Nama: Azizah Azani Putri Nim: 4111911013 Prodi: Manajemen Bisnis Jurusan: Akuntansi Manajerial Malam A

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Nama : Azizah Azani Putri

Nim : 4111911013

Prodi : Manajemen Bisnis

Jurusan : Akuntansi Manajerial Malam A

Character Education to Strengthen Young Generation in the Stream of Globalization.

Globalization has existed since the 20th century and globalization is a worldwide
process. So that with globalization every individual is able to obtain information more
effectively and efficiently through social media or print media technology, but also is
increasingly developing, along with technological developments and globalization will
certainly affect education.

Globalization has forced education to improve the education system so that it will
create a superior and extraordinary generation, technology has a significant impact on
education in Indonesia. Evidence of educational progress due to globalization is that lecturer
and students can find things more easily. Most students and lecturer must have a cellphone
that can access the internet easily, the second is the process of teaching and learning not
always face to face. or can be called online learning (e-learning) this can be an option for
students who have a very high busy because, e-learning systems can be accessed anywhere
and anytime. And last, most Universities in Indonesia use computer-based exams.

Globalization does not only have an impact on education. But also to other media
such as online games, songs, films and of course social media. We can know that the majority
of students in Indonesia have social media. With social media, of course there will be a
cyberbullying phenomenon.

To overcome the negative effects of globalization we must have a strong character

education. Because without character education we will not be strong against the progress of
globalization and technology. So as a young generation we should instill a good character
education to achieve a better generation of the nation.
Outline Essay :

1. Introduction : Knowledge of the current of globalization.

Thesis Statement : Along with technological developments and globalization

will certainly affect education.

2. Body

Topic Sentence : The impact of globalization on education.

3. Conclusion

Concluding Sentence : So as a young generation we should instill a good

character education to achieve a better generation of the nation.

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