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Name: Adeel Ahmad Roll #: MBA-2.

5-364 Class:CAMP

Computer Applications of Project Management

Assignment Title:

Problem of the week-1

Submitted To:

Mr. Adnan Sheraz

Submitted By:

Adeel Ahmad


Institute of Business & Management,

University of Engineering & Technology Lahore

Name: Adeel Ahmad Roll #: MBA-2.5-364 Class:CAMP

Problem of the Week

Instructions:Read the POW and work in the space provided. Remember to show your work.
If you need extra space, you can attach another sheet of paper. Answers without work shown
will not be graded. Remember:Do your best!Partial answers are better than no answers!


The manager of a customer service department prepares monthly reports identifying

customer contact trends (complaints, inquiries, suggestions). When she is given the task of
investigating and comparing automated customer service software. Kindly elaborate in
your own words in terms of Operations and Projects?


In a mobile manufacturing company, management decided to create a unique water-proof

mobile phone. For that they put together a group of research analyst. After a year of
research, research analyst group came up with unique design for the mobile – what they
executed was _________________________________?

Similarly With the design blueprint, mobile manufacturing unit started assembling all parts
and produced 100 mobiles each day what they executed was _________________________?


Ford Motor Company is in the business of designing and assembling cars. Each model that
Ford designs and produces what we can be considered? However, the actual assembly of
the cars is considered to be what Please describe in your own words.
Name: Adeel Ahmad Roll #: MBA-2.5-364 Class:CAMP

Final Answer Box: Put your final answer here. Describe or explain it in one complete sentence.
(Do not just write a number.)

Answer for Scenario-1

In this scenario manager of a customer service department prepares monthly reports

identifying customer contacts this is called Operation.

When task has been assigned to her “investigating and comparing automated customer
service software” is unique services, this would be a Project.

Answer for Scenario-2

In this scenario management looking to create a unique water-proof mobile. So this

would be a Project.

Whereas creating 100 mobiles in a day with same type is not a unique work it is repetition
of work so it is an Operation.

Each New
Answer Model
for with new design of Ford is a unique Task hence is a Project whereas
assembling cars on regular basis with same design is repetitive job hence is an operation.
When “New model and new design” Ford Company is producing is unique hence is a
called a Project whereas in assembly line when cars of same model and design produces
repeatedly this would be an Operation.
Name: Adeel Ahmad Roll #: MBA-2.5-364 Class:CAMP

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