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Activity: Feature Writing Prompt

What type of story will your feature article convey? You may choose from the different types of
stories mentioned earlier. Choose a place, a person, or an object for your feature story. Who will
be the central character? What will be the focus? What will be the theme? Prompt yourself not
only with "what’s happening," but also with “why is it happening?”

A. Write an outline of your feature story below.


Nut Graph: Angle

Body: Facts, Statistics, Background, and Context

Ending: Conclusion of the Story

B. Based from the outline you have created, compose a draft for your feature story.
 Your feature story should be a minimum of 200 words.
 Have your partner check your draft for possible revisions.
 Publish your feature story on your blog.
 Submit the blog link on the Edmodo assignment by October 29.

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