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NIM : P07120118088

Assignment food and nutrition

My name is susi mariyati. I stayed in boarding house, about eating of could

not be forever again not. I have a history of stomach disease (ulcer). Brief stories,
after lectures running about 2 months more, suddenly i feel there is something
different in my body, feels that are not usually. Finally after a few days living in the
room, then I went to the doctor in siti hajar mataram hospital to check my healt. Due
to my condition which is already very weak so I have to stay in hospital. As a result, i
have to take care a diet stepping from hospital. The beginning menu i have to eat
every time is a bed, and the others additional menu like tempe and knows which
recreated, chicken meat, and there's also covered like menu fruit, etc. From healthy
treatment hospital, i started regulating all my eating habits. I loved to eat spicy food,
and foods that like oil fried, i already cannot consume it again. I have to really keep
the food that i eat, even if i have to eat morning, i have to be awarened even if it's
difficult lumber. Sometimes if it's not the right cook, i have to put myself to buy a
small cake such as brownis to eat when the condition is really impaced. And last, i
started to make morning healthy living habits are must be cultivated in order to not
bad impact on our body. That's all my experience and eating habits.

Thank you

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