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Name Student number Contact details
Kefiloe Moatshe 42360854 0729476430

Unique no :611461

Date of submission:


Complete and sign the following declaration and submit it together with your assignment.


Name : Kefiloe Gladys Nanisi Moatshe
Student no. : 42360854
Module code : MNM3703

I declare that this assignment is my own work and that all sources quoted have been
acknowledged using appropriate references.
Signature : KGN Moatshe
Date : 03-09-2020

PLAGIARISM DECLARATION ……………………………………………………ii
INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………...1
TYPES OF SALES DEPARTMENTS……………………………………………. 4-5
SALESFORCE SURVEYS…………………………………………………………5
CONCEPT OF A PROMOTION …………………………………………………. 6
CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………7










3. CONCLUSION Commented [A1]: Provide a conclusion to summarise

your work


1st for Women insurance was launched in 2004 to provide insurance solutions specifically
designed for South African Women, which was first in the country. The company founded that
though South African were purchasing insurance policies a lot of them did not cater specifically
for women’s needs. For First for Women to tap into this substantial market they decided to
develop a women-centric insurance product rather than just packaging existing products
(Drotsky ,2018). In this Assignment we will discuss the ten steps that 1st for Women can use
in their selling process, we will also explain the three types of sales departments that the
company used when targeting their market. I will explain the salesforce Survey that 1 st for
Women applied in their research and explain the difference between time traps and time
wasters. The concept of promotion will be explained and lastly the different types of training
programmes will be discussed mainly the selling skills knowledge programme.

A. Discuss the 10 steps in the selling process and provide practical examples.

1.1 Insurance Companies such as 1st for Women are involved in more than one selling process
thus for it offers its customers a rather more holistic lifestyle solution that caters for
women’s distinctive requirements (Drotsky;2018). This could vary from professional
services. Sales to prospects, add-on sales with existing clients. Drotsky (2018) proceeds
to explain that the selling process as a set of repeatable, unrelated activities with
measurable outcomes that become contributions to another step. There are 10 steps in
the selling processes namely

Prospecting: This is the step in the selling process which is all about getting leads or new
potential customers. There are a few ways in which leads can be followed, such as cold
calling, business directories, commercial database or mailing list. The main aim of
prospecting is to increase the sales representative’s chances of selling products as they
are working with potential clients that is followed up by leads. In this case study 1 st for
Women can use telesales “1st for Women went searching for advice and direction from
women customers and women marketer Martha Barletta (Drotsky;2018).
Pre-Approach: In this step the salesperson gathers as much information about the
prospect. Drotsky (2018), this process also prepares the representative for the
presentation of the product or service. Here you will find sales calls objective, goal planning
and more tasks that prepares for presentation. 1st for Women gathered information which
clearly confirmed that women are lower risk than men and usually stick to the speed limit
which backed their study that the cost of repairs to vehicles crashed by women where
much lower that those driven by man.
Approach: The approach refers to the first contact between the seller and the buyer. In
this stage there are a few ways of approaching a customer, opinion approach, shack
approach, referral approach and complementary approach (Drotsky:2018). In this stage
small this matter, respect, attitude and product knowledge as this will influence the
customer buying the product.
Presentation: According to (Drotsky,2018:14), few methods can be used in this stage to
present a product service. The salesperson must physically present the product or service
to the potential buyer by describing the product or service with its advantages and
features.1st for Women insurance key interaction with its clients is the lifestyle networking
events that allows like minded women to meet , network while learning more about the
different products that 1st for Women has to offer .
First trail close: This stage is a sales technique were sales staff askes the potential buyer
questions and observe the mood of the customer regarding the productor service. This

is where the sales consultant will want to see the level of interest from the customers side.
This is where the sales consultant can ask the customer if she sees this product working
for them.1st for Women offers women from different backgrounds different products and
services for example hand bag cover or concierge assist as a sales consultant when
closing a sale with a women who doesn’t own a car this would be the best cover to offer
them and when asking the potential buyer the question you could state it in this manner
“mam even though you might not have a car at this current moment do you see how the
hand bag cover and the concierge assist might benefit you ?” its important to make sure
that the sales consultants voice is confident and strong.
Determine objections: In this stage there’s a lot of questions and objections. Customers
that are interested in the product or service will voice their concerns and here are a few
ways in which I would voice my concerns. As a money savvy women who is currently
insured with Discovery Insurance I get 25% discount for driving less , I can even get money
back from my insurer for sticking to the speed limit ,what is it that 1 st for Women is offering
me that my current insurance is not doing at this present moment ? to overcome this
objections its important for the sales consultant to use the LEAR method which is listen ,
acknowledge, explore and respond. It’s important to avoid reacting impulsively as there
will always be concerns in sales.
Handling objections: It’s important that a sales consultant keeps following points during
a presentation, they must always anticipate objections cause not everyone would like the
product that they are offering. They will need to view objections as an opportunity as this
would assist the company in improving the current product they are selling. Reflect positive
attitude and body language because the minute you become defensive you will lose your
sale so on that point its always good to keep an open mind. Listen carefully its always
important to listen to what the customer wants this will allow the sales consultant to
understand their clients needs. 1st for Women Insurance understands that women have
unique insurance needs.
Final trail closing : Drotsky (2018) this trial close is not the final close , but can be used
by the sales consultant to determine the customers frame of mind by asking questions to
make sure that the customer and the sales consultant understand the consensus at that
stage of the presentation. At this point the sales consultant should give the customer the
opportunity to indicate whether they are interested in the product or not .as a potential
customer for 1st for women you may ask about the debit order start date , how much will
be debited , when the cover will start and what are you covered for ? this will allow the
sales consultant to answer any objections ,completed during the presentation before they
can close the sale .

Closing the Sale: This is one of the most important steps in selling process , in this step
there are a few methods that can be used like direct close sale and assumptive close sale
.This is where the sales consultant can ask the customer if they can send them the terms
and conditions of their insurance policy ,the sales consultant can also request the
customers banking details and email address at this point and ask the customer if they
agree to the terms and conditions of the sale. Its important to use the right phrase as this
will determine the closing of the sale.
Follow up: The follow up is the las t stage in selling process , after the sales consultant
closed the sale it will remain his /her responsibility to follow up with the customer and find
out if the customer is happy with the product or service ,is there any problems that they
are experiencing with the product and would they recommend the product to their family
or friends. This is where the sales consultant will build customer relations for future sales
it is also important for the sales consultant to do self-analysis as this will assist him or her
to improve on their sales skills and where they went wrong with the first sale (University of
South Africa,2020:12)

B. Explain three types of sales departments

2.1 According to Drotsky (2018), Sales departments within an organisation share
responsibilities and the most common way is to separate the sales force on the basis of sales
specialisation. The sales force can be divided into four basic types of organisation but only
three will be explained namely

• Geographic Specialisation: Is commonly used as type and group that sales force on
the certain geographic territories. (University of South Africa,2020:23). Drotsky (2018)
proceeds to explain that with geographic specialisation sales consultants are assigned
to specific geographic territory to sell a specific product or service , some of this
territories are assigned to area or regional managers who oversees and coordinates
regional operations .1st for Women offices are based in Rivonia Johannesburg when
it initially started its target market was women in Gauteng in the past 16 years first for
women has grown and opened offices in cape town and KZN with other small
branches around the country in this way they are able to render their services for those
customers that are outside their radius.
• Product Specialisation: Drotsky (2018) this divides the sales the sales team based
on the products sold. Sales consultants could be performing the same sales duties but
in different departments which can also determine their commission bases at the end
of the day.1st for Women insurance sales departments is divided into 6 departments

which is new customer sales , claims department , international assist , Customer care
complains resolution and guardian angel lifestyle assist . These structures the product
specialisation, and product operating of the business.
• Market Specialisation: Market specialisation focuses mainly on certain types of
customers; sales consultant is only allowed to sell a product a product line that is only
designated to that specific customer. (University of South Africa ,2020:23) 1 st for
Women has two specific sales departments which is life insurance and Business
Insurance. Sales consultants can only sell a product that they have been trained on.

C. Explain Salesforce Surveys

2.2 Salesforce Surveys: The sales forecast survey is predicated closely at the
ancient statistics and statistics from salesperson. Sales consultants are anticipated
to hold in near contact with clients so that they've a sense for the way an awful lot
of clients will purchase in future. These statistics are given to income managers,
who then speak them with their manages, who may also trust the predictions.
Drotsky (2018) explains that Sales consultants are evaluated on how they plan to
sell or estimate their future sales for next cycle. Accurate sales forecast enables
companies such as 1st for Women to make informed decisions and predict short
term and long-term performance as this will assist them to predict achievable sales
revenue and efficiently allocate resources this will also help the company to plan
for future growth. 1st for women insurance prediction in Africa premiums totalled
$60.7 billion which was just 1.3% of global insurance premiums. The IFC estimated
that by 2024 the South African market for women’s insurance could be worth R12
billion (IFC Women’s Insurance market:2019)

D. Explain the difference between time traps and time wasters

2.3.1 Time Traps: Drotsky, A. (2018:87) defines time traps are those actions
performed by salesperson that influence and erode effectiveness. These actions may
include making personal calls during working hours or browsing the internet such as
face book, which is an unprofitable prospect, ending the workday early and spending
too long on lunch and tea breaks. Time traps affect sales targets which can also affect
a sales consultant’s commission at the end of the day this may include sick leave,
arriving late at work post phoning on calling potential leads and not closing calls once
you have finished with a sale.
2.3.2 Time Wasters: Time Wasters can be telephone interruptions and drop-in visitors
this could vary from friends visiting during office hours and take private calls during

working hours normally this result from leak of self – discipline and lack of self –
management. Insurance companies like 1st for Women had to introduce dashboard
systems which assist sales Supervisors to manage the number of calls that their sales
consultants take daily. this system can detect the time that a sales consultant is off a
call tea breaks and lunch breaks as well.

E. Explain the Concept of Promotion

2.3 Promotion is one of the four elements of marketing mix (product, price, promotion
and place). It is the communication link between sellers and buyers for the purpose
of influencing, informing or persuading a potential buyer purchasing decision.
There are two types of promotion that 1st for Women insurance can use which is
above the line promotion such as promotion in mass media tv, radio, internet and
mobile phones. 1st for Women insurance can also use Below the line promotion
this type of promotion is intended to be subtle enough for customer to be unaware
that promotions are taking place this could include sponsorships, trade shows and
sales promotions.

F. Discuss the topic of selling skills Knowledge

2.4 Selling Skills Knowledge: Drotsky (2018), New sales consultants must learn the
selling process, as well as selling techniques, and how to apply them in the different
selling situations before they can be effective and productive as sales Consultants.
Sales consultants must have product knowledge of what they are selling and how to
persuade a customer into buying the product , Sales consultants must be able to
identify and analyse clients needs in this way they will make the client feel important
and valuable they need to be able to offer solutions by making a persuasive case and
lastly it is the sales consultants responsibility to make the product or service appear
attractive to the customer . The benefits is not what the sales consultant is selling
but rather what the product does for the customer .1 st for Women sales Consultant
can explain the benefits of having hand bag insurance and why is it important to have
concierge assist in the case where by the customer does not own a vehicle .


After discussing the 10 steps in the selling process that was required in the case study 1st for
Women insurance has improved in their selling process. By being able to identify what women
want in an insurance 1st for women was able to tap into the insurance market by offering
products and services that women want and need. With their sales department being divided
into 3 groups this allowed 1st for women to render their services for those customers far and
near which allows them to be flexible and not only concentrate in one area this has allowed
first for women to grow and introduce more products that are suitable for women of this
millennium. In its sales forecast survey IFC was able to estimate that by 2024 1St for
women would be worth R12billion while its life insurance sector is worth R7 billion.


Antonie Drotsky (2016). Sales management. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta.

Drotsky, A. and Van Heerden, N., 2013. Applied Marketing Cases. Claremont [Western
Cape]: Juta. 2020. Car, Home & Business Insurance | 1St For Women Insurance.
[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 2 September 2020]. 2020. [online] Available at: <

O74iH > [Accessed 2 September 2020].

University of South Africa. Department of Marketing and retail Management . 2020.Sales

Management: Only learning guide for MNM3703.Pretoria: Unisa

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