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A comparative study: Reverse Engineering Application Tools and code


Based on different scenario (business rules) the practice of Software Reverse Engineering(SRE)
is used to analyze the software system to extract the information regarding design and
implementation of either part or the whole software application. These business rules are
implemented in the form of line of code but unfortunately, the actual source code is hidden
and we only get the binary form of the code. For this purpose, when software is legally called
for reversing, different tools (e.g IDA pro ,Hex Rays, CFF Explorer, API Monitor, win hex, HIEW,
Fiddler, Scylla, Relocation Section Editor , PEid ) have been introduced by Apriorit software
research department and provide source code. These tools are used for better understanding
the program algorithm, logic and program specifics (platform, application) under the good
experience in windows API functions, programming assembler language, network interaction
principle. But still lack better, precise and formal understanding for the software. In this paper
using these tools we are going to ensure code consistency, we detect viruses/ malware and also
assure quality of software in a graphical way. We identified benefits and shortcomings of these tools
and assessed their applicability for software systems and their usability, as a case study.

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