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Informational Writing Rubric

Writing Target:​ I can write an informative/explanatory text about a topic where information is organized into main idea paragraphs
and strengthened by supporting details using nonfiction sources. (​CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2​)

Element On Target - 6 Mid- Approaching - 4 Mid Range - Beginner - 2

Range - 5 3

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.A ● Student writing includes all ● Student writing includes ● Student writing includes
The following is included: elements in a manner that some elements in a manner limited elements; writing
● Writing piece is focused on shows a strong that shows some shows a limited
one ​topic understanding of both the understanding of either the understanding of the topic
● The topic is organized using topic selected and writing topic or writing craft. selected; writing is that of a
one​ of the following ​text craft. ● Text structure(s) is somewhat beginner and does not meet
structures ● Text structure(s) is easily clearly identified. Structure language expectations.
○ Description identified and utilized may be a bit unclear or ● Text structure is unclear or
○ Compare/Contrast
correctly confusing to the reader. missing
○ Problem/Solution
○ Sequence ● Non-fiction text features add ● Non-Fiction text features are ● Text features are missing or
○ Cause/Effect to the writing in a clear and used correctly but don’t add used in a manner that
● Includes ​non-fiction text thoughtful manner to writing detracts from writing
features​ that strengthens their

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.B ● Student writing includes all ● Student writing includes ● Student writing includes
Develops the topic with most of the elements some elements only limited elements (1-2)
following in each main idea ● Writing flows naturally, ● Writing flows somewhat ● Writing is awkward
paragraph: without awkward transitions naturally with some awkward ● Elements are used in a
● Facts ● Elements enhance the transitions manner that detracts from
● Definitions writing ● Use of elements partially message
● Details enhances the writing
● Quotations/citations
● Other information and

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.C ● Student writing includes ● Student writing includes ● Transition words or

Uses ​transition words​ correctly to varied transition words and some transition words and phrases are missing or
introduce information at the phrases appropriately phrases that are partially used incorrectly
beginning of each paragraph and ● Transition words and correct
when introducing a citation. phrases enhance writing ● Transition words or phrases
partially add to the writing
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.D ● Student uses topic-specific ● Student uses some ● Topic-specific vocabulary is
Uses precise language and vocabulary and language that topic-specific vocabulary and missing, incomplete or
vocabulary​ to ​inform​ or ​explain enhances the writing and language that is a bit incorrect
the topic. sounds natural awkward

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.F ● Concluding paragraph ● Concluding paragraph ● Concluding paragraph is

Provides a ​conclusion paragraph restates main paragraph restates the main idea and missing or written
that ​restates​ the topic and main using slightly different topic using the same wording incorrectly
ideas shared in the writing piece. wording ● Transition words are missing
● Transition words are used or used incorrectly

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.E ● Spelling, punctuation, and ● Spelling, punctuation, and ● Spelling, punctuation, and
WRITING CONVENTIONS grammar contain few or no grammar have some grammar do not meet
Writing is done using errors mistakes that slightly impede expectations
developmentally and grade ● Subject-verb agreement is understanding. ● Subject-verb agreement is
appropriate grammar, punctuation, correctly and consistently ● Subject-verb agreement is incorrect throughout writing
and phrasing. used used correctly most of the ● Student used only simple
1. Subject-Verb Agreement ● Student included more than time sentences.
2. Compound/Complex two correctly written ● Student wrote at least one
Sentences compound or complex compound or complex
sentences sentence, though there may
be some awkward or
incorrect phrasing


ISTE.6C ● Article includes… ● Article includes… ● Article may be missing one

Students communicate complex ○ Title ○ Title or all of the following
ideas clearly and effectively by ○ Subheading ○ Subheading features:
creating or using a variety of digital ○ Author Bio ○ Author Bio ○ Title
objects such as visualizations, ● Information is organized and ● Student organizes ○ Subheadings
models or simulations. designed in a manner that is information in an effective ○ Author Bio
easy to understand and manner that is easy to read. ● Information is not
pleasing to the eye ● Two additional text features organized or may be
● Two additional text features support main ideas and are designed in a way that is
used support main ideas in a not distracting. difficult to understand.
meaningful way and ● Additional text features
enhance the reader’s may be missing and/or
understanding of the topic. they do not support the
main ideas of this article.

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