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Environmental Technology & Innovation 20 (2020) 101136

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Pollution control and remediation of rural water resource

based on urbanization perspective
Ran Hu
College of Economics & Management, Hefei Normal University, Hefei, China

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Traditional remediation methods of water resource pollution control in rural areas are
Received 30 April 2020 characterized by low utilization rate of water resource and high control cost. Therefore,
Received in revised form 19 August 2020 this paper proposes the control and remediation methods of water resource pollution in
Accepted 26 August 2020
rural areas from the perspective of urbanization. The marginal analysis method is used
Available online 2 September 2020
to determine the marginal water resource demand in the urbanization process of Anhui
Keywords: province, the dynamic coupling model of urbanization and water resource is constructed,
Urbanization and the model is used to realize the pollution control and remediation of rural water
Water resource resource. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, a comparative experiment
Pollution control is designed. The results showed that the pollution degree of rural water resources was
Coupling model significantly reduced and the utilization rate of water resources was effectively improved
Marginal analysis after the remediation, indicating that the method presented in this paper had better
pollution control and remediation effect and could promote the steady development of
© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction

Urbanization is a necessary process of modernization construction. It is also an important sign of modern civilization.
At present, our urbanization is developing rapidly (Li et al., 2017). However, we should be aware of the environmental
cost while promoting rapid economic development. In China, people tend to focus on the treatment of water pollution in
the industrial and populated cities, but ignore the rural areas. Anhui Province has taken the lead in modernization. How
to solve the problem of water pollution in the process of urbanization has the guiding significance for the areas where
are going to be urbanized.
The water resource is an important guarantee for the healthy development of urbanization (Fan, 2016). Accelerating
the construction of new-type urbanization is a major strategic deployment proposed by the 18th National Congress of
the Communist Party of China. Meanwhile, the central government also puts forward the most stringent rules on water
resources management. How to reduce water pollution in the process of urbanization, realize the sustainable utilization
of water resource, and scientifically calculate the demand for water resources in urbanization has become the key to solve
the problem of urban development.
Anhui Province is a pilot demonstration province of new urbanization, and the water resources per capita in Anhui
Province are less than half of the national average level (Wu et al., 2017). In the future, the demands of water resources
during the urbanization development of Anhui Province is related to the realization of the demonstration function of new
urbanization construction in Anhui Province, and it is more related to the realization of the goal of ‘‘The Three Red Lines’’
in the development and utilization of water resources. From the perspective of urbanization in Anhui Province, it is more

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2352-1864/© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.
R. Hu Environmental Technology & Innovation 20 (2020) 101136

instructive to seek control and remediation methods to solve the problem of rural water resource pollution (Li et al.,
Relevant scholars have studied this and made some progress. Literature proposed a standard based on the total capacity
and the section of river basin water pollution control methods (Chen, 2018), through the hierarchical characteristics of
river basin water was carried out on the river sewage control, according to the actual situation of pollution in the drainage
area, based on the relevant theory of cross section and the total capacity, targeted treatment measures are put forward,
in order to achieve ascension pollution treatment effect, promote social management work of the purpose of scientific
This method has certain governance effect, but cannot effectively improve the utilization rate of water resources.
Literature proposed a research on the simulation and control of non-point source pollution in The Rolling River Basin
of Zaoyang city based on SWAT model (Xu et al., 2019). Based on the measured hydro-water quality data, the water
environment problems in the basin were determined through the calculation of pollution sources and the current
evaluation of water quality. Based on SWAT model, a non-point source pollution model of river waters was built,
and parameter calibration and model validation were carried out. A total pollutant emission control measure and load
reduction scheme for watershed water bodies with non-point source pollution control as the main control was proposed.
This method can effectively control the discharge of pollutants, but the effect of water resource utilization is not good.
In order to explore the development process of urbanization, it is necessary to measure the demand of urbanization
for water resource (de Rijke et al., 2016; Cuadrado et al., 2017), so as to get the relationship between urbanization
development and water resource, which has important inspiration for the formulation of coordinated development and
water resource protection policies. In view of the relationship between urbanization and water resource, this paper mainly
studies from two aspects: the first is to analyze the marginal water resources demand in the process of urbanization
development of Anhui Province, so as to determine the relationship between urbanization development process and water
resources demand.
The second is to build a dynamic coupling model between urbanization system and water resources system, so as to
analyze the interaction between urbanization and water resources system in Anhui Province. The analysis of interaction
can better reflect the degree of mutual stress and dynamic development trend, and thus to provide a good basis for the
treatment of water pollution and improvement of water resource utilization (Wu et al., 2016).

2. Material and methods

2.1. Marginal water source demand in urbanization process of Anhui province

‘‘Margin’’ is an economic concept. It refers to the last unit of consumer goods or products. Marginal theory refers to
the effect that a unit is increased or decreased in every time when other conditions remain the same. Economic marginal
analysis method has been widely applied in the field of resource and environment. If the economic marginal theory is
applied to the research of water resource demand in urbanization process, we can deduce the demand for water resource
for every 1% increase of urbanization level. According to the connotation of marginal water resource demand, the research
method of marginal effect is used for reference to build the marginal model of water resource demand and urbanization
level in Anhui Province. The formula is:
LnW = ↵ + • LnU (1)
In Formula (1), W denotes the water for urbanization development, and the unit is the billion cubic meters. The water
for urbanization mainly includes three parts: industrial water, urban public water and urban domestic water. U denotes
the level of urbanization. At present, the methods for calculating the level of urbanization development mainly include
the single index method and the comprehensive index method, in which the single index method is commonly recognized
due to its easy data and simple calculation (íkrekovski et al., 2019). Therefore, the single index method (population
urbanization rate) is used as the index of urbanization level. ↵ and are the parameters to be evaluated. After taking the
derivative of Formula (1), the demand of marginal urbanization water resource MW can be obtained. The formula is
MW = (2)
Based on the data in ‘‘Anhui Water Resources Bulletin’’ and ‘‘Anhui Statistical Yearbook’’ (Table 1), the correlation
between urbanization water use (W ) and urbanization level (U) in Anhui Province is analyzed with the help of SPSS17.0
analysis software. The correlation coefficient is 0.908. Meanwhile, it passes the significance test at the level of 0.01. This
shows that there is a high correlation between urbanization water use (W ) and urbanization level (U) and there are some
conditions for regression analysis (Yang et al., 2020).
It is necessary to take the logarithm of the data of urbanization development water source and urbanization level in
Table 1 and input it into SPSS17.0 software, and then, we can use the least square regression analysis method for analysis.
The specific results are shown in Table 2 (Wu et al., 2020).
Table 2 shows that the goodness of fit R2 value of the model regression is 0.824. F value is 37.329, and the model passes
the significance test at the level of 0.01, so that the model is fitted well. The regression results show that the sig value
R. Hu Environmental Technology & Innovation 20 (2020) 101136

Table 1
Water resource demand of urbanization development in Anhui Province from 2005 to 2014.
Year The total water Industrial water Urban public Domestic water The total Urbanization level
consumption (100 consumption (100 water consumption of consumption of (%)
million cubic million cubic consumption (100 urban residents water resources
meters) meters) million cubic (100 million cubic for urbanization
meters) meters) development (100
million cubic
2005 208.03 67.72 2.84 49,728 106.31 35.5
2006 245.17 82.69 3.13 57,515 111.8 37.1
2007 232.05 83.81 3.45 48,145 110.09 38.7
2008 266.36 65.4 3.66 50,323 101.49 40.5
2009 292.4 93.28 4.09 49,072 104.32 42.1
2010 292.5 94.32 4.91 50,889 102.28 43.2
2011 294.63 90.62 5.27 56,014 94.09 44.8
2012 288.56 97.02 7.13 59,439 92.07 46.5
2013 296.02 98.43 7.24 61,328 91.57 47.86
2014 272.09 92.71 7.4 61,960 75.53 49.2

Note: the reason why the sample interval is defined as 2005–2014 is that Anhui Province has only published water resources statistics since 2005.
The data is from ‘‘Anhui Provincial Water Resources Bulletin (2005–2014)’’ and ‘‘Anhui Statistical Yearbook (2006-2015)’’.

Table 2
Model regression results.
Model test Coefficient of the model
R2 0.824 parameter Unstandardized coefficient Standard error of t Sig
F 37.329 constant (↵ ) 0.981 0.591 1.66 0.135
Sig 0.000 Regression coefficient ( ) 0.963 0.158 6.11 0.000

detected by the constant term t is greater than 0.1, and it cannot pass the significance test, so it should be eliminated. The
sig value detected by the regression coefficient t is less than 0.01, so it can pass the significance test. Thus, the coupling
model of urbanization development water use and urbanization level can be obtained:

1nW = 0.9631nU (3)

By taking the derivative of Formula (3), we can get the expression of marginal urbanization water consumption.
MW = 0.963 ⇥ (4)
According to the data in Formula (4) and Table 1, the marginal urbanization water consumption of Anhui Province form
2005–2014 is 224 million cubic meters/percentage points, that is to say, the demand for water resource is 224 million
cubic meters for the increase of a percentage point in urbanization level (Cheng and Liu, 2020).

2.2. Construction of coupling model of urbanization system and water resource system

The concept of coupling is developed from the physics. It refers to the phenomenon that two (or more) systems interact
with each other. Because the system of urbanization and the water resource system are complex and changeable and
there is a two-way influence between the two systems, simple linear relationship cannot explain them reasonably. With
the help of the evolution thought of system dynamics, this article analyzes the coupling situation of urbanization water
resource composite system from the perspective of dynamic development (Gao et al., 2018). Based on some research
achievements, the evolution equation (5) of system can be obtained. According to the properties of characteristic root of
its linear equation approximating system, if the motion stability is not affected, Taylor series expansion of the equation is
carried out at X = 0 and the higher-order term is omitted. Thus, the approximate formula of the equation is as follows:
d (t)
= f ( 1, 2 ,..., k) , k = 1, 2, . . . , n (5)
d (t) X
= ak x k (6)

In above formulas, denotes the system. t represents the time. k is the kth element in system. ak denotes the
influence coefficient of kth element in the equation.
R. Hu Environmental Technology & Innovation 20 (2020) 101136

On the basis of the above theory, the function equations of the changing process of urbanization system and water
resources system can be established respectively (Gao et al., 2019).
n m
f (U) = ai xi ; f (W) = bj yj (7)
i=1 j=1

where, U denotes the urbanization system. W denotes the water resource system. ai represents the influence coefficient
of ith element in the urbanization system. bj denotes the influence coefficient of jth element in water resource system,
i = 1, 2, . . . n; j = 1, 2, . . . m.
Because the urbanization and the water resource system are interrelated and interactive, they have the integration
of the systems, and the urbanization and water resource system can be regarded as a composite system, f (U) and f (W)
are the elements of the system, occupying the leading position. According to Bertalanffy’s half system theory, the law
of composite system refers to the process based on the relationship between elements. The internal structure of system
changes with time. On this basis, the evolution equation and evolution speed of urbanization and water resource system
in composite system can be obtained:
df (U) dA
A= = a1 f (U) + a2 f (W), VA = (8)
dt dt
df (W) dB
B= = b1 f (U) + b2 f (W), VB = (9)
dt dt
In the formula, A and B denote the evolution equation of urbanization system and water resource subsystem in
composite system, a1 , a2 , b1 and b2 are the influence coefficients. VA and VB are the evolution speeds of the two systems
under the influence of internal and external conditions.
The evolution of composite system follows the rule of S periodic change. In each cycle, the evolution speed V of
system can be regarded as the function of the evolution speed of urbanization system and water resource subsystem,
V = f (VA , VB ). Therefore, we can analyze the changes of V by projecting the evolution tracks of VA and VB into a two-
dimensional plane (VA , VB ). a in arctangent a = arctan( VA ) of the ratio of VA and VB is taken as the coupling degree
of urbanization system and water resource system. At this time, we can get the evolution process of composite system
by analyzing a. Meanwhile, we can analyze the coordinated development degree of urbanization system f (U) and water
resources system f (W). In the development cycle, the whole composite system will experience four stages: low-level
symbiosis (I), coordinated development (II), extreme development (III) and spiral rise (IV), which are shown in Fig. 1.
(1) When 90 < a  0 , the system is in a low-level symbiosis period. At this time, the two systems develop
separately. The limitation and restriction of water resources to urban system can be ignored, and the interaction between
the two systems can be ignored.
(2) When 0 < a  90 , the system enters a period of coordinated development. At this time, the urbanization
will speed up, and the interactive stress between urbanization and water resources system is formed. The development
contradiction between the two systems appears, but it is not sharp.
(3) When 90 < a  180 , the system enters a period of extreme development. Due to the limited resources and
increasing pollution of water resources, the development of the two systems shows a situation of tit for tat, resulting
in aggravation of water resources crisis (Li and Qian, 2018). In order to avoid the collapse of water resource system,
people will try their best to take measures from all aspects to alleviate the contradiction, so as to promote the benign
development of coupling of the two systems.
(4) When 180 < a  90 , the system spirals up. At this time, the urbanization has been mature, and the
urbanization and water resources system promote each other positively. Finally, they reach the high level of symbiosis.

2.3. Index construction and data processing

Because the composition of urbanization and water resources system is complex and dynamic, in order to analyze the
coupling development of the two systems from multiple perspectives, based on Xia Fuqiang’s research results, this article
constructs the indicator system of urbanization from population urbanization, economic urbanization, social urbanization
and spatial urbanization. The index system of water resource system is constructed in terms of resource background
conditions, water resource development and management, water resource utilization efficiency, water resource pollution
control. The details are shown in Table 3.
The data are from the official website of the Statistics Bureau of the people’s Republic of China and the China Statistical
Yearbook from 2005 to 2014. In order to eliminate the dimensional difference of the initial data and make the data
authentic and comparable, it is necessary to standardize and preprocess the data at first, and then the mean square
deviation method is used to give weight to the index. The detailed calculation process is described as follows.
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Fig. 1. Change process of urbanization and water resource system coupling.

Table 3
Indicators and weights of urbanization system and water resource system.
System Level indicators The secondary indicators The weight
Urban population 0.104
Population urbanization The urban population is larger than the total 0.104
population (%)
GDP per capita (Yuan/person) 0.097
Economic urbanization The proportion of tertiary industry in GDP (%) 0.094
Urbanization GDP growth rate (%) 0.094
Medical and health institutions (unit) 0.124
Social urbanization Urban road area (m2 ) 0.085
Urban green area (ten thousand hm2 ) 0.116
Built-up area (km2 ) 0.085
Spatial urbanization
Urban population density (Number/km ) 0.098
Water resources per capita (m3 /per capita) 0.079
Water background conditions
Total urban water supply (100 million tons) 0.095
Total water consumption (100 million m3 ) 0.079
Water resources development Water consumption per capita (m3/per capita) 0.104
Water supply comprehensive production 0.086
capacity (wan m3 /d)
Water consumption per ten thousand Yuan of 0.088
Water resource
GDP (m3/ten thousand Yuan)
Water resource utilization Water consumption per unit of industrial 0.095
efficiency value-added (m3/10,000 Yuan)
Water consumption per unit value-added of 0.097
primary industry (m3/10,000 Yuan)
Chemical oxygen demand (10,000 t) 0.106
Pollution control of water Total wastewater discharge (10,000t) 0.102
Daily sewage treatment capacity (10,000 m3) 0.071

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Table 4
Water resource demand prediction results of urbanization development in Anhui Province.
Time Urbanization level(%) Net increase in Growth rate of Water demand Calculated on the basis of
urbanization urbanization (100 m m3)
(percentage point) compared with the
base period
(percentage point)
2015 51.21 2.01 15.71 110.72 With 2005 as the base
2016 52.7 1.49 17.2 114.06 period, the demand for water
2017 54.18 1.48 18.68 117.37 resources is calculated at
2018 55.66 1.48 20.16 120.69 225 million cubic meters per
2019 57.15 1.49 21.65 124.03 1 percentage point increase
2020 58.62 1.47 23.12 127.32 in urbanization level.

2.3.1. Standardized pretreatment

> xij min(xj )
< max(x ) min(x ) (Positive indicator)
j j
Zij = (10)
> max(xj ) xij
: (Reverse index)
max(xj ) min(xj )
In Formula 6, xij is the initial observation value of jth index in ith year; Zij is the corresponding data after the
standardization. According to this formula, the processed data values are distributed in [0, 1] range.

2.3.2. Weighting mean square deviation

(1) Mean value of index evaluation value after standardization:
1 X
E(Xj ) = Zij (11)

(2) Standard deviation of Xj :

u n
(xi ) = t (Zij E(xj ))2 (12)

(3) The weight of Xj :

(xi )
wj = Pn (13)
i=1 (xi )
The final system indicators and weights are shown in Table 3.

3. Results

3.1. Prediction of water resource demand in the process of urbanization of Anhui province

According to the calculation results of the marginal water resource demand of urbanization in Anhui Province in the
historical sample period, the water resource demand of urbanization of Anhui Province in 2020 can be predicted by
assuming that the inertia development fixed force is maintained.
Table 4 shows that with the continuous progress of urbanization in Anhui Province, the demand for water resources
during the urbanization will increase gradually. By 2020, the demand will reach 12.732 billion cubic meters. According to
the red line of total water consumption (27.084 billion cubic meters) in 2020 set by Anhui government and the average
value of urbanization water consumption in Table 1 (36.87%), the water demand of urbanization development in Anhui
Province in 2020 will be 9.986 billion cubic meters. Thus, the contradiction between urbanization development and water
supply is prominent.

3.2. Dynamic coupling situation analysis of Anhui province

3.2.1. Comprehensive indexes of urbanization system and water resource system

Based on the known data and the weights, the comprehensive evaluation values of urbanization system and water
resource system in Anhui Province from 2005–2014 are calculated, and the results are shown in Table 5. In order to
R. Hu Environmental Technology & Innovation 20 (2020) 101136

Table 5
Comprehensive index value of urbanization and water
resource system in Anhui Province from 2005 to 2014.
Year Urbanization system Water resource system
2005 0.143 0.337
2006 0.225 0.461
2007 0.325 0.462
2008 0.351 0.53
2009 0.589 0.465
2010 0.64 0.494
2011 0.636 0.415
2012 0.724 0.509
2013 0.794 0.591
2014 0.854 0.612

Fig. 2. Comprehensive score of urbanization system and water resource system from 2005 to 2014.

show the dynamic development process of urbanization system and water resource system in Anhui Province in the past
10 years more intuitively, Fig. 2 is drawn.
In Fig. 2, the urbanization system in Anhui Province developed rapidly from 2005–2014, which shows a straight-line
rise roughly. This shows that the urbanization construction in Anhui Province has achieved remarkable effect in past
ten years. In 2014, the comprehensive evaluation score of urbanization system is 0.854, which is more than four times
of the comprehensive evaluation score of urbanization system in 2005. This is closely related to the increase of urban
population, rapid economic development and rational development of urban space in Anhui Province. For example, the
urban population of Anhui Province in 2014 was 18.58 million, with an increase of 44.5% compared with 12.86 million in
2005. The per capita GDP was 99995 Yuan, with an increase of 1.2 times compared with 45444 Yuan in 2005. The built-up
area also increased from 1200 km2 to 1386 km2 .
Compared with the achievements of urbanization system, the development of water resource system is slow and
volatile. The overall level of water resources system comprehensive score of Anhui is relatively low. It has increased
from 0.337 to 0.612 in ten years, namely 81.6%. The development of water resource system mainly benefits from the
improvement of water resource utilization efficiency and the increase of water resource management ability.
For example, at the end of 2014, the water consumption of Anhui per 10 000 Yuan GDP was only 17.6 m3 , which
was 64.5% lower than 49.5 m3 at the end of 2005. Meanwhile, the comprehensive production capacity of water supply
has increased by 1.3 times. Due to the pollution of water resources in the development process, the progress of water
resources system is relatively slow.
For example, the total amount of wastewater discharge in Anhui was increased from 101009000t at the end of 2005
to 150713000t at the end of 2014, with an increase of 49.2%. Therefore, the quality of water resources in Anhui is not
optimistic. Obviously, the development level of urbanization system in Anhui is quite different form the water resources
system. There is still a high space for improvement in water resources system.

3.2.2. Coupling analysis of urbanization and water resource system

The data obtained above are used to fit the urbanization system and water resources system of Anhui in a non-linear
way. Combining Formula (8) and Formula (9), the development speed of the two systems can be obtained. Combining
Formula (6) and Formula (7), VA and VB can be expressed by t.
VA = = 0.0006t 2 0.0018t + 0.1052 (14)
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Table 6
Coupling degree of urbanization and coordinated development of water resource system in Anhui
Province from 2005 to 2014.
Year VA VB tan ↵ ↵
2005 0.103 0.116 0.897 41.57
2006 0.099 0.065 0.446 56.97
2007 0.094 0.026 1.447 74.43
2008 0.088 0.001 2.519 89.16
2009 0.081 0.011 1.4 97.37
2010 0.073 0.009 2.524 97.13
2011 0.063 0.006 0.206 85.03
2012 0.052 0.033 1.612 57.56
2013 0.04 0.074 0.266 28.54
2014 0.027 0.129 0.706 11.95

Fig. 3. Coupling evolution diagram of urbanization and water resource system in Anhui province.. (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

VB = = 0.0006t 2 0.0712t + 0.1805 (15)
According to the above equations, the evolution speed VA of urbanization system, the evolution speed VB of water
resources system, the tangent value tan ↵ and the coupling degree ↵ of the two systems in Anhui from 2005 to 2014 are
calculated. The calculation results are shown in Table 6.
In order to reflect the dynamic coupling evolution process of urbanization and water resources system in Anhui
province more intuitively, the dynamic coupling evolution curve of the two systems is drawn according to Table 6, which
is shown in Fig. 3.
From 2005 to 2014, the coupling degree of urbanization system and water resource system in Anhui Province showed
an ‘‘inverted U’’ state of first rising and then falling.
According to the coupling degree, the coupling state of urbanization and water resource system in Anhui Province can
be divided into six stages.
In Fig. 3, the blue rectangle denotes the first stage, and the red rectangle denotes the second stage, and the green
rectangle denotes the third stage.
(1) During 2005–2008, the two systems are in a period of coordinated development. At this time, the urbanization
is relatively fast, but the initial level of urban construction is relatively low, and the comprehensive score is less than
that of the water resources system. The adverse influence of urban development on water resources is absorbed by the
water resources system. With the continuous progress of urbanization, the interaction between urbanization and water
resources system is increasingly obvious; the coupling degree of the two systems is rising and approaching this critical
value 90 , so the contradiction between urbanization and water resources system is prominent.
(2) From 2009 to 2010, the coupling angle between urbanization and water resources system is bigger than 90 . The
two systems step into the ultimate development stage. In this stage, the water resource system of Anhui Province has been
unable to provide sufficient support for the rapid urbanization process. Meanwhile, the adverse impact of urbanization
process on the water resource system appears. The comprehensive score of water resource system has decreased. The level
of urbanization development is higher than the level of water resource development. The level of coordination between
the two systems has decreased, so the contradiction has intensified.
(3) From 2011 to 2014, the coupling degree of urbanization and water resource system in Anhui was less than 90 , and
the two systems stepped in the stage of coordinated development. Anhui province has taken certain measures to optimize
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Fig. 4. Pollution degree after different methods of remediation.

Fig. 5. Utilization rate of water resources after restoration by different methods.

the internal elements of water resource system after realizing the serious stress of urbanization on water resources system,
so as to accelerate the development of water resources system. The utilization efficiency and management ability of water
resource have been enhanced, and the pollution of water resources has been controlled effectively. The comprehensive
level of water resources system has been improved. The contradiction between urbanization and water resources system
has been eased gradually, and the two systems enter a period of coordinated development again.

3.3. Control effect analysis

(1) Pollution Degree After Repair%

In order to verify the effect of pollution remediation, the method of literature (Chen, 2018), the method of literature
(Xu et al., 2019) and the method of this paper are used to detect the degree of water pollution after remediation, and the
results are shown in Fig. 4.
As shown in Fig. 4, the degree of pollution after remediation by different methods is different. In January, the pollution
degree of the method in reference (Chen, 2018) was 32%, that in reference (Xu et al., 2019) was 47%, and that in this
method was 14%. In June, the pollution degree of the method in reference (Chen, 2018) was 47%, that in reference (Xu
et al., 2019) was 45%, and that in this method was 17%. The results show that the pollution degree of this method is
obviously reduced after remediation, which indicates that this method has better remediation effect.
(2) Utilization rate of Water Resources%
In order to verify the water resources of different methods, the water resources utilization rate of the method in
reference (Chen, 2018), the method in reference (Xu et al., 2019) and the method in this paper are calculated, and the
results are shown in Fig. 5.
As shown in Fig. 5, the utilization rate of water resources after restoration by different methods is different. When
the treatment time is 20 days, the water resource utilization rate of the method in reference (Chen, 2018) is 79%, that in
R. Hu Environmental Technology & Innovation 20 (2020) 101136

reference (Xu et al., 2019) is 70%, and that in this paper is 97.5%. When the treatment time is 50 days, the water resource
utilization rate of the method in reference (Chen, 2018) is 75%, that in reference (Xu et al., 2019) is 76%, and that in this
paper is 94%. After the restoration, the utilization rate of water resources is obviously increased, which indicates that this
method has better water resources utilization rate.

4. Discussion

Anhui Province is a new type of urbanization pilot province, which is in the forefront of modernization, so it is more
representative. This paper takes the relationship between urbanization development and water resources system of Anhui
Province as an example to carry out a series of statistical analysis, so as to verify the influence of water resource system
on urbanization development (Jackson et al., 2017; Ravindran et al., 2016).
Firstly, this paper discusses the marginal water resource demand of urbanization in Anhui Province and concludes
that the urbanization process of Anhui Province is moving forward constantly, and the demand for water resource of
urbanization is increasing day by day. According to the calculation results, the demand for water resource of urbanization
in Anhui Province will reach 12.732 billion cubic meters by 2020. The red line of water consumption of urbanization
in 2020 defined by the government is 9.986 billion cubic meters. The demand is far greater than the red line of water
consumption defined by the government (Bell et al., 2016). The contradiction between urbanization development and
water supply is prominent.
Secondly, through the coupling analysis on the urbanization system and water resources system in Anhui, it is
concluded that the development of the urbanization system and water resources system in Anhui is not synchronous, the
urbanization system develops rapidly and sustainably, while the development of the water resources system is volatile
(McGraw, 2009). The coupling situation of the two systems has experienced the process from coordinated development
to extreme development, and then to coordinated development. In the process of change, the coupling degree shows an
inverted U-shape.
Based on the above analysis results and the contradiction between the urbanization development process and water
resources, this article puts forward the control and restoration methods of rural water resource pollution from the
perspective of urbanization.
(1) Slow down the pace of urbanization and focus on the quality of urbanization.
In 2015, the urbanization rate of Anhui Province reached 86.5%, which was similar to the level of developed countries.
At this time, Anhui Province should the focus on the improvement of urban development quality, such as improvement
of ecological environment of Anhui Province and the restoring the water resources damaged in the marginal rural areas.
(2) Reduce the pollution of rural water resources, control and repair the polluted rural water resources in time (Tsegaye,
New technology of urbanization can be used to reduce the discharge of wastewater and pollutants in production, so as
to reduce the pollution to the rural water resources and environment. The water-saving technology can be used to reduce
the use of water resources in production. Developing the technology of water resource reuse and sewage treatment and
striving to repair the rural water pollution can restore the ecological environment of water resources.
(3) Improve awareness of water conservation and environmental protection
Through radio, television, newspapers, bulletin boards, water-saving classes, knowledge competitions and other forms
of publicity, we carry out in-depth publicity of laws and regulations related to water conservation and protection, so that
the people can understand the seriousness of the lack of water resources, the importance of water resource protection,
the necessity of water conservation, and enhance the awareness of water resources. Gradually, people can establish the
concept of water conservation and implement consciously. We should gradually change the current situation of pollution
and thoroughly eradicate the old ideas. Only farmers can save water spontaneously, they will get twice the result with
half the effort. That is conducive to the sustainable development of water resources.
(4) Construction of efficient water-saving and pollution prevention system
In order to reduce the problems of water resources caused by urbanization, we should not only plan construction and
production layout reasonably in the process of rural urbanization, but also take corresponding measures to increase the
protection of water resources and build an efficient water-saving system. The development should follow the principle
of coordinating with the natural conditions and fully consider the influence on the ecological environment. Meanwhile,
we should adjust the industrial structure of rural areas and make full use of the advantages of regional resources to
cultivate water-saving industries, so as to achieve good economic and social benefits. New technology can promote the
industrialization of high and new technology and promote the optimization, upgrading and sustainable development of
the industrial structure. In further, we should improve the system planning of cities and counties, strengthen the planning
management of the urban–rural fringe, and expand the scope of planning control.
(5) Guidance of planning environmental assessment system
The environmental protection law lays down the environmental impact assessment system for construction projects,
which adopts the ‘‘Three Simultaneity’’ system. In the process of the implementation of main project, it is necessary
to conduct environmental impact assessment, design and construct the equipment and facilities to prevent and control
R. Hu Environmental Technology & Innovation 20 (2020) 101136

pollution, and then put them into operation together with the main project. But the environmental impact assessment of
construction projects aims at the impact of a single project on the environment, which mainly solves the environmental
pollution problem of a single project. For a large number of township enterprises in the background of urbanization, it is far
from enough to start the environmental impact assessment (EIA) system of construction projects. The planning EIA system
has the overall and macro characteristics, it also has the guiding role for the construction project EIA. The urban planning
is not only related to the design of urban material form, but also to the economic, society land use layout and other
aspects, as well as the responsibility of environmental protection. It is not difficult to find that legislators have realized
the significance of planning environmental impact assessment. In the process of urbanization and urban transformation,
the implementation of environmental assessment system can seek the combination and balance of interests between
economic development department and environmental protection department.
(6) Secondary measure
The implementation of environmental assessment system is the first choice to prevent the water pollution. At the
same time, it should be accompanied by auxiliary measures. Due to the long-term existence of stable urban–rural binary
structure, the various social interests of farmers are often ignored in the distribution process. With the process of
urbanization, massive industrial wastewater and domestic sewage are produced. If the pace of environmental protection
infrastructure and urbanization is backward due to the lack of funds and technologies, it will lead to very serious
consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to increase investment in fund and technology. For the part of funds, the society
should establish the environmental protection foundation, mobilize the social forces to solve the problem of some funds.
For the technology part, promoting the technological innovation of enterprises is a good way. The government should
take part of the funds as the special funds to promote technological reform and introduce advanced technical personnel
and equipment. Moreover, the government should strengthen legal publicity and positive guidance, and then establish
the rights protection system and environmental protection websites to provide corresponding services and consultation.
Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the publicity of law, especially the relevant laws, regulations and policies of
environmental protection, and thus to improve the awareness of safeguarding their rights constantly and encourage them
to participate in the team of rural environmental improvement actively.
In the areas below the county level, there is only environmental protection department in the government due to
economic and other factors. Under the background of the gradual spread of urbanization to the whole country, it is
obvious that the allocation of environmental protection departments cannot meet the increasingly serious water pollution
problem in rural areas. Only promoting the reform of government departments as soon as possible and setting up special
environmental protection departments, we can follow the principle of prevention first fundamentally.

5. Conclusions

In this article, the marginal analysis method of economics is used to build the dynamic coupling model of urbanization
and water resource system reasonably. Through the rational construction of index evaluation system and the use of
dynamic coupling model, the water resource demand of urbanization development in Anhui Province is investigated. The
degree of coordination between urbanization and water resource system development in Anhui Province is empirically
analyzed. But the urbanization system in Anhui Province is not synchronized with development of water resources system.
In the process of sustainable development of urbanization system, the development of water resources system is slow
and unstable, and the demand of water resources is increasing year by year. In order to solve the problem of water
demand, it is necessary to solve the utilization rate of water resource at first, and then we need to control and repair the
pollution of rural water resources, so as to improve the utilization rate of water resources and promote the development
of urbanization.
In order to improve the control efficiency of rural water resources pollution and improve the utilization rate of water
resources, this paper studies the control and remediation of rural water resources pollution from the perspective of
urbanization. The following conclusions are drawn through the experiment
(1) The pollution degree of this method is only 17% after remediation, and the pollution degree of this method is
obviously reduced after remediation, which indicates that this method has better pollution remediation effect.
(2) The water resource utilization rate of this method can reach 94% after restoration, and the water resource utilization
rate of this method is obviously increased, which indicates that this method has better water resource utilization rate.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Ran Hu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing,

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
R. Hu Environmental Technology & Innovation 20 (2020) 101136


Project name: Research on the Construction of Regional Knowledge Innovation Center-A Case Study of Hefei Science
and Technology City, China Project No. 2017QN35.


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Ran Hu, female, was born in April, 1986. Received the Bachelor’s degree from Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,
in 2007. And the Master’s degree from Anhui University. Her recent occupation is one teacher of Hefei Normal University.
Her current research is Urbanization, Labour movement. At present, she compiled 3 books and participated in 2 issues/
projects of the provincial level and 1 project of national level.


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