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Considere as afirmações abaixo:

To the editor:
An engineer dies and reports to pearly I. São Pedro telefonou ao Diabo para obter
gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, informações sobre o comportamento do
"Ah, you're an engineer – you're in the wrong engenheiro no inferno.
place." II. O dia-a-dia no inferno tornou-se muito
So the engineer reports to the gates of melhor após a chegada do engenheiro.
hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets III. São Pedro ameaçou mover uma ação
dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and judicial contra o Diabo caso ele
starts designing and building improvements. desprezasse os serviços do engenheiro.
After a while, they're got air conditioning and
flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer is – Está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto:
a pretty popular guy.
One day St. Peter calls Satan up on a) apenas a I.
the telephone and says with a sneer, "So, how's b) apenas a II.
it going down there in hell?" c) apenas a III.
Satan replies, "Hey, things are going d) apenas a I e III.
great! We've got air conditioning and flush e) apenas a II e III.
toilets and escalators, and there's no telling
what this engineer is going to come up with 002 [ITA 2001]
next." Ao afirmar "…and there's no telling what this
St. Peter replies, "What? You've got an engineer is going to come up with next", o
engineer? That's a mistake – he should never Diabo quer dizer que:
have gotten down there; send him up here."
Satan says, "No way. I like having an engineer a) já sabe do novo projeto do engenheiro, mas
on the staff, and I'm keeping him." não pretende contá-lo a São Pedro.
St. Peter says, "Send him back up here b) o engenheiro não quer divulgar o seu próximo
or I'll sue." Satan laughs uproariously projeto.
and answers, "Yeah, right. c) o engenheiro aguarda instruções para
And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?" implementar outras benfeitorias no inferno.
d) ninguém no inferno fala sobre os próximos
H.D. Mt projetos do engenheiro.
Vemon, Iowa, USA
e) mal pode esperar para ver a próxima
The Institute June,
1997 (adapted). benfeitoria que o engenheiro irá introduzir no

Why Honeybees are Vanishing

The mysterious phenomenon known as

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder has been worrying
scientists, beekeepers and growers for months
now. Without the domesticated bees that are
trucked around the country to pollinate such
crops as almonds, peaches, blueberries,
cucumbers and squash (but not, fortunately,
wheat or corn), supplies would plummet.
Theories about why huge numbers of
hives have been abandoned, their inhabitants
presumably dead, have included parasites and
environmental toxins, but now Science magazine
is weighing in with a suite of papers, based on
genomic analysis, that points to a microbe called
Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus. The authors of the
papers are pretty convinced that the virus is a
significant part of the problem, yet probably not
the only one. Parasites and pesticides almost
certainly weakened the bees, allowing the virus
to have maximum effect. Still, identifying the
virus could be a big step toward reversing the big
bee die-off.

From: http://time-
003 [UFC 2008] b) They have found the cure for Israeli Acute
The main purpose of this text is to: Paralysis Virus.
c) The bees are weakening parasites and
a) inform about a new theory concerning the pesticides.
disappearance of domesticated bees. d) Many domesticated bees have disappeared.
b) define a mysterious phenomenon called Bee e) The virus has reversed the big bee die-off.
Colony Collapse Disorder.
c) discuss a new genomic analysis conducted by 008 [UFC 2008]
Science magazine. The sentence “Parasites and pesticides almost
d) inquire readers about the death of a large certainly weakened the bees, allowing the virus
number of bees. to have maximum effect” means that parasites
e) extinguish the pesticides which are killing and pesticides:
many bees.
a) are strong participating elements that
004 [UFC 2008] might have strengthened the virus.
Choose the correct alternative according to the b) are undoubtedly the elements responsible
text: for the situation described.
c) made the virus strong enough to kill them.
a) Once the virus is identified, the problem d) have killed the virus.
occurring with the bees can easily be solved. e) have killed the bees.
b) Scientists do not seem to be interested in
the disappearance of the honeybees.
c) All crops around the country are affected by
the mysterious phenomenon.
d) Beekeepers and growers consider the bees
to be domesticated creatures.
e) The author expresses a relief when he refers
to wheat and corn crops.

005 [UFC 2008]

Choose the alternative where the meaning of the
verb ‘plummet’ is correct:

a) The poor population cannot have access to

buying a house as prices have plummeted
b) The stock market has suffered a depression
and stock options have dramatically plummeted.
c) Famous artists around the world have
plummeted campaigns to encourage food
d) The government has solved a nation problem
as the level of literacy has plummeted.
e) The crowd waved goodbye as soon as the
airplane plummeted up into the sky.
006 [UFC 2008]
The conclusion drawn from the sentence “The
authors of the papers are pretty convinced that
the virus is a significant part of the problem,
yet probably not the only one” is that:

a) the virus is the only pretty part of this

significant problem.
b) despite it all, the authors are convinced the
virus is not significant.
c) although the virus is a major problem
involved, there might be others.
d) the researchers haven’t reached the
significant part of this problem yet.
e) the authors of the papers are certain the
virus has, alone, caused all the problems.

007 [UFC 2008]

According to the text, what seems to be the
result deriving from this phenomenon?

a) Scientists have discovered a disease called

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder.

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