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INDIA'S ONLY COMPLETE ‘SCHOOL MAGAZINE Rajiv was playing outdoors with his, mother's broom as a horse. He was enjoying his game. Soon it became dark, and so he left the broom on the backyard and ran into the kitchen, His dad was sipping tea by the window, and his mother was busy cooking. “Mum I'm hungry, can I have something. to eat please?” asked Rajiv. Dad looked up and asked, “Where's the broom? Bring it in’. Rajiv replied, “Dad itis dark out there and I'm afraid to go back” Dad smiled and said, “Rajiv you trust in God, you pray to him daily, then go out there for God Is out there too. He Is always watching us from above. Do not be afraid” Rajiv looked at the door and slowly opened it. He peeped out at the dark o. Everywhere For subscription log on to: T I 1 I I I I 1 backyard and said, "God ifyou are out ff there, please hand me the broom’. Il He tooka step forward, then another I 1 i repeating the same sentence, talking to God. He then took the broom lying on the backyard and walked back into the kitchen. As he came back, his Dad said, “That's my boy! Put the broom back in its place. See God took away your fear of darkness. You are a brave boy now. Always remember if God Is your best friend; have no fear, for he is everywhere for you. Always be honest, helpful, truthful and thankful tohim!” Po et ema you see is actually the light of the sun. The light of eee enema ey earth, So, the moon, acts like a mirror and reflect: feta nent) Infection. Also, our eyelashes tell ur eyelids when they Why do we burp 2 ‘When we eat or drink quickly, ‘we swallow air along with the food. But our body does not need this air. So, when this extra air reaches our stomach, itneeds to come out. This air ‘comes back the same way Itwent down - through the throat and mouth, as a burp. Mersin eae ad Peete ere ee ete ere Stee eee eae Pema eee ae or thing that blocks:it and can be seen falling on Cer) Yy Why do we have eyelashes Eyelashes prevent particles in the air such as dust from getting into our eye, causing pain and possible need to shut to protect the eyes. Eyelashes also help to protect our eyes from the bright light of the sun. ‘The outer ayer of our teeth called the enamels translucent, which means lightcan pass through») it Depending on how 26, translucent and how thick Fe your enamels the colour of SS acca ae Od toperson. your enamels thicker and brighter, the whiter your teeth and if that enamel gets thinner due to plaque, will reflect ess light and look darker. Sn ~~ nll AVIATION ENGLISH DESCRIBING A PICTURE FluentPilo ~aircraft in a snowstorm Pera ed ee a Coat Bd ‘Months that start on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th lanets Jupiter er during Painter Leonardo da Vinci could renee eC ay Cees ee Peter eae) Cees re it) Peer aa aco AUGUST 2020 AUGUST 2020 We ae. nouns and pronouns. Now Jet us goto the words used to describe a noun or pronoun - ADJECTIVES. 2 ‘An Adjective isa part of a speech that is Bright Happy used to describe a person, place, animal or thing. _ GE rorcsampie: @ fajts8 gan boy ed » Lee \ ic|T I'v @ The dogis faithful animal. Hot Green Beautiful @ Mumbai isa wonderful city. @ Itisa beautiful car All the underlined words given above are Adjectives used to describe a person (Raj), a place (Mumbai), an animal (dog) and a thing (car). ‘Adjectives that describe the quality ofa noun is called Adjective of Quality It answers the question: What @ For example: @ thave a red car In this sentence ‘red’ is an adjective as it describes the noun ‘car’ answering the question, “what colour is your car?” EXE! Pick the right Adjective of Quality from the box and fill in the blanks: [big ripe, beautiful, greedy, yellow] Ye Thavea__dress. te mangoes look yellow. We She hada ___voice. Ye Itwasa house. 4k The dog jumped into the river. Adjectives that are used to describe the amount of something which cannot be counted is called the Adjective of Quantity. It answers the question: How much ? For example: @ She has many friends. @ They have enough of money. Ittells us the approximate amount, not the exact number ofa noun, Such as much, alittle, some, any, most, half, all, whole, sufficient, enough, few, great etc are examples of adjectives of quantity. Adjectives that tell us the exact number of a noun’s quantity is called Adjective of Number: It low answers the question: many @ For example: @ There were ten children in lass. @ Ihave three cars, Pick the right Adj Quantity or Adjective of Number from the box and fil in the blanks: Eis, few, meny, two, He Ihave eves. ke __ children were playing. %& Tread __ stories from n) the book, We Ihave ___ friends. W& Our school won the — Prize, pk Parts of Speech iaatinad nls 2 Fa pe intr fl] © Prime Minister of India oO Bae aka | ferent ff 2 ie ‘ur body is exposed to millions of germs every day. But, thanks tothe immune system of our body, we do nat always fall sick Yes, itis the immune system of our body that keeps us healthy. What is the immune system ? Immune system is our body's defence system that protects usagainst diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and other germs. Imagine that our body isa palace. When tis attacked by enemies, thesoldiers fight the enemies and protect the palace, Similarly, our body's immune system is made up of a network ofcells, tissues and organs. They work together to fight the viruses and bacteria and protect our body from infections. HOW does the immune system work ? When our immune'system finds that a virus or bacteria has entered our body, It sends out ‘messages to all the cel, tissues and organs, to warn them that the body is beingattacked.The immune system then creates special cells called antibodies that destroy these disease-causing viruses and bacteria, _ UNSCRAMBLE THE WORDS BELOW “TUMMYINI “STEUISS How do vaccines improve immunity? Avaccine is type ‘of medicine that trains our body's immune system so thatit can fight disease. Thus, when we get a vaccine shot, our body is extra-prepared to fight offillnesses that our immune system alone might not be able to fight How can we improve ‘our immunity ? We should always wash our hands to prevent germs from entering our mouth, nose or eyes. Along with that, we should ‘eat nutritious food, exercise, and get enough sleep. We should also visit our doctor for regular medical check ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 1m Anorgorism atackingourbody- I The system protecting ourbody”. The peciolcellihtfightthe gems: Medicine hetstrengihensimmoity: {supsen aypoqa ‘aoe sun ei) ye LtipLication Multiplication is when you take one number and add it together number of times. Itis basically repeated addition, — Oe + ee + eee = ifwe have three groups of five flowers and ©” ‘we need to find the total number of flowers, ‘we have to add the flowers within the groups | G flowers +5 flowers + 5 flowers = 15 flowers) IR, FILL IN THE MISSING NUMBERS WITH THE HELP OF MULTIPLICATION | Mutiply the number of groups bythe numberof a|2 5 [6 [ia] 8 [20] fonts ie group(S groupes Sliers 15 oii] (31 ste] |s| (10 fowers) | The multiplication symbol is denoted by ‘x’ 2\2 6|8 12/14/16 |18 | sowehave BE 6/9] |as|ss| [24] [30 | MULTIPLY UPTO 20 TO FILL IN THE CORRECT 8 [12/36/20] [28] |36 ANSWERS 5 [5 [10 [20[ _[30[ss|_ [4s DOQ@OOOOOOH | [6] 6|s2/s8)/24] [36] [48/54/60 DQDDDOMOO® mM 7| (2 [s5|_ [49|s6| [70 | (16| [32] [4 |6a/72 Cr Gxt= = 99 |1e/27| [45|s4[63| |e1|90 a te |io|10| [30 [40/50 80| 100, AUGUST 2020 ‘eserts cover more than one fifth of the Earth's land and are found on every continent. Deserts are areas ‘with dey ar, little rain, very hot temperatures, and lots, of wind. Because of their climate, deserts lack water and have dry soll What are the different types of deserts ? ‘These deserts have high temperatures throughout the year: But during the nights the temperatures can be very cold. The Sahara, Kalahari and ‘Arabian Peninsula are hot deserts. ‘These deserts have hot and dry summers while winters are snowy and frosty. The Gobi and the Great Basin are cold deserts. The largest cold desert on earth is Antarctica, ‘These deserts are Tocated on the coasts and are kept dry by the winds that blow in from the nearby sea, Namib and Atacama are coastal deserts What kind of plants grow in the Cactus, grasses, shrubs and some short trees are some ofthe plants that grow in the deserts, Most of these plants store ‘water in their stems, leaves or trunks. ‘They have a large root system to collect, desert ? water when it rains, Many desert plants have sharp spines or need them from animals. eer oer) 4 eae s+ UelAib f animals live in the ie dese sert ? What kind Animals in the desert adjust to survive on litle or no water: They get their water from the food they eat. Animals like camels store water in their body. Dogs, rabbits, mice, wolves, owls, hawks, lizards, snakes, frogs, ants, scorpions, etc. are some of the animals found in desert. How do humans survive in the deserts ? Humans usually live around the oasis - a small area in They build tents or sand houses to shelter themselves from the heat and strong winds. Label the Desert Animals to complete the Crossword gy the desert which has a source of freshwater. They grow certain plants that can be eaten or hunt animals for food and get water from springs or wells. Mars is called the Red Planet because its surface is red, Ifyou stood on the surface of Mars, you would see red iron oxide dust everywhere. Mars isa very cold planet. At noon the temperature is (-27°F) and at night the temperature is (-135°F), Mars atmosphere is composed of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, and trace amounts of water vapour and oxygen. Because Mars is further away from the Sun than Earth, It receives approximately half the amount of sunlight that Earth receives. So a day on Mars is 24.7 hours as against Earth’s 24 hours. Likewise, because of its distance from the sun, it takes Mars about 687 Earth days to complete one revolution around the sun. So a year on Mars is twice the length of a year on Earth, = Due to Mars’ low atmospheric | pressure itis not possible for liquid | water to exist on the surface of E Mars. Buta considerable amount of + frozen water was found throughout the planet. ‘There's a canyon on Mars by the name, Valles Marineris that’s much deeper and longer than the Grand Canyon in Arizona. There is also fa volcano on Mars by the name ‘Olympus Mons which is the largest in our solar system, [tis three times higher than Mount Everest! seamen nse au FOLLOWING QUESTIONS India’s Mors Otbiter Mission (MOM), better known a Mangelyaan, entered the planet's orbit on 24th September, 2014, making India the first country to enter the planet's orbit on fire tempt Mars has two moons ~ Deimos and Phobos: ‘Mars receives half the amount of Roman Ged on whom Mars is named The Volcano on Mars 9 ‘Aday on Mars q Name of India’s Mars . Mission x 3 5 Write, draw or scribble with this unique Liguipens, and watch the colorful droplets slowly make their way down. I’s quite relaxing and so enjoyable to watch, twill be tough to go back to using a regular pen once you =D, getyourhhands on these interesting pens. pe aa essa teu ~ foam darts up to 27 Peed ea Eee eer) oe nes LOT ere rus ceue the handle and you're ready to start blasting! When you've finished with Ce Rosa ee eae cnet een te ets Sprint off with this incredibly quick little Remote Controlled Racing Buggy. It's capable of speeding straight on the track, but take it offroad onto uneven ground and it'll come into its element. All wheels are equipped with spring suspension, ‘meaning any bumps or lumps in your path won't do a thing to slow this mean ‘machine. And you won't need to search far to find a good track either, as this buggy is perfect for use both indoors and outside! Popcorn Machine Bring home the cinema with this unique Popcorn Machine. Simply pour popcorn kernels (grains) into the classically designed machine and turn it on. Wait for the hot ar to magically convert the kernels into tasty puffs ofcom and then take them out - simple as that Computer World Sen eee eae See eee ey 1) Whatdoes CPU stand for? 4) Whatdo you call a pointing central Processing Unit device held in one hand and ‘central Power Unit with one or two buttons? (C.Computer Processing Unit OKeyboard YR U w8ing? 2) Whatdoes WWW standfor? Mouse Web Wide World ae IM wing 4U 2nite @ 7 pm Wide World Web 5) What do you cal a device used | GWorld wide web to digitize images or text? ane, Scanner §| 3) whatdo youcalladevice that S$ S| displays images or symbols? on Wr URLS 2day 5 | GPrinter poe >| Monitor culer 8} keyboard < a2 “How?" asked Simi and Soham, “Patriotism can be experienced in small and everyday things. Like standing up inrespect for the

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