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S c r i p t
For 6 & 7-Figure
service-Based Businesses

Make Sales A Strength In Your Company… And

Start Scaling Faster Than Ever

TA B l E O F
cO n T E n T S

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com



Hi, my name is Austin Netzley and I’m the Founder of 2X - a company

specializing in helping 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs all over the achieve:

 More Freedom
 More Cash Flow & Profits…
 And a lot more consistent (and fast) Growth!


By focusing on what really matters in business - the principles that have

withstood the test of time, not the shiny tactics that try and grab your
attention today from most ‘gurus’ out there.

We talk about strategy, systems, operations, building a world-class team

around you, knowing your numbers inside and out, turning your business into
a machine, your business model…

And taking the simplest and most direct path to your goals.

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com

After working with hundreds of entrepreneurs over the past few years, I think
I have what is the Growth Formula for small businesses…

And I’m going to share that with you.


(2X Clients that have used this Formula have generated over $140 Million
and counting in less than two years while in our 2X growth accelerator and
Machine programs… so long story short, this stuff flat-out WORKS.)

But today, it’s all about Sales…

So you can convert more deals and start growing your revenue fast.

Let’s get started…

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T H E 2 x SA l ES S c R i P T
Ov E Rv i E W

The #1 thing we hear day in and day out is…

“I just need more leads.” principle

Yet when we break it down, we realize that leads

aren’t the real problem or the first thing to tackle… Top 5 Lever to
Scale: Improving
Plus, trying to generate a bunch of leads can be Sales Conversions
time-intensive and expensive...

So, at 2X we live by finding the simplest and most

direct path to your goals. We’re always trying to take the
80/20 route to RESULTS...

And I’m here to share with you one of those shortcuts today:

We take the 80/20 Route to Results

if you can double your sales conversions, you would double your sales
without any more leads!

Same leads.
One lever.
Double your sales.

When we start with a client in the 2X Growth Accelerator, we are immediately

looking for the top levers to pull to grow more simply and consistently…

And the vast majority of the time, optimizing and improving sales
conversions is one of the top levers.

So, today we are going to teach you a few of the principles that matter in
service-based sales…

And an outline script you can start using today.

“You don’t have a leads problem,

you have a sales problem!”

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com

TO S cA l E

We don’t dive in and talk about solutions until we talk about one thing…

The Numbers.

we need to:

Understand exactly where you are so that

a we can see the real problem going on…


have a formula to big growth that we can

B see (we call it the Ultimate Formula at 2X)

I’ll dive into each of these in just a minute…

But first, let me take you back - way back - to my 2nd day in the corporate

I was fresh out of engineering school, in a new city all by myself working for
a huge oil company. Being a nerdy introvert, I was scared out of my mind...

And to make matters worse, the General Manager of our entire division walks
up to my cubicle, looks at me, and waves his finger to follow him...

My heart is about to explode. I have no idea what to expect. I stumble and

grab a notebook and pen and follow him into the conference room…

He says,
“Do you know why we’re so successful here?”

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Of course, I was too nervous to speak a word -- so I just kind of shook my

And he went on to teach me a key methodology that we still use today. We

call it the Value Chain, which is breaking down your business piece by piece,
element by element so you can maximize each step and see where the real
bottleneck is.

1 2 3 4 5 6
sales sales renewal,
awareness lead gen opportunity closing fulfillment referral
& upsell

So while most think they just have a leads problem, at 2X we have proven
over and over and over again that leads are NOT the major issue -- at least
not yet.

If you have a 10% closing ratio… and we bump that up with a couple of
tweaks to 15%, then you effectively increase your sales by 50% without any
additional cost or work!

Not a bad lever to pull!

But here’s the thing:

Most entrepreneurs and businesses focus too much on ‘putting lipstick on a

pig’ trying to fix and hide their problems (aka spending too much time on the
wrong problem)...

And it’s because they don’t know their numbers to begin with so they don’t
know the real problem(s)!

So, we need you to start tracking your key sales metrics. This will give you
the clarity of exactly what is going on so that we can make better, objective
decisions… and again, take the simplest path to big growth.

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Here are a few top KPIs (key performance
indicators) to start tracking:
Note: change these depending on how you do
sales or your model

 % of Qualified Leads Simple Numbers

 Show Up Rate of Scheduled Calls Can Lead to BIG
 Time to Close (from initial sales intro) Results
 Closing Ratio
 Average Order Value (AOV)

Start tracking at least your top 3-5 sales metrics

(by individual sales rep if you have more than one), and you’ll very soon see
what is really going on…

And then be able to make a major leap forward.

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E x P O n E n T i A l m AT H

Now, a quick little tangent…

I mentioned the 50% increase example with

one key lever.

The exciting stuff comes when you

optimize more than one step…

Let’s say you increase your sales

conversion from 10% to 15%...

And then your average lifetime value (LTV)

of a customer goes from $4,000 to $5,000
with a couple of tiny tweaks…

What you’ve just done is increase your total

business by 88%!!

Are those numbers realistic? You bet.

Exponential Math: This is one of our secret

hacks for how we so quickly double 6 and
7-figure businesses in our 90-day 2X
Growth Accelerator.

Learn to love the numbers… and the math

of fast growth. :)

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com


So the numbers will be our guide to identifying the real problems and where
you’re at now… as well as the path to your rapid growth…

But there are a few things that come before going too deep into mastering
the numbers.

When we’re looking at improving sales or marketing, the first thing we look
at is who.

Who exactly are we marketing and

selling to?
Who in detail is this person?

What are their pains, fears, desires,

goals, dreams?
What does their real-life look like?

And how does what you’re trying to sell

going to impact them?

Once we get really granular and clear on who this person is, it makes
everything else so much easier.

I will restate that because it’s important: The more clear you get on WHO
you’re selling to, the easier everything else is!

And when I say we go granular, we go DEEP into this.

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A document that explains our ideal target customer (we call our avatar “6-
Figure Nick”) is 24 pages long!

We know our ideal customer’s deep desires... Their cash flow challenges...
The feeling of the ‘hamster-wheel’ they feel like they’re on… The frustrations
with their team... The discussions with their partner/spouse… etc...

And it helps us convert at a very high level.

So, I encourage you, go deep into understanding your ideal customer.

Do NOT be general. Pick your most ideal type of customer that you can serve
(and market to), and write out their situation and the above questions in

Because we’re going to come back to these pains, fears, desires, goals, and
situations in the sales pitch.

This is step #1.

“Filter everything you’re doing, saying and pitching

through the customer point of view, and you’ll improve
just about every metric you care about today.”
– Matt Heinz

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com

T H E S EcO n d ST E P

The next piece is to figure out in detail what you’re

And the main thing is:

make it irresistible. Make it very clear

what a client gets
You now know your ideal customer in detail. Now, from you that they
we need to match up their specific goals, pains,
desires, situation, and language with your own…
can’t get anywhere
To make what you’re selling a no-brainer for them.

The best thing you can do for your sales

conversions is to have an amazing offer.

Most small businesses are bland with their marketing, bland with their offer,
and never stand out from the crowd. Here are a few tips on how to make it

 What are the top specific challenges that your ideal customer is having?
Have you communicated your offer to be the solution to overcome

 What are their top frustrations with their current situation? What about
with other related products/services they’ve bought before? Address both
to have them see that you really understand them...

 Do you know their top objections for why they won’t buy? Make sure you
address these BEFORE they come up in the buying process. This is key…

 Have the perceived value and potential price been built up so that when
you show them the actual price they feel like it’s a major deal? If not, make
sure you do…

 And last but not least, reverse the risk for them. What can you do to make
your offer come with no risk? Is there a guarantee or return policy that
seals the deal?

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You should have your own benefit statements defined and ready…

So that it is very clear what a client gets from you that they can’t get
anywhere else.

Think about these things, make your offers “irresistible”... and get ready to
double your sales conversions. :)

What Can Your Clients Get From You That

They Can’t Get Anywhere Else??

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The most important thing of all with sales…

just like it is with every other part of your

Is to make it a repeatable, scalable system.

It’s always a
Systems are the key to consistency, effective systems problem
delegation, and continued growth. They’re the
key to freedom… and great profits… and to
first and foremost
everything you want in business, really!
Seriously. Systems are the secret.

Most entrepreneurs are horrible at understanding

and leveraging systems and processes, and that’s why they never achieve the
freedom/growth/income they dream of.

systems are our secret weapon at 2X (and a huge reason for our $140+
Million in client growth)... and now they should be yours, too.

Here are a few of the elements included in our sales system that we’d
suggest for you, as well:

 A CRM to keep track of and organize your leads…

 Systemized follow up scripts, templates, and automation to make it easy

for fast, efficient, and frequent follow-up as needed…

 A proven sales script (more on that in a minute)...

 Objection handling guide - have proven strategies to squash the top

objections that come up again and again…

 Have a clear and compelling proposal or sales materials that outline the
key elements of what they need to know (so that it’s an irresistible offer)...

 And a sales tracker to track the key metrics in detail for each sales rep.
This is vital.

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com

These are a few of the key elements that
matter to optimize your sales, but always
be thinking: how do you fix the System
so that others can do sales more
repeatedly, effectively and in a scalable EVERYTHING
manner. In Your Business
Should Be
You need this for duplication across
numerous sales reps and it makes things A Systems
way easier on them and especially you!

Now, let’s get started with a key piece of

your full sales system...

The sales script.

“All wealth is based upon Systems”

– Dan Kennedy

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com

S E Rv i c E- BAS E d SA l ES S c R i P T

Example Offer:
ABC Sales Training - a sales training program to double sales conversions.

Hey {Name}, thanks for jumping on a call, how’s your day been?

That’s great.

Ok, so we have about 45 mins so I want to set an agenda to make sure we

get through everything.

I checked out your application and your website, and I think you could be a
great fit for ABC Sales Training, I’d just like to ask you a few more questions
about your business so I can give you more specific advice on how we can

Then if it sounds like we’re a good fit, I'll explain exactly how we can double
your sales conversions in 90 days and some of the success stories we’ve
had in the last few months

Then at the end of the call, you can decide on what the next steps should be.

Does that sound good?

Ok great, so firstly, tell me, what motivated you to schedule a call with me

<Dig Deeper if you don’t get enough information>

What do you mean by that?
Tell me more about that...
Why do you think that problem exists?
What else have you tried to fix this?
How long have you been dealing with this?

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Now tell me more about the business, why did you start the business in the
first place?

<Here are some examples of qualification questions. Split them into

categories so you can easily keep the flow of conversation going. It’s
important here not to make it feel like an interrogation, it should be

product ideal client

1. Tell me about your product. 1. Who is your ideal client?

What is your core offering? 2. Why do people buy from
2. How do you charge for your you?
product? 3. How many clients do you
3. Do you have any upsells / have?
downsells / cross-sells? 4. Do you measure your client

team marketing leads

1. Tell me about your team, 1. Where do most of your

how many salespeople do leads come from?
you have? 2. How much do you spend on
2. How many are A-Players? advertising?
3. Who do you think could be a
systems & numbers

pain points / goals

1. What’s your current sales
conversion rate?
1. What’s holding you back in 2. Do you know the Lifetime
sales right now? Value of each client?
2. What are the biggest pain 3. What sales process do you
points in the business? have in place now?
3. Where would you like the 4. Do you know the top 5-10
business to be in 12 objections from your
months? customers?
4. What’s the motivation for 5. Do you have set scripts on
getting to XXX? how to handle those

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T H E P i Tc H

Thanks for all the information {Name}, that’s enough for me to know you’re a
great fit for ABC Sales Training, would you like me to tell you more about
what we do and how we can help?

Our expertise is helping {insert specifics on your exact ideal customer} 6-

figure service-based businesses {insert results and benefits} double their
sales conversions and implement the sales systems they need to maintain a
world-class conversion rate as you scale to 7 figures with our 90-day sales
conversion academy.

There are 5 key elements that we will implement through our 3-month

Defining your sales process

We will build out a Sales Playbook with you, specifically for

your business and products.

This playbook will be the exact systems, scripts, and

processes that will enable you to optimize and scale your
sales department

sales techniques

We will teach your sales team the tried and tested sales
techniques for every aspect of the sales process, from how
to open a sale to closing and objection handling and
prospecting, and follow up.

proDuct offering anD positioning

We will optimize your product offering to make sure it’s

irresistible to your clients. As well as making sure you’re
positioned effectively to attract your ideal clients.

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BuilDing a worlD-class sales team

We will show you how to develop a world-class sales team,

including how to find A-players, how to nurture A-players
and how to keep A-players.

leaDership Development

We will help you identify your future leaders and nurture

them into your sales leadership roles, reducing key-man
risk and providing career paths for your team.

trial close
{Note: This is to gauge their interest and see if you’re ready to continue to the
pitch or if you have to work back to the discovery/pain/value.}

What stands out for you the most so far?


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T H E P i Tc H

Our sales coaching program is implementation based, so our goal is to focus

on 1 key strategy each week to develop your sales department into a high-
performing machine where you can take your close ratio from XX% to YY%.

We do this with two 4-hour, in-person coaching sessions each week with one
of our expert coaches.

All of our coaches are successful sales leaders themselves and have a
minimum of 10 years of experience in sales.

Our coaching sessions are 2x 4-hour, in-person sessions per week and are all
based around our {signature system/method} 2X Sales Formula.

Also included:

weekly updates on each team member

Full transparency on progress and mindset of all of your team.

sales template library

We don’t want you starting your process from scratch, so we
provide all of the templates and you need to start fast.

training library
To back up all of our coaching, your team gets access to 100’s
of hours of training content through our online training portal.
Available 24/7.

2 tickets to our 2-day sales intensive seminar

We deep dive into your sales department with our hot set

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trial close

What impact do you think this would have on your sales team?


Firstly, the investment fee for the program is backed by a 100% money-back
guarantee. We guarantee a full return on your investment within 90 days or
your money back.

The everyday price of the program including the 1-on-1 coaching twice per
week for 6 months, the template library, the online training portal, and the
mastermind event is $6000 per month.

Now we have found that people who act fast do get the best results from the
program, so we offer a fast-start incentive.

So if you like what you’ve heard and you’re ready to double your sales
conversions and join the program within the next 24 hours, then we will take
$500 off the price each month, so it’s only $5500 per month.

<Then… Shut Up! Let the silence happen. You will get a mixed response here.
Some people will ask you a question, some will stay quiet, some will say
“umm, ok” and then give you an objection, and others will say “ok great, let’s do

<Now you handle the objections!>

We guarantee a full return on your investment

within 90 days or your money back.

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com

3 F i n A l SA l ES cO n v E R S i O n

So if you have a script, optimize and tweak it

with feedback, use some of the other ‘sales
system’ elements described above…

And combine that with an Irresistible Offer for a

very specific ideal target prospect, and you’re
going to dramatically improve your sales

To help make sure this happens, here are a few

other tips to note that we live by here at 2X:

1 the 2X ‘80% sold rule’

The goal is to have the prospects be 80% sold before they see
the official offer. Otherwise, you’ll be spending too much time
educating and trying to convince your prospect when you should
be simply closing.

Do what you can to warm them up, addressing their top

objections and getting them to 80% sold before the sales

Do this and you’ll be amazed at how easy the sales conversation

is then (and watch your conversions explode as a result, too).

"The best objection-handling is objection-prevention."

– Austin Netzley

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com

2 have some urgency

One of the most common problems

we see with the vast majority of 2X principle
clients is they have a great offer…
but no urgency.

They aren’t getting the prospect to

You have to get
make a decision, and that means your prospect to
that it is very often a “no” - even make a decision
when the prospect thinks it’s a good
idea to buy!

You have to insert some urgency

and drive them in one way or another, make a decision.

3 get world-class at follow up

You’ve probably seen the stats before - the fortune is truly in the
follow up is true.

Studies show that it can take people up to 16 times or more of

seeing your brand before they’re ready to make a purchasing

And another study showed that 80% of sales are from the 5th-
12th contact! 80%!! Yet only 12% make at least three contacts…

Big money to be made there!

And big money to be made by implementing all of these key strategies into
your sales campaigns and system…

As there aren’t many better levers to pull than optimizing your sales

If you have to ‘sell’, you haven’t done marketing right

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Depending on your current sales system and experience, this can be a lot to
take in - and if you’re starting from scratch can be a bit overwhelming…

So here’s where to begin:

your sales script

Take this example template and these strategies to create your own script
with specific questions, pains to touch on and, objection handling.

This is well worth the time to invest into this, and if you need help let us know
(you can schedule a time here for a free sales-audit).

Define who

Go deep on specifically who your ideal customer is. Don’t be afraid here, get

Most are way too general and as a result can’t truly connect with a prospect’s
specific pains, dreams, desires, needs and, wants. Stand out from the crowd
by being more specific on who you can help in the biggest and best way, and
own that specific audience.

Detail out that person using the guide and questions on page XXX.

Remember: our 2X ideal customer profile is 24 pages long! So don’t be afraid

to go deep as this has a massive effect on marketing, planning, and of
course your sales conversions.

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make your offer irresistible

Odds are you have a “good” product to sell…

If you simply make the positioning and packaging of your offer substantially
better, that alone will make a huge impact.

So take some time to work through the “irresistible” process and questions,
as well.

What makes your product different and better?

What do they get from you that they can’t get anywhere else?

Position yourself and your offering as in a category of one (a “blue ocean”)

and you’ll 2X your conversions…

set up simple tracking

If you aren’t already, you NEED to track the key principle

metrics in detail…

As you can’t fix what you don’t know.

You can’t fix what
This doesn’t have to be anything crazy or you can’t see
complex, but must happen. This is one of the
first steps we do with 2X Clients so that we can
see the real bottleneck within sales.

So start small tracking just a few key metrics, and you’ll see more clearly
where to focus your time and energy.

the numbers are fact - so use them as your guide.

And last but not least,

Let’s help you put it all together…

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Double Your
Sales Conversions
Get the Free Personalized
2X Sales Audit (Valued at $997!)
What would it mean to you to have sales be a major strength of your
company? What would happen if you had a fully optimized sales system
converting at a high level?

We have seen over and over again just how important of a growth lever
improving your sales conversions is, so we’ve put together a fully customized
deep-dive 2X Sales Audit to:

 Show you the 10 key elements of a world-class sales system…

 Identify your exact bottleneck holding your sales back…
 Help you create an objection-handling guide to squash the top objections

And ultimately help you double your sales conversions.

Take advantage of this limited-time opportunity and get your free personalized
2X Sales Audit now:

This is a $997 value including a personalized review, deep-dive audit, the top
10 elements of our 2X sales system, key tracking metrics, a free customized
1-on-1 consultation and more.

Make sales a strength in your company… and start scaling faster than ever.

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com

Our Results
over $140 million and Counting Generated By Clients
While In The 2X Growth Coaching Programs!
(Let Alone What Happens After 2X)

patrick Bennett
Pat went from 6 to 7 Figures & “Got His Life Back” In 2X!

elizabeth Benton
She Exploded to 7-Figures In The 2X Accelerator

alex schlinsky
Alex 3X’ed His Already 6-Figure Business In Just 45 Days!

Copyright 2X 2019 | Scale2X.com

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