SJIA Conf Schedule V3

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SJIA Family Conference (Virtual Edition) 2020

DECEMBER 2ND TO 4TH, 2020 | 8am to 12pm EST DAILY


Wed. Dec 2nd: A Focus on Patient Education (8am –12pm EST)
• 8:00am - 8:10am Welcome
Rashmi Sinha
• 8:10am – 8:20am A lifetime with, but not defined by SJIA
Nicole Dalton
• 8:20am - 8:40am Patient Panel: The Many Faces of Refractory SJIA
• 8:40am - 9:05am Talk: What is SJIA & Strategies for Treatment
Alexei Grom (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital)
• 9:05am - 9:30am Talk: What is Still’s Disease & Strategies for Treatment
Petros Efthimiou (New York Rheumatology Care)
• 9:30am - 9:40am BREAK
• 9:40am - 10:05am Talk: MAS | Old and New Treatments
Scott Canna (UPMC Children's Hospital)
• 10:05am – 10:35am Panel Discussion: Treating Refractory SJIA & MAS
Lauren Henderson (Boston Children’s Hospital), Grant Schulert (Cincinnati Children’s
Hospita) & TBD
• 10:35am - 11:10am Talk & Panel Discussion: COVID-19 in SJIA & Other Rheumatic Patients
Marco Gattorno (G. Gaslini Children Hospital)
All Speakers
• 11:10am - 11:40am Open Question-Answer Session with Patients
All Speakers
• 11:40am - 11:50am Closing Remarks

Thurs. Dec 3rd: Unmet Needs & Drug Development in SJIA, Still’s & MAS (8am - 12pm EST)
• 8:00am - 8:10am Welcome
Rashmi Sinha
• 8:10am - 8:50am Panel: Global Perspectives on Treating SJIA
Christiaan Scott (University of Cape Town), Sathish Kumar (Christian Medical College), Jelena
Vojinovic (University of Nis) & Cecilia Poli (Universidad del Desarrollo) | moderated by A.V.
Ramanan (University Hospitals Bristol)
• 8:50am - 9:20am Panel: Bridging the Gap Between SJIA & Still's - Is It Time to View Them Together?
Bella Mehta (Hospital for Special Surgery), Aleksander Lenert (University of Iowa), Bas
Vastert (UMC Utrecht), Helen Leavis (UMC Utrecht) & Nicole Dalton | moderated by Michael
Ombrello (NIAMS, NIH)
• 9:20am – 9:30am BREAK

SJIA Family Conference (Virtual Edition) 2020 1

• 9:30am – 11.40am Multi-Session Topic: Challenges in Drug Development for SJIA, Still’s & MAS
moderated by Alexei Grom (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital)
• 9:30am – 9:50am i) Short Presentations: Investigator Initiated Trials
Randy Cron (UAB), Bas Vastert (UMC Utrecht)
• 9:50am - 10:30am ii) Short Presentations: Challenges & Need for Innovative Trial Designs
Fabrizio De Benedetti (Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù), A.V. Ramanan
(University Hospitals Bristol) & Yuki Kimura (Hackensack Meridian Health)
• 10:30am - 11:00am iii) Invited Comments from Patients & Pharma
Pharma: Frank Waldron-Lynch (Novartis), Eduardo Schiffrin (AB2Bio), Sobi
Patients: Regina Minerva, Chelsea O’Donnell
• 11:00am - 11:40am iv) Panel Discussion with Representatives from FDA & EMA
Nikolay Nikolov (FDA) & Richard Vesely (EMA)
• 11:40am - 11:50am Closing Remarks

Fri. Dec 4th: Focus on SJIA-LD (8am – 12pm EST)

Multi-Session Topic: Towards better Understand and Treatment Strategies for Lung Disease in SJIA
• 8:00am - 8:10am Welcome
Rashmi Sinha
• 8:10am - 8:40am Some Interesting SJIA-LD Cases from Around the World
Alexei Grom (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Fabrizio De Benedetti)
Patients: Sheila Simon, TBD
• 8:40am - 9:30am Research Updates about SJIA-LD
Adriana Almeida de Jesus (NIAID), Grant Schulert (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital) & Vivian
Saper (Stanford University)
• 9:30am – 9:40am Break
• 9:40am - 10:10am Panel Discussion – What do we know about SJIA-LD?
All speakers | moderated by Peter Nigrovic (Harvard Medical School)
• 10:10am - 11:00am Discussion: Patient & Clinician Questions about Treatment Strategies
• 11:00am - 11:30am Breakout Groups
• 11:30am - 11:40am Closing Remarks

SJIA Family Conference (Virtual Edition) 2020 2

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