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Ref AL01 OPS SC 1. 1

Approved by Oultoyin Bosoro

1. Purpose:

This procedure explains movement process of all WMS/CRT & FG from main warehouses to factory shop floor
and vice versa, and all the issues for free products, in order to make sure that all movements are under control
and are monitored properly for the purpose of Inventory control, audit, cost & insurance management.

2. Scope:

This procedure is applicable for all WMS/CRT & FG product in transit between Main Warehouses to the Factory
shop floor and vice versa in BAT Algeria.

3. Definition:
WMS/CRT & FG products shall in this context be defined as all WMS, CRT & FG that are being transferred
between different locations (MWHs, Factory shop floor).

4. Role / Responsibility:
4.1- Main Warehouses (WMS/CRT & FG)
Warehouse Supervisor:

The warehouse supervisors are fully responsible for the management of their respective warehouses.
Ref AL01 OPS SC 1. 1
Approved by Oultoyin Bosoro

Main TASKS RESPONSABILITIES Required document Mode

Transfers of CRT/WMS from WH supervisor GTN Manual
Warehouse to factory
Receptions of CRT/WMS from WH supervisor GRN Manual
Return CRT/WMS from WH supervisor GRN Manual
factory to warehouse
All movements In/Out WH supervisor Update WMS/CRT/FG status Excel sheet

4.2- Factory Shop floor (WMS/CRT & FG)

Shift Manager

Main TASKS RESPONSABILITIES Required document Mode

Transfers of FG from factory Shift Manager GTN Manual
to warehouse
Receptions of CRT/WMS from Shift Manager GRN Manual
main warehouse
Return CRT/WMS from Shift Manager GTN Manual
factory to warehouse
All movements In/Out Shift Manager Update WMS/CRT/FG status Excel sheet
Ref AL01 OPS SC 1. 1
Approved by Oultoyin Bosoro

4.3- Supply Chain Manager

To make sure that the proper process is in place and appropriate actions will be taken with
respect of documentation issuance, stock movement supervision, transaction reconciliation / data

4.4- Shift Manager

To make sure that the proper process is in place and appropriate actions will be taken with
respect of documentation issuance, stock movement supervision, transaction reconciliation / data

4.5- Operation Finance Manager

To audit implementation of this procedure and to ensure verification of the inventory data in
system vs actual physical stock in WHS.

5. Procedure Instructions: WMS/CRT Required for Production.

5.1- Prior to release any CRT/WMS from the Main Warehouses, the below steps are followed:
 Shift manager to issue and sign MIR (Material Issue request Form) based on the daily approved
production plan, taken into consideration the remaining materials at shop floor.
 MIR is sent to the Warehouse Supervisor in order to supply the Factory Shop Floor.
 Warehouse Supervisor to collect the required materials, issue and signs a GTN and load the
Ref AL01 OPS SC 1. 1
Approved by Oultoyin Bosoro

 Once the truck arrives to the Factory, the Shift Manager receives the materials, compares the
GTN with the MIR, and signs the GRN.

5.2- The transfers from the Main Warehouse are based on FIFO (First In First Out) process.

5.3- After truck's departure from MWH, the warehouse supervisor will update the stock movement file which
will be reflected on the inventoried quantities.

5.4- If there is any discrepancy on the ordered quantity or quality default, an observation will be mentioned on
the GRN. The shift Manager will inform the Warehouse Supervisor accordingly.

5.5- The Quality Inspector will fill a non-conformance template, segregate the material and instruct the WH
supervisor to return it back to the Warehouse.

5.6- Once a conversion or brand change is done from one SKU to another, the Shift Manager will fill the
Material Return from and Instruct the Warehouse Supervisor to return it back to the warehouse. The
Warehouse Supervisor will check the quantity and the quality of the returned materials fill and sign the GRN
and update the stock movement file.

6- Procedure Instructions: FG (Approved produced FG’s/Sales)

6.1- Prior to release any approved Finished Goods from the Factory Shop Floor, the below steps are followed:
 Shift manager to issue and sign GTN based on the available FG’s on the Factory Shop Floor.
 The GTN is signed by the Shift Manager, Security and Transporter.
 Warehouse Supervisor will receive the transferred FG’s, issue and signs a GRN and off-load the
truck with the presence of the Security.
 The FG’s stock movement file will be updated based on the received FG’s, which will be
reflected on the inventoried FG’s stock.
Ref AL01 OPS SC 1. 1
Approved by Oultoyin Bosoro

6.2- FG’s are stored and managed within FIFO process.

6.3- If there is any discrepancy on the GTN, the warehouse supervisor will inform immediately the Shift
Manager in order to check and rectify the issue, the discrepancy will be reported on the GRN, signed by
Security and the Warehouse Supervisor and the transporter, the signed copy will be sent to the Shift Manager
to cross-check the sent quantities.

6.4- The issue for the sales should be done based on an Invoice + DGN (Delivering Goods note), the main
warehouse supervisor / in-charge must receive the mentioned documents signed and approved by the Head of
Finance and Head of Marketing, Prepare the FG based on FIFO Process and get the documents signed by the
Tax authorities.

6.5- The documents must be in 3 original copies, one will be achieved at BATA level, and the second one is for
the Tax authorities and the 3rd one will be given to the distributor.

6.11- The duration FG is subject of an approval from the Leadership team, cascaded from the Head of
Operations to the Ops team.

7- Imported Orders: WMS & CRT

7.1- The WMS/CRT orders are mainly received by sea freight at Oran Port, Airfreight is used only for emergency
orders (new launch, avoid OOS) and for NPI projects.

7.2- Once the material is cleared, the Logistics executive will inform the warehouse supervisors and the quality
manager about the delivery date and time and provide them with the copy of the document in order to ensure
that received quantity is the same quantity that is shown on the shipping document.

7.3- Once the truck arrives to the warehouse, the Warehouse supervisor opens the containers, check visually
the conditions of the containers and the loading, if there is any discrepancy, the Warehouse Supervisor, will
Ref AL01 OPS SC 1. 1
Approved by Oultoyin Bosoro

take pictures and send them to the Quality Manager for an eventual customer complaint.

7.4- The Warehouse Supervisor to off-load the quality test palette, the Quality inspector will check the palette
and then give the approval for the off-loading.

7.5- If there is any issue with the test palette of the CRT (beetles), the Quality Manager, will order the
Warehouse Supervisor to stop the off-loading and proceed with the freezing process (if required).

7.6- If the palette test is satisfying to the quality standards, then the Warehouse Supervisor will off-load the
containers, arrange and store the imported quantities within FIFO process.

7.7- The Warehouse Supervisor will GRN the goods, and then proceeds with the update of the WMS/CRT stock
movement file.

7.8- The Warehouse Supervisor will confirm the received quantities to the Logistics Executive and the Supply
Chain Manager.

8- Free Product (marketing and internal consumption)

8.1- Before any issue of FG the main warehouse supervisor must receive an ICN (Internal Consumption Note)
with the Quantity, reason, claimant, and this document should be signed by the claimant, Finance department,
Head of function and Head of Operations. (The approval can be by E-mail if needed)

8.2- Main warehouse supervisor will issue a GTN, sign it and update the FG movement status file. When the
claimant will receive the FG he will sign on the GIN as a confirmation of reception.

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