System Variables

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APPENDIX D Baneien2n1 D SYSTEM VARIABLES This part of this manual deseribes the names, functions, stundard settin and valid ranges of system variables. -1085- APPENDIX D 1086. APPENDIX D Geere6aEn-207 D.1 FORMAT OF A SYSTEM VARIABLE TABLE Vf V ‘SPARAM_GROUP [ group /-SPPABN_ENBL BOOLEAN RW PU ® 1 | Systenn varanac ame TRUE | FALSE ® 1 | Variabte repo Whether the power mist heturmed elPthen oa ain, | 5 ‘Changeahielanchanpeable 3 | Seanad valve [oe | Valid range Tab. Dl Format of a system variable table System varlable name ‘Standard wall “Tnwinsic value for each model Variable type BOOLEAN True/false type (TRUP/PALSE) BYTE Integer (0 to 255) SHORT Integer (-32768 to 32767) INTEGER Integer (-1000000 10 1000000) REAL Real number (-10000000000 te, 1000000000) CHAR Character string ("abedefz"> XYZWPR Cartesian coondinates Changeablefunchangeable ROW Changeable RO Unchangeable Whether the po off then on.again must he timed PU Indicates that the power must be tuned on azain, ‘Valid range (unit) Procedure D-1 Setting a system variable Step 1. Press the MENUS key. 2. Select 0 (NEXT), then select 6 (SYSTEM). 3. Press the Fl (TYPE) key. 4, Select Variables. Then, the system variable screen is displayed. -1087- Batiste APPENDIX D + USER an) pee arepoi oucienies von 408 — : saesion finn] 3 teins a i Moree once om © tr feozonas a S fesiares! leet seston ai FA J cs 5. Tochange the value of a system variable, move the cursor to a desired item. enter anew value, then press the ENTER key or select a desired item by pressing the comesponding function key. 6, When a system variable contains multiple system variables, move the cufsor to-a desired item and press the ENTER key. Then, the low-order system variables are displayed. sore: 108 sever a2) sonzemrroL ae Sovepauer exTeR, a9 Sranan_cnour Bo SPascwonD Gr EHABLE, 2 SCARTIACCREI 3 §camt Acc? 4 scrme_eame S Scomsarrenne 6 sexe ener turn itan again. (PU is specified for all SPARAM_GROUP system variables. ) | NOTE The setting of a sys m variable for which RO (unchangeable) is specified cannot be changed. 1088: APPENDIX D Bearacten201 ———_—. SS D.2 SYSTEM VARIABLES Hot start SSEMIPOWERFL FALSE BOOLEAN RW TRUE/FALSE [Description] Specifies whether to perform a hot start when power is recovered, After a hot start, the robot is restored near the status immediately before a power failure. TRUE: Performs a hot start afler power recovery, FALSE: Does not perform a hot start, Instead, performs a cold start, Power failure recovery SPARAM_GROUPI group ]. SS¥_OFF_ALL TAUE BOOLEAN RW PU TRUE/ FALSE {Function] Enables or disables the break eantrol function [Description] Specifies how the brakes are applied. ‘TRUE: ht puts on/off breaks for all axes at sam till all axes finish to move and it puts off all breaks when one axis sturt to mov FALSE: It puts on/off breaks independently, i. it puts on each break which axis finish to move and it never put off each break Which axis starts to move. it dogs not putan all breaks Mastering SMIASTER_ENB 0 ULONG RW 1/0 [Function] Displays positioning screen [Description] When this variable is enabled, the positioning screen [6 (SYSTEM). Master/Cal] is displayed on the teach pendant 0: Positioning screen not displayed L: Positioning screen displayed SDMR_GAPI group]. SMASTER_DONE TRUE BOOLEAN RW TRUE/FALSE [Function] Indicates if mastering is completed. [Description] Indicates if mastering has been completed. [Setting] On the positioning screen (6 (SYSTEM).Master/Cal] -1039. Bearacien-21 APPENDIX D nn SDMA_GRPL group J, SMASTER_COUNI 11 . SOMR_GRP{ group J. SMASTER_COUN| 2] + SOMA_GRPJ group }, SMASTER_COUN[ 3 J . SDMA_GRPI group ]. SMASTER_COUN( 4} . SDMA_GRP[ group J. SMASTER_COUN[S ] . SDMA_GRP[ group J, SMASTER_COUN[S] . SDMA_GRPT group}, SMASTER_COUN[7 ] . ‘SDMP_GRPI group }. SMASTER_COUNT 6] . SDMA _GAP( group }. SMASTER_COUN[ 9] + INTEGER RW. to 190000000 (pulse) [Function] — Stare masterin [Description} Pulse coder count at zero degree position is stored. This valuc is calculated from current count at mastering and current position, pulse counts SPARAM_GROUP[ group }. SHASTER_POS| 1] : $PARAM_GROUP[ group }. SMASTER_POS| 2) : ‘SPARAM_GROUP| group J. SMASTER_POS| 3) i SPARAM_GROUP( group |. SMASTER_POS{ 4] : SPARAM_GROUPI group |. SMASTER_POS{ 5] ‘ SPARAM_GROUP| group |. SMASTER_POS| 6] . SPARAM_GROUP[ group |. SMASTER_POS| 7) . ‘SPARAM_GROUP[ group J. SMASTER_POS| 8 | . SPARAM_GROUP[ group |. SMASTER_POS[ 9] . REAL RW PU -100000 to 100000 (deg) [Function] Store jig positien for ji [Description] J da nastering sition for jig mastering is stored, Mastering pulse count is calculated from this 1090- APPENDIX D Berasten201 ——_).gwX es D.2.1 System Variables Quick mastering $0MA_GRP[ group J. SREF_DONE FALSE BOOLEAN RW TRUE/ FALSE [Function] Indicates if setting of the reference point for quick mastering is complete [Description] When the reference point af simple mastering is set, the pulse coder count and coordinate values of the reference position are stored, [Seung] On the positioning screen [6 (SYSTEM).Master/Cal] SOMR_GRP{ group}. $REF_COUNT[1] SOMR_GRPI group |. $REF_COUNTI2] ‘SDMR_GRP[ group ]. SREF_COUNT[ 3] ‘$DMR_GRPI group ]. SREF_COUNTI 4] ‘SOMA_GRPI group}. SREF_COUNTI 5] 'SOMA_GRP[ group]. $REF_COUNT[6] SDMR_GRP[ group}. SREF_COUNT[ 7} 3OMA_GRP[ group }. SREF_COUNT[ 8] SOMR_GRPI group }. $REF_COUNT[ 9} INTEGER AW 0 ta 100000000 ( pulse) ececcccce [Function] Store reference point mastering eount [Description] tore the count of the pulse coder when the robot is positioned a the reference point SOMA_GRPL group }. SAEF_POS[ + 5 SDMA_GRPI group }. SREF_POS[ 2] SDMF_GRP[ group |. SREF_POS[3} SDMR_GRP[ group . SREF_POS{ 4] SDMA_GRP[ group }. SREF_POSI 5] SDMR_GRP[ group }. SREF_POS{ 6] SDMR_GRP[ group |. SREF_POS[7] SDMR_GAP[ group J. SREF_POSI 8] SDMR_GAP[ group |. SREF_POS| 9] REAL AW 100000 to 100000 (dag) [Function] Store reference point to be set during quick mastering [Description] Store the reference point to be set during quick mastering, eeceoceee =1091- BeueeN201 APPENDIX D a joning ‘SMOR_GRPI group J. $CAL_ DONE TRUE BOOLEAN FW TRUE/FALSE [Function] — Indicates if ealibration is completed. [Description} To check the current position of the robot, the count af the pulse coder issued and the current position is exlculated using mastering count, This check és usually performed when the pawer is turned an. [Setting] Qn the positioning sereen |G (SYSTEM).Master/Cal] stern Specification coordinate sys ‘SMNUFRAMENUM| g10UP } o BYTE AW 0109 [Function] Specifies user coordinate system number [Description] Specifies the number of the user coordinate system currently used. 0: World coordinate system to 9: User coordinate system [Setting] ‘On the tool coardinate system setting & screen [6 SYSTEM,Coordinute, User] SMNUFRAMEL group, *] xVZWPR SMNUFRAME[ group, 2] XYZWPR SMNUFRAME( group, 31 XYZWPR SMNUFRAMET group, & } XyZWPR SMNUFRAMEL group, 5 ] xvEwen SMNUFRAME| group, 6] swe SMNUFRAME[ group, 71 drWPA SUNUFRAME[ group, 8 | xYZWPA SMNUFRAMEL group, 91] XYZWPR POSITION RW XYZWPR [Function] Specifies user coordinates system number [Description] Specifies the Cancesiun coordinates in the user coordinate system Up to nine uscr coordinate systems cun be registered. SMNUTOOLNUML group ] ° BYTE AW 9109 [Function] Specifies tool coordinate system number [Description] Specifies the number of the tool coordinate system currently uscd 0: Mechanical interface coordinate system 1 10 9% Tool coardinate system Qn the too! coordinate system setting screen [6 SYSTEM.Coordinate. Tool] [setti -1092 APPENDIX D Bemassen202 —$— ee SMNUTOOLI group. 1] xvZWeR SMNUTOOL{ group, 2] xYZWPR SMNUTOOL| group, 3) XYZWPR SUNUTOOL| group, 4] XYZWPR S$MNUTOOL| group. 5 J XYZWPR SMNUTOOL{ group, 6 | YZWPR SMNUTOOLI group, 7) XYZWER SMNUTOOL{ group, 8] XYZWPR SMNUTOOL[ group, 9) xvzWPR POSTION RW. XxYZWPR [Function] Specifies the tool coordinate s; [Description] Specify the Cartesian coordinates in the tool coordinate system. Nine tool coordinate systems can be registered. cm $J0G_GROUP[ group }. §JOG_FRAME XYZWPR POSITION RW XYZWPR [Function] Specifies the jog coordinate system [Description] Specifies the Cartesian coordinates in the jog coordinate system: [seni On the jog coordinate system setting sereen [6 SYSTEM, Coordinate, jog] Setting motors 3SCR_GRP[ group ]. SAXISORDER| 1 ] ‘SSCR_GRP[ group }. SAXISORDER| 2] $SCR_GAP[ group J. SAXISORDER[ 3.) SSCR_GRP[ group }. SAXISORDERL 4] ‘SSCA_GAP[ group |. SAXISORDERT 5] ‘SSCR_GRP( group ]. SAXISORDER| 6 ] SSCR_GRP[ group |. SAMISORDER[ 7) $SCR_GRP[ group |. SAXISORDERT® | $SCR_GAPL group |. SAXISORCERTO } BYTE RW Ol016 eoceunune [Function] Specify axis order [Description] Specifies the ordes of axes by assigning the physical number of a servo motor controlled by the servo amplifier (servo register) to the logical number of a yobat joint axis specificd in software (Jx-axis). For instance, when SAXISORDER{] = 2, servo motor is assigned to the JI-axis. When SAXISORDER{I] = asigned as the JI-axis, “1003: BearaGHEN-2O1 APPENDIX D a ‘$SCR_GRP| group }. SROTARY_AXS[ 1] i ‘SSCR_GRP| group }. SROTARY_AXS{2] : ‘SSCA_GRPI group ]. SROTARY_AXS{9} . SSCA_GRPT group]. SROTARY_AXS[4] + SSCF_GRP[ group |. SROTARY_AXSI5] SSCFL_GAP[ group |. $ROTARY_AXS| 6] . ‘SSCR_GRP[ group |. SROTARY_AXS{ 7] a SSCA_GRP[ group ]. SROTARY_AXS[ 8) 2 SSCR_GAP| group |. SROTARY_AXS{ 9} ‘ BOOLEAN RO TRUE/ FALSE [Function] — Specify axis type [Description] Specifies whether joint axes of the rabot are rotational or Finear. TRUE: Rotational FALSE: Linear ‘SPARAM_GROUP[ group }. SMOSIGNT 1] ‘ SPARAM_GROUP[ group |. SMOSIGN[2] . SPARAM_GROUP( group ]. $MOSIGN[ 3] SPARAM_GROUP[ group ]. SMOSIGNT 4} * SPARAM_GROUP( group }. SMOSIGNI 5] # SPARAM_GROUP| group ]. SMOSIGNT 6 ] " SPARAM_GROUP[ group J. §MOSIGN{ 7] : SPAFAM_GROUP( group |. $MOSIGNI 8] . ‘SPARAM_GROUP[ group |. $MOSIGN( 9] + BOOLEAN RW PU TRUE/FALSE [Function] Specify direction of rotation around axes [Description] Specify whether the robot moves in the positive or negative direction when the motor rotates positively for each axis. TRUE; The robot moves in a positive direction when the motor rotates positively. FALSE: The robot moves in a negative direction when the motor rotates positively. los. APPENDIX D. s-61a52EN-201 -...2 SSS SPARAM_GROUP| grou J. SENCSCALES 1] * SPARAM_GROUP| group }. SENCSCALES{2 ] . SPARAM_GROUP| group]. SENCSCALES[3 ] * SPARAM_GROUP| group }. SENCSCALES[ 4] . SPARAM_GROUP| group ]. SENCSCALES{5 ] . ‘SPARAM_GROUP( group |. SENCSCALESTS ] 2 ‘SPARAM_GROUP| group J. SENCSCALES[7 ] . ‘SPARAM_GROUPI group J. SENCSCALES[ 8] ‘SPARAM_GROUPI group |. SENCSCALES| 9} . REAL RW PU 10000000000 to 10000000000 { pulseideg. pulse’mm ) [Function] Specify unit of pulse coder count [Description] Specify how many pulses are required! for the pulse coder when the robot moves around aa joint axis one degree er the robot moves along a joint axis | mm, Rotation axis: SENCSCALES = 2E19 x deceleration ratio/360 SPARAM_GROUP| group J. SMOT_SPD_LIM[ 1] : SPARAM_GROUP| group J. SMOT_SPD_LIM[2] * SPARAM_GROUP| group J. SMOT_SPD_LIM[ 9] . SPARAM_GROUP| group J. SMOT_SPD_LIM[ 4] * SPARAM_GROUP| group J. SMOT_SPD_LIM[ 5] : SPARAM_GROUP| group J. SMOT_SPD_LIM[ 6] - SPARAN_GROUP| group ]. SMOT_SPO_LIM[? ] . SPARAN_GROUP| group J. SMOT_SPD_LIM[ 6] : SPARAM_GROUP| group J. SMOT_SPD_LIM[ 9] . INTEGER, RW PU 010 100000 (rpm) [Function] Specify maximum motor speed [Description] Specifies the maximum speed of each servo motor for the robot for each uxis. When the robot moves around or along a certain axis ata speed exceeding the maximum speed, a warning is issued. Then, the robet decelerates and moves at a speed not exceeding the maximum speed. In this the robot may not trace the specitied =1095) APPENDIX D. APPENDIX eerasten 201 eS D.2.2 System Variables Override SSHIFTOV_ENB, ° ULONG Fw oft [Function] — Enables or disables shi override [Description] The shift override function changes the feedrate averride in five steps. To change the feedrate override. press and hold down the SHIFT key, then press the override key many times as necessary to select the desired override. 1; Enables shift override, 0: Disables shift override. Press and hold down the SHIFT key, then press the override key: The feedrate override changes im the order: VFINE — FINE — 5% = 50% 100%. SMCR. SGENOVERRIDE 10 INTEGER RW 010 100(%) [Function] Speci [Description] Specifies the rate of changes in the robot feedrate in percentage ‘The feedrate changes in this ord FINE — VFINE = 0% — 50% — 100%, From 0% to 100% it changes in 5% increment [Setting] Use the override keys on the teach pendant the rate of change in feedrate override SMCR. SPROGOVERRIDE 100 INTEGER AW O10 100(%) [Function] Specifies program override [Description] Specifies the percentage of the robot feedrate while the program is being played back. SSCR_GAP.SU0GLIM 2 INTEGER RO oto 100% [Function] Maximum speed seale for coordinate jogging [Description] Percentage of the maximum speed when jogging the robot in the x, ¥, or z direetions using XYZ or TOOL frame. ‘The maximum speed at linear motion 1S specified in $PARAM_GROUP[zroup].$SPEEDLIM. SSCA. SJOGLIMROT 2 INTEGER RO Oto 100% [Function] Maximum speed scale for orientation jogging [Description] Percentage of the maximum speed when jogging the robot about the x, y, or zaxes using XYZ or TOOL frame, The maximum speed at orientation motion is specified in SPARAM_GROUP[grup].$ROTSPEEDLIM, “1097 BeHEN21 APPENDIX D- a $SCR_GRP| group |. SJOGLIM_INTI 1] ‘SSCR_GAP[ proup ]. SIOGLIM_INTI2] SSCR_GRP[ group }. SJOGLIM_JNTI3] SSCR_GRP( group J. SJOGLIM_ANT{ 4] SSCR_GRP[ group |. SJOGLIM_INT| 5] ‘$SCR_GRPI graup J. SJOGLIM_UNT[ 6] ‘$SCR_GRP[ group }. SJOGLIM_INTL7] SSCA_GRP| group | SJOGLIM_JNTLO] $SCA_GRPI group]. SJOGUM_JNTES . INTEGER RO 010 100 (% ) [Function] Specify joint jog override [Description] The joint jog override function specifies the percentage of the robot feedrate for each axis during jog feed. Specify u low jog override because it is gencrally unnecessary to move the robot at high speed, and bs it is always prudent to avoid dang SSCR. SCOLDOVAD. 10 INTEGER RO 010 100(%) [Function] Specifies maximum feedrate override after a cold start [Description] The feedrate override is set to this value after a cold start. SSCR. SCOORDOVAD 0 INTEGER RO ate 100(%) [Function] Specifies maximum feedrate override when the manual-feed coordinate system is changed [Description] The feedrate override is set to this value or less when the manual-feed eaurdinate system is changed. SSCA. STPENBLEOVRD io INTEGER RO 0 100%) [Function] Specifies the maximum feedrate override when the teach pendant is enabled abled, [Description] The feedrate override is set to this value when the teach pendant is c SSCA, $JOGOVLIM 100 INTEGER RO Oto 100(%) [Function] Specifies the maximum feedrate override during jog fe [Description] The feedrate averride is set to this value or less during jog feed SSCR. SRUNOVLIM 50 INTEGER RW 910 100(%) [Function] Specifies the maximum feedrate override when the program is executed [Description] The feedrate override is set to this valuc or less when the program is exceuted. SSOR, SFENCEOVRD 10 INTEGER — RO 0 to 100(%) [Function] Maximum feedrate override when the safety fence is open 1088. APPENDIX 2. Berasten ey SS a sSSSSS—SSS—S—SSsS— [Description] When the safety fence is opened (*SFSPD input is turned off), the feedrate overtide is set to this value or below. SSCA. $SFJOGOVLIM 50 INTEGER — RO oto 100(%) [Function] Maximum feednite override of jog feed when the safety fenee is open {Description} If jog eed is performed while the safety fence is open, the feedrate override is set to this val ir below, SSCR. $SFRUNOVLIM 30 INTEGER RO oto 100(%) [Function] Maximum feedrate override of program execution while the safety fence is open [Description] When a program is executed with the safety fence open (SESPD input set off), the feedrate override is set to this value or below. SSCR. SRECOV_ovAD FALSE BOOLEAN AW TRUE) FALSE [Function] Function to restore feedrate override when the safely fence is closed [Description] When the safely fence is closed (*SFSPD input set on). the previous feedrate override is restored. Then, automatic operation ean be started immediately. This function is enabled when the following conditions are satisiied; 1 $SCR.SRECOV_OVRD js set to TRUE. 2 The system is in the remote siate. 3 The feedrate override is not changed while the safely fence is open. If the safety fence is closed while the above conditions are not satist override cannot he restored, [Setting] General item setting screen [6 § . the previous ING, GENERAL] =1099- Bavansenen APPENDIX D- a -1100. APPENDIX D Bearaaten.01 =) SSS D.2.3 System Variables Fevdrate SPARAN_GROUPT group J. SUNTVELLIM[ 1 } * SPARAN_GROUP( group }. SINTVELLita{ 2) . SPARAN_GROUP| group |. SINTVELLIM[ 3] . SPARAM_GROUP( group }. SUNTVELLIM 4 ] . ‘SPARAM_GROUP( group }. SUNTVELLIME 5 ] . $PARAM_GROUP[ group |. SUNTVELLIME 6 | . SPARAM_GROUP| group }. SUNTVELLIM( 7 } . SPARAM_GROUP| group }. SJNTVELLIM[8 ] . $PARAM_GROUP[ group J. SJNTVELLIM 9 J : REAL RW PU 00 100000 (degisee, mmisee ) [Function] Specify the maximum joint speed [Description] Specify the maximum joint speed for each axis, When the robot moves around or along certain axis al a speed exceeding the maximum joint spced, a warning is issued, Then, the robot decelerates und moves at a speed not exceeding the maximurd joint speed. SPARAM_GROUP group |. $SPEEDLIM 2000 REAL RW PU 010. 3000( mm/sec) [Function] Specifies the maximum linear feedrate ath control [Description] Specifies the maximum feedrate during linear or circular motion unde SPARAM_GROUP[ group ]. $ROTSPEEDLIM 1490 REAL RW PU Oto 1440 (dogisec) [Function] Specifies the maximum circular feedrs [Description] Specifies the maximum feedrate during circular motion under attitude control =i Bepi46sEN-201 APPENDIX D. FF @ Jog feearate (int food) = Dsoint jon overdo @ Feedrate overnde 100 100 @ baximumjoint speed @ dog feedrate (inwar teed ( mmysec) = = Bog overnda ©) Feedrate overtid B nicatrarvinearieochita, x Pacman, _,, @ Reectaiecranies 100 00 @ Jog feedrate (circular feed) { msec) = Siesiiaiciarendiay LENE Eves over 100 109 int jag override SSCA_GAP. SJOGLIM_JNTi1 (55) Beg ovenice SSCA. OGL (%) @ Maximum joint speed SPARAM_GAOUP . SUNTVELLIM (Maximum linear teedrate SPARAM_GAOLIP . SSPEEDLIM (mmvsse ) @iaximun erouartsedrate — SPARAM_GROLP. SROTSPEEDLM (degisec)) [1] toe feestrate (rien fee 8 | dog feedrae (ireular feed) (mse 2 | Masi joint speed 9. | Maximum cireularteoarate Joint jog everrige 10 | Joint jog evertide SSSCR_GRPSIOGLIM.INTHL 4 | Fesdrare mverrios 11 | Jog wvertide SSCR.GOGLIM (1) S| Jog Feedate linear feed) tence Tia | savin joint reedrate SPARAM_GROUPSINTVELLIM (© | Maxirmum linear feaurate 13. | Staximum linear feedrate SPARAM_GROUP.SSPEEDLIM (mnmvsee) Sop override 14 | Staximum eireular feedrate SPARAM_GROUP.SROTSPEEDLIM|dep!ec) -11M2. APPENDIX D Gepreeten201 SSS @operation speed yointmerion) « @Pevetcient ot inte @Programenad 5 @ Moximam joint speed x Haticlent of int spsed Programmed speed ‘2000 300 _ @Programmed override | @Feedrate overs 100 100 @ Operation spood { inaar motion) ( mm/sec) = | Q)Programmedoverida _@ Fosdrate ovenise @ Programmed speed 1900 100 @ Operation speed {excular mation ) {eg'sec) = @iProgiammed averide _@Feedrate overide 190 100 © Programmed speed Programmed override SMGR_GAP. SPROGOVERRIDE (%) © Costiciont ot jt speed — $PARAM_GROUP . $SPEEDLIMINT 1 _| Operation speed (ins motion 6 | Feediae overt 2 | Maximum join spoca 7 | Operation spec (linear motion) iamisce | 3 | Cosificent of joint speed | Operation speed (circular motion) tramvbee) | Prosrammes speed 9 | Programmed override MCR_GRP-SPROGOVERRIDE() 5 | Programmed override 10 | Coelticient of join speed SPARAM_GROUPSSPEEDLIMINT ‘SPARAM_GROUP[ group ]. SLOWERLIMSI 1 ] ‘SPARAM_GROUP[ group ]. SLOWERLIMS[ 2 ] ‘SPARAM_GROUP[ group J, SLOWERLIMS[ 3 ] ‘SPARAM_GROUP| group ], SLOWERLIMS[ 4 ] 2% SPARAM_GROUPI group }. SLOWERLIMS[ 5] * SPAFAM_GROUP[ graup J. SLOWERLIMSI 6 ] SPARAM_GROUP[ group ]. SLOWERLIMS| 7 ] SPARAM_GROUP| group ]. SLOWEALIMS[ 8] SPARAM_GROUP[ group ]. SLOWERLIMS| 9] REAL RW PU -190000 te 100000 ( deg, mm ) [Function] Specify the lower limit of the joint operating area [Deseription] Specify the lower limit of the joint operating area which is the limit of the motion in the negative direction [Setting] Joint operating area sercen [6 (SETTING) Joint Area] =1108. BelunEN-201 APPENDIX D. a SPARAM_GROUP| group]. SUPPERLIMS[ 1] SPARAM_GROUP| croup}. $UPPERLIMS 2] . SPARAM_GROUP| group}. SUPPERLIMS[ 3] SPARAM_GROUP| group }. $UPPERLIMS| 4] SPARAM_GROUP{ group}. SUPPERLIMS| 5] . SPARAM_GROUP| group}. SUPPERLINS| 6 | + ‘SPARAM_GROUP( group]. SUPPERLIMS[ 7 ] . SPARAM_GROUP( group J. SUPPERLIMS[ 8 ] . ‘SPARAM_GROUP! group J. SUPPERLIMS{ 9] . REAL RY PU ~160000t0 100000 ( deg, mm) [Function] Specify the upper limit of the joint operating area [Description] Specify the upper limit of the joint operating area, which is the Limit of the motion in the positive direstion, [Setting] Joint operating atea screen (6 (SETTING).Joint Areal Los. APPENDIX 0 Barastenom SSS D.2.4 System Variables Payload specification I loud infor mation ‘has not been sct up on the load setting screen, it is necessary te enter the following: information. If no Joud setting condition number has heen selected, be sure to enter the information correctly, since the robot uses it when it runs. ‘Therefore, be particularly earcful when setting these valiag SGROUP[group].SPAYLOAD SPARAM_GROLP| group].SPAYLOAD $PARAM_GROLP(group].SPAYLOAD_X $PARAM_GROUP| group].SPAYLOAD_Y $PARAM_GROUP| group]. SPAYLOAD_2Z $PARAM_GROUP(sroup].SPAYLOAD_IX SPARAM_GROUP(group].SPAYLOAD_IY SPARAM_GROUP(group].$PAYLOAD_IZ $PARAM_GROUP[group].$AXISINTERTIA[I to 9] SPARAM_GROUP( group]. $AXISMOMENTIL to 9] SPARAM_GROUP[group].$AX1S_IM_SCL SPARAM_GROUP|group].ARMLOADIL to 3] SGROUP [group }. SPAYLOAD REAL RW Oto 10000KgF {Function} Payload [Description] Specify « payload, Ifthe loud varies during an operation, specify the muximum value. SPARAM_GROUP [ group}. $PAYLOAD * REAL RW PU Oto 10000tKom) [Function] Payload [Description] Specify a payload. If the load varies during an operation, specify the maximum value. ‘SPARAM_GROUP( group |. SPAYLOAD_X id ‘SPARAM_GROUP( group |. SPAYLOAD_Y * ‘SPARAM_GHOUP| group |. SPAVLOAD_Z REAL RW PU -100000 te 10000(¢m) [Function] Load gravity center distance [Description] Center of gravity of loud viewed on the mechanical interface coordinate system (default tool coordinate system). The center of gravity of a load is measured along the X-axis, Y-axis, und Z-axis of the mechanical interface coordinate system. ‘SPARAM_GROUPI group |. PAYLOAD_IX = ‘$PARAM_GROUP| group }. PAYLOAD_IY SPARAM_GROUP[ group ]. $PAYLOAD_IZ REAL AW PU Oto 10000(kg + cm2} -1105- BatendEN.201 APPENDIX D ee IF [Description] Inenia uround the center of gravity of loud. The inertia of a heavy load is caleulated around the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis of the mechanical interface coordinate system. ‘The meaning of SPARAM_GROUP|group].$PAYLOAD_* is as illustrated beloy tion] Loud gravity center inertia o “ 2 <— x0 (om fot = g te eager 4 =a be igecr®) 2 xg (em) PARAM_GROUPlaraup] SPAYLOAD_X ya fom) PARIAM_GROUPIgroup] SPAYLOAD_Y za tem) PARAM_GROUP|group] SPAYLOAD_2 tx (kgeem?) PARAM_GROUP|g oup].SPAYLOAD |X ty (kgecm®) = PARAM_GROUPIgroup] SPAYLOAD IY Ie (kaecm?) PARAM _GROUP[group] SPAYLOAD_12Z 7 | coneraf nor tangs 3 | Cener of aiy 2 | Masmile) - 4 | Gomer of gravity SPARAM_GROUP [ group |. SAXISINERTIA[ 1] . ‘SPARAM_GROUP [ group |. SAXISINEATIA[ 2] . SPARAM_GROUP [ group }. SAXISINERTIA[ 3] . SPARAM_GROUP [ group }. SAXISINERTIA[ 4] * SPARAM_GROUP | group ], SANSINERTIA| 5] : SPARAM_GROUP { group }, SAXUSINERTIA| 6] . SPARAM_GROUP | group ]. SAXISINERTIA| 7] : SPARAM_GROUP [ group |, SANISINERTIA| 8] : SPARAM_GROUP [ group ]. SAXISINERTIA[ 9] . SHORT FW PU 01032767 (kgf-em see?) [Function] Payload inertia [Description] For each axis, specify an integer as the value of the inertia resulting from the applied payloud, The values Tor the Ist to 3rd axes are calculated automatically; therefore, they need not be specified, (Set a value for each af the 4th, Sth, and 6th axes.) The incrtia for each axis is calculated using the following expression: LD APPENDIX D Barasten201 SAXISINERTIA [i] = Paved x (L MASLIN)? gt. cm. sect) 3 paylosd: (2) Lmasll: @ @ °® _| Paya KET 3 | Ferite hand Sivanic me Gatmee may vay aaponding othe ale of the ther axis Inauch ‘matin distance which then ca be alien 2 | Maximum dunce tombe aiunceneroruwas | 4 | Giaviy wclmion © [sites esacroftheiaa wate maetiemn |_| NOTE When speci ying or changing this variable, refer SPARAM_GROUP[|.$AXIS_IM_SCI », below, +10 the explanation of SPARAM_GROUP [ group } $AXISMOMENT| 1] SPARAM_GROUP [ group J. $AXISMOMENTI 21 SPARAM_GROUP | group ]. SAXISMOMENT[ 3] 'SPARAM_GROUP [ group}. SAXISMOMENT[ 4) $PARAM_GROUP [ group] SAXISMOMENT[S] ‘SPARAM_GROUP [group]. SAXISMOMENT[ 6] ‘SPARAM_GROUP [group]. SAXISMOMENTL7 J SPARAM_GROUP [group ], SAXISMOMENT[® J SPARAM_GAOUP [ group J. SAXISMOMERNT[9 J SHORT RW PU 0toS2767 (kot cm) [Function] Axis moment [Desexi jon] For each axis, specify an integer as the moment value resulting from the applied payload. The values for the Ist to 3rd axes are caleulated automatically: therefore. they need not be specified. (Seta value for each of the cach of 4th, The moment value for cach axis is calculated us “1107. 1g the following expres th, and Gth axes.) jon: penacten-201 APPENDIX D a SAXISMOMENT [4] = payload x Lmax[i] (haf: cm) payload: @ max 8 | F | Fortiedthand sitvanis, he distance may vary depen fon the angle ofthe oller sis. Iv such a case, seu the ‘maximum distance which thea can be achieved 1 | Patou ‘Manimun distance om the rlaiton center ofthe axis {avis th the macs center of the oat onthe robot fr NOTE When specifying or changing this variable, refer to the explanation of SPARAM_GROUP|].SAXIS_IM_SCL, below. [Function] Inertia and moment value adjustment scale |Description) This scale is used to set up a number in decimal places for the inertis and moment values of cuch axis stated above. NOTE Iris usually unnecessary to re- Actually, the following inertia et this variable. ‘and moment values are used. _SPARAM_GROUP[groun] SAXISINEATIAN (ineria valve sp aant_GAOUP(aroUp] SAXIS_IM_SCL ope. SROUP|groun} SAXISMOMENT( ‘SPARAM_GAOUP(aroup] SAXIS_IM_SCL sign SAXISINERTIA(i] and SAXISMOMENT [i] with vatues that match (Moment value) = Itis therefore necessary to the setting of this variabl ‘To enter the value "1.23," far example, as the inertia value for the fourth axis of the robot + Set up SPARAM_GROUP(group].8AXIS_IM_SCL = 100 = Set up SPARAM_GROUP( group]. $AXISINERTIA[4] = 125 + Change these inertia and moment values for other axes according to the value of SAXIS_IM_SCL. Has: APPENDIX D Bostansen-on1 SSS SPARAM_GROUP [ group]. SARMLOADI 1] SPARAM_GROUP [ group]. SARMLOADY 2] : SPARAN_GROUP [ group]. SARMLOADI 3] ‘ REAL RW PU ato 10000( Kg) [Function] — Equipment weight [Description] When equipment such as welding equipment is installed on a robot axis, spe payload incurred by that equipment, SARMLOAD(I}: Specify the weight af the equipment installed on the 3rd-axis arm, $ARMLOAD/2]- Specify the weight of the equipment installed on the 2nd-axis base SARMLOAD|3}: Not uscd, ity the 109 APPENDIX D. patasien. ee 110. APPENDIX D B-nrasien-os SSS D.2.5 System Variables Executing a program SDEFPULSE SHORT AW. O10 10000( 109 msec) [Function] Specifies the standard DO output pulse width [Description] This value is used when the pulse width is not specified for the output of a DO signal pulse. Automatic operation SAMT_MASTER INTEGER = AW ot03 [Function] Specifies which remove unit is used [Description] Specifies which remote unit is used. The specified remote unit has the right to start the robot, 0; Peripheral unit (remote controller) 1 CRTkeyboard 2: Host computer 3: No remote unit Deleting the warning SER_NOHIS BYTE RW 0/3. [Function] Waring history delete function [Description] WARN alarms, NONE alarms and resets can be deleted from the alarm history. es the function, (All alarms and resets are recorded in the history.) 0: Dis Does not record WARN and NONE alarms in the history, Does not record resets, Does not record reset WARN alarms, and NONE alarms. Disabling alarm output SER_NO_ALM. SNOALMENBL BYTE RW oOyt [Function] — Enables the no-alarm output function [Description] When this function is enabled, the LEDs on the teach pendant and the machine operator's panel corresponding to the alarms specified with system variable SNOALM_NUM do hot light, In additien, the peripheral l/ Q alarm signal (FAULT) is not output. 11d B.G14sEN-201 APPENDIX D —_— $ER_NO_ALM. SNOALM_NUM 5 BYTE RW 01010 [Function] Specifies the number of alarms not autput [Description] Specifies the number of alurms that are not output. SER_NO_ALM. SER_CODE! 001 SER_NO.ALM, SER_CODEZ 1002 $ER_NO_ALM.3ER_CODES 1003 SER_NO_ALM.ER_CODES 11007 SER_NO_ALM. SER_CODES 11037 SER_NO_ALM, SER_CODES ° $ER_NO_ALM. SER_CODE7 SER_NO_ALM. SER_CODES ‘SER_NO_ALM. SER_CODES SER_NO_ALM, SER_GODEtO INTEGER FW 01 100000 [Function] Specify the alarms not output [Description] Spe coos ¥y the alarms that are not output. Sotting © 11.002 ( Meaning: SERVO-002.alarm ) ‘Alarm 1D Alarm number Error code ouput 3€R_OUT_PUT. SOUT_NUM o Long RW oto 512 [Function] SBO start number for error code output [Description] Specify the start number for the SOs used for error cade output. ‘An error code is output, in binary format, using 33 SDOs starting from that having the specified number. 10 is specified, no crrar code is output SER_OUT_PUT, SIN_NUM 0 Lous: RW oto5i2 [Function] — SDI number for error code output request [Description] Every time the SDI specified in this variable is set to ON, an error code is output to the SDOs specified in $ER_OUTPUT.SOUT_NUM, explained above “12 APPENDIX D BB noEN201 SSS User alarm SUALAM_SEV{ ] 6 BYTE RW ot0255 [Function} User alarm severity [Description] Sets the user alarm severity, SUALRM_SEV[i] coresponds to the severity of user alarm [i]. O WARN 6STOPL 38 STOP.G 11 ABORT.L 43 ABORT.G ‘The initial severity for each user alarm is 6 (STOP.L). Jogging s¥OG_GROUP, sFINE_oIST as REAL RW 0.0101.0(mm) [Function] Move distance for linear step jogging [Description} Specify an amount of travel in low-speed linear step feed by Cartesianitoal manual feed The amount of travel in very low speed step feed is one tenth of the value specified here, SSCR. SFINE_PCNT 10 INTEGER RO 110 100% [Function] Move distance for joint or orientation step jogging [Description] Specify an amount of travel for step feed in attitude rotation by axial manual feed or Cartesian/tool manual feed. Specify manual feed with a precentage and an override of 1% VO setting SOPWORK, SUOP_DISABLE BYTE RW 0/1 [Function] Enable/disable UOP VO [Description] Specify whether the peripheral equipment input signal is enabled or disabled. Ifthe peripheral equipment input signal is enabled when the robot is operated without any peripheral equipment connected, an alarm cannot bi isnbling the signal \wiil this setting, the alarm canbe cleared, When any peripheral equipment isconnccied, set this variable to 0 before using that equipment SSCR. SRESETINVERT FALSE BOOLEAN AW TRUE/FALSE [Function] FAULT_RESET input signal detection, i n error is reset by rising edge of FAULT_RESET. [Description] When you set this value to ; input signal. If "FALSE" is set, an érror is reset by falling edge is detected. ‘TRUE: Check rising edge of reset input signal. “HI en1s2EN-201 APPENDIX D an SPARAM_GROUP. $PPABN_ENBL FALSE BOOLEAN RW TRUE /FALSE Lefdisubsle pressure abnormal *PPABN input [Funetion} — Ena [Description] Specifies if pressure abnormal signal is detected or not. you to use *PPABN input, you should sct this variable to TRUE, SPARAM_GROUP. SBELT_ENBLE FALSE BOOLEAN AW TRUE/ FALSE [Function] — Belt rupture signal enabledidisubled [Description] Specify whether the belt rupture signal (RDI[7}) is detected. For a robot utilizing the belt rupture signal (A-510, L=1000), this value is automatically setto TRUE, “TRUE: Belt rupture signal enabled FALSE: Belt ruplure signal disabled Software ve sODRDSP_ENB ° ULONG RW 1/0 [Function] — Display of an order file [Description] An order listing, showing the configuration of the software components installed in the controller ean be displayed on the display (order file screen) of the teach pendant Soft Moat version SSFLT_ERRTYP ° INTEGER RW 110 10 [Function] Flag for specifying the alarm 1a be generated when time-out occurs during follow-up processing of the soft fl [Description] This variable specifies th alarm or program pause alarm) to be generated ime-oult occurs during follow-up pracessing of the sott float function 0: Generates serve alarm "SRVO- LL Sofifloat time out.” I: Generates program pause alarm "SRVO-112 Softfloat time out,” it function ‘SSFLT_OISFUP FALSE BOOLEAN AW TRUE/FALSE [Function] Specifies whether lo perform fellow-up processing at the start of each motion instruction. [Description] Specify whether to perfarm follow-up processing of the soft float function at the start of euch program motion instrustion. TRUE: Does not perform follow-up processing :t the start of each progam motion instruction, FALSI Performs follow-up processing at the start of each program motion instruction tg APPENDIX D Beorascen-201 -sso SSS Saving files SFILE_APPECK [Function] On the file screen, displays the name of a file to be saved as Application SFILE_SYSBCK [Description] On the file screen, displays the name of a file to be saved as System file Register speed spe ion function SRGSPD_PREXE FALSE BOOLEAN RO TRUE/ FALSE [Function] Advanced register speed rend enabled or disabled [Description] Specify whether an advanced read of operation s (disabled) when the movement speed specified by rexister. ement is performed (enabled) or not N operation statement is held in a TRUE: Advanced read enabled FALSE: Advanced read disabled NOTE When an advanced register speed read is enabled with the setting indicated above, the timing at which the register valle is changed is important. With some timings, a change in the register value may not be reflected in the operation speed, and the register value existing beforc the change may be applied to the movement. To enable advanced revister speed read, seme consideration is needed: The Naluc of a register used for the movement speed during program execution should not be changed: An interlock should be provided: far instance. Specifying an output signal of the BLAL/BZAL alarm [Description] When a non-zero number is specified, $DO corresponding to that number is turned on at the accurrene of BLAL/BAZL. SDO stays on until the voltage is restored by the: replacement backup battery or some other means. (If a program or the UO screen is used totum off SDO forcibly, SDO is tumed back on immediately.) SBLAL_GUT$00_INDEX o INTEGER RW 010256 ALM, a dedicated output signal, so that it ha [Description] Specifies whether to set BA’ BZALIBLAL function SBLAL_OUT.SBATALM_OR FALSE INTEGER RW TRUEFALSE iis. asisoaen-201 APPENDIX 0 $$ 16:

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