Date Form Topic Subtopic Objectives

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Date 17.02.

Form 5
Topic Nature. Weather
Subtopic My favourite season
Objectives: 1. educative:
- to practice pupils’ speech on the topic “Seasons”;
- to practice listening and writing;
2. developing:
- to develop speaking and reading abilities, guessing work, work in
pairs and groups, dialogue speech;
- to develop students’ ability to express their thought logically;
3. bringing:
- to contribute to the development of the learners’ intellect,
memory and imagination
Equipment Textbook «English.5» by O. Karpiuk, texts for listening and reading,
flashcards, a presentation, an interactive blackboard, a magic box with
the words from the topic.

The procedure of the lesson

1. Introduction
1.1 Topic and Good morning, dear pupils! Nice to see you!
aim Today we have very interesting and useful topic. Decode the topic of
our lesson with the help of the ABC. (Slide 1)
Today we are going to speak about your favourite season. (Slide 2).
We are going to revise vocabulary on the topic, work in pairs and
groups, listen and read the text and play games.
It is very interesting and useful. It is not hard. So you can do

1.2 Warming up Brainstorm:

- What season is it ?
- What is the weather like today?
(Slide 3 – 15)
(One student from the class ask others).

2. Main part
2.1 Vocabulary Take the words from the magic box and decide what season is it.

2.2 Speaking. Slide 16:

Work in pairs Today’s weather around the world

2.3Writing. Slide 17:

Work in Describe the people's clothes.
2.4 Listening PB: Ex.2 p.180 Listen to the text and guess the season.

2.5 Reading PB: Ex.2 p.180 Read the text.

2.6 Speaking Slide 18:

What season is it?

2.7 Physical Mime game: What can you do?


2.8 Writing PB: Ex.2 p.182

Write about your favourite season.
Use some helpful tips. (Slide 19)
2.9 Speaking Interview your partner about his/her favourite season.
(Slide 20)

3.1 What did we do during the lesson today?

Summarizing - We came in the classroom.
- We listened to the text. (Slide 22)
3.2 Home task Slide 10:
- Retell one of the texts about seasons.
- Write a paragraph about your friend's favourite season. Paint a
picture to it. (Slide 21)
3.3 Marks … has got excellent marks.
… Your mark is …

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