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6 Electrical Installation, Safety and Maintenance

1. Code: EET 04102

2. Name: Electrical Installation, Safety and Maintenance

3. Number of Credits: 6

4. Sub – Enabling Outcomes:

1.2.1 Apply first aid methods to treat victims of electric accidents/shocks and use of
fire-fighting equipment
1.2.2 Identify the correct tools, cables and wiring accessories for a particular
installation task/work.
1.2.3 Construct and install simple lighting circuits commonly used in domestic

5. Pre – requisite Modules: None

6. Learning Context:
This module will be delivered by introductory lectures, Classroom discussion,
demonstrations and class exercises.

7. Learning Materials:
Overhead projector and transparencies
i. IEEE 17th edition,(2008), “Wiring Regulations-Design and verification of electrical
installations”, By Scaddan
ii. J.M. Hyde, (2001), “Electrical Installation Principles and Practices” Macmillan publishers
iii. Chapman W.A, (2001), Workshop Technology, CBS Publishers & Distributors
iv. S.L Uppal. (1997), ‘’Electrical Wiring Estimating and Costing’’, 5th Edition,
Khanna Publishers.
v. Trevor Linsley (1998) 3rd Edn,”Advanced Electrical Installation” Arnod Publishers

8. Integrated Method of Assessment:

Continuous Assessment 40%
End of Semester Examination 60%

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