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Tehsil - Tarane District - Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh CASTE CERTIFICATE OF OTHE! KWARD CLASSES ~, Application No. 1084/8 - 121/Caste Certificate / _ Handwritten corticate Issued date : 04/08/2010 Certificate No. : RS/435/0118/1760/2020 : fot Dated = 02/09/2020 1. This Is to certiy that Shri HEMANT PATIDAR Son of Shi SATISH PATIDAR (Father) and ‘Smt. RAJKUMARI PATIDAR (Mother) of Vilage Kachnariya, Distict Ujjein of the State Madhya Pradesh belongs to the Patidar(kulml) Coste, which is in the list of other backward classes at serial no. 96 notified as under :- (0 Resotuton No. 12011/8459-BCC(C) dated 1UDBS publshed in the Gazetie Inda Extmcrdrary Part | Section | No. 186 dated 14083 ( Rescluton No. 1201UYOLECC dated 19701G% pubtEhec in me GazeHe of india [Exeaortinary Patt | Section | No. 163 cated 20/1004 (i) Resolution No. 12011/765-0CC ded 24/5195 published in ‘We Gazete of India Extraordinary Par | Secon | No, 88 dated 25/05/95 (Ww) Resoliton No, TZ0TVSOS-OCC dated (09103096 (¥) Resolution No. 12011744:968CC dated 6/1206 published in the Gazeko of india Exrooruinary Part | ‘Section | No. 210 datas T1/126 (vi) Resoluion No. 1201VISI97-BCC dated O0'2/07 (vi) Reselaion No. 120119934 [BCC dated 1171297 (ve) Resolution No. 12011/6898-8CC dated 27/1080 (ex) Resolution No. 1201 VB8ISE-BCC dated 57279 publi in the Gazette of Indio Exornary Par | Section | No. 270 dated 081299 (2) Resoision No. Y2OTVOBHS-BCC dated 041042000 puntaned 9 the Gazite of Inia Exiroitinary Port | Section | No 71 dated 0410472000 tx) Resoluion No. 12011449805 dated 217087000 ubehed in to Gazoio of Indla Extacednary Part I Section 1 No. 240 dated 2108/2000 (el) Rescluton No. T201S12000-8CC dated 09/2001 fai) Resoutton No. H2OIW200-8CC datec 1908/2009 (nv) Rescluion No. 120T14/2002-BCC dated THO1/2004 (wv) Reedution No. T2OTWOROOL-BCE dated 16012008 putliched in te GazeNe of Inia Exracrdinay Part | Seuion | No. 210 dated 1810172006 fev) Resolaion No. T2011/142004-80G ceted 121032007 publshed in tho Gazeta of Indio Eroord nary Past | Section | No, 67 dated 12/02/2007 (i) Resolution No. 1201512/2007-6CC dated 18/08/2010 (evi) Resoion No. YROTSTSI2008-B0C dated 18/06/2011 (8) Rescuton No, T2OISIII2010-8CC dates 08272091 This is also to cently that he/she does not belong to the personsisections (Creamy Layer) Mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India. Deparment of Personnel & ‘Training O.M. No, 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 08/09/93 which is modified vide OM. No. 36033/9/2004-Estt Rees.) dated 09/03/2004, further modified vide OM No. 96033(3/2004-Estt.(Res.) dated 14/10/2008, No. 36036/2/2013-Estt(Res.) dated 30/05/2014, No. 36033/1/2013-Esit (Res.) dated 13/09/2017 or the latest notification of the Goverment of India. Is cortified that the Annual Income of the family of Shri HEMANT PATIDAR is Rs. 60000 on the basis of income certificate issued by competent authoritylomployeriatfidavite produced by herihim, Shi HEMANT PATIDAR and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in Vilage Kachnarlya of District Uljein of the State Madhya Pradesh, Place : Tarane Stale : Madhya Pradesh Date: 03/09/2020 Joi re Ekta Jalewat Sub Divisional Officer (Revenue)

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