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Risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born at term

Department of Pediatrics, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2 Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden, 3 Unité
d’Exploitation de l’Information Médicale, SIIM CHU de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, and 4 Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Kolding, Denmark

Key words Abstract

Antenatal care and diagnosis, cerebral palsy,
high-risk pregnancy, neonatology, risk factor Objective. To provide an overview of current research on risk factors for cerebral
palsy (CP) in children born at term and hypothesize how new findings can affect
Correspondence the content of the CP registers worldwide. Design. A systematic search in PubMed
Kate Himmelmann, Department of Pediatrics, for original articles, published from 2000 to 2010, regarding risk factors for CP in
Institute of Clinical Sciences, Queen Silvia children born at term was conducted. Methods. Full text review was made of 266
Children’s Hospital, Sahlgrenska University
articles. Main Outcome Measures. Factors from the prenatal, perinatal and neonatal
Hospital, SE-416 85 Gothenburg, Sweden.
period considered as possible contributors to the causal pathway to CP in children
born at term were regarded as risk factors. Results. Sixty-two articles met the criteria
Conflict of interest for an original report on risk factors for CP in children born at term. Perinatal
The authors have stated explicitly that there adverse events, including stroke, were the focus of most publications, followed by
are no conflicts of interest in connection with genetic studies. Malformations, infections, perinatal adverse events and multiple
this article.
gestation were risk factors associated with CP. The evidence regarding, for example,
thrombophilic factors and non-CNS abnormalities was inconsistent. Conclusions.
Received: 19 July 2010
Accepted: 10 June 2011 Information on maternal and neonatal infections, umbilical cord blood gases at
birth, mode of delivery and placental status should be collected in a standardized
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0412.2011.01217.x way in CP registers. Information on social factors, such as education level, family
income and area of residence, is also of importance. More research is needed to
understand the risk factors of CP and specifically how they relate to causal pathways
of cerebral palsy.

may be antenatal, peri- or neonatal, postneonatal, or com-

Introduction bined. Several areas of research have been of interest over the
Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common physical disability years, and some of them have changed due to the development
in childhood. Cerebral palsy is not a disease, but a syndrome of maternal and neonatal care; for example, the occurrence
complex characterized by an aberrant control of movement of cerebral damage due to hyperbilirubinemia has decreased
or posture, which appears early in life and leads to lifelong dramatically in higher resource countries. It is also believed
motor disability (1). Perinatal and neonatal mortality have that cerebral palsy is often the result of several predisposing
decreased, maternal and neonatal care have undergone major factors or causal pathways and seldom a single event (5). Risk
changes, but the overall prevalence of CP has remained stable factors vary also by gestational age, and much research has
over the years, at between 1 and 3 per 1 000 live births (2–4). been focused on risk factors in children born preterm. How-
Children with CP show different clinical patterns, half of them ever, the prevalence of CP in children born preterm is decreas-
with bilateral spastic type, a third with unilateral spastic type, ing (3). More knowledge regarding risk factors that could be
and the remaining with less common types, such as dyskinetic typical for CP in children born at term is needed, because
and ataxic CP. more than half of the children with CP are born at term.
The underlying causes of CP are still poorly understood. Cerebral palsy registers are population databases originat-
Several individual risk factors of CP have been identified, but ing from multiple sources, relying on a clear definition and
less is known about their interaction and how they might re- inclusion and exclusion criteria of CP (6). There are several
late to different pathophysiological pathways. The risk factors CP registers around the world. In Europe alone, there are at

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1070 Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 

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K. Himmelmann et al. Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term infants

least 18 centers collecting population data on CP. Data col- To mirror the diversity of current research on risk factors for
lection on CP is also performed in Australia, the USA and CP in children born at term, some smaller studies and case
Canada. Different registers may collect different informa- series were also selected.
tion. A collaborative research network, Surveillance of Cere- Sixty-two articles met the criteria of original article report-
bral Palsy in Europe (SCPE), is one example of collaboration ing in risk factors for CP in children born at term, and were
between CP registers with the purpose to harmonize infor- included.
mation collected, including a common definition and clas-
sification of CP (6). In 1998–1999, the SCPE performed an Results
assessment of risk factors for CP collected in CP registers. Of
There were several research areas of interest. Studies regard-
19 considered variables, a standard minimum set of variables
ing one or a few antenatal risk factors are listed in Table 1,
was chosen on the basis of literature studies and availability
those regarding peri- and neonatal risk factors in Table 2
of data. An ideal set of variables was also defined and studies
and 10 studies dealing with multiple risk factors in
planned. Other recent reviews have focused on a specific area,
Table 3. Most publications concerned perinatal adverse events
such as restricted intra-uterine growth (7), umbilical cord pH
and hypoxia–ischemia, followed by genetic studies.
(8) or placental circulation (9).
The purpose of this report is to review the current research
Antenatal risk factors
of risk factors for CP for children born at term and to hy-
pothesize how the new findings can affect the content of the Five studies investigated infections, variably defined and
CP registers across the world. proven; all but one were case–control studies (10–14).
Chorioamnionitis, maternal urinary tract infection, neu-
Material and methods rotropic virus infection and cytomegalovirus infection were
associated with a higher risk for CP.
Sources Intra-uterine growth deviation, in both singletons and
An extensive and systematic search in PubMed for original twins, was correlated to an increased risk in two large
articles, published from 1 January 2000 to 30 April 2010 re- population-based studies (15,16). An additional study
garding risk factors for CP in children born at term, was con- described associations between antenatal stress and CP in
ducted on 5 July 2010. Factors from the antenatal, perinatal growth-restricted children (17).
and neonatal period and considered as possible contributors Three studies regarding social deprivation were included.
to the causal pathway to CP in children born at term were Area of residence was important in two and socioeconomic
regarded as risk factors. ‘Antenatal’ referred to the period status in one study (18–20).
of pregnancy until the onset of labor resulting in delivery, Genetic factors were considered in 12 studies (21–32), five
‘perinatal’ to the period from the onset of labor until the of which dealt with thrombophilic factors. Limited and con-
seventh day of life and ‘neonatal’ to the period up to day 28. flicting evidence for a higher prevalence of thrombophilic
Postneonatal factors were excluded. factors in CP was found. In four of the remaining genetic
The search covered the following factors: maternal factors studies, specific polymorphisms and haplotypes were associ-
(such as reproductive history, medical conditions and preg- ated with CP. Gene locations and deletions were suggested in
nancy conditions); perinatal factors (such as cord complica- small studies for some inherited CP forms (30,31), while there
tion, fetal distress and Apgar scores); and neonatal factors was no evidence for a significant contribution of genetics for
(such as neonatal infection, neonatal seizures and meconium athetoid CP (32).
aspiration). See Appendix for a full description of the search Malformation was the focus of four studies (33–36). Cere-
terms. bral malformations were associated with CP, and in one study
intrapartum complications were more frequent in this group.
Two studies dealt with extracerebral malformations. An
Study selection
association with CP was only found in one.
The search resulted in 1 048 articles being located. Abstracts Five studies regarding multiple gestation were considered
from these were reviewed by three of the authors and 266 (37–41). A surviving twin after co-twin fetal death appears
were selected for full text review. Selection criteria were as to have a higher risk for CP (37), while vanishing twin was
follows: all known risk factors for CP in children born at not significantly associated with CP in the surviving twin
term; the best possible quality and largest possible sample (39). A fourfold increased risk for CP after multiple gesta-
found (population-based study, case–control study if avail- tion was seen in a large study from five populations (40).
able); original articles published from 1 January 2000 to Spontaneously conceived triplets were at higher risk for CP
30 April 2010. Single case reports or review articles were compared with those born after use of artificial reproductive
not included. Only articles written in English were included. techniques (41).

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Table 1. Selected important findings from original papers regarding antenatal risk factors for CP in children born at term, published 1 January 2000 to 30 April 2010.

First author/year/ Study Number of

study area design cases Risk factor for CP analyzed Results Comment

Wu YW 2003 (US) (10) CC 109 Chorioamnionitis (clinical diagnosis) OR 3.8 (1.5–10.1) Term/near term cases with
moderate to severe CP
Neufeld MD 2005 (US) CC (PB) 395 Maternal infection (any) OR 1.8 (1.1–2.8)
Gibson C 2006 (Australia) CC (PB) 227 Neurotropic virus infection OR 1.64 (1.17–2.28)
(12) Any virus OR 2.38 (1.15–4.92)
Herpes group B for hemiplegia
Pass RF 2006 (US) (13) C 34 Maternal infection with first trimester cytomegalovirus 2 of 34 developed CP
Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term infants

Bax M 2006 (8 European Cross-sectional 400 Report of maternal infection during pregnancy 158 of 400 (39.5%)
centers) (14)
Intra-uterine growth deviation
Jarvis S 2003 (10 PB 4 503 <10th percentile GA 32–42weeks RR 3.7 (3.2–4.3) to 6.3 (4.9–8.2) Singletons with CP
European registers >97th percentile GA 32–42weeks RR 1.6 (1.1–2.2) to 3.1 (1.9–5.0)
within the SCPE) (15)

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 

Glinianaia SV 2006 (9 PB 373 <–1.28 to <0 SD RR 1.9 (1.1–3.3) to 3.7 (2.1–6.5) Twins with CP, 92% GA
European registers >1.28 SD RR 1.8 (0.9–3.4) n.s. 32–42weeks
within the SCPE) (16)
Li J 2009 (Denmark) (17) PB 6 542 Children born at term with intra-uterine growth restriction HR 2.01 (1.04–3.89) National cohort of 1 501 894
and mothers exposed to extremely severe prenatal stress
Social deprivation
Dolk H 2001 (UK) (18) PB 753 Total CP prevalence in the least deprived area 2.39 per 1 000 Residents in the area
Total CP prevalence in the most deprived area 3.67 per 1 000
Sundrum R 2005 (UK) (19) PB 293 CP and social class p=0.160 n.s. 94.1% born at term
CP and district of residence p=0.046
Hjern A 2008 (Sweden) C (PB) 1 437 Children from households with low socioeconomic status OR 1.4 (1.1–1.7) National cohort of 805 543
Thrombophilic risk factors
Reid S 2006 (Australia) CC 57 Factor V Leiden mutation in cases with CP due to 10.5 vs. 4% (0.026–0.185) p=0.012 Children with CP on the basis
(21) thrombosis compared with occurrence of the mutation in p=0.385 (n.s.) of vascular thrombosis
the population. (mean GA 39.4weeks)
Study group compared with 167 children with CP of
other origin: no difference

Senbil N 2007 (Turkey) CC 23 CP hemiplegia, factor V Leiden, protein C, lipoprotein-a, 13 of 23 had a coagulation abnormality 20 born at term
(22) prothrombin mutation and protein S were analyzed


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Table 1. Continued

First author/year/ Study Number of

study area design cases Risk factor for CP analyzed Results Comment

C 2011 The Authors

Gibson CS 2005 CC (PB) 443 Factor V Leiden, prothrombin and OR 0.99 (0.57–1.72) 225 born at term
K. Himmelmann et al.

(Australia) (23) methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase were analyzed.

Any thrombophilia and CP homozogous in term
Yehezkely-Schildkraut CC 61 Factor V Leiden, prothrombin and One or more mutations p=0.348 40 born at term
2005 methylenetetrahydrofolate) were analyzed
(Israel) (24)
Smith RA 2001 (UK) (25) PB 27 CP hemiplegia and thrombophilia, Minor abnormalities in 6, considered 18 born at term

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 

factor VIIIc level, antithrombin, protein C activity, equivocal in 5
protein C and S antigen, prothrombin, allele,
homocystein, factor V Leiden, APC resistance
Other genetic factors
Gibson CS 2008 CC 227 Cytokine polymorphisms All gestational ages including
(Australia) (26) Tumor necrosis factor-α in quadriplegia OR 1.8 (1.0–3.2) term
Mannose-binding lectin codon-54 in diplegia OR 2.1 (1.1–4.1)
Any polymorphism in mannose-binding lectin exon-1 OR 1.9 (1.1–3.6)
and diplegia
Gibson CS 2008 CC (PB) 443 Candidate genes, 28 single nucleotide polymorphisms
(Australia) (27) tested.
Inducible nitric-oxide synthase in term infants OR 1.6 (1.1–2.2)
endothelial protein C receptor in term infants OR 1.6 (1.1–2.3)
Pessoa de Barros EMK CC 40 Presence of apolipoprotein E gene allele ε4 OR 14.8 (1.3–43)
2000 (Brazil) (28)
Kuroda MM 2007 (US) CC 209 Presence of apolipoprotein E gene allele ε4 OR 3.4 (1.4–8.7) (GA in cases 32.8±6.3weeks)
(29) Normal birthweight (69 cases) OR 3.3 (0.9–15.2) p=0.09 n.s.
Presence of apolipoprotein E gene allele ε2 OR 12.0 (1.6–247.2)
McHale DP 2000 (UK) (30) Case 4 Family with inherited ataxic CP Gene location on chromosome
Lerer I. 2005 (Israel) (31) Case 9 9 children with CP, born to healthy, related fathers Deletion of the ANKRD15 gene was detected
Amor DJ 2001 (Australia) Case 22 Hospital-based. Children born at term with athetoid CP. No CP in first or second degree relatives.

C 2011 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology 90 (2011) 1070–1081

(32) Other neurological disease in 6 of 22
Croen LA 2001 (US) CC (PB) 172 Congenital abnormalities, Birthweight ≥2 500g OR 8.2 (3.5–19.3) Singletons with moderate to
Non-CNS abnormalities OR 1.4 (0.5–3.6) severe CP


Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term infants
Table 1. Continued

First author/year/ Study Number of

study area design cases Risk factor for CP analyzed Results Comment

Montenegro MA 2005 C 70 Cerebral malformations; intrapartum complications 52.8 vs 4.0% (p<0.001) Controls were children with
(Brazil) were more common in the cases epilepsy and normal MRI
Blair E 2007 (Australia) CC 128 Non-cerebral birth defects were more common in CP RR 2.7 (2.2–3.4) Results partly explained by
(35) ascertainment bias
Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term infants

Pharoah POD 2007 (UK) PB 2 253 Congenital anomalies RR 116.1 (84.0–162.3)

(36) Microcephaly RR 3.1 (1.9–4.8)
Cardiac septa malformation
Multiple gestation
Pharoah POD 2001 (UK) PB Prevalence of CP in surviving twin after co-twin fetal 40.5 per 1 000 responders (2/3 GA >32weeks
(37) death in children born >32weeks response rate)
Pharoah POD 2002 (UK) PB Prevalence in twins with like sex 13 of 6001 (2.2 per 1 000) Twins with normal

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 

(38) Prevalence in twins with unlike sex 4 of 3174 (1.3 per 1 000) n.s. birthweight
Newton R 2003 (UK) (39) CC 86 Vanishing twin. CP prevalence in surviving twin OR 2.2 (0.2–24.8) n.s.
Scher AI 2002 (Australia, PB Twins compared with singletons overall risk for CP 0.59 vs. 0.14% (p<0.0001) From 5 populations (1 year
US) (40) Co-twin dead/survived 5.40 vs. 0.48% (p<0.0001) survivors), mean GA
Discordant twins/non-discordant OR 0.6 (0.4–1.2) 39.2weeks
OR 1.7 (1.0–2.9)
Skrablin S 2007 (Croatia) C 94 Triplets followed for 24–144months 3 of 36 had CP 36 with GA >35weeks.
(41) Multivariate analysis OR 3.2 (1.5–6.5) Higher occurrence of CP in
spontaneously conceived
than assisted
Maternal trauma
Hayes B 2007 (Ireland) Cohort study 10 Children with CP born at term. Maternal trauma All had lesions on MRI consistent with the time of
(42) week 20–38 the trauma lesions

Note: Some risk factors may be of importance also in the perinatal period.

Study design: PB, population based; CC, case–control; C, cohort study; or Case; GA, gestational age; CNS, central nervous system; OR, odds ratio; RR, relative risk; SCPE, Surveillance of Cerebral
Palsy in Europe; n.s., not significant.

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Table 2. Selected important findings from original papers regarding perinatal and neonatal risk factors for CP in children born at term, published 1 January 2000 to 30 April 2010.

First author/year/ Study Number of

study area design cases Risk factor for CP analyzed Results Comment

C 2011 The Authors

Events during labor and delivery
K. Himmelmann et al.

Evans K 2001 (UK) (48) C, CC 143 143 term cases of neonatal encephalopathy from 57 159 15 died, 16 developed CP. In 12, probable
consecutive births (incidence 2.62 per 1 000 births); 154 intrapartum cause.
controls. 76.9 vs. 15.6% (p<0.05)
In 12 of 13 with four-limb CP, the probable cause was 30.8 vs. 3.9% (p<0.05)
intrapartum factors.
Abnormal CTG

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 

Emergency cesarean section
Thorngren-Jerneck K PB Apgar score <7 at five minutes OR 31.4 (27.3–36.1) 1 028 705 term births
2001 (Sweden) (49)
Moster D 2001 (Norway) PB Apgar 0–3 at five minutes RR 81 (48–138) 235 165 births
(50) Apgar 4–6 at five minutes RR 31 (22–44)
Krebs L 2001 (Denmark) CC 87 Breech presentation and low Apgar score 4 cases, 1 control had CP, p=0.04 Controls with breech presentation
Herbst A 2001 (Sweden) C 1 050 Breech presentation; 20 with neonatal cerebral symptoms 3 of 20
(52) Vaginal delivery 1 of 20
Planned cesarean section
Redline RW 2005 (US) CC 64 Severe fetal placental vascular lesions in 33 of 64, compared p<0.001
(55) with 26 of 250
Menticoglou SM 2008 C 667 Term children out of 36 368 births admitted to the NICU with 20 developed CP possibly related to perinatal
(Canada) (56) neonatal encephalopathy, intracranial hemorrhage, infarction events
or edema on imaging, non-brain organ dysfunction, sepsis,
meningitis, herpes infection, ventilation support >48hours or
therapeutically paralyzed for respiratory support
Nielsen LF 2008 CC (PB) 117 Term cases with spastic CP OR 2.1 (1.0–4.2)
(Denmark) (57) Placental infarctions OR 2.0 (1.2–3.4)
Cord complication
Andersen GL 2009 PB 245 Singletons born at term in breech presentation OR 3.9 (1.6–9.7)
(Norway) (58) Severity or subtype did not differ
Perinatal stroke
Curry CJ 2007 (US) (59) C 60 Perinatal arterial stroke Mothers investigated 40 of 51 developed CP 36 of whom were born at term

C 2011 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology 90 (2011) 1070–1081

Prothrombotic risk factors in mothers 28 of 51
Prothrombotic risk factors in children 30 of 60
Golomb MR 2008 (US) C 111 Perinatal stroke 76 of 111 developed CP
(60) Delayed presentation p<0.0001
Bilateral cerebral artery infarct p<0.0063
Large-branch unilateral infarcts were associated with CP p<0.0018


Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term infants
Table 2. Continued

First author/year/ Study Number of

study area design cases Risk factor for CP analyzed Results Comment

Sreenan C 2000 (Canada) C 46 Cerebral infarction in the neonatal period 22 (48%) developed CP
(61) Adverse perinatal events present in 75%, more often in
those with CP.
Seizures and abnormal finding on neurological
Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term infants

examination were predictive for disability

Brouwer AJ 2009 (The C 53 Intracranial hemorrhage 3 of 53 (8.6%) with intracranial hemorrhage
Netherlands) (53) developed CP
Hunt RW 2001 (Australia) Case 8 Neonatal venous sinus thrombosis. 2 of 6 had CP, 2 had motor delay
(43) Follow-up data on 6
Fitzgerald KC 2006 (US) C 42 Follow up of cases with cerebral sinovenous thrombosis. 18 of 29 had CP 36 of 42 born at term
(44) Outcome data in 29 of 41 survivors

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 

Mahony R 2009 (Ireland) C 77 839 Seizures with encephalopathy without sentinel event in 9 of 20 (45%) developed CP; 0 of 7 Retrospective follow-up study of
(54) children born to primiparous mothers developed CP 77 838 children (1989–2000)
Multiparous mothers

Meconium aspiration
Beligere N 2008 (US) (45) C 35 Hospital-based study. Three-year follow up completed in 29 2 of 29 had CP; 4 of 29 had severe global Mean GA 39.5weeks
Ogunlesi TA 2007 C 22 Follow up after bilirubin encephalopathy 19 of 22 had CP
(Nigeria) (46)
Gkoltsiou K 2008 (UK) Case 5 Hyperbilirubinemia, serial ultrasound/MRI. All had lesions in 3 of 5 developed dyskinetic CP
(47) white matter and nucleus subthalamicus, 4 of 5 in gray
matter on MRI at 24months

Note: Some risk factors may be important in both periods.

Study design: PB, population based; CC, case–control; C, cohort study; or Case; CTG, cardiotocography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; GA, gestational age; OR, odds ratio; RR, relative risk.

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K. Himmelmann et al. Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term infants

Table 3. Studies of multiple antenatal, intrapartum and/or perineonatal risk factors for CP in children born at term, published 1 January 2000 to
30 April 2010.

Intrapartum risk factors Perinatal and neonatal riskfactors

First author/year/area Antenatal risk factors OR/RRR/p-value OR/RR/p-value OR/RR/p-value

Walstab JE 2002 Essential hypertension RRR 10.10 Meconium-stained liquor RR 5.3

(Australia) (62) (1.13–90.25) (2.5–11.1)
Chorioamnionitis RRR 12.51 Abnormal antenatal CTG RR 8.3
(1.4–112.08) (1.2–56.3)
Emergency cesarean section RR 8.1
Placental infarct/stasis RR 4.5
Episiotomy RR 0.3 (0.1–1.0)
Cord around the neck RR 2.2
Walstab JE 2004 Intubation during resuscitation OR
(Australia) (63) 19.4 (2.5–149.0)
Any intubation during neonatal
period OR 44.0 (5.9–326.4)
Ventilation OR 36.1 (4.8–269.7)
Neonatal infection OR 29.0
Wu YW 2004 (US) (64) IUGR OR 5.1 (1.1–21.0) Cesaerean section urgent/emergency
OR 6.8 (2.7–16.6)
Five minute Apgar score <7 OR
23.6 (4.1–237.0)
Resuscitation at birth OR 4.5
Lee J 2005 (US) (65) Primiparity OR 3.4 (1.5–7.6) Prolonged rupture of membranes OR
Pre-eclampsia OR 4.9 (1.2–21.0) 4.9 (1.7–14.1)
Decreased fetal movement OR 7.1 Prolonged second stage of labor
(2.6–19.4) OR 8.9 (2.2–41.9)
Chorioamnionitis OR 3.1 (1.1–8.6) Fetal heart rate abnormality OR 5.0
Cord abnormality OR 4.1
Emergency cesarean delivery OR
3.8 (1.6–8.9)
Diagnosis of birth asphyxia
Resuscitation at birth OR 4.5
Greenwood C 2005 (UK) Pre-eclampsia OR 5.1 (2.2–12.0) Placental abruption OR 3.3 (1.1–10.0) Neonatal sepsis OR 10.6 (2.1–51.9)
(66) SGA OR 2.1 (1.2–3.4) Intrapartum pyrexia OR 13.1
Induction OR 2.1 (1.3–3.3)
Prelabor cesarean section OR 2.6
Stelmach T 2005 (Estonia) Bleeding after 20weeks OR 6.7 Emergency cesarean section OR 4.3 Apgar ≤7 at one minute OR 9.8
(67) (3.5–12.7) (1.8–10.5) (5.3–18.2)
Hypertension in the second half of Placental abruption OR 13.1 Apgar ≤7 at five minutes OR 15.0
the pregnancy OR 3.0 (1.6–5.4) (3.0–57.7) (7.2–31.3)
Pre-eclampsia OR 8.5 (1.8–39.6) Hypoxic event OR 13.3 (6.9–25.8) HIE OR 25.2 (10.2–62.6)
Fetal presentation other than Assisted ventilation OR 36.7
vertex OR 4.2 (2.2–8.1) (11.5–117)
Neonatal sepsis OR 7.6 (1.6–35.6)


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Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term infants K. Himmelmann et al.

Table 3. Continued

Intrapartum risk factors Perinatal and neonatal riskfactors

First author/year/area Antenatal risk factors OR/RR/p-value OR/RR/p-value OR/RR/p-value

Thorngren-Jerneck K Pre-eclampsia OR 1.5 (1.3–2.4) Abruptio placentae OR 8.6 (5.6–13.3)

2006 (Sweden) (68) Instrumental delivery OR 1.9
Emergency ceasean section OR 1.8
Breech presentation vaginally
delivered OR 3.0 (2.4–3.7)
Apgar score 3 at five minutes OR
498.0 (458.0–542.0)
Apgar score 6 at five minutes OR
62.0 (52.0–74.0)
Gurbuz A 2006 (Turkey) Birthweight <2 500g OR 3.4 Beat-to-beat variability OR 3.6
(69) (1.6–7.3) (1.5–8.9)
Late deceleration OR 3.6 (1.5–8.5)
Meconium-stained amnios OR 2.3
Apgar <7 at five minutes OR 16.9
Öztürk A 2007 (Turkey) Pre-eclampsia p≤0.01 Premature rupture of the membranes Prolonged jaundice p≤0.001
(70) p≤0.001 Neonatal seizures p≤0.01
Home births p≤0.001
Prolonged labor p≤0.001
Birth asphyxia p≤0.001
Drougia A 2007 (Greece) Small for gestational age OR 3.2 Duration of mechanical ventilation
(71) (1.3–8.3) OR 1.1 (1.1–1.2)
Sepsis and meningitis OR 4.9

OR, odds ratio; RRR, relative risk ratio; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; SGA, small for gestational age; HIE, hyopxic-ischemic encephalopathy;
CTG, cardiotocography.

A case series described CP after maternal trauma in preg- chorioamnionitis, low Apgar score, need for resuscitation and
nancy (42). All children had evidence of prenatal lesions con- male sex (59–61).
sistent with the time of the trauma on magnetic resonance
imaging. Discussion
There are several and heterogeneous risk factors at focus
Perinatal and neonatal risk factors
in current research regarding cerebral palsy. In the present
In two studies, where neonatal venous sinus thrombosis was review, we found several areas with intense research. Perinatal
associated with CP, pre-eclampsia was present in half of the events, including asphyxia and perinatal stroke, had attracted
children in one (43,44). In a hospital-based study of cases the largest number of publications, followed by genetic stud-
with meconium aspiration syndrome, two of 29 developed ies (18–25). Perinatal stroke was associated with several risk
CP (45). Hyperbilirubinemia was investigated in two studies factors. Associations were found between infections (7–11),
(46,47), and high levels of bilirubin correlated with CP. central nervous system malformations, intra-uterine growth
Among several studies of risk factors from delivery (48–58), restriction, social deprivation or multiple gestation and CP,
breech presentation was associated with a higher risk for CP. while the evidence regarding surviving twin affected by
Severe placental vascular lesions, meconium-stained amni- co-twin (vanishing, dead or discordant), and the evidence
otic fluid, placental abruption, cord complications, mater- of higher prevalence of thrombophilic factors in CP was
nal hypertension, pre-eclampsia, high maternal body mass ambiguous. One weakness with this study is that we have
index, meconium aspiration, low Apgar score, seizures and limited the time period to the last decade. This study was
sepsis–meningitis were also among risk factors in several done to obtain an overview of where research is breaking
studies. Perinatal stroke was associated with several risk fac- new ground, not only regarding recently suggested risk fac-
tors in both the antenatal period and the perinatal period, tors, but also new evidence regarding known risk factors.
such as intra-uterine growth restriction and pre-eclampsia, However, the findings suggest that much more research is

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K. Himmelmann et al. Risk factors for cerebral palsy in term infants

needed to understand the risk factors for CP and specifically Funding

how they relate to causal pathways of CP. When interpreting
data, one must bear in mind that the risk factors which it is The study was supported by grants from the European Com-
possible to identify and measure may be far from the origin mission, ENSACP, grant agreement no. 2006127.
of a causal pathway.
Some earlier described risk factors were not dealt with Supporting Information
during the assigned publication period. For example, there
were no studies to be found in 2000 or later regarding thy- Additional Supporting Information may be found in the on-
roid disease in children born at term. There is a growing line version of this article:
body of research considering infections (7–11) and genetic Appendix S1. Search in PubMed
factors (18–25) as risk factors. To strengthen evidence, there
Please note: Wiley-Blackwell are not responsible for the con-
is a need for collection of biological material for future anal-
tent or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by
ysis of inflammatory and genetic factors, in case the child
the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should
develops CP. Gathering of biological information, however,
be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
is related to substantial logistic problems. One possibility
would be to incorporate the gathering of genetic and inflam- References
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