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5th Grade- Opinion Writing Unit (6 weeks)

5.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational
structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose.
b. Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details.
c. Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses (e.g., consequently,
d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
Week 1 (Dec. 30-4)
Introduce Opinion Writing standard AND Rubric using mentor texts
Week 2 (Dec. 7- 11)
Model Opinion Writing through Whole Class Activities and Instruction, small group activities,
and individual application of skills. Create Anchor Charts, as needed, to support student
understanding and application
Week 3 (Dec. 14- 17, Jan. 6-8)
Students Select topic for Opinion Writing Piece, Apply Close reading/ Annotating skills,
Gather Evidence using Graphic Organizers, Apply pre-writing skills, Draft argumentative
Week 4 (Jan. 11- Jan. 14)
Revision –Polish Opinion Writing Craft through mini-lessons (variety of sentences, citing
relevant evidence, effective transition, formal style, etc.)

Week 5 (Jan. 18 – Jan. 22)

Revision and Editing, Polish language and conventions
Week 6 (Jan. 25 – Jan. 29)
Publish essay (type)
Prompt Instruction Week (dissect prompts to determine appropriate response)
MCS Opinion Prompt Practice Day
*Jan. 28, 29 or Feb. 1, 2
*Selected Articles from Vale Middle School AOW

Articles for Instruction

(includes annotation questions, writing suggestions, and class discussion topics)

California Water Shortage (1 article for opinion writing response)!
552b092ee4b0395c41ac16f9/1428883758664/AoW+1415_32+Water+Shortage.pdf OR!!
Pros and Cons of Powerless Cars (1 article - choose side to prove- good instructional piece)!
Coding Debate (2 articles- 2 sides)!
Washington Redskins Debate (2 articles- 2 sides)!
Fast Food Minimum Wage Debate (2 articles- 2 sides)!
Forget Cursive- Teach Kids to Code (1 editorial for analyzing opinion writing)!
One Page Articles with prompt-!!
Graphic Organizer -

The following pages include selected resources from:
Peer Conferencing Questions
1.What is the speaker’s claim? What does s/he
want you to believe?
2.What reasons does s/he give for his claim?
3.What facts, quotations, evidence, or specific
details does s/he give to support those reasons?
4.Is there a counterclaim? What is it?

Opinion Unit

Resource Packet

6 Weeks Backwards Planning for Success with Writing
Using the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model of Instruction, we have
developed a basic 6-week sequence for successful teaching and learning of a
new writing type (genre). This basic 6-week plan includes modeling, shared and
guided writing, revision and editing, and finally sharing, publishing, and a dress
rehearsal for on-demand assessment. The sequence is as follows:
Week One: Introduce the writing standards. Model the whole process for the
new text type using teacher modeling as well as examination of “mentor texts”
or similar writing from published authors. Put a focus on identifying the elements
of the new text type. Write or use anchor papers to introduce the rubric.
Weeks Two-Three*: Use shared writing to write a class piece using this text type.
Then guide students through drafting 3 or more pieces. Supply varying levels of
support depending on student need. Focus on choice of topics as possible.
Provide mini-lessons on specific skills as needed.
Weeks Four-Five: Focus on revision and editing mini-lessons as needed using
student writing as well as anchor papers. Provide time for peer conferencing as
well as one on one teacher conferencing as possible.
Week Six: Help student choose and publish to final copy their favorite piece. Set
aside time to share published pieces with an audience. Give feedback both
from teacher and peers. Conduct a “dress rehearsal” for the on-demand
prompt if time allows.

Paragraph Frame Anchor Chart


Opinion/Argument Language Frames!
State your position:
• In my opinion….
• I believe that….
• It seems obvious to me that….
• Although not everybody would agree, my position is….
Support your position:
• I have several reasons for arguing this point of view.
• My first reason is…. Another reason is….
• There are several points I want to make to support my point of view.
• Research shows………
• It has been found that ……………..
Consider the counterargument:
• Some argue that….
• They say (claim, hold, maintain) that….
• On the other hand, there are many who disagree with the idea that….
• They also argue that….
• A further point they make is….
• Yet some argue vehemently that….
Restate your position:
• However, there are several reasons to oppose this point of view.
• After looking closely at both sides of the issue and the evidence, I believe it is best to….because…
• Despite the fact that….it is also vital to consider….
• Well, that is only partly the case. The other side of the story is….
• The advantages of ... outweigh the disadvantages of….
• The issue is not so much a question of…, but a question of….
• What it seems to come down to is... versus….
• Even though the issue has two sides, I think I have shown that….
• Even though both sides have merits, the greater good will come from….
• If we look closely at…, we will see that it is better to….
• Based on the evidence so far, we should…because ….
• When you take a close look at this part, you see that….

Sample of “Boxes and Bullets” Graphic Organizer

In my opinion There is no doubt that I question whether
I believe From my point of view I (dis) agree with
It is my belief that It seems to me that I maintain that

For the reasons above In short In brief
As you can see To be sure Undoubtedly
As I have noted Without a doubt In any case
In other words Obviously Summarizing
On the whole Unquestionably In any event

First Furthermore Equally important Besides Further
Second In addition In the first place Next Again
Third Also Likewise Moreover Similarly
Finally Last

For example For instance In support of this
In fact As evidence


Since Caused by In effect
Because of This results in Brought about
Due to Consequently Made possible
For this reason Accordingly As might be expected
Therefore As a result of Give rise to
If…then Leads to Was responsible for

Similarly Likewise As well as
Compared to In the same way Have in common
In like manner Contrasting All are
On the other hand On the contrary The same as
Although As opposed to Conversely
Even though Rather than Whether or not
Nevertheless In spite of

I realize you Believe But
I understand you Feel Yet
Even though you Maintain However
Although you Want I doubt
Some people Support I question
It may be that you Argue Let me explain
Your idea to ____ State On the other hand
deserves some merit Nevertheless
Additional Linking Words/Transition Words
Opinion Writing
Reading and Writing with a Critical Eye
Why is it important to recognize strong and weak arguments? In order for you to
become a more effective reader, you have to examine what you read with a critical
eye. This will allow you to read between the lines so that you can understand the
writer’s purpose and ultimately agree or disagree with the writer’s point. Understanding
about arguments will also make you a better writer since you will be able to put your
ideas together in a clear and convincing way. Readers might disagree with you, but
they will also see that you know how to support your opinions with strong arguments.

Identifying Relevant and Verifiable Evidence

1. Read the text.

2. If the possible “sides” are visible, label a t-chart with the possible “claims.” (If the
sides are not visible, once you collect evidence, sort the information into

3. Collect evidence (information from the text) and place it on the “side” that the
evidence supports.

4. Examine the data.

5. Ask questions from multiple perspectives and try to answer the questions using
the data. Be careful of “opinions.”

6. The data that supports the answers = strong evidence.

7. Claims need to be supported by multiple reasons (typically 3 or more and may

include a counterclaim)

1. Begin with an opinion/claim about the subject.
2. Give relevant facts and reasons as support.
3. Arguments are clearly and logically organized.
1. Use opinions that are unrelated to the subject.
2. Not supported by facts or reasons.
3. Not clear or logical in organization.
When effective writers choose their arguments, they think about the audience, their
potential readers. For example, if you are writing a persuasive letter to your teacher to
try to convince her to give you less homework, which of these two arguments do you
think will be more effective?
• If you gave us less homework, we would have more time to watch our favorite TV
• If you gave us less homework, we would be able to spend more time reading AR

Organization of Opinion Essay

(NOT a “5 paragraph Essay”)
• Clearly states opinion (claim)
• Narrowed and not too broad
• Grabs attention of reader

• Easy to follow because the reasons are clear, well organized, and has
transitions to move the reader through the information
• Logical progression and completeness of ideas
• Forceful and convincing
• Don’t jump back and forth-stick to your stand
• Often times also includes a counterclaim
• New ideas/evidence begin a new paragraph (THIS is the disconnect
between good writing and a 5 paragraph essay)
• Strongest evidence should be last

• Restates the opinion and how you supported it (summarizes)
• Draws the threads together
• Drives home the main point from a fresh look
• Typically includes a few of the same words that were used in the introduction

Crafting the Claim
• Restates the prompt but reflects critical thinking and takes a stand
• Sets the stage for the organization of the essay and poses specific reasons
• Creates a roadmap for the debatable issue and the author’s opinion
Sample Claims/introductions:
Topic: Siberian Tigers

Example 1: In Russia, Siberian Tigers do not have a safe habitat in which to live.
-Weak because it doesn’t grab reader even though it states the topic

Example 2: Siberian Tigers should be protected because they are being killed at
alarming rates.
-Better, but not specific

Example 3: Due to the ever increasing amount of poachers in the eastern region of
Russia, Siberian Tigers are facing extinction, and their habitat needs to be protected.
-Strongest because it explains the need and helps reader understand

Strengthening Essays through Conventions & Language/style
(Good ideas for Grammar Mini-lessons)
• Syntactic variety (simple, compound, complex)
• Vocabulary (content from text, persuasive words, figurative language)
• Transitional words
• Using quotation marks to quote from text


Teaching Argument Writing by George Hillocks, Jr.

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