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APPENDIX G. B-BtEGHEN.201 C ALARM CODES ‘This part of this manual deseribe and actions, alarm codes, alarm severity, cause: 17 Barascen in APPENDIX G -918- APPENDIX @ A-BrasHEN- ZION C.1 DESCRIPTION OF AN ALARM CODE TABLE am SRVO-001 SERVO OPERATING PANEL E-stop Ce 1 | Ai cle 3 Amey 2 | Mescoge | ‘Alarm cade Alarm [D: Alarm type ‘Alarm number ‘Alarm message: Description of the-alarm Alarm severity Program Rabot ae ‘Range NONE Does not stop. Does not stop, Not turned off WARN Does not stop. Does not stop. | Not tumed off PAUSE.L Halls, Decelerates and ‘Not turned off Lacal PAUSE.G cops. Global STOP.L ‘Halts, Decelerates and Not turned off Lecal STOP.G stops. Global SERVO. Halts, Stops immedia Tumed off Global (ABORT. ‘Terminates forcibly. | Decelerates and | Not turned off Local ABORT.G stops. Global SERVO 2 ‘Terminates forcibly. | Stopsimmediately. | Turned off Global SYSTEM Terminates forcibly. | Stopsimmediat ‘Tumed aff Global Range Range in which the alarm is applied when muliple programs run simultaneously (multitask function) Local The alarm is applied only to a program which has eaused the alarm. + Global The alarm is applied to all programs. 119. Barasten201 APPENDIX C An alarty is issued when a failure occurs while the program is aught or played buck or when the gency stop signal or another alarm signal is input from a peripheral unit, The alarm is issued to notify the operator of the failure so the operator ean halt processing for sifety’s sake. OTE Man alarm whose number is not described herein occurs, contact FANUC Robotics. Alarm codes display or indication An alarm is issued when a failure occurs while the program is taught or played back or when the ruency stop signal or another alarm signals is input from a peripheral unit, The alarm is issued to notify the operator of the failure so the operator ean balt processing for safety's sake. Alarm codes display or indication When an alarm is issued, the alarm LED lights on the teach pendant and the alarm message is dis- played in the firstand second line af the screen, The operator can find out which alarm has been issued by looking at the LED and message. a (S mwrp-220 (emmnen, 6) Jump tabet ie a2 ya5-027 Specified Line dose not exist en 1 | Alaa ode Dera code (UD-pumbse C.14a) Alarm Display 920- APPENDIX G Alarm severity BeMeEN201 How to operate the program or the robot until the program or the rabot stops depends on the seriousne: severity is indicated a of the cause of the alarm, This "seriousness" is culled, ane arm severity, The degree of alarm s follows: ‘Tab, CL Alarm severity Alarm severity Deseription. WARN alarm A WARN alarm warns the operator of a comparatively minor or unimportant Failure ‘The WARN alarm doesnot affect the operatian of the robot, When the WARN alarm occurs. no corresponding LED on the teach pendant or the machine operatar’s panel lights. To prevent a possible failure, appropriate action should be taken. PAUSE alarm ‘When a PAUSE alarm occurs, the execution af the program is halted, arid the operation of the robot is stopped aficr the operation in progress is completed Appropriate action must be taken for the alarm before the program is restarted. STOP alaem ‘When a STOP alarm accurs, the execution of the program is halted, and the rabot is decelerated until itis stopped. A propriate action must be taken for the alarm before the program is restarted. SERVO alarm ‘When a SERVO alarm accurs, the power tothe serve system is turned off to halt the execution of the program and tostop the robot immediately. & SERVO alarm is issued for satety's sake oF when a failure eccurs during robot operation, ABORT alarm ‘When an ABORT alarm occurs, the execution of the program is forcibly terminated, and the rabot is decelerated untit ic is stopped, SERVO 2 alarm ‘When a SERVO 2 alarm occurs, the power to the servo system is tumed off ta forcibly terminate the program and to stop the robot immediately. A SERVO alarm is issued for safety's sce or when a failure occurs during robot operation. SYSTEM alarm A SYSTEM alarms issued when a majorsystern failure occurs, When the SYSTEM alarm is issued, every robot in the systemis disabled. After taking appropriate action for the alarm. tum the power off. the turn it on again one Baneien-ot APPENDIX G ———— Active alarm sereen ‘The active alarm screen displays only active alarni(s). Once the ulurms have been eliminated by alarm clear signal input, the active alarm screen reads "THERE ARE NO ACTIVE ALARMS." The screen displays the alarm(s) output alter the lastalarm clear signal input. When the delete key (+ shill} is pressed on the alarm history screen, the corresponding alarm is ¢leared frem the active Jarm screen The screen shows alarms having a severity level of PAUSE orhigher, WARN or NONE alarms or resets are net displayed. Some PAUSE ularms or more severe alarms may not be displayed if system variables such as SER_NOHIS are set accordingly. If multiple alarms they were detected, Up to 100 lines can be displayed. If'an alarm has a cause code, the cause code is dis we detected, the screen displays the alurms in the opposite order to that in which ved below the alarm display line, ] MENU koy pressed, Alam Kay pressed) Automateally danlayes thon 4 ALARM soinctes when an alarm is cutout © Active alarm sereon displayed FS [ACTIVE] pressed t | Foprstipesses @ @ Alarm history screen displayed 1 | MENU key pressed thon ALARM selected 3 | FSIACTIVE] posed 2 | Aarm key preso— | FsyntsTypreses 3 _ | Autemaiclly displayed wbew an arin is cup 7 | Alarm history screen displayed | Activeatarm ccroeen displayed Fiz. C.1¢b) Procedure for Displaying the Active Alarm Sereen and Alarm Histary 922. APPENDIX C Baraaen2w1 Automatic alarm display funetion When an alarm which will cause the system to stop(PAUSE or severer alarm) is detected, the autonratic alarm screen display function automatically displays the alarm sereen, This function frees the operator of having to display the alarm screen and enables the direct cause of the system failure to be found quickly. NOTE Once the display requirements are satisfied, the alarm sereen is autom: alarm is detected at start-up, ‘The automatic alarm display is performe mode. ally displayed even if an spective of the start NOTE If an alarm is detected when a CRT is connected, the alarm screen is displ: pendant and the CRT. ryed on both the teach ‘The requirements for automatic alarm screen display are as described below: + When the flag of the automatic alarm screen display function is set On the system setting screen, select AUTO. DISPLAY OF ALARM MENU to enable or disable the automatic display function. The function is disabled by default. For this change to take effect, the power must be tured off und then on again. -> See Section 3.14. + When the Auto. display of alarm menu flag for an alarm severity level is set SER_SEV_NOAUTO] sets whether automatic alarm screen display is enabled or disabled for alarm severity level, There are seven levels of alarm severity, NONE and WARN alarms will not affect program execution or robot operation and will not instigate the automatic display, Aulomatic display is enabled for PAUSE and severer alarms by default, The setting can be changed on the system wariable screen. ‘System varinble Corresponding alarm severity level Standard setting SER_SEV_NOAUTO [1] | PAUSE TRUE $ER_SEV_NOAUTO [2] STOP, S$ER_SEV_NOAUTO (3) SERVO: ¥_NOAUTO [4], ABORT SER_SE! LOAUTO [5] SYSTEM TRUE FALSE: Automatic alarm screen display is disabled TRUE: Automatic alarm sereen display is enabled, NOTE If'a PAUSE alarm is detected, followed by an ABORT alarm, when the automatie display of a PAUSE alarm is disabled, automatic display is not performed during fault output, * Automatic display of a particular alarm can be disabled. . he automatic alarm screen display function can be disabled for a particular alarm. Lip to ten such alarms can be set on the system variable screen, If a specified alarm is detected while automatic alarm screen display is enabled, the alarm screen will not be automatically displayed 803. Bancien201 APPENDIX G “This setting is made with the following system variables: stem variable Desert SER_NOAUTO. Enables or disables the function suppress aslomatic alarm sereen display for an SNOAUTO_ENB | alarm specified in SER_NOAUTO.NOAUTO_CODEI while the automatic alae screen display is enabled. FALSE: anction to suppress automatic alarm sereen display’ is disabled. “TRUE: The funetion to suppress automatic alarm seneen display is enabled. _NOAUTO ‘Sets the number of alarms set in SER_NOAUTO.NOAUTO_CODEL]. SNOAUTO_NUM | SER_NAOUTO. Error number consisting of alarm ID and alarm number SNOAUTO_CODE | Example LL 002 (Servo 002 alarm) [to 10] Alarm ID Alarm number Alarm ID > See Section C2 Forthe alarms listed below, which are cuused by a user operation and which cause the system to stop, SER_NOAUTO.SNOAUTO_ENB is set to TRUE by default, When the setting is changed ta FALSE, the corresponding alarm sereen is automatically displayed. Servo 001 Operator's panel emergency stop Seno 002 ‘Teach pendant emergency stop | Servo 003 Deadman’s switel | Servo 004 2 Ops Servo 005 ‘Teach pendant released (mount/unenount button of the teach pendant pressed) Servo 012 Power restoration Whenan alarm setin $ER_NOAUTOSNOAUTO_CODEf] and another alarm are detected in that order While SER_NOAUTO.$NOAUTO_ENB is set to TRUE, automatic display is not performed. © When fault omper is in progress 1 the alarm sereen is automatically displayed each time a PAUSE or severer alarm is detected, the alarm screen may be displayed while alarm recovery or setting check is being performed on another screen, The serecns will be frequently switched, which can interfere with recovery and ather operations, To prevent this from occbrring, automatic display is not performed While an alarm is active, ‘Whether there is am active alarm can be checked by the fault signal output. While the fault signal is cutput irespective of the servo start-up, automatic display is not performed even if an alarm is detected NOTE ‘When a PAUSE, STOP, or ABORT alarm is detected, the fault signal is output with the servo system started. Each time an alarm clear signal is input, the fault signal is reset. IF continuous ‘monitoring is performed to raise an alarm (NO ARC PROCESS /0 BOARD, for instance), automatic alarm display may be performed at exch reset input, 94 APPENDIX C Baiaseenicn ss SSS NOTE When a SERVO or SYSTEM alarm is detected, the fault signal is reset afler the servo system starts. Automatic return function ‘The automatic retum function displays the screen which was di when an alarm clear signal is input. This function is used tage ‘The automatic return function operates as deseribed below: + When the automatic alarm screen display function is enabled, the alarm screen is automatically displayed if an alarm is raised. When the alarm is eliminated by the input of an alarm clear signal the previous sereen is automatically slisplayed. + If the alarm screen is not displayed automatically because of an alarm but menu selection, the previous sereen is not displayed even if un ‘+ If another sereen is displayed before an alarm clear si does not operate, ay'ed until altomnatic sereen display with the avtomatie disphiy function played by means of arm lear signal is input, al is inpul, the automatic retum fun + The automatic reum function operates when the fault signal output is tumed off. + Ifthe power is tumed off or on after the alarm screen is displayed by the automatie display function, the automatic return function does not work after the start-up. This is not affected by the start mode. (cold start, hot start, ete.). Procedure C-1 Displaying the alarm occurrence/alarm history/alarm detail information lo display the sereen menu. 2. Select "4 ALARM ‘The alarm occurrence sereen is displayed. If an alarm is detccted, the active alarm screen is automatically displayed. 2 vonmaL ross fe 4 ALAnt AWTP-224 (EAMPLEL, £) Sump dabel failed #170 alarm active gor 30.4 yaye-o2) specified Line. does 3, To display the alarm history screen, press F3 [HIST]. When F3 [ACTIVE] is pressed, the active alarm screen appears again -— Alarmerseugungs Cose 95 APPENDIX C powacieN.201 4 Hinnr-274 (SAMPLE, 1) Jump Label ix 2 shvo-doz Teach pendant Estep Seeser 4 SRv0-027 Robot aot mastered (aroup:t) sxst026 systen normal power Ep NOTE The latest alarm is assigned number 1."To view messages that are currently not on the screen, press the F5, HELP, then press the right urrow key, 4, To display the alarm detail screen, press the F5 "HELP" key. IeTeea24 (SAMPEEL, 7) Jump label 4s tail aerp-aa4 (eu@eet, 7) Jump inbel ds fait Yae027 Epeckfied Eine does not axtst 30-MAY-44 O7E18 aNrek avoaa te alas 1 om Anbel 4a top [ere conan eur 5. To return to the alarm history screen, press the PREV key, Prev U 6. To delete all the alarm histories, press and hald down the SHIFT key, then press the F4 "CLEAR™ key. as, a 7a fy err) EVES [NOTE | | When system variable SER_NOHIS = 1, NONE alarms or WARN alarms are not recorded. When | SER_NOHIS = 2, resets are not recorded in the alarm history. When SER_NOHIS = 3, reset [WARN alarms, and NONE alarms are not recored, 926 APPENDIX BaMBENZD Procedure C-2 Halt caused by a major alarms and recoveries Halt caused by a major alarm ‘Step 1. When an alarm is issued, the running program sereen of the teach pendint An alarm message is also displayed on the screen of the teach pendunt and the ALARM lamp lights halted, and PAUSED or END is displayed on the Recovery from a deadman switch alarm (SERVO-003) Step 1. Press and hold down the deadman switch, then press the RESET key. = ee fenvon80) Seadman mitch celeen ‘Saene Soren 204 ninating an overtravel alarm (servo 005) Step 1, Press the MENU key to display the sereen menu, 2. Press 0 NEXT PAGE, then select @ SYSTEM on the next page. Press Fl [TYPE], then select OT RELEASE. The OT Release sereen appears. ‘5 Pearse ESTE | | see — 7 Ft] 921: Bessa52en.2007 APPENDIX C Press F2 [RELEASE] to release the overtravel axis, ‘While holding down the shift key. press the alarm clear button. ‘While holding down the shift key. press the jog key to move the tool along the overtravel axis into the movable range, Recovery from a broken wrist alarm (SERVO-006) Step 1. Press and hold down the SI key. then press the RESET key gonrr 30% 2, While pressing the SHIFT Key, press th it can be repaired. c jog key to move the robot to a position where Recovery from a pulse mismatch alarm, a BZAL alarm and a RCAL alarm (SRVO.-038, 062, 063) Step 1. Press the MENUS. key to display the screen menu, ee smvon034 Pulte minaaton enone some 308 2 “Q - NEXT =." and then select "6 SYSTEM" on the next page. Press Fi ITYPE]" and then sclect "Variables". A system variable screen is displayed. 3, Sct TRUE to SMCR,SSPC_RESET. (This system variable is automatically set t FALSE. soon again.) 4. Press RESET key to release 9 alarm, NOTE ‘The mastering data may be correct even if pulse count mismatch alarm is detected. If the mastering data is correct, mastering need nat be perfarmed. Merely set SDMR_GRP.SMASTER_DONE to true, then sclect 6 MASTER/CAL on the positioning sereen, 928. APPENDIX G p-sie5sen207 ) Recover: from othe Step 1. Remove the 2. Press the RESET key to reset the alarm, Then, the alarm message disappears om the sereen of the teach pendant, The ALARM LED goes aff se of an alarm. For example, correct the program. 929. APPENDIX C APPENDIX C Beanasten01 SSS C.2 ALARM CODES €.2.1 SRVO Error Codes (ID=11) SRVO-001 SERVO Operator panel E-stop (Cause) The operator panel emergency stop push bution is pressed. (Remedy) Twist the operator panel emergency stop push button clockwise to release and press. RESET. SRVO-002 SERVO Teach pendant E-stop (Cause) The emergency stop bution on the teach pendant was pressed (Remedy) Release the emergency stop button on the teach pendant SRV0-003 SERVO Deadman switch released (Cause) The deadinan’s switch was not pressed when the teach pendant was enabled. (Remedy) Press the deadman’s switch to enable operation of the robot. SRVO-004 SERVO Fence open (Cause) Onthe terminal block on the printed circuit board of theoperator's panel, noconne is established between the FENCE and FENCE? signals. When a satety doo! connected, it is open, (Remedy) Establish a connection between FENCE! and FENCE?. then press the reset key. When a safety door is connected, clase the door before starting work. ion SRVO-005 SERVO Robot overtravel (Cause) A hardware limitswiteb an an axis was tripped, Usually, the movement of the robatis prevented from exceeding a limit beyond the maximum range of movement (software limits) for each axis. However, when the robot is shipped, the overtravel state is set for transit (Remedy 1) Cheek the fuse (F4) in the power supply unit, Replace the fuse if ithas blown, (Remedy 2) Release the overtravel axis by using the overtravel releuse sereen ISYSTEM OT RELEASE] (Remedy 3) While holding down the shift key, press the alsrm release button to release the alarm, (Remedy 4) Move the overiravel axis to within the movable range by holding down the shift ke performing jog feed. (Remedy 3) For the model using the B cabinet, check the fuse (F2)on the printed circuit board for emergency stop control. Replace the fuse if it has blown. (Remedy 6) Replace the printed cireuit board for emergency stop control. il 93h APPENDIX C SRVO-006 SERVO Hand broken (Cause) A safety hand has broken. If no broken hand can be found, however, the most likely cause is the HBK ial of a robot connection cable being at the 0 V level. (Remedy 1) Cheek the fuse (F4) in the power supply unit, Replace the fuse if it has blown. (Remedy 2) While holding down the shill key, press the alarm release button to cle, (Remedy 3) While holding down the shift key, pasition the to0! to the workplace by performing jog feed. - Replace the safety hand, Check the cable. the alarm. SRVO-007 SERVO External emergency stops sc) The external emergency stop push button is pressed. On the terminal block of the printed circuit board for emergency stop contral,no connection is established between EMGIN| and EMGIN2. (Remedy) Fusing external emergency stop. clcur source of fault and press RESET. If not using extemal emergeney stop, check wiring at EMGINI, EMGIN2 SRVO-008 SERVO Brake fuse blown (Cause) The brake fuse is blown on the EMG Contral peb. (Remedy) Replace the fuse. Check the LED (FALM) on the printed cirewit board for emergency slop control to determine whether the fuse has blown, SRVO-009 SERVO Pneumatic pressure alarm (Cause) The pneumatic pressure alarm indicates the presence of a defect. If the pneumat pressure alarm is not detected, however, the most likely cause is the PPABN signal of a robot connection cable being at the 0 ¥ level. (Remedy) If the pneumatic pressure alarm is not detected, check the cable: SRVO-010 SERVO Belt broken (Cause) The bell broken robot digital input (RDI7) (Remedy 1) If the belt is found to be deft asserted, in uny way, repair it und then press the reset key (Remedy 2) When the belt is found to be normal, signal RDI [7] in the robot connection cable may be abnormal, Cheek the cable. (Remedy 3) Check system variable $PARAM_GROUP.SBELT_ENABLE, SRVO-011 SERVO TP released while enabled (Cause) "The teach pendant attachment switch on the operator's panel was operated while the teach pendant was enabled. (Remedy) Reconnect the teach pendant cable 1o continue operation, SRVO-012 SERVO Power failure recovery (Cause) Normal power on (hot start). (Remedy) ‘This is just notification. You do nat have ta do anything for this warning message 032. APPENDIX Beraseenzo1 2s SRYO-013 SYSTEM Srvo module config changed (Cause) Upon power-up with power restoration enabled (hot start), the configuration of the DSP modules on the axis control printed circuit board and the multi-function printed circuit board has been changed. (Remedy) Turn on the power in cold start mode, SRVO-014 WARN Fan mot (Cause) A fan motor in the control unit is abnormal abnormal (Remedy) Check the fan motors and fan motor connection cables. Replace any faulty fan motors) and/or cable(s). SRVO-015 SERVO System over heat (Cause) The temperature of the control unit is higher than the specified value. (Remedy 1) If the ambient temperature is higher than the specified temperature (ASC), provide ventilation to reduce the ambient temperature to the specified valu (Remedy 2) Check that the fans are operating normally, If pot,check the fan motors and fan motor connection cables, Replace any faulty fin motor(s) and/or cable(s). (Remedy 3) If the thermostat on the backplane printed circuit board is faulty, replace the backplane unit, SRVO-016 SERVO Cooling water volume drop (Cause) Cooling water volume dropped. (Remedy) Consult our service representative SRVO-017 SERVO No robot internal mirror (Cause) No robot internal mirror. (Remedy) Consult our service representative. SRVO-018 SERVO Brake abnormal (Cause) The current for brake exceeded the specification, (Remedy 1) For the $-800 or §-900 robot, check the fuse (F1) on the printed eireuit board for emergency stop control. (Remedy 2) Check the brake cable, (Remedy 3) Replace the amplitier. (Remedy 4) Check the 100-VAC input voltage, Ifa voltage of 90 VAC or less is detected, check the input power supply voltage. 933. BeWHIEN201 APPENDIX oo SRVO-021 SERVO SRDY off (Group: ‘ed Axis:ed) When HRDY is on, SRDY is off even though no other alarm cause is present. (HRDY is the signal sent from the host to the servo system to specify whether to (um the servo amplificr’s MCC on or off. SRDY is the signal sent from the servo system to thehostteindicate whether the servo amplitier’s MCC isonoroff. Generally. ifaserve amplifier’s MCC is not tured on despite the signal for turning the MCC on having been isstied, an alarm is issued for the scrvo amplifier. ‘The host dees not issue this alarm (SRDY off) if'an alarm for the servo amplificr isdetected. So, this alarm indicates that the MCC is not turned on when no error can be found.) (Remedy 1) Check whether the door is open. Alsa check the door switch, (Remedy 2) Check the 200 VAC voltage applied to the servo amplitier If the voltage is found to be 170 VAC or lower, check the mput power supply voltage. (Remedy 3) Replace the emergency stop control printed board, (Remedy 4) Replace the main CPU printed cireuit board. (Remedy 5) Check the following cables. Replace them if necessary (Remedy 6) Replace the servo amplifier SRVO0.032 SERVO SRDY on (Group: Sed Axis:ed) SRDY was already on when an attempt was made to turn on the MCC with HRDY, CHRDY isthe signal sent from the host ta the servo system to specify whether to tum the servo amplifier’s MCC on or off, SRDY is the signal sent fram the servo system 10 the host to indicate whether a serve amplifier's MCC is on or aff.) (Remedy 1) Replace the emergency stop control printed board, (Remedy 2) Replace the main CPU printed circuit board, (Remedy 3) Check the cable linking the serve amplifier and main CPU printed circuit board, If any abnormality is found, replace the eable (Cause) (Remedy 4) Replace the servo amplifier. SRV0-023 SERVO Stop error excess(Group: Sed Axis: %d) (Cause) An excessive servo positional error occurred when the motor stopped. (Remedy 1) Check whether the applicd load execeds the rating. If so, reduce the applied load, (If an excessive load is applied, the torque required far acceleration, deceleration, and so forth exceeds the maximum available Corque of the mator. Therefore it may prove penis surety semen ot Sted np, J eu alarm. (Remedy 2) Check each interphase voltage of the three-phase voltage (200 VAC) applied to the servo amplifier. If the voltage is found to be 170 VAC or below, check the input power supply voltage, (A sub-standard voltage, applied to a serve amplifier results 1n a Jower-than-normal torque. Therefore, it may’ prove impossible to correctly respond to an issued command, thus resulting in the autpul of this alarm.) (Remedy 3) Whe input power supply voltage is found tobe 170 VAC or higher eplage the serv amplifier, (Remedy 4) Replace the motor. 984 APPENDIX G SRVO.024 5 VO Move error excess((iroup: Seal Axis: %d) (Cause) When the robot moved, the servo positional error exceeded a previously specified value ($PARAM_GROU.SMOVER_OFFST or $PARAM_GROUPSTRKERRLIM). Forexample, this error will accur if the feedrate of the robot differs from that specified (Remedy) Perlerm the same action as that described for the previous item. SRYO-025 SERVO Motn dt overflow (Group: ed Axis: Sed) «Cause) The value entered with a commuand is too large (Remedy) — Perform a cold start: 1.'Tum off the robot. 2, On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot 4. Ifthe ertor is not cleared, document the events that led to the error SRVO-026 WARN Motor speed limit(Group:%d A’ (Cause) ‘An attempt was made to exceed the maximum muted moto (SPARAM_GROUP.SMOT_SPD_LIM}, The motor speed is clamped to its maximum rated value, (Remedy) This is just a notification. However, you should attempt to climinate this errar and not repeat the circumstances that led up fo it SRYO-027 WARN Robot m (Cause) Am attempt wi (Remedy) Perform mastering from the calibration sereen [6 SYST mastered(Group:%dl) made to perform calibration, but mastering has not yet been completed. M CALIBRATION]. SRVO-030 SERVO Brake on hold (Group: %d) (Cause) When the temporary stop alarm function ($SCR.$BRKHOLD_ENB=1) is enabled, this alarm is issued whenever a temporary stop is made, When this function is not to be used, di Ne the functic (Remedy) Disable [TEMPORARY STOP/SERVO OFF]on the general itemsetting screen [6 GENERAL SETTING ITEMS]. SRVO-031 SERVO User servo-alarm (Group: Sed) (Cause) A.user servo alarm was issued. This alarm is raised when system variable S$MCR_GRP[i]. SSOFT_ALARM is set to TRUE. Only KAREL users can use this variable, however, (Remedy) — This is just a notification. You da not have to do anything for this warning message, SRVOQ-033 WARN Robot not calibrated(Group:¢ed) (Cause) An attempt was made to set «reference point for simple mastering, but calibration has not yet been completed. (Remedy) Perform calibration by following the procedure below L. Turn on the power. 2. Exceute [CALIBRATION] from the calibration screen (6 SYSTEM CALIBRATION]. 35. B-eiHEHENZ01 APPENDIX SSS SRVO-034 WARN Ref pos not set (Group: %d) (Cause) Anattempt was made to perform simple masteri not yet been se (Remedy) Sct reference point for simple mastering from the calibration screen. ag, but a required reference point has SRVO-035 WARN Joint speed limit(Group: Sed Axis: 4d) ¢Cause) An attempt was muue to exceed the maximum joint speed (SPARAM_GROUP. SINTVELLIM), The joint speed is clamped to its maximum rated value (Remedy) Every attempt should be made to el pinate this error, SRV'0-036 SERVO Inpos time over (Group: %d Axis: Fed) (Cause) ‘The in-position monitor time ($PARAM_GROUP.SINPOS. TIME) has elapsed, but the in-position state (SPARAM_GROUP.$STOPTOL) has not yet been set. (Remedy) Perform the same action as that specified for Servo -023 (step error excess). SRV0-037 SERVO IMSTP input (Group:%ed) (Cause) The *IMSTP signal, which is a peripheral device /O signal, is applied (Remedy) Tum on the *IMSTP_ SRVO-038 SERVO2 Pulse mismatch (Group: Sed A (Cause) A pulse count detceted at power-off differs from that detected at power-on. (Remedy) Contact our service center serving your locality SRVO-040 WARN Mastered at mark pos(Group: 4) (Cause) Zero position master is done with mark posi (Remedy) This is not an alarm. SRVO-041 SERVO2 MOF AL alarm (Group: Sed Axis: Gd) (Cause) A value specified with a command is too large. (Remedy) — Document the events locality. 1 (not with zero position). ait led to the error and contact our service center serving your SRVO-043 SERVO DCAL alarm(Group:%d Axis: fed) {Cause} The energy produced by the regenerative disehurge is exeessive. As a result, all the yenerated eneray eannot be dissipated as heat, (When 2 robot isto be operated, a servo implifier feeds energy to the robot, Along its vertical axis, however, the robot moves downword using potential energy. Ifthe decrease in the potential enerey exceeds the acceleration energy, the servo amplifier receives energy from the motor. This also ‘occurs during deceleration even if the force of gravity has no effect. This energy is called regenerative energy. Normally, the servo amplifier dissipates this regenerative energy by converting it to heat. When the amount of regenerative energy exceeds the amountof energy that can be dissipated as heat,excessenergy accumulates intheservo amplifier, thus triggering this alarm.) “D8 APPENDIX @ B-srsEN201 oo —— (Remedy) When the LED indicator of the servo umplitier PSM displays "8" (DCOH alarm) (The DCOH alarm isissued when the thermostat detects overheating of theregenc ve (a) This alarm may be raised when acceleration/deceleration is frequently performed or when a large umount of tegenerulive energy is generated in the vertical ais. In such cases, the robot should be used under less demanding conditions, {b) Replace the regenerative resistor, 4c) Check the cable between the servo amplifier (CN8A) and the regenerative resistor, Replace it if necessary (d) Replace the serve amplifier. SRVO-044 SERVO HVA! (Cause) The DC voltage (DC link voltage) of the main circuit power supply is abnormally high, ‘The LED indicator of the servo amplifier PSM displays "7." (Remedy 1) Check the three-phase input voltage applied tothe serve amplifier. When the voltage is 253 VAC or higher, check the input power supply voltage. (If the motor is abruptly accelerated or decelerated while the three-phase input voltage exceeds 253 VAC, this alarm muy be issued, ) (Remedy 2) Check whether the applied load is within the rated value. If the rated loa reduce the applied lead. (II's load exceeds the rated vulue, built-up regener may cause this alarm to be issued even when the three-phase input Voltag. specifications.) (Remedy 3) Check the cables (CN3 and CNA) in the ampli (Remedy 4) Cheek the cable between the main CPU printed circuit board far emergeney stap control RVI), (Remedy 5) Replice the servo amplifier alarm(Group: ed Anis: Sed) exceeded, veenerey e satisfies the Replace them if necessary suit board (JRV 1) and the printed SRVO-045 SERVO HCAL alarm(Group: ed Axis:%d) (Cause) An excessively high current flowed through the main circuit of a servo amplifier. ‘The LED indicator on the servo amplifier PSM displays "=" One of the red LEDs (HCI to HCG) above the 7-segment LED is lit, indicating the axis. for which the HCAL alarm is detected, (Remedy 1) Disconnect the motor power line from the terminal block of the servo amp! tum on the power. If this alarm is still issued, replace the servo amplifier. (Remedy 2) Remove the motor power line from the terminal block of the servo amplifier, then check the insulation between U, V, and W of the motor power line and GND. If a short circuit is found, check the motor, robot connection cable, or robot internal cable. Ifany abnormality is found, replace the faulty hardware. (Remedy 3) Remove the moter power line from the terminal block of the servo amplifier, then check the resistance between U and V, V and W, and W and U of the moter power line usi 4 measuring instrument capable of detecting very low resistances. If the measured resistances differ Irom each other, check the motor, robot cennection cable, or robot internal cable, If any abnormality is found, replace the faulty hardware. (Remedy 4) Replace the main CPU printed circuit board. 937 APPENDIX G SRVO-046 8 (Causey (Remedy |) {Remedy 2) (Remedy 3) (Remedy 4) (Remedy 5) SRVO-047 SERVO L) (Cause) (Remedy 1) (Remedy 2) IRVO2 OVE alarm (Group:%ed Axis: Sa) ‘This alarm is issued to protect the motor when there is a danger of thermal destruction when the root-mean-squate current Value, calculated internally by the servo system. exceeds the maximum permissible value. ‘Check the operating conditions of the robot. If the robot's ratings, such as the rated duty’ ‘eycle and loud, are exceeded, modify the use of the robot such that the rated values are not exceeded, Cheek euch interphase voltage of the three-phase voltage (200 VAC) applied to the servo umplificr. If the applied voltage is fund to be 170 VAC or less, check the input power supply voltage, Replace the main CPU péinted circuit board, Replace the servo amplifier, Replace the motor, AL alarm(Group:ted Axis: Sed) Despite: the external magnetic contactor for a servo umpliier being on, the DC voltage (DC link voltage) of the main circuit power supply or the contre power supply voltage (45 V) is excessively low When the LED indicator on servo amplifier displays "6" (This alarm is issued when the control power supply voltage (+5 V) 1s excessively low): 2) Check each interphase voltage of the three-phase voltage (200 VAC) applied to the servo amplifier, If the applied voltage is found to be 170 VAC ar less, eheck the input power supply voltage. byReplace the servo amplificr. When the LED indicator on the servo amplifier displays "4" (This alarm is issued when the DC voltage (DC link voltage) of the main circuit power supply is excessively low. a) Check each interphase voltage of the three-phase voltage (200 VAC) applied to the servo amplifier. [f the applied voltage is found to be 170 VAC or less, check the input power supply voltage. Check the serve amplifier's circuit breaker. Close the circuit breaker i is found to be off, b) Replace the serve ampli SRVQ-049 SERVO OHALI alarm (Group:fed Axis: fd) {Causey (Remedy 1} (Remedy 2) (Remedy 3) (Remedy 4) (Remedy 5) A servo amplifier’s buil umplifier PSM displays’ ‘Check the operating conditions of the robot. If any of the ratings specified far the rabot, such as its rated duty cycle or load, are exceeded, madify the use of the robot such that ‘the ratings are not exceeded. ‘Check whether the fuse (FL) im the servo amplifier has blowa, Check the cable between the servo amplifier (NSB) and the transformer, Replace it if neeesss Cheek the cable (CN) in the Replace the servo amplificr. In thermostat was actuated, The LED indicator on the servo V0 amplifier. Replace it if necessary, 938. APPENDIX. G Beerancen-207 ee SRVO-050 SERVO CLALM alarm (Group: Sed Axis: %d) (Cause) An excessively large disturbance torque is estimated by the servo software (A collision was detected.) (Remedy 1} Check whether the robot has collided with an object. If's0, reset the system, then move the robot away from the location of the collision by using jog, (Remedy 2) Check thatthe applied load does not exceed the maximum rating. If the rated load is ‘exezeded, reduce the applica load. (I the rabot is used with an excessive load applied, the estimated disturbance may become excessively large, resulting in this alarm being ‘ouiput.} (Remedy 3) Check whether the payload information has been set correctly al the motion performance screen (Remedy 4) [this alarm occurs when the robot is used after long time interval or when the temperature is very low, run the robot with very low speed for a while before running ‘with normal speed (Remedy 5) Check whether all of the connectors for power and brake Tine aren’t be loosened, And if there is any failure with the connector such as terminal bending. dent, etc., replace it. (Remedy 6) Check each interphase voltage of the three-phase voltage (200 VAC) applied to the servo-amplifier, If the upplied voltage is found to be 170 VAC or less, check the input power supply voltage. (Remedy 7) ‘There might be a failure with the following parts, Replace it or contact FANU office. + Servo amplifier * Servo motor * Cable in the mechanical unit (powerdbrake unit) + Robot connection cable (power/brake line} Aux. axis brake unit (if this alarm occurs with aux. axis) SRVO-051 SERVO2 CUER alarm(Group:%d Anis: %d) (Cause) The offset of a current feedback value is excessively large. (Remedy 1) Replace the main CPU printed circuit board. (Remedy 2) Replace the servo amplifier. SRVO-053 WARN Disturbance excess(Group:%d Axis: ed) (Cause) Disturbance estimated in the software exceed the threshold value. There is a possibility that the load held in the wrist exceed the robot specification, (Remedy) If operation is allowed to continue, a detection error may result. On the status screen containing the disturbance value, specify a new value for the acceptable disturbance limit. SRVO.054 SYSTEM DSM memory error (DSM: ed) (Cause) The DSP module program memory is defective ice the DSP module. (Remedy) — Rep SRVO-055 SERVO2 FSSB com error 1 (Group:%d Axis: fd) (Cause) FSSB communication error from SRVO ta SLAVE occured (Remedy) — Check FSSB hardware connection. 939) PeasstEN-2.01 APPENDIX a SRVO-056 SERVO? (Cause) FSSB communication error from SLAVE (Remedy) — Check FSSB hardware conneetion. SB com error 2 (Group: "ed Anis: Sd) 10 SRVO occured SRVO-057 SERVQ2 FSSB diseannect (Group: 9d Axis:Sed) (Cause) FSS'B for communication from SLAVE w SRVO is disconnected. (Remedy) — Check FSSB hardware connection, SRVO-058 SYSTEM FSSB it (Cause) F (Remedy) Cheek terror (Ned) communication error occured during initialization SB hardware connection, SRVO.059 SYSTEM Servo amp init error (Cause) Servo amplifier initializing is failed. (Remedy) — Check the servo amplifier and its wiring. Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-061 SERVO? CKAL alarmiGroup:%ed Anis: ed) (Cause) The elock for the rotation counter in the pulse coder is abnormal, (Remedy) If this alarm occurs along with a SRVO-068 DTERR, SRVO-069 CRCERR, or SRVO-070 STBERR, disregard this alarm and refer to the other three alarm remedies Replace the pulse coder or motor and muster the robot, SRV0-062 SERVO2 BZAL alarm(Group:ted Axis: Fed) (Cause) This alarm is issued when the battery for backing up the absolute position data of the pulse coder is not connected. ‘The battery cable inside the robot may have become disconnected. (Remedy) Correct the cause of the alarm, then lum on the power aguin after setting the system variable (SMCR.$SPC_RESET) to true, Mastering is required. SRVO-063 SERVO2 RCAL alarm(Group:%d Axis: Sed) (Cause) The built-in rotation counter on the pulse cader is abnormal (Remedy 1) Eliminate the eause of the alarm, Set system variable SMCR.SSPC_RESET to TRUE. and ium the power off and then on again. Mastering must be performed. (Remedy 2) Replace the pulse coder. Mastering must be performed. NOTE: ‘The RCAL alarm may be displayed when any of the "SERVO-068 DTERR, ” ERVO-069 CRCERR.” or "SERVO-070 STBERR" alarms is raised. In this case, however, the RCAL alarm is not actually raised, SRVO-064 SERVO2 PHAL alarm(Group: Sed Axis:éd) (Cause) This alarms issued when the phuse of a pulse signal generated by the pulse coder is abnormal (Remedy) Replace the pulse coder. After replacing. perform mastering. NOTE: Ifthe DTERR, CRCERR, or STBERR alarm is issued, this alarm muy also be Output at the same time, Should this occur, however, this alarm can he safely ignored, 40- APPENDIX BB oten201 2]. SSS SRVO-065 WARN BLAL alarm(Group:%d Avis:%d) (Cause) The battery voltuge for the pulse coder has dropped below the allowable minimum, (Remedy) Replace the battery. (When this alarm is issued, immediately replace the battery while the system power is turned on, If the BZAL alarm is issued because the ballery is not replaced in time, position data will be lost, thus necessitating robot mastering, SRVO-066 SERVO2 CSAL alarn(Group: Sd Axis" d) c )} The pulse coder ROM checksum data are abnormal, (Remedy) If this alarm oceurs along with a SRVO-N68 DTERR, SRVO-069 CRCERR. or S5RVO-070 STBERR, disregard this alarm and refer to the other thege alurm remedies, Replace the pulse coder or motor and master the robot. aus SRVO-067 SERVO2 OHAL2 alarm (Group: Sed Axis: %d) (Caus ) The temperature inside the pulse coder has become too high. causing the built-in thermostat to actuate. (Remedy 1) Cheek the operating conditions of the robot. If any of the rating specified for the robot, such as its rated duty eyele or foad, are exceeded, modify the use of the robot such that the ratings are not exceeded (Remedy 2) If overh al m is issued, even when the power is tured on and the motor has not |. replace the motor, SRVO-068 SERVO2 DTERR alarm (Group: %d Axis:%d) (Cause) A request signal was sent to the seria! pulse coder, but no serial data was returned, (Remedy 1) Check the cable ketween the main CPU printed circuit board (JRF2) and the printed circuit board for emergency stop control (IRF2). Replace it if necessary. (Remedy 2) For a model with the robat connestion cable, check the cable and replace it if necessary, Then, cheek connecter P| on the connector panel of the mechanical unit {Remedy 3) Repluce the serial pulse coder, SRVO-069 SERVO2 CRCERR alarm (Group: %%d Ay (Cause) Serial data changed during transfer. SRVO-070 SERVO2 STBERR alarm (Group: 4d Axis: Sd) (Cause) A serial data start bit or stap bit error occurred. (Remedy 1) Check that the shields of the robot connection cable (for the pulse coder signal) and peripheral devive eubles ure securely connected to a ground plate. (Remedy 2) Cheek that eaeh unit is securely grounded, (Remedy 3) Replace the printed circuit baard for emergency stop control. (Remedy 4) Replace the cable between the printed circuit bourd for emergency stop control an the main CPL. (Remedy 5) Replace the main CPU printed circuit board. (Remedy 6) Replace the pulse coder, ufter whi (Remedy 7) Replace the robot connection cable (for the pulse coder signal. ch mastering must be performed. 4 B-eransEN-201 APPENDIX C SRVO-071 SERVO2 SPHAL alarm (Gre d Axis: Sd) (Cause) The feedback specd is abnormally high (3750 rpm or greater), (Remedy 1) This alarm does not indicate the main cause of the prablem if issued together with the PHAL alarm (alarm No. 064). (Remedy 2) Check whether the load applied to the robot exceeds 1 maximum rating. : If the rated load is exceeded, reduce the applied loud. After replacing perform mastering. (Remedy 3) Replace the pulse coder of the meator, SRV0-072 SERVO2 PMAL alarm(Group:%d Axis: Sed) (Cause) The pulse coder may be fuuhy, (Remedy) — Replace the pulse coder, then perform mastering, SRVO-073 SERVO2 CMAL alarm(Group:%d_ Axis: ed) (Cause) The pulse coder may be faulty, or naise may be causing the pulse coder to malfunction (Remedy) Perform simple mastering and improve the shielding. SRVO-074 SERVO2 LDAL alarm(Group:%d Anis: Sed) (Cause) The LED on the pulse coder has become disconnected. (Remedy) Replace the pulse coder, then perform mastering. SRVO-075 WARN Pulse not established(Group:%ed Axis: % d) (Causey The absolute position of the pulse coder has not yet been established. (Remedy) Using job feed, move the robot along each axis for which this alarm is issued, until the alarm is not re-issued after being cleared. SRVQ-076 Tip Stick Detection (Graup:%ed Axis: %d) (Causey The servo software has detected an excessive disturbunce torque al the beginning of operation, (Remedy) Press the reset key om the teach pendant to cause a reset, and separate the robot from all obstacles hy jogging. If neither a deposition nora collision has accurred, it is likely that the lnad on the robot is heavier than the rating ‘Check the input voltage of the servo amplitier. Eueh phase-to-phase voltage must be higher than 170 VAC. Check the U-V, VW, and U-W voltages. They must be the same voltage (210 VAC or below). Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-081 WARN EROFL alarm (Track enc:%d) (Causey The fine tacking pulse count overflowed. (Remedy) Contact our service center serving your locality, 42. APPENDIX C BATISIEN 20) SRVO-082 WARN DAL alarm(Track ene:%d) (Cause) Line tracking pulse coder disconnected, (Remedy 1} Check the corresponding line tracking connection to the axis contreal printed circuit bourd, (Remedy 2) Check the pulse eader cable (Remedy 3) Replace the SIF and DSM modules on the axis control printed eirevit board, (Remedy 4) Rey ¢ the pulse coder, SRVO-083 WARN CKAL alarm (Track enc:4¢d) (Cause) ‘The clock for the rotation counter in the line tracking pulse coder is abnormal. (Remedy) Refer to SRVO-06L. SRVO-084 WARN BZAL alarm (Track ene: %d} (Cause) This ularm is issued when the battery for backing up the absolute position data for the pulse coder is not connected. dy) See the description for Servo - 062 BZAL alacm, (Re SRVO-085 WARN RCAL alarm (Track enc:"%d) (Cause) The built-in rotation counter on the line tracking pulse coder is abnormal (Remedy) Refer to SRVO-063. SRVO-086 WARN PHAL alarm (Track ene:% 4) (Cause) This alarm is issued when the phase of a puls abnormal (Remedy) See the deseription for Servo 064 PHAL alarm. SRVO-087 WARN BLAL alarm (Track ene: Sd) (Cause) This alarmis issued when the battery vollage for backing up the absolute position data of the pulse coder has dropped. (Remedy) See the description for Servo - 065 BLA\ jgnal generated by the pulse coder is alarm, SRVO-088 WARN CSAL alarm (Track ene: Sed) (Cause) The ling tracking pulse coder ROM checksum data are abnormal, (Remedy) Refer to SRVO-066. RVO-089 WARN OHAL2 alarm (Track enc: %d) (Cause) The motor has overheated. (Remedy) See the description for Serva - 067 OHAL2 alarm, SRVO-090 WARN DTERR alarm (Track enc: %d) (Cause) Anertor occurred during communication between the pulse coder and main CPU printed cireuit board. (Remedy) See the description for Servo - 068 DTERR alarm. 943. en1anens APPENDIX G —_——$———$ SRVO.091 WARN CRCERR alarm (Track ene: ed) (Cause) An enor eccurred during communication between the pulse coder and main CPU printed circuit board. (Remedy) See the description for Servo - 069 CRCERR alarm. SRV0-092 WARN STBERR alarm (Track ene:@d) (Cause) An error-eceurred during communication between the pulse coder and main CPU printed cirouis board. (Remedy) Sec the description for Servo - 070 STBERR alarm SRVO-093 WARN SPHAL alarm (Track enc: ed) (Cause) This alarm is issued when the position data sent from the pulse coder is considerably greater than the previous data, (Remedy) See the description for Servo - 071 SPHAL alarm. SRVO-094 WARN PMAL alarm (Track ene:éd) (Cause) The pulse coder may be faulty, (Remedy) Sev the description for Servo- 072 PMAL alarm. SRVO.095 WARN CMAL alarm (Track ene: ed) (Cause) The pulse coder may be fuuliy. Or, noise may have caused the pulse coder to malfunction. (Remedy) — Sce the description for Servo- 073 CMAL alarm. SRVO-096 WARN LDAL alarm (Track ene: Sed) (Cause) The LED on the pulse coder has become disconnected. (Remedy) See the description for Servo - 074 LDAL alarm, SRVO-097 WARN Pulse not established(Ene:%d) (Cause) The absolute position of the pulse coder has not yet been established (Remedy) See the description for Servo - 075 Pulse not established. SRVO-101 SERVO Robot overtravel(Robot:% d) (Causey A Robot overtravel Fimit sw (Remedy) — Referto SRVO-005. SRVO-102 SERVO Hand broken (Robot:%d) (Cause) The hand broken (*HBK) robot input is asserted. (Remedy) — Refer to SRVO-006. ch is pressed, SRVO-103 SERVO Air pressure alarm(Rbts %d) {Cause} The pheumatic pressure (PPABN) cobot input is asserted, (Remedy) — Referto SRVO-009. APPENDIX C bstanaen-2on «2s SRWVO-105 SERVO Door open or E.Stop (Cause) Controller door is opened Or the E.stop signals are detected fora short time, Ora mis-wiri f hardware connection. (Remedy) Close controller door And press RESET. If reset is nav effective, correct hardware connection SRVO-106 SERVO Door open/EStop (Robot: (Cause) The controller door was apened, An emergency stop signal was detected temporarily A hardware disconnection occurred. (Remedy) Close the controller door, and press the resct key. It no reset oceurs, repair the hard: it Relerto the maintenance manual, Sed) SRVO-108 Press RESET to enable robot (Cause) When the enable/disable switch is set to "Enable," it is necessary t0 cause (Remedy) To enable the robot, press the reset key. SRVO-111 SERVO Softfloat time out(Group:%d) (Cause) Follow-up time is ever when sofifloat is OFF. (Remedy) Make $SFLT_FUPTIM larger. SRVO-112 PAUSE.G Softflaat time out(Group: %d) (Cause) Follow-up time is over when sofifloat is OFF. (Remedy) Make $SPLT_FUPTIM larger, SRVO-121 SERVO Excessive accidec time(Group: ed) (Cause) Acceleration time is much longer. (Remedy) — Contact our service center serving your locality SRVO-122 SERVO Bad last ang(internal(Group: ed) (Cause) Last angle update request does nat match current angle. (Remedy) — Contact our service center serving your locality. SRVO-122 Bad last ang(internal(Group: %d) (Cause) Last angle update request docs not match current angle Motion speed is 100 high to pecform quick stop. (Remedy) Report to hotline Reduce the mot n speed. SRVO-126 SERVO Quiek stop error (Group:%d) (Cause) The program was over in process of a quick stop. (Remedy) Press reset 985: BEMEIENZIO1 APPENDIX —_ SRVO-130 SERVO OHAL[(PSM) alarm (Group: Sd Axis: Sed) (Cause) The servo umplifier(PSM) overheated. (Remedy) Lower the duty cycle of operation. SRVO-131 SERVO LVAL(PSM) alarm(Group:%d Axis: %d) (Cause) The DC voltage on the main power circuit of the servo: amplifier is lower than the specification even though MCC is on, (Remedy) Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-132 SERVO HICAL(PSM) akarm(Group: Sed Axis:Sed) (Cause) ‘The eurrent in the main power circuit of the servo amplifier excceded specification, (Remedy) Refer to the maintenance manual, SRVO-133 SERVO FSAL(PSM) alarm (Group: %d A: (Cause) Cooling fan for Control citcuit stops. (Remedy) Refer to the maintenance manual. Seal) SRVO-134 SERVO DCLVAL(PSM) alarm (Group: “ed Axis:Sed) (Causey) Back-up charge eireuit for amplifier have trouble. (Remedy) — Check the cables and connections between amplifier(CN |) and MCC. Check the fuse(FI_F3) in transtormer. A using Becabinet Replace: the EMG Control printed circuit board. Replace the amplifier. SRVO-135 SERVO ESAL alarm (Group:‘ed Axis: Sed) (Cause) Cooling tan for Control eircuit stops. (Remedy) Check or Replace the fan. SRVO-136 SERVO DCLVAL alarm (Group: %d Axis: ed) (Caused Back-up charge eireuit for amplifier have trouble. (Remedy) Check the cables and connections between amplifier(CN1) and MCC, ‘Check the fuse(F1,F3) in transformer. If using B-cabinet Replace the EMG C Replace the amplifi intro! printed circuit board. SRVO-138 SERVO SDAL alarm (Group:%ed Axis: % d) (Cause) A pulse coder signal error was detected by software, The probable cause is noise or a failure (disconnection) in the pulse coder internal circuit, (Remedy) If a normal operation ean be resumed by tuming the controller power off and on again, itis likely that the cause is noise. Enhance the shielding of the pulse coder cable, Ifa normal operation cannot be resumed by turning the controller power off and on again, the pulse coder is defectiv Replace it, and perform mastering. 946 APPENDIX C B-GASAEN-2IOn SS SRVO-148 HCAL(CNV) alarm (Group: al Axis:%d) (Cause) The current of the main power supply circuit of the servo amplifier has exceeded the rating, {Remedy) Remove the motor power Lines from the servo amplifier, and then turn the power en. II HCAL still occurs, replace the servo amplificr and transistor module. Mesure the resistance between the grounding wire and cach of the U, V, and W lines at the cable terminal there is a short-cireuit, cheek whether i ‘V-W and U-W resistances with a measur al the end of a eable. If the same resistance is observed, replace the servo amplifier. Ifa different resistance is observed, check whether the cable or motor is defective IF the problem is not yet solved. replace the uxis contro] SIF module for the axis of interest Refer to the maintenance manuall. able or motar is defective.Check the U-V, ig instrument that ean detect u low resistance SRVO-151 FSALCINY) alarm (Group:%ed Axis:%ed) (Causey) The cooling fan for the control cireuit has stopped. (Remedy) Check the fan, or remove it Refer to the maintenance manual. VO-156 SERVO IPMAL alarm (Group: d Axis: Sd) (Cause) IPM module has trouble (Remedy) Replace the IPM mudule, Refer to the maintenanee manual for detail. SRVO-157 SERVO CHGAL alarm (Group: d Anis: %d). (Cause) Charge of the main circuit could not finish within specified time. (Remedy) DC link may short-cireuit, Check the connections, Electric resistance to restrict charge current may be defective. Replace the wiring bourd. Refer fo the maintenance manual for deteil. SRV0-160 SERVO PanelExternal E-stop (Cause) The emergency stop button on the operator's panel was pressed, or the external emergency stop function was activated, (EMGIN | and EMGINC até not strapped to. each other, Or, EMGIN2 and EMGINC are not strapped to cach other.) (Remedy) Release the emergency stop bution, If the external emergency stop function has been activated, remove the cause. If no cause ean be found, and no jumper is installed between EMGINI and EMGINC or between EMGIN? and EMGINC on the terminal block of the emergency stop control printed circuit board, but cables are connected to the terminals, check the cables, SRVO-171 WARN MatorSpd lin/DVC(Group: fed Axis: %d) (Cause) The actual motor speed was about to exceed the maximum allowable speed (SPARAM_GROUPfi], $MOT_SPD_LIMfj)). [twas clamped at the maximum allowable speed. (Remedy) This is just a notification, You do not have to do anything for this warning message. SRVO-172 WARN MotorSpd lin/DVC0(Group: Sd Axis:%ed) (Cause) Motor ean not rotate as fast as the calculated speed required for the current motion, (Remedy) This is just a notification, You do not have to do anything for this warning messaze, “oT APPENDIX G SEVO-173 WARN MotorSpd «Can (Remedy): This is just a notifi WDVCI (Group: Sd Axis: Sed} Motor can not rotate as fast as the éaleulated speod required for the current motion jon. You do noi have to do anything for this warning message. SRVO-174 WARN MotorAce lin/DVC(Group: Sed Axis: a) (Cause) Motor can not accelerate as much as the ealculated acceleration required to for the current motion (Remedy) This is just a notifiewtion. You do nat have to-do anything for this warning message. ed SRVO-176 SERVO Cy/llegal Mode “ed, (Cause) Wrong CJ made was used, (Remedy) Internat motion errar. Contact service immideately. SRVO-177 WARN CJ error %d,%ed, "ed, Seat (Cause) Wrong CJ made was used, (Remedy) — Contact service representative, SRVO-178 SYSTEM CJ error Gd. d,%d, ed (Cause) Wrong CJ mode was used, (Remedy) Contact service representative. SRVO-179 Mator torque limit (Group: Sd Axist%d) (Cause) ‘The torque of the axis has exceeded the limit. (Remedy) This is a warning message. No action is needed for this warning mes: SRVO-181 SERVO Memd input while estimating(Group: Sed) (Causey Robot was gaing to move while identit'ying the payload. (Remedy) Press RESET. Be careful not to move robot while idemlifying the payload. SRVQ-182 Needed init, has not been done (Cause) This is an exor internal to the system. A system Variable or internal work memory has mot been initialized normally. (Remedy) Turn the power off and on again, 1. Tum the power al, 2. Tum the power an, 3. Hthe alarm is stil] issued, take a note of what caused this alarm, and then contact the service personnel. SRYO-183 ROBOT (Causey Si n't ready ion is off a activ (Remedy) Remove the factor that turned servo activation off, and press the reset button, SRVO-184 Other task is processing (Cause) The data area that this instruction tried to use had. been locked by another task. (Remedy) Exccute the instruction after the task that uses the data area ends, 948. APPENDIX C Ssteoaen-o0r SSS SRVO-185 Data is for other group (Cause) ‘The data the tmuction tries 1o use belongs to another group, (Remedy) Colleet the data of the desired group before executing the instruction. SRVO-186 Needed Data has not been got (Cause) No data has been collected, ar any collected data does not belong to the desired mode, (Remedy) Collect the necessary data befare executing the instruction, SRVO-I87 Need specting Mass (Cause) Estimating the load information of this type requires specifying the mass of the load. (Remedy) Speci y the mass of the lia before estimating load information. SRVO-191 Illegal Joint Speed (Group: ed Axis: %d) (Cause) The motion command exceeded spec! (Remedy) Internal motion error, Contact service immideately. VO-194 Serve disconnect (Cause) Servis disconnected (Remedy) — Connect servo, and then press reset Refer to the maintenance manual for detail, SRV0-199 PAUSE Control Stop (Cause) Control Stop is detected. (Remedy) After this alarm, Fence open or SVON input alarm is detected. See the remedy af the next alarm, SRVQ-201 SERVO Panel E-stop or SVEMG abnormal (Cause) ‘The emergency stop button on the operitor’s panel SVEMG signal is incorrect. pressed, or the wiring of the (Remedy) Release the emergency stop button on the apersttor’s panel, and press the reset butlo If itis impossible to release, itis likely that the wiring of the SVEMG is incorrect Check the wiring Refer to the maintenance manual for details, SRV.O-202 SERVO TP E-stop or SVEMG abnormal (Cause) The emergency stap button on the teach pendant was pressed, or the wiring of the SVEMG signal is incorrect. (Remedy) Release the emergeney stop button on the teach pendant, and press the reset key. I itis impossible to release. itis likely that the wiring of the SVEMG is incorrect. Check the wiring Refer to the maintenance manual for details. SRVO-204 SYSTEM External(SVEMG abnormal E-stop (Cause) Anexternal emergency stop signal was input while the wiring of the SVEMG was abnormal. (Remedy) After turni the external emergency stop. and then turn Refer to the maintenance manual for details. the power off, correct the wiring of the S VEMG, and remove the cause of power on agai 949. BanasiEN201 APPENDIX C SSS SRVO-205 SYSTEM Fence open(SVEMG abnormal) « The fence was opened while the wiring of the SVEMG was abnormal, (Remedy) After turning the power off, correct the wiring af the SVEMG, and elose the fence, then turn the power on again, Refer to the maintenance manual for ds SRV0-206 SYSTEM Deadnvan switch (SVEMG abnormal) (Cause) ‘The deadman switch was releused while the wiring of the SVEMG was abnormal. (Remedy) Afler turning the power off, eorrect the wiring of the SVEMG, and grip the deadman switel, then turn the power on again. Refer to the maintenance manual for details. SRVO-207 SERVO TP switch abnormal or Door open (Cause) While the teach pendant was enabled, the deadman switeh Was 2 was open, the controller door was opened, or the wiring of the pped, amd the fence EMG was incerrect. (Remedy) — Closethe controller door, and press the reset button, If the door was not open. the wiring of the SVEMG is incorrect. Correct Reter te the maintenance manual for details. SRVO-209 SERVO Robot-2 SVEMG abnormal (Cause) A disconncetion of the SVEMG signal for robot 2 was detected. (Remedy) ‘Turn the power off. Rewire the SVEMG of the controller for rabot 2 Close the fence circuit, and press the reset button, Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-210 SERVO E! (Cause) Adisconnectionof the SVEMG: positioner or additional axis) (Remedy) ‘Turn the power off. Rewire the SVEMG of the controller for the additional robot. Close the Fence circuit, and press the reset button Refer to the maintenance manual SRVO-211 SERVO TP OFF in TH, T2 {Couse) The teach pendant was disabled while the mode switch Was set in the T1 or T2 position and robot | and 2 were disconnected. Alternatively, there is a broken wire in the hardware, (Remedy) Set the teach pendant enableidlisable switch to on, and press the reset key Ifa reset does not take effect, repair the hardware wiring. Refer to the maintenance manual. SRYO-213 SERVO Fuse blown (PanelPCB) (Cause) ‘The fuse on the panel PBC board has blown, (Remedy) — Replace the fuse on the panel PBC. Refer to the maintenance manual SRVO-214 SERVO Fuse blown (Amp) (Cause) The fuse in the six-axis amplifier has blown. (Remedy) Replace the fuse in the six-axis amplifier. Refer to the maintenance manual 130, APPENDIX G Beorasten2ir —. SK SRVO-215 SERVO Fuse blown (Aux axis) (Cause) The fuse for additional axis contral in the six-axis amplifier has blown, (Remedy) — Replace the fuse for uelditional axis control in the six-axis amplifier. Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-216 SERVO OVC (total) (ed) (Cause) The current flowing through the robot cable has exceeded its limit, (Remedy) — Modify the program in such a way that the operating condition can be relaxed. SRVO-221 SERVO Lack of DSP (Group; %d Axis:ed) (Cause) ‘The DSP {servo control CPU) for this axis was not found, though it was specified in the system variable $AXISORDER. (Remedy) — Check that the number of DSPs on the DSP board is sufficient for the quantity specified in SSCR_GRP(]. SAXISORDER[]. Replace the DSP board with one having sufficient DSPs if necessary. Alternatively, change the setting of SAXISORDER. SRV0-222 SERVO Lack of Amp (Amp:éd) (Cause) FSB indicates that there is no umplifier module. (Remedy) Check that the fiber cable is connected to the amplifier correctly, Replace the fiber cable leuding to the amplifier. Check that the amplifier power is normal. Check that SAXISORDER and §AMP_NUM are specified correctly. Refer to the maintenance manual, SRVO-230 SERVO Chain | (+24¥) abnormal (Cause) A failure occurred in chain | (+24 W). (Remedy) If the failure occurred because of the deadman switch being released, grip it again Repair the chain | (+24 V) circuit in the hardware. On the system setting sereen, set whether to reset the chi Press the reset key on the teach pendant, Refer to the maintenance manual jailure to "Yes." SRVO-231 SERVO Chain 2 (Ov) abnormal (Cause) A failure ocurred in chain 2 (0 V), (Remedy) IF the failure occurred because of the deadman switeh being released, grip it again Repair the chain 2 (0 V} circuit in the hardware. On the system setting sereen, set whether to reset the chain failure to "Yes Press the reset key on the each pendant Refer to the maintenance manual SRVO-232 SERVO NTED input (Cause) ‘The NTED (non-ieacher enabling device) was released, (Remedy) Press the NTED (non-teacher enabling device), and then press the reset key. 951. BeBuuHEN-eDY APPENDIX C — SRVO-233 SERVO TP OFF in T1,T2/Door open (Cause) The mode switch is set in the TI or T2 position, and the teach pendantis disabled. Alternatively, the controller door is open, Still alternatively. there is adisconnection in the hardware, (Remedy) After setting the teach pendant enable/disuible switch to on, close the controller door. and press the reset key. - Ifa reset does not take effect, repair the hardware wiring. Refer to the maintenance manual SRVO-234 WARN Deadman switch released (Causc) The deadman switch on the teach pendant was released. (Remedy) — This is a warning message SRVO-235 SERVO Short term Chain abnormal (Cause) A temporary chain failure was detected. (Remedy) If this failure oceurred simultaneously with the “deadman switch released” alaem, release the dcadman switch, and press itaguin. I this failure occurs simultaneously with any other safety-related crror, cause the same error to occur again, and press the reset key. SRVOQ-236 WARN Chain failure is repaired (Cause) A chain failure was removed, (Remedy) When the system checked for the ehain f removed. Press the reset key. lure again, the chain failure had been SRVO.237 WARN Cannot reset chain failure (Cause) An atternpt to reset the chain failure failed, (Remedy) — Repair the chain 1 (+24 ¥) circuit in the hardware. Press the emergeney stop button on the teach pendant, and rotate it clockwise to release. Then, press the reset k Refer fo the maintenar e manusll, SRVGO-240 SERVO Chain 1 (FENCE) abnormal (Cause) ‘When the fence circuit was opened, a chain I (+24 V) failure occurred, (Remedy) Repair the chain I (+24 V) circuit in the fence hardware, (On the system setting screen, set whether to reset the chain failure (o "Yes." Press the reset key on the teach pendant, Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVQ-241 SERVO Chain 2 (FENCE) abnormal (Causey) When the fence circuit was opened, a chain 2 (0 V) failure occurred. (Remedy) Repair the chain 2 (0 V) circuit in the fence hardware. ‘On the system setting screen, set whether to reset the chuin failure ta “Yes.” Press the reset key on the teach pendant. Refer to the maintenance manusil. APPENDIX C Beatacdens201 «as SRVO-242 SERVO Chain 1 (EXEMG) abnormal (Cause) ‘When un extemal emergency stop signal was input, a chain | (+24 V) failure occurred. (Remedy) Repair the chain 1 (+24 V) circuit in the external emergeney stop hardware. On the system setting screen, set whether to eset the chain failure to "Yes. Press the reset key on the tcach pendant. tothe maintenance manual. SRVO-243 SERVO Chain 2 (EXEMG)} abnormal (Cause) When an external emergency stop signal was input, a chain 2 (0 V) failure occurred, (Remedy) — Repair the chain 2 (0 V) circuit in the fence hardware, On the sysicm setting screen, set whether to reset the chain failure to "Yes," Press the reset key on the teuch pendant Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-244 SERVO Chain 1 abnormal (Cause) Achain 1 (+24 V) fa (Remedy) Repair the chain 1 (+24 V) circuit in the hardware, On the system setting screen, set whether to reset the chain fuilure to "Yes." Press the reset key on the teach pendant. Refer to the maintenance manual, Rbted) jure occurred, SRVQ-245 SERVO Chain 2 abnormal (Rbt:%d) (Cause) A chain 2 (0 V) failure occurred. (Remedy): Repair the chain 2 (0 ¥) circuit in the hardware, On the system selling screen, set whether to reset the chain failure 10 “Yes,” Press the reset key on the teach pendant Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVQ-246 SERVO Chain 1 abnormal (EX_robot) (Cause) Achain | (+24 V) failure occurred in an additional robot (a third robot, such as a positioner or additional axis). (Remedy) Repair the chain | (424 Vp cireuit in the hardware. On the system setting screen, set whether to resct the chain failure to "Yes." Press the reset key on the teach pendant. Referto the maintenance manual. SRVO-247 SERVO Chain 2 abnormal (EX_rebet) (Cause) Achain 2 (0V) fuilure occurred in an additional robot (a third robot, or additional axis), (Remedy) Repair the chain 2 (0 V) circuit in the hardware. ‘On the system setting screen, set whether to reset the chain fa Press the reset key on the teach pendant Refer to the maintenance manual, uch as a positioner jure to "Yes." SRVO-250 SERVO SVEMG/MAINONI abnormal se) When the SVEMG became on, the MATNONL signal remained off. This is un emergency stop circuit failure (Remedy) Repair the emergency stop cireuit hardware, Turn the power off und on again 955 parauensor APPENDIX C Fe SRVO-260 SERVO Chain 1 (NT! (Cause) Acchain 1 (+24 V) fa released, (Remedy) Repair the chain | (+24 V}ciccuitin the NTED (non-teacher enabling device) hardware. On the system setting screen, set whether to reset the chain failure to "Yes. ED) abnormal jure occurred when the NTED (non-teacher enabling device) was Press the reset key on the teach pendant, Refer te the maintenance manual. SRVO-261 SERVO Chain 2 (NTED) abnormal (Cause) Ahan 2 (0 V) failure occurred when the NTED (non-tewcher enabling device) was released. (Remedy) Repair the chain 2 (0 V) eireuit in the NTED (nen-teacher enabling device) hardwa On the system setting screen, set Whether to reset the chain failure to. "Yes." Press the reset key on the teach pendant, Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-262 SERVO Chain | (SVDISC) abnormal (Cause) When the servo power supply off signal was input, a chain 1 (424 V) failure occurred. (Remedy) Repair the chain | (+24 V) circuit far the serve power supply olf signal circuit, ‘On the system setting sereen, set whether to reset the ehuin failure to "Yes. Press the reset key on the leach pendant Refer to the maintenance manuel SRVO-263 SERVO Chain 2 (SVDISC) abnormal (Cause) When the servo disconnect signal was input, @ chain 2 (0 V) failure occurred, (Remedy) Gn the system setting screen, set whether to reset the chain failure "Yes." Press thé reset key of the teach pendant, Refer to the maintenance manual SRVO-264 SYSTEM E.STOP circuit abnormal 1 (Cause) A deposition occurred in the emergency stop unit. (Remedy) — Repair the MONG circuit in the emergency stop unit, Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-265 SERVO E.STOP circuit abnormal 2 (Cause) When the servo was activated, the MON3 was already on. The MONS is abnormal. (Remedy) Repair the MONG cireuit in the emergency stop unit, Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-266 SERVO FENCE! status abnormal (Cause) When the fence signal was input, the FENCE! remained on, (Remedy) — Repair the FENCEL circuit Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO.267 SERVO FENCE2 status abnormal (Cause) When the fence signal was input, the FENCE? remained on. (Remedy) Repair the FENCE? Refer to the maintenai 084. APPENDIX Bearacsenzm1 ess SRVO-268 SERVO SV (Cause) When the SWOFF signal was input, the SVOFF1 remained on. (Remedy) Repair the SVOFFI circuit, Refer to the m: SRVO-269 SERVO SVOFI pnormal (Cause) When the SVOFF signal was input, the SVOFF2 remained on. (Remedy) Repair the SVOFF2 circuit Refer to the maintenance manual. SRV0-270 SERVO EXEMG1 status abnormal {Cause} When an external emergency stop signal swas input, the EXEMGI remained on, (Remedy) Repair the EXEMGI circu Reter to the maintenance manual. 0-271 SERVO EX! status abnormal (Cause) When an external emergency stop signal was input, the EXEMG2 remained on, (Remedy) Repair the EXEMG2 circuit. Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-272 SERVO SVDISC1 status abnormal (Cause) When the serve power off signal was input, the SVDISCI remained on, (Remedy) — Repair the SVDISC1 circui Reter to the maintenance manual. SRVO-273 SERVO SVDISC2 status abnormal (Cause) When the servo power off signal was input, the SVDISC2 remained on. (Remedy) — Repair the SVDISC2 circuit, Refer to the maintenance manual. SRY0-274 SERVO NTEDI status abnormal (Cause) When the NTED signal was itiput, the NTEDL remained on, (Remedy) Repair the NTEDI circuit. Refer to the maintenance manual, SRVO-275 SERVO NTED: (Cause) When the NTED signal was input, the NTED? remained on. (Remedy) — Repair the NTED2 circuit Refer to the maintenance manual atus abnormal SRY0-276 SERVO Disable on T2 mode (Cause) The robot carihot operate in the T2 mode. (Remedy) Set the mode switch to the TI or auto position. SRVO-277 SYSTEM Panel E-stop (SVEMG abnormal) (Cause) When the emergency stop button on the operator's panel was pressed, the SVEMG signal was not input (Remedy) ‘The wiring of the SVEMG is incorrect. Correct it, and tum the power en again. 955 peana6den-201 APPENDIX G i SRVO-278 8) TP E-stop (SVEMG abnormal (Cause) When the emergency stop button on the teach pendant was pressed, the SVEMG signal was not input. The wiring of the SVEMG is incorrect, Correct it, and turn the power on a: «Rem SRVO-280 SERVO SVOFF input (Cause) The SVOFF (servo off signal) was input. (Remedy) Find out what caused the $ VOFF to be input, and remove the cause. SRVO-281 SYSTEM SVOFF input (SVEMG abnormal) (Cause) The SVOPF input cireuit was detected, and a disconnection of the SVEMG was detected. (Remedy) Turn the power off. Repair the wiring of the SVEMG. Close the SVOFF input circuit, and press the reset key. Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-282 SERVO Chain 1 (SVOFF) abnormal {Cause} ‘When the SVOFF (servo off signal) was input, a chain TE (+24 V) failure occurred. (Remedy) Repair the chain 1 (+24 V) circuit in the SVOFF hardw: ‘On the system setting scree, set whether (0 reset the chain failure t0 "Yes." Press the resct key on the texch pendant. Refer fo the maintenance manual. SR¥0-283 SERVO Chain 2 (SVOFF) abnormal (Cause) When the SVOFF (servo off signal) was input, a chain 2 (0 V) [ail (Remedy) Repair the chain 2 (0 W) circuit in the SVOFE hardware, On the system setting sereen, set whether to reset the chain failure to” Yes.” Press the resct key on the teach pendant, Refer to the maintenance manual. we occurred, SRVO-290 SERVO DClink HC alarm (Group: Sd Axis: Sed) (Cause) An abnormal current flowed through the amplifier DC link circuit. (Remedy) — Its likely that there is-a short-circuit in @ motor power line or the motor coil. Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-291 SERVO IPM over heat (Group: %d Axis: Sd) (Cause) It was detected that the IPM element in the amplifier had overheated. (Remedy) Decrease the duty eyele of operution. If this symptom occurs frequently, replace the amplifier. SRVO-292 SERVO ENT-FAN alarm (Group: %d Axis: %d) (Cause) A fan for eooling the amplifier heat-release fins is defective. (Remedy) Replace the cooling fart Refer to the maintenance manual. 256 APPENDIX G Bestaneenay —W. SRVO-293 SERVO DClink (PSM) HCAL (Group: Sed Axis: od) (Cause} An abnormal current flowed through the DC link eiteuit of the PSM amplifier. (Remedy) It is likely that there is a short-circuit in a moter power line or the motor coil Refer to the maintenance manual. SRVO-294 SERVO EX FAN (PS¥1) alarm (Group:‘ed Axis: Sd) (Cause) fan for cooling the PSM amplifier heat-release fins is defective. (Remedy) — Replace the eooting fan. Refer to the maintenance manual, SRVO-295 SERVO ¢Cause) A communication error occurred between the PSM and SVM. (Remedy) Replace the cable between the PSM and SVM. Alt Refer to the maintenance manual for details, SRVO-296 SERVO (Cause) ‘The power regenerated in the PSM is too much. (Remedy) — Check whether a fan cooling the regenerative resistor for the PSMR is running. If the fan is running, itis likely that the operating condition is severe. Lower the teaching speed sct in the program, Refer to the maintenance manual for details, SRVO-297 SERVO (Cause) The voltag (Remedy) Cheek that the three-phase input voltag necessury, Refer to the maintenance SRVO-298 SERVO (Cause) The speed calculated in the serve cireuit is abnormal, (Remedy) Contact the service personnel. To reset the akirm condition requires tuning the power ‘off and an again SRVO-300 SERVO Hand broken/HBK disabled (Causey When the HIBK setting is disabled, x hand-broken signal was detected. (Remedy) To remove the alarm condition, press the reset button, ‘Check whether the hand-braken signal circuit is connected tothe robot, W the circuit is connected to the robot, enable the hand-broken setting. Reler to the maintenance manual. nativel epluce the SVM or PSM, of the PSM conirel power supply bas dropped ss low. Replace the PSM or the PSMR if al for details, SRVO-301 SERVO Hand broken/HBK dsbl (Rbt:%d) (Cause) When the HBK setting is disabled, a hand-broken signal was detected, (Remedy) — To remove the alarm condition, press the reset button, ‘Check whether the hand-broken signal cireuil is connected to the rabot, If the circuit is connected to the robot, enable the hand-broken setting. Refer to the maintenance manual. 957 B.O4EHEN-20) APPENDIX G a SRVO-302 SERVO Set Hand broken to ENABLE (Cause) When the HBK setting was disabled, a hand-broken signal was input. The hand-broken setting is incorrect, (Remedy) Enable a hand broken. To remove the alarm condition, press the reset bution. Refer to the maintenance manual. SRV0-303 SERVO Set HBK to ENABLE (Rbt:%d) (Cause) When the HBK sctting was disabled, 2 hand-broken signal wa ‘The hand-broken seiting is incorrect. (Remedy) Enable a hand broken. To remove the alartn condition, press the reset button. Refer fo the maintenance manual. SRVO-310 SERVO (Cause) Internal alarm (Remedy) Contact the service personnel 988. APPENDIX Be eLEN2I: —————— €.2.2 SYST Error Codes (ID=12) SYST-001 PAUSE.G HOLD button is beit pressed (Cause) You attempted an operation while the hold button (input) is pressed (Remedy) Clear the hold button (input), and ary the same operation SYST-002 PAUSE.G HOLD is locked by program (Cause) The condition that the robot is being held in is locked by the program and cannot be cleared. Ifa HOLD statement is exceutcd ina KAREL program, the held condition can only be cleared by the sume program using the UNHOLD statemenV/action, or by aborting the program. If you attempt a motian in such a condition, this error message is disp (Remedy) — Wait until the UNHOLD statement is executed by the karel program, or abort the KAREL program, SYST-003 WARN TP isenabled (Cause) The attempied operation could not be done beeause the teach pendant is enabled, {Remedy} Disable the teach pendant, and try the same operation again ‘004 WARN SOP is enabled (Cause) The attempted operation could not he dane because the System Operator Pane! enabled, (Remedy) Turn the REMOTE switch on the SOP to REMOTE side, and iry the same operation SYST-005 WARN UOP is the master device (Cause) The attempted operation could not be done because the User Operator Panel is enabled. (Remedy) Turn the REMOTE switch to local (if the operation is attempted from the SOP), or set the SRMT_MASTER system variable correctly. SYST-006 WARN CRT is the master device (Cause) ‘The attempted operation could not be done because CRT is the masterdevice, (Remedy 1) To perform the operation trom the operator's panel, set the remote switch to the local position (Remedy 2) To perform the operation from the remote uni, set an appropriate value for SRMT_MASTER SYST-007 WARN NETWORK is the master device (Cause) The attempted operation could not be done because the NETWORK command processor is the master deviec, (Remedy 1} To perform the operation from the operator's panel, set the nemote switch to the local position, (Remedy 2) ‘To perform the operation from the remote unit, set an appropriate SRMT_MASTER. 959. pemacien-2i0t APPENDIX. Oe SYST-008 WAR! (Cause) The system variable $RMT_MASTER is set to disable all deviees. Therefore, noremote device cun issue motion. (Remedy 1) To perfarm the operation from the operator's panel, set the remote switch tothe local position, (Remedy 2) ‘To perform the operation from the remote unit, set an appropriate value for SRMT_MASTER ‘othing is the master deviee SYST-009 WARN Safety Fence open (Cause) The attempted eperalian could not be done because the safety fence #5 open. (Remedy) Close the safety fence and try the same operation again. SYST-010 WARN Max num task reached (Cause) The number of tasks has reached the maximum allowed. (Remedy) Abort one of the running task SYST-O1L WARN Failed to run task (Cause) The system hs failed to run the program, (Remedy) Deter ne the cause of the alarm on the alarm cause sereen, Then, climinate the cause. 12 WARN Not in remote (Cause) Remote condition is not satisfied. (Remedy) Tum the remote switch en. SYST-013 WARN Invalid program number (Cause) The specified PNS number is not within its valid range. (Remedy) Speeifya program number that is within the valid range of 1 t0 9999. SYST-014 WARN Program select failed (Cause) PNS operation has failed, (Remedy) Determine the causc of the alarm on the alarm cause screen. Then, climinate the cause. SYST-015 WARN Robot Service Request failed «Causc) RSR operution has failed. (Remedy) Determine the cause of the alarm on the alarm cause sereen, Then. eliminate the couse, SYST-016 WARN ENBL signal is off (Cuuse) NBL signal on the User Operator Panel is aff. (Remedy) Set ENBL signal ON. SYST-017 WARN Single step operation effective (Cause) Single step operation is effective, (Remedy) Disable single step switeh, SYST-018 WARN Continuing from different line (Cause) ‘You atlempted to continue program execution from a line different that the paused line, (Remedy) Respond YES or NO in the prompt box on at the teach pendant, 900 APPENDIX G BaNstEN201 Ss 'T-019 WARN Progeam not selected (Cause) Program has nov been selected, (Remedy) Select a program from the pray mselect menu on the teach pendunt, or by using PNS, SYST-020 WARN Program not verified by PNS (Cause) ‘The program specified by PNS is different then the program currently selected, (Remedy) Select a correct progrum from the program select menu on the tench pendant. SYST-021 WARN System not ready, press RESET. (Cause) Because program verification failed, program start-up is disabled, (Remedy) — Press RESE to clear the error condition, SYST-022 WARN PNS not zero, cannot continue (Cause) A paused program cannot continue if PNS input ports are not zero. (Remedy) Input an error elear signal to set all PNS inputs to 0, then input a start sigmal SYST-023 S' -M Teach Pendant comm (Cause) A communication cable is broken. (Remedy) Cheek the communication cable, Replace the cable if necessary ication error SYST-024 WARN PNSTROBE is OFF. Cannot start exee (Cause) Prod_start could not be processed because PNSTROBE is olf (Remedy) Sct PNSTROBE input to ON, SYST-025 WARN Teach Pendant is different type (Cause) The type of teuch pendant being connected, is different from the one that was disconnected. (Remedy) — Connect the same type of teach pendant, as that which was disconnected SYST-026 System normal power up (Cause) System has executed normal power startup, (Remedy) This is just a notification, You do not have to do unything for this warning message SYST-027 PAUSE.G HOT start failed (Error: %d) (Cause) HOT start has failed for onc of the following reasons: 1. Power failed during system start up, 2. Flash ROM module wys changed. 3.A run-time error occurred. 4. System internal error 1 5. System internal error 2. (Remedy) — COLD start is selected automatically. SYST-028 WARN (Ss) Program timed out (Cause) SPWR_HOT, $PWR_SEMI program has been aborted by the system duc te time out (40sec {Remedy} Decrease program size so that it cun be executed within the D61- APPENDIX © SYST-029 PAUSE.G Rebat was connected (Group: Sed) (Cause) The conneetiisal e key was tum to the cannect side. (Remedy) This is just a notification. You de not have to do anything for this warming message. SYST-030 PAUSE.G Robot was isolated (Group: %d) (Cause) The connecv/isolate key was tum 40 the isolate side (Remedy) This is just a notification. You de not have to do anything for this warning message. SYST-031 SYSTEM F-ROM parity (Cause) A parity ertor has been detected in the (Remedy) Reload system software, em FROM memory. SYST-032 WARN ENBL signal from UOP is lost (Cause) ENBL input signal from the User Operator Panel is lost. (Remedy) Restore input signal $'1-033 WARN SFSPD signal from UOP is lost (Cause) SPSPD input signal from User Operator Panel is lost. (Remedy) Restore input signal SYST-034 WARN HOLD signal from SOP/UOP is lost (Cause) HOLD input (Remedy) Restore input signal. jgnal from System Operator Panel/User Operator Panel is lost SYST-035 WARN Low or No Battery Power in PSU. (Cause) Battery power in the PSU board is low. (Remedy) Replace the old battery with a new battery of the same SYST-036 W (Cause) System did a semi-hot start (Remedy) — This is just a notifi RN Semi power failure recovery rion. You do not have to do anything for this warning message: sys 1-037 ABORTT.G CE Sign key switch broken (Cause) Improper input from CE Sign key switeh. (Remedy) Fix the CE Sign key switch SYST-038 PAUSE.G Operation mode Ti Selected (Cause) Operation mode TI Selected s 4 PAUSE.G Operation mode'T2 Selected (Cause) Operation mode T? Selected. ‘ST-040 PAUSE.G Operation made AUTO Selected (Cause) Operation mode AUTO Selected 962- APPENDIX Baten 24 — SYST-041 Oved Select could not ENABLED. (Cause) DI] index is invalid. (Remedy) Please set valid DI index SYST-042 DEADMAN defeated (Causey The mode switch was changed from TI or T2 mode to AUTO mode and the DEADMAN was already pressed. The BEADMAN must be released when switching to AUTO mode . (Remedy) Release the DEADMAN and press RESET. SYST-043 TP disabled in T1/12 mode (Cause) The mode selector is in T1 or T2 and the TP ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position (Remedy) — Turn the TP ON/OFF switch to ON.Press RESET, SYST-O44 (Abnormal) TP disabled in T1W/T2 mode (Cause) The mode selectors in Tl or T2 and the TP ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position and SVON is ON. This is an abnormal condition. (Remedy) Call your FANUC teehnical representative, SYST-045 TP enabled in AUTO made (Cause) The mode selector is in AUTO and the TP ON/OFF switeh is in the ON position (Remedy) Turn the TP ON/OFF switch to OFF, Press RESET.” SYST-046 Control Reliable eanfig mismatch (Cause) ther 1. Control Reliuble hurdware exists but the option has not been loaded, or 2. The Controf Reliable option hus been loaded but the hardware is not available. (Remedy) — Consult our service representative, SYST-047 Continuing from distant pos (Cause) Attempt to continue pro (Remedy) — Respond ABORT or CONTINUE in the prompt box on at the teach pendant a im from distant position from stopped position, SYST-048 NECALC couldn't get work memory (Cause) The © could not allocate work memory to the NUCALC software part. ‘The memory may be insufficient, (Remedy) Increase the controller memory, SYST-049 SFCALC couldn't get work memory (Cause) The OS could not allocate work memory to the SFCALC software part, ‘The memory may be insufficient, (Remedy) Increase the catitroller memory SYST-067 Panel HSSB disconnect (Cause) Communication with the panel board s disabled, (Remedy) Check the cable of the panel HSSB. 963, Besteoten-200t APPENDIX Oe SYST-095 Remote (Cause) ‘An internal error occurred with the remote diagnosis function. (Remedy) Internal error nese internal error SYST-096 Designated task is not valid (Cause) A task specified by the PC in remote (Remedy) Check the remote diagnosis software of wsnosis is invalid. the PC. ialize Modem (Cause) ‘Modem initialization failed. (Remedy) Check if a modem is installed. Check the modem type setting. SYST-098 Card Modem is removed {Causey ‘The modem card was removed during communication (Remedy) Reinsert the modem eard, then restart the remote diagnosis funetion, Check if the snodem card is inserted into the PCMEA slot corres! SYST-099 Card Modem is not responded: (Cause) There is no response from the modem care (Remedy) Cheek if a modem card is inserted correctly. Check the modem card. sys 00 DSR in Modem OFF (Cause) DSR was turned off during communication, (Remedy) — Check the connection between R-I3 and the modem. If a modem card is used, check if the madem card is not destsoyed and if the modem card is inserted correctly “101 Connection is stopped (Cause) The line was disconnected. (Remedy) Check the telephone line. SYST-144 Bad DO spec (Cause) An invglid or unassigned SDO was allocated by a system variable, (Remedy) Change the value of the system variable to 0 (for ne use) orn valid number, Chock that a specitied SBO is allocated. I by Ges ‘ST-148 Dynamic Brake is Disabled «Cause) The dynamie brake release request signal SDISDYN_BRK,SDI_IDX] was turned on, so that the dynamic brake wus released. (Remedy) — IMSTP is generated while the dynamic brake release request signal is om. T-149 Dynamic Brake is Enabled (Cause) ‘The dynamic brake release request signal was turned off, so that the dynamic brake was actuated. (Remedy) — This is not an alarm. 864. APPENDIX G 'T-150 Cursor is not on line 1 (Cause) The program was started on a ling other than the first line. (Remedy) Reply Yes/No in response to the inquiry displayed on the screen, ‘Then, restatt the program. ‘T-151 Start again (Ses, %d) (Cause) After the program was started on a line other than the first inquiry displayed on the sereen, (Remedy) — Restart the program 1c, Yes was replied to the SYST-152 Cannot force DO's in AUTO mode (Cause) An attempt was made to output a signal in the AUTO mode, (Remedy) Before performing this operation, exit from the AUTO made. SYST-153 Cannot SIM/UNSIM DO's in AUTO made (Cause) An attempt was made to simulate signal output in the AUTO mode. (Remedy) Before performing this operation, exit from the AUTO mode. SYST-156 Unknown hard ware (Cause) The PCB does not match the control unit. {Remedy} — Replace the PCB with a correct PCB. SYST-157 CE/RIA software does not exist (Cause) The CE/RIA eption is not installed. (Remedy) Install the CE/RIA option. SYST-158 Robot cannot move in T2 mode (Cause) The tri-mode switch is set to the T2 mode, In the T2 mode, the robot cannat be moved. (Remedy) Set the switch to the TL or AUTO mode. 965: APPENDIX G peraaten-git a 966 APPENDIX C Beerascenzo1 OO C.2.3 INTP Error Codes (ID =12) INTP-000 ABORT.G.G Req has not been processed yet (Cause) Internal system error. (Remedy) — Contact our service cemter serving your locality. INTP-001 PAUS! (Cause) (Remedy) Cannot lock the motion grp your locality, INTP-002 ABORT. Program manager internal error (Cause) Internal system error (Remedy) Contact our service center serving your locality. INTP-003 ABORT.G Invalid request (Cause) Internal system error, (Remedy) Contact aur service center serving your locality. INTP.004 PAU Cannot ATTACH with TP enabled (Cause) The ATTACH statement requires the teach pendant to be disabled, (Remedy) Disable the teach pendant, INTP-005 PAUSE.G Cannot release motion contral (Cause) Motion control cannot be released. (Remedy) Abort the running or paused program, INTP-100 to 102 ABORT.L, (Se8"4, Ged*5) Internal error (PXnn) (Cause) Internal system errar. (Remedy) — Contact our service center ser ing your locality INTP-103 ABORT.L (Ses"4, %d*5) Program error (Cause) An error occurred while the program was running, (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-104 ABORTAL (S8"4, S45) Single step failed (Cause) Single step cannot be executed (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-105 ABORT.L (S54, dS) Run request failed (Cause) The program eannot be started. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-106 PAUSE.L (S54, Sed*5) Continue request failed (Cause) Program cannot be resumed. (Remedy) Refer te the error cause code. 967 APPENDIX C INTP-107 ABORT.L (esd, Seet5} Pause request failed (Cause) Anertor occurred when pragrum execution was held. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code, INTP-108 ABORT.L (%5°4, 9d°5) Abort request (Cause) (Remedy) Refer tothe error cause code, d An error oceurréd when program execution was aborted, INTP-109 WARN (Ses"4, fed *5) BWD motion request failed (Cause) Backward motion cannot be executed. (Remedy) Refer w the error cause code. INTP-110 (Ses*4, Sed45) Get tas (Cause) The specified task a (Remedy) Cheek the attribute stutus request failed bute is nat faund or is not read accessible. INTP-11L WARN (es4, 445) Skip statement request failed (Cause) ‘The currently executing line cannot be changed. (Remedy) Refer to the error cz se code. INTP-112 PAUSELL Cannot call interrupt routine (Cause) ‘The interrupt routine cannot be executed, (Remedy) — Referto the error cause code. (Cause) If this alarm is raised tagether with the "MEMO-004 WARN SPECIFIED PROGRAM JS IN USE" alarm, the conditions in the condition program are satisfied, and the desired action program is eurrently being edited, cxecuted, or suspended. (Remedy) Select another program from the program list. Terminate the current action program. (Cause) —_ If this alarm is raised together with the "PROG-020 TASK IS ALREADY ABORTED” alarm, it is possible that the program that executed the monitoring start instruction has ulreadly been terminated when the conditions in the condition program are satisfied (Remedy) When program monitoring is enabled, an action pragram can run only'if the program that executed the monitoring sturt instruction is running. INTP-113 PAUSE.L ("e5°4, Sed®S) Stop motion request fa (Cause) An error occurred when motion was stopped. (Remedy) Refer to the error eause code. INTP-L14 PAL (Ses'4, GS) Cancel motion request failed (Cause) Anerror oceurred when matian was canceled, (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause code. INTP-115 PAUSE.L (%8"4, %d°5) Resume motion request failed (Cause) An error occurred when motion was resumed. (Remedy) Refer tothe error cause code. 998. APPENDIX BarseteN2.0% ese INTP-116 PA’ (Ses, Sed"S) Hold motion request failed (Cause) An error occurred when motion was held, (Remedy) Referto the error cause code, INTP-117 PAU (G84, 4S) Unhold motion request failed (Cause) An error occurred when mation was unheld, (Remedy) Refer to the errareause coxte, INTP-118 to 123 PAUSELL (Ses4, %d43) System error (Cause) Intemal error of software. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-124 ABORTAL (Ges, dS) Invalid ITR routine (Cause) Intemal error of software (Remedy) Refer to the error cause cade. INTP-125 ABORT.L Failed to convert position (Cause) ‘The conversion of one position type to another failed. (Remedy) Refer tw-the error cause code, INTP-126 ABORT.L Vision built-in return failed (Cause) The vision built-in (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause code, filed to return, INTP+127 WARN Power fail detected (Cause) Power fuilure was detected. (Remedy) Resume the program after hot start is complete. INTP-128 PAUSE.L Pos reg is locked (Cause) Pas register is locked. (Remedy) — Wait a moment. The error should resolve itself, INTP-129 ABORT.L Cannot use motion group (Cause) You tried to lock the motion groupeven though this program cannot use mation groups, (Remedy) Clear the motion group mask in the program detail screen. INTP-130 ABORT.L (4, dS) Enee status reeavery failed (Cause) Failed to reeover execution status. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code, INTP-131 ABORT.L Number of stop exceeds limit (Cause) Too many stop data is created at one time. (Remedy) Decrease the number of stop data 960. APPENDIXC INTP-132 Unloc! (Cause) The speci (Remedy) Cl roups ate already unlocked. ange the specify motion group. INTP-133 Motion is already released (Cause) Some specified motion groups are already unlocked, (Remedy) — Change the specify of motion Lock ihe mation group. roup, INTP-134 Qver automatic start Max counter (Cause) The automatic start was done the defined times but the alarm was not fixed. (Remedy) — Manually fix the m. INTP-135 Recovery DO OFF in auto start mode (Cause) The error recovery DO status is OFF in the automatic start Feature So the resume pragram cannot be excucted automatically, (Remedy) Please check the condition of error recovery DO status INTP-136 Can mot use mo n yroup for dry run function (Cause) In SPAUSE_PROG and SRESUME_PROG, « program using a motion group is, specified (Remedy) Specify a program nat specifying a motion group. INTTP-137 Program specified by SPAUSE_PROG doesn't exist. (Cause) SPAUSE_PROG does not include a specified program, (Remedy) Check $PAUSE_PROG, INTP-128 Program specified by SRESM_DRYPROG doesn't exist. (Cause) SRESUME_PROG does not include a specified program, (Remedy) Cheek $RESUME_PROG. INTP-139 (5es*4, %d45) Local variable request failed (Cause) Execution failed. (Remedy) — Check the alarm histary screen to see if another alarm is output. INTP-200 PAUSE.L (464, 443) Unimplemented TP instruction (Cause) This instruction cannot be used. (Remedy) Make sure that the uppropriate option is loaded. IN'TP-201 PAUSELL (fes*4, Sd43) Untaught element eneountered (Causey ‘The program contains a portion without teuching data, The specified condition program cantains an error (statement without teaching data), (Remedy) Teach the instruction. INTP-202 PAUSELL (Ses'4, Sed (Cause) Instruction syntax error. (Remedy) — Reteach the instruction Syntax error O70. APPENDIX G B.MedEN 201 en INTP-203 PAUSELL (654, Sedl"5) Variable type mismatch (Cause) The variuble type is not correct. (Remedy) Check the variable type INTP-204 PAUSE.L (S84, 05) Invalid value foi (Cause) The index value is invalid, (Remedy) Check the index value dex. INTP-205 PAUSE.L (Scs"4, %d*5) Analog port access error (Cause) Analog 1/0 is not funetioning properly. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code, INTP-206 PAUSE.L (65"4, God5) (Cause) Digital WO is not functioning properly. (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause cade I port access error ENTP-207 PAUSE.L (£84, Sed3) Group VO port access error (Cause) Group 1/0 isnot functioning properly. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code, INTP-208 PAUSE.L (S654, Sd"5) Divide by 0 (Causey Di (Remedy) — Cheek the value, ision by O was executed, INTP-209 PAUSELL (Ses"4, Sd"5) SELECT is needed (Cause) A CASE instruction was executed before a SELECT instruction. (Remedy) Add a SELECT instruction before the CASE instruction, INTP-212 PAUSE.L (Ses*4, Sd45) Invalid value for OVERRIDE (Cause) The indicated value cannot be used for the OVERRIDE instruction. (Remedy) Check the value. INTP-213 PAUSE.L e547 ("%5"4, Sod") UALMISed 49] (Cause) A user alarm occurred. (Remedy) Refer to the user alarm code. INTP-214 PAUSE.L (1% "4, cd"5) Specified group not locked (Cause) The position register or frame setup instructions were executed in a program without a motion group. (Remedy) Sct up the motion group in the program DETAIL screen. Referto the user alarm code, INTP-215 PAUSE.L ("@s*4, Sod 45) Gre (Cause) ‘The position data is invalid, (Remedy) Check the position data_ 71 BaraoseNe0t APPENDIX C a INTP-216 PAUSE.L (454, 45) Invalid value for group number (Cause) The indicated value is invalid for the motion group number. (Remedy) Check the value INTP-217 PAUSE.L (Sos"4, Sed°S) SKIP CONDITION needed {Causey The SKIP instruction was executed before a SKIP CONDITION instruction (Remedy) Add a SKIP CONDITION instruction, INTP-218 PAUSELL (S84, Sed*S) Skip faited (Cause} The SKIP instruction or SKIP CONDITION instruction cannot be executed, (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code: INTP-219 ABORT.L (S84, Sed "5) Pause task failed (Cause) ‘The pause instruction cannot be executed. (Remedy) — Refer to the ermor cause code. INTP.220 ABORT.L (984, % 488) Abort task failed (Causey The ABORT instruction cannot be executed. (Remedy) — Refertw the error cause code. INTP-221 PAUSE.L (S54, ed*5) Application failed {Causey The application instruction cannot be executed, (Remedy) Refer ta the error cause code, INTP-222 PAUSE.L (%s"4, Sed°5) Call program failed (Cause) The program CALL instruction cannot be exceuted. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code, INTP-223 PAUSE.L (fes*4, Sed*3) Delay time failed (Cause) The WAIT instruction cannot be executed. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-224 PAUSE.L (S54, Ged*5) Jump Label failed (Causey ‘The BRANCH instruction cunnat be executed (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-225 PAUSELL (Ses4, d*5) Motion statement failed (Cause) The MOTION instruction cunnot be executed. (Remedy) Refer tthe error cause code. INTP-226 PAUSE.L (Ses*4, Sed3) Read position register failed (Cause) The position regi (Remedy) Refer to the error cause cade, 7 APPENDIX BaMEHEN 21 'P-227 PAUSEML (S¢s"4, Sed") Write position register failed (Cause) The position register cannot be written (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-228 PA\ (e894, A495) Read register failed (Cause) The register cannot be read, (Remedy) Refer to the error-cayse code, INTP-229 PAUSE.L (e544, Sed*5) Write register failed (Cause) The register cannot be written, (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. led uted, INTP-230 PAUSE.L (%@8"4, Sod5) Wail condition (Cause) A condition WATT instruction cannat be ex (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code, INTP-231 PAUSELL (454, Sedl5) Read next line failed (Cause) ‘The next line cannot be read. (Remedy) Refer to-the error cause ende, INTP-232 PAUSE.L (554, ed"S) Invalid frame number (Cause) ‘The frame number is invalid, (Remedy) Cheek the frame number. INTP-233 PAUSE.L (54, %d*5) Read frame value failed (Cause) The specified frame eunnot be read. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code INTP-234 PAUSE.L (%es*4, Sed45) Write frome value failed (Cause) The specified frame cannot be written, (Remedy) — Remedy:Refer to the error cause code, INTP-235 PAUSE.L (%544, Sed"5) Read pos item failed (Cause) The position variatle cannot be read. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause eode. INTP-236 PAUSE.L (84, Seed*S) Write pos item (Cause) The position variable cannot be written (Remedy) Referto the error cause code, TP-237 WARN (%s"4, Sed45} No more motion for BWD (Cause) Backward execution cannot be executed any further because the current program line is al the top. (Remedy) Stop using backward exeeution at this point. 973 ren APPENDIX C el INTP-238 WARN (6es*4, %d45) BWD execution completed (Cause) Backward execution was completed. (Remedy) Do not use backward execution from this point TP-239 WARN (Ses, Sed"5} Cannot execute backwards (Cause) This instruction cannot be executed hackwards. (Remedy) Set the cursor to execute a the next linc. INTP-240 PAUSEAL (84, SetS) Incompatible data type (Cause) ‘The specified data type in the PARAMETER instruction is invalid for the parameter type. (Remedy) — Check the data type. INTP-241 PAUSE.L (Ses*4, Sed*5) Unsupported parameter (Cause) This type of parameter cunnot be used. (Remedy) — Check the parameter types INTP-242 PAUSE.L (984, %d*5) Offset value is needed (Cause) An OFFSET instruction was executed before an OFFSET CONDITION instruction, & position register was not taught in the OFFSET instruction. (Remedy) Add an OFFSET CONDITION instruction before the OFFSET instruction ‘Teach the position register. TP-243 ABORT.G (Ses*4, %ed*S) Def grp is not specified (Cause) This program has no motion group defined, The MOTION instruction cannot be executed. (Remedy) Remove the MOTION instruction or set up the motian group in the program DETAIL, sereen. INTP-244 PAUSE.L (Ses*4, % 5) Invalid tine number (Cause) ‘The input line number is incorrect. (Remedy) — Check the line number. INTP-245 PAUSE«L (Ses"4, @d*5) RCV stmt failed (Cause) The RECEIVE R{ ] instruction cannot be executed. (Remedy) Refer the error cause code. INTP-246 PAUSE.L (S054, Sed°5) SEMAPHORE stint failed (Cause) The SEMAPHORE instruction cannot be executed, (Remedy) Refer to the error cuuse code. INTP-247 PAUSE.L (%8°4, Sed"S) Pre exec failed (Cause) Internal error of software. (Remedy) Contact aur service center serving your locality. a4 APPENDIX G Basten 201 ——— INTP-248 PAUSELL (Ses4, Sd*5) MACRO failed (Cause) The MACRO instruction cannot be executed, (Remedy) Refer to the error catise code INTP-249 PAUSE.L Macro is not set correetly (Cause) "The MACRO setup was invalid. (Remedy) Cheek the MACRO setup. INTP-250 PAUSE.L (es*4, %d45) Invalid uframe number (Cause) The user frame number is invalid, (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause code, INTP-251 PAUSE.L (8"4, Sod*5) Invalid utool number (Cause) The tool frame number is invalid. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-252 PAUSE.L User frame number mismateh (Cause) ‘The user frame number in the pasitional data is not the same as the currently selected user frame number. (Remedy) Check the user frame number. INTP-253 PAUSE.L Tool frame number mismateh (Cause) ‘The tool frame number in the positional data is not the same as the currently selected tool tiaime number. (Remedy) Check the tool frame number. INTP-254 PAUSE.L (84, 48) Parameter not found (Cause) ‘The specified parameter name eannot be Foutid. (Remedy) Check the parameter name, IN'TP-285 PAUSE.L (es"4, Sed*5) CAL_MATRIX failed (Cause) The CAL_MATRIX instruction cannot be executed. (Remedy) Refer to the error eause code INTP-256 PAUSE.L (%¢5"4, Sd") No data for CAL_MATRIX (Cause) ‘The origin 3 points or destination 3 points are not taught. (Remedy) — Teach the origin 3 points or destination 3 points INT time (Cause) 7 (Remedy) Input a correct value. P-257 PAUSELL (Ses"4, Sod 5) Invalid dela }e wait time value is negative or exceeds the maximum, Value af 2147483.647 sec. INTP-258 PAUSE.L (S54, %d"5) Weld port access error (Causey The weld is not functioning properly. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. O78. B-614G26N-201 APPENDIX'C INTP-259 PAU! tCause) The dat (Remedy) — Change position register data to Cartesian, (Ges, Seed *5) Invalid position type ne of the position register was {aught using joint type. INTP-260 PAUSE.L (Ses"4, Sed*5) Inv: (Cs (Remedy) Spe i torque Fimit value 010 100.0. 2) The specified torque limit is notin the range of y a torque limit in the range af 0.010 100.0, INTP-261 PAUSESL (Ses"4, %0°S) Array subs (Causey Noarray element number is specified. (Remedy) Specify an amay element number. INTP-262 PAUSE.L (4, Sed"5) Field name missing {Cause) No element name is specified. (Remedy) 63 PAUSE.L, (Ses"4, Sedl*S) Invalid register type (Cause) The register type is not valid. (Remedy) Cheek the register type. Specify an element mame IN INTP-265 PAUSELL ("es4, Sed*5) Invalid value for speed value (Cause) The indicated. value eannot be used for the AF instruction, (Remedy) Specify a value in the range of 0 to 100. INTP-266 ABORT.L (4es4, %d*5) Mnemonic in interrupt is failed (Cause) The execution of mnemonic instructions in the KAREL interrupt program failed. (Remedy) insert a CANCEL or STOP instruction before calling an interrupt routine. INTP-267 PAUSEAL (984, %d43) RUN stmt failed (Cause) Specified program is already running. (Remedy) Abort the specified program. INTP-268 PAU: (Cause) A single line contains mare than one. application instruction. Only one of these statements can exist per line. LL (Ses, %d*5) This statement only one in each line (Remedy) Delete the extra statement. INTP-269 PAUSELL (%8°4, Ged45) Skip statement only one in each line (Cause) A single line contains more than one skip instruction. Only one Skip statement can exist per line (Remedy) Delete the extra Skip statement 270 PAUSE.L (54, %ed5) different group cannot BWD (Cause) During backward execution, a move is encountered that has a different group number from the previous motion statement. (Remedy) Use FWD execution eurefully, INI 976 APPENDIX G B.adeten201 Se INTP-271 WAR! (Cause) The torque limit value was modified to exceed it's maximtm value. The torque limit value was clamped at the upper torquc limit (Ge84, God °5) Excessive torque limit value (Remedy) Set torque limit value less than orequal to the maximum value. INTP-272 PAUSE.L (Ses"4, dS) Unsupported operator (Cause) This operator is not supported, (Remedy) Check the operator. INTP-274 (S84, %d*5) CH program error (Cause) This monitor statement cannot be executed. (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause code. Use MENU to display the Alarm Log screen, (Cause) 1 this alarm ether with the "MEMO-004 WARN SPECIFIED PROGRAM ified condition program is currently being edited (Remedy) Select another program trom the program list. (Cause) If this alarmis raised wgether with the "INTP-275 PAUSE. CHPROGRAM" alarm, the sub typeof the specified candition program ma ‘or that program may noi exist. ‘VALID SUB TYPE OF not be CH INTP-275 Invalid sub type of CH program (Cause) ‘The sub type of specified ch program cannot be uscd, (Remedy) Check the sub type of this CH program. INTP-276 (S54, Sed*5) Invalid combination of motian 0 (Cause) ‘The motion option instructions (SKIP, TIME BEFOREYAFTER, and. appli instruction) cunnot be taught together (Remedy) Delete the motion option instruction INTP-277 (Ges, % dS) Internal MACRO EPT data mismatch (Cause) ‘The EPT index in macto table decsn't point the program name defined in macro table That is, the EPT index in macro table is incorrect, (Remedy) Please set the correct EFT index for the program name defined in macro table. INTP-278 e847 (Cause) The BI monitor alarm for auto error recovery function oceurs. (Remedy) — This is a user definded alarm. INTP-279 (Ses*4, %d*5) Application instruction mismatch (Cause) The application instruction was executed. But this application instruction doesn't match ‘o the application process data of this program, Pleuse change the application process data of this program to the for this application instruction. (Reme adequate application INTP-280 (*%5"4, Sd*5) Application data mismatch (Cause) The application data of called program is different from that of the ori (Remedy) Please change the structure of the program, | program. 7. easier, APPENDIX C oe INTPO-281 No application data (Cause) This program doesn't have the application data (Remedy) Please define the application data in the program detail screen. INTP.282 (Ses, Sed*5) Fast fault status mismatch {Cause} Internal system error. (Remedy) — Contact our service center serving your locality INTP-283 (Ses4, Soel*S) Stack over flow for fast fault recovery (Cause) ek over flow to record the [ast fault recovery nesting data (Remedy) Reduce the nesting of the program INTP-284 No-detection of fast fault recovery (Cause) The point fer the fast fault recover cannot detected (Remedy) Contact our service center serving your locality. INTP-285 Karel program cannot entry in fast faull recovery (Cause) The fst entry cannot be performed in the karel program. (Remedy) — Use the TP program. INTP-286 MAINT program isn't defined in fast fautl recovery (Causey MAINT program is not defined in fast fault recovery. (Remedy) Set MAINT program INTP-287 Fail to execute MAINT program (Cause) failed to execute MAINT program (Remedy) — Confirm the MALNT program name is correct or MAINT progrartt exist in acutual. INTP-288 (es*“4, Se*S) Parameter does not (Cause) The parameter designated by AR register does not exist. (Remedy) Please confirm the index of AR register and the parameter in CALL/MACRO command in main program INTP-289 Can't save (fast point at progran change (Cause) When fast tnull is enabled, the program was paused at the part of program change (Remedy) .ck whether the CONT terminaton exists at end of sub-peogram, exist, change it to FINE. ‘This is the limitation of the fast fault recovery function, INTP-290 Fast fault recovery position is not saved (Cause) During fast fault recovery sequenee, any position is not saved, moc rs. So the fast fault recovery INTP-291 (esd, %d45) Index for AR is not correct (Cause) The AR register number is incorrect, At present, this alarm is not issued. (Remedy) Check the index of the AR register und the argument specified in the cullfmacro instruction af the main program. O78. APPENDIX C Baieten201 eg INTP-292 more than 6 motion with DB executed (Cause) Six or more advanced execution (dist nce) motions overlapped each other. (Remedy) Modify the teaching so that six or more advanced execution (distance) motions do not overlap each other, INTP-293 ( S5,Sed)DB too smallaway )(Sedmm)y (Cause) The condition for advanced execution (dlistance) is not satistied (Remedy) Increase the specified distance value, INTP-294 TPE parameter error (Cause) An incorrect argument is specified for call/macro instruction execution, (Remedy) Contaet your FANUC customer service representative, and inform the representative of an alarm message displayed. INTP-295 (45, Sed)DB too small(awayy(dmm) (Cause) The condition for advanced execution (distance) is not satisfied. (Remedy) Increase the specified distance value, INTP-296 (%s, Ged} $SCR_GRP[4ed].8M_POS_ENBis FALSE (Causey Advanced execution {distance} does not function when $8CR_GRP[ ].8M_POS is FALSE. (Remedy) Change $SCR_GRP[].SM_POS_ENB to TRUE, _ENB INTP-297 (Ses,Sed)DB too small(done)(edmm) (Cause) ‘A motion statement ended before the condition far advanced execution (distance) sillisfied (Remedy) Increase the specified distance value, INTP-300 ABORT.L ("e8"4, G5) Unimplemented P-code (Cause) KAREL program-error. This KAREL statement (Remedy) — Check the KAREL trinslatar software version annot be executed, INTP-301 ABORTLL (S84, Sed5) 8 (Cause) KAREL program error. Execution entered into a FOR loop by the GOTO statement. (Remedy) A GOTO statement cannot be used to enter or exit a FOR loop. ‘Check the label of the GOTO statement. k underflow INTP-302 ABORTAL (%8"4, dS) Stack overflow (Cause) 1. A recursive program instruction was executed repeatedly without limit Too many programs are called at one time: (Remedy) 1. Before executing 9 recursive instruction, perform programming so that a eall to the instruction can be cleared at any point of execution. 2. Reduce the number of progrsims to be called at any one time. For KAREL programs, the stack size ean be increased. ified value exceeds limit e execeds the maximum limit, INTP-303 ABORTAL ("e5"4, @d°S) Spy (Causey KAREL program error. The specified (Remedy) Cheek the value. 979. Bolamen201 APPENDIX C ee INTP-304 ABORTLL (S084, Sed*5) Array length mismateh (Cause) KAREL program error. ‘The dimensions of the arrays are not the sume (Remedy) Check the dimensions of the arrays. INTP-305 ABORT.L (%s"4, %d°S) Error related condition handler (Causey KAREL program error. A condition hundler ertor occurred. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code, INTP-306 ARORT.L (S54, Sed3) Attach request failed (Cause) KAREL programerror. The ATTACH statement failed (Remedy) Refer to the error eause code. INTP-307 ABORT.L (%e5*4, Scd"S) Detach request failed (Cause) KAREL program erroz. ‘The DETACH statement failed. (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause cole, INTP-308 ABORT.L (9e8"4, % d45) No case match is encountered (Cause) KAREL program error. The CASE statement does not match any branches. (Remedy) Cheek the CAS Evalue and branches. INTP-309 ABORTLL (S34, Sed*5) Undefined WITHCH parameter (Cause) KAREL program error. The specified parameter cannot be used in the the condition handler. (Remedy) Cheek the parameter. clause of INTP-310 ABORT.L (#54, Sed*3) Invalid subseript for array (Cause) KAREL program error. The index of the array is invalid, (Remedy) — Check the length of the array and index value. INTP-311 PAUSE.L (Ses, %d45) Uninitialized data is used (Causey KAREL program crror. Untaught or uninitialized data was used. (Remedy) Teach or initialize the data before using it INTP-312 ABORT.L (%5%4, %4°S) Invalid joint number (Cause) AREL program error. The wrong axis number was used. (Remedy) Check the axis number and the data value. INTP-313 ABORTLL (Ses"4, Sed"3) Motion statement failed (Cause) KAREL program error. The MOTION stutement cannot be executed. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-314 ABOR’ re L (684, GeeS) Return program failed >) KAREL program error, Execution cannot be retwrned from the routine. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code, 980 APPENDIX BeractEN-201 ee —— INTP-315 ABORT.L ("es"4, %d"5) Built-in execution failed (Cause) KAREL program error. A built-in routine error occurred. (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause code. INTP-316 ABORT.L (46844, S45) Call program failed (Cause) KAREL program error. ‘The rautine cannot be ealled. (Remedy) Verify the routine is loaded by referring to the error cause code. INTP-317 ABORTIL (S54, Sed*5) Invalid condition specified (Cause) KAREL program error. ‘The specified condition was invalid. (Remedy) — Cheek the condition. INTP-318 ABORT.L (% 84, Sd °5) Iny action specified (Cause) KAREL program error. ‘The specified action was invalid. (Remedy) Check the gction INTP-319 ABORT.L (Sés"4, Sed*3) Invalid type code (Cause) KAREL program error. The data type Was invalid, (Remedy) — Check the data type. INTP-320 ABORT.L (e5"4, %d“5) Undefined built-in (Cause) KAREL program error. The built-in routine is not defined, (Remedy) Check the appropriute option is loaded. INTP-321 ABORT.L (S844, Ged5) END stmt of a fune rin (Cause) The END statement was executed in a function routine instend (Remedy) Add a RETURN statement to the function routine, INTP-322 ABORT.L (%8"4, Sed*5) Invalid arg val for bi (Cause) KAREL pro} rn argument walue of a buil (Remedy) — Cheek the argument value: routine was wrong. INTP-323 ABORTLL (Ses4, aS) Value overflow (Cause) KAREL program errar, The data value for the Variable was too la (Remedy) Check the variable’s type and data value, INTP-324 ABORT.L (Ses'4, Sed 4S) Invalid open mode string (Cause) KAREL program error, The usage siting in the OPEN FILE statement was invalid, (Remedy) Check the usage string in the OPEN FILE statement INTP-325 ABORTAL (5"4, %d*5) Invalid file string (Cause) KAREL program error, ‘The file string in the GPEN FILE statement was invalid. (Remedy) Check the file string, 981 semtasieN201 APPENDIX G oO INTP-326 ABOR'E.L (Ses*4, Sed*5) Pile var is already used (Cause) KAREL programerror. The PILE variable is already being used, (Remedy) Close the file before rousing the FIL-E variable or aud a new FILE variable. INTP-327 ABORT.L (S¢5"4, 45) Open file failed (Cause) KAREL program error. The file could not be opened, (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-328 ABORT.L (es"4, Sed/8) File is not opened (Cause) KAREL program error. The specified file was not opened before aperatian. (Remedy) Open the file before operation. INTP-320 ATORTLL (S94, Fed*S) Write variable failed (Cause) AREL program error. (Remedy) Refer to the error eauise code, INTP.330 ABORT.L (%e8"4, God S) Write file failed (Cause) KAREL program error. Writing to the file failed. (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause code. INTP-331 ABORT.L (Ses"4, %d45) Read variable failed (Cause) KAREL program error. Reding the variable failed, (Remedy) Referto the error causc code. ‘TP-332 ABORT.L (Ses"4, dS) Read data is too short (Cause) KAREL program error, Data read from the file is too short (Remedy) — Make sure the data in the file is valid. INTP-333 ABOR'LL (6¢s"4, Sed5) Invalid ASCH string for read (Cause) KAREL program error. The string read from the file is wrong. (Remedy) Cheek the data of the file: INTP-334 ABORT.L (Ses"4, ed"5) Read file fatled (Causey KAREL program error, Reading from the file failed. (Remedy) — Refer to the error cuuse code. IN 335 ABORT.L (Ses, %d*5) Cannot open pre-defined file (Cause) KAREL program error. A file pre-defined by the system cannot be opened. (Remedy) Use the ile defined by the system without opening it, INTP-336 ABORT.L (Ses4, %d"3) Cannot close pre-defined file (Cause) KAREL program crror. A file pre-defined by the system cannot be closed, (Remedy) Do not try to close it. 82 APPENDIX & B.srésren-o07 — INTP-337 ABOR'TAL (fes4, Sed*5) Invalid routine ty (Cause) KAREL program error. This soutine cannot be used. (Remedy) Make sure you have the correct routine type and name. INTP-338 ABORT.L (es*4, S45) Close file failed (Cause) KAREL program error. Closing the file failed, (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code, INTP-339 ABORTAL (54, Sod 5) Invalid program name (Cause) KAREL program error. ‘The program name is invalid. (Remedy) Make sure you have the correct program name, TP-340 ABORT.L (Ses4, %d*5) Inval (Cause) KAREL program error, The variable nam (Remedy) — Make sure you have the correct variable name, INTP-341 ABORT.L (es*4, %d*5) Variable not found (Cause) KAREL program error. The variable cannot be found. (Remedy) Verity the program name and variable name. INTP-342 ABORT.L (%%8"4, Sed*5) Incompatible variable (Cause) KAREL progeam error. The data type defined by the BYNAME function und the variable lype are mismatched. (Remedy) Make sure you have the corect data type and variable type. INTP-343 ABORTL (Ses, Sed 43) Reference stack overflow (Cause) KAREL program error. Too many variables are passed using the BYNAME function. (Remedy) Decrease the number of BYNAME functions INTP-344 ABORTAL (%5"4, Sed "5) Readahead buffer overflow (Cause) KAREL program error. The buffer to read ahend from the device everflowed. (Remedy) —_ Increuse the buffer size. INTP-345 ABORT.L (esd, % dS) Pause task failed (Cause) KAREL program error. The PAUSE statement cannot be executed (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause code. INTP-346 ABORT.L (S054, %d45) Abort task failed se) KAREL program error. The ABORT statement cannot be executed, (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause code. INTP-347 ABORT.L (Ss"4, %d*5) Read VO value failed (Cause) KAREL program error, ‘The digital input signal cannot be input (Remedy) Refer to the error eause code. 983. APPENDIX INTP-348 ABORT.L (Ses"4, Sed*5) Write VO value failed (Cause) KAREL program error. The digital output signal cannot be output, (Remedy) Refer to the error ewuse code, INTP-349 ABORT.L (%e8"4, 95) Hold motion failed (Cause) KAREL program error, ‘The HOLD statement cannot be executed. (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause conde. INTP-350 ABORT.L (Sés*4, %d*5) Unhold motion failed (Cause) KAREL program error, The UNHOLD statement eannot be executed. (Remedy) Referto the error cause code. INTP-351 ABORTLL (S54, Sed"5) Stop motion failed (Cause) KAREL program errat. ‘The STOP statement cannot be executed, (Remedy) Refer to the crror eause code. INTP-352 ABORTAL (Ses"4, Sed45) Cancel motion failed (Cause) KAREL program error. ‘The CANCEL statement cannot be executed (Remedy) Refer to the error code. tu INTP-353 ABORT.L (Ses, 9 d*5) Resume motion failed (Causey KAREL program error, The RESUME statement cannot be executed. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. ID 4 ABORT.L (984, Ged *S) Break point failed (Cause) KAREL program error, The break point function cannot be executed. (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. INTP-355 ABORT.LL (S54, Sea"S) AMR is not found (Cause) KAREL programeerror, The AMR operated by the RETURN_AMR built-in routine was not found, Check program operation, INTP-356 ABORT.L (Ses"4, %d*5) AMR is nol processed yet (Cause) KAREL program error, The RETURN_AMER built-in routine cannot be used for an unoperated AMR, (Remedy) — Qperate the AMR using the WAT _AMB built-in routine, INTP-387 ABORT.L ("es"4, %d°5) WAIT_AMER is cancelled (Causey KAREL program error. The execution of the WAIT_AMR built-in routine was cancelled, (Remedy) ‘The program executing the WAIT_AMR must be restarted. INTP-358 ABORT.L (Ses*4, Ged*S) Timeout at read request (Causey) KAREL program error. The READ statement timed out (Remedy) — Check the device being reud., og. APPENDIX C ram error. Another READ statement was exceuted whilea READ ‘waiting for input. (Remedy) Remove nested reads. INTP-360 ABORT.L (Ses"4, S45) Vector is 0 (Cause) KAREL program error. The vector value Was invalid. (Remedy) — Cheek the INTP-361 PAUSE.L (%5"4, Sod"5) FRA ME:P2 is same as PI (Cause) KAREL program ettor. The X-axis direction cannot be ealeulated in the FRAME: built-in routine because PI and P2 are the sume point, (Remedy) Teach PI und P2 as different points. ‘ctor value, INTP-362 PAUSE.L (S¢5"4, Sod*5) FRAME:P3 is same as PL (Cause) KAREL program error. The X-¥ plane cannot be calculated in the FRAME built-in routine because P| and P3 are the same point (Remedy) Teach PI and P3 as different points. INTP-363 PAUSE.L (984, %d"5) FRAME:PS exists on line P2-P1 (Cause) KAREL program error. ‘The X-¥ plane cannot be calculated in the FRAME built-in routine because P3 is loeuted in the X-axis direction (Remedy) — Teach P3 out of the X-axis direction, INTP-364 ABORT.L (Ses*4, Sed 5) String too short for data (Cause) KAREL program error. The target string is too short (Remedy) — fnerease the target string size INTP-365 ABORT.L (%5"4, Sed) Predefined window not opened (Cause) KAREL program error. A FILE pre-defined by the system is not opened. (Remedy) — Cheek the use of this file INTP-366 ABORT.L (S84, Sed 45) VO status is not cleared (Cause) KAREL program error. The last file operation failed, (Remedy) Reset the error using the CLR_1O_STAT built-in routine, INTP-367 ABORTAL (584, Sed5) Bad base in format (Cause) KAREL program errar, 1/0 mode operates only from binary to hexdecimal (Remedy) Check the specified mode. -368 PAUSE.L (S684, Sed 95) Cannot use specified program (Cause) KAREL program error, The specified program cannot be used, (Remedy) Refer to the error cause code. 98s. peenssdene-ZI01 APPENDIX C a INTP-369 ABORT.L (S84, Sed*5) Timeout at WAIT_AMR (Cause) KAREL program error. The WAIT_AMR built-in routine timed out, (Remedy) [fan AMR was expected within the time-out value check logic ithe task that should have posted the AMR INTP.370 ABORT.L (4es*4, 45) Vision CPU not plugged in (Cause) KAREL program error. The vision CPU board is not plugged in. (Remedy) Plug in the vision CPU board. INTP-37L ABORT.L (%es"4, ed"5) Vision built-in overflow causey _ KAREL program error. The operution overflowed in the vision built (Remedy) Modify your program so that fewer vision bul in routine. ins are executing at the same time. INTP-372 ABORT.L (es"4, Seel*S) Undefined vision built-in (Cause) KAREL programerror, The vision built-in routine is not defined (Remedy} Check the appropriate option is loaded. INTP-373 ABORT.L (%8*4, Sed"3) Undefined vision parameter type (Cause) AREL program error. The parameter to the vision buill (Remedy) Check the parameter of the vision built-in routine, ip routine is INTP-374 ABORT.L (Ses"4, %d*5) Undefined vision return type (Cause) KAREL program error, The return value from the vision bu (Remedy) — Check the return Value from the vision built-in routine, INTP-375 (4e8%4, 99S) System var passed using BYNAME, (Cause) This alarm isrelated tothe KAREL program. Withthe BYNAMI junction, nosystem variable can be used. Use Pass without BYNAME, GET_VAR, or SET_VAR INTP-376 ABORT.L (584, Sed *5} Motion in interrupt is failed (Cause) There is no CANCEL, ar STOP instruction. (Remedy) inserta CANCEL or STOP instruction before call a interrupt routine. INTP-277 WARN (%¢8*4, Sed*5) Local COND reeovery failed «Cause) This local condition cannot be recovered (Remedy) — Refer to the error cause code. INTP-378 WARN (Ses"4, Sed*5) Local variable is used (Cause) Local variable or parameter is used for the condition. (Remedy) to recover locul condition. INTP-379 ABORT.L Bad condition handler number (Cause) ‘An invalid condition handler number was used in either a condition handler definition, or with an ENABLE, DISABLE, or PURGE statement of action, (Remedy) — Correct the condition handler number. Condition handler numbers must be in the range of 1-1000. - O86 APPENDIX C BanseteN.201 cD INTP. (Cause) ailid program number has been specified. (Remedy) — Usea valid program number. Pre 1-$SCR,SMAXNUMTASK + 2. IM nuntbers must he in the runge of INTP-381 (S54, Sod *5) Invalid Delay Time (Causey An invalid delay time has been specified in DELAY statement (Remedy) Use a valid delay time. Delay time must be in the range 0,.86400000 INTP-382 (S84, od*5) Invalid bit field valu (Cause) An invalid value has been specified in bit field (Remedy) Use a valid value for the bit field. INTP-383 ( Ses*4, Sed43) Poth node out of range (Cause) The specified path node is out of rang (Remedy) Check the path node, INTP-400 ABORT.L (Sés"4, d43) Number of motions exeveded (Cause) Too matty motions are executed at the same (Remedy) Decrease the number of motions executed at the same time, Execute the next motion «after the completion of the last motion, INTP-401 ABORT.L (S84, @d*5) Not On Top OF Stack (Cause) Paused motion exists after the motion was resumed. (Remedy) Resume the motion that was previously paused. INTP-420 (%5"4, ed "5) OFIX is not available (Cause) The (Remedy) Check the motion format and the motion addition instruction, jude fix instruction cannot be used. INTP-421 (S54, AS) Stiteh disable(S/S) (Cause) The single step mode (Remedy) Cancel the single step mode set. INTP.422 (Ses, % dS) Stiteh enable signal off (Cause) The stitch enable signal is set to OFF. (Remedy) Set the stitch enable signal to ON. INTP-423 (Ses, 95) Eq.condition sign: (Cause) The equipment condition signal is incorrect. (Remedy) Check the equipment condition signal. error INTP-424 (684, %d45) Stitch speed error (Cause) ‘The stiteh speed value is incorrect (Remedy) Check the stiteh speed value. a7 APPENDIX C INTP-425 (G84, %@d4S) Megal motion typed) (Cause) ‘The stitch function cannot be used with joint motion. (Remedy) Make a change to linear motion INTP-426 (Ss"4, Sod"5) Another prog isin stitching (Cause) Another program is using the stitch function. (Remedy) ‘Terminate the program that is using the stitch function, INTP-450 (9¢5%4, Sod°S) Cannot call KAREL program {Causc) From the masteristave/single stave program of the robot ink, the KAREL program was called. (Remedy) Do not call the KAREL program from the master/slave/single slave program. INTP-451 (Ses"4, Sed*5) Cannot call Motion program (Cause) Fram the masterislave/single slave program of the robot fink, a normal program with a motion group was called, (Remedy) Do not call anormal program with « motion group from the master/slavedsingle slave program. INTP-452 (S84, ed 45) Robot link type mismatch (Cause) From the master/slave/single slave program of the robot Link, a program of a different type was called. (Remedy) Donot call 4 program ofa different type from the master/slavefsingle slave program. 3 (S84, Sed*S) Not in remote (Cause) The slave program of the robot link cam be executed only in the remote mode. (Remedy) Ensure thi the remote condition is satisfied. ENTP-454 (Tes“4, Se*5) [legal return occurred (Cause) Inthe robot link, the type of a culling program differs from the type of 2 called program. (Remedy) — Match the type of a calling program with the type of a called program. INTP-455 (Se8%4, Sed*S) Group mismatch(Link pattern) (Cause) The master program motion group of the robot link dees not mateh the master robot motion group specified with the link pattem (Remedy) Match the master program motion group, with the link pattern the master robot motion group specified INTP-456 (Ses"4, Sed*5) Group mismateh(Slave group) (Cause) The slave program motion group of the robet link does not match the stave robot motion grcup specified with the slave group. (Remedy) Mate te stave program motion group with the slave robal motion group specified with the slave group. APPENDIX BeusiEN.201 es ‘TP-457 (és*4, Sext*5) Master tool number mismatch (Cause) The tool coordinate system number currently selected by the master robot does not match the robot fink data master tool coordinate system number af the slave program, (Remedy) Match the tool coordinate system number currently selected by the muster robot with the sobot link data muster t0ol coordinate system number af the slave program, INTP-488 (S84, Sd*5) Robot is still moving (Cause) The robots are movi iblish synchroniz: (Remedy) After the robat stops, restart the program, ith the robot link, so tht the master/slaversingle slave cannot a INTP-459 (fes*4, d*3) Slave eannot JOINT motion (Cause) ‘The motion statement in the slave program of the robot link specifies a joint motion, (Remedy) Change the motion statement of the slave program to orthogonal motion INTP-460 (%54, Sed*5) Cannot use JOINT pos for Slave (Cause) The position data formar ef the slave program of the robot link is the joint format (Remedy) Change the position data farmat of the slave program to the orthogonal Format. INTP-461 (Ses4, SodS) Master ‘T (Cause) The master progrum of the robot link was activated fram the teach pendant. The slave program stops temporarily, (Remedy) The master program was uetivated from the teach pendant, so that the slave program stops temporarily. is enabled INTP-462 (%s"4, Sed*5) Cannot start Robot Link (Cause) The setting. af the robot link may be incorrect. (Remedy) Check the setting. INTP-463 (esd, 64S) Motion group is Master (Cause) The motion group of » program whose execution was attempted with the robot link is muster (Remedy) Cancel the setting of master, then restart the program, INTP-A65 (e594, %d45) Tracking error (Cause) ‘The robot link could not perform synchronous motion (Remedy} Check the setting of the robot link, INTP-466 (84, %d48) Robot link not ealibrated (Cause) The robot link is not calibrated, (Remedy) Calibrate the robot link. INTP-467 (%5"4, Sed*5) Cannot use INC for Slave (Cause) In a motion statement of the slave program of the robot link, an inerementa] instruction is taught. (Remedy) ‘The incremental instruction cannot be used in a motion statement of the slave program. 939. sesranaen-208 APPENDIXG eel INTP-468 (S¢84, Sed5) Cannot use OFFSET for Slave (Cause) Ia motion statement of the slave program of the-obot Link, a compensation instruction is taught. (Remedy) ‘The compensation instruction cannot be used ina motion statement of the slave program. INTP-469 (Ses"4, Seel*S) BWD is failed for Master (Cause) Amatlempt for BWD synchronization of the mater of the robot link failed (Remedy) Place the slave in the synchronization wait state. INTP-470 (58%, Sod*5) Not support BWD for Stav (Causey BD synchronization is not supported for the slave progrant of the robot link: {Ren ) BD synchronization is supported for the slave program. ed TL (5S A, (Cause) In the robot link, the robot is placed in the master (manus!) state. INT 5) Robot is Master(Manual) (Remedy) In the master (manual) state, external activation is disabled. For external activation, set the master (single) stale on the manual operation seteen. INTP-472 (Ses™4, ed*5) Robot is Slave( Manual) (Cause) In the robot link, the robot is placed in the slave (manual} state, (Remedy) Inthe slave (manual) state, other slaves cannot be executed. Hold the program, und cancel the slave (manus!) state. INTP-474 (554, Sed") Synchro 1D mismatch (Cause) Inthe robot fink, a program with a synchronous motian ID different from the synchronous motion ID of the currently executed program was executed. Remedy) Programs different synchronous motion [Ds eannot be executed at the same time: INTP-475 (Ses"4, Sd"5) Cannot single step (Cause) The slave program of the robot link cannot be executed in the single (Remedy) Caneel the single step mode. INTP-476 (S054, dS) BWD is Failed (Cause) Inthe robot link, BWD failed. (Remedy) BWD failed IN'TP-A77 (Ses™4, Sed*S) Cannot run Slave directly (Cause) The slave program of the robat link eannot be activated directly. (Remedy) Execute the slave by calling from the normal program. INTP-478 This group ean not be MASTER (Cause) This alarm is issued when an attempt is made to specify as a mater # robot not set as master in the robot link or when an attempt is made to Specify as a master group not set asa master on the manual operation screen, (Remedy) Specify another group as a master, or modify the setting 990 APPENDIX C Brass 204 sh INTP-479 Bad Hostname or Address{MASTER) (Cause) An attempt was made to cxecute the robat link when a host name not registered is Specified or the setting of un IP address is ineorrect on the host communication screen or the master setting sereen (Remedy) Cheek the master in the robot link sctting and host commynieatien selting. INTP-480 Bad Hostname or Address(SLAVE) (Cause) An attempt was made to execute the robot link when a host name not registered is specified or the setting of an IP address is incorrect in the host communication setting or link pattern setting. (Remedy) Check the slave in the robat link setting and host communication setting, INTP-481 Bad Synchronization ID (Cause) In the robot link, a program-specified synchronous motion ID is incorrect, (Remedy) Correct the synchronous matien ID on the list screen. INTP-482 Bad Link Pattern Number (Cause) In the robot link. a program-specified link pattern number is incorrect (Remedy) Correct the link patiern number on the list screen, INTP-483 Bad Master Number (Cause) Im the robot link, a program-specified master number (Remedy) — Conect the master number on the list screen. jnicorrect INTP-484 Bad Group number (MASTER) (Cause) The group number of the master of the rabot link is incorrect (Remedy) Check the group number of the master, INTP-485 Bad Group number (SLAVE) (Cause) The group number of the slave of the robot link is incorrect, (Remedy) — Check the group number of the slave. INTP-486 SLAVE is not calibrated (Cause) Inthe robot link, there is a slave not calibrated. (Remedy) Calibrate the slave robot. INTP-488 RLINK communication timeout (Cause) In the robot link, communication initialization timed out, (Remedy) Increase the value of SRK_SYSCFG.$RMGR_PHTOUT by 100. INTP-489 Bad Hostname or Address, Group (Cause) An attempt was made toexecute the robot link when the setting of a host name, IP address, or motion group is incorrect in the host conimunication setling or robot link setting. (Remedy) Check the robot link setting and host communication setting 991 BS MSEN-21 APPENDIX oo ut for link start (Cause) Amatternpt was made to execute the robot Link when the setting af a host name, IF jddress. or motion group is incorgeet in the host communication setting or robot I Setting.or when the robot link prograntis not executed atthe communication destination, So, a synchronization start timeout occurred. (Remedy) Check the robot fink setting and hast communication setting, and also check the state of the robot al the communication destination. INTP-491 Linked robot or comm stopped (Cause) During robot Jink execution, the robot at the communication destination stopped program execution, of stopped communication for a cause such as a pawer failure. (Remedy) Check the state of the tebot at the communication destination. INTP-493 Slave program stepped (Cause) During slave program execution, the master program at the communication destination stopped, (Remedy) Check the state of the robot at the communication destination. INTP-493 Slave program stopped (Cause) During robot link execution as the master, the slave program at the communication destination stopped. (Remedy) Check the state of the robot at the communication de: 992 APPENDIX & Basses C.2.4 JOG Error Codes (ID = 19 ) JOG-001 WARN Overtravel Vi (Cau: occurred, (Remedy) While holding down the shill key, press the alarm cle Then, while holding down the shift key, periorm jog ito the movable range. JOG-002 WARN Robot not Calibrated (Cause) Robot has not been culibrated. (Remedy) Apply one the following methods for positioning: » Make positioning seitings on the positioning sereen - Turn the power off and then on again, ) A robot overtravel hi button to-clear the alarm, eed to move the ovestravel axi JOG-003 WARN No Motion Control (Cause) Other program has motion contral (Remedy) Abort the pragram that has motion control by pressing FCTN key then selecting ABORT. 4JOG-004 WARN Illegal linear jogging (Cause) ‘You cannot do more than one rotational jog at a time. (Remedy) — Only press one rotational jag key ata time, JOG-005 WARN Can not clear hold (Cause) The hold key or hold button is held down. Or, *HOLD input is off, (Remedy) Release the hold key ar hold button. Or, turn on *HOLD input. JOG-006 WARN Subgroup does not exist (Cause) No extended axis exist in this group with which to jog. {Remedy} No action is required, JOG-007 WARN Press SHIFT key to jog (Cause) The SHIFT key is not pressed (Remedy) You must press the SHIFT key when jogging the robot. Release the JOG key then hold the SHIFT key and press the JOG key to jog. JOG-008 WARN Turn on TP to jog (Cause) Teach pendant is not enabled, (Remedy) Hold the BEADMAN and turn on the teach pendant befare jogging the robot. 1JOG-009 WARN Hold deadman to jog (Cause) The DEADMAN switch is not pressed (Remedy) Press the DEADMAN switeh, then press RESET key to clear the error. JOG-010 WARN Jog pressed before SHIFT (Causey The JOG key was pressed before the SHIFT key was pressed. (Remedy) Release the JOG key. Then hold down the SHIFT key and press the JOG key. APPENDIX C JOG-011 WARN Utool changed while jogging (Cause) ‘The selected tool frame changed while jogging. (Remedy) Release the SHIFT key and the JOG key, ‘The new TOOL frame will take effeet automatically JOG-012 WARN manual brake enabled (Cause) ‘The manual brake enable. (Remedy) Engage all the brakes by pressing EMERGENCY STOP boten, then press the RESET key) JOG-013 WARN Stroke limit (Group: %d Avis: % x Hex) (Cause) Robot axis reaches ils specified strake limit (Remedy) The robot already reach the stroke Jimitand cannot jog in the current direction any more- Extend the axis limit if it does not exceed the robot and software specifications JOG-014 WARN Vertical fixture position (Cause) Robot reaches its vertical fixture position on the LR-MATE system. (Remedy) ‘To continue jogging, release the JOG key then press it again JOG-015 WARN Horizontal fixture position (Causey Robot reaches its horizontal fixture position on the LR-MATE system. (Remedy) To continue jogging, release the JOG key then press it again. JOG-016 SERVO Softfloat time out(Group: ed) (Cause) Follow-up time is aver when softfloat is ON. (Remedy) Make the system vuriable $SFLT_FUPTIM larger, JOG-017 At R-Theta robot posture (Cause) In remote TCP jogging, the robot assumed the R-Theta attitude, (Remedy) To continue jogging, release the jog key. then press the jog key again. JOG-020 Can not PATH JOG now (Cause) PATH JOG has selected, but robot is not currently on a taught path, or tol Z direction is same teaching path, so Y direction can not be determined. Can not PATH JOG (Remedy) Use shif-FWD to execute program path, or specify another jou frame. JOG-021 Multi pressed (Cause) Use of multiple jog Keys is not supported in PATH JOG (Remedy) — Use only one jog key at a time. JOG-022 Disabled in JOINT path (Cause) PATH jog is disabled in JOINT path (Remedy) PATH j lable in LINEAR and CERCULAR path is ava 994 APPENDIX BoHEN- 201 ee" JOG-023 Available only in PAUSE (Cause) PATH jog is available only in PAUSE status (Remedy) PATH jog is available only in PAUSE status JOG-024 Currently this key is invalid (Cause) This key is currently disabled. (Remedy) — Change the jog coordinate system. JOG 025 J4 is not zero (Cause) 44 is not at the 0" position. (Remedy) To us jitude-fixed jogging, J4 needs 1 be at the 0° Position. JOG-026 J4 is zero. (Cause) 4 is now at the 0° position. (Remedy) — Attitudle-fixed jogging is enabled, JOG-027 Reverse direction from J4=0 (Cause) The direction of jogging is opposite to the 0 direction of J4 (Remedy) Press the jog key for the opposite direction. JOG-028 Attitude fix mode limit (TCP) (Cause) A tinea motion range limit was reached (Remedy) Change the target position, or switch to joint motion, A stroke limit in the TCP mode Was reached. JOG-029 OFIX jog error (Cause) Internal error (Remedy) Contact your FANUC customer service representative, and inform the representative af an alarm message displayed 406-030 Can't OFIX (Cause) _Atitude-fixed jogging is disubled. An additional alarm is issued. (Remedy) Check the additional alarm on the alarm history screen. 995 APPENDIX G Bot 996. APPENDIX G C.2.5 TPIF Error Codes (ID=9) TPIF-001 to 003 WARN Mnemonic editor error (S51) (Cause) legal ease occurred on software. (Remedy) nluct our service center serving your locality. ‘TPIF-004 WARN Memory write error (Cause) The instruction cannot be used because the corresponding software option is not provided (Remedy) Install the software option, ‘TPIF-005 WARN Program is nat selected (Cause) The program Was not selected when the program wus displayed al the edit screen, (Remedy) Select a program in the SELECT screen, ‘TPIF-006 WARN SELECT is not taught (Cause) This taught statement needed the SELECT statement before the current line. (Remedy) Teach the SELECT statement before the current line. TPIF-007 WARN Robot is not calibrated (Cause) The calibration was not finished yet (Remedy) Finish the calibration. TPLF-008 WARN Memory protect violation (Cause) The program's write protection is set to an, (Remedy) Release protection on select screen ‘TPIF-009 WARN Cancel delete by application (Cause) The program cannot be deleted because prageam deletion is di tool software. (Remedy) Enable program deletion on the applic jon selling screen. TPIF-010 WARN Cancel enter by application (Causey The program cannot be edited because program editing is disabled by the application tool software. (Remedy) Enable program editing on the application setting screen, ‘TPIF-O11 WARN Item is not found (Cause) tem is not found below this line (Remedy) — Try smother item or elose search funetion TPIF-012 WARN Kinematics solution is invali (Cause) Can not translate position data (Remedy) — Cheek the configuration of robot and SMNUTOGL/SMNUFRAM of syste ariubles: -997- APPENDIX £013 WARN Other program is running Can not select the progeam When other is running or pausing. (Remedy) Select program after abort he program which is running or pausing. ‘TPIE-014 WARN Teach pendant is lisubled (Cause) Can not be edit a program when the Teach pendant is disabled. (Remedy) Edit program after Teach pendant is enabled. TPIF-018 WARN Bad pos (Causc) ‘The specified position register index is inv (Remedy) Check the index of the position register, ion register index “TPIF-016 to 017 WARN Memory access failed (81) (Cause) Ih (Remedy 1} Select a program (Remedy 2) Contact FANUC Robotics. se occurred on software, ‘TPIF-018 WARN Unspecified index value (Cause) Specified index value is invalid. (Remedy) Check specified index value ‘TPIE-O19 WARN This item cannot be replaced (Cause) This item can not be replaced. (Remedy) Try another item or close replace function. ‘TPIF-020 NONE Mnaction search error (Cause) Illegal case oceurred on software, (Remedy) Contact aur service center serving your locality. TPIF-023 WARN WJNT and RTCP are not compatible (Cause) Wint und RTCP are not compatible (Remedy) Remove Wjnt or RTCP belore add the other ‘TPIF-030 WARN Program name is NULL. (Causey Program name was not entered. (Remedy) Enter program name, ‘TPIF-031 WARN Remove num from top of Program name (Cause) Top of program name is number. (Remedy) Remove number fron top of program name. “TPUF-032 WARN. Remove space from Program name (Cause) A space is included in the program name (Remedy) Remove space from program name. 08. APPENDIX G BearaateN201 a!" TPIF-033 WARN Ren e comma from Program name (Cause) A comma is included in the program name, (Remedy) — Remove comma from program name. TPIF-034 WARN Remove dot from Program name (Cause) A. dot is included in the program name. (Remedy) Remave dot from program name. ‘TPIF-035 WARN Remove minus fr¢ Program name (Cause) A minus is included in the program name. (Remedy) Remove minus from program name. ‘TPIF-036 WARN Memory is not enough (Cause) Not enough memory available (Remedy) Delete unused programs. ‘TPIF-037 WARN Program must be selected by TP (Cause) Only the Teach Pendant default program can be cdited an the CRT (Remedy) Please sclect the program on the Teach Pendant before editi ng on the CRT TPIF-038 WARN Inva (Cause) Invalid cha (Remedy) Please remove invalid character from program name id char in program name ier im program name TPIF-040 WARN Label is already exist (Cause) Sume label No, slrendy exists. (Remedy) — Change to different label No, TPIF-041 WARN MNUTOOLNUM number is invalid Specified MNUTOOLNUM number is invalid, (Remedy) — Check MNUTOOLNUM number in SYSTEM variubles. ‘TPIF-042 WARN MNUFRAMENUM number is invalid (Cause) Specified MNUFRAMNUM number is invalid, (Remedy) Check MNUFRAMNUM number in SYSTEM variables. ‘TPLF-043 WARN External change is valid (Cause) Can not change robot (group), because the friction that select robot by external DI is valid. (Remedy) Set SMULTLROBO.CHANGE_SDI in SYSTEM vuriables to ZERO. TPIF-044 WARN Program is unsuitable for robot (Cause) The group mask of program differs from selected robot (group). (Remedy) Check to select reshot (group) or check group mask of program attribute. 999. s.gianeeN.201 APPENDIX C a ‘PPIF-045 WARN Pallet number is over max etizing instruction can not teach more than 16 in ane program. (Cause) (Remedy) — Teach another program. ‘TPIF-046 WARN Motion option is over max (Causey Too many motion option of default motion (Remedy) Please decrease motion option of default motion ‘TPIV-047 WARN Invalid program is selected (Cause) The program type is wrong. (Remedy) Select TP rogram. TPIF-048 WARN Running program isnot found (Cause) The running program does not exist, ‘TPIP-049 WARN Port number is invalid (Cause) Portis not set for outside device. (Remedy) Set port for outside device TPLE-050 WARN Macro does not exist (Cause) A program is not assigned to this macro command, (Remedy) Assign a program to this macro command. ‘TPIF-051 WARN Program has been selected by PNS (Cause) When a prog sereen, (Remedy) You have to tum off the signal of PNSTROBE. um has been selected by PNS, you can net select program at S| ‘TPIF-052 WARN FWD/BWD is disabled (Cause) When the Disabled FWD function has been selected, you can not execute the program by TP (Remedy) Please select the Disabled FWD in the function menu, then you can release it from the Disable FWD function, TPIF-053 WARN Not editing background program (Cause) The program has not been selected by the BACKGROUND editing (Remedy) Please select the BACKGROUND program in the SELECT sereen ‘TPIF-054 WARN Could not end editing (Cause) Memory is not enough or background program is invalid (Remedy) Delete any uscless programs or confirm the background program ‘TPIF-055 WARN Could not recovery original program (Cause) Failed recovering original program which has been selected by the (Remedy) — End editing by the END_EDIT of [EDCMD] again before executing the origisn! program which has been selected by the BACKGROUND =10001 APPENDIX G Beetastenz01 a ‘TPIF-056 WARN This program is used by the CRI (Causey The program of BACKGROUND can not be selected by the CRT and TP at the same time (Remedy) End editing by the END_ED fof [EDCMD} at the CRT ‘TPIF-037 WARN This program is used by the TE (Cause) The program of BACKGROUND can not be selected by the CRT and TI time (Remedy) End editing by the END. the same IT of [EDCMD| at the TP. ‘TPIF-060 WARN Can't record on cartesian (Group:‘d) (Cause) This current position is in singularity (Remedy) You ean record this position on joint type only Please select the funetion key ‘TPIF-061 WARN Group[‘%sJ has not recorded (Cause) ‘This position data has not been changed to displayed groups function key which did not record the position, when checking in (Remedy) Check this recorded position again before exeution Ise you selected the ‘TPIF-062 AND operator was replaced to OR (Cause) AIL AND operators on this line were replaced with OR operators. (Remedy) You cunnot mix AND and OR operator on a the same line, ‘Verify that all logical aperators on this line are the same before execution ‘TPIF-063 OR operator was replaced to AND. (Cause) AILOR operator on this tine were replaced by AND operators, ‘You cannot mix AND OR opersotr on a the sume line (Remedy) Verify all logical aperaiors on this Tine before execution ‘TPIF-064 Too many AND/OR aperator¢Max-t) (Cause) Too many AND/OR operators (Max.4 on a sin (Remedy) ‘Teach the logical aperation on another linc le line) TPIF.065 Arithmetic operator was unified to. 4- or #/ (Cause} Arithmetic operator on this line was changed to + or *f, Cannot mix arithmatic + and - operators with * and /operators on the same line. (Remedy) Verify all line before execution metic operators on thi ‘TPIF-066 Too many arithmetic operatar(Max.5) (Cause) Too many arithmetic operators (Max.5 on a single line) (Remedy) Touch the arithmetic operation on another line ‘TPIF-067 Too many arguments (Max.10) (Cause) Too many arguments (Max. 10 fora ps im/macro sum OF a muero) (Remedy) — Check arguments of the pro; -1001 peenene0t APPENDIX C a Cannot teach the instruction. (Remedy) Check the sub type of the program. ‘TPIF-071 Cannot change sub type (Cause) Cannot change sub type (Remedy) Cheek sub type af the program ‘TPIF-072 Cannot change motion group (Cause) Cannot change motion group (Remedy) — Check sub type of the program ‘TPIF-090 WARN ‘This program has motion group (Cause) ‘The program specified in $PWR_HOT, $PWR_SEML and SPWR_NORMAL must not have motion group. {Rcmedy) Set * to all motion group in program detail screen on TP_ ‘TPIF-091 WARN PR! J access error 4Cause) — Anerror occurred when accessing a position register, (Remedy) Refer to the error eause code. TPIF-092 Value Gd expected Ss (Cause) The valuc_array that was passed to a KAREL built-in was incorreetly specified, (Remedy) — Make sure the value_array specifies the correct names for the variables and that the types expected arc correct. TPIF-093 USER menu must be selected (Cause) Software internal error. (Remedy) Consult our service representative. TPIF-094 USER2 menu must be selected (Cause) Software internal error. (Remedy) — Consult our service representative. TPIF-093 WARN Execution y table error (Causey Software internal error (Remedy) Please do controlled start it isn't necessary to re-set the new item) TPIF-097 WARN Running task’s history can't dispkay (Cause) The execution history of the executing program can not be displayed (Remedy) — Please refer this screen when the prog im is paused or aborted “TPIF-098 WARN Ges was not run (Cause) The program of SPWR_HOT, $PWR_SEMI or SPWR_NORMAL is not executed (Remedy) Read the cause code APPENDIX & Barsctenon =" TPIF-099 WARN This program is edited (Cause) The program specified in SPWR_HOT,SPWR_SEMI and SPWR_NORMAL isnot exccuted, when the program is in editing. (Remedy) Select the other program ‘TPIF-100 WARN No vacant table space (Cause) Mlegal case occured on software, (Remedy) Contact our service center ser ing your locality ‘TPIF-101 WARN No such menu ‘ (Remedy) Contact our service cenier serving your locality. sc) legal case occured on software. ‘TPIF-102 WARN E.STOP is asserted (Cause) FWD execution is selected while, E.STOP is asserted. (Remedy) Turn the E.STOP off. Then seloct FWD execution TPIF-103 WARN Dead man is released (Cause) When starting the program with the teach pendant, the deadman switch was refcased. (Remedy) Press and hold the deadman switch and start 4. pr TPIF-104 WARN Teach Pendant is disabled (Cause) A program was not started because the teach pendant was disabled, (Remedy) After turing on the enable switch of the teach pendant, start a program, ‘TPIF-105 WARN Program is not selected (Cause) A program was started without selecting a program, (Remedy) After selecting a program, start the program, ‘TPIF-106 WARN Program is already running (Cause) While a program was running, starting from teach pendant performed. (Remedy) Sturt a program after waiting for program's ending or ahorting it. ‘TPIF-107 WARN FWD/BWD is disabled (Cause) |, Starting a program was performed when the starting was prohibited such as entering the value into the message line, 2. A program was not selected, (Remedy) 1. After finishing the procedure of entering the value, start a program. cla program and then start a program. PIF-108 WARN Form error, line Gd, item %d (Causey The Form Manager detected an ertor on the specified line with the specified item. (Remedy) Referto the cause code for the actual error, TPIF=109 WARN Sev not specified correctly (Cause) An internal software errar-oceurred. (Remedy) Contact your PANUC Service Center. 1003. Be dOHEN-2I01 APPENDIX G ‘TPIF-110 WARN Sereen used by other device (Cause) An internal software error occurred, (Remedy) Contact your FANUC Service Center, P1F-111 op_global does not exist (Cause) Internal system error. (Remedy) — Consult our service representative. ‘TPIF-112 op_sel does not exist Cause) Internal system error, (Remedy) Consult our service representative, ‘TPHP-113 Mlegal param in ap menu (Cause) —-_Imemal system errar. (Remedy) Consult our service representative. ‘TPIF=114 Ilegal data in op menu (Cause) Internal system error. (Remedy) Consult aur service representative, “TPIP-118 Data fs full (Cause) _Iternal system error. (Remedy) Consult our service representative, ‘TPIF-116 System variable error: Ss (Cause) System variable name is invalid (Remedy) — Check the spelling and format of the name ‘TPIF-117 Cannot backup to deviee: Ses (Cause) The default devi is not valid for backup: (Remedy) Select a valid device and try again ‘TPIF+118 File error for Gs (Cause) File error (Remedy) Perform a cold start: 1. Turn off the robot. 2, On the teach pendant, press and hold the SHIFT and RESET keys. 3. While still pressing the SHIFT and RESET keys, turn on the robot, If the error is not cleared, document the events that ‘TPIF-119 File compression failed (Cause) Failed creating compressed file (Remedy) Check backup device ‘TPIF-120 Device failure (Cause) Device failure (Remedy) — Check de nd try again 100s. APPENDIX ¢ Baten 201 > eS TPIF-121 Invalid copy, Use MOVE key. (Cause) Cannot COPY a on a Memory device to the same. Memory device. (Remedy) Use the MOVE key and try again TPIF-122 Specified softpart 1D is illegal ( (Remedy) Consult our service representative. “ause) Internal system error, ‘TPIF-123 No active appl (Cause) Internal system error. ions. (Remedy) Consult our service representative. ‘TPIP-124 Current application is nothing (Cause) Internal system error. (Remedy) Consult our service representative. TPIF-125 Specified softpart ID is nothing (Cause) Internal system errar (Remedy) Consult our service representative, TPIF-126 THKY ASLOAD is failed (Cause) Internal (Remedy) Consult aur service representative stem error, ‘TPIF-127 TOPK ASLOAD is failed (Cause) Imernal system error. (Remedy) Consult our serviee representative, TPIF-128 Verify logic of pasted line(s) «Causey The reverse mation copy function does not support the following motion option instruction, 1. Application command 2. Skip, Quick Skip 3. Incremental 4. Continuous tun 5. Ahead execution command (Remedy) Check the above motion option instruction, And modify the copied statement correctly. ‘TPIF-129 Group mation inst. is pasted (Cause) ‘The group matian instruction is copied. The reverse motion copy function does not supported group mation instruction. (Remedy) Check the group motion instruction. And modify the copied statement correctly. ‘TPIF-130 Specified application has no EQ (Cause) Internal system error. (Remedy) — Consult our service representative. 1005.

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