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Quiz 2 - Reviewer

Q1. 2790kilocalories_ is the amount of energy for muscular and metabolic activities of the body

Q2. The body requires a basic amount of energy to keep the internal organs functioning; this is known as
the Kilojoules _ Rate

Q3-6 . List 4 reasons why breastmilk is better for babies than bottle milk:

3) Contains Antibodies 5.) 5) Lower the risk of having asthma or allergies

4)Fewer ear infection 6) Boots of diarrhea

Q7. A vegetarians is a person who does not eat meat or animal products.

Q8. Answer in Q7 needs to be very careful when planning their diets to ensure they get a supply of
_calcium__, _vitamin D_, & Vitamin B12.

Q9. A high __fiber___ diet can relieve bowel problems like Q10.__colon cancer_l_ which can result to
fecal impaction if left untreated.

Q11. Eating foods with much __cholesterol_______ Fat causes heart disease. It increases bad Q 12. Low
density lipo protein , which clogs Q13. Coronary artery causing a blockage , which can lead to a heart
attack or a Q14. stroke

Q16. In order to reduce the fat content in the diet it is important avoid artificial fats or unsaturated
fats_, use alternative dairy products and practice reduced fat cookery methods like baking and grilling

Q17. Too much soduim_ in the diet causes hypertension which can damage the Q18. High blood

Q19. Anemia is a condition caused by too little RBC in the blood, Q20. Iron prevents anemia and vitamin
C is needed for the absorption of this mineral.



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