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TITLE OF THE PROJECT : Participating in activities of Organized Crime.


The nature of crimes with the passage of time have become manifold. More particulary, the
aspect of organized crime where there is an entire organized nexus of people performing the
crime at various levels and in various capacities. Organized crime syndicated also have an
organized hierarchy of people attached with it thereto. As a cardinal principle in the working
of an organized crime is synchrony among all the members attached with it. Only when this
element is present can the organized crime be successfully done. So this in simple words
involves a group of people working together for the accomplishment of some common
objective whether or not all the people part of it may have knowledge of what that final
product is. Section 120A & 120B of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pertain to criminal
conspiracy. Section 34 & 38 pertain to common intention and common object respectively.
Section 107 of the IPC pertains to abetment. All of these sections of The Indian Penal Code,
1860 are relavent in the part of Organized Crime. Organized crime in India primarily consists
of Human Trafficking, Narcotics smuggling and selling, data-theft and surveillance, though
there is no explicit statute which deals exclusively with this aspect. Terrorism and white
collar crimes like Money-Laundering, tax evasion and siphoning off public money.


1. The provisions of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 vis-`a-vis the aspects of organized crimes.

2. What are the causes for the growth of organized crime in the Country.

3. What is the liability and the extent of liability for those who participate in orgainzed crimes


1. Ratanlal & Dhirajlal, Indian Penal Code

An authenticated source, referred to by the Supreme Court.

2. K.D Gaur, Indian Penal Code

Online Sources
1. SCC Online

2. WestLaw


Nature of the study

Sources of the study

Primary Sources

Secondary sources

Mode of citation

Scope of the study

Significance of the study

Contents/ Chapters

1. Organised crime at a glance

2. The provisions in the Indian Penal Code which pertain to participation in organized crime

3. The kinds of Laws which explicitly deal with organized crime

4. The trend in organized crime and their manifestations

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