Assignment On Video Case Study of JAAGO Foundation Operations and Management of NGO

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Assignment on
Video case study of JAAGO Foundation

Course Title Operations and Management of NGO

Course Code MGMT 46

Submitted To Submitted By
Khadiza Rahman Sumayea Zahan
Senior Lecture ID: BBA O6318600
Batch 063(C)

Date of Submission
1. What is the perception about JAAGO foundation
on you? It’s an NGO or not?
The JAAGO foundation is a civil society organization
established in April 2007 and based in Bangladesh.
JAAGO operates with the help of its employees and work
towards the betterment of people living below the poverty
line. The JAAGO foundation currently has schools spread
all over Bangladesh catering free of cost schools for 2,500
underprivileged children. The primary course of
instruction is English although students are also taught
Bangla to have a very strong background in Bengali. In
September 2011, JAAGO foundation began its first digital
school as a pilot program. This concern of JAAGO
Foundation is a nationwide association of volunteer
Action groups that work for betterment of their individual
communities and the nation as a whole. Volunteer for
Bangladesh plans to establish volunteer Action Groups
around 64 districts of Bangladesh and is supported by the
US Embassy, Dhaka. JAAGO has now opened supporting
branches in U.S. UK, Canada and Australia. Most of these
branches are operated by native nationals who once
worked as volunteers for JAAGO.
And it’s Non-profit organization.
2. Are they registered or not? If they do so, mention
the act they follow.

YES, JAAGO foundation is registered
non-profit organization at the “ office of registrar of
joint stock, companies and Firms” under the
government of the people Republic of Bangladesh.
The registration number S-8027(48)/08.

3. What is the motto of JAAGO Foundation?


The motto of JAAGO foundation “Breaking the cycle

of poverty through Education and Rebuilding our
The motto for this year will be action “Actions speak
louder than words”. Feedback summit 2018 will be
driven by action-oriented leaders in philanthropy
,aid, government, impact investing, and frontline
service delivery.
JAAGO believes feedback is a constant learning
process to improve the work to have a sustainable
impact. JAAGO Foundation uses and encourages
constructive feedback from both internal and
external stakeholders-community, volunteers and
employees, to grow as an organization.

4. How does they collect their funds for service?

JAAGO Foundation collect their funds for service
through generous donation from corporates<child
sponsorship program where individual donate for
child, education, women empowerment and other
rests are anonymously donated by people.

5. Which types of NGO they belong and which

generations they are acting on?

The following typologies are matched with the
JAAGO Foundation:
A. Development service oriented NGO on the basis of
B. Local NGO on the basis of coverage and funds.
C. Service NGO on the basis of role.
6. How many programs are they performing? What
are they?


3 Programs are they performing:

1. Education program: JAAGO Envisions building a
smarter generation who will take Bangladesh
towards the super-highway of progress and
contribute making it a global superpower! JAAGO
believes an access to quality education for all can
make it happen.
2. Youth Development program: Our Youth
Development program provides the opportunity to
empower the youth , facilitate volunteerism, foster
self-resilience and growth as well as equipping
them with necessary tools to shape them for a
meaningful future. 64 districts , 35+k registered
volunteers and the ever-growing thirst to do better ,
bigger wonders is always on .
3. Rohingya Refugee project: Since 25 August2017,
targeted violence against Rohingya communities
in Rakhine state , Myanmar , has forced 671,000
people- mostly women and children- to flee their
homes. This exodus has become one of the fastest
growing refugee crises in the world.
7. Identify the two main initiatives of JAAGO


The Two main initiatives of JAAGO Foundation is

 Tel-Ed Initiatives For Underprivileged
Studentshome to education

To make a different in the lives of these Untouched

ones, JAAGO came up with an innovative approach
to providing education to our students. Through their
“Tel-Ed” initiative, JAAGO will be operating classes
over the voice messaging service and short
messaging service.

 Education During Covid-19

In line with this, education institutions are closed for

an indefinite period. As a result, thousands of
children are cut off from education. Around the
world, governments have taken various initiatives to
ensure access to education which is the fourth goal of
the sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Though
SDG 4 speaks about quality Education, in a time of
epidemic, the focus was to ensure that students have
access to any sort of education.

8. How many voluntaries are currently working for

JAAGO and how many division/ Structures are
involved on it?


There are 25,000 voluntaries are currently working

for JAAGO and 8 division on it.

9. What is the biggest event of JAAGO Foundation

and why they do organize such event?
The biggest event of JAAGO Foundation is Universal
children’s Day.
JAAGO Foundation took the idea of celebrating
children’s rights and education to the next level in
Bangladesh through awareness & engagement among
the masses . Flagship campaign of celebrating the
“universal children’s Day’’ is a revolutionary
movement for raising awareness for the
underprivileged kids in Bangladesh.

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