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Culture Impact On Organization Behavior in Capgemini: -

Our Values and ethics are part of what makes working at Capgemini different. They empower our people to
master their business and technology domains, build meaningful relationships with their colleagues and
clients, and design positive futures.

Since the creation of the Group in 1967, our culture and business practices have been inspired by our seven
core Values. These are the guiding principles that we collectively and individually stand for, and they are at
the heart of our approach as an ethical and responsible business.

Our Values are not only rules of behavior, but also guiding principles. Embedded in our DNA, they shape
our ethical culture, producing a shared mindset that keeps ethics at the heart of our decisions and actions.

We believe that sound ethics and integrity are the foundation of a profitable, sustainable business. Our
Ethics & Compliance (E&C) program, with our Values at its core, is crucial for the success of a diverse,
decentralized Group like ours, with multicultural teams operating in more than 40 countries. It has helped us
become one of the most trusted and respected companies in the world, recognized as “One of the World’s
Most Ethical Companies” by the Ethisphere Institute seven years in a row since 2013.

Our ethics program aims to create awareness among employees about our ethical principles and policies,
which work as a guiding force, enabling team members to make better decisions, based on honesty and
integrity. Our compliance program is focused on ensuring that appropriate levels of control are in place, so
that external and internal regulations are adhered to.

Seven Values:-

Seven shared values have been at the heart of Capgemini since our formation. These values influence the
way we meet client needs while respecting the regulatory requirements of each country in which we operate,
and the way we promote ethically sound practices within Capgemini and in our partnerships.

 HONESTY, loyalty, integrity, uprightness, a complete refusal to use any underhanded method to
help win business or gain any kind of advantage. Neither growth, nor profit nor independence have
any real worth unless they are won through complete honesty and probity. And everyone in the
Group knows that any lack of openness and integrity in our business dealings will be penalized at
 BOLDNESS, which implies a flair for entrepreneurship, and a desire to take considered risks and
show commitment (naturally linked to a firm determination to uphold one’s commitments). This is
the very soul of competitiveness: firmness in making decisions or in forcing their implementation, an
acceptance periodically to challenge one’s orientations and the status quo. Boldness also needs to be
combined with a certain level of prudence and a particular clear sightedness, without which a bold
manager is, in reality, merely dangerously reckless.
 TRUST, meaning the willingness to empower both individuals and teams; to have decisions made as
close as possible to the point where they will be put into practice. Trust also means giving priority,
within the company, to real openness toward other people and the widest possible sharing of ideas
and information.
 FREEDOM, which means independence in thought, judgment and deeds, and entrepreneurial spirit,
creativity. It also means tolerance, respect for others, for different cultures and customs: an essential
quality in a Group of over 200,000 people of around 120 different nationalities.
 FUN, means feeling good about being part of the company or one’s team, feeling proud of what one
does, feeling a sense of accomplishment in the search for better quality and greater efficiency,
feeling part of a challenging project.
 MODESTY, that is simplicity, the very opposite of affectation, pretension, pomposity, arrogance
and boastfulness. Simplicity does not imply naivety (simple does not mean simpleton!); it is more
about being discreet, showing natural modesty, common sense, being attentive to others and taking
the trouble to be understood by them. It is about being frank in work relationships, loosening up,
having a sense of humor.
 TEAM SPIRIT, meaning solidarity, friendship, fidelity, generosity, fairness in sharing the benefits
of collective work; accepting responsibilities and an instinctive willingness to support common
efforts when the storm is raging.

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