Junior Insight July Issue

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(Tansee Go eaesen WHAT CAN YOU LEARN? Sst e blanket oe net to the begga As the rich ma Perera ree Sa eee But there ore many children out oe ee ee eet ey an SU e ity SR Lm ah Pee eee ee deed Le Peet etc aet in search of the be peers: See! reece Pee cee Can you also not be like Ramu 2 prey Bees at Pee ett ect Peretrd ae nrrn arrears Like humans, Dolphins can recognize themselves in ST ed ice cee is The first meal eaten on the Moon by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ‘was cookies, peaches and coffee Honey never gels spoil, Scientists have found 2000-year-old jars of honey in Egyptian tombs, which slill tasted delicious JULY 2020 % PR W iy eo hands of the clock move clockwise ‘The direction i which he bands of oo soe eee ead ee ae ae eet pa eneTS eT wee eee Pesca es ER TGS CEs rae eee TET 0 eee mea vig, JULY 2020 JULY 2020 What is a Pronoun ‘A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. For example: e school. ° bag To make the second sentence sound better, you can change the proper noun Jai to ‘he’. So it will be: wl 7 e| The word ‘he’ is @ pronoun that has token the place of the proper noun J aoe ‘A] Personal pronouns are also used in place of a name or a thing. For example: © Sheis my best friend. © Twent tothe park yesterday. ‘Some common personal pronouns include: 1, you, he, she, it, we, they, you, him, her, them, tus 8] Possessive pronouns are used lo show thal something or someone belongs to a person. For example: (@ |i bought the gift with my money. © The caris his. Possessive pronouns include: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours and theirs. C] Demonstrative pronouns generally refer to things that are of someone else. For example: © Her favorites are those bangles. (© My friend likes this. ety the type of erin pono “The new video game i, cae © Partandt a.he © Shewent for awalk. a b. she @ Someone called me. ae © Who was the winner? Qiseata” eaitier Demonstrative pronouns include: this that, those, these. DJ Indefinite pronouns refer to a more general group of people or things. For example: @ Everyone went to the park that day. © All are invited to the party. All, any. most, none, nobody, somebody, everybody are some indefinite pronouns E] Interrogative pronouns ask questions. For example: © Which isyour car? © Whom did you ask? ‘Who, witose, whom and which are interrogative pronouns. 4° ‘with the Monsoon “The summer heat has given way Tre the cool monsoon sway, The flowers are blooming The insects are crawling lesthe season where nature is amding, As the raindrops on the leaves shine bright The view from the window is an awesome sight The season of greenery is all around The monsoon magic is weaving round and round. ‘Which Is the season described in the poem? ‘Give one word from the poern which mean @ Describe the effect of the monsoon on nature? the following: @ Why is nature smiling? ) move slowly b) very beautiful @ What can you see from the window on a rainy day? ©) putting threads together A Rainy Day and my friends love rainy days. We enjoy playing in the rain very much. There is a very shallow stream near our house. Each time it rains, we go thefé 10 sall our paper boats and watch them being swept away. We watch as our paper boats are tossed about in the water, They then sail swiftly down the stream. During the rain, ‘we also love to sitand watch the puddles of water in our garden. Sometimes, we rum out in the rain, into the puddles of water and watch, ‘of water growing bigger and bigger. See eee © Why does the boy love rainy days? SoM @ Where do they play with paper boats? Rain/ Rainbow/ Cloud/ Wind/ Sun/ Moon/ Star/ Do you play in the rain puddles? iene Thier © Whatis the best thing you like about arainy day? @ Match the words with their meanings: toss asmallpool of water puddle small wave on the surface of water ripple to move about restlessly Sua Teng ta Mena ae eh PEC Seo JULY 2020 JULY 2020 —= an dienes Giirao wm Peshwal Birth of Balirao > Great Warrior Bajirao {or Bajirao Ballal was born iM) Bajirao was an expert swordsman, (on August 18, 1700 as the eldest son iM) outstanding rider, and a brave of Peshwa Bala)! Vishwanath Rao soldier. He was skilled in using and Radhiksaba. His father Balaji the deadly ‘dandpatta’ a circular Vishwanath was the first Peshwva sword. His milltary training was so (Prime Minister) of Chhatrapatt good that every moment he used Shahut Mahara to get all the information of his Eee ety Poe ea Pere yey enemy's location, thus planning Se ee Early Childhood surprise attacks and defeating them. BGM sie nbeaa Renna From the time he was alittle boy, battle fill his death on 28th Bajirao would often go with his Perea ee father on military campaigns. * eee ete! Under his father's able guidance, he grew up to be a disciplined and highly skilled warrior. He was only 12 years old when he went to the battlefield for the first time, The Making of the Peshwa After his father's death, Chhatrapati ‘Shahu Maharaj appointed the 20-year old Bajirao as Peshwa in the most powerful his council of Ministers. warriors in the country wader MRT yal the leadership of Seen Any ee ed into bate with dhe ry Hat Har Mahadevthereby inapting is troops tofight without fear Coe a Corinne ene eet ce ere) fore in een Jhe President of india, also Known as Rashtrapati, is the head ofthe government, parliament and judiciary or courts of India. According to the Indian Constitution, a person eligible to be the President of india should be: @® Acirizen oF INDIA @ Must Have COMPLETED 35 YEARS OF AGE. @ BE QUALIFIED FORELECTIONS AS AMEMBER OF THE LOK SABHA, @ SHOULD NOT HOLD ANY OFFICE OF PROFIT UNDER THE UNION OR ANY STATE GOVERNMENT. ‘The President holds the office for a term of five years from the date he takes up his post. Re PS & STN Oat anak ‘The President of Indi is elected by the members of Rajya Sabha, Lok ‘Sabha and members from State legislative assembly. @ The President appoints the Prime Minister, the Council of Ministers, the judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts. Alawis passed in the country only after the President’s approval. APresident can declare national emergency on the grounds of war or rie in the country. He/she can also declare state emergency ifa state fails to fumctio properly can also declare financial emergency ifthe country'seconomy is affected. @ Being the Commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the President appoints the Chief of Army, Navy and Airforce. @ ® Pe any New Delhi is the official ae of India. Its also known dential a Cour innaey Sear! Pre eins The post of th Cenc eaent ono Seman) eee) entre th January, JULY 2020 " Viriises ean only be building the of our pees vil tthe jock the viruses they can make us sick. Viruses cause cold, chicken p fiu, and many other diseases. ‘Scientists have developed vaccines to help our bodies POUR ‘Build up immanity against the viruses To survive, a virus needs living body like that of RENE sue humans, animals and plants. It attacks the cells in our A few simple things that can protect us from getting body and begins tomultiply tblocks the cells and infected by virus : Washing hands clean with soap and water. Do not puthands or fingers in our mouth, nose oF eyes as can cause a virus to enter vise ate salad ne ightweight, they can float trough OU BOAT. alkurviy n water or even on the ae: ate of our shin, Viruses can be = Nets as ‘cod ant oy ram one person to another king hands, touching food, Caan gh water or through air when epee _ La _} a person sneezes or coughs. Some regular er viruses can alsobe paked ‘through insect bites, animals, eee: system to, = birds or through bad food. ie ofviruses > Ee ee enor MGSER These are what make you sick SVURI —Thisis atype of germ - DSNHA — What you should always wash TRWAE What youwash yourhands with - SAPO This helps to kill germs SEAIDSE What germs can cause - CIBAEATR This is another type of germ ‘TLEHAHY Washing your hands can keep you - JULY 2020 o CITT liad can be divided into two equal groups. Even numbers always and in 2, 4, 6, 8 and 0, An even number can be divided exactly by 2 and generates a remainder 0. So, all the numbers a remainder 1. Odd numbers are ending with 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 are in betwoon the even numbers. All ‘even numbers. Zero is an the numbers ending with 1, 3, 5, 7 even number. ‘and 9 are odd numbers. For example: For example: 6, 32, 40 and 88 are @ |numbers such as 11, 23, 85, 47 ate. are odd numbers. ne ce ae Colour the boxes with odd numbers so as to help r {he mouse find the cheese > >. [3 [7 [30] 35] <0 isto [ae[ @ [51 [42 | 10] 28 XS [icholes|es [96 ]70 2 [7 |79| 20] 20] 24] 56]78[ 34] <2] 1 [eo] 16] 26h is. 40 50] 72| 54] eal si] Ki ons ages setae “= 43 = 76[ 2 | 32 2a] 7 [oo o= 132 = aif 2i|72 a3 gis ma 93} 0 [72 300 25) 36 | 52 15/6] 170 JULY 2020 =a = es le] [a CS 9 ¢ ou slands are areas of land that are not connected toa continent and are surrounded by water on all sides. Islands can be found in all bodies of water, from streams and rivers to lakes, seas and oceans. Artificial islands are man-made islands which ae Built S96 of plants and animals that “ : natural materials ike ck OF are found nowhere else on CONTINENTAL ISLANDS are part ofthe same Sandandartiilal materials) These species have land thatmakes up the lke concrete or recycled waste. ved naturally for over continents, They are thousands of years and formed by the flooding of valleys close to the coast. The valleys fil with seawater and the tops of the hills become islands. rare and weirdest species have unique appearance and behav Mis Climate change and rising sea levels often cause flooding on {slands, The sea water may also pollute fresh water sources on islands. This may also damage the coral reefs, plants and animals on the islands. OCEANIC ISLANDS are formed when voleano erupts deep under the ocean and pushes the ‘ocean floor upwards into a ‘mountain .enland in North America is the world’s largest island, while ‘Bishop Rockin the British Isles Is the smallest istand. ore eee ie eee eae =) ‘CORAL ISLANDS are low islands formed in warm, waters by tiny sea creatures called Corals and are built over long period of time. 10 Mercury has been known since ancieat times because it can be seen without advavieed telescopes. As this planet orbits the sum faster f than any other planet. it is named after the . Roman messenger god - Mercury who was) Rnown for moving fast Mercury is the smallest planetin our solar system. It's Justa litle bigger than Earth's ‘moon. Itis the planet closest to the sun. Its surface is covered et fone ete ecto et feet Se ee ECE ane eee s eres eee et eae eae eee eee ee eee Seen oe Ce eee eet gs ee ee ott Mateh the following Romanswit | Temperature of ssenger god 4000 degree c enna ty ‘Ayear on Mercury 88 Earth days Sey Mercuryssunny side Mereury en Mercury's darkside 59 Earth days ee eee weigh only about Per need ‘A day on Mercury ‘Temperature of 2000 degree C JULY 2020 Electric Glider Gadget Gyan ‘This electric glider is not only lightweight but also safe for kids to play with, Itcan be easily put together and comes with an USB charger for longer flight! With just one charge, you can take it to the beach, garden and open area for loads of fun! ee MSA Use the answers given below to complete the sentence, (Sign-in, attachment, password, keyboard, email) @ I cansend youa message ifyoulet me know your : @ My. only Tknowit. @ took. photo of our school yesterday, andsentittoyouasan © Youcan toyour e-mail account with your username and password @ {dropped water on my | will surely geta scolding from isa secret, ‘my parents, JULY 2020 Spiderman Gloves Ifyou are a fan of the crawling marvel superhero, this Spiderman glove with a isc launcher will surely be your instant favourite! You can Jbecome Spiderman in just seconds, and throw discs around from your glove. Itis a very creative toy for kids to play and improve their hands-on ability and imagination - great for ‘education and for fun! Nea rests eae ese tingly, the machi ed protected and has a t Peet ete bank with light ect ene) os Pee eat Projector Desk Just put the given slides in = Teepe oe ay ‘drawing comes to live! All = ceecawe lay and draw what had been aN projected on the desk Later you can also colour your ‘drawing to make itlook ie soucydpean pas aig ‘uoneiséeyg ‘exopy aomoy saamsuy 12 Then Rohan’s aunt came on 2 visit from Bengaluru, she gifted him a“Bookworld Store’ voucher for Rs 100. I know you love books, Rohan,” she replied, when he thanked her for the wonderful gift. After coming back from school, he walked across the street to Bookworld store. He saw lot of new titles displayed on the front racks. But his eyes were searching for his chosen book... Yes! There it was -a beautifully bounded small book with a charming picture of Steve Jobs, his idol. He picked it up lovingly. As he was still looking around, he spotted a little girl entering the store hesitantly. She had a voucher in her hhand, and she was looking here and there. She slowly. ‘walked over to the stare owner's desk and showed him the voucher. It wasa Rs. 50/- voucher. She told. him that she had received itasa prize for winning the handwriting competition at school. The shop owner @) 4. Rohan's aunt gifted him an entry pass to Essel World. 2, Rohan thanked his aunt for the gift. 3. The book Rehan wanted to buy was worth Rs.50/- 4, Thellttle girl selected a book about dolls. 5, The shop owner praised Rohan. 6 The girl liked a book about Kalpana Chawla, Soe. Mite go sight nd sie A izough eco otha bor te BY Pet on boat sbout Kalpana Chawla She picked t up and eal armed the poges: Her ae up. Without seeing Geary its ts ental tener Se eee ee ee seer a eee home, She was surprised when the shop owner told her "Chl this book costs Rs 150, Why don you go and look for another book?" The girl's eyes were filled th tears. She eld the book tight and sad “But uncle, eee eee ere ae rete eee ieee? nab oe ee ee ar oC eri ae eS eee eee ee Th ea Rohan for his kind act. Give & Star (x) To Those Children A toma eee 13 JULY 2020 1 irplanes have been used for transportation of goods and people, military and more. Most airplanes are flown by a pilot on board the aircraft, but some lke drones are designed to be remotely or computer-controlled FUSELAGE - The fuselage holds the airplane structure together and houses passengers or cargo. Modern afreraft | fuselage may accommodate up to 800 passengers and over 112,700 kilograms of cargo. ‘COCKPIT - The cockpit holds the ‘command and control section for controlling the airplane on the ground as, well as when flying. G a Z § A a . i zi | mae Orville and Wilbur Wright flew ees eee eee BCIeren a ers ems plane flew for 12 seconds and fete Reena Itwas built of wood and was Poesia ENGINES - Engines generate power and provide hydraulic and electricity, Modern = aircrafts use different types of engines, although jet engines are favoured with by most commercial airliners. UNDERCARRIAGE - The undercarriage, also known as landing gear, provides a platform for the aircraft to stand, also plays an important role in landing and. take-off Undercarriage’ Antonov An-25 is the largest and also the heaviest aircraft in the world. It first took fight on 21 December, 1988. It is used to transport extremely heavy loads such as the rocket boosters. ‘The largest commercial airplane is the Airbus A380. It was introduced in 2006 and includes beds, showers, libraries, kitchens, dining halls and much more. The aircraft can carry {853 passengers in total Concorde was the world’s fastest commercial aircraft. It took Concorde just three and a half hours to travel from New Yorkto P, while it took other commercial aircraft around eight Ho its first flight on March 2, 1969 from France but wa@@iscontinued {fom lying on October 24, 2003.du€ various incidents — X . ‘je Bumble Bee iis the world's smallest piloted Tae ee airplane. Its first flight was on 8 May, 1988, ioe ene ee es Unfortunately, that aircraft was destroyed in) eens = ‘acrash not long after setting the record. Ke The cr-Cr1 isthe world’s smallest ‘The plane is very light and environment friendly with zero carbon dioxide emissions eon Iean fy for 30 minutes ata speed of 110) | Bao Jlometres per hour with just the pilot oe a ing 747-400 airplane. > Rishi Durvasa turned his, wife into a banana tree when she disturbed his sleep. When she prayed that she be treated as a ‘special and holy plant on earth, Durvasa granted her wish. Thus, the banana tree and its leaves are considered auspicious and used for rituals. Food is important for life. Taus, when we sit own to have our meals, we pray to thank God for blessing us with food. Through prayers we believe that the food we eat will help us gain a NA Relea acre Renan PY to the amount while gifting money 5 Cer rerugete eee ee ecm ee nee eed Serna eee CRE ee eee a Coenen eee ere Ce ete re eee eect) Fee E GURU PURNIMA IS ONE OF ‘THE MOST IMPORTANT FESTIVALS CELEBRATED IN INDIA. THIS IS THE DAY WHEN PEOPLE WORSHIP THEIR GURU OR TEACHER Why Guru Purnima 2? The word Guru is derived from two Sanskrit words “Gu” and "Ru’, Here "Gu" means the darkness of ignorance 4m person, while “Ru” means someone who removes that darkness from the person. Hence, Guru refers toa person who educates someone, And as itis celebrated on a full moon, itis known as "Purnima’. What is the significance of Guru Purnima 2 In India, the month of Ashadh marks the beginning of monsoons. According to the legends, instead of roaming about, saints stayed in temporary camps where devotees gathered to listen to their wisdom, The very first day of learning was dedicated to honouring the teacher, thus leading to the celebration of Gurt Purnima, ed er ceed Ce) How is Guru Purnima celebrated ? Disciples wake up early in the morning, bathe and meditate. They then worship their Guru by offering flowers, fruits and light incense and camphor. ‘They observe fast or silence for the whole day and study orlisten to the teachings of their Guru. They offer food ‘to sages and seek their blessings. Im many schools, kids celebrate the day by touching the feet oftheir teachers and give them flowers as a token of respect. Also RnOWN as Vyasa Purnima Guru Poornima is also known as ‘yasa Poornima, asit is believed that Ved Vyasa — the author of Mahabharata, was born con this day. } Buddhist celebration iter migrating from Bodgaya with five ofhis disciples, Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath on the day of Guru Poornima, 17 JULY 2020 Brahma Kamal Brabma Kamal is a beautiful night blooming lower named after the Hindu god, Brahma. The flower heads are actually purple, but are hidden in layers of greenish-yellow, papery, boat shaped cover, The flowers are used as an offering inthe hill temples, Brahma Kamal is the state flower of Uttarakhand Moon Flowers Ipomoea are called moon flowers in moonlight. These are beautiful pink or white flowers. ‘The flowers quickly open at night and last the entire night. They close when the sunlight touches their petals. Evening Primrose Evening primrose is a beautiful yellow flower that blooms only at G night. They first open inthe evening (hence the name) and are sald to glow inthe dark: and wither and die the following day. The seeds, leaves, oil ofthe seeds and root ofthe plant are used in medicines. Ma Four 0" Clock Four o'clock flowers are trumpet shaped blooming in the evening and wilting the next morning, They start blooming at 4 pm and hence their name The flowers can be red, magenta, pink, yellow or white, The lowers are used in food colouring and parts of the plant are used as medicine, NOW MORE ABOUT OME FLOWERS THAT BLOOM AT NIGHT 18 Re eC tes event oor eect teen en eecent ena nets eotreen Pretend eee ea ar eee ley 2 a mous eee eee neat ‘Their eyesight is five to six tim Sed Peretti try oe eee et ae shat they can fly 100 kilometers per hour in normal fight and dive at ‘more than 160 kilometers per hour. Their help them catch food even as tin ‘Ants do sleep but at irregular intervals, and not all of them sleep atthe same time, On average, single worker ant ‘would take 250 naps each day, with each one lasting just overa minute. This means that they sleep for up to 4 hours, and 48 minutes in a day. However, each queen ant would fall asleep 90 times a day, sleeping for just over 6 minutes at a time, meaning they sleep for over nine hours each day. Coenen The elephants trunk is an amaaing organ which works like a hand, arm, nose as well as lips. The ‘trunk contains a great number of muscles and is very strong and flexible, Because of this great strength, the elephant can use its trunk as a ‘weapon, On the other hand, the tip of the trunk ends in a sort of finger which is so sensitive thatit can pick up a small pin, JULY 2020 19 Located in Dubal, United ‘Arab Emirates, Burj Khalifa or "Khalifa Tower" isthe world’ tallest man-made building ever built. ‘The 628-metre-high building hhas 160 stories (floors). The building was opened on 4th, Jamuary, 2010. The tower has the highest outdoor observation deck in the world. ‘The tower has the longest single running elevator, which is 140 floors! The elevator speed Is 10 metres per second, which makes it the fastest elevator in the world, The elevator reaches the observation deck on the 124th floor in only fone minute! ‘The weight of the concrete used in the tower is equal to 4,00,000 elephants and the total weight of the aluminium used is equal to that of five A380 aircrafts. ‘The Burj Khalifa can be seen from as far as up to 95 Kilometres. ‘The Bun} Khalifa also houses the world’s highest restaurant - Atmosphere on level 122 of the building, > a —_ef Ln _| Tune ena Un LL HTTUUTTUTTT ey i — lagaland was established ‘on 1 December, 1963 to be the 16th state of the Indian Union. 1m Itis divided into eleven districts: Kohima, Phek, Mokol:chung, Wokha, 4 Oe roa aee HE ~ anderen are 4 The state capitalis Kohima, andthe [I OMEnn neem largest city is Dimapur. eee’ thas an area of 16,579 kilometers, makingit [Daeg one of the smallest states of India Deena 1 The state is mostly mountainous with Mount Sea ‘Saramati being the highest peak at a height of 3,840 metres. 1m The native inhabitants are the Naga tribes. ‘tm Agriculture is tite most important economic activity and the principal crops include rice, corn, millets, pulses, tobacco, oilseeds, sugarcane, potatoes and fibres. ™ Other significant economic activity includes forestry, tourism, insurance, real estate, and miscellaneous cottage industries, ees Sees ete pene a mbar, oxen and butfal See eee ees poe ren eted enna ees Pees eee ong Its also known as the ‘Falcon Capital of the World’ or ‘Switzerland of East, Hornbill Festivalheld in the month of h December, showcases a mixture of cultural ry wee Hornbill Festival 1 aie JULY 2020 Who is a soldier > A soldier is person who works or serves in the defence forces. He or she is disciplined. fit, intelligent and brave. ‘A soldier wears uniform and is trained in using guns, rissiles, tanks, planes, sips, etc. Where do soldiers work ? ‘The country has three main defence forces - Army, Navy and the Airforce. The Army has soldiers who fight the enemy on the ground, the Navy has soldiers who fight the enemy in the waters and the Airforce fights the enemy in the air. What does a soldier do ? ‘When a soldier joins a defence service he or she promises to fight for the nation. He or she is posted in dangerous places like snow-clad mountains, deserts or even in forests. A soldier also offers help during natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, cyclones, ete. IELSDOR - YRMA - FUNIMOR RODBRE vyaN - FLIEDTABLET —- RAT OFREC CEPTORT How does. a soldier guard the nation > Asoldierisa brave, loyal and firtest ‘warrior who protects the nation and its people by putting his or her life in danger: A soldier works towards keeping peace. He/she works day and night, stays alert to guard the nation from any attack, Some soldiers are trained to be doctors or engineers to help other soldiers. (Gaur mic ay Peuermed MeN sepiog uuORED Any TPIS) (Gof somes eure 009 SepIOs Hey AgSoRg) 22 Ry oe Carat Carrots a bright orange root vegetable loaded with nutrients and is, often called super food. It grows underground and what we eat is the root of the carrot plant. What makes carrot a super food ? Carrot is rich in beta-carotene which converts into Vitamin A in our body. It gives us good eyesight and helps build ‘our immune system by keeping our cells healthy. Munching carrots also scrapes off plaque and food particles from the teeth and prevents tooth damage. Itis also good for our bones and skin, Coloured | Carrots Carrot gets its orange ’ colour because ofits beta- \ carotene content. But carrots also come in purple, white, . black, red, and yellow colours! Cookit up # Carrots can be eaten raw or can be cooked in iL several ways Ailerpolotoe)§— Cxrotscan carrotisthe most be pulped, popular vegeiable mashed, coed boiled, pureed grated, fried, steamed, baked, juiced or eaten raw: They can also be used in salads, cheesy carrot Eiaumuas Poy ra sy ek Calling carrots ... ‘The ancient Greeks called carrots Philtron and Karoto; Celts called it “honey ‘underground’; and Japanese call A Mercere rcrcy coe eee ce ) ees oa) Crees Breese er ec pee e et minutes. Cheesy Carrot JULY 2020 zaz AaAr a SEARCH THE FRUITS IN THE GRID BELOW Rom coe kon tole Vis Sis AN OB, lear Ge aon lle Te GI SP oe asvanaeT SOT SLEDS OR Managing eer eDTORAL Shobhae ode Wve Gonder Ast. Editor JULY 2020 Pees Crumple up some newspaper pieces into balls to make a bird's body. Add ‘some more crumpled newspaper balls, layer by layer, to make. hard bird body. Stick them together tightly with the help of glue or cello-tape. Make a tal with the remaining newspaper pieces. Fixit with ‘some glue or celtape. Make sure the bird's body shape and the tail is smooth and has no pointed edges. ‘Cutout afew pieces of wire tomake the bird's legs and feet. Prick a small hole into the base of the bird's body we have made in Step 1. Cover the wire with. yellow paper and glue. Now put some glue on the top of the legs and insert them in the holes made at the base of the bird's body. Soper Crumple the paper In the shape of a hard beak. ‘Now stick the beak on the bird's face with the help of the gine. ‘As we have used cello tape to put together the ‘crumpled newspaper into a bird's body, itis difficult to paint it. So, first, le’s paint the bird with an acrylic white paint. Let it dry. ‘Add layers of cut out coloured or decorative paper to ‘the bird, using giue. Make sure the bird body and the tail is completely covered with the paper. You can make the tail beautiful by adding pieces of colourful papers. Now paint the entire bird with the paint polish and let stdry. This helps told the paper work together and makes itstife ~ Pg eT eTea ene 26 b Four year-old Ayan Gogoi Gohan from Assamn's North Lakhimpur district is the ‘Youngest Author of India ‘The title was conferred on him by the India Book of Records which awarded Ayan with a plaque and a certificate for his book “Honeycomb which was published in January 2020. Ayan took to painting at the age of one. By the age of three, he could compose stories, all by himself. He began to address his, love for words, colours, sounds, tastes and sights ‘with his keen observation, ‘Honeycomb’ consists of 30 stories and drawings by Ayan. He has even designed the cover page of the book which is praised by authors for its delightful reading and beautiful paintings. Living with his grandparents, Ayan writes and draws about everyday things that he sees around. He is inspired by his grandfather and considers him as his hero and best friend. Beside painting and writing, Ayan enjoys doing Yoga, watching cartoons, playing badminton and football, baking and gardening. ‘Ayan adores his little pet puppy ‘Oreo' who is also part of his paintings. aU Ue Batman is the secret ‘identity of Bruce Wayne, an American billionaire, Having wimessed the ‘murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge ‘on criminals, Wayne then ‘rains himself and wears a bat-like costume in order to fight crime. you find Batman 2 Batman is found in Gotham City. With help from various supporting characters including his crime-fighti partner Robin; his butler Alfred Pennyworth; the police commissioner Who are - Batman's enemies ? Penne Pe Reet erage eer eee nee Ghul, Scarecrow; Poison Ivy, and. Cee te! Fred blehed ond Owned by WANO] MARANTA, Pred 22 NEAR MATURE COD {ii Pe 2 Tareas te eeres ee cence superpowers. He makes use of intellect, detective skills, sclence and technology, wealth, physical strength, martial arts skills and his continuous war eee Se ea teams up with Superman een eee eer eens searchlight called the Bat-Signal, which shines into the night sky, creating a bat-symbol on a passing cloud which can be seen from any point in Gotham. Batcave - The Batcave is Batman's secret, headquarters, consisting of 2 series of caves beneath his mansion, Wayne Manor. It serves as his command center, as well as a house for vehicles and ‘equipment for his war on crime. Bat-Signal - When Batman Is needed, the Gotham City police activates a 5S NTS EU C/M,

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