Nam, but still part of the war,
• Gung ho: Eager to see combat. like Laos and Cambodia.
• Gunship: A helicopter or cargo plane armed to • Over the Fence: Operations which cross the
provide fire support. border into Laos or Cambodia.
• Heat Tab: A small object burned to heat C-Rations • Penny Nickle Nickle: 155mm artillery fire.
without creating smoke. • Platoon: A grouping of several infantry squads
• Horn/Hook: The handset of a radio telephone. lead by a lieutenant.
• Horse Pill: Chloroquine Primaquine, the weekly • Point: The person leading a patrol.
anti-malarial drug. • Pop Smoke: To use a smoke grenade.
• Hot: An area or situation which is actively • Prep: Saturating an area in artillery or bombs
dangerous, especially one under fire. prior to landing troops.
• Hump: A word that describes the intersection • Prick: Radio telephone set.
of marching and carrying, and so can describe • Puff the Magic Dragon: Nickname for AC-47
either or both. “Spooky” gunships.
• In-Country: Something happening in Vietnam. • RPV: Remote Piloted Vehicle, early observation
• Insertion: The act of getting into a combat area. and training drones.
• Iron Triangle: An area north of Saigon dominated • Rack: Cot Sleeping was “Getting Rack Time.”
by the Viet Cong. • Rainbow Herbicides: A series of weed-killers
• John Wayne: A badass situation or person. “That used to clear jungles and destroy North
was some John Wayne shit!” Used increasingly Vietnamese crops, so-called as they came in
ironically with time. Also, the P-38 can opener. brightly coloured barrels. Agent Orange was
• Jungle-Busting: Moving through the jungle considered the most potent and was supposed to
with tanks or bulldozers. be safe for human contact, but turned out to be
• Kill Zone: The area of an ambush or strike where a carcinogenic mutagen. It was later revealed
the enemy will take heavy casualties due to that the manufacturer, Monsanto, had skimped
concentration of fire or poor cover. Getting on the manufacturing process, and the Pentagon
“out of the kill zone” is your first priority in approved deployment despite knowledge that
a fight. the batches were potentially dangerous.
• Klick: Kilometre. The US Military is a metric • Recon: Reconnaissance. A “Recon Patrol” was a
organization. group going out looking for the enemy.
• Lifer: Somebody for whom the military is their • Red Legs: Artillerymen.
career. • Redball: A trail or road used for high-speed
• Lightning Bug: Helicopters with searchlights. convoys, named for the run used to resupply
• Lit-up: Fired upon, especially when the American troops during WW2.
shooting is accurate or intense. “We got lit up!” • Retrograde: Moving away from the front. Often a
• Litter: Stretchers. euphemism for retreat.
• Loach: An OH-6 Cayuse scout helicopter. • Rock & Roll: To cut loose and fire full auto.
• Log Bird: A utility helicopter hauling supplies. • Rolling Thunder: A long, saturated artillery
• Mad Minute: A sudden outpouring of mostly bombardment.
undirected fire from a patrol or base on • Ruff Puff: Regional Vietnamese forces.
suspected contact, with many men simply firing • Salty Dog: Material lost to enemy action. If
because they see the others shooting. Named for your supply depot got hit, writing up excess
the practice drill. Salty Dog losses could cover previous shortage
• Main Force: Hardcore, full-time Viet Cong or corruption.
fighters. • Sapper: Enemy infiltrator-engineers who made
• Mass Casualty: An incident, like a firefight daring raids into FWF bases.
gone poorly, that results in more wounded than • Science Fiction: Special Forces.
can be dealt with. A medic’s worst nightmare. • Short-Timer: A soldier whose tour of duty is
• Med Cap: Military medical personnel employed almost up.
as medical aid workers for civilians. • Shotgunner: Door gunner.
• Medivac: To remove casualties from the field by • Sit-Rep: A situation report, a brief summary of
helicopter. how bad things are.
• Midnight Requisition: Stealing from your own • Six: Behind you. Also, radio jargon for
supply depots. “commander” or “leader”, often used mockingly.

• Slick: Helicopter being used for troop • Brig: Military jail.
transport, especially Hueys. • Busted: Demoted. “They busted you down to
• Small Arms: The guns carried by individual private?”
infantrymen. Anything less than a heavy • China Marines: 4th Marine Regiment, who were
machine-gun is “small arms fire”. stationed in Shanghai just before WW2.
• Smokey Bear: A helicopter being used to lay • Cover: Hat.
smokescreens. • Corpsman: Navy medical officers who act as
• Snake: A Cobra helicopter gunship. Marine medics, and what you yell instead when
• Sortie: A one-aircraft mission. somebody gets hit.
• Spec-4: Specialist 4th Class, the enlisted rank • Deep Six: To dispose of by throwing overboard.
above Private First Class, attainable so long as Also “Drop this line of conversation.”
you weren’t a total screw-up. Used in Vietnam • Devil Dog: Marine, used as a compliment.
instead of Corporeal, as it was an equal pay • Gagglefuck: A group of Marines too close
grade but wouldn’t make a draftee soldier into together, not watching their intervals. Implied
an NCO with authority. to mean extreme incompetence. Combination of
• Spectre: The AC-130 gunship. “Gaggle”, a group of geese, and “Clusterfuck”.
• Spooky: The AC-47 or AC-130 gunships, or • Gunny: Gunnery Sergeant, an important Marine
minigun-armed helicopter gunships. NCO position in charge of the company’s crew-
• Stand Down: Rest period. Also “stay calm”, “shut served weapons.
up”, and potentially “cease fire!” • Hashmark: A sleeve mark indicating four years
• Sugar Report: Letters back home, especially to service.
wives or girlfriends. • Jarhead: Marine.
• Tailgunner: The last guy in the patrol order, • Kit Carson Scouts: A US Marine program to turn
also known as the Sweep or Tail-End Charlie. VC defectors into scouts.
• Thumper, Thump Gun: M79 Grenade Launcher. • Leatherneck: Marine.
• Tiger Suit: A set of camouflage fatigues. • Lollygag: Waste time, stand about.
• Tracer: A bullet with a chemical that makes it • Ooh-Rah: Affirmative reply or agreement. Also
glow or leave a trail, so you can follow the the Marine battle cry.
trajectory of the round. FWF tracers are red • POG: “Person other than Grunt”, pronounced
while Soviet tracers are green. Pogue. Any Marine who does logistics or other
• Track: Any vehicle with treads instead of rear-echelon jobs instead of fighting like real
wheels, including tanks and APCs. Marines.
• Tunnel Rat: Special soldiers trained to • PT: Physical Training, and the clothing worn
infiltrate enemy tunnels. for it.
• Ville: A hamlet or village. • Quantico: A Marine training base and where
• Wake-Up: The last morning that a short-timer anyone incompetent is fresh out of.
will spend in Vietnam before boarding a plane. • Ratfuck: To take the best of something and leave
“10 days and a wake-up...” the rest for others.
• Wasted: Killed. • Rust Picker: Sailor.
• White Mice: The nickname given to the Vietnamese • Scuttlebutt: Rumour mill.
National Police for their white uniforms and • SeaBee: Naval construction engineers, a group
gloves. which lands with Marines to build bunkers and
• Willy Pete: White Phosphorus. airfields.
• World, The: Back home in the United States. • Semper Fi: Always Faithful, the motto of the
• Zapped: Hit by fire in combat. Marine Corps.
• Zippo Raid: A mission to destroy or demolish a • Shitbird: A real useless Marine.
village. • Shove Off: Leave.
• Smedly: An enlisted man who works in the
US Marine Terms & Slang Officer’s mess hall. By extension, a kiss-ass.
Because it wasn’t enough, the Marines have many • Snoop & Poop: Search and Destroy.
unique terms, often naval in origin and even • Sparks: Radio Telephone Operator.
more laced with profanity than Army ones. • TARFU: Things are Really Fucked Up.
• Ten Percenter: Incompetent Marine, with the
• Acquired: Stolen. Marine units were infamous implication they’ll be kicked out of service.
for snatching gear for other services to make • Terminal Lance: A Marine holding the rank
up for their own shortages. of Lance Corporal who, either due to lacking
• Actual: Used to indicate you are talking to the standout competence or nearing the end of their
unit commander directly on the radio, rather service, will likely not be promoted.
than to his radioman. “This is Bandit Actual.” • Topside: Outside. Derived from the layout of
• Amtrack: Amphibious tractor. The Marine’s ships.
favourite vehicle, a mix of a tank, APC and boat. • USMC: US Marine Corps.
• As You Were: Common order. Go back to what you • Whitewall: Standard Marine haircut.
were doing. • Word: “What’s the word?” means “What are our
• Boot: A new soldier. See “FNG”. orders?”

Civilian Period Slang • Hacked: Angry, pissed off, and the process of
What follows is a selection of common terms, vocalizing those emotions.
phrases and linguistic constructions which • Hang loose: Take it easy.
were not exclusive to soldiers or the job of • Happening: Popular and exciting, busy. “This
soldiering in the late 1960s and early 1970s. place is really happening!”
The 60s gave us a lot of superlatives, words to • Harsh my Buzz/Vibe/Mellow: To disturb one’s
describe how something was good or great, as calm with a bad attitude.
well as a lot of words to describe emotions and • Hawk: A pro-war person. Contrast with Dove.
feelings generally. • Heavy: Any topic or conversation that is deep,
depressing or controversial, or unfortunate
You probably know most or all of these, as many circumstances. “That sounds heavy, man.”
of these terms were formative or have come back • Hep: I understand, I agree. “I’m hep to that.”
repeatedly, but they are included for completion • Hip: Cool, popular, in fashion.
and to show what slang was emerging and popular • Hippy: A youth movement centred around a
at the time. You’d be surprised what modern terms disconnect from the liberal norm, the face
didn’t exist even a few decades ago! of the war protest movement and the sexual
revolution. Hippies wore facial hair, beads,
• BS: Bullshit. A very popular phrase to describe headbands and long hair, and they were the
anything the Army says, as it technically isn’t popular whipping boys for more upstanding
profanity and thus can be used around officers. types of all generations.
• Bad scene: An unpleasant event or place. • Hipster: What hippies called themselves.
• Bag: To acquire or steal. • Horn: Telephone.
• Beat feet: To leave. Alt; “Book it, Bug Out”. • Jam: To leave. Not yet slang for music.
• Bitchin’: Great! • Jelly Roll: Heroin.
• Blast: To have a good time. • Lay it on me: I’m listening.
• Blitzed: Drunk or stoned beyond reason. • Man, The: The establishment.
• Bogart: To keep something for yourself, usually • Man: A way of driving home a statement addressed
a joint. Named for the actor and his habit of at another. “You don’t get it, man.”
letting a cigarette dangle off his lips. • Marijuana: The drug of the 1960s. You could
• Boom-boom: Slang for sex. dedicate another whole book to related slang,
• Boss: Something cool. but it was known commonly as weed or Mary Jane.
• Brother/Bro: AAVE term for a fellow black man. • Mellow out: Calm down.
• Bummed/Bummer: Something depressing. • Mod: In fashion, cutting edge.
• Candyass: A coward or wimp. • No sweat: No problem. Used by young people in
• Cat: Person, particularly a cool person. place of “Your welcome”.
• Cherry: A new, sleek or excellent car or piece of • Ought: “Should“ is still not entirely accepted
technology. Contrast the Army version. commonly. Older or rural people would use
• Choice: Desireable. “Ought” exclusively, and it would be expected
• Crash: To sleep, especially when exhausted. in official documents.
• Daddy-o: Originally a 50s term for a cool • Outta sight: Awesome, incredible, unbelievable.
person, now said only with dripping irony. • Rap: To talk something out or explain. AAVE,
• Dibs: Declaring something your own. but not yet a genre of music.
• Dove: Anti-war person. Contrast with Hawk. • Right On: I agree.
• Drag: Something boring or depressing. “That • Righteous: Fantastic.
was a drag.” • Scratch: Money.
• Dude: A derisive term for a non-masculine or • Shades: Sunglasses, and a must-have for any
useless man, slowly being reclaimed by surfers soldier.
and Californians to just be “regular guy.” • Skuzz: A creepy person. A “skuzz bucket” was a
• Fab: Fabulous, awesome, sounds like a good time. gross object or place.
• Far Out: Cool, unusual, mind-expanding. • Split: Leave, go elsewhere. “I gotta split”.
• Flake: Somebody useless. • Thongs: Sandals. Not yet underwear.
• Flick: The in term for a movie. • Threads: Clothes, particularly nice clothes.
• Fucking A: I agree. • Tight: To trust another. “We’re tight.”
• Gimme some skin: Shake hands. Note that the • Tooling: Wasting time. “Stop tooling around.”
high-five won’t be invented until 1977. • Uptight: To be unable to enjoy oneself. The
• Go ape: Lose control of your temper. description for anyone that doesn’t “get it”.
• Good Luck: Outside the obvious meaning, used as
a generic farewell between soldiers in-country
to avoid fatalistic implications.
• Groady: Something gross. Clothes you wore for
dirty work would be your “Groatees”, as would
your day uniform.
• Groovy: Cool/Fine with Me

Vietnamese Loan Terms
American forces picked up a lot of random
Vietnamese words and phrases from the locals and
incorporated them into their day to day.

• Ap: Hamlet.
• Ba Mu’o’i Ba: A Vietnamese beer brand and what
you’re probably drinking off-duty. Also known
as “33” or “Tiger Piss” and considered quite
• Bac bac: Vietnamese onomatopoeia for shooting
or gunfire.
• Bac si de: The rice whisky brewed in rural
• Bac-si: Doctor or medic.
• Bic: I understand!
• Boo-coo: Derived from French “beaucoup”, means
“big”, “many”, or “grand” depending on context.
• Chieu Hoi: An amnesty program for communist
guerrillas, and what VC would shout when they
want to surrender.
• Dae Cong: Meaning “Special Task”, these are the
VC special forces. They were employed as sappers
and shock troops in the Tet Offensive.
• Didi: Vietnamese for “to go” or “to leave”. Didi
Mow means “go quickly”. It’s usually chanted to
get rid of street kids.
• Dung lai: Stop or halt.
• Hooch: Nickname for the homes of rural villagers,
and by extension a word for any improvised
or simple building. “Hoochgirls” are locals
employed as cleaners and staff in military bases.
• Khong xau: No sweat, don’t worry. Literally “Not
• Titi: Very small.
• Xin Loi: Sorry!

GM Guide
The GM is a Player
This right here is the most basic truth about the
GM role, and the one which is least propagated
If PATROL is a movie and the players are actors, by the discourse around the GM role. There’s
then the Games Master is the director; they set this idea that the players are the ones doing the
the timing for the effects and manage the extras. Roleplaying part, and the GM is the person who
Being a GM isn’t easy work, but without you, the manages the Game part. That’s nonsense; you are
game can’t happen. going to be playing roles just like everyone else.

If you’ve never ran an RPG session before, don’t Part of what this means is that you shouldn’t
panic. Just keep reading. If you’re an experienced think of yourself as some kind of servant for the
GM, you can probably skip the next few pages, players, responsible for their Fun. The fact of the
though a refresher never hurt anyone. matter is, everyone gets out of an RPG what they
put into it. You as the GM can’t force the players
to have fun, any more than the designer of a game
system can. Your job is to act as a facilitator.

The game isn’t actually about you. You are not

the sole point of success or failure for a game
session, you are just playing a role in making
a story happen. That your role is a bit more
expansive doesn’t make you the single point of
failure. If you are prepared, follow the rules and
stay engaged, then you’ve done your job.

You are setting out to have fun, just like the

other players are. The same way that the players
shouldn’t have to put up with a GM whose actions
and attitude make the game miserable for them,
you don’t have to put up with players who are
disruptive or negative influences either. You’re
all in this together!

The GM is a Referee
What do I do? A good way to think of your relationship with
the text of the rules is as a referee. When there’s
Alright, calm down. We can get through this.
a dispute as to what should happen, you make a
Before you’ve done it, being a GM can seem like call so that play can continue. Players (and
an overwhelming, impossible job. It’s easy to spectators) might disagree with the call that a
become intimidating by the expectations of your referee makes, but its best they make them quickly
players and the fear that you’ll “ruin the game” so that play can continue. After the game is over,
for everyone else by not doing a good job. what happened can be discussed and agreements
can be made for how to handle such situations in
Let’s back up a bit. There’s a lot misconceptions the future.
and mythology about the role of the Game Master
and how they shape their games. In large part this How much you want to handle the managing of the
has to do with many games being very vague as to mechanical portions of the game is up to you. As a
what a Game Master actually does; historically, guideline, its a good idea to make players track
you’d learn to play roleplaying games from other their own items and conditions and roll the dice
people who already knew, and then you would for their own actions. PATROL has a lot of built-
imitate their processes in your own games. in physicality, so you might take something away
from the players if you do the rolling yourself,
So, for a very long time the GM position had and pausing the game to let you work out what
attached to it a sort of oral tradition which happened while the players sit around will be
varied with different games and locales. If your very disruptive.
group is brand new, though, that doesn’t really
help you, and a lot of what got passed down are Referees don’t tend to make up rules as they go,
somewhat harmful practices anyway. and unless you really know what you’re doing
(and if you need to read this part, you don’t!),
So let’s talk about what a GM is, and what they you shouldn’t mess with the rules during play. If
aren’t, and what you should do. you’re doing something differently for whatever
reason, tell everyone ahead of time.

The GM is a Narrator
The GM participates in the roleplaying aspect Your First Session
of the game in large part by being a narrator. Let’s walk through your hypothetical first game
Imagine the game you are about to run as being a of PATROL.
book with an ensemble cast. All the dialogue and
thoughts and actions of those main characters Your work should start before the game begins
are provided by the players, but the descriptions proper. Ask the people playing what they want
of the jungles, the enemy, the setting and the bit from the game and if they have any preferences,
characters all come through in the voice of the and take it into account. Make the players feel
narration. like they have participated in crafting the game
before they sit down to the table.
A huge part of what you do is set tone and
atmosphere for the players. You are their eyes Come up with a good hook for your mission,
and ears, so give them feedback that keeps them something that will get the players interested
engaged. If you see somebody perk up when you right away. Pick something straightforward for
talk about something, elaborate. Encourage your first game so things can’t go too off the rails.
them to ask questions about everything you say, From that start you can devise some interesting
and then build on it or use those questions as a complications for the players, challenges they’ll
bridge to asking what the players do next. need to face to get it done. Remember; there’s more
dangers available to you than just the enemy.

The GM is Not The Boss Find a good map and make two versions; one you can
This can be a bit hard to hear, but this is not show to the players and one with more details for
your game or your story. You are a part of the yourself. Print off the player map so they can see
collaborative effort that will be an interesting it during play. Try to find or create a map which
tale and drive a good roleplaying experience. has a good “obvious” route; either the players
will take it and you can engage them directly, or
GMs do not tell players stories which they wrote. they’ll avoid it and face other obstacles.
Rather, they bind together and manage a story
that everyone is writing as they go. It is not You should be ready before the players are.
your story alone and you are not in charge of its Have everything they need; blank copies of the
every aspect. character sheets, pencils for everyone to fill
everything out, and so forth. At the back of this
The authority you have is over the world of the book are printable Equipment and Skill lists;
game, and not over the other players. Don’t get you should make a copy of those so the players can
confused about that. quickly select their gear when they make their
The GM is Not a God
There’s a lot of games that will tell you that the Explain the basic premise of the game quickly,
only rule that matters is that what the GM says, then begin guiding the players through character
goes. These games will tell you that, as a GM, you creation. Ask them who they want to be and what
should ignore any rule or restriction that you they want to do for the team, and then make
want if you feel it will improve the experience. suggestions to guide them along. That’s why it’s
so important you know the rules as best you can.
This is just about the worst advice you can give
a new GM. Once you’ve finished character creation, go
straight in-character. Introduce them to the
These rules exist for a reason and were written environment and to their commander in the form
as they are to get good results at the table. of the mission briefing. Don’t be afraid to ham it
Games are complex, emergent systems that are up a bit!
dependant on everything within them; if you
change something, you change everything else by Once you’ve explained the circumstances, ask
association. Therefore, unless you understand the players the Big Question; “What do you do?”
the rules and why they exist, you can’t make an Whatever they want to make happen, facilitate
informed decision as to why to ignore them. it. Use their impulses as a chance to explain
the rules for various actions and situations
Of course, there might be situations where you on the fly. After everything is resolved and the
don’t know what to do and you can’t look it up situation has changed, ask them again, “What do
quickly. There’s nothing wrong with making a you do?” At this point, you’re off to the races!
quick ruling under those circumstances and
looking it up later. Likewise, as you grow more Once the game has finished, one way or another,
experienced, you’ll learn when you can let the take a moment to talk with your players. Ask them
rules slide for the sake of roleplay. Now, in your how they thought the game went, what they enjoyed
first games, is not that time. and if they’d like to play again.

Styles of Play Full Myth vs Improv
A longstanding debate in the RPG community is
If you’ve run games before, you’ve probably between the “Full Myth” style, as opposed to the
developed a style and a specific rapport with more freeform, improvisational style.
your players. Your games will feel a certain
way, even across different systems. That’s great! In essence, the Full Myth is when everything
Everyone has different skills for roleplaying, is plotted out beforehand. Every encounter is
and figuring out what works for you and your planned, every NPC the players can meet has a
group is very important. backstory and profile prepared, every monster
has a known location from before the game event
That said, PATROL might not play well with started. In PATROL, the Full Myth means that you
your style as-is. It may be structured like a have full rosters of all the enemy movements, a
traditional RPG, but it has a freeform emphasis timetable for their movements, and all the traps
and influence from storygames. You can’t really are placed before the players step onto the field.
set up level-appropriate combat encounters that
create tense but controlled setpieces the players Improv sessions are much more freeform, with the
emerge victorious from. If you try to railroad GM more reactionary. You don’t know where the
players through something like that and use sentries are, per say, because they’ll only run
anything resembling these rules, you’ll just end into them depending on how much time is left in
up with a pile of dead PCs and players who’ll want the session and how they’ve acted. You can read
to go back to their fantasy game. the table and use it to come up with ways to keep
players engaged, incorporate their feedback
Despite the military setting, you generally want with “Yes, and...” tactics, ambushing them when
to give your players a decent degree of freedom to distracted, and rewarding their clever plans.
tackle their objectives. Show them the map, tell
them their goals, and let them figure out how to Neither of these playstyles are right or wrong.
get them done. If you are unused to freeform RPGs, However, leaning too hard on either one can make
this’ll take some getting used to, but once you running your game unnecessarily difficult.
learn how you’ll get better results.
PATROL generally rewards the Full Myth style,
If you’re not really sure how the game will play as it has strong systems for tracking equipment,
out, try running smaller games with one or two supplies, munitions and locations. However,
friends to get a feel for the system before playing doing all that can be a real headache, and can
a “real” game with your full group. lead to your plot being bypassed entirely if you
didn’t think of everything. That can mean you did
Once you’ve worked out the basics of running a lot of work for nothing.
things, or if you’re experienced and ready to go,
read on in this section for some tips on adapting On the other hand, PATROL can break down a bit
specifically to the rules of this game. during a fully improv session. Being a game
which pivots heavily on pinning consequences on
players, the “yes, and...” style of improv gameplay
can somewhat undercut the tone, and it can end up
feeling very arbitrary to players in a way that
saps some of their investment.

As with many things, a balance is often called for.

Instead of concrete details, you can create some
simple guidelines and rules for yourself that
will feel consistent to your players, but allow
you to make some adjustments for the pace of the
game. Remember, what really matters is what the
players experience; don’t make things worse for
them, and yourself, by straightjacketing yourself
with details they’ll never see.

For example, rather than “6 V.C. with assault

rifles moving up and down this path every two
hours”, and then tracking their exact location
every turn, you can instead know that the enemy
is on the path such that, when the players reach
it, the enemy will be moving towards them, and
the players can find signs of their presence. This
creates an interesting choice to either retreat
or set up a hasty ambush.
Closed Map vs Open Map You shouldn’t require your players know the
One of the biggest choices you need to make for Action list in order to play. Ideally, your
your game is if you are playing closed map or players shouldn’t need to know any rules beyond
open map. In short, do your players see all the what concerns their character’s status directly.
tokens moving around on the map and do their own You should be able to handle their input at that
measuring, or do you handle all that behind the point and use their descriptions to figure out
scenes and just present them with narration? their character’s Action.

Generally, players will want to play open map; If you can’t map what they want to do to an Action,
having more information will make them feel just assign an arbitrary difficulty, figure out
safer and more in control. Having everything if their Skills apply, and have them roll a Check.
laid out on the board gives them more time to plan Pass, Fail and FUBAR should give you plenty of
and a better idea of what is happening around material to make something interesting happen.
them. These reasons are exactly you shouldn’t let
them have that! Think of yourself as an advanced text parsers
for a computer RPG; you can naturalistically
The official position of the rules is that PATROL interpret their commands, but you want to try to
should be played closed map; only the GM should resolve everything through prewritten systems.
be aware of the exact positions of everything.
This is because PATROL is not, for the most part, a Using the TImescale
tactics game; one of the core thrusts of its thesis One of PATROL’s stranger divergences from typical
is that the specific mechanisms of fighting are a RPG structures is the long time period of turns.
secondary part of the experience of soldiering. At first, half-hour turns will not seem right.
The players shouldn’t spend their time on precise
movements or attempting to game the systems, The reason for these long turns is to remind
because it will ultimately detract from the players that soldiers are not robots. They
experience. don’t behave with 100% efficiency, and sticking
to the time increments lets you simulate the
The players should have access to a map, but it conversation, missteps, false alarms, paranoia,
should have no gameplay information on it; the short shots, and dead time that follows soldiers
players should try to work out where they are around with the slow pace of a cautious patrol.
and where their opponents are through context It makes the war properly boring, without making
and indication from the GM, without measuring it boring for the players.
things out themselves. That way, players won’t
get carried away with the exact number of meters Though you can, and generally should, skip over
between themselves and the target and play by ear much of this time, you can also use it as a chance
instead, focusing on what is important. to weave in some good narrative. It represents
a great chance to introduce the kind of surreal
Playing Narratively imagery Vietnam War media emphasizes. Perhaps a
PATROL’s strong emphasis on the Turn structure character notices a spider building a web while
and the associated timeframe can be a boon in they wait for the enemy to show, or you prompt
structuring the story of your game, but it can a group for a flashback to civilian life or a
also trip things up for your players and slow conversation while on the march. You don’t have
everything down considerably. If you pause and to keep reminding people of the time; just keep
resolve every turn individually, your game will track as each turn goes on, and keep the players
take forever and players will get frustrated. updated as they ask.

This is especially true during movement. You This timescale won’t always make the most sense
shouldn’t ask players where they want to go in the moment, especially during intense combat
with their turn’s movement allowance over and or conversations. In these situations, let the
over. Instead, ask them “Where do you want to go, time slide instead of the turns. It’s okay to do a
and how do you want to get there?” Bring up any half-a-dozen 5 or 10 minute turns at the climax
obstacles and potential events, then either move of an intense fight, because what really matter is
them there or interrupt the move with an event, the Roundel and Status Effects advancing.
advancing Turns as necessary.
So yes, it only takes you a few minutes to talk to
Similar approaches can be used for Resting, somebody or resolve a firefight at close range.
digging positions, and other rote tasks. Save the If it doesn’t feel like it should take an hour
player’s attention for important events instead and a half, it doesn’t! There could be a spurt of
of stepping in every half-hour to micromanage. short turns, followed by a few hour-long turns
Ideally, your players are only rarely confronted of resting or agonizingly paced movement as
with the artificial Turn structure, getting a the soldiers, rattled by events, react and think
clean narrative instead as much as possible. lethargically from the adrenaline crash.

Fair Unfairness Making Sense of PvP
PATROL is a bit of a mean game for players. There PATROL is a game as much about player vs player
are a lot of ways to die, and generally, the sort conflict as it is a game of the party against the
of heroics you might attempt in another RPG will world. Many aspects are specifically designed to
result in a posthumous medal at best. create wedge issues and encourage disagreement,
argument, and even violence between player
Because this game has such potential to be very characters. The central narrative of PATROL is
unfair for players, it is your job as a GM to ease not about military victory of a band of brothers,
the blow a little. Using the narrative to soften but about that band shattering.
the mechanics can give the players a bit of an
edge, and prevent them from feeling victimized. This is completely intended.

An excellent example is using traps against PvP conflict is a touchy subject in RPG circles.
the players. Imagine a SR6 Blast Mine on a trail Traditionally, it is seen as something you should
which a group of tired PCs are trudging down. As never allow to happen as a GM, a breakdown of
none of them currently have the Vigilance they order in the group and the derailment of the
need to find the trap, as the rules are written plot. For other games and other groups, conflict
they should just walk into it, set it off, and roll between players is the draw in the first place.
damage. While shocking, it will probably upset
the player whose PC just suddenly lost a leg out PATROL is designed so that things break down
of the blue. slowly along fairly pre-designed lines. There’s
little incentive to begin fighting with one
With the aid of the narrative, however, you another right away, but if things go poorly nerves
can make this into an interesting encounter. fray and things come to a head. This controlled
Describe to the players the path as they move decline averts one of the more frustrating
along, talking about how they all stick to the aspects of unplanned PvP, which is that it feels
right side of the trail to stay in the shade of the arbitrary and unfair to the other players. There’s
trees, and the incessant buzzing of insects. Then, concrete motivation for characters to engage in
as they approach the mine, you can give them action which is disruptive to the in-game goals
warning signs. Some shifted dirt, a disturbed of the party, which apply both mechanically and
bush, some cut-down bamboo. If they don’t decide in-character. This consistency can help smooth
at that point to stop and investigate, then when things over.
they walk into the mine it’ll be their fault, and
they’ll learn for next time to be more cautious. That said, do not mistake the natural PvP
inclination of this game for legitimately
This will be far more effective at eliciting a disruptive behaviour. These rules exist to create
sense of paranoia from players; because they will an entertaining story. If a player is clearly out
feel what happens to them is not arbitrary, they’ll to ruin the fun of others, and you’ll be able to
try to take precautions. If it was presented as tell, do not tolerate the behaviour. Don’t try to
arbitrary, then it wouldn’t matter one way or “deal with it” inside the game or put up with it
another, and they’ll likely stop playing out of for the fiction; stop the game and call them out.
When done right, the PvP in PATROL should create
Some other good warning signs for traps or animosity between characters, but not between
ambushes you can use include the animals and players. Try to find subtle opportunities for
insects suddenly going quiet or running away, players to make in-character actions that lead
old craters indicating pre-ranged artillery to conflicts, but always let them take the plunge
or mortars, smears of cosmoline on plants from themselves. Trying to force players into conflict
Soviet firearms, range marker indicators on the will not endear you to them, and it shouldn’t be
backs of trees, or simply noting an area of the necessary given the game’s mechanics.
path would be “good for an ambush”.

Non-Player Characters Quickly Generating Characters
Most of the time, you’ll have a chance to come up
As a GM, you are more than just a dispensary with your potential major NPCs ahead of time.
of challenges and bad guys for the players to Sometimes, however, your players surprise you,
overcome. You are their eyes and ears, the direct the plot goes off the rails, or you just have a
link to the world they interact with. sudden need of a new character and you need to
make one up on the spot.
As well as describing the environment around
the players, you have the vital job of playing the A good strategy is to play off the reactions of your
NPCs the players encounter. Unless your players players. If they find something you do while you
are unrepentant psychopaths (which is behaviour scramble to establish a new character funny or
you should discourage), the players will probably intriguing, whatever you’re doing is working, so
encounter more neutral, friendly or, at the very double down on that thing. If somebody blurts out
least, not immediately aggressive characters than a fact about that character, run with it. Allowing
they will enemy soldiers in a combat situation. the players to participate in the introduction
You’ve got to sell those characters. will help get them invested.

Making a Strong NPC Failing that, you can roll for it. This is a d66
A good non-player character is unique, memorable, generator. Roll 2d6, with one d6 representing the
and feels like they have more going on then they 10s and the other representing the 1s.
do. On the other hand, they also need to be easy # Traits # Traits
to handle on the GM side; you can’t do too much
11 Deeply Religious 41 Sentimental
book-keeping with the random background extras
and bit characters the players interact with. 12 Way Too Eager 42 About to Retire
Finding this balance is difficult, and takes 13 Quite Competent 43 Drunkard
experience more than anything. 14 Drug Addict 44 Depressed
15 Demoralized 45 Competitive
A good trick to create a strong NPC is to create a
“Two-Tone Character”. In essence, you take a basic 16 Rich 46 Paranoid
stock character, like “Sympathetic Bartender who 21 Terrified 51 Grizzled
listens to the plight of the Heroes” and you add 22 Traumatized 52 Working an Angle
one additional strong character trait which you
23 Looking for a Fight 53 Emotionless
try to work in as much as you can.
24 Hippy 54 Greedy
For example, the Sympathetic Bartender is a very 25 Cowardly 55 Charming
well-worn character archetype, polishing a 26 Planning to Desert 56 Know-it-All
glass and willing to hear the characters out as
31 Skirt-Chaser 61 Very Patriotic
they have a beer. Players will barely even notice
a character like that, and definitely won’t 32 Fatalistic 62 Surfer Dude
remember him after the fact. 33 Very Dull 63 Weirdly Upbeat
34 Superstitious 64 Fitness Junkie
But maybe he’s Greedy, and every time he nods along
with the players he slides them another bottle 35 Very Attractive 65 Bloodthirsty
and allows them to run up their tab. Maybe he’s 36 Anti-War 66 Currently Lost
Bloodthirsty, and suggests over the top violence
as a solution to the character’s woes. Maybe he’s Play these character traits to the hilt. People
Clumsy, and breaks a glass while the player is won’t really notice a few comments here or
talking, turning the scene into a sudden rush to there, but an exaggerated presentation will be
bandage the bartender’s hand. noticeable. You usually haven’t got much time
with each NPC, so you’ve got to make the thrust of
Likewise, picture the classic “Unexperienced, their character obvious.
overconfident New Officer Who Leads the Unit into
Disaster.” You’ve seen this character and their If you have to run with a character for long enough
associated plotline a hundred times; everyone that these character traits would get obnoxious,
knows how it goes. you’ve usually got time to devise and introduce
some other twists as well. Just remember; more
But if that officer is actually kind and helpful character traits isn’t necessarily better. The
to his men, despite also sternly guiding them players can provide the conflicted, angsty dark
into certain death, the scene changes a bit. If souls with complex personality; you just need
he’s smarter then he first lets on and avoids some devices for them to bounce off of.
of the rookie mistakes, luring the players into
a false sense of security, that’s another good As for their profiles, you can use the premade NPCs
angle. A simple addition can make a character in the next section. These stat blocks are lower
seem multifaceted with almost no effort. limits; experienced troops will be stronger.
Friends and Comrades The VIetnamese
Your players will spend a lot of time interacting If you are playing Americans or similar, your
with other characters from their own military player characters do not speak Vietnamese. As
organization. They share a culture and a language mentioned in the Interaction rules, encounters
with these people, and they need to have each between locals and foriegn soldiers are filtered
other’s backs, so this communication is the most through a mutual lack of understanding and a
straightforward. wide cultural gap.

When you play these characters, you should try Despite this, the players will have to interact
to always speak in the first person, acting out with the Vietnamese in non-combat situations,
each role to the players. To make this easier for frequently. They are here to win their hearts
yourself, try to have a small number of stock and minds, they need to question them for
characters who come back between missions; the intelligence, they must search their villages
green junior officer, the gruff master sergeant, and disrupt their lives to do their jobs. How you
the insufferable logistics officer, etc. That way, handle these interactions is very important.
the players build up an attachment to the world
that grounds them in the circumstances. They’ll As a GM, you probably want the players to feel
care a lot more when they’re waiting on the cocky distant and detached from the villagers, ARVN
but friendly Lt. Webber with the Southern drawl soldiers, and so forth. It’s a little unsettling,
than if they just know an anonymous helicopter but the player characters treating the villagers
pilot is on the way. like NPCs is a fairly apt representation of the
dehumanizing effects of war.
Little bit characters with funny quirks or
interesting voices can add a lot to the player’s One of the core ways you can do this is to never
experience. Maybe every time the players call let the players converse with them directly.
for artillery, the same loud, partially deaf Don’t play them in first person like the allied
artilleryman answers. You don’t know anything characters; instead, describe the information
about him, but he’s a familiar voice. Then, a few they tell the player in detached narration. “He
missions in, you can meet him in person, maybe tells you they saw their boats a hundred meters
even centre a little storyline around him, and up the river.” Having an interpreter character
the players are already invested. is another good option. Either way, the players
never really have a chance to have a conversation.
Not everyone the players know needs to be military
characters. They might be civilian consultants Another good way to handle this is to not give the
and contractors, or members of other units that local characters names. The languages and naming
the PCs only interact with in casual settings. conventions of Vietnam are about as far detached
Maybe you can open a session with the PCs making from American English as you can find, which made
their phone call home to their families. it very difficult for many American soldiers to
remember the names of places and people, and most
You need to be careful to remember your job when of the time they didn’t particularly care, either.
playing these characters. Your task is to enable This is to say nothing of the problems you might
the experiences of the players, not to swoop in have as an English-speaking player.
and solve their problems for them. Unless you are
very good, you can quickly ruin your player’s You can describe characters with archetypes; the
experience by accidently placing too great a Village Elder, the Shoeshine Boy, the Peaceful
focus on an NPC you like to the expense of the Monk, the Defiant Youth. These simplistic cyphers
player experience; the “GMPC” is a long-standing will once again allow players to project their
gripe many players have about their games. own prejudices onto these characters, as well
as paint a quick picture of who they are for the
A good way to avoid the trap of the GMPC is that, purposes of brief interaction.
if you need to introduce a character who is a
real badass, like a special forces commander or a A clever trick you can use if the players do ask
celebrity, make them a real jerk. That’ll provide for character’s name is to turn it around on them.
incentive to get rid of them before they overstay “What are you calling them?” Encouraging your
their welcome, and reduce the temptation to players to create nicknames for characters they
reintroduce them. encounter is both an authentic detail and one
that will encourage the players to be dismissive.
At very minimum, your players should have a
rough idea of who their platoon officer, senior Once you’ve got your PCs dismissing the locals,
NCO, and unit commanding officer are, and be able treating them as just information packets and
to tell you something about their personality cardboard cutouts, you’ve given yourself a lot to
from how you presented them. That way, they’ll work with. You now have leverage to use when you
know who is ordering them to do all this stuff, begin subverting these ideas, and the players
and they’ll have somebody to gripe about. will never see it coming.
This is where the two-tone character premise can Enemy Forces
come in handy. The simplest and quickest way to Most of the time, you probably won’t have to come
begin messing with the players is to immediately up with much in the way of personality for the
begin playing opposite their expectations with hostile forces opposed to the players, as they
these characters. generally won’t interact civilly. Their skills
in combat are more important than their names or
The serene old Village Elder told you about the personality for your game.
V.C. presence in the next village because he has
a long grudge with their leader, his brother. The That won’t always be the case. There’s plenty of
Shoeshine Boy is working with the communists and circumstances where you might interact with an
informs Charlie of your movements. The Peaceful enemy fighter outside of combat. You might take
Monk is next seen beating a government taxman a prisoner, or they might capture you. You might
with a table leg. The Defiant Youth follows you be called to negotiate with a group during a
into the jungle with a gun hoping to help you ceasefire, or you might run into a character on
kill the communists terrorizing his village. the streets of Saigon who later turns out to be a
V.C. fighter. In these situations, it’s often a good
These simple switches have two great effects on idea to come up with a quick personality for the
your players; they make them stop trusting their major players.
first reads of these characters, and they make
them stop trusting you. The best thing you can do Exactly how you want to handle the level of
to enforce the tone of this game is to muddy the humanity displayed by your hostile forces is up
waters. to you. It’s generally a good idea to try to strike
some kind of balance. Enemy soldiers obviously
Once you’ve got the players on the lookout for aren’t going to like your characters very much
this kind of trickery, you can start playing even outside a combat situation, but presenting
around with their expectations more. The player’s them as flat, cartoonish villains with no greater
characters are themselves getting more wise to motivation or desire than to cause pain and
the situation, so they’ll start to understand misery is bad storytelling. On the other hand,
things better. A lot of them will start picking trying to make the enemy too sympathetic can very
up the Local Language skill, if you keep the NPCs quickly feel hokey, and maybe even undermine the
interesting, so they can get more out of these basic dynamic of the game entirely.
interactions, so that’s the point you can start
introducing names and recurring characters.

Needless to say, this is a good setup for more

intimate betrayals.

Vietnamese Name Generator

Vietnamese names are written with the family
name first. Vietnam has a very small set of very
popular names. 14 different surnames make up 90%
of the population. These 2d6 charts are weighed
If you have a group of enemy soldiers in some
Family Given (Male) Given (Female) situation where the players are forced into
2 Do 2 Thanh 2 Ngoc extended interaction, a good practice might be
3 Dang 3 Quang 3 Minh to have one central character in their ranks the
players can focus most of their attentions on.
4 Vu 4 Khanh 4 Thuy This eases the roleplaying burden for you and
5 Pham 5 Nguyen 5 Ngoc lets you concentrate on getting one character
6 Tran 6 Hieu 6 Tru right instead of dividing your attention.
7 Nguyen 7 Hoang 7 Linh
Another good strategy is to introduce a small
8 Le 8 Duc 8 Phuong number of strong personalities among the enemy
9 Huynh 9 Duy 9 Trang during the mission. Perhaps the villagers tell
10 Phan 10 Son 10 Anh you about a particularly frightening V.C. leader
11 Bui 11 Thang 11 Ngan known for particular atrocities, or intelligence
has a report about a charismatic enemy officer.
12 Ngo 12 Dat 12 Lan Though the players might never actually meet
them face to face, having a singular personality
Almost all women have the middle name “Thi”, or behind the enemy will act as a focal point and
perhaps “Dieu” or “Nu”. Men often have the middle memorable opponent that the players will be
name “Van”, or just about any other Male given excited to face, and they can give you an excuse
name, so just roll again. to have an enemy with tricks up their sleeves.
Tips & Tricks Introducing a Twist
Sometimes, a game slows down, and you can just
Being a GM is more art than science. Here’s a few feel interest at the table flagging. That’s when
concepts to think about while setting up your you introduce some sudden, cool complication on
games or trying to figure out where to go. the next turn that completely throws things for
a loop.
Play off your Players
You don’t have to do all the thinking yourself. • If a fight is dragging on too long, the enemy
If you’re a good improviser, you can use clever should retreat as soon as possible. Have them
questions to prompt the players into giving you leave behind some wounded, folks pretending to
information you can use to further the story or be wounded, or a small rearguard.
deepen the setting. Leading questions are an • Alternately, have the enemy retreat with the
excellent way to get good material from players. intent of luring the players into an ambush or
• At the start of the game, tell a player “Your • You can also have your own side retreat! This
character is feeling unusually angry/sad/ works especially well when the players are
happy today. What happened to make you feel winning; they suddenly find themselves having
that way?” to reassess the situation, and feeling like the
• Everyone gets letters from home. Who is writing only people who give a damn about the fight.
to you? What did they say? • A gunshot rings in the air with an NPC as the
• “You go meet your commanding officer. Remind target. Sniper!
me why you hate him so much?” • When they come around the next corner, they
• “You’ve seen this prisoner before! What were the walk straight into a group of equally-oblivious
circumstances?” people. Are they friendly, enemy, civilian or
• “Up ahead is a detachment of the 33rd Airborne. totally unknown?
Why do you hate working with them?” • If the players clearly aren’t invested in an
• “What happened on this path that makes everyone objective, do something strange with it. Perhaps
in the unit fear patrolling it?” they arrive at the enemy weapon cache to find
the V.C. guards already dead and a bunch of hill
Starting off Strong people looting it?
Good sessions begin with a good hook. PATROL • If a confrontation is too straightforward, use
assumes the players receive a briefing from a civilians, terrain, or the weather to throw a
commanding officer as to their mission, but that wrench into it.
doesn’t mean you need to start every mission in a • When talking to some locals, somebody turns
meeting having something explained to you. out to be related to somebody else. Involving
family politics in the conflict always raises
• Start the briefing in the helicopter on the tensions.
way to the mission area. Before the briefing • If all else fails, if there’s not enough going on
is finished, the helicopter is forced to make a have the V.C. move in on the players and set up
crash landing, and the players need to figure an ambush.
the rest out for themselves.
• Begin the game in media res; the players are Deus Ex Machina
out in the bush and it’s night. Who is on watch? It’s not pretty, but sometimes you need the hand
After fighting off a daring night attack, reveal of God to sort out a problematic situation. These
the objectives. things always work better if you provide some
• Begin the game by narrating that the players plausible deniability beforehand.
have come to some dirty backalley in Saigon,
armed with pistols, and have just broken down • Tell the players a patrol went missing in
a door behind a seedy bar. One of them has gone the jungle a few days earlier. This can just
AWOL before a mission and is currently lying on be a flavour thing, but if the players get in
a dirty mattress, stoned out of their minds. Ask serious trouble, the “lost patrol” can emerge
the players who it is, and why? in a flanking position, making it look like you
• A popular NPC companion of the players is dead planned it all along.
or critically injured. Begin the mission by • Tell the players up front that air support is
asking “How did this happen? What were you tied up in some big operation up north, and
doing when it happened?” Use this as a starting have the sounds of rockets and bombs going off
point for a flashback explaining events. throughout the mission. In a troubling spot, a
• After a few hard missions, the Squad is on leave lone gunship buzzes overhead, having wandered
and underarmed when somebody bad happens. out of position, and the players have a chance
Perhaps they are in a bar in Saigon as the Tet to contact them.
Offensive begins. How do they survive and • If the player’s ever made friends with any
return to their unit? villagers, other units or allies, bring them
• After this patrol, somebody’s tour is up. back as the cavalry.
Everyone is buying him drinks the night before.
Mission Complications Morale Quandaries
Overly straightforward missions can get very Having some “what do you do?” moments in your
predictable, very quickly. Throwing in a game where there are no good answers is an
spontaneous twist can help, but its better if you excellent way of cementing the game’s atmosphere.
plan them out ahead of time.
• Players have been told to keep an eye out for
• Your extraction chopper is forced off or shot Montegnards are smuggling opium through the
down and you need to make your way to a poorly- region. The drug has devastated a previously
placed backup PZ. healthy community the players are attached to.
• A major enemy offensive kicks off while you When confronted, it turns out they are using
are out on the mission. Suddenly, dust-off and the money to buy weapons to defend themselves
support is all rerouted right as your mission from the V.C.
gains a greater context and importance. • A model soldier and Special Forces vet deserts
• Right as the players are about to finish and the players have to bring him back in. He is
their objective, a helicopter carrying a VIP, suffering from PTSD and can’t spend another day
like a visiting US Congressman or a General, in the war. If you can even catch him, will you
crashes somewhere in the AO. Your Mission is take him back?
immediately scrubbed; go rescue them. • You are tasked with transporting local
• The village you were supposed to meet your prisoners. They are clearly political prisoners
informant in is completely deserted. The fires who haven’t done anything to deserve this
are still hot. What happened here? treatment.
• A unit from another nation is operating in the • A village has been taking care of both ARVN and
same area. Their methods are crude and barbaric V.C. troops after a firefight. They are marked as
and they have undone some of your hard work. enemy collaborators for this and you are sent
Sort it out. to take punitive action.
• A member of the local V.C. is actually a deep- • You learn that two soldiers have been taken
cover agent for the RVN secret police. You know prisoner and taken down separate paths. You
who it is and they know who you are, but if you only have time to get one before they cross the
end up facing their unit you can’t kill them and border into Laos. Which one do you follow? Do
they can’t blow their cover. you hop the border for the other?
• A flash-bang goes off inside the confines of the
transport thanks to a fumbling NPC. Everyone is Fun Happenings
deaf for rest of the mission. This game doesn’t have to be all serious, all the
time. Tangential plots can give players a lot of
Side Objectives room to expand their character or simply have a
Having other things going on during a Mission good time roleplaying.
can really spice things up and give the impression
of a larger war and a living, breathing world • A gaggle of children have decided they are now
beyond the immediate goals of the players. GIs. With sticks for rifles, they march behind
you when you pass through, salute, and insist
• A reporter has been embedded in the unit. He or on following you out into the bush.
she is one of those anti-war types, but they are • A short-timer in the unit is cursed. Everything
extremely respected. If you can change their goes wrong for him and the unit is convinced
mind on the war with what you show them, you’ll he is a bad luck magnet that will keep the rest
make your CO the happiest man on the planet. of them safe. Get him through his last patrol
• There’s a man-eating tiger on the loose and the before he goes home.
local villagers are terrified. If you can find • The players are invited to participate in a
it, kill it. The V.C. are hunting it too, hoping local ritual. Your LT tells you to go along for
to win the locals over. the PR. Things just keep getting weirder and
• As you pass through a village, a mother begs more intoxicated from there.
of you to help her. Her pre-teen son has been • A local girl has fallen head over heels for one
forcefully conscripted by the regional forces of the handsome soldiers guarding her village.
or, worse, the V.C. Get him back. Initiate soap opera drama; her parents don’t
• Command gives you a handful of spoofed enemy approve! Her grandparents try to set you up! She
mortar shells. When you drop them in the tube, has amnesia! How will you tell her apart from
they blow up immediately. If you find an enemy her evil twin sister, the local V.C. commander?
arms cache, mix them in. • As a PR stunt, you’ve set up a movie theatre in
• There’s an enemy officer operating in the a local village. The local V.C. Main Force show
region. He has some vital information that up, armed. They demand front-row seats.
Intel wants. Take him alive if you can. • You are tasked with transporting something
• During a task-oriented mission, you are offered utterly ridiculous, like sweaters or Christmas
incentive to meet a certain bodycount. presents. This turns out to be your most
dangerous mission.

Charts Forage Chart
What do you get when you go looking for food in
If you want to consistently and randomly effect the jungle? Roll here to figure out what your
the environment around the players without soldiers scrounge up.
giving in to the human temptation to make things
harder or easier for them, use these charts to # Forage
make some of your decisions for you. 2 Wild Buffalo
3 Carp
The Weather 4 Catfish
The weather in Vietnam can change on a dime. Rain 5 Hare
and start and stop like somebody turned a faucet,
6 Jungle Fruit
and the heat can quickly build to unbearable
levels. Picture the weather as existing on a 7 Edible Mushrooms
continuum as follows. 8 Squirrels
# Weather 9 Edible Tubers
1 Heat Wave 10 Waterfowl
2 Clear Skies 11 Deer
3 Cloudy 12 Wild Ox
4 Drizzle
5 Thunderstorm Pocket Finds
Just listing the military equipment you pull
After 2d6 Turns, roll 2d6 on the following table off a dead or captured V.C. is no fun. Here’s a d66
to determine how you should change the weather chart of fun stuff to find on the enemy.
based on the above chart. # Find # Find
# Change 11 Family Photo 41 US Flag
2-3 Move down 2. 12 Set of US Dogtags 42 Cartoon Watch
4-5 Move down 1. 13 List of Addresses 43 Human Tooth Necklace
6-8 Weather stays the same. 14 Sketchpad 44 Little Red Book
9-10 Move up 1. 15 Northern Newspaper 45 Antique Ring
11-12 Move up 2. 16 Deck of Cards 46 Pinup poster
21 VC Flag 51 Local Map
To bias the results, give the players a forecast of
the day’s weather on average. If the weather will 22 French Novel 52 NVA ID Papers
trend towards Hot, add a -1 or -2 to the roll. If 23 Decorated Canteen 53 Local Currency
the weather will be Wet, add a +1 or +2. 24 Safe Passage Ticket 54 Roll of Film
25 US Currency 55 Pen Knife
Roll the 2d6 again to see how many turns you
should go before rolling to generate new weather. 26 Valuable Watch 56 Can of Cosmoline
31 Whittled Totem 61 Letter Home
The Wind 32 Northern Flag 62 Sewing Kit
The wind in South Vietnam generally blows West 33 Anti-US Propaganda 63 Stolen Lighter
off the sea, with a slight bias Southward. Every 34 Bottle of Pills 64 Grenade Pin Necklace
once in a while, roll 2d6 on this chart to see how
35 Photo of Girlfriend 65 Human Fingers
it changes. A good rule of thumb is roll here the
turn before you roll for weather; players will 36 Eyeglasses 66 List of Names
learn to take a shift in the wind to mean a coming
change of weather. Village Attitude Table
# Wind Direction How are they feeling about the war today?
2 West # Attitude
3 Southwest Rabidly pro-communist. Will attack
4 South government troops and resist FWF.
5-6 Southeast 2 Secretly Pro-V.C.
7-8 East 3 Neutral. Treats everyone with hostility.
9-10 Northeast 4 Neutral, but friendly to everyone.
11 North 5 Quietly Pro-Government.
12 Northwest Rabidly pro-government. Have posted
pickets against the V.C.

Supply Drop Mishap
Loading and dropping crates full of military Shortcuts
essentials from high altitude is not an exact Here’s a few quick bends in the rules you can use
science. Whenever a Supply Crate is dropped, roll to keep yourself sane.
1d6. On a 1 or 2 (or higher, for more incompetent
militaries) roll again here. Apply the results Random Hits
to whatever relevant gear there might be in the You really don’t have to randomize all your hits.
crate, and reroll nonsensical results. Just pick the most dramatic target, and randomize
# Mishap only when its just PCs on the line or you want to
add an edge firing against a mixed unit.
The supplies land directly in enemy hands
instead. Oops.
Crowd Mechanics
The crate lands, but turns out to be filled In urban areas or other civilian crowds, rather
with hats. than try to track individual profiles, treat the
4 The crate is lost to the rough terrain. crowd as a large mass, like terrain. In fact, count
5 2d6 Weight of gear is missing. crowds as Difficult Terrain outright for the
The crate managed to land in a puddle or purposes of vision.
stream. All electronics are ruined.
If you’re wearing civilian clothes, you’ll blend
They send you the wrong kind of ammo, like into the crowd, giving you a +5 Stealth Rating.
the wrong size or type of shell.
Food is spoiled, water is contaminated, and When shooting into a crowded space, count every
purification tabs are already dissolved. 3 rolled while firing out of, into or through the
Any wearables are the wrong size, to the crowd at something else as hitting a civilian.
9 When firing into a crowd indiscriminately, count
point that they are totally useless.
The crate is good, but locked up. Use an Successes as well as 3s.
Enter Structure action to bust it open.
A crowd will rapidly disperse once shots are
If the crate contained any explosives, it fired, dissipating next turn if they can escape.
11 blows up in a massive fireball when it hits If forced into a narrow area, they will trample
the ground. 1d6 people in the rush, 2d6 in large crowds.
Everything is good, but wearables are the
12 wrong camo pattern. If you wear them, you Resolving Off-Screen Fights
reduce your Stealth Rating by -3. You can decide the outcomes of offscreen fights
by fiat, but if you want it up in the air, you can
use simplified rolling. When two NPC units fight
Specific Injury Generator each other, roll d6 for everyone in the squad
Wanna know where somebody got zapped? This is
shooting. 5s and 6s are hits. At longer ranges,
the chart for you! Add the amount of Injury taken
require 6s instead. Add or remove a few dice for
to the results.
cover or particularly skilled combatants.
# Injury
3 Just a Scratch For attacking vehicles, non-armoured vehicles
4 Shot in the Ass are disabled by small arms fire on a 6. For
armoured vehicles, roll 1d3 for each weapon
5 Shoulder Hit
bigger than rifle, adding +1 for any anti-tank
6 Broken Ribs weapons and +2 for heavy AT cannons. If their roll
7 Thigh Wound meets the target’s armour, the target vehicle is
8 Lost a Finger disabled. If it exceeds it, it is destroyed.
9 Broken Ankle
Artillery just neutralizes 1d3 or 1d6 enemies per
10 Kneecap turn, depending on distance and artillery type.
11 Neck Wound
12 Gut Shot NPC Veterancy
13 Sucking Chest Wound The profiles given in this book are for relatively
green troops of each type; perhaps not completely
14 Multiple Wounds. Roll twice. inexperienced, but not particularly elite either.
15 Right in the eye!
16 Total Decapitation. If you want to up the danger, you can simply
increase enemy Attributes. Adding +2 to all their
Attributes will make them hardened soldiers who
will present more of a challenge. An additional
+3 will make for a crack squad of killers that’ll
give the squad a run for their money.

Interesting Missions In The Quest, the destination is almost completely
unimportant; the journey is what matters. You
The core of running a good session is coming up might not even play what is on the other side, or
with a good objective. There’s a couple of ways you make it so trivial as to be of no consequence. The
can go about this to create memorable campaigns, Quest is purpose-built for multi-session play;
but broadly speaking there are a few distinct it’s a campaign in and of itself.
mission archetypes.
The players will cover dozens or even hundreds
The Patrol of kilometres and the mission will often take
The kind of mission this game was made for, several days, or maybe even several weeks. Quest
The Patrol is a long-term, open-ended mission games are generally best suited for Special
whose objectives revolve around discovery. The Forces type characters, though they could also be
players set out with orders to find the enemy in very interesting for indigenous characters.
the jungle, and must figure out how to do that on
their own. • The players are a gun truck crew, escorting a
small convoy of trucks from the southernmost
A good mission of this type has multiple tip of the country all the way up to Con Thein
objectives, which the players are free to tackle firebase by the DMZ.
in any order. In a sense, you are simply cutting • The players are a group of isolated Laotian
the PCs loose in a playground of dangers and hill folk whose village has been ransacked
opportunities and letting them figure things by communist guerrillas. Hearing of the
out for themselves. great land of America, who are opposed to the
communists, a group of brave young people load
The more objectives you assign, the longer the up with crossbows and supplies and move east as
mission will run and the harder it will be on emissaries. They return changed.
the characters. This kind of mission can also be • Aboard a small patrol vessel, a mixture of
mutated into The Job very easily, when the players personalities make their way up the Mekong
find evidence of something they must deal with into unknown territory to complete a secret
urgently. objective, putting in at various bases,
checkpoints and towns.
• The players set out with instructions to • As Saigon falls, a mixed group of South
investigate five different villages for signs Vietnamese make for the coast and their last,
of Viet Cong activity. desperate hope for escape.
• The players must search a hostile valley for a • In the aftermath of Tet, a ragged squad of Viet
downed airman. Cong trudge back to their village, intent on
• The players are tasked with stringing telephone throwing down their arms and returning to the
lines between the base and a few nearby outposts, simple life.
and eliminating any enemy scouts who might
know the position of the wires. The Citadel
• The players must escort a high-ranking general There is something precious and vulnerable you
or official through the war zone, showing him must protect, at all costs. The enemy knows you
only the positive aspects of the conflict. are here and is going to be throwing everything
• Sweep this road for any mines or traps before we they’ve got at you. Survive at all costs.
bring the VIP convoy through tomorrow.
These kinds of missions are great for when a group
The Quest wants non-stop action, but also have a chance of
In the Quest archetype, the players are taking a victory. Defending an area or building gives the
linear path to some distant goal. The trip will defenders an advantage against numerically-
be long and hard, and the players will encounter superior forces while also feeling desperate,
a variety of different places, people and and last stands are popular in works of fiction
situations which are somewhat disconnected from for a reason. This gives the players their best
one another. They are free agents moving through chance to feel like heroes.
somebody else’s war, seeing short vignettes of the
conflict, and life in war-torn Southeast Asia, on A good Citadel mission allows the players
their way to some grand destiny. multiple chances to pull back and reestablish
defences, feeling the noose pulled tighter as the
These linear missions should be extensively enemy closes in and the players are confined to
planned by the GM beforehand, with each stop smaller and smaller spaces. This is also a good
on the journey having the potential to be a chance to give the Structure, Defence and Trap
miniature mission in and of itself. If necessary, rules a workout. The players will appreciate the
time pressure can be introduced to be keep players chance to be the ones laying the mines instead of
from being bogged down, but having them stop and stepping on them for a change.
experience each section is the point.

• A huge enemy force is bearing down on the The Battle
firebase, intent on overrunning it. You’re low This is it. On the eve of a pivotal battle between
on supplies and reinforcements won’t arrive two titanic forces, a small squad of soldiers
till morning, so make do. prepares to do their part to secure victory.
• As the city burns, the players hunker down in
a multi-story building and have to survive The Battle is not easy to run. There’s dozens
behind enemy lines until relief arrives. of moving parts necessary to make it feel
• Tasked with defending a bridge, the shortcut authentic, and guiding the players through such
into the heart of friendly territory, the players a high-intensity combat experience can be very
must hold off waves of attacking infantry and difficult. If you can manage it, however, it’ll be
armour. legendary.
• When their tank breaks down at the crossroads,
the crew have to turn their disabled vehicle The Battle is a great mission option for GMs who
into a fortress. are good at invoking imagery. Columns of tanks,
the rumble of artillery, screaming jets and
buzzing helicopters, you can create a tapestry
The JoB of riotous imagery that the players can then
In The Job, the players are given a singular,
influence. The players can end up feeling very
straightforward task to be accomplished
small and insignificant... which might be for the
quickly and cleanly in the face of opposition.
Accomplishing the goal might not be simple, but
it is fairly binary and easily comprehended.
• The main force of the enemy is on the way. You
have just a few hours to prepare a defence, and
The Job is a tempted sort of mission because of
then you’ll be leading the counter-attack!
its simplicity. If there were more missions like
• With the NVA shelling Sagion, the remains of the
this, maybe this war would be going someplace. It
ARVN’s armoured divisions prepare one final,
allows players to show off their unique skills
all-or-nothing push against the centre of the
and feel like they are making a difference, and
enemy lines.
so is great for using as a reward for a party who
• Red China has entered the war and brought a
have been through some tough times.
flood of soldiers and machinery through the
DMZ. Your squad is the vanguard of a desperate
To counterbalance their straightforward
flanking manoeuvre to cut off their supply lines
nature, these missions are often some of the most
and slow them down long enough for Arclight to
dangerous. Players will be running into the
destroy their lead columns.
teeth of danger to do the impossible; it’ll be the
stuff of legends if they pull it off.
The Escape
• A man in a nearby village is a high-level enemy When things go poorly and the enemy is right
agent. Take him alive and get out before the behind you, sometimes the only thing that matters
village knows what is going on. is to make it out alive. That is the core of the
• One of our agents has been taken prisoner by the Escape; the enemy is nipping at your heels as you
enemy. If you hurry, you can cut them off and get make your best time to somewhere safe.
them back!
• A tunnel complex has been found in the hills If things go poorly in another mission, this can
near one of our firebases. Clear it out. be a logical followup. It is distinguished from
• An enemy general is investigating nearby The Quest in its breakneck pace; you haven’t got
communist units. Neutralize him. time to do anything but run as fast as you can,
• An artillery pieces has been shelling us from fighting on the run and taking transportation
an unknown location. Find it, and destroy it. where you can get it. It can be exhilarating and
exhausting at the same time.

• Your helicopter shot down in hostile jungle,

the squad needs to get to a friendly firebase
before word spreads of their position.
• The Americans have announced a full invasion
of the North. As the remains of a shattered NVA
unit, fall back out of the kill zone.
• Their cover blown, a special forces team has
just a few hours to make it back over the border
before they are declared a rogue unit.
• You and your buddies are on leave in Saigon
when the Tet Offensive starts up. You need to get
to duty stations yesterday.

Game Tone War is Hell
There’s a strong temptation is to run PATROL as
War is a riotous banquet of information, too an unrelenting, grim affair, a treatment of the
much for the eyes to take in or for the brain to subject matter as a nightmare without end. War
register. Nobody gets the complete picture, just a with the tone of a horror story, as a machine
choice cut of events and details that will forever that consumes lives and spits out fie and death.
be the Real Story. Your operations always happen at night, where
darkness allows the GM to manipulate the events
Just as there are many different perspectives around the players for maximum impact. It’s not
on the events of the Vietnam War, there are many a tank passing by; it’s a rumble in the dark,
different ways to run a game of PATROL in order to diesel-smoke clogging your lungs, a flash of
present certain experiences. Having a solid idea fire and death when the cannon roars. The living
of what kind of tone you are aiming for is a good described as tools and assets, the dead as twisted
rock on which to build your campaign. and charred beyond recognition.
What you choose to tell players, and what you The war is napalm and landmines and a callous
choose not to tell them, are very important. You disregard for life everywhere. Friendly-fire is
simply cannot provide all the information that as much a danger as the enemy, who is always just
is happening in a game; you can’t go into every beyond your reach. When you do finally get to
detail, provide every name, describe every sight grips with them, all you really accomplish is a
and sound and smell. You must be selective. line of poncho-covered bodies for your side and
a mass grave for theirs, and any civilian unlucky
In short, are you running The Deer Hunter, The enough to be in the way.
Green Berets, or Apocalypse Now? None of these
presentations are fundamentally inaccurate, Your objectives can be straightforward, but
just incomplete. Most games will probably be a achieving them is not. Set the VP count for
mix, with players drawing their own conclusions. objectives high, but the challenge even higher,
and see if the players give up. The enemy is clever
The fastest way to adjust the feel of your game and devious but faceless and unseen, known
is by how many Victory Points you give them for only as wizzing bullets and dark shapes and the
objectives. Try to predict how much Fatigue the occasional corpse the next morning. Civilians
players will end up with if the mission goes are greedy animals who tear each other apart for
perfectly; that’s a good baseline for how many scraps. Your allies are brutal and uncaring.
Victory Points the players will get overall for
all their Objectives. For a regular game, this Fewer firefights, more mines, booby-traps,
will be somewhere around 6 to 8. If you want a suicide bombers, assassinations, and mortar
heroic and mission-focused game, add some leeway barrages while you try to sleep. When the rescue
to make winning the war more important. If you chopper comes, if the rescue chopper comes, odds
want the game to degrade faster, be less generous. are good somebody is waiting to shoot it down.

Don’t focus on the make or model of any equipment,

but emphasis the sounds they make and the effects
they have. Bullets wizz and mortars scream.
When a plane gets hit, it spirals lazily into the
ground and everyone braces for an explosion that
never comes. When a tank takes a rocket, there’s
just a flood of sparks, and then fire spreading
on the inside, glowing in the vision-slits, the
heat radiating too much to do anything but stare
helplessly as the metal pops and flexes and the
fists pounding on the hatches slows to a stop.

When your allies can’t get to grips with the enemy,

which is often, they take it out on the civilian
population instead. You quickly get the feeling
you are participating less in a war and more in
an extended and uncomfortably intimate crime
being drawn out over weeks and years. The human
cost is always at the forefront.

Things should never quite feel entirely pointless,

but instead should simply feel as if they weren’t
worth it, that nothing you accomplished could
ever justify what was sacrificed to achieve it.
Glory Boys Saigon Gothic
On the other hand, this is a game, and sometimes This is war through the filter of gunsmoke and
you want to have fun and be a bunch of badasses. acid, a surreal trip through Southeast Asia
PATROL is not naturally suited to doing this always on the edge of making sense, always with
by classic RPG standards where the players reason just outside your reach. If war is horror
are invulnerable superheroes, but it can do than this is cosmic horror, absurd and macabre
something like it with a bit of adjustment and a and dreadful and always unexplained. If war is
charitable GM willing to fudge the numbers. a machine, then it is a Rube Goldberg device and
nobody is really sure what it’s supposed to do.
If war is horror, than you get to be the monsters
and Charlie gets to be the blond running down the Your unit keeps meeting CIA spooks, each with
docks. If war is a machine, then it is well-oiled, different names and units but otherwise looking,
lean and lethal and you have the controls. dressing, and acting exactly the same. You pass a
unit coming out of the bush wearing domino masks,
The thing is, there’s always an element of this capes, and six-week beards. The 5 o’clock radio
attitude in every war, especially when your side announcement is exactly the same words every day
has the bigger stick, and America had the biggest, until you all mouth along subconsciously. Moving
meanest, most advanced stick money could buy up the road, your unit passes a jeep upside-down
and a willingness to swing for the fences. War is in a ditch, a wheel rotating lazily even though
awesome in the Biblical sense, but the tools and the vehicle is quickly turning to rust.
methods of modern warfare would blow anything
in the Good Book straight out of the water. A clearing on your map is occupied by an ARVN
unit, dead in their holes, all in combat-ready
The Missions need to be all about the combat, the positions. At night, a PSYOPS helicopter flies
simple and straightforward act of getting to over, playing nothing but the sound of a baby
grips with the enemy and taking them out, with the crying, distorted by the speakers and distance
marching and the digging and the civilian aspect and the trees overhead.
minimized or excised. Your objectives should
always be clear and meaningful, and perhaps even Don’t focus on the technical or tactical details,
noble, and should more than compensate players but instead on small, bizarre vignettes happening
for hardship. The players should generally win, around the action, little moments of weirdness
but not too easily; it’s a struggle, but one where and dark humour. Gunfights are always flashes
the right side will come out on top. This will in the trees and lazy tracers drifting through
also let players steadily make gains in the power the night. Nobody has a name, just nicknames,
and agency of their characters. helmet-names, words scrawled on equipment. If
your characters have to ride a helicopter, it’s
Feel absolutely free to revel in the technical and invariably full, either of bizarre supplies
tactical aspects; call the weapons by their titles, nobody could possibly want or need, or of corpses.
wow the players by putting them aboard the backs Conversations are clipped, observational, and
of tanks or riding into positions plastered by pointless. It’s a war about nothing.
sleek gunships. Supplies, artillery and medivac
in abundance are always a call away no matter Your objectives often make little sense and are
what. The players get to use and appreciate every worth less than nothing, focusing the game on the
piece of their equipment, because all the bits personal human drama of the characters. Everyone
where they would come to loath the burden of them on both sides is burnt out, strung out, and high
and discard them on some jungle trail is skipped as a kite, two armies of zombies stumbling into
over in favour of presenting situations where conflict with one another and stumbling out,
they are just what is needed. both convinced they got the better.

Likewise, you might just want to shift the war to Give the soldiers bizarre restrictions handed
black and white terms, so you don’t have to think down by bureaucrats; no fire in these zones
about the morality of your pincer manoeuvre and past 6 o’clock, it’ll disturb the locals. Never
can just bask in its effectiveness. The NVA and move farther east than this line under any
V.C. are crackling villains and petty bullies, the circumstances. Everyone is to wear their ties and
civilians need your help, and you are superheroes gas masks for this operation. The upper officers
with M-16s coming to the rescue. Its bullshit, but are clouds of plans and buzzwords and timetables
we’re just playing pretend. wholly detached from reality, while the grunts,
borderline sub-verbal, express themselves in
In a way, playing in this fashion is to indulge trophies, scrawled marker, incoherent slang, pop
the fiction built up around the Vietnam War by culture references, and profanity.
its supporters, just as running a game of pure war
horror plays into the fiction of its detractors, At the end of the day, there’s no explaining or
when the truth is always more complicated, rationalizing anything that happened. The
nuanced, and impossible. experience is what it was, and that’s that.
Free World Military Zones
In a more normal war, there would be several
active battle groups along a front line with the

The United States are not the only participant of
enemy, with command responsibilities working
primarily through the units involved instead of
the territory. However, Vietnam is not a normal
the Vietnam War. Obviously, the military of South war. There is no front line; the entire country is
Vietnam played a large role, as did paramilitary a war zone. Thus, the country was instead divided
forces throughout the south. into four zones for strategic and military
purposes. These zones were named for the four
A number of other nations contributed soldiers different groups of the Army of the Republic of
under the “Free World Military Forces” banner. Vietnam (ARVN) assigned to each one.
Soldiers from the Republic of Korea sent over a
quarter-million soldiers throughout the war, I Corps was responsible for the northernmost
while Thailand, and the ANZUS Pact contributed five provinces of South Vietnam, which meant
around ten thousand troops each. The Republic of they had to bear the burden of fighting the North
China, not wanting a diplomatic incident, sent Vietnamese Army head on. This part of the country
only advisors, and the Philippines sent “civic was a maze of base camps and fortifications under
action groups” with attached security. constant threat of NVA probes and artillery,
probably the most conventional portion of the
war. In addition to the ARVN forces, the bulk of
Strategic OBjectives the US Marines in Vietnam were stationed here,
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV) later reinforced with US XXIV Corps, including
was the organization in charge of foreign 1st Air Cavalry.
intervention forces in Vietnam and, in a
practical sense, commanded the entire war effort. II Corps was responsible for the middle portion
of the country, the Central Highlands. Once the
The first absolute priority of US forces and their major NVA infiltration units were driven out,
allies is to keep the North from overrunning the this was where the war was quietest, though still
South. For the most part, they achieve this just everpresent. Convoy drivers taking supplies
with their presence, as the North doesn’t stand from airbases to the front line would travel
any chance of defeating the US military in a through III Corps, and the area was dotted in
stand-up fight. As long as the US stays in the war, special forces bases leading into Laos.
this objective is in the bag.
III Corps was tasked with protecting Saigon,
Next on the priority ladder is the destruction of and this was where much of the hardest fighting
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong military power. against large V.C. elements took place, inside the
The traditional way of achieving this would so-called “Iron Triangle”. This was the area hit
simply be to storm Hanoi in an unstoppable wave hardest by the Tet Offensive, and where much of
of advanced tanks and aircraft, but that runs the the heaviest fighting for the US Army took place.
risk of bringing Red China into the equation.
Having tangled with the Chinese communists in Finally, IV Corps was responsible for the Mekong
Korea, the US Army was not looking for a rematch. Delta, the main waterway into South Vietnam from
Besides, they weren’t interested in conquering Cambodia and the most heavily populated and
North Vietnam, just preserving South Vietnam as productive portion of the country. With patrol
a separate state. boats crisscrossing the waterways, this is where
much of the search and destroy efforts were
Third, the foreign presence had to keep the concentrated.
South Vietnamese government together and in
clear control of the country. This was harder While different units nominally had different
than it sounds, because South Vietnam was a mess responsibilities and were attached to different
economically, politically, and ethnically, and Corps, detachments from every unit found
its rulers were, at least initially, far more themselves all over the country in the ever-
interested in power and wealth than actually changing circumstances of the war. For example,
running a working country. the 1st Air Cavalry was initially deployed
to II Corps, but they were called to the aid of
Finally, Western forces in Vietnam had a number Marine units in I Corps so frequently they were
of humanitarian ambitions. At the time, the eventually redeployed there outright. Elements
United States was still very invested in the early of units with special skills, or simply nothing
United Nations and goals of global development, else to do, would be shuffled around the country
peacekeeping, and disease eradication. Even in to wherever more bodies were needed for a task,
this bleak moments, there were a few optimistic so it wasn’t unheard of to fight in more than one
attempts as making the world a better place, even sector over your tour.
if they often fell by the wayside.

U.S. Military The United States produced tactical nuclear
artillery and even an atomic bazooka, and studies
The Vietnam War was a war the United States was were conducted on how long infantry could expect
not prepared to fight. The real threat was in to keep fighting with radiation sickness. If the
Europe, where any day Soviet tanks might drive world was going to burn to a cinder, then by God,
through Germany and atomic bombers would come they’d own every charred inch.
screaming across the Arctic circle.
As luck would have it, however, the US military
A decade earlier the United States had come to would find their defining conflict of the
blows with a major communist power, fighting latter 20th century not locked in a titanic
Red China in Korea, and they were not eager to technological struggle for the soul of the world,
repeat the experience. To the post-WW2 mindset but in a dirty guerrilla war in the jungles of
of the United States, the communist fought with South-East Asia.
technical proficiency of the Nazi Germans and
the fanatical determination of the Imperial
Special Forces Lead the Way
The beginning of US involvement was through
intelligence services, as the CIA attempted to
This caused the United States to double down on
mold the new government to US interests. Soon
their values; overwhelming firepower, superb
after, new concerns saw the US Army’s Green
logistics, and an insistence on the individual
Berets, Navy SEALS, CIA spooks, Force Recon, and
superiority of men, equipment, and vehicles. If
a whole host of other agencies all pooling their
the United States could not match the speed at
resources into one body: Military Assistance
which other countries mobilized or the abandon
Command, Vietnam - Studies and Observations
by which their opponents were willing to spend
Group, known by the slightly less obnoxious
lives, they resolved to win the war of attrition
handle MACV-SOG.
by stacking the deck in favour of each and every
one of their soldiers.
As the first boots on the ground, the job of
MACV-SOG was to turn scattered anti-communist
This meant providing soldiers with the most
militia into a fighting force that could stand
cutting edge equipment possible in weapons,
up to the V.C. and NVA, and to do whatever they
body armour, vehicles, and electronic equipment,
could to disrupt, kill, and terrify the enemy.
and supplying them in such abundance that they
Well trained in languages, combat tactics and
could hold any position indefinitely even in the
modern techniques, they dropped in with ARVN
face of nuclear war.
and indigenous forces right at the front lines
and arranged a trade; their knowledge of modern
The Space-Age Soldier warfare for the native’s survival technique.
The US infantryman of the mid-1960s was the most
well-armed, well-trained and well-supplied This resulted in units that could fight the
soldier in the world. Viet Cong on their own turf and using their own
tactics, following them where conventional units
He carried a cutting-edge new weapon called the couldn’t. They could turn the tables and fight a
M16, an assault rifle with lightweight plastic guerrilla war against the NVA just as easily. But
furniture, capable of both semi-automatic and these units required air support, and airplanes
fully-automatic fire. His squad carried grenade need bases...
launchers, machine-guns, and incendiary bombs.
He was one of the only soldiers in the entire
world who went to war with body armour, a padded
vest of nylon and fibreglass laminate which
could stop shell fragments. His squad carries
advanced electronics in the form of portable
radios and infrared sniper scopes. He had pills
for radiation and malaria, tablets that could
purify water, and flavoured powder that could
make it bearable to drink.

The US military was prepared for anything,

and prepared to try anything, to leverage
whatever advantage they could in the inevitable
apocalyptic conflict against communism.
Superpowered jet fighters and ever larger and
more dangerous tanks flowed freely from design
labs and factories. Experiments were made into
flying jeeps, jet packs, helicopters, and floating
rifle platforms.
Conventional Force In Vietnam, all the Marines were volunteers, which
As soon as V.C. forces first attacked a US air base gave them something of an edge in dedication,
in the South, the war was set for escalation. but they suffered greatly from a great deal of
Not long after, the United States dispatched institutional blind spots and the pride of their
conventional troops to Vietnam to defend their commanders. With only a few exceptions, Marine
airbases. Watching the ARVN mismanage the units took proportionately higher casualties
defence of the rest of the country, this cautiously week to week than the army, and frequently found
defensive arrangement didn’t last very long. themselves in pointless, protracted operations
Soon significant assets from all four branches they refused to abandon. Two of the most murderous
of the US military were involved, and the United meatgrinders of the war, the sieges of Con Thien
States was knee deep in guerilla war. and Khe Sanh, were both essentially cases of the
Marine Corp clinging stubbornly to a location as
Both the US Army and the US Marines fought on the NVA poured artillery fire on them.
the ground in Vietnam. Though these two forces
share much in the way of equipment, missions and New Techniques
outlook, there are practical difference between Both branches were in the process of the
the institutions. Put simply, the Marines experimental implementation of a variety of new
consider it their job to win battles, while the technologies. Chief among these were helicopters,
Army is concerned with winning wars. which were invaluable in the dense jungle. Ground
convoys were vulnerable to ambush and the United
The Army has a mandate to handle all aspects of States was too dependant on large quantities of
warfare on the ground and conduct operations at modern equipment to function without them, so
every level, so they focus heavily on logistics, air mobility was key to US operations in Vietnam,
equipment, and planning. The Army is filled from allowing troops and supplies to be dropped
top to bottom with technical specialists, drivers, where they are needed and picked up right off
observers, and bureaucracy, but when it works it the battlefield with incredible efficiency. Ever
is a well-oiled machine of destruction that can more powerful machines were soon ferrying not
roll over any other military in the world. just soldiers, but jeeps, boats, heavy artillery
cannons, and even tanks.
The vast majority of US troops fighting in Vietnam
were Army, and most of those were draftees, Another important innovation of the Vietnam War
legally obligated to serve for a period of time. was the firebase. Effectively, a firebase is an
These draftees would, after training, spend 12 old-timey frontier fort supporting a number of
months in-country before shipping home. They distinctly new-fangled artillery cannons. Both
were still in the army, but their term of service the Marines and the Army strung out an incredible
wasn’t long enough for another tour, so they were network of firebases across Vietnam, ensuring no
effectively out. part of the conflict zone was outside the reach
of ordinance. Firebases were tiny islands in a
Army soldiers were more than just mobile; they were dangerous sea of jungle, and the helicopter was
motorized, mechanized, and airborne, sometimes the vessel used to move between them.
all at the same time. Though different divisions
and units technically had different equipment Where artillery couldn’t go or wasn’t sufficient,
and transportation, it was all so organic and so air power took over. Though the Air Force
chaotic that most of these distinctions broke primarily concerned itself with the bombing
down. It wouldn’t be unheard of for a soldier to of Northern infrastructure and duelling their
take a truck to the airfield, ride a helicopter opposite number in the NVA, both they and the
to the coast, catch a boat up north, and then come Navy provided invaluable close air support
ashore in an armoured vehicle. from fixed-winged aircraft. Though jet fighters
provided most of this support in the early war,
By contrast, the Marines are something of an a niche was soon found for low-speed propeller
elite subdivision of the American military, planes in an anti-insurgency function, serving
in some ways similar to the political guards as flying artillery platforms, observation
used by many countries. Marines are primarily planes, and mobile radio relays.
concerned with fighting and winning in the here
and now, running as light as they can on supply Electronic warfare played a huge part of the
trains and trailing equipment and relying only Vietnam War, with the newly formed NSA sending
on themselves. agents to the jungle to coordinate huge EW
operations bent on tracking the V.C. through their
Marines make do; every single Marine, from tank radio broadcasts, and using wiretaps to monitor
drivers to cooks, goes through infantry training and catch traitors in the South Vietnamese
and can be relied on as a rifleman. The Marines government. In many ways, Vietnam was a preview
also operate the most diverse set of equipment, of the Information Age, where intelligence and
being the only branch of the military allowed to technology permeating every level of military
operate ships, fixed-wing aircraft, and armour. operations.
Search and Destroy Losing the Home Front
The first major battle of the war was the Battle Throughout the conflict, the United States and
of Ia Drang, where 450 US Army Air Cavalry her allies managed to effectively squandered
dropped close in on what was supposed to be 200 their considerable advantages for reasons of
NVA soldiers. This turned out to be two and a politics, ideology and misplaced doctrine.
half thousand soldiers, resulting in a desperate The war they fought made sense to the command
fight that ground that dragged on through the structure, but was impossible to explain to
night. Rather than a sobering lesson in the the civilian population, who saw nothing but
inadequacies of their intelligence systems, setback after setback. Successful campaigns of
Command was shocked to learn they inflicted a pacification were abandoned and direct action
12-to-1 kill ratio on the enemy. This lopsided against the North was shot down for fear of
result lead to the conclusion that this war could involving Red China. Bombing campaigns which
be won by simple attrition at minimal cost. The were, by the post-war admission of the Vietnamese
measure of victory would not be ground taken, government, mere weeks away from forcing an end
but body count. to the war, were cut short for politics.

The Search and Destroy mission was a simple The Draft was another complicating factor. The
strategy. You pick a sector, and you put the boots manpower-intensive nature of Search and Destroy
on the ground. These troops sweep across the meant that there was simply no way a volunteer
area, checking every inch of territory for signs military could keep up, so the US military relied
of the enemy, inspecting villages, questioning more and more on draftees. With three hundred
civilians, and killing or capturing every hostile names a week on the casualties lists by 1968, the
they come across. You do it again and again until threat of being ripped from civilian life to die
the enemy is out of weapons, out of bodies, and in a jungle halfway around the world for a never-
out of places to hide. Then you go do it somewhere ending war nobody could adequately explain
else, rather than wasting time and manpower on loomed large in the minds of American youth.
occupation of areas that had been pacified. This
was not a task the South Vietnamese were up for; For young people in America, Vietnam was less an
it had to be done by US soldiers. abstract political issue than it was a strange
sort of epidemic, with symptoms including draft
Search and Destroy made sense to the scientific cards, buzz cuts, sudden overseas displacement,
minds of the modern US army. It was measurable; and a startling rate of death and disfigurement.
one could record the number of casualties The Peace movement encouraged young men to burn
inflicted week to week and adjust the deployment their draft cards, equalling cooperation with
of troops to match. It was a far more concrete than tacit approval for the war. Draft dodgers fled to
the nebulous “hearts and minds” strategies to the countryside or Canada and soldiers deserted
pacify the civilian population. These measures in record numbers.
were also far more popular with the South
Vietnamese government, who would rather see dead This attitude at home had a serious effect on
communists than risk the rural people expecting soldiers in-country, who keenly perceived
access to political process. civilian opinion of the war, and of them. Morale
plummeted and recruitment standards dived. The
Search and Destroy also provided ample material mounting pressure at home and the disintegration
for the anti-war movement, with demonstrations of US morale eventually proved too much. Starting
and Congressional hearings centred around in 1969, the Americans started slowly pulling out
the destructive and invasive nature of the of the country, leaving the ARVN to take up the
doctrine. A powerful protest march was Operation slack. By August 1972, the last American ground
RAW, a simulated Search and Destroy mission, unit pulled out, and it was the ARVN’s show.
undertaken by veterans, sweeping through New
Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Playing Americans ...As Special Forces
“Special Forces” refers to a whole host of
PATROL is already written with the intent that different units with diverse functions across
the PCs are playing US Army soldiers. However, all branches, too many to list here.
there are a myriad of different branches within
the US Military who were represented in Vietnam, Each character should select 2 MOS, gaining the
so here are some adjustments to the Character benefits of both. They have 30 Attribute points,
Creation process to account for those. with 6 as the minimum, and 16 XP for gear.
...As US Marines Assault Rifle (Medium) Hand Grenade
The Marines in Vietnam are proud, all-volunteer,
Battle Rifle (Medium) Prepare Position
and invariably end up in the worst spots. Their
Assault Rifle (E) Eagle Eyed
commanders believe they have a reputation
+4 Other Weapon Skills Silent Killer
to uphold as tough and uncompromising, and
Basic Medical Local Language
so the Marines are frequently dispatched
Guard Jump Training
into impossible situations while their pride
precludes them calling on the Army for help. Equipment Weight
x1 Camo Fatigues 2 (Negated)
If you play a squad of US Marines, then every x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
member of the Squad gets the benefits of the x1 Webbing Belt 0 (+10 Capacity)
Rifleman MOS in addition to their chosen MOS; x1 Flashlight 1
every Marine goes through extensive infantry x1 First Aid Kit 1
training and can be counted on as a rifleman x1 Knife 1
first and foremost. They also get the Aquatic x1 Dog Tags 0
skill. To represent their supply situation, all
Total Weight 3
items except free Supplies cost +1 XP to acquire.
However, don’t get too attached to any shiny gear.
All MOS are available to Marines. Their Medics
You’ll be out of contact for a long time; after
(Corpsmen) and Engineers (Seabees) are actually
your first Mission, all 0 XP equipment costs 1 XP
members of the Navy, so they also get Drive (Boat).
to replace. You also need to run light, so don’t
Marines speak an impenetrable jargon of their
pack too much.
own devising (see page 135) and do not take kindly
to being called “soldiers”.
Navy SEALS should also have Aquatic and SCUBA
...As US Armour
If you still want to play Army, another option
is to play as the crew of an armoured vehicle
...As US NAvy
The Navy actually had a pretty substantial role in
instead of as infantrymen. While PATROL is not
Vietnam, both in their air contributions as well
as developed for vehicle warfare as it is for
as their “brown-water navy”. This is actually
infantry, it’s still quite doable.
something of a US Navy tradition, as they also
manned the combat riverboats of the Civil War.
The obvious way to do this is to make all the
players one member of a tank crew, but another is
You don’t have an MOS; you aren’t a Private, you
to have each PC play a tank commander, with NPCs
are a “Rating”. Rather than the normal Standard
playing their crew. This way, each individual
Issue, use the following. You still have 6 bonus
player still has independent agency.
XP and 24 Attribute points.
In either case, you should give your players their Skills
tanks, regular Attribute distribution, and the Handyman
following standard issue gear. Don’t bother with Aquatic
an MOS, though; just give each player a relevant Drive (Pick 1 Boat)
skill for their position. 2 Weapon Skills
Skills Equipment Weight
Handyman x1 Fatigues (US Navy) 2 (Negated)
Guard x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
Equipment Weight x1 Steel Helmet 2
x1 Life Preserver 2
x1 Fatigues (US Army) 2 (Negated)
x1 Flashlight 1
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 First Aid Kit 1
x1 Crash Helmet 2
x1 Dog Tags 0
x1 Flashlight 1
x1 Dog Tags 0 Total Weight 6
Total Weight 3

American NPCs
General Infantry Junior Officer
The GI, or Grunt, is the lowest form of life on For the most part, your average junior officer
earth. This reclusive creature survives on a can’t catch a break. He’s just as inexperienced
diet of C-Rations and profanity, and lives in as the men he’s leading, so if he’s smart, he’ll
warrens it digs in the mud. If encountered in limit his job to relaying orders from above
the wild, try to make yourself look big. and staying out of the NCO’s way.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency

7 7 7 6 8 7
Alignment Alignment
Usually Pragmatic. Any.
Skills Skills
Hand Grenade, Guard, Prepare Position, Battle Hand Grenade, Diplomacy, Prepare Position,
Rifle/Assault Rifle (Medium). Battle Rifle/Assault Rifle (Medium).
Equipment Equipment
Generally, a GI carries an assault rifle, a A Junior Officer is equipped just like his
combat knife, dog tags, some frag grenades, men, but will usually also carry a pistol as a
and as much ammunition as they can carry. sidearm.
Otherwise, they carry as little other Behaviour
equipment as they feel they can get away with. Junior Officers act in accordance with their
Behaviour alignment and their level of competence. The
GIs stick close to one another and follow the disposition of a unit generally mirrors that
lead of anyone who sounds like they know what of their officer.
they’re doing. They don’t particularly want
to be here, so they won’t go out of their way Competent Idealistic officers use their
unless it is to protect their comrades. squads to full advantage, ordering their men
to leapfrog and lay covering fire. They’ll
In combat, GIs attempt to immediately drive always move to help civilians in trouble, and
back the enemy with overwhelming firepower. generally don’t take the easy way out. They
If spooked, they shoot first, call in artillery, work very well with other units, are beloved by
and leave the questions for somebody else. their men, and allow their NCOs to confidently
Once they start, getting them to stop shooting make calls in the moment. Incompetents are
is usually the hard part. simply overruled by their NCOs and hated
by their men for being soft, and usually get
American Tanker rotated out of combat duty to dead-end jobs in
The treadhead lives a sad little life inside short order.
the confines of a steel box. He’s deaf as a post
and shouts everything he says. He’ll buy an Competent Pragmatic officers try to let
expensive motorcycle when he gets home to try support do as much of the work as they can, and
and recapture the feel. only ask their men to take on larger risks if
other soldiers are in danger. They never give
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
chase or fall for feints and are quite cautious.
7 7 7 Incompetent Pragmatic officers take this
cautious to the level of indecision, failing
to lead effectively and reacting predictably.
Usually Pragmatic.
Skills Competent Righteous officers keep their
A relevant Drive or Weapon skill, Handyman, troops aggressive and mobile. They push
Guard their men to take risks and keep on the enemy,
Equipment making bold flanking moves and even charging
A crash helmet, fatigues and boots. Many will to overrun enemy positions. Incompetent
carry a pistol, shotgun or SMG as a personal Righteous officers try stupid heroics that get
defence weapon. men killed, and are liable to get fragged.
Tankers loath to leave their vehicles under Competent Egotistical officers mimic one of
any circumstances short of fire in the the other types. Incompetents hide at the back
compartment. If they have infantry support, of the unit and send troublemakers to do all
they’ll aggressively advance. the hard jobs.

Green Beret American Pilot
US Special Forces have two main jobs; work Fixed wing aircraft pilots, be they Marine,
with indigenous forces and perform long- Air Force or Navy, have no time or respect for
range, long term missions. They’re arrogant the ants on the ground below, and everyone
SOBs, but they know their stuff. knows it.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
10 10 10 6 8 7
Alignment Alignment
Any. Usually Egotistic.
Skills Skills
Hand Grenade, Guard, Prepare Position, a Pilot (Relevant plane), Weapon Skill (plane’s
variety of Weapon Skills (Close, Medium). weapons), Stealth, Fleet-Footed, Survivalist.
Equipment Marine pilots will also have all the standard
Tiger Stripe fatigues, an Auto Carbine or Infantry skills.
speciality weapon, a machete, and some mixture Equipment
of ammunition, grenades and explosives. They Crash helmet, flight suit, boots, parachute,
run lighter than their regular counterparts. combat knife, pistol with a single reload,
Behaviour flare gun, and a coloured smoke grenade.
Green Berets do their best to stay out of sight Behaviour
and fight only on their own terms. They’ll If a US pilot is shot down, they will immediately
sneak anywhere they might be hostile and go into survival mode. They’ll make full-speed
prefer to take things slow. for the nearly firebase, or due East otherwise,
never stop to engage, and keep going as long as
If they must fight, they aim to quickly they can in search of rescue.
destroy the enemy at close range with extreme
firepower, as well as mines and claymores.
American Nurse
Springing a sudden and violent ambush at Nearly 10,000 American women served as
arms length using all the firepower they can nurses in the Vietnam War. They worked long,
muster, they then either drive the survivors thankless hours, 12 hour shifts six shifts
back, close in to take prisoners, or fade into a week tending to casualties, working even
the jungle if the ambush goes south. more after large battles.

As well as running on their own, Green Berets Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency

can be found leading ARVN and Militia units. 5 5 2
Helicopter Crew Alignment
Helicopter pilots and crew chiefs are either Any.
beloved by ground soldiers (if they are Perks
currently providing supplies or a lift home) The Nurse counts their Vigilance as double
or hated (if they are late doing those things.) for any medical rolls.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Skills
Basic Medical, Trauma Care, and Medicine.
7 7 7 Some will have Local Language, Diplomacy or
Alignment Interrogate.
Usually Pragmatic. Equipment
Skills Civvies in Western style off-duty, or a set of
Pilots have a Pilot skill for their helicopters. Fatigues on-duty. Footwear.
and weapon skills for their helicopter’s
guns. Door gunners have Weapon skills for all If they are going out in the field for any
machine-guns in Close and Medium. reason, they’ll get a helmet, fatigues, a
medical bag, a canteen, and as many first aid
kits and opiates as they can carry.
A crash helmet, chicken plate, fatigues and
boots. Flare gun. Maybe a pistol, machine- Behaviour
pistol or carbine. Generally speaking, Nurses don’t leave the
wire. Off-duty, some of them can be found
volunteering at local organizations. In the
Helicopters want to spend as little time on or
event of an attack, they’ll try to get to the aid
near the ground as possible. If forced out of
station to help casualties, and will generally
their copters, they’ll follow the lead of the
react poorly to soldiers trying to operate
ground soldiers and complain about it the
around them.
entire way.
South Vietnam
The Army of the Republic of Vietnam, known in
Stepping Up
As the war with North Vietnam and the NLF heated
up, the ARVN were forced to adapt. The second
short as the ARVN (pronouced “Arvin”), barely generation of militia joining the force, hardened
existed at the beginning of American involvement by combat with the communists, had little time
in the war. for political games, at least until they got their
own taste of power.
Originally, the ARVN was little more than a
formalization of the various militia which In 1963, President Ngô Đình Diem, the dictator of
sprang up to battle communist militia. Like in South Vietnam since 1955 and avowed Catholic,
Korea, the Southern portion of the nation was escalated a steady and destructive campaign of
primarily rural, with most of the population terror against the Buddhist population of South
concentrated in the Mekong River Delta. It was Vietnam, including banning religious flags
only through Western aid that the country’s and symbols, chemical attacks on protestor,
nascent military managed to hang on at all. and arresting or “disappearing” hundreds of
politician and religious leaders. As more than
The earliest American intervention was in half of the population of Vietnam were Buddhist,
the form of a small number of specialists and this had the unsurprising effect of massively
US Marines sent to try and train these militia destabilizing the country, destroying faith in
into a fighting force that could stand against the government, and driving the rural population
the Viet Cong and the NVA. Some of these units further into the hands of the Viet Cong. The
became irregular rural militia, and others were situation was bad enough that the US privately
folded into the regular army, but in any cause threatened to withdraw support.
it wasn’t enough to stand up against the united,
industrialized North.

Disgusted by the terrible management of the

Humble Beginnings situation, the mid-level officers and generals of
The ARVN effectively started with the central the ARVN staged a coup, assassinating President
government taking control of a variety of militia Diem and his brother and taking control of the
raised both by rural villages and regional government. Not only were US intelligence and
governors. In the mid-1950s, American advisors diplomatic services were well aware of the
began making attempts to modernize and train planned coup, but they effectively approved the
these militia, reorganizing them in imitation of action. From that point forward, the government
the structure of the US military. and the military of South Vietnam were one body.

The early ARVN was quite typical of poverty- Though this could have been a chance to whip the
striken authoritarian states. Poorly managed, ARVN into fighting shape, the government of South
politically shackled, and underfunded where Vietnam remained in flux for the next few years.
it counts, they were armed with a smattering of Eventually, the situation more or less stabilized
French and Japanese weapons and their actions under President Nguyen Văn Thieu, a tyrant, but
and organization was a constant battleground a practically-minded one concerned primarily
between various ministers and generals vying with advancing the war effort. Soon the burden of
for power. They had little ability to combat the the war would be turned over to the incoming Free
communist threat, and were in fact generally World Forces, with the ARVN primarily relegated
about five minutes from shooting one another at to garrison duty for the back half of the decade.
any given time. Many US advisors wrote the ARVN The sudden influx of Western money and support
off entirely and refocused their efforts on the was probably the worst thing that could have
irregular forces. happened to them.
From Bad to Worse Rangers Never Surrender
The officials who lead the ARVN, with a few Generally speaking, you could tell how useful an
exceptions, intended to let the Americans do ARVN unit was going to be by what kind of unit
their fighting for them while they used the they were. If they were regular army or armour,
Army to make a profit, gather political power, they were the dregs, led by officers who didn’t
or enforce their own ideals in the country. The want to see combat and composed of men who didn’t
individual soldiers themselves were typically want to be there. But most specialized units,
undertrained, underequipped, and effectively something like Marines. Paratroopers, Rangers,
treated like dirt by their superiors. Most of or Mechanized, were usually reliable because
them were rural farmers before joining up, whose the people leading them wanted them to win and
isolation left them profoundly unexperienced the troops who joined them wanted to be winners.
with the technological implements of modern war. These units tended to earn a lot more respect than
their counterparts among the regulars.
The ARVN was, put simply, a mess. Like the
military of most impoverished countries, it was The Rangers were easily the best of the lot.
more or less corrupt to the core. Officers were Initially trained by US Special Forces and formed
appointed for personal, financial, and political for light infantry and commando raids, as the
reasons rather than by training or merit, so the only effective branch of the ARVN they quickly
vast majority of the upper command structure was became the multirole elite corps. Ranger units
either incompetent or shirking their duties for were immediately recognizable by their flare
their own benefit. The ARVN’s officers were drawn for the dramatic; they worn sharply-tailored
from the urban elite of the country, who kept versions of the standard Allied uniform in
their soldiers close to the cities rather than camouflage patterns, spraypainted helmets with
stray out and engage the enemy. the snarling tiger’s head on the front, and bright
yellow scarves for identification. They would
This was not for lack of trying on the part of paint their vehicles in a mix of camouflage and
South Vietnam’s allies, or its more experienced gouache colours, covered in pictures of beasts
military commanders. Many ARVN troops were well or lined with grinning teeth. When Saigon fell,
equipped, using much the same gear that American many of the Rangers fought to the death.
troops did, but often better adapted to the jungle
theatre. Expensive fully camouflaged uniforms The other part of the ARVN that held their own
were common, even while the United States was was their Armoured Cavalry Squadrons, who
still mostly using plain olive green. They had were clever, innovative, and fierce fighters.
access to armour, their own air force, and much Their main claim to fame is adapting the M113,
the same weaponry as the richest nations in an aluminium-hulled light armoured carrier
the world. When put in the hands of trained and intended to do nothing but ferry men into battle
motivated soldiers, the ARVN could match the and back, into a close-support fighting vehicle
efforts of their foreign allies. by using armoured machine-guns, rockets, and
flamethrowers out the forward hatches. The
However, you simply cannot buy competence. Good ARVN 3rd Armoured Cavalry Squadron of II Corps
commanders could make for good units, but the remains one of the very few foreign units ever to
bulk of the ARVN remained useless. receive a Presidential Unit Citation.

Falling Apart
Going into the late 1960s, it started to be
clear that the United States could not hold
the line forever. Even before the process of
Vietnamization officially began, much of the
ARVN started making a concentrated effort to
pull their weight and solve their corruption and
disciplinary problems, aided by US support.

There were a lot of bumps along the way, with the

ARVN simply not up to a lot of the tasks, but it was
hoped that US equipment and training could make
up for a lot of deficiencies. In places, this worked
out; some units were on-par with their American
counterparts come the ceasefire, and the ARVN
air force was impressive both in the number and
quality of their aircraft and the skill of their
operators. But it would not be enough. When the
North reignited hostilities, the ARVN quickly
found itself out of fuel, ammo, and options.

Playing ARVN ...As Rangers
If you want to play elite ARVN troops, like
As the ARVN was such a fragmented, disorganized Rangers, make a 24 point, 9XP standard character.
institution, there are many different ways to
play and interact with them. Any one of these will Skills
make for a unique and interesting game. Carbine (Medium)
Assault Rifle (Medium)
South Vietnamese troops have no need of the Basic Medical
Local Language skill; you all speak Vietnamese Stealth
(or an Indigenous language, for Irregulars.) You Hand Grenade
can talk normally to Vietnamese civilians, but Prepare Position
making Americans understand you may be more Local Language (Indigenous)
difficult, requiring the English Skill. Equipment Weight
x1 Camo Fatigues (ARVN) 2 (Negated)
...As Regulars x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
ARVN troops function almost exactly like their x1 Steel Helmet 2
American counterparts. Before you spend your XP x1 Poncho 2
on your character’s extra gear and skills, roll x1 Webbing Belt 0 (+10 Capacity)
a d6 for each of the Standard Issue Skills and x1 Military Pack 4 (+15 Capacity)
Equipment. On a 1, supply or time issues means x1 Entrenching Tool 2
that you never got that equipment or training, so x1 Machete 1
strike it from your sheet. x1 Dog Tags 0
Total Weight 11
Otherwise, make a 21 point, 6XP character
normally. Take your MOS as normal, and don’t roll
Select a Carbine or Assault Rifle as your service
for your MOS skills and gear.
weapon. You’ll be sent on only the most dangerous
Skills missions, but you’re better prepared than anyone.
Battle Rifle (Medium)
Carbine (Medium)
Assault Rifle (Medium)
...As Armoured Cavalry
The ARVN were hard up for tanks in their fights
Basic Medical
with the much larger NVA, so adapting the M113
APC to fit an infantry support role to free up
Hand Grenade
their remaining vehicles was a clever solution.
Prepare Position
Equipment Weight To play Armoured Cav, use the ARVN Regular rules.
x1 Fatigues (ARVN) 2 (Negated) However, instead of regular MOS, you have the
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated) Cavalry MOS. This gives you Drive (APC), Handyman,
x1 Steel Helmet 2 Heavy Machine-Gun (Medium) and Medium Machine-
x1 Webbing Belt 0 (+10 Capacity) Gun (Medium).
x1 Military Pack 4 (+15 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2 In addition, the Squad gets a vehicle to ride
x1 Knife 1 around in, either an M113 or an M706 Commando.
x1 Dog Tags 0 The members of the Squad can spend their bonus XP
on enhancing the vehicle using the guidelines
Total Weight 9
in their profile.
For service weapons, you can choose a Carbine,
Assault Rifle or Battle Rifle.

...As an Interpreter
With the GM’s permission, you can play an ARVN
interpreter for a player group of FWF troops.
As the interpreter is one of the ways the GM
can control what the players know and how they
respond, it shouldn’t be done lightly, but it’s an

Just follow the ARVN regular character creation

rules for Regulars or Rangers as usual. Your
MOS is always Intel. As an interpreter, you
will be fully bilingual; you won’t have to make
Communicate actions to translate concepts back
and forth.
...As Popular Forces ...As Irregular Militia
The Viet Cong were not the only irregular force To play as members of Special Forces trained
that fought in the Vietnam War. South Vietnam had Civilian Irregular Defense Group fighters, use the
its own militia force, called the Popular Forces, rules for Montagnards on page 190, specifically
or Ruff-Puffs by their US allies. Essentially a the second and third level of integration, save
sort of local self-defence force, the Popular that you will speak Vietnamese.
Forces helped keep order and fought the Viet
Cong on their own terms. As US troops started By late war, most of these Irregular forces had
withdrawing, these units increasingly became been folded into the army as Rangers.
attached to the regular army.

The best way to play the Popular Forces is simply ...As National Police
to play using the mechanics provided for Viet The National Police of the Republic of Vietnam,
Cong characters on page 176, but on the side of known by US troops as the White Mice for their
South Vietnam instead. Just make the proper omnipresent white gloves and uniforms, were
substitutions; your gear is provided by the US responsible for keeping order in South Vietnam,
and the South instead of the North, and you do enforcing the (frequently unpopular) laws of the
less trap-laying and more patrolling! government.

As White Mice, you have a hell of a job when you

go on a night patrolling. There are districts of
Saigon and other cities which are de facto V.C.
territory, not to mention extensive organized
crime, smuggling, drunk American soldiers,
terrorist bombing, corrupt ARVN officers, and
who knows what else.

Make a 21 point, 6XP character. White Mice

patrollers don’t get have an MOS, and they
generally don’t get access to military gear. For
service weapons, take either a Pistol or a Carbine.
Pistol (Close)
Carbine (Close)
Melee (Club)
Equipment Weight
x1 Fatigues (Police) 2
...AS Regional FOrces x1 Footwear 2
The ARVN had divisions known as the Regional
x1 Helmet 2
Forces, who were essentially controlled by
x1 Flashlight 1
various governors instead of by the centralized
x1 Club 2
army command. They typically manned checkpoints
or undertook various dubious activities for the Total Weight 9
political or financial advancement of their
leaders, and they were soon folded into regular ...As VNN Sailors
Army hierarchy to try and control them. If you want to play members of South Vietnam’s
inland naval forces, you’re best off essentially
Play exactly like you would for ARVN regulars, using the same rules as you use for US Navy, but 21
except your equipment doesn’t get to you on a point, Vietnamese speaking characters. Because
roll of 1 or 2 instead of just 1. To make up for it, of the frequent attempt at sabotage, VNN Sailors
your leaders might cut you in on some of the cash were frequently quite well armed, so everyone
(and thus bonus VPs) for your generally-illegal has a Battle Rifle or Carbine.
objectives, so maybe you can buy some new gear.

All Regional Force officers are Egotistical; the ...AS ARVN Armour
good officer material went and joined the real If you want to play the crew of a South Vietnamese
army instead. Generally, most Regional Force Walker Bulldog or similar, follow the rules for
soldiers are organized criminals working the US Armour, just with 21 point characters.
system or press-ganged rural know-nothings.
As the war drags on, the Regional Forces will be For flavour, ask the players how they have painted
incorporated into the Regulars. their tanks to intimidate enemy forces.

ARVN Regular ARVN Ranger
The ARVN Regular looks a lot like an American You see that skinny dude in the tailored camo,
GI, just a few inches shorter, a few pounds beret, and neckerchief? Whatever you do, don’t
scrawnier, and a few years of hardship meaner. piss him off.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
6 7 6 7 8 8
Alignment Alignment
Usually Pragmatic. Usually Pragmatic.
Skills Skills
Hand Grenade, Guard, Prepare Position, Battle Frag Grenade, Guard, Prepare Position, Stealth,
Rifle/Carbine (Medium). Assault Rifle/Carbine (Close, Medium), Prepare
Equipment Position, Basic Medical, often Silent Killer.
A mismatch of olive and tiger strip camo, old Equipment
boots, beat up Battle Rifles and Carbines, and Most Rangers carry an Assault Rifle or a
a smattering of infantry kit and grenades. Carbine, plenty of ammunition, and a machete,
They never have enough of anything. as well as assorted grenades and explosives.
Behaviour They carry no rations on patrol, preferring to
ARVN soldiers are generally undertrained forage. A squad will generally carry a radio.
and unprepared. Unless lead by an inspiring They wear tiger stripe fatigues and solid
officer, they’ll generally stay in their holes, boots, and either berets, Aussie-style hats, or
fire sporadically, and run away if the enemy spraypainted steel helmets.
gets too close. Behaviour
ARVN Rangers can usually be found on extreme
ARVN Section Leader long-term patrols of dangerous areas, chasing
There’s only two ways you get a commission the VC back to their hideouts. As many Rangers
in the ARVN; either you’re a rich somebody’s speak indigenous languages, they use it as a
son, or your competence is completely form of radio code.
unquestionable. There are way more of the
first than the second. ARVN Rangers are daring and tough. They set
up close ambushes and press them to the utter
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
destruction of the enemy, and if forced on the
7 8 6 defensive they will fight to the last man.
Alignment ARVN Interpreter
Usually Egotistical. Speaking English and hanging out with the
Skills Americans has given this ARVN soldier a few
Hand Grenade, Diplomacy, Prepare Position, advantages in training and gear.
Battle Rifle/Assault Rifle (Medium). A mix of
other skills. Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
Equipment 7 7 7
Generally armed like their men, just with
newer, cleaner gear.
Usually Pragmatic.
There’s two kinds of ARVN officers. The most
Frag Grenade, Guard, Prepare Position, Battle
common are the sort who have their commission
Rifle/Carbine (Medium).
for political reasons, and they are generally
useless. They lead from the back, use their men Equipment
as human shields, and maybe even abandon them The Americans will generally fill in the gaps
when the enemy gets close. They generally just of a good interpreter’s gear from their own PX,
try to set up a defence line and they try no so they have a full set of ARVN gear.
novel tactics. Behaviour
The Interpreter sticks with their FWF squad
Competent ARVN officers behave like one of as close as they can and follows their lead as
the competent Western officers. They’ll use best as possible. They generally try to hang
their knowledge of the land to cut off the foe, back, due to their value to the patrol, and
and their men will love them and fight to the they are never the first through the door. They
end. They usually prefer to stick close to US generally try to fire only in self-defence.
forces, not trusting their own comrades.

ARVN Commander ARVN Crewman
An older man in a freshly pressed uniform, The ARVN love tanks, armoured cars, and
pockets filled with cash and chomping on a artillery, and only wish they had more of
smuggled cigar, barking orders at everyone. them. You have to be some kind of special to
get to operate that gear.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
5 14 4 Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
6 7 6
Egotistical. Alignment
Skills Usually Pragmatic.
Diplomacy, maybe some English or French. Skills
Equipment Drive or Weapon Skill related to their vehicle
An utterly ostentatious set of Tiger Stripe or gun.
fatigues whose decorations remove all stealth Equipment
value, solid boots, and a Pistol. Regular fatigues and boots. 1/3rd will carry a
Behaviour sidearm, either a pistol or a carbine.
This profile specifically represents the Behaviour
kind of useless, corrupt ARVN sleezebag who ARVN tanks and artillery is generally used
is generally behind the sorts of illegal or very defensively, sometimes even digging the
immoral schemes that your forces might come vehicles into place like bunkers. They will
across. This character will have no respect stay in their vehicle even when it is unwise.
for any rival ARVN or FWF, and is used to using
force, intimidation, or bribery to get his ARVN APC drivers are often very aggressive,
way. He talks a lot, but is unused to personal using their vehicles to batter through walls
violence. The only thing he has going for him or charge enemy bunkers, but their regular
is an almost supernatural paranoid sense. armour units are usually are much more
cautious on the offensive and see little reason
His personal guard will use the statline of to risk themselves. They will prefer to stand
ARVN Regulars with +1 to their Attributes and and fire at enemy troops from a distance.
full sets of Skills and gear. They are very well
paid and unlikely to betray their boss. The ARVN use their artillery for large-area
bombardment as their command and control is
National Police often lacking. They will fire as long as the
Nothing ruins a night of fun in Saigon quite ammunition holds out to reduce risk to their
like the White Mice arriving to break up the own troops.
party and take the good drugs for themselves.
Regional Militia
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Sadly, most of the fighting done by the South
5 11 4 Vietnamese is handled by these folks instead
of the regular army.
Usually Egotistical or Righteous. Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
Skills 5 6 4
Melee (Club), Guard, Interrogation. One member
of any squad sent to deal with Americans will Alignment
speak English. Any.
Equipment Skills
An all-white uniform with gloves, possibly Fleet-Footed. 1/2 chance of 1 Weapon skill.
a Steel Helmet, and a club. In dangerous Equipment
situations, they will arrive with pistols and Civilian clothing and an obsolete firearm.
carbines. They are identified by a yellow pin, badge or
Behaviour armband.
The White Mice mostly cluster around Behaviour
checkpoints, searching travellers, waving Regional Militia will stick close to their
through officials, and beating minorities. villages. They will coordinate evacuations
They generally leave FWF alone during the day. of the village when it is threatened and then
set up ambushes for pursuing forces. If FWF or
At night, they will descend upon any FWF out trusted ARVN forces arrive, they will pull back
past curfew and try to drag you back to base. and leave the fighting to the professionals.
They are incredibly corrupt, and willing to
overlook minor crimes for a price.

South Korea
It’s little known in the West, but the second-
Playing Koreans
If you want to touch on a part of the war almost
completely unknown to most Western observers,
largest contributor of troops to Vietnam after you can play Korean soldiers. Korean troops were
the United States was South Korea, who sent mainly deployed in II Corps, along the coasts in
more than 300,000 soldiers from all branches of the provinces of Bihn Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa
service. and Ninh Thuan.

The Republic of Korea deployed its troops very To represent their personal experience with the
differently from the other forces in Vietnam. They ravages of the communist threat, RoK soldiers
were careful, methodical and measured in their have the additional Perk Not On My Watch. This
actions, and wouldn’t commit to a mission without gives them VPs for Righteous results, as well as
considerable planning. They did not engage that of their Alignment; Righteous characters
in the piecemeal patrol deployments favoured get double VP.
by other Free World Forces; instead, they made
extensive use of intelligence resources before
committing to large-scale operations involving ...As Tiger Division
thousands of soldiers working in concert over an South Korean troops of the Capital Division are
operating area. 24 point, 6XP Characters with an MOS and the
following Standard Issue.
The results of these strategies were mixed On Skills
the one hand, whenever ROK troops deployed, they Battle Rifle (Medium)
got solid results, locating and destroying enemy Carbine (Medium)
strongholds and weapons caches with unerring Basic Medical
accuracy and consistently forcing engagements Guard
with enemy troops, netting a 10 to 1 kill ratio. Frag Grenade
On the other hand, these limited and cautious Prepare Position
deployments made them look indecisive and
Equipment Weight
allowed the enemy to run wild in their area of
operation without being checked. x1 Fatigues (RoK) 2 (Negated)
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
The ROK troops gained a reputation as being x1 Steel Helmet 2
solid, brave soldiers, but lacking the initiative x1 Poncho 1
and aggression needed to win victory. x1 Webbing Belt 0 (+10 Capacity)
x1 Military Backpack 4 (+15 Capacity)
As an important aside, the ROK troops gained a x1 Entrenching Tool 2
reputation for ruthlessness in their persecution x1 Flashlight 1
of the war. Their commander, Chae Myung-shin, x1 First Aid Kit 1
had himself once been a guerrilla fighter, x1 Knife 1
commanding the rag-tag “Skeleton Corps” against x1 Dog Tags 0
North Korean fighters. Having experienced Total Weight 11
communist aggression first-hand, he and his
soldiers had no tolerance for their supporters. Select either a Battle Rifle or a Carbine for your
ROK troops were responsible for several brutal Service Weapon.
massacres of villages suspected of collaborating
with the Viet Cong. To represent the South Korean commitment to
preparation work, at the start of the Mission
each player should ask the GM one question about
the environment or enemy force which the GM
must answer truthfully. These questions must
be fairly specific; the GM can veto overly broad
or vague questions and make the players ask
another. Questions can include the location of
enemy patrols, ambushes or weapon caches.

...As Blue Dragons

South Korea has a Marine Corps modelled on their
American counterparts. ROK Marines have the
same difference from regular ROK soldiers as US
Marines have from US Army; they gain the Aquatic
Skill, take the Rifleman MOS in addition to their
regular MOS, and pay +1 XP for gear outside of
free Supplies.
After the Second World War, Australia and New
Playing Australians
Australian forces represent an interesting
alternate approach to playing PATROL. The
Zealand came to the conclusion that their place Australian troops in Vietnam fought very
of prominence in the Commonwealth could no differently from their US counterparts, some
longer protect them; threat of Japanese invasion would say more successfully, and in a way that
seemed very real and the United Kingdom didn’t lends itself to an interesting approach.
possess the force projection to do anything
about it. In response, the two nations signed To represent this divergent philosophy, all
an alliance with the United States, the ANZUS Australian troops have the Take it Slow Trait;
Pack, and threw themselves wholeheartedly into any turn they do not move further than a Half
backing US interests. Move, at +3 to your Vigilance.

Worried about the spread of communism right

outside their front door, the Australians ...As Diggers
committed troops of their own to Vietnam, Australian infantry soldiers are 24 point, 6 XP
including armour, air, navy, and SAS components. characters just like US infantry.
New Zealand didn’t have the population or Skills
industrial base to send a full expeditionary Sub-Machine Gun (Close)
force, but contributed artillerymen and guns to Battle Rifle (Medium)
the Australian efforts. Basic Medical
Like the Americans, Australia first committed Frag Grenade
advisors and instructors to train the ARVN and Prepare Position
rural forces. As the war escalated, so did the Bloodlust
ANZUS commitment, with an infantry battalion
Equipment Weight
being sent in 1965. This was expanded to three
battalions soon after, plus air, artillery, SAS, x1 Fatigues (Australian) 2 (Negated)
armoured personnel carriers and a squadron of x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
Centurions in 1967. This commitment lead to the x1 Poncho 1
nation implemented a program of conscription x1 Webbing Belt 0 (+10 Capacity)
for 20-year-olds in 1965. x1 Entrenching Tool 2
x1 Flashlight 1
The Australian forces in Vietnam had a very x1 First Aid Kit 1
different conception of guerrilla war than other x1 Matchete 2
FWF. The Australian method could be summarized x1 Dog Tags 1
as “Slow and Steady”, making extremely careful Total Weight 8
sweeps of the operating area, with an eye of
driving the enemy out and securing their bases
As with US, characters Australian troops have a
rather than forcing engagements and destroying
choice between service weapons. At the start of
them. This approach made them quite feared by the
your Mission, select either a Battle Rifle or a
Viet Cong, as they were impossible to isolate or
Sub-Machine Gun.
draw into ambushes, but US advisors disliked the
overly cautious approach and low bodycount.
Otherwise, Australian troops are the same as
their US counterparts; the select from the same
The force was responsible for Phuoc Tuy Province
MOS, have 6 XP to spend at the start of the game,
in III Corp, though they were often redeployed
and operate under all the same rules.
around the area for their specific expertise.

...AS Aussie Armour

Make a 24-point character exactly like the US
Armour profile. You will be driving a Centurion

...AS Aussie Special Forces

The Training Units, SAS and other special forces
deployed by the ANZUS were some of their best
units, well respected and feared by their enemies.

Use the Green Beret profile, but trade Assault

Rifle skill for SMG Skill and add Light-Machine
Gun (Medium) and Drive (Utility Car, Cargo Truck).

Royal Thailand
Thailand contributed troops to Vietnam for two
reasons. The first was simply security; Thailand
was itself battling a communist insurgency, and
a united, communist Vietnam might seriously
bolster those forces. Secondly, the war offered
a chance for Thailand to train and harden their
troops, acquire and test new military equipment,
and request US aid.

Initially deploying a number of air transport

assets and some advisors for the South
Vietnamese Air Force, the Communist Party of
Thailand launching guerrilla action against
the government prompted an escalation of force.
A reinforced battalion of volunteers, the Queen’s
Cobras, was deployed to Vietnam and folded
into the US command structure. This unit could
field a thousand men and consisted of infantry,
Playing Thai Army
Thai soldiers offer a unique perspective into
artillery and armoured cars. the Vietnam War. A county with a near-local
perspective on the conflict, Thailand faced
By mid-1968, the Queen’s Cobras had been numerous hard questions about the ethics of
subsumed into a larger unit, the Black Panther their participation and payment.
Division, which eventually numbered more than
ten thousand men.
...As Queen’s CoBras
The Thai army was assigned to an area of Bien Hoa Thai troops stick close to the mold of their US
Province, bordering Saigon, as part of II Corps. counterparts, using most of the same equipment
Their specific posting was an area used by the
Viet Cong primarily for logistical purposes, Thai troops are 21 point, 6XP Characters with an
allowing the Thai to maintain the initiative MOS and the following Standard Issue.
throughout their assignment. Skills
Assault Rifle (Medium)
The Thai were heavily involved in PSYOPS Carbine (Medium)
campaigns against the Viet Cong, having a better Basic Medical
understanding than their Western counterparts Guard
of the local psyche. They would tape interviews Hand Grenade
with defecting V.C., then broadcast them by radio Prepare Position
or loudspeaker to encourage further defection,
Equipment Weight
showing that the defectors were not mistreated
and using the voices of their own comrades to x1 Fatigues (Thai Army) 2 (Negated)
deliver propaganda. Only once there were no more x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
defectors would the Thai troops move in with x1 Steel Helmet 2
violence. x1 Flak Vest 4
x1 Poncho 2
To help compensate the Thai government for their x1 Webbing Belt 0 (+10 Capacity)
assistance, the US government provided much of x1 Military Pack 4 (+15 Capacity)
their logistics, subsidized the purchase of their x1 Entrenching Tool 2
equipment, and paid Thai troops in the combat x1 Flashlight 1
zone directly. x1 First Aid Kit 1
x1 Knife 1
As a result of this policy, Thai troops ended up x1 Dog Tags 0
being quite well-off for people of the region. Total Weight 17
Thai soldiers eagerly hit up the American PX,
flush with cash, to purchase various modern
Select either an Assault Rifle or a Carbine for
your Service Weapon.
Thailand also provided two other vital
As your Trait, you have Cash Rich; that American
contributions to the war. Almost all the heavy
subsidy is burning a hole in your pocket. You
US air assets in Southeast Asia were located in
always have +3 XP to spend on new Equipment
airbases in Thailand, away from the fighting.
before any mission, to represent you spending
Secondly, Bangkok served as the go-to destination
some greenbacks getting what you need.
for American personnel on leave.
The Vietnam War was a modern conflict that
Playing Mercs
If you want to play some Company Men in the
service of the CIA, you can roll up a squad of
largely redefined the role of private military mercenaries. This could be an ideal way of doing
contractors in Western service. With the a long-term freeform campaign.
technology of warfighting getting ever more
complex, the situations growing more muddled, To represent their personal stake in the action,
hiring outside experts became a more and more all mercs have the Trait Only In It For the Money,
common practice. which gives them VPs for Egotistical results,
as well as that of their Alignment; Egotistical
During the Vietnam War, both the military and characters get double VP.
the CIA hired and deployed large numbers of
mercenaries in a variety of roles and from a
variety of sources. The most prominent sector ...As Western Contractors
involving private contractors were civilian Mercenary forces serving the CIA were usually,
pilots of both fixed-wing and rotor craft who but not always, ex-military, suckered in with
delivered special forces and supplies into Laos, promises of a massive payout for relatively easy
collectively known as “Air America”. Intelligence missions. These soldiers are special forces on
and technical contractors were also common; the cheap, and much more disposable.
military technicians would sign on with the CIA
and return to the country to operate the same Mercenaries build 15 point, 36XP Characters.
equipment for a lot more money. You can take 1 or more MOS for 9 points each. You
have no Skills or starting Equipment other than
However, any conflict zone will always have a civilian clothes, and all 0 XP items cost 1 XP.
variety of soldiers of fortune buzzing about
looking for work. There were more than a few You should select a few unique skills or pieces
Europeans serving as “security contractors” of equipment to represent the valuable assets you
protecting well-off French nationals who bring to the table. Private Military Contractors
refused to leave the country, as well as war tend to be an eccentric lot with rare talents.
tourists, humanitarian missions and freelance
reporters. These troops would act as bodyguards ...As Local Mercenaries
and muscle to ensure the safety of their clients Mercenaries like the special forces led Nung
in the warzone, and might take work from criminal forces are best represented with the Montagnard
elements in between proper jobs. profiles. While money was an important element,
there was a lot of politics and ethnic strife
After the war ended, mercenary activity caught up in that portion of the conflict.
continued in Southeast Asia, with CIA-backed
units performing various clandestine activities That said, Western mercs might very well pick up
all over the region. Many of these mercenaries a local or two as guides and end up integrating
would go on to careers fighting in Africa or them into the company proper.
South America.

In PATROL, the primary antagonists are the
Viet Cong
For Western observers, exactly who the Viet Cong
forces of the Second World; Communist-aligned were is subject to a great deal of misinformation
countries loosely allied with the Soviet Union during and after the Vietnam War. Officially known
and Red China. The early Cold War features a great by North Vietnam as the National Liberation Front
deal of political and military manoeuvring as for South Vietnam (Or just the NLF), “Viet Cong”
19th century colonial bonds broke down and newly was a Vietnamese abbreviation for “Vietnamese
independent nations found themselves pressured Communist”, and was applied as a blanket term
to throw in with one side or another. Vietnam for militias, terrorists, or sympathizers to the
was just one of the civil wars which erupted over communist cause in the south. To members of the
this question. US Military, this was shortened to the initialism
“V.C.”, which quickly became “Victor Charlie” or
Communist ideology was wildly popular in simply “Charlie” in military parlance.
the urban areas of these immediately post-
The Viet Cong had their genesis in the resistance
colonial nations. It isn’t a coincidence that the
movement against both French and Japanese
industrialized north of both Korea and Vietnam
colonial rule in Vietnam, the Viet Minh. The
ended up communist, while the rural south
experience and mind-set of the Viet Minh efforts
defaulted to the typical military dictatorships
formed the basis of the Viet Cong. Effectively,
of poverty-stricken nations.
when North Vietnam began initiating hostility
against South Vietnam in 1959, they first used the
The war in Vietnam is many things to communist
indirect method of encouraging and equipping
actors around the globe. For the Soviet Union,
local resistance to the deeply unpopular and
it is an equipment testbed and experimental
corrupt South Vietnamese government rather
playground; the lethal anti-air defences that
taking direct military action.
will vex NATO military planners in the 70s and
80s were born in North Vietnam’s air defence Both during and after the war, the popular view
network. For Red China, it is an opportunity to among the anti-war movement in the West was that
bloody the nose of western powers, flex their the Viet Cong were a popular insurgency rising
industrial muscles, and remind the world stage up against an oppressive government, while
of their slumbering presence. But for their the pro-war narrative was that the Viet Cong
supporters in both Vietnams, the communist were primarily commando-like infiltrators and
cause goes hand-in-hand with a burning desire terrorists from the North cynically masquerading
to finally free themselves of poisonous outside as home-grown revolution. The reality is, of
influence and rule. course, more nuanced.

The Viet Cong were carefully organized and

overseen by Northern interests, and the National
Liberation Front was considered an official
branch of the People’s Army of Vietnam, but they
drew their power from the very real grievances
of the rural people of South Vietnam, who didn’t
need much encouragement to battle an oppressive
government and their foreign supporters. The
National Liberation Front as an organization
held considerable power over the umbrella of
groups and people that made up the Viet Cong, but
they weren’t quite one and the same.

Wartime CHanges
Over the course of the war, the composition of
the Viet Cong varied considerably. Early on,
roughly 5 in 6 Viet Cong were members of local
“affiliate groups”, with most of the remainder
consisting primarily of advisors, instructors
and commissars from the North. These are the V.C.
which are most represented in American popular
culture, militia dressed in their signature
“black pyjamas”, which were simply the silk
civilian garments popular in South Vietnam,
colourful scarves that served as personal or
group identifiers, and armed with whatever they
could get their hands on.
Due to the CORDS program, during the lead- The Viet Cong were supported heavily by the
up to the 1968 Tet Offensive the Viet Cong were rural population, but what this meant could
increasingly ineffectual and reliant on direct vary considerably. Some operated as a kind of
Northern support. This meant that Viet Cong municipal militia, of the sort raised by isolated
forces were consisting more and more of Northern communities facing occupation since the dawn
infiltrators, and greater direct control had of civilization, and they would be supported
been instituted, to the point that the NLF gained locally by friendly villages. Others were more
a standard uniform of green fatigues and rubber like bandits, living in camps or tunnel complexes
sandals. These fighters were trained in the North in the hills and deep jungle and sustaining
and were often members of the NVA mustered into themselves by taking food from surrounding
guerrilla units to infiltrate the South and hamlets at gunpoint. Most groups were somewhere
replace lost, captured or defected local fighters. in between, taking shelter in friendly or
intimidated villages while exploiting and
There was never a definitive switch from one raiding others.
“kind” of Viet Cong to the other. Though the rural
V.C. fighter of 1965 would be hard-pressed to End of the Road
recognize the green-fatigued soldier marching The final notable action of the Viet Cong was the
the streets of Saigon in 1975 as a member of the Tet Offensive, an organized, simultaneous attack
same organization, fighters fitting both moulds on thousands of targets inside South Vietnam
and anywhere in between were present throughout. meant to spark a popular revolution and convince
the United States and her allies that little
After 1969, the VC started calling themselves progress was being made in the war. Particular
the “Provisional Revolutionary Government of attention was paid to infiltrating cities,
the Republic of South Vietnam”, or PRG. For the formerly mostly isolated from the war, leading
sake of simplicity, the Viet Cong are represented to Viet Cong troops storming the US embassy in
in PATROL as two distinct groups; “Viet Cong” is Saigon and the infamous massacre in Hue.
used for militia units, whereas “PRG” is used for
the late-war style paramilitary fighters. Though an unprecedented psychological victory
for the North, the Tet Offensive was also the
Charlie’s Tactics death knell of the Viet Cong, whose ranks, already
Generally, the Viet Cong were divided into full- thinning, were devastated by the attack and its
time members (“Main Force”), part-time members immediate aftermath. Their units scattered and
(“Local Force”), and logistical elements (“Support in retreat, the Viet Cong ceased to be an effective
Force”), the last of which was mostly heavily independent organization, instead becoming
populated with Northerners throughout the war. little more than a subservient paramilitary
They were supplied with the cast-offs of the branch of the NVA.
NVA and any weapons they could scavenge, and
generally had to make do however they could. From this point, the Viet Cong played little role
in the remainder of the war, serving primarily as
Viet Cong tactics emphasised disruption, delays, a propaganda tool for the North. Those insurgents
and attrition, using bombings, improvised that made it to the North were either folded back
explosive devices, assassination, and small into the army proper or reorganized into civil
raids against government targets while mostly defence units, and the National Liberation Front
avoiding direct confrontation with Free World primarily concerned itself with air defence and
Forces. These tactics were designed to keep the anti-infiltration while the NVA took over the
technically superior FWF bottled in their bases bulk of the war effort. Many of the fighters who
and urban centres, unable to police, control or originated in the South simply went home, no
influence the rural areas, while also keeping longer actively supported by the North.
them constantly engaged, bleeding them of money,
force concentration and lives. There is a popular, though unsubstantiated
theory that the Tet Offensive was at least in
The Viet Cong mixed traditional insurrectionist part a deliberate effort by the North Vietnamese
and light infantry tactics with large-scale government to drive the home-grown portions of
campaigns of terror. Violence against civilian the Viet Cong to destruction, as they represented
populations were always a tool in the V.C. a threat to the reunification of the country.
playbook, but as the war went on greater Though this is almost certainly untrue, it
organization and increased independence from reflects the reality that both the North and the
the local civilian population enabled the Viet South saw the political participation of rural
Cong to more freely engage in purges of disloyal Vietnamese as undesirable.
villages, massacres of civilian populations and
refugee camps, and ethnic cleansing campaigns. After the war, a great many Viet Cong fighters
Ironically, fear of Viet Cong atrocities were found themselves without places to return
probably the strongest force lending legitimacy to, or incarcerated alongside other Southern
to the government of the South. Vietnamese in reeducation camps.
Playing V.C. UrBan Origin
You come from one of the cities of Vietnam,
If you want, you can absolutely play PATROL from probably Saigon, and have lived more like a
the perspective of the V.C. instead of American Westerner than the traditional lifestyle of rural
forces. It’ll change the tone of your game quite a Vietnam. There’s good odds you’re a Christian,
bit, of course; rather than soldiers with orders you probably have at least some formal education,
and the weight of a technological nation behind and you likely held or perhaps even continue to
them, you are self-motivated resistance fighters hold a paying job.
mostly struggling to survive.
Your loyalty to the cause of reunification may
V.C. characters have 21 Attributes Points, with come from nationalism, family ties, or ideology.
a minimum of 5 still required in each of their For instance, many university students were
stats. You have 6 XP to spend. hardline communists, nationalists, or passionate
anti-colonialists. Your fellow V.C. may see you
Obviously, Viet Cong soldiers don’t have the same as an outsider, but you have valuable skills.
training either. They don’t have MOS; instead, in
order to accurately represent some of the common Skills
origins of V.C. fighters, you should select one of Local Language (French or English)
the following three starting packages. Drive (Car, Scooter)
Select One:
Rural Origin Handyman
You call South Vietnam home, and live out in the Electronics
rural portions of the country in a village. You Diplomacy
were compelled into action, perhaps fighting
the oppressive South Vietnamese government for
religious or ideological reasons, or taking up x1 Civilian Clothes
arms against the Americans as occupiers. x1 Footwear
x1 Webbing
Growing up in the boonies has given you a lot x1 Pistol
of skills related to survival out in the bush,
but left you relatively isolated from advanced As a Trait, you are Gainfully Employed; you
technology and warfighting techniques. have some kind of income or stash of money, so
Skills you are better able to acquire new gear through
purchasing or bribery. All Equipment costs -1 XP.
Fleet-Footed Infiltrator Origin
You come from the North, either a member of
Equipment the People’s Army, or run through one of their
x1 Civilian Clothes training courses, and you followed the Ho Chi
x1 Footwear Mihn Trail down south to join the war.
x1 Webbing Skills
x1 Machete
Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle (Medium)
Prepare Position
Select one of the following as your main weapon:
Bolt-Action Rifle, Submachine-Gun. Sentry
As a Trait, you are Trusted Locally; the rural x1 Fatigues (Unmarked)
people of Vietnam recognize you as kin. Get x1 Footwear
1 automatic Success when working with local
x1 Webbing
x1 Combat Knife

Select one of the following as your main weapon:

Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle.

As a Trait, you are Dedicated; you volunteered

for this position and are ready for the hardships
that come with it. You get 4 VPs just for surviving
a Mission.

Controlling the VC Support Force units will be from outside the
region and will pass through the area quickly.
As a GM, you’ll often be tasked with playing the VC By the time the locals know about them, they may
collectively against the players. You need to make already be gone. They will often try to travel in
them convincing guerillas and a credible threat, the guise of civilians, but it may be difficult
without using your information advantage to given all the stuff they smuggle.
make them too deadly.
Tactics and Tricks
Basic V.C. Organization When fighting FWF troops, Viet Cong troops will
The V.C. are divided into Main Force, Local shadow patrols with a sentry to determine their
Force, and Support Force units. Keeping this location and direction, then try to set up an
distinction in mind as you play will go a long ideal ambush at a chokepoint or in rough terrain,
way towards presenting a credible illusion of preferably an area near traps they have set up.
guerilla warfare.
They will launch their ambushes at very close
Support Force are very common, the backbone of range, trying to inflict as much shock and
the VC efforts. Though they try to only be active surprise as they can in one go. They will then
at night, you can sometimes catch them sleeping or use the confusion and suppression to make an
moving around, and disrupting them is generally immediate escape, unless they are winning so
the goal of patrol operations. completely they can quickly overrun the players.

Local Force are basically like militia. They live Novice V.C. might not always make the wisest
in the villages as civilians most of the time, choices; they generally aren’t formally trained,
but when the Main Force needs help or they see so they may make elementary mistakes like
an opportunity, they’ll dig up their weapons from surrounding the enemy on two sides before
their hiding places and take to the field. attacking, accidently overshooting into their
own men. These mistakes will seem authentically
Main Force units are soldiers full time. They human, especially if used sparingly and spoiling
live in their units outside of the villages, often an otherwise perfect ambush.
in hidden bunkers and tunnels. They will visit
friendly villages to rest, and try to intimidate Whatever you do, avoid having Charlie just charge
or raid others, but they mostly move around at the players or wait out in the open for them. That
night for safety. kind of behaviour will make it look like you
didn’t plan ahead, and will rob the players of a
This gives you an obvious hierarchy for setting sense of threat from the enemy.
up encounters. On the offensive, players might
run into Support Force, and the sound of battle V.C. troops will rarely surrender outright, but
will attract Local Force who will come to protect if you isolate them or they get cut off, they might
them. If the encounter goes poorly for them, the come out calling for amnesty. When they retreat,
Local Force will go get the Main Force troops to they’ll tend to leave their wounded behind,
back them up. because they cannot easily treat them, but they
know the Americans are both obligated and better
Alternately, the Main Force group might launch equipped to.
an attack on the players, and then the supposedly
friendly village behind them reveals their
Local Force units. This situation is an effective
Arming the V.C.
In addition to their listed weapons, you should
surprise, especially if the players were looking
give V.C. troops some extra firepower to spice
for help from them, and will condition the players
things up. Have them employ these weapons
to distrust the locals.
sparely, as they don’t have a lot of ammunition for
them. Reward players for finding and destroying
Main Force units work best organized into bands
weapon caches by removing them the inventory of
of about a dozen. The locals will know about
their enemies.
these bands and can give you a good estimation
of their numbers and identity, if they trust
Generally, any squad of Main Force V.C. should be
you. They’ll generally be part of a local network
carrying either a light machine-gun or an RPG
under a commander which have loose contact with
to give them some extra punch. In larger groups,
one another.
a single light mortar or heavy machine-gun is
also effective.
Local Force units will usually consist of just a
few individuals in a village. Though everyone
For a powerful small encounter, give a single
in the village will know of their involvement in
soldier an RPG and perhaps a bicycle for mobility.
the V.C., and may even resent them for it, they’ll
They can take out a truck in a convoy and force
keep quiet rather than turn in their friends and
the players to dismount and give chase.
Viet Cong NPCs
Viet Cong Fighter (Novice) Viet Cong Sniper
A rural local, small and scrawny, dressed in a VC snipers are a constant threat, lurking out
mixture of silk clothing and surplus webbing. in the bush. Some of NVA trained marksmen, and
others are just clever and deadly militia who
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency happen to be stand-out shooters.
6 9 5
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
Alignment 6 10 9
Usually Pragmatic.
Skills Alignment
Survivalist, Stealth, Fleet Footed, Tunnel Any.
Rat, 1 Weapon Skill. Skills
Equipment Survivalist, Stealth, Fleet-Footed, Tunnel
A Battle Rifle (E), Bolt Action Rifle (E), or a Rat, multiple Weapon Skills for their rifle.
Sub-Machine Gun, 2 Rations and a 1 Spare Equipment
Ammo appropriate to their weapon. 1/3 chance A Bolt Action Rifle (E) or a Battle Rifle (E), and
of a single Frag Grenade. They wear civilian Scope. 3 Rations and a 3 Spare Ammo (E). Wears
clothes, but only 1/2 will have good boots. civilian clothes and rarely a Sniper Suit.
Behaviour Behaviour
VC Fighters will try to ambush isolated Allied Will move with a small escort of VC Fighters,
forces they encounter, but will retreat if the but frequently range out on their own as well.
ambush lasts too long. These novices will often They’ll try to find positions overlook roads
bite off more than they can chew and generally or small Allied positions in deep concealment.
do a poor job of following up ambushes, even
effective ones, without encouragement from They’ll wait to fire on high-value or isolated
veteran troops. targets, and will continue attacking anyone
who attempts to help the wounded before
They will retreat at the drop of a hat, but will retreating. If they drive the enemy from a
rarely surrender. If the enemy retreats or is location, their bodyguards will clear the
wiped out, they will swiftly move in and loot bodies from the scene so she can reuse the
everything of value. position.
Viet Cong Fighter (Veteran) Viet Cong Specialists
You can tell this individual has been living A hard-travelled looking guerrilla carrying
in the jungle for weeks. a roll filled with rice, ammunition and
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
7 11 7 Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
8 7 3
Any. Alignment
Skills Usually Pragmatic.
Survivalist, Eagle-Eyed, Stealth, Fleet- Skills
Footed, Tunnel Rat, Set Trap, 2 Weapon Skills Survivalist, Stealth, Tunnel Rat, and one
Equipment of the following: Set Trap, Trauma Care,
Either an Assault Rifle (E) or a Battle Rifle Handyman, Prepare Position
(E), 3 Rations and a 2d3 Spare Ammo (E), 2 Frag Equipment
Grenades. 1-2 chance of carrying a Pistol (E). Wears civilian clothes. Will be carrying 3-5
Behaviour Weight in Rations and Spare Ammo, and 5-10
Uses the same tactics as the novice fighters, Weight in traps or explosives.
but is much savvier, picks their fights better, Behaviour
and knows the terrain. If the enemy aren’t in a VC Support will stay in villages or with
good spot to be ambushed, they’ll shadow them groups of Fighters during the day and will
and wait until they are. move at night alone or in pairs. They will
visit nearby groups to get intelligence and
Novice VC will defer to their experience and deliver food and ammo, go to supply caches to
authority, so they get first pick of the weapons restock, and look for opportunities to plant
and loot. Unless they are Idealistic, they will their explosives. If confronted, they will run
send Novices to do the dangerous tasks. and attempt to take shelter among civilians.

PRG Infiltrator Dae Cong Fighter
A lightly equipped fighter in green fatigues. The Viet Cong equivalent of special forces
They wear no insignia, but have a distinct were the Dae Cong, literally “Special Task”,
military bearing. hardcore sappers and fanatics who threw
themselves at the toughest missions.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
7 5 6 Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
10 14 12
Pragmatic or Righteous. Alignment
Skills Righteous.
Survivalist, Stealth, Assault Rifle (Medium), Skills
Frag Grenade, Prepare Position Survivalist, Stealth, Fleet-Footed, Tunnel
Equipment Rat, multiple Weapon Skills, Hand Grenade,
An Assault Rifle or Auto Carbine (E), both Explosives, Bloodlust, Silent Killer.
Fatigues and Civilian Clothes, and footwear. Equipment
They will have a canteen and as much Rations A Sub Machine-Gun (E) or Auto Carbine (E),
as they can carry. They will often have a camo fatigues, an entrenching tool, a garrote,
grenade or RPGs for their squad. and a variety of ammunition, grenades and
Behaviour explosives.
PRG Infiltrators will garrison local villages, Behaviour
coming out to deal with patrols or incursions. Dae Cong will attempt to infiltrate enemy bases
They will shadow any hostile forces they or fortifications before launching sudden
encounter and engage them when their guard is attacks. These attacks are suicide operations
down. If they don’t feel like they are winning, and they are willing to die to take others with
they will quickly back off. them. They operate only at night.

If accompanying NVA forces, PRG Inflitrators

Viet Cong Commander
will attempt to flank FWF or sneak through An older guerrila who has fought the French
their lines to attack their support elements. and Japanese. Their resolve is complete and
they are convinced history is on their side.
PRG Commissar
A well-spoken older man, he is either wearing Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
an NVA uniform or has one stored nearby. He 7 12 7
talks incessantly.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Usually Pragmatic.
6 9 6 Skills
Stealth, Survivalist, Fleet-Footed, Tunnel
Alignment Rat, and probably several Weapon Skills.
Either Idealistic or Righteous.
Skills Wears civilian clothes, but will own a uniform.
Stealth, Survivalist, Diplomacy, Observation, They will carry an Assault Rifle (E) and often
Interrogation, Pistol (Close), French, possibly a Pistol (E). They may carry a Gas Mask inside
English. their own tunnels.
Equipment Behaviour
Pistol (E), Propaganda Leaflets, and . Might be VC Commanders will stay in their tunnels
carrying some Rations. He’ll normally dress and bunkers most of the time, coordinating
like the other soldiers, but he’ll have a fancy operations. If they need to leave to conduct
uniform stashed nearby. field operations, they will be accompanied by
Behaviour two bodyguards at all times, one of which will
Commissars will run circuits between carry a Portable Radio Telephone. They will
villages, spreading propaganda, recruiting never fight if they can escape, and they may
militia for the Viet Cong, collecting “taxes” attempt suicide to avoid capture.
and alternately debating, condemning or
executing dissenters, depending on the VC Commanders may leave their tunnels to meet
relationship their village has with their with NVA advisors or leaders coming down
leaders. to plan larger operations, or to inspire or
intimidate local groups. They are often known
They will be accompanied by PRG troops and by name and reputation in areas they operate.
a number of clerks and agents, one of whom is
probably carrying a radio of some kind.

North Vietnamese Army By the Book
The NVA worked closely with Chinese and Soviet
The North Vietnamese Army (or NVA), known as advisors at different parts of the war, drawing
the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) in the North, from their experiences in the Great Patriotic War
or Nathan Victor to the US troops, was the more and Korea and practicing their Deep Operations
formal military arm of North Vietnam. The NVA doctrine. Thus, the NVA shared with both these
had two duties; to persecute a conventional war powers the military belief that wars are won
against the South and Allied forces to their best through the destruction of units and formations
of their ability, and to supply the Viet Cong with rather than by inflicted individual casualties,
equipment and manpower. Which of these goals was calling for shock action and large engagement to
a priority to the NVA changed several times over stun the enemy and force them to make concessions.
the course of the war. This meant a focus on numerical superiority
during engagements, a willingness to trade
Contrary to the popular image of barely-trained ground for time, and utter determination once an
conscripts charging headlong into Allied guns, attack was launched.
the NVA were well-trained, well-disciplined,
and highly motivated, their infantry having Like most Communist forces, the NVA placed a
some three years experience and indoctrination great deal of focus on maintaining the initiative
in compulsory national service before several during wartime, ensuring they could choose the
months specific military training. Though this time and place of battles through aggression
was in excess of the sixteen weeks of training and misdirection. In order to neutralize Allied
the average GI experienced, lack of resources firepower advancement, NVA troops would attempt
meant this training was less thorough, focused to engage quickly and in close proximity to enemy
more on indoctrination and physical fitness forces, and break off the engagement equally
than technical prowess. swiftly if progress was not made. Mobility was
key; units had to always be ready to chase fleeing
Second Hand Stock enemies to avoid attracting supporting fire or
NVA troops didn’t have the luxury of the endless retreat if resistance was too heavy.
supply lines and advanced engineering of their
US counterparts. Instead, they needed to make do As a consequence of their political conviction
with what they could beg, borrow and buy from the and their technical limitations, the NVA did
Soviet Union and Red China, with much of their not shy away from taking losses and would
war effort effectively relying on the charity of willing sacrifice units in a manner politically
their larger allies. unpalatable to Allied forces in order to gain
advantage. This involved the use of frontal
Your average NVA soldier wore a simple, attacks to distract from other action, leaving a
lightweight set of fatigues, dyed somewhere unit in a vulnerable place to bait enemy forces
along a continuum between olive green and khaki. into a bad engagement, or having elements engage
If they were lucky enough to have boots, they were in suicide attacks to disrupt important enemy
canvas knock-offs of French designs or worn- facilities.
through Soviet surplus, but many made do with
sandals, often homemade. They wore a helmet made
out of cloth and cardboard, and their webbing was
a simple set of pouches on an apron-like garment.
It was cheap and only roughly standardized, but
it got the job done.

They didn’t skimp where it mattered, though.

The standard weapon of the NVA was the AK-47,
or Chinese copies of the same, and the NVA made
sure to invest heavily in good machine-guns and
mortars. So even though they were scrapping the
barrel for things as simple as footwear, an NVA
unit could match the firepower of any Western
infantry platoon, man for man.

As for supply, NVA troops in the field got by mostly

on rice shipped from the north and whatever they
could forage. The inability to feed and resupply
large units in the field for very long meant that
the NVA typically left it to the V.C. to do most
of the fighting deep in the South, preferring to
stick close to the border or the Ho Chi Minh Trail
where they could be readily resupplied.
All Out Aggression The air war was even more one-sided. The NVA
This callous approach must not be mistaken for operated few aircraft and fewer jets, and most of
stupidity, though it often was by US media and these were quite obsolete. They operated only a
observers. For example, the Chinese human wave few utility helicopters and almost no gunships.
tactics, practiced by the NVA early in the war, As a result, the North was constantly on the
was seen as the result of the NVA having more defensive in the air. However, they benefitted
enthusiasm than intelligence. In reality, it was immensely from the Soviet Union using the
a form of infiltration and mass misdirection, conflict as a test bed for their newly developed
where a large number of troops would be ordered surface-to-air heat-seeking missiles, and North
to advance on the enemy by cover of darkness and, Vietnam soon developed a complex array of anti-
if they heard the sounds of battle ahead, find an air defences.
alternate path to work their way closer.
The only area where the NVA held any real
While a percentage of unfortunate units would advantage was in artillery. The best artillery
encounter enemy resistance and be wiped out, gun of the NVA was the 130mm M-46 Field Gun
often repeatedly on the same positions, this would Model 1954, which considerably outranged all
occupy the defenders while the majority of units Western equivalents while being lighter and
moved to close contact, eventually overwhelming equally lethal. Eliminating these weapons was
the enemy through the weakest points in their an important objective, as they could strike
line. This allowed a technically outmatched force friendly firebases from beyond retaliatory range
to organically determine and exploit weaknesses and hidden from aircraft by the jungle.
in a defensive line by leveraging their superior
numbers and enthusiasm, without needing to rely Last Army Standing
on incomplete reports by scouts or the primitive After the United States pulled out of Vietnam,
communications equipment available. the NVA needed only a few years to rebuild before
relaunching the offensive into South Vietnam,
In order to achieve these attacks, a great deal of this time as a devastating mechanized force which
effort was spent on psychological preparation. effortlessly steamrolled the conventional ARVN.
Communist troops would spend hours before Modern Soviet tanks emblazoned with the yellow
engagements psyching themselves up, officers star ground through the streets of Saigon, and
and commissars doing their best to whip the the Vietnam War finally came to a close.
troops into a fury. Combined with a lack of
communications equipment and limited command It is said the NVA won the Vietnam War because
authority on the part of the officer class, the they wanted to win more than the US wanted them
NVA could be tenacious and ferocious on the to lose. This bears out in their record; they
attack, but they had a tendency to overcommit effectively won no major victories against the
and a much reduced ability to dynamically react United States and they threw multiple offensives
to changing circumstances. They were excellent south which stalled or were turned back, but they
at overwhelming peer opponents and gaining never gave up and eventually won the war through
ground, but if they did not find swift victory, sheer tenacity. They might not have carried any
their effective fighting ability was quickly battles, but in the end, they didn’t have to.
nullified. For this reason, against Allied forces
and the better ARVN units, the NVA won very few North Vietnam suffered extensively from the
victories and took very heavy casualties. war. Hundreds of thousands of their citizens
died in bombing raids, US herbicide campaigns
destroyed their crops, and much of their military
Heavy Hitters infrastructure was completely levelled repeated.
The NVA operated under considerable technical Only raw determination kept them going.
and logistical limitations throughout the war.
They were an almost entirely infantry-based, The NVA underwent a great transformation over
with their fleet of trucks almost entirely tied the course of the war. From a glorified militia
up moving down the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Taking a and truck drivers for the Ho Chi Minh Trail to a
tip from the Imperial Japanese, they made heavy sophisticated military operating air and armour
use of bicycles instead. in great number, in the immediate aftermath of
the Vietnam War they were able to quickly assert
Small numbers of armoured cars and Soviet effective control over all their neighbours,
infantry fighting vehicles were used in limited defeating their former allies in the Khmer Rouge
engagements and to lead attacks. Before 1968 they when Cambodia spiralled out of control and even
possessed no tanks, and most of the armour they fearlessly tangling with Red China over border
eventually acquired were light amphibious tanks disputes. At the end of the war, the People’s Army
of Soviet and Chinese manufacture. It wasn’t of Vietnam was one of the most hardened and well-
until the 70s that the T-55 and Type 59 main equipped militaries in the world outside of the
battle tanks saw service in the NVA. traditional European powers.

PlayinG NVA NVA Armour
After 1968’s Battle of Lang Vei, when the North
You could play as the NVA against the South Vietnamese first deployed armoured vehicles
Vietnamese and Americans during the war, but in the form of PT-76 light tanks, North Vietnam
another option is to play as them during other began rapidly assembling armoured units and
conflicts from around the same period, namely the deploying them both down the Ho Chi Minh Trail
invasion and occupation of Cambodia against the and at the DMZ.
Khmer Rouge and against Chinese forces during
the Sino-Vietanamese War in 1979. Being a tank operator in the NVA was a difficult
task, because the other side held an overwhelming NVA Regulars advantage in the form of air support. American
Create a 24 point, 3XP character. For a service bomber pilots were eager to drop ordinance on
weapon, select a Battle Rifle or an Assault Rifle. anything that might even vaguely resemble an
Skills armoured vehicle, so armour had to be used very
carefully, hidden during the day and moved only
Assault Rifle (Medium)
at night. But when it was used properly, these
Battle Rifle (Medium)
vehicles could quickly overwhelm American
firebases, and even win battles.
Fleet Footed
Follow the usual rules for making NVA characters.
Hand Grenade
Your MOS is Tanker. As usual, you may spend your
Prepare Position
personal XP upgrading your vehicle.
Equipment Weight
x1 Fatigues (NVA) 2 (Negated) Handyman
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated) Guard
x1 Steel Helmet 2 Stealth
x1 Webbing Belt 0 (+10 Capacity) Fleet Footed
x1 Military Pack 4 (+15 Capacity)
x1 Entrenching Tool 2 Equipment Weight
x1 First Aid Kit 1 x1 Fatigues (NVA) 2 (Negated)
x1 Bayonet 1 x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
x1 Papers (Dog Tag) 0 x1 Entrenching Tool 2
Total Weight 10 x2 Camo Netting 4
x1 Papers (Dog Tags) 0
Take an MOS, with some changes. Total Weight 6
• The Grenadier MOS gets a Rocket Propelled
Grenade Launcher instead. Depending on the year the game is set in and the
• The Intel character is either the squad number of players, you might be driving a T-54
Commissar, or a liaison with the Viet Cong (Use a or a PT-76. You’ll probably be accompanied by a
Viet Cong profile instead.) sizeable force of infantry.
• The Gunner cannot use the Automatic Grenade
Launcher weapon. North Vietnamese Navy
The Ho Chi Minh Trail wasn’t the only way the
Instead of Helmet Scrawl, you have Canteen Art, North smuggled supplies and manpower to the
chipped out of the paint on your aluminium South. A sea route along the coast of the country
canteen. The highest-ranking member of the squad existed, using vessels disguised as fishing
gets a free Whistle to relay orders. trawls to smuggle goods ashore at night and
move important people and prisoners back north.
Similar tactics were used to move supplies down
the Mekong.

Build a profile exactly like the NVA Regular.

Your MOS is Crewman, granting you the Handyman
and Drive (any Boat) Skill. You are still armed
with rifles and such, as you might find yourself
fighting off boarders or coming ashore to assist
in a mission.

The nature of your boat is more up in the air.

You could use a Swift Boat to represent a small
gunship with a disguise, or go for an actual small
fleet of Sampans.

Using The NVA NVA Support Elements
A good objective to dispatch players on as part of
As a GM, the NVA represent the peer threat you a larger battle is destroying or capturing NVA
can throw at players, who can engage them on artillery. The NVA have learned to spread out
something resembling an equal footing. They can their artillery batteries as much as possible to
stand up and fight the player’s forces, employ reduce their vulnerability to air power, so their
artillery and vehicles, and generally match the guns will be located in twos and threes somewhere
players trick for trick, if slower and in less away from the fight, with a small infantry escort.
sophisticated a fashion. Stealth is more important than active protection
for these pieces, so they’ll usually be well hidden
NVA Infantry Organization with netting as deep in the jungle as they can get
NVA soldiers operate in 10-man squads, divided them.
into 3 “cells” of 3 soldiers, lead by a NCO. They
will carry a light machine-gun and at least one Fortunately for the PCs, the NVA usually doesn’t
rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Depending have the coordination to use the kind of
on where the squad is operating, they may be precision artillery strikes on small enemy units
wearing their uniforms or be dressed in civilian that the FWF can employ. Rather, they use their
clothes. artillery exclusively to soften large enemy
formations. Thus, the PCs should only be subject
If the players encounter the NVA on patrol, they to NVA artillery attack as part of a larger group.
will probably run into a squad with several more
nearby for backup. Similarly, players of special forces or alternate
history scenarios may be tasked with destroying
If a squad is fighting on their own, have the NVA anti-aircraft missile batteries. These
NCO stick with one cell accompanied by the batteries will be well dug-in, with surrounding
squad machine-gunner, while the other two entrenchments and garrison. It might be worth
riflemen cells advance on the player’s position noting to the players that many of these guns
from different angles. The machine-gunner can will be manned by Chinese troops, maybe even
effectively suppress the players while the two with a Russia overseer!
cells either move in close to use grenades or pick
off stragglers. In any case, the only thing that the North values
more than expensive gear is expertise, so the
The cells will pull back if they take losses, technicians that operate these machines are very
and the unit will retreat if the fight isn’t valuable. They’ll try to retreat immediately if
immediately going their way. This cell structure threatened, while their infantry escorts provide
gives you an interesting and difficult battle a rearguard action.
situation with no modification; the players must
split their fire and watch their flanks, but they NVA Vehicles
don’t need to wipe out the enemy to survive the Introducing NVA vehicles is a good way to add a
fight. If more squads join the battle, the cells complicating factor to any mission. The players
can consolidate into larger units and press the can beat a vehicle, but they need forewarning
attack more ferociously. and preparation to do so without being destroyed
in return. Knowing an armoured car or tank
Squads are organized into Platoons of 3 Squads, is operating in the area will dominate their
3 Heavy Weapons Cells, 1 Medical Cell, and an thoughts until it’s destroyed. It’s almost a boss
Officer and his Command Cell. At any given time fight!
this group will be somewhat under-strength;
hard living, disease and casualties keep the NVA NVA vehicles should be hidden under camo netting
from operating at optimal efficiency. during the day and only driven at night. They’ll
generally move slow and steady with their
Each Heavy Weapon Cell will be carrying either a headlights off. If the NVA uses vehicles to attack
medium mortar or a heavy machine-gun; these act something, it will often either in the early
as priority targets and mini-objectives for the morning, to cover their approach, or the early
players during a fight. These teams will shadow evening, to cover their escape.
the main infantry force and set up quickly behind
them. They’ll try to dig in if they have the chance. Unless your players are themselves in a powerful
vehicle or the objective is explicitly escape,
Though the medical team will be armed, they will having more than one fighting vehicle in a
mostly ignore the fight and run about trying to mission is simply too much.
assist the wounded, pulling them away from the
fight. The Command Cell will stay relatively Don’t forget about lighter vehicles, either! The
removed from the fight to direct the men, and it NVA use cargo trucks all the time, and they’ll
won’t be immediately obvious who the officers make very satisfying targets.
North Vietnamese NPCs
NVA Regular (early War) NVA Officer
A determined-looking man in a cardboard An older man in a nondescript uniform,
helmet and a khaki uniform, out for blood. scarred from previous conflicts, leading his
unit from the front.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
8 7 6 Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
7 9 6
Usually Pragmatic. Alignment
Skills Usually Pragmatic or Righteous.
Guard, Hand Grenade, Battle Rifle (Medium), Skills
Fleet-Footed, Prepare Position Guard, Hand Grenade, Assault Rifle (Medium),
Equipment Fleet-Footed, Prepare Position
A Battle Rifle (E), Webbing, Fatigues, a set of Equipment
Civilian Clothes, Entrenching Tool, Footwear, Identical to their men. NVA Officers will
2 Spare Ammo, 1 Frag Grenade and several days remove any identifying insignia before going
food and water. into battle.
Behaviour Behaviour
During patrols, NVA soldiers will always try NVA Officers are primarily charged with
to engage first and ambush the enemy, and will directing and overseeing their forces.
run if they don’t have the initiative. While Righteous Officers will lead from the front,
attacking, they will always try to have one while Egocentric officers will stay behind
group moving forward while others lay down in safety. They will not order their forces to
suppressing fire. They will place a priority surrender unless the situation is absolutely
on getting as close to the enemy as they can. hopeless.

When they retreat from a fight, NVA regulars NVA Officers and their command cells may
will often break into the cells and scatter to operate independently as advisors to the
regroup later, making pursuit more difficult. Viet Cong. These officers know they are more
They will dig in atop hills to create defensive valuable than the forces they help organize,
posts to launch patrols from. and will avoid going into battle personally.
NVA regular (Late War) NVA Crewman
A determined-looking man in a steel helmet A North Vietnamese soldier tasked with
and an olive uniform, out for blood. manning a gun or armoured vehicle.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
8 7 6 8 7 6
Alignment Alignment
Usually Pragmatic. Usually Pragmatic or Righteous.
Skills Skills
Guard, Hand Grenade, Assault Rifle (Medium), Fleet-Footed, Drive or Weapon skills related
Fleet-Footed, Prepare Position to their tasks.
Equipment Equipment
An Assault Rifle (E), Webbing, a Steel Helmet, Uniform, Webbing Belt, 2 Rations, 1 Canteen
Fatigues and Footwear, Entrenching Tool, 3 with Water, Footwear.
Spare Ammo, 2 Frag Grenades and several days Behaviour
of food and water. NVA crews of all sorts will avoid direct
Behaviour engagement outside of operating their
Later-war soldiers have grown bolder and equipment. If confronted directly, they will
more confident in launching large-scale immediately run and scatter rather than try
attacks, and much more skilled at countering to fight as infantrymen.
enemy tactics. They will use their superior
mobility to try to quickly flank enemy forces If isolated or cut off with no easy way back
and drive them into their guns. to their lines, the crew of a tank will always
abandon the vehicle rather than stay in the
If deployed alongisde armoured vehicles, obvious target too long.
detachments will ride into battle atop them.

NVA Commissar NVA Stretcher Bearer
A stern soldier in a regular uniform, watching A determined-looking soldier with a medical
their comrades carefully. bag, dashing off to recover casualties.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
7 9 6 8 9 5
Alignment Alignment
Usually Pragmatic or Righteous. Usually Idealistic or Pragmatic.
Skills Skills
English or French, Diplomacy, Eagle-Eyed, Basic Medical, Fleet-Footed, SMG (Close),
Interrogation Prepare Position, Trauma Care
Equipment Equipment
Though dressed and equipped identically to Though dressed and equipped identically to
their men, Commissars will carry a Phrasebook, their comrades, they will carry First Aid Kits
Leaflets, and a Pistol (E). and Submachine-Guns instead of rifles. One
Behaviour member of a cell will have a Medical Bag, and
NVA Commissars act as supervisors and will another a Stretcher.
keep a close eye on Idealistic or Egocentric Behaviour
officers, but will leave Righteous officers NVA Stretcher Bearers hang back and wait
to their duties and move between infantry for battles to begin, then concentrate on
squads. If their officer is killed, they will evacuating casualties from the battle zone
take command of the unit. They take a much and moving them as far back as they can. They
harder line against surrender than officers, will focus their efforts on those wounded they
and will typically try to get the unit out of feel they can treat.
danger to regroup.
Though they carry weapons, they will generally
Outside of combat, the Commissar leads his men not use them unless threatened directly.
in communist indoctrination, motivational
speeches, and critical thinking classes.
NVA SApper
An elite NVA soldier, specialising in attacks
probing deep into enemy lines and cutting
through enemy defences.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
9 9 8
Stealth, Fleet-Footed, Tunnel Rat, multiple
Weapon Skills, Hand Grenade, Explosives,
Once in a Mission, NVA Sappers can cross Barbed
Wire as a free action.
A Battle Rifle (E), Machine Pistol (E), fatigues,
an entrenching tool, a flare gun, and a variety
of ammunition, grenades and explosives.
NVA Sappers will use the cover of darkness
to infiltrate fixed enemy positions like
camps and bunkers. They will attempt to get
as far into the enemy lines as possible before
breaking cover, shooting anyone standing in
their way and destroying vehicles and ammo
dumps with their explosives. They will then
attempt a quick withdrawal, signalling the
retreat with their flare gun.

The Pathet Lao The Khmer Rouge
In the incomprehensible political mess that was The guerrilla fighters for the cause of Communism
Laos, the communist party there was militarily in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge began as a popular
represented with an organization known as the uprising and quickly became a strong military
Pathet Lao. Ironically, this organization spent force which seized control of the country.
most of its life fighting for North Vietnamese
victory rather than seizing the Laotian The Khmer Rouge had much more radical goals and
government, due to the considerable Vietnamese motivation than the other communist forces in
interests in the country. South-East Asia. The philosophy of their most
influential leader, Pol Pot, was that Cambodia
The Pathet Lao functioned similarly to most Cold had been destroyed by modernity and foreign
War-era communist militia; recruiting from influence, and only by instituting a “Year Zero”,
rural villages struck by poverty, motivated by a total reboot of society by creating an agrarian
anti-colonial sentiments and resentment of the economy and culture free of corrupting forces,
relative wealth of the urban sectors, engaged in could the country become great.
low-intensity warfare while providing local
administration to sectors of the country the
central government weren’t bothering to keep
occupied. As Laos was such a fragmented country,
the Laotian communist party could easily govern
large sections of the country without much
threat from the other two-thirds of the nominal
government, so the Pathet Lao were under very
little pressure to make major gains against the

Instead, these forces found themselves in a

fairly lucrative arrangement with the North
Vietnamese, assisting them in moving men and
material down the Ho Chi Minh Trail. In exchange
for the security and manpower they provided, the Using the Khmer Rouge
North Vietnamese looked the other way while they American ground forces and the Khmer Rouge
skimmed a little off the top, keeping some of the fought only once, in 1975, so it is unlikely that
guns, money and drugs smuggled down the trail a FWF unit would encounter the Khmer Rouge
for their own war effort. in a regular game. Likewise, given that this
organization was responsible for unspeakable
Most of the Pathet Lao’s manpower on the Trail acts of genocidal violence, you probably wouldn’t
came from a taxation scheme they had set up with want to play as them.
the villages they administered, whereby every
able-bodied adult owed the Communist Party However, it is conceivable that one might want to
a period of labour every year carrying goods. play a post-Vietnam War campaign set in Cambodia
Joining the Pathet Lao itself would get you out with the Khmer Rouge as antagonists. The players
of this and other crushing taxation burdens, but might be mercenaries working for the CIA on
the lower levels of the organization is poorly intelligence-gathering missions, or Vietnamese
motivated and morale is generally low. troops either before or during the invasion and
occupation of Cambodia to destroy the Khmer
Using the Pathet Lao Rouge government.
If you want to include the Pathet Lao in your
game, you can represent them using the Viet Cong To represent Khmer Rouge troops in these cases,
profiles. They might be encountered during one might be best off using the profiles for PRG
Special Forces incursions into Laos, or as units fighters from the Viet Cong profiles. To represent
pressed into fighting inside Vietnam. the frenzied fanaticism of these troops, give them
the Bloodlust and Cold-Blooded traits.
The Pathet Lao will be lead by North Vietnamese
Army officers and commissars, often in-uniform. Khmer Rouge troops have little organization
These officers generally treat the members of the or direction, acting at the behest of their
unit very poorly, so desertion and defection from commissars and leaders. They whip themselves
among the lower ranks is proportionately more into a frenzy and then make their way into
common than in the Viet Cong. towns, looking for anyone who can be accused
of deviance. They are not skilled fighters or
Irregulars from the Hmong people form the most tacticians by any means, but if they catch wind of
aggressive wing of the Pathet Lao, and can be a foreign presence, they will pursue and engage
represented with the Montagnard profiles. with extreme vigour.
Red Chinese PLA Soviet Union
Just north of Vietnam lies Communist China, the Soviet Russia had a lot of influence over the
world’s most populous state. North Vietnam’s Vietnam War. They supplied billions of dollars
biggest supporter in the early 1960s, they became worth of equipment to the North Vietnamese, and
more distant in the back half of the war due to thousands of members of the NVA were flown to
the Sino-Soviet Split, a series of ideological Russia for training on advanced anti-aircraft
and political divisions between the two largest systems, armoured vehicles, and aircraft.
communist powers which saw Vietnam aligning
themselves more closely with Soviet Russia. However, contrary to the swirl of rumours among
US troops at the time, the Russians never actually
Nonetheless, Red China continued to support committed troops to the conflict, save for about
the North Vietnamese, admittedly with much less 3000 advisors that served almost exclusively
enthusiasm after 1964. This support took the as technicians and overseers for anti-aircraft
form of weapons, ammunition, vehicles, financial missile batteries.
resources, and advisors, as well as some 100,000
troops of the People’s Liberation Army who
primarily served in anti-aircraft units in the
North of the country.

Using The PLA

It is unlikely for FWF players to encounter
members of the People’s Liberation Army in a
regular, historical game. However, there are two
conceivable reasons the players might be pitted
against them.

The first is an alternate history scenario wherein

US action leads to the Red China committing
troops to Vietnam, suddenly bolstering Communist Using The Spetsnaz
forces with a massive infusion of manpower and All that aside, the possibility of pitting players
technology. The second is playing as members of against an elite team of Soviet killers stalking
the Vietnamese People’s Army in 1979 during the the jungle might be too good to pass up. There
Sino-Vietnamese War. could be a variety of justifications, such as
imagining the unit as part of some incredibly
In either case, you can use this profile for secretive black ops unit, or setting the action
Chinese troops, and otherwise use the tactics, in Laos where a US Special Forces team must go up
organization and gear as you use for the NVA. As against their counterparts from the other side of
they are both using Soviet-derived equipment, the Iron Curtain.
the NVA and PLA can share ammunition.
At this point, you have already left the realm
PLA Soldier of the historic, so it mostly becomes a question
of how far you want to take it. The most honest
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency way is probably to simply use the US Green Beret
profiles with appropriately swapped weapons
7 7 6
and the presence of RPGs instead of grenade
Alignment launchers. That will give a fairly down-to-earth
Usually Pragmatic. portrayal of Soviet special forces.
Guard, Bloodlust, Hand Grenade, Assault Rifle On the other hand, if you’re going to dip into
(Medium), Melee (Bayonet) fiction, you might as well go all the way. Cold
War media in the West loved portraying Russian
Equipment agents as superhuman and their technology as
Assault Rifle, Chinese uniform, Webbing, Steel light-years ahead of the capitalist. If you’re
Helmet, footwear, and 1d3 frag grenades. playing a looser, pulpier kind of game, that
Behaviour might be exactly what is called for.
PLA soldiers suffer from poor command control
as rank has been abolished in the PLA. They You could give these soldiers 35+ point profiles
will have a difficult time coordinating their and make them Skilled at their Shock Checks. You
movements and actions. Mostly, they try to could also dip into the modern-day equipment
keep up an aggressive tempo, always attacking available in the Enduring Freedom expansion to
if they can. give the Spetsnaz cutting-edge science fiction
technology. The sky’s the limit.

Third Parties
It is a tragic reality that, in war, civilians often
Pacification Strategies
MACV tried several strategies to attempt to
sway the countryside of Vietnam to their side.
bear the brunt of the conflict. Approximately 67% Pacification programs were probably the most
of the dead in Vietnam were civilians, though successful of these. These programs involve
this doesn’t include those who died in Cambodia working directly with the local population
or Laos. through infrastructure development, food and
medical aid, and engagement with local politics
South Vietnam, being a predominately rural to sway individual towns over to their side.
and poverty-stricken nation, had most of
their civilian population spread out in small Though derided by many as soft, feel-good
villages and hamlets which ended up being both productions by the naively optimistic, these
metaphorical and literal battlegrounds between programs worked. Villages engaged in this
the two sides. Winning the loyalty of the locals, manner would cast out communist supporters,
or simply intimidating them into compliance, raise militia forces, and their rapid economic
was the central goal of both sides. turnaround both generated considerable tax
revenue and lead to increased purchasing power
The Southern government started at something and standards of living.
of a serious disadvantage in this regard.
Vietnamese nationalism was strong among much Unfortunately, the fact that they worked was seen
of the population, and the government was as a problem by the national government. South
seen as a continuation of French and Japanese Vietnam’s government had their power base in
influence over the country. The Catholic bias of the predominately Catholic urban middle and
this government also didn’t sit very well with a upper class. Increased political participation
population that primarily practiced a mixture by the rural people, especially the minority
of Buddhism and indigenous religions. populations who FWF most readily recruited, was
seen as greatly undesirable, and more than once
The North successfully capitalized on this the national government shut down attempts at
unrest by appealing to ethnic nationalism and pacification programs.
Vietnamese tradition and casting the government
of the South and her allies. Communist Vietnam’s Eventually, however, the pressure from the war
relationship with religion was more strained, forced the government to allow these efforts,
but they were more willing to appeal to Vietnamese and in 1967 they began the Civil Operations and
tradition and folklore than the Southern Revolutionary Development Support program, the
government, who toed a Catholic party line. largest and most successful pacification effort.
Encompassing every province in the country, this
Even with all the money, supplies and was a huge developmental and security drive,
infiltrators the North could muster, the Viet including the controversial but extremely
Cong would fail as an organization without effective Phoenix Program, which leveraged
support from the population of the South. It intelligence assets and incentives for reporting
would destroy their credibility as a force for suspected communists to arrest or assassinate
national unity and, without the recruitment base large number of Viet Cong. Though successful,
and logistical support of sympathetic or strong- these programs resulted in the conviction or
armed villages, their ability to make war on the death of many civilians in the process. On the
South’s government would disintegrate. civilian side, the program built irregation,
established secure roads, and vaccinated huge
swaths of the population.

The success of CORDS was such that, in many ways,

the Tet Offensive launched the year after the
project began had to be the last gasp of the Viet
Cong. The increased presence of local militia and
the closer scrutiny placed on the villages they
had used as bases meant they were rapidly running
out of their local support infrastructure and
relying increasingly on Northern manpower and

Though Tet rolled back some of the gains the

CORDS program made, this was short-lived. The
program remained hardy until the American pull-
out in 1973, at which point it rapidly decayed,
and it was rendered moot when the North invaded
and annexed the South in 1975.
Vietnam’s Minority Populations
Vietnam’s considerable ethnic diversity played Civilian NPCs
a significant part in the progress of the war for It is absolutely imperative to any game of PATROL
a variety of reasons. For the sake of simplicity, that civilians be caught up in the action. A
these minority peoples are universally referred mission without civilians involved ceased to
to as Montagnards (Highlanders) in this book, be about the Vietnam War and becomes a military
though the reality was much more complicated. fantasy story about soldiers fighting in a vacuum.
The opinions and allegiances of civilians is the
North Vietnam’s appeals to ethnic nationalism central issue of the conflict!
among the dominant Vietnamese peoples also
meant racially-motivated violence and terror Civilian Profiles & Rules
campaigns against minority populations. All able-bodied adult civilians without special
The Viet Cong disproportionately targeted training or conditioning share the same profile
Montagnard populations, sometimes wiping out of 5/5/1. They are not trained for modern warfare,
entire villages in acts of ethnic cleansing. not familiar with the tools or techniques, and
not physically or psychologically prepared.
As a result, these groups were quick to throw
in their lot with the Free World Forces, though Of course, not all civilians are able-bodied
they usually had no loyalty to the Southern adults. For the sake of simplicity, in your average
government either. The earliest special forces group of civilians, a quarter of the population
operations in Vietnam effectively leveraged the will be under 15, and another quarter will either
developing networks of minority populations in be elderly or in some way disabled, a number
Vietnam against communist forces, especially in driven by the effects of disease, malnutrition,
raiding the Ho Chi Minh Trail. and life in a war zone.

In addition to their activities with US special Child civilian characters will have a profile of
forces, some ARVN Ranger units were made up 3/3/0. They Weigh 10 instead of 20. Infants have
of Montagnards, and they formed a political no profile as they are incapable of independent
and military alliance called FULRO, known in action, and they weigh 5 each. A human being can
English as the United Front for the Liberation of carry two children or infants instead of one
Oppressed Races. adult. Typical elderly characters have profiles
of 4/6/1. However, some more infirm characters
Urban Living may have lower Fortitude.
Vietnam’s southern cities were broadly
characteristic of most recently post-colonial Civilians are not confined to villages and
urban centres, being drastically different in cities; you can find them in the countryside
character from the rural areas due to being the collecting firewood, hunting, working, or
nexus of western influence. In Vietnam, this gulf visiting relatives. Civilians groups moving in
was massive; most of the rural population lived at the jungle will talk loudly, whistle, or sing so
substance or near-substance level farming with nobody will mistake them for soldiers.
traditional techniques, while city-dwellers
lived modern, face-paced lives in urban, semi- How civilians treat soldiers will vary depending
industrialized environments. on recent events and their political allegiance.
Friendly civilians will offer soldiers food and
Vietnam’s middle class was eviscerated by the water, approach them openly, ask for help, and
war, but corruption and localization of colonial initiate conversation. Hostile civilians will
structures sustained an upper class who held usually treat soldiers like they don’t exist.
an economic and political stranglehold on the
cities. All civilians will attempt to remove themselves
from conflict areas if they are able. They will
The influx of western money caused huge spikes hide inside structures and, during fighting,
in inflation and rapidly increasing cost of generally follow any order they can understand
living while, at the same time, floods of refugees issued by any armed soldier to avoid coming to
from the rural areas of the country poured in. harm.
Many businesses catered to Western soldiers and
contractors, who could afford to pay a worthwhile Civilians do not understand modern warfare and
price, further increasing the gulf. Food prices do not know how to take effective cover. Civilians
increased and employment plummeted, causing do not increase their To-Hit values when aware
much unrest. of enemy threats, as they are not trained and
do not make wise decisions. They can still make
As a result, the cities were under strict nightly Evade actions, however, and if accompanied by
curfews, enforced by the South Vietnamese soldiers in a ratio of at least 1 soldier to every 5
national police. civilians, the soldiers can instruct them to take
proper cover and increase their To-Hit value.
Montagnards ...As FWF Irregulars
Throwing your lot in with US Special Forces
Though civilians are generally not playable, improves your modern warfighting skill
an exception is made for Montagnards and other dramatically. If you’ve had enough time to train
indigenous people who contributed fighters on with US Special Forces, add the following to your
all sides of the conflict. default profile.
Playing as Montagnards opens a wealth of Skills
possibilities for your games. An immediate 1 Modern Weapon Skill
possibility is playing the game more as a village Guard
simulator than a mission-based military game, Prepare Position
with the players acting as town leaders as well Equipment Weight
as the militia and trying to get their people
x1 Footwear 2 (Negated)
through the war as best as possible.
x1 Webbing Belt
A few Montagnard PCs can also spice up a special Total Weight 0
forces party. Maybe you only have one or two
players play as Western special forces, while the Take an SMG, Carbine, Battle Rifle or Assault
rest of the PCs take up roles as local fighters. Rifle as a service weapon.
Alternately, you could have everyone play as
Montagnards, and use the special forces as NPC
officers. ...As Integrated FWFs
As time and training went on, the Montagnards
Finally, the possibility exists of using became closer integrated into the FWF, gaining
Montagnards to offer a totally unique perspective better organization and equipment as they became
on the war, with the characters moving through a more regular part of Special Forces operations.
a conflict with no loyalties one way or another,
just trying to survive. If your group has become a strong element of
a Special Forces unit, take an MOS, and add the
following to your profile.
...As Isolated Montagnards
This character creation profile represents Skills
Montagnards operating independently of either +1 Modern Weapon Skill
side. Hand Grenade
Equipment Weight
Create 18 point characters, but add +5 to
x1 Camo Fatigues 2 (Negated)
your Vigilance by default to represent the
considerable survival skills you’ve learned. You Total Weight 0
also speak an indigenous language rather than
Vietnamese or any Western language.

Your people don’t have access to a lot of modern

technology. By default, you will possess either
a Crossbow and a Combat Knife, or a Machete. You
don’t even posses civilian clothes that would let
you blend in with Vietnamese population.

You have 9XP to spend on additional Skills, with

a few restrictions. You cannot start with weapon
skills related to any modern firearm or grenades,
or with modern techniques like SCUBA training
or parachutes. Obviously, you wouldn’t be able to
learn that stuff out in the boonies.

As for gear, you’ll need to earn XP to buy anything

other than your starting equipment. Due to your
isolation, all 0XP Supplies except Grub costs 1
XP instead.

Third Party NPCs
Montagnard Militia Western Aid Worker
You catch a glimpse of a man dressed in a A doctor or missionary working in rural
loincloth moving silently through the bush. Vietnam and getting in the way of military
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
7 10 5 Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
5 6 0
Any. Alignment
Skills Usually Idealistic.
Fleet-Footed, Survivalist, Stealth, Eagle- Skills
Eyed, 1 Weapon Skill Medicine, Trauma Care and Basic Medical,
Equipment plus Local Language. Count their Vigilance as
Crossbow and Matchete. 1/3rd will carry a doubled for medical checks.
captured firearm. Equipment
Behaviour A Medical Bag, some First Aid Kits, and a
Representing the local militia, these soldiers Backpack full of food, water and development
will shadow any combatant that enters their kits.
territory. If they see a chance, they will Behaviour
ambush and destroy Viet Cong units. This idealistic fool will find a way to make
things worse for you pretty much no matter
Montagnard Irregulars what, usually by unwittingly aiding the
An odd mix of traditional and military, a communists. They’ll probably be a belligerent
tribesman with a modern weapon and webbing. ass towards you as well.
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency Western Reporter
7 10 6 Either embedded in a military unit or
wandering the country freelance, these
Alignment reporters are always underfoot during
Any. important moments.
Fleet-Footed, Survivalist, Stealth, Eagle- Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
Eyed, 3 Weapon Skills. 5 8 3
Webbing, boots, and a random modern firearm
with plenty of ammo. A small number will wear
Camo Fatigues, and a few will carry crossbows. Skills
Nothing notable for military work.
These troops will accompany special forces Equipment
units and follow their lead. Several Cameras. Freelancers will wear
civilian clothes, and often own a motorcycle.
Old Soldier Embedded reporters will wear boots, fatigues,
An elderly villager doesn’t want to leave a flak vest and helmet. They will often also
their home, and you don’t know if you can make carry Tape Recorders.
them go without violence. Behaviour
They want to be as close to the action as
Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency
possible, no matter what that means. They’ll
5 6 6 often be brave to the point of idiocy and put the
soldiers at risk trying to pursue their story.
They will interview soldiers incessantly and
Often Idealistic or Righteous.
generally make themselves a nuisance.
Guard, 1 Weapon Skill. Normally, the reporter will not in any way
Equipment assist the war effort, though they might assist
An old bolt action rifle. in medical actions. If placed in an extreme
Behaviour situation where their survival is on the line,
Having fought the French or Japanese, this the reporter can be convinced to carry and
person has put down roots and doesn’t want to fire a weapon, use a radio, carry ammunition
go. They don’t want to hurt anyone, but they’ll or assist a gunner.
need to be talked down or put down.

Vietnam was not a static conflict by any means.
The War had multiple distinct eras involving As the war kicks off properly, increasingly large
differing levels of US involvement, different numbers of US forces are deployed to Vietnam
South Vietnamese governments, and different in hopes of stabilizing the region. Free World
compositions of forces for every side, and it raged Forces repeatedly fail to bring the Viet Cong to
on both before and after official US involvement. battle, accomplishing little.

PATROL’s core rules nebulously revolve around Important Events

the pop-culture perception of the war effort • 1965: The first US conventional forces, Marines,
from the period immediately before, during, arrive in theatre to defend US airbases.
and after the Tet Offensive, trading mostly on • The Battle of La Drang sees the US Army Air Calvary
iconic equipment and conditions even when it is pitted against a large North Vietnamese force,
sometimes anachronistic. For the sake of running convincing US commanders of the soundness of a
games that are more firmly grounded in specific war of attrition.
time periods, you can use these optional rules to • South Vietnamese troops push communists out
add flavour to a campaign. of the north of the country, reestablishing
• 1966: The US launches Operation Crimp, their
Early Days largest offensive operation, to secure the area
around Saigon. The operation fails to locate the
1955-1964 local V.C. headquaters, and further operations
The Vietnam War began almost the second the are even less successful.
country was divided, with both sides of the Cold • The NVA 324B Division launches an attack over
War quickly setting up shop. the DMZ and are repelled by Marines and ARVN
troops in Operation Hastings.
Important Events • Operation Cedar Falls, intended to drive the
• 1955: Vietnam is partitioned into two. V.C. out of the Iron Triangle, and Junction City,
• 1959: As the Ho Chi Minh Trail is established, intended to strike V.C. bases, both meets almost
the first US servicemen die in a guerilla attack. no resistance and do little more than capture
• 1960: The National Liberation Front is formed some arms caches.
and North Vietnam begins conscription for the
war. Game Modifications
• 1962: Agent Orange is first used to try to expose • The M16 has been issued, but is suffering
the Viet Cong logistics networks. reliability issues. With FWF Assault Rifles,
• 1963: The Buddhist Crisis. South Vietnamese count 2s as Failures for the purposes of FUBAR
President Diem begins a crackdown against rolls, but not for consuming ammunition.
Buddhist religious expression. His poor • All Electronics are now available, but cost +1
handling of the incident sees him overthrown XP from their listed values.
and assassinated.
• 1964: In the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, North
Vietnamese PT boats reportedly fire on the
destroyer USS Maddox in international waters.
The events and circumstances are widely
disputed. This leads to Congress approving a de
facto declaration of war in Vietnam.

Game Modifications
• As the M16 hasn’t been issued yet, American and
ARVN characters are restricted to the Battle
Rifle as a Service Weapon.
• Players should play US Special Forces, as
regular army has yet to arrive.
• Australia, Korea and Thailand have not yet
joined the war.
• The Chinook, Huey and Cobra have yet to be
fielded, and no tanks have yet been deployed.
• None of the electronics outside of Radios and
Cameras are available.
• Grenadiers receive Rifle Grenade training
instead of launchers.

Tet and Aftermath ARVN troops are killed, most of their armoured
vehicles are destroyed, and hundreds of US
1968-1970 helicopters are shot down.
After making some slow headway in late 1967, • The ARVN use helicopters to capture Tchepone
Free World Forces, confident that victory is in Laos. Soon afterwards, however, a disastrous
at hand, are sent reeling by the Tet Offensive, withdrawal is initiated.
a massive, coordinated attack by the Viet Cong • 1972: North Vietnam launches the Easter
accompanied by increasing aggression from the Offensive, capturing large areas of South
North Vietnamese Army. Vietnam. Though the NVA tske massive casualties,
they hold much of this territory.
• Operation Linebacker II, a massive strategic
Important Events bombing campaigns, is launched over the year.
• 1968: The Siege of Khe Sanh, a Marine base, It will nearly cause the complete collapse of
begins. It will last 77 days. North Vietnam’s war effort.
• The Tet Offensive is launched, coordinated • 1973: The Paris Peace Accords take place and a
strikes across Vietnam against cities and cease-fire is called. American troops leave the
military targets. Though initially effective, country, and legislation is signed preventing
Viet Cong attempts to engage in open battle their return.
see the organiztion destroyed in a manner of
• In the Battle of Hue, US Marines and ARVN push Game Modifications
Viet Cong forces out of the embattled city. Mass • American troops are suffering serious morale
graves of civilians killed by the Viet Cong are issues. Start everyone off 1 Doubt every Mission
discovered. to represent it.
• In the village of My Lai, Charlie Company of • Western squads should be accompanied by ARVN
the 20th Infantry Regiment massacres more NPC Squadmates, representing trainee soldiers
than 300 civilians with the tact approval of learning the ropes.
their commanding officers. The event would be • All Electronics cost -1 XP.
covered up for more than a year. • American Firebugs should now start with
• Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated. Incendiary Projectors, as the Flamethrower has
Riots break out in bases around Saigon from been phased out.
disillusioned Black American troops.
• 1969: Operation Menu, a bombing campaign
against NVA and Viet Cong targets in Cambodia,
Last Days
The United States has officially pulled out
• The Viet Cong, on their last legs, launch their
of the war and is retracting support for the
final offensive in late February. It is the last
South Vietnamese government, revealing huge
major offensive by Communist forces launched
systematic weaknesses in the bureaucracy and
by guerrilla fighters.
economy that is causing the country to come apart
• Ho Chi Minh dies at age 79, and Richard Nixon is
at the seams. Meanwhile, the North launches a
elected US President, promising to end the war.
final assault on the South, backed up with waves
• As National Guardsmen open fire on student
of air and armour.
protestors at Kent State, the first peace talks
begin in secret.
Important Events
• 1974: The ARVN launches the Battle of Svay
Game Modifications Rieng, their last offensive of the war.
• This is the game in its default state. No
• The NVA begins preparing for a renewed
mechanical modifications are necessary.
• 1975: The North launches a massive offensive

Vietnamization against the South. Though some areas manage to

hold out for some time, by April Siagon falls to
1971-1973 the North Vietnamese.
With American troops leaving the war, attempts
are made to bolster the ARVN to fighting shape. Game Modifications
Though results are mixed, other successes and the • Free World Forces have left Vietnam. The war is
destruction of the Viet Cong sees South Vietnam now between the ARVN and the NVA.
the most secure it has ever been. • Ammo and fuel shortages have begun for ARVN
soldiers, so all Ammo costs +1 XP. Vehicles
Important Events should start missions with 3d6 shells and 2d6
• 1971: The ARVN launches operation Lam Son Fuel instead of full compliments.
719 to destroy communist bases in Laos. The • ARVN Rangers gain the Perk To the Death. Until
attack flounders from poor organization and they surrender or use the Flee action, they gain
is then hit with massive counterattack. 9000 +2 to all Attributes.

Generic Equipment
Item Weight XP Description
Entrenching Tool 2 2 Used to dig foxholes and place mines.
Binoculars 2 2 Gives a +5 bonus to Observation rolls.
Phrasebook 1 3 Allows and gives a bonus to Interactions with locals.
Whistle 2 5 Sends signals long distances, particularly to dogs.
Flare Gun 1 2 One-use, illuminates an area and sends signals.
Crowbar 2 2 Used to pry open hatches and doors.
Toolkit 1 2 Gives bonuses for repairing, defusing traps, etc.
Wirecutters 2 2 Destroys barbed wire and telephone lines.
Flashlight 1 2 Makes local searches easier at night and sends signals.

Medical Equipment
Item Weight XP Description
First Aid Kit 1 - Consumable supply used to treat wounds.
Medical Bag 3 3 Gives bonuses to treating injured characters.
Blood Plasma 1 - Universal transfusion supply.
Stretcher 2 - Allows two characters to distribute someone’s weight.

Load-Bearing Equipment
Item Weight XP Description
Webbing Belt - 3 Doubles your Strength.
Tactical Vest - 3 Halves the Weight of the ammo you carry.
Bandoleer - 3 Halves the Weight of the grenades you carry.
Haversack 2 - Backpack that adds +10 Carrying Capacity.
Military Pack 4 1 Backpack that adds +15 Carrying Capacity.
Civilian Basket 2 1 Adds +10 Carrying Capacity. Used to hide items.
Wagon 20 - Carries up to 100. Everything in it Weighs half.

Communication Equipment
Item Weight XP Description
Portable Radio 6 5 Transmits radio signals. 12 Charges.
Handheld Radio 6 5 Transmits radio signals less efficiently. 6 Charges.
Helmet Receiver 1 3 Uses charges to receive messages.
Signal Booster 6 4 Multiplies the effect of spent Charges on radios.
Field Telephone 6 4 Transmits signals to other telephones across wires.
Field Switchboard 6 4 Used to allow networks of multiple telephones.
Telephone Headset 2 3 A mobile Field Telephone with its own electrical line.
Electrical Line 2 - 500 meters of wire for connection bombs and telephones.
Transistor Radio 2 1 Simplistic radio receiver.

Item Weight XP Description
Camera 1 2 Takes pictures for intelligence or reporting.
Starlight Scope 2 6 Gives night vision. 3 Charges.
Lineman’s Phone 3 4 Taps into telephone lines for spying.
Cassette Deck 1 2 Records and plays back audio messages.
Loudspeaker 3 2 Allows the user to project up to 250m.
People Sniffer 8 4 Backpack unit that detects hidden individuals.
Intruder Detector 1 2 A microphone connected to a transmitter for monitoring.

Wearable Items
Item Weight XP Description
Footwear 2 1 Without them, you are slower.
Poncho 2 1 Insulates you against bad weather.
Dog Tags - 1 Used to recover XP if you die. Contains your blood type.
Sniper Suit 5 5 Adds a considerable stealth bonus while stationary.
Scuba Tank 8 3 Makes swimming easier, safer, and stealthier
Fatigues 2 - Identifies you as a member of a military force.
Camo Fatigues 2 4 Gives you a Stealth Bonus in appropriate theatres.
Civvies 1 - What regular people wear.
Wetsuit 2 3 Speeds you up in water.
Field Jacket 2 1 Insulates you against the cold.

Armour and Lifesaving Gear

Item Weight XP Description
Steel Helmet 2 1 Without it, you are more vulnerable to explosives.
Flak Jacket 4 3 Gives a 6+ Armour Save.
Crash Helmet 2 3 Gives a 5+ save against attacks inside a vehicle.
Chicken Plate 10 3 Gives a 5+ Armour Save.
Parachute 10 3 Do not leave a plane without it.
Life Preserver 3 2 Makes you much less likely to drown.
Gas Mask 2 1 Protects you against chemical attack.

Rideable Equipment
Item Weight XP Description
Bicycle 8 3 Double movement rate on good terrain.
Motorcycle 16 6 Triple movement rate on roads. Uses fuel.

Item Weight XP Description
Rations 2 - Consume to remove 2 Hunger.
Grub 2 - Consume with a Rest action to remove 1 Hunger.
Care Package 1 2 Consume to remove 1 Hunger and 2 Doubt.
Tobacco 1 1 Consumed automatically every 12 Turns, removes 1 Doubt.
Chlorine Tablet 1 - Purifies drinking water.
Signal Flag 1 1 Marks hidden objects.
Development Kit 1 1 Used to bribe villagers.
Spare Battery 2 - Used to recharge Electronics.
Barbed Wire Spool 2 - Used to create anti-infantry obstacles.
Camo Netting 2 - Gives a bonus when used to conceal positions.
Leaflet 1 - Used to convey ideas or ask enemies to surrender.
Death Card 1 - Used to mark enemy bodies for XP and intimidation.

Liquid Carriers
Item Weight XP Description
Canteen 1 - Carries 2 units of liquid.
Water Carrier 6 - Carries 10 units of Water. Weighs 1 when empty.
Jerry Can 6 - Carries 12 units of liquid. Weighs 3 when empty.
Flamethrower Tank 10 - Carries 10 units of Fuel. Weighs 4 when empty.
Barrel 25 - Carries 60 units of Liquid. Weights 10 empty. Carry 1.

Item Weight XP Description
Uppers 1 2 Perks up a character, until they crash.
Downers 1 2 Negates Doubt, for a while.
Opiates 1 2 Removes Injury and Doubt, makes you sleep.
Hallucinogens - 2 Wacky random effects!

Item Weight XP Description
Assault Rifle 3 4 Flexible multi-purpose firearm.
Battle Rifle 3 4 Multi-purpose weapon for marksmen.
Pistol 1 3 Backup weapon great for taking out isolated targets.
Machine-Pistol 1 4 Backup weapon great at keeping people’s heads down.
Submachine-Gun 2 3 Light weapon fantastic at very close range.
Bolt Action Rifle 4 4 A very precise, very powerful weapon.
Shotgun 2 3 Close-ranged killer that saves on your ammo.
Light Machine-Gun 5 6 Heavy, brutal weapon for suppressing enemy squads.
Carbine 2 3 A light rifle as a backup or economy option.
Auto Carbine 2 4 A cut-down Assault Rifle for when every pound counts.
Anti-Tank Rifle 6 6 Capable of killing light vehicles and people alike.
Gyrojet - 4 An ultralight, silenced weapon with expensive ammo.

Special Firearms
Item Weight XP Description
Crossbow 3 3 Primitive silent weapon. Fires Arrows.
Medium Machine-Gun 6 6 Machine-gun with a 3 Weight tripod.
Heavy Machine-Gun 4 6 10 Weight in extra parts, fires Heavy Ammo.
Water-Cooled Mgun 8 6 Uses water to fire indefinitely. 3 Weight tripod.
Flamethrower 4 4 Converts Fuel into crispy critters at close range.
Flash Projector 6 4 A flamethrower but with long range. Fires Rockets.
Minigun 6 6 Fires Heavy Ammo. Has 11 Weight of additional parts.
MANPADS 6 6 Shoots down low-flying airplanes. Fires IR Missiles.
Rocket Launcher 5 3 Powerful tank killer. Fires Rockets.
Disposable RL 3 3 A rocket launcher with its own ammo, 1 shot.
Tow Missile 6 6 Long range rocket. 5 weight tripod, fires Wire Missiles.

Recoilless Rifles
Item Weight XP Description
Small Recoilless 8 6 Bazooka-like gun that fires Tiny Recoilless shells.
Large Recoilless 10 6 Fires Small Recoilless shells, 3 Weight tripod.

Grenade Launchers
Item Weight XP Description
Grenade Launcher 3 4 Fires Launcher Grenades out to medium range.
Automatic GL 8 6 Fires Launcher Grenades 3 at a time.
RPG Launcher 4 4 Fires Rocket Grenades out to medium range.

Most Grenades come in Hand, Launcher, Rifle and Rocket form. Rifle and Rockets have +1 Weight.
Item Weight XP Description
Frag Grenade 1 - Inflicts heavy damage to enemies outside of cover.
Concussion Grenade 1 - Blasts targets out of fortifications.
Stun Grenades 1 - Stuns target.
Anti-Tank Grenade 1 1 Has a good chance of killing light vehicles.
Defensive Grenade 1 - A safer, but slightly less effective frag grenade.
Satchel Charge 5 2 Used to level fortifications and structures.
Smoke Grenade 1 - Signal positions in colour and blocks line of sight.
CS Grenade 1 - Choking gas incapacitates and forces enemies out.
Molotov Cocktail 2 - Burns targets, even in cover or vehicles.
Incendiary Grenade 1 2 Causes excruciating injury to anyone it strikes.

Melee Weapons
Item Weight XP Description
Combat Knife 1 - Gives a +4 in Melee and inflicts 2 bonus damage.
Club 1 - Gives a +3 in Melee, only in non-lethal fights.
Machete 2 3 Deadly in melee and clears jungle for you.
Garrotte Wire 1 2 Gives you a bonus both in melee and assassinations.

Item Modifiers
Item Weight XP Description
Scope 2 4 Gives bonuses to Taking Aim.
Bipod 2 3 Count as making an additional attack for Suppression.
Suppressor 1 3 Reduces the Stealth Rating penalty for shooting.
Underbarrel Mount - - Attaches another weapon to your weapon.
Extended Magazines 1 - Use the Small Charge track for ammo, use 2 ammo to reload

Weapon Supplies
Item Weight XP Description
Spare Ammo 1 - Removes all Ammo status effect.
Heavy Ammo Belt 2 - Used by heavy machine-guns and AT rifles.
Spare Barrel 2 - Used by overheating machine-guns.
Rocket 2 - Used by rocket launchers.
Wire Missile 4 1 Used by TOW missiles.
IR Missile 4 2 Used by MANPADS.
Micro-Rockets 1 1 Used by gyrojets.
Arrows 1 - Used by crossbows and crossbow traps.

Heavy Guns
Item Weight XP Description
Autocannon 90 - Fires Tiny shells rapidly.
Light AT Cannon 120 - Fires Small shells direct-fire.
Heavy AT Cannon 150 - Fires Medium shells direct-fire.
Rocket Pod 150 - Fires Small Shells in large volleys.

Item Weight XP Description
Portable Mortar 5 6 Small artillery firing Tiny shells. 3 Weight tripod.
Medium Mortar 6 6 Artillery firing Small shells. 6 Weight in extra parts.
Heavy Mortar 12 6 Barely man-portable mortar. 24 Weight in extra parts.
Medium Artillery 400 - A smaller field piece. Fires Large shells.
Heavy Artillery 500 - A large-scale field gun. Fires Massive shells.
Long-Ranged Arty. 400 - Annoyingly long-ranged soviet gun. Fires Large shells.
Pack Howitzer 300 - A gun that breaks into 6 50 Weight parts.
Rocket Artillery 300 - Fires Medium shells in large volleys.

Check the chart on page 87 for full details.

Traps and Mines

Item Weight XP Description
Blast Mine 3 - Standard multi-purpose mine.
Non-Metallic Mine 3 - Standard mine that cannot be detected by minesweepers.
S-Mine 3 - Bounding mine that hits a whole squad at once.
Trip Flare 3 - Sets off a flare exposing whoever tripped it.
Anti-Tank Mine 3 - Mine designed to only go off for vehicles.
Toe Popper 1 - Very small, hard to detect single-target mine.
Punji Stake 2 - Used to create labour-intensive pitfall traps.
Crossbow Trap 3 - Shoots an arrow at whoever set it off.
Claymore Mine 3 - Directional command mine that shoots a wave of shrapnel.
Fougasse Barrel 8 - Barrel of fuel that incinerates an area on command.
Demolition Charge 5 - Destroys entire structures on command.
Blasting Cap 1 - Used to create improvised command traps out of scrap.

Explosive Gear
Item Weight XP Description
Bangalore Torpedo 3 - Used to clear obstacles and traps instantly.
Minesweeper 5 5 Finds hidden mines when moving cautiously.
Detonator 1 - Connects to command traps with wire to set them off.
Thermite 1 1 Used to destroy gear, artillery, and locks.

Skill List Handyman: Applies to the Repair, Sabotage Vehicle
Aquatic: Applies to Swim Actions.
and Pry Hatch Actions.
Basic Medical: Applies to the Stem Bleeding
Guard: Applies to the Sentry Action.
Interrogate: Applies to the Interrogate actions.
Bloodlust: Applies to the Charge Action.
Jump Training: Applies to Parachute Actions.
Cold Blooded: Applies to the Execute Action. Off-
limits to Idealistic characters.
Local Language: Select if Vietnamese, Indigenous
or other. Applies to Communicate Actions.
Camouflage: Applies to the Conceal Position and
Allows interactions with non-English
Conceal Vehicle Actions.
speakers without the use of a phrasebook or
Defuse: Applies to the Disable Trap Action.
Medicine: Applies To the Administer Care and
Diplomacy: Applies to Negotiate and Opposed
Transfusion Actions.
Negotiate Actions.
Melee (Weapon): Applies to Melee fighting with
Drive/Fly (Vehicle): Applies to all Vehicle Actions
this weapon.
except Repair. Specify the vehicle.
Prepare Position: Applies to Prepare Position.
Eagle-Eyed: Applies to Search and Observe
Pyromania: Applies to Arson actions and
Throw Grenade with Molotov Cocktails.
Electronics: Applies to the Adjust Frequency
Inappropriately lighting fires gives you 1 VP.
Scrambling: Applies to the Scramble Signal
Escape Artist: Applies to the Escape Restraint
SCUBA Certified: Required to use SCUBA gear.
Enemy Equipment (Type): You treat this type of
Enemy Equipment as your own for the purposes
Silent Killer: Applies to the Assassinate Action.
of Weapon Skills.
Stealth: Applies to the Conceal Self Action.
English/French/Korean/etc: Select one. Like
Local Language for Vietnamese speakers.
Survivalist: Applies to the Forage action.
Explosives: Applies to the Blast Attacks rolled
Tolerance: Applies to the Fortitude Check taken
with Mines and Claymores, and the Throw
when one uses Narcotics.
Grenade attacks used with Satchel Charges.
Tough Nut: Applies to Opposed Interrogate
E-War: Applies to Intercept Transmission Actions.
Fleet Footed: Applies to the Flee Action.
Trapper: Applies to any Set Trap Actions.
Forward Air Controller: Applies to rolling any
Trauma Care: Applies to the Treat Injury and
checks for aircraft, including Spot Target.
Revive Person Actions.
Forward Observer: Applies to the Spot Target
Tunnel Rat: Applies to the Tunnel Crawl Action.
Action for artillery.
Weapon (Range): Applies to any Attack with this
weapon at the listed range, as well as any Clear
(Type) Grenade: Applies to Throw Grenade attacks,
Action involving this weapon. Does not apply
at any range, using the listed type of Grenade
to the Enemy versions of weapons.
(ie: Hand, Rifle, Launcher or Rocket)

Turn Roundel
12 T +0:00

11 1

T +5:30 T +0:30

10 2
T +1:00
T +5:00

T +4:30
T +1:30


T +4:00
T +2:00

T +3:30
6 5
T +2:30
T +3:00

Consume appropriate supplies on

the turn Conditions would be gained
(water for thirst, rations for hunger,
Mark Thirst tobacco for doubt) to avoid gaining

Mark Hunger During Heat Wave If you’ve rested 3+ consecutive

Turns, you don’t take Exhaustion.
Z Mark Exhaustion During Cold Snap If bleeding or giving blood, double
Exhaustion and Thirst losses.
Consume Tobacco,
You can share supplies (check the
else Mark Doubt Manage Equipment Action)
Printable Status Tracks
Ammunition Track Ammo Belt Track
This card tracks ammunition consumption This card tracks consumption for belt-fed
for magazine firearms. Reset it with spare weapons. Roll 1d6 after shooting; you overheat
ammunition. Add +1 To-Hit Target if you forfeit. if you roll < times this chart was cleared.

3 2



Charge Track, Large Charge Track, Small

This card tracks Charges for electronics. It can This card tracks Charges for electronics. It can
be reset by spending a Battery. Radios operating be reset by spending a Battery. Radios operating
in the dark zone will get -2 Successes. in the dark zone will get -2 Successes.

6 3
4 2
2 1


Selective Service Form
Personal Information
Fill these fields to the best of your abilities. Misleading answers are a criminal offense.
Name Age Serial #
Rank Blood Gender Origin
MOS Outfit
Helmet Scrawl

Psychological Profile
Check one in the approved fashion. If you are unsure of your Alignment, refer to your recruitment
officer for a standard 9-point metaphysical evaluation.

Idealistic Pragmatic Righteous Egocentric

Your psych profile will be tracked on this form and duplicated for record-keeping.
Victory Experience
Points Points

Readiness AttriButes
Distribute 24 points. You must achieve a score of at least 5 in all categories to be approved.

Fortitude Vigilance Proficiency

Training Schedule
Each Skill costs 3XP. Weapon qualifications are not valid without range indicators.

Equipment Registration
Items outside of the approved list are contraband.

Listing commendations which were not issued is a violation of military law.

Property of the US ARMY

Status Effects
Exhaustion Thirst Hunger Injury Doubt

1 2

3 4

1 1 1 5 6

1 2 2 7 8

2 4 3 10

3 6 4 12

4 8 5 14

From 1961 to 1973, the United States was involved in a war unlike any it had ever fought
in its history. Millions of young Americans streamed over the Pacific Ocean to fight a
war in a country they had never heard of, and thousands didn’t come back.

PATROL is a roleplaying game for 3+ players, set during the height of the Vietnam War.
Players take the role of American GIs, ARVN soldiers, or their allies from Australia,
South Korea and Thailand, tasked with executing an indeterminable and endless campaign
of Search and Destroy across the countryside, faced with the perils of the deep jungle,
the devious cleverness of the Viet Cong, and the blunders of a disconnected command
structure. They’ll need every bit of their skill and determination to survive their tour
with their body, mind and soul intact.

PATROL’s systems have been designed from the ground-up to be an immersive and informed
game about guerrilla war, long-term missions and infantry combat.

• Fast-paced, high-lethality gameplay using real world maps.

• Highly accessible; just 3 stats, straightforward skills, and d6 pools.
• Innovative morale mechanic challenges players to make tough choices.
• Unique turn structure for realistic multi-day missions.
• Simple but meaningful logistics, without headaches.
• 204 pages of rules, gear and history.

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