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Fundamentals of Project Management

Assignment # 02

Submitted To:

Mr. Salman Tahir

Submitted By:

Javeria Zahid




Question 1
You are working as a Project Manager for a 30 Story Shopping Mall/Apartment
in Karachi. Keeping in Mind the Concepts of Project Manager’s Sphere of
Influence and Project Manager Competencies How will you respond to the
conditions and try to get things done in time.

If I am working as a project Manager for a 30 story shopping mall in Karachi I will follow the
knowledge areas to respond the condition which I face during the project and to get things
done on time.

Initiation Phase
Project Integration Management:
First of all we make a project charter for a project. Basically It is the authorization of a project in
which we describe the title of a project, who has an authority of project, what is the objective
and scope of project, who is the sponsor and customers of project, what is the budget and
deadline of project.

 Developing a Project Charter:

The project Charter contains a brief description of project. Different inputs are used to develop
charter. Following are the inputs of charter;

Project Manager: Javeria Zahid

Project Assistant: Mr. Ali

Contractor: Royal construction

Sponsor: Mr. Ahmad & CEO’s of company

1) Contract:

For our project agreement is signed between Mr. Ahmad and a company CEO’S Mr. Rehman. In
this contract budget, cost plan, duration and management plan are mentioned;


Start Date: 1st-jan-2020


End Date: 31st –dec-2021

 Estimated Budget:

In this Project keeping all expenses in mind I can say that the estimated budget required for this
project is 100 million.

 Material for our project:

 Plumbing Material
 Concrete rod
 Flooring Materials
 Electrical Equipment
 Paints
 Glass window
 Wood
 Cement
 Bricks
 Labor
 Procurement Plan:

All the material which are used in this project are going to procure from different suppliers and
this material will purchased before 1st may 2020

2) Enterprise Environmental factors:

EEFS which may influence this project are;
 Organizational Culture
 Work hours
 Holidays
3) Organizational process Assets:
OPA’s provide us procedures and guidelines that how to work on projects. we follows
these procedures to work on project.
Being a Project Manager in Project I ensure that all of the work is executed on time and inside
the well-known finances that is referred to in charter. As we know that making plans is one of
the most important duties of Project manager. First of all, I develop a basic project plan, tune
development of plan and successfully communicate the plan with team and clients. If I make a
plan without unique plan of action, the project will no longer be completed correctly and then
could be challenge to delays and budgetary issues.

As a project manager, I will make a plan for 30 stories apartments which could be finished in 2
years and in the finances of 30 million rupees, hire labors and allocate roles and obligations to
the team members.

In any project, developing and following a plan makes finishing the task less difficult and reduce
the quantity of time.

Setting Scope and Baselines

The Scope Baseline is the approved version of a scope statement, work breakdown structure (WBS),
and its associated WBS dictionary.
Project Scope:
Royal Construction selected a consulting organization (Hamada consulting organization to
layout the architectural and structural drawing and design for the construction of the 30 stories
apartments in Karachi. The consulting company will therefore design the drawing and make all the
technical specification. As well as consulting organization will appoint an engineer to approve and test
the status of the project at each point of completion. The total covered area of the project must be
45000 sq. Ft. Therefore Royal construction will complete the construction of apartments as according
to the requirement and specification.
Purpose of Project:
To provide flawless, safe and inflexible construction of 30 stories apartments so that the give up
product is as consistent with necessities of the clients. Royal construction desired to complete the
project within the approved budget and time with the involvement of all of the project team and also
to offer the final product as in line with as the expectation of the customer.

Being a project manager I will create a agenda and need to identify all of the necessary parts and
steps. Once we have recognized we can work on developing the time table across the vital steps,
scope and roles. When the schedule would be created it just needs to be sent out for approval and
Duration of process:

Initiation: 4 months

Planning: 6 months

Execution: 11 months

Monitoring: For whole execution process

Closing: 3 months

Developing and Implementing the Quality Plan:

Quality management plan describe that how the project management team will put in
force the performing organization’s quality policy.
Probably one of the most critical factors of project management is the quality control and
high-quality warranty. Having an early pleasant warranty plan that starts from the start of the
project is better overall. Not only does it ensure the quality of work of labor and quality of
material, it prevents ultimate minute remodel from the final inspection. Project that undergo
extra common inspection require less rework from the final inspection since they know at the
same time as fixes are relatively quick or cheaper. It stops earlier than they happen. Being a
project manager I will make a plan for the high-quality excellent of the construction material
and approved it from control management.

Quality Roles Responsibilities

Project Cost Efficiency Finance Department, project manager, Project

Team, Quality Department

Procure good quality material Project Manager

Manage quality of material Project Team

Project schedule Quality Department, Project manager

Product overall working Project Manager, Project Team

Allocation of resource on time Project Manager

Project Human Resource Management Plan:

Develop Human Resource Plan:
Project human resource management include the process that organize, lead and manage the
project team
Roles and Responsibilities assigned by project Manager:
As a Project Manager I will fully define the roles and responsibilities of stakeholder and others. This
can be used to determine who will really need to approve of what. Once the roles and responsibilities
are defined, it’s easier to get a plan into motion.
Roles, Responsibilities and Authority of project Team:

Roles Responsibilities Authority


Javeria Zahid Has the authority to do the Will monitor the work and
change in project guide the team about any
(Project Manager)
management plan. difficulty and also make sure
that all the work will be done
in given budget.

Mr. Khuram Ahmad Will lead the team Show all result to project
manager and solve issues
(Team leader)
between team members.

Mr. Altaf Has authority to oversee the Will give report to the higher
work of labors authority
(Human Resource Manager)

Mr. Nisar Has a authority to check the Will record all balances
cost of each task against cost
(Finance Manager)

Mr. Nadeem Has a authority to check the If any change will occur he will
quality of material which is report to the team leader
(Quality Manager)
used in construction

Selection of workers:
After mentioning the project roles and responsibilities the worker team will be selected based upon
the need of the project. In this project of construction of 30 stories apartments the worker team will
be selected on the basis of experience.
Project Communication Management Plan:
Plan communication is the process of determining the project stakeholders and needs and
defining a communication approach.
Stakeholder Register:

Following are the stakeholder of our project with their roles, involvement and impact;

Stakeholders Role Involvement Impact

Ali Hamza customer High positive
Supplier/Vendor supplier Medium positive
Royal construction Contractor High positive
Javeria zahid Project Manager Very High Very positive

Stakeholder Management Strategy:


Stakeholder Name Information given to stakeholders

Ali Hamza  Monthly Progress of project
 Monthly performance
 Information about risk involved in

Communicate with the customer shall be via month-to-month conferences and all the task
efficiency will possibly be introduced through documentation. Meetings will be scheduled
earlier than the development. Communicate with the project team will be done on each day
groundwork with a head to head interaction. Verbal exchange with the supplier would be done
through documentation on every purchase.

Risk Management Plan:

Risk Register:

Sr Risk Management Risk Management Plan Impact

1 Over costing more than the budget Contractor will take bank High
loan for the completion of
2 Incase project doesn’t complete on The contractor will hire more High
time labors for the completion of
3 Machinery Breakdown We have on site workshop Low
for equipment and
machinery maintenance
4 Theft Store keeper and security Medium
guard would be investigated
and then necessary action
would be taken against
5 Material Shortage Forecasting would be done Low
and material would be
6 Political environment of Pakistan Measure will be taken to Medium
avoid such situation which
will affect the project.
7 Changing Market Condition As the inflation rate of Medium
Pakistan is quite so high so

we will make an agreement

with our suppliers for the
purchase of material.
8 Load shedding We will provide standby High
generator on the site to
encounter the risk
9 Natural Disaster We will make the structure low
strong enough to bear 8
rector scale of earthquake
and build the boundaries
walls high enough to block
10 Material Damage Material will be replaced low

Project Procurement Plan:

Project Name: Construction of 30 stories Apartments

Prepared by: Javeria Zahid

Procurement statement:

Royal construction will procure all the material which is required for the construction of 30
stories apartment from approved sources which include the followings;

 Cement
 Steel reinforcements
 Sand
 Bricks
 Stone ballast
 Wood
 Glass windows
 Electrical equipment
 Plumbing equipment
 Paint
 PVC pipes

Estimated Cost:

The total estimated cost for the procurement is 15 million rupees 15,000,000,keeping +/_ 20%
reserve of estimated cost.

Selection process & criteria for suppliers:

The supplier will be selected on the following criteria:

 Low cost
 Quality of material
 Timely delivery
 Reputation in market

Project procurement team:

Sr Job Title Project Role

1 Project Manager Overlook the whole
procurement team
2 Purchase section Incharge Manage the project team and
all the purchases made for the
3 Material section incharge Responsible for procuring
project material e.g cement,
wood, sand etc
4 Electrical Goods Incharge Responsible for procuring
electrical equipment and
5 General Goods Incharge Responsible for procuring
general goods required for
running day to day operation.

This is the development phase, where as a project manager I will put the project plan
into motion and the work of the project is performed practically on site. It is very
necessary to maintain control and communicate as needed during each development
Each task deliverable produced would be reviewed for the quality and measured toward
the attractiveness criteria. After the construction of 30 stories apartment stories we will
reviewed the quality of each story. When our 30 stories apartments construction would
be completed then our project is stated to be geared up for closure.

Monitor and control:

This degree is all related to the size of progress and performance to ensure that items are
monitoring with the project management scheduling. This phase regularly takes place on the
same time as the execution section. If any deviation is found from the already defined plan
corrective measures are made.

When the purpose of our plan would be fulfilling in define budget and time on that time we will
close the project.

During the final closure, the importance is on providing the final deliverables to the purchaser,
this is:

 Handing over project documentation to the commercial enterprise

 Termination of dealer contracts
 Releasing task resources
 Communicate the closure of the assignment to all stakeholders.
 Last and final is to conduct classes-learned research to take a look at what went nicely
and what didn’t.
 This sort of analysis could make the expertise of experience to be transferred returned
to the assignment agency, a good way to help future undertaking groups.

Question No 02:
Research describes numerous leadership styles that a project manager can adopt. In your
point of View

discuss in detail which Leadership style is the best and Why? Support your answer with
Example, either

Imagined or from your own experience.

Transactional Leadership Style: Transactional management emphasizes results, stays inside
the present constitution of group and measures success according to that organization’s
process of rewards and penalties. Transactional leaders maintain the formal authority and
positions of responsibility in group. And responsible for keeping movements with the aid of

managing man or woman performance and facilitating team efficiency. Transactional, or

managerial, leaders set the standards for staff and do efficiency reviews are essentially the
most fashioned option to decide worker performance.

A transactional leader does not look ahead to strategically guiding an organization to a position
of market; instead these managers are solely concerned with making sure everything flows
smoothly. Transactional leaders are those who guide or motivate their followers toward
established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. Transactional leadership sometimes
referred to as managerial leadership; focuses on the interactions between leaders and
followers. Transactional leadership is as a rule used in trade; when staff are victorious, they are
rewarded; after they fail, they're reprimanded or punished. In transactional leadership, rewards
and punishments are contingent upon the efficiency of the followers. The leader views the
connection between managers and subordinates as an exchange – you provide me whatever
for whatever in return. When subordinates perform well, they obtain a reward. Once they
participate in poorly, they're going to be punished in some way. Principles, strategies, and
standards are foremost in transactional leadership. Study has observed that transactional
leadership tends to be most robust in situation where the issues are easy and clearly outlined.
It might also work well in main issue instances the place the focal point needs to be on
undertaking distinctive duties. By means of assigning evidently defined responsibilities to
special members, leaders can ensure that those matters get done.

In my point of view the transactional leadership is best because. In transactional leadership

style they award those who are motivated by self interest to follow instruction. It offers an
unambiguous structure for gigantic companies, systems requiring repetitive tasks and infinitely
reproducible environments. They achieve quick-term goals speedily. Rewards and penalties are
defined by employees.


Athletic groups additionally depend closely on transactional leadership. Players are anticipated
to comply to the workforce’s rules and expectations and they are rewarded or punished based
on their performance. Successful a game would imply accolades and bonuses while dropping
might lead to rejection and verbal castigatigation. Players often become highly motivated to do
well, even if it means suffering affliction and injury.

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