Marvel Filters

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MARVEL \ FILTERS s CLEANABLE BONDED ‘SUMP TYPE ee = = Up to 100 gpm — 20 to 200 mesh Pages 8, 9, 10 LIN LINE TYPE Cleonable Toke-Aport Element LINE TYPE Up 10200 spm— 38 1o200 mesh UMP TYPE NEW SUMP TYPE WITH THROW-AWAY ELEMENTS Upto 60 gpm 3, 10 and 20 micron ; paper Page 11 INLINE LINE TYPE Cleonable — AND LINE TYPE U 2010200 mesh TIONAL * COLORGAGE FILTERS CLEANABLE TAKE-APART SUMP TYPE Up to 200 gpm — 30 to 200 mesh Pages 12, 13, 14, 15 TYPES LUNE TYPE 2010 200 mah ond FILTERING AIDS Other Engineering and Application Data included in this Catalog ... Hydraulic Filters, General Types, Uses Pressure Drop, By-Pass Valves, Fluids, Magnets, Micron Data, Specials Porticle Characteristics Chort Pte Pages 2.8 3 Poge 3 Page 4 Mesh Sizes (Shown Actual Size) Weoter Pressure Drop Chart Hydraulic Oil Pressure Drop Chort . Wes MARVEL epte FILTERS SUMP Om SUCTION une rucrens LT] ‘Sump or Suction Line Filters provide important, sometimes ential, inalprotecion for tne pump se wells minimal protection for the rest of te hydraue sytem, The Miter {elected should accept the Now of the pump(s)_ with ‘minimum pressure dfop. Many pumps have a maximum Suction lito 22 to 394 pu, which indeates pressure drop through fiter and inake ine shoud he caeluly checked tn eld fow enough fo prevent pump cavitation, expecially cihen the iter element has become parialy clogged. A Vacuum sensing device or other typeof micton fire le: fen soni ideal should Re ed prewar langerous clopsing. (See. pages 24 & 25) i ‘manufacturer shoul Ye consulted {o determine maxlmum {Dierale presare drop and requted degree of Muation ‘The presse drop tales for ins and fitings,on pages 6& Jean simplify analysis. Sump Filters can be manifolded ‘there space problems exis. Tandem Sump Filter (pages 15) prove longer life and require les frequent ing. They are also recommended for higher flo” ra applications that can tolerate the higher pressure drops 33 ‘Shown in abe, page 18. When Sump Filters aze wed they ‘Should be mounted horizontally a minimum of two Inches {rom bottom of reservar and at end opposite fo system tear ine esis of tel convener acest for Servicing and thet eary a8aptaiity to the use of Integral ement condition indicator Suction Line Files ae fe- ‘ommended over Sump Filters Suction Line Filles are mounted outside of the reser. soir to simplify cleaning and often employ visual integral indicators A200 mesh fiter, which will remove particles ‘003° when clean ‘ad smaller svhem partially clogged, generally tecomnmended. I finer Blalion i meesary (example: uel transter systemsy, finer micron. Alters should be usod, but they must be amply sized fo minimize pressure drop ind avoid pump cavitation. By-pass valves Should be used in surmp and suction line iets eliminate anger of pure cavitation in ease filer serving is ne- flected, This i true even of indicating Type. filters for Uafortinaely they sometimes are negleced Because of this many sch Alters also employ an electric warning, Sitch foes visal (light) or audible warning Return Line Fitters sre ued inthe main Tines! through which the hygraule fd returned to the ese voir by aztuation of 2 directional contral Savets) The: ters Ist besieed to acespt ‘etua return oi fo ‘and ot imply on basis of pump capacity. A higher Capacity fier wil redice presale drop and back pressure ‘om’system components Fine tration ie practical fm Re- tum’ Line Filters aad a builtin by-pass valve is recom ‘mended to prevent element collapse incase iter serving Note: All Filters With Integral Indicators Illustrated Above Are Fully Described In Marvel HYDRAULIC FILTERS— GENERAL TYPES AND USES ss neglected. Element condition indicator, integra! or non: integral with filter, ate recommended to protec! system hy preawarning of excessive element clogging (sce pages 26 & 27)tn tng Retr Line iter, arti cic aaly is eisential where large high pressure actuators are us hhecause sudden flow and shock due to actuator Muid ‘decompression can cause Immediate filler element failure. In long-duration pressure holding applications (such as clamping, mold curing, etc.) where return Tine oll ow Is Jntrequent, pressure and/or sbetion Fine Alters are recom= mended in place of return line ites. ‘This guarantees that Altration is faking place as long asthe pump is running, Filters are often used inthe pumps main pressure fine to assre {he clean, contam {onstee oft essen the proper of tion'ot ah preesion, extremely clone ited components sch a8 Valves, actuators, ete ‘ithoagh 25° micron fiteauon has been ommended. in an in chat saan,” finer Station (10 microns or les) is ecommended where maximum” protection of, precision ‘Somponents is required. When the ters are used in high reve ines, grentey pressre drop Cough the filer can olerated. iter sive i dictated by low-rate. degree of system contamination, maintenance intervals weight (sw some cases), and economy. Flow cap the ter should be as high as possibe and, actly sine 2 te 3 times pump eapaeis. A by-pass relief valve in the fiter peotects asninst elomont damage in ease of de layed maintenance and an element condiion Indien wwe and economical pre tate fer serving att 0 sta | PRESSURE LINE FILTERS MULTE FILTER SYSTEMS Lees] {In many applications (such as servo-controlled systems) 2 suction line fiter is inadequate because the extremely fine Sration required (such as 10 micron) is often impractical Tn addition normal pump wear ean generate harsh, cutting metal contaminants that can quickly damage or foul the precision servo-valve. To attempt to secure, from a single filter, the fine filtration (oten 10 micron) necessiry for ‘bch applications in most cases would be highly impractical from the slandpoin of filer cost, size, and. weight and ‘could impose too great a load on'the pump, wit avitation and/or priming problems highly prob Stich eases, the best: most practical solution has often been the use of several ters inthe system, For example: A 74 micron suction iter in the pump Invake ne for the protection of the. pump! and titi fering and 28 pleron pressure fer Ya the pump pres line for fr Alration cleanliness. Some system Bulletin No. L-0867-1 10 simplify filter selection and to aid in the selection of the right filter Fer I ‘where superior cleanliness required employ a 74 micron Wevlon ne fiter‘o 25 meron pressure fee Aer ond after iin the hn, ove or more 10 miton pressure ters To rote serveive(s) or other precnion components se Shve to even small amounts of contamination. Combina Hone of section, return line and pressure ites are offen the host fon problems. By Aivding the Fitering fond between them, each fer can do itvown job betta ob for high if spectaly designed more efficient by the other indicators and/or warming switches used with or on the filters are the best insurance of proper filter maintenance by keeping your employees constantly alert to dangerous filter clogsing Where normal fltes thom methods are im: practice the Sine. weight. postion, renvironmemt of the main hyataulic sys {em an aunliary sy tem is often used 10 Sssure clean oll in the iain system. In Common type of aun- iiary system, 2 small, Jow pressure cirulating pump is continaously operated t0 force the main system oil through ‘2 low pressure fie. Finer fitraton is practical ang the avxilaty system en bles the main system lo be operated continuously out shutdown for periodic iter cleaning andor slemer feplacement. This is especially beneficial for expensive ‘machine tools and biginvestment production lines where {ven minutes of dosrnime cam bo very cosy. AUXIWARY FILTRATION “The, prime advantage of Portable Filtration tits i that they can be quickly moved and socom nest gut ato [eperation elt doors or outdoors—to perform a wide range Ot fluid filtering and {ransferring jobs such as. Alling and Altering few sysiems to. pre ent runsin. contami nation damage: cleaning old systems periodically and par- Teulary alter system repais. The portable units are almost mandatory for filing and adding oil {o servo-systems and fre eatensively used on missile systems, where Might weight fmust be kept to the very minimum and. where clean systems are bf vital Importance. ‘The ratio of open area to total siete racially the same, Consequently Srop diferences between the various mesh sizes are negl ible and the pressure drop date on wire mesh elements, as fBiven throughout this catalog, may be used for all 300, fosh and coarser elements, The wide range of mesh sizes |Nallable in Marvel Filters enables you to select a degree of filtration for maximum protection of your production equipment. When lest than 200 mesh (74, micron) Fequired, finer wire cloth (which incidentally must be Siasonicallyeeaned) and ner pose pape lens fare also availa PORTABLE FILTRATION BY-PASS VALVES MARVEL internal by-pass valves for filters are designed 10 ‘pen within = 10% of setting and provide almost full Now particular application. sia» inna ese onic ts ede die is lr ae te Woa a ‘The lud listings shown herein ate obviously gener 4 full compilation of all types, military specifications, brand ames and manufacturers would be extremely Jengthy. AS a typical example, MARVEL fiers can be Used with more than $0 brands of fre resisiant fluids, The rhumber of petroleum base hydraulic fluids would be many times that number. The material used in MARVEL filters has been selected to handle an extremely wide range of fluids and itis often merely necessary to change stale seal terial for compatible operation. Tn case of doubt-—sub- mit fluid name, number, of identification, viseosty, and manufacturers name. MARVEL. filters can be maniac: {ured for an extremely wide range of fuids such as—oll, coolants, jubricants, phosphate ester or aqueous base fire Mids, water, gasoline, Kerosene, turpentine, so lesel fluid, and even paints and waxes s hhave been used for" preliminary sand exclusion on air systems MAGNETS FOR FERRIC PARTICLE REMOVAL (See Page 10) ‘etter filtration, longer element life, hours saved in servic- ing. - . with amazing new MarvelMag elements. The hhatsh, cutting ferric contaminants (that do the most dam- age 16 system components) are instantly trapped by com- Plete, outer MarvelMag. Magnetic Shield BEFORE they an reach element, keeping it~and entire system—clean, lundamaged and functioning at top efficiency for much longer periods: without servicing, Ferrie particles small enough (0 pass through element and on into system are most speedily tapped. and retained by the all-encitcling magnetic shield. Crenerous flow sress between magnetic ods remain uncluttered, greatly increasing filter efficiency And life. The magnetic reds do not increase element di- ‘mensions, providing complete interchangeability of Mat. velMag elements with non-magnetic elements, Examples for specitying MarvelMag are g'ven on appropriate pages. MICRON (MICRO-METER) DATA ‘General information is lacking on particle sizes and con- taminants present in specific industrial systems, machin ‘operations: and production processes. ‘The variables. are Infinte. Filter users have a working knowledge of con- taminants they encounter. This information is often re- Mrleted. Degree of filtration is offen predicated on the basis of clearance of moving pars, especially valves oF pumps, in the system. ‘The following chart on page 4, "CHARACTERISTICS OF PARTICLES AND PARTICLE. DISPERSOIDS™ pate and feprouced through the permission of the 'ANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE provides a com prehensive summary of filtration and pertinent factors ‘The actual mesh sizes available in MARVEL filters, along. the companion micron ratings, are shown, Obviously, the 150 and 200 mesh sizes are 109 small for teproduction, and would only appear as solid, (See Page 5), SPECIAL FILTERS Quite often iis possi ie a filter element assembly ‘oF 2 combination of existing parts to obtain the desired re Sulls- Invariably, 2 complete exchange of all pertinent in- formation is necessary to solve specials economically and ‘expediently. CHARACTERISTICS OF PARTICLES AND PARTICLE DISPERSOIDS ome =a 00001 oobi oor or : » 100 les ie los T T T Pores [es las ool ile coe ft coher | Lf! eee f serene aa Sno Cae Sand m= — Gm —| Co od fqn tee ap — >) ‘fence Gourd Ureine = fe Bon Cet Darter A 7. cece panes Ha A sot Hest spc remot eatin | Tasea T - t ° = 0" > Tap! a0 | ae cay [Peat fy I SY HS ww} wih eye, | www, wy | omen | semen thas a hi bs he aha | penta) j 1 (SRTE] | vase | tremncee Jota tio'rlowiovie sfos w* 10; bos 163 10s boy i210: fo", wo), wh, aw, aot SSL ommnaree hy 0p, oe, 0, fos, 0, Lis, ot 7d hy hea We ale w ab ee aw ees om CE. wi ee, wiles Pre Me ely Trewel aswel pvese otal gusmeel paama Paewel > Sesame a ‘0 ico on | eae * |] — ete rece Dane neo dia i i MARVELS CFILTERS i ACTUAL SIZE MESH Marvel Cleanable Synclinal Filters are equipped with Stainless Stee! or Monel Wire Cloth Elements, The filtering insert etements are avilable from a coarse 20 mesh up to a fine 200 mesh. To beer illustrate mesh sizes, we have shown below the actual size mesh of the 100, 80, 60, 50, 40,and 30 wire cloth. 10, 15, 25 and 40 micron wire cloth is available. In addition 10, 25 and 40 micron pleated, specially treated paper elements, are available, 100 MESH Wire, iometer .0045 Width of Opening .0085 = 141 Microns 80 MESH Wire Diameter .008S Wieth of Opening .007 262 Microns _ 150 MESH Wire Diameter .0028 Width of Opening .0041 ‘Mierons = 105 50. MESH Wire Diameter .0080 With of Opening .0120 = 308 Microns 40 MESH Wire Diameter .0100 Width of Opening .0150 85 Micros 30 MESH Wire Diameter .0120 Width of Opening .0213 548 Microns 200 MESH Wire Diameter 0021 Wid of Opening .0028 Mictons = 74 PRESSURE DROP CHARTS Friars Sate anc og Pe Sei at ee ae See a neck ot oa Ba Se ee Sate Et Sera eee MARVEL HYDRAULIC OILS 63 ob 05, BONDED SUMP TYPE —UP TO 100 GPM —1'"' THRU 3'' PIPE SIZES J Prevent! Hysrote Fast MALE NIPPLE (erm) ‘caracrties: 19220-3050 =75~ ond 100 GPM. Te ere tire 2°= 218" ond 3° NOT ino ‘ond fer n well or “O" fing Upto 500" 4" RING SEAL fomctewemtessircts | | fon" amy with By-Pass Valve 1 0 9p0n within 103% of i ating, ENGINEERING DATA & MOUNTING DIMENSIONS io mm 70 Pm ao erm sore SoG] 75 Gem] 100 GPa PT mel Lit vl ete] in] pis] el el © | we ma] 2a] 2a 3" oot | ner |were] opr] npr wore] oor] Netw were] oor| merml were | Got rte|_ Gor] Nera Nore PRESSURE DROP P51 [23 [a2 [se [7 | re [as [ae] a J ae | so [ne Jar | re] ai [se [ as] oa Tze [a [as se] asf ae] ae wl eofafulsa| ola] os Lav ae fae] ar] ae | 26] ar zp se [as [a6 as] ae] ao] ae] 27 Te Pet? Tepe. 2 pepe] DIMENSIONS INCHES. (aon [262 [ooo [309 [3.09 [aoe [ase [ose [ove [ava [aoa fav [ava [soe Jase Lele *t*pert se [456 [7.05] 705 [7.06 Joe Jane [006 [rns [sos [nos fos [pos [nce |o.s7 [on |o.s2 a 75 75 “ar Ta 1a boo as as 7s 338 a = a ta a ae Sy WOMWUE ous CooLANTS uamcanas 225 S6y S$ plosmuare este tase Mke RESISTANT FLUIDS 725 N—-AUEOUS BASE [WATER GLYCOL! ARE RESISTANT FLUDS 225 SU ———————= MARVELS) FILTERS ~ NOTE: The “Marvindicator Vacuum Sensing and Signalling Element Condition Indicator (see Pages 24 & 25) is strongly recommended for use with Sump Type Filters MODEL NUMBERS FOR BONDED SUMP FILTERS ON PAGE 8 13mm orm 30. Gre Toner tnroot | —_nrtm | art [1 oor [Purim | 1venTE | 1 Opt [ TaTNOT ‘MODE wuMaeRS VW9:100 [210.100] 310-109 J 130-160} 220-100 ] 320-100 [190-100] 290-100] 330-100 noo 21040 13080 | 32080 |32080° Jisozo” | 23020" | 33040 Meso 210-60 Y2080 | 32080 | 32040 [13060 | 230-60 | 330-60, noso 210-50 tos | 32050 | 320.0 3050 | 30-50 | 330-50 Moo dow ow [32040 |isoao | 73000 | 33040 M030 21030, 030 |32030 |isoa0 | 73030 | s30.30 110.20, 21020, 34020 __|320.20 [13020 _| ¥30.20_| 330.20 10.150] 710-150, 720-150] 320-150 J 130.150 330150 110.200 _| 210.200, 220.200 _| 320.200 _[130.200, 330-200 Sioa S2oa0° |é2080 J4s0.80 S300 Syo89 syos0 | 42080 [430.60 30-60 ‘10:50 520.50 30-50 30-50, Sioa Stoo 30-40 $3040 51030 320.30 js30:30, $3030 S100, $2020 430.20 30.20 1195108 | $19.5: 100 20-5100] $20°5-100 | 620:5-100 | 490-5-100] $90-5-100] 630-5-100 aiosa0” | sto sa0 0-520 | $20-5.0 | g20.5.80 |430.5-60 | 530.5-40 | 620-5-00, isso | 105.80, S69 | $205.40 | $205.40 [4305.69 | $305.40 | s30.5.40 iosiso | siosso | siosso | 420:5:50 | $2050 | 4205.80 J4so.ss0 | s308.50 | 620.5:50, Sios4o | sios4o | 420-540 | 20540 | 620540 J4a0.s40 | 520.540 | 630.540 S10830 | sio530 | 420530 | 20.530 | £20590 |430.80 | 530530 | 6305.30 5o320__| tlos2o | 420-820 | 205-20 | s205-20 ]4305.20 | $20.520 | 620-520, s1o.is0 | ~s10-180 J 420-180 | $20,150 | 620-180 fa90-180 90-180 = faro-200__|_st0.200 | 10.200 _|_ 420-200 | s20.200 | 20.200 [430.200 _| 530.200 faro-s-1so | ~$10:5.150 | —610:5-150 | 420-5-150 | 520-5150 | 620-5150 ] 30-5150] $30-5:150) Jaiosi200_| si03:200 | 105.200 | 420:5.200| 520.5:200 [20.5.0 |430.5.200 | $3045-200 Som 30m aie Tore Tar [Woot [17 werm_| arte [2H oor [Prem | aNnere | aH"oor [a NPT] 9° NAT ‘MODEL NUMBERS TOI IBH | BOTH OO | eoIv-THE | 1sOI00 | a5EIB0 | 359100 | E190 [ze Te [wsIoo Yastan-raiG 130.1460" | 2s0tr4-20" | 380-120 | Isoa0 | 25080 Wysa0 Jase | arse0 1301440 | 3301-40 | asoii460 | 15060 | 25040 i7es9 | 37540 | 37540 130.1450 | 3801730 | asoi8-30 | Isos0 | 33030 W750 | zrss0 | 37530 Woryaa | Zoo | dsocii0a | tso40 | 350-0 Wsaa | zrsa0 | 37540 W501%30 | 25011830 | 35011430 | 15030 | 25030 wea9 | sao | a7sa0 Wo.1%20_| 2301%:20_| Ssocii20_| 15020 _| 350.20 7520 _| 27520 [37520 1501/4130] 250-114-150 | 350-174-150] 150-130 | 250-130 | 350-130 175-130 [275-130 [373-130 fosvasi-1215 1soc1/:200_| 250-1¥4:200_| 350.114-200 | 150:200_| 250.200 | 350.200 | 175-200 | 27s.200_|37s.200_lostasi-1220 430-174-100 | $30-1%4-100 | 630-114-100] 430-100 s50-100 | 450-100 J 475-100 75-100 [osiaei-1210-03 tsotiao | sore | 30-14-80" | 45080" | soo” | ssoeo | a7sa0 s7sa0- |osiaet 1208-03 tsoin4o | Ssoieso | bso-ri4-60 | 45080 | S800 | ésoeo | 475.40 75.60 [ost a8}-1296-03 fisocrin:s0 | 850:1%4:50 | 630-1%:50 | 450-50 | 55050 | soso | 475-50 75:50 Josiael 1208-03 soya | $501440 | 630.1%40 | as040 | s5040 | ss040 | 4750 fsrsao Josiasi-120%-03 asojins0 | 850.1430 | 630.1430 | as030 | $5030 | sso30 | a7sa0 fsrs'30 ostasi 1203-03 sociv4:20__| $50:114:20__| 630.1%.20__| 450.20 _| $50.20 _| 50.20__| 475.20, 'srs.20__losiasi-1202.03 SBOE GO) 650-500) 475-5100 $50.50 | 475.520 75-500 50.80 | 475-560 eso Ss0.ss0 J a7ssso |synes0 [675550 Bocas Ssoisao J 47ssuo [s7ss40 [475-40 450.530 50.530 | 75-520 | 875590 [6755.20 450.520 | $505.20 | 450.520 | 1755.20 [575.520 [675.520 450-180 | 550-150 [450180 475-150 [575-150 [475-150 480-144-200 _| $30-114:200_| 680-118-200 | 450-200 _| ss0-200_| 450-200_| 47.200 _|75-200 450-155-150] 550.114 5150] 450-1 45-150] 450.5.150] 590-5-150[ 650-150] 475-5150 [9755-150 1450.1 4-3-200 | $50.1/4:5-200 | 650.1%4-5-200] 450:5.200| $80-5.200| 650-5-200 | 475.3.200 |375-5-200 7700 MESH STANOARD STANDARD BY-PASS NOTE: To specify MarvelMag Magnetic Filters, insert "M" in Model No. Exomple: 410-100 becomes "410M100." To order Replacement Element only pleated for magnets but less the magnets, change "M” in Number to "MN", making it, in exemple, "4TOMN100." 59-1 74:8:100 | 550-174-5100 [675-5100 ost4si-1210-05 soci 5-00" | ss0-114-.00 soc Acs-40 | 350-104-580 sos fs-50 | sso 45-30 soci :s40 | $50-1 4540 5014590 | $50-1/4-5.90 u50.1/48-20 | $50.1 45.20 | 650-114.5.20 faso-1y-150 [80-1150 | 650-195-150 tso5e0 BONDED SUMP TYPE—ALL STAINLESS STEEL MARVELS)2 FILTERS ZAKS FOR WATER AND SPECIAL FLUIDS — 1000 SERIES ~ (NO BY-PASS) — Operating Femperatu caracinits. Upte7s Cm To Cleon Follow some simple cleaning proce dives os described on page 8. UNIQUE MARVELMAG ENGINEERING DATA— MOUNTING DIMENSIONS ~ MODEL NUMBERS MAGNETIC SHIELD Site joGm | 20Grm | 30cm | SoG | 75 Gm | Fort [T= neta] var wena | 1 ner | 2 rT] PT NTR | protects entire hydraulic Panaing SHEE pal Waly 77 ioe fs] 15 APROX. Wi 5 TOO te oe 5; IMENHTONS WMS = = a6 706 abe 908 982 ae a a $0 se ER Too} ToTD-100-] 1070-190 J 1090-100] 1050-100] 1075-100 to | toroeo | 102020 | tcso40” | tos0e0 | tors-e0, 4 | toroso | 102040 | tes080 | 1050-80 | t0rs-60 So | toroso | to2050 | teseso | tososo | tors-so to | ioro4e | to2040 | tesa | toso40 | torso 30 | toro30 | toz0a0 | teao30 | 109020 | torsa0 20_| ro1020_| 1020-20 | teav.20_| 1050-20 _| 1075.20 Tso | 010150 | 1020-150 | 1020-150 | 050-50 | vo7s.150 300__|_1910-200 | _ieao.z00 | 1930-200 | 1050-200 | tors-200 Photo shows amazing offeciveners of Marval NOTE 1S eal Howelag Hoge Re, mer “AT ie Mode Renbr. Eompl Mag magnetic rods troppipg fenic pariclen, 1010-60 become “10T0MEO." To order Replocement Barer! plasted for mogres bs! get letdiny Line theater fo otees Wares, leo he nope simply henge °h" heme Te oH, olong. hy anample ‘re continuous flow firahion. TovoMe. Better filtration, longer element life, hours saved fn servicing -. with amazing new MarveiMag oventarring clemeats. The harsh, cating ferce contaminants MAGNETIC (that do the most damage to system components) Feios ane instantly trapped by complete, outer Marvel- 3ne daatvtduel Mag Magactic Shicld BEFORE they can reach magnet rds ore clement, keeping it—and entire system—clean, fall fier element undamaged and funetioning at top eficiency for length ged thee much longer periods without servicing. Ferric en Partcks small enough to passthrough clement mmognete fields along entice length of | toyin Litour" land on inlo system are most speedily tapped clement. The rods are equally spaced | Magnetic ods. MarvelMog and retained by the all-enercling magnetic round exterior surface of element so | Shield is formed by indo Shield. Generous flow areas between magnetic thet thelr netic feds evan te | val magnet rods placed rods remain uncluttered, greatly inereasing filter Spent aM tna Severance Tis | (St isavae an ealih ance: effcieney and life. The magnetic rods do. not rcumd the cur opiveen due ef cs | der! node. joa ou, increase clement dimensions, providing com- Inenrin the area of fowes hd velocity | wipe off, “ond lay” thom plete interchangcabilty of Marve!Mag elements there ferie porieles are mont ef. | back in groove. Slip-on with non-magnetic clements. Exomples fe fecal poet and retsned_ ond | sein cp keeps rods rom ee eee oat eee ‘where overall tilerng efficiency is at | being mogrencally di Speitfinat Marvelites: oso vmoximem lodged eccidenaly priate poses. 50 EASY TO SERVICE! MARVELS/CFILTERS NEW SUMP FILTERS with QUICK-CHANGE THROW-AWAY ELEMENTS ‘Save Time, Money, Labor Compared to “Cleaning” genaeataery, Element hand-snaps on or off core assembly in ‘seconds. No tools-threading -no eleaning, Patent Api for Says the maintenance supervisor of a large indusrial plan: ‘Throw-Away Elements sa small (action of the cps of clean: “We don't clean our simp filers We jt throw thers'away able elements. The Throw-Away elements are “O° rng Ssled because the labor costs {rot tov menton the Time los) of place and provide 29 micron and ier Aitraizon. Compare is fein e sbuanaly ger an our cut or"whsle fe drawn eat mito gato cmon fu ‘Anew with a 100% contiminstion-fee element. * Valve of New Fier tare ‘ong elemect life with elimination i ‘of pump cavitation danger Mae te So eee ai eee acanatys sume, Siters Filters available in standard lengih, extended length, and double ‘ibsantal savings Novneed to waste time: money, and Tabor Nuth element “model. Recomended for use’ with Mare in removing, cleaning and re-in ire filter. You just ‘Vindicator as shown in circuits, page 13. row away he ured heme NOTE: Quick-Change Cleanable Elements (hand-snap on and Semen of) luo aaiable se eee = | é TABLE TT FILTER MODEL NOS. TABLE |DIMENSIONS irs ‘orsign ng ne Dt Fat fa es re =e 0 me fia see “i {sate a AAS Tan "ERR STEC TER oh ne Tamara HOW TO ORDER: In Table |, besinning ot top of Table, read down to your desired (or next largeri GPM under your desired By-Poss and Microns (Col. 1, 2 of 3). Then make [ATABTE Le ‘BY-PASS OPTIONS | Up your Filler No, from the following: (a) Core Assembly No., Table Il, Co. 4 oF 5, in same horizontal line as desired GPM. (b) By-Pass No., from Table IV (6) Element No. for fluid to be filtered), from Table il, Col. 6 or 7 in same horizontal line os Core Asembly No. () Element Media Ne, (or desired micron flration), rom Table ¥. TABLE IV-ELEMENT MEDIA BEA pe 2 ttn, Din iT ig Pe eit NUMBERS. “ plztog a enter may ee Tbe hye he ut ie in hae tie ih dca Sars. uohrtse " TAKE-APART SUMP TYPE—UP TO 100 GPM —3,'' THRU 3" PIPE SIZES Use with “Marvindicator” Element Condition Indicator (See pages 24 & 25) = CAPACITIES: 5-8=10-20-20-$0-75 ond 100G-P-m PIPE SIZES: wat cond ‘CONNECTIONS: Coupling Male Nipple BY-PASS. VALVE 1 Net ovcilable a OPERATING TEMPERATURES: paver she (ap an Boos Up e180" F Ako evailabie estas nr rte Tbe hseny serene ce EASY MAINTENANCE Fores with reglor These Sump Type Filers may be dsestembled, thoroughly cleaned and peboleem bow Hycrowic reasvembied ino matter of minutes, Requite no replocement oF “Ynvow Gil Coolnts Lebrcants, ‘away” por to purchase or cary in stock See bottom of page No. 15 fo cll ypesef Fireresision! Hydraulic Fluids and Water Seana tproctort, ENGINEERING DATA—MOUNTING DIMENSIONS—PART NUMBERS age] sees [sor [oem aoe eee [cee Tepe | ce Tumor (isa ELL RPTL NETE_L ToNPTE]-Te PTE |__| Dnt | ane qi = = PRESURE DROP FL 7 a 75 7% aot REE PROP Pe a Sony a i H a | ike 3 % any 33 ‘o a a 3 3 3 33 wo ‘ia ‘ie ab 2B a is i 8 ; ; AP ROK WT “= Us 2 3 a “ 5 a Sime NOME NCHEE aa] a San 5 a | | ee | 9 : wa | as | EB |S te | ne |e) f COUPLING Fan RUMBERS = =| 5 ERs —— pons —] — 6008 —] — Far ree_| por | arr | porr | pois | baie Tor COVER PART RUMDERS TAS OEE BAT MYMBERS spon —] Fon —] poo Sony | Pate riz | pos | fem | row | pox | pose acu | baat rex | bow | foe | ber | poco | boa sem | bose ross | ross _| poar_| pees | Powe | paso # RENFORCED SYNCLIVAL INGERT PART NUMBERS TEES] POET] POSTEO Posey ROELICC YO] POS OT FOS TOO POSE TOO PasE- Weniy | povso” | rocras | posaso | reexaa’ | roseso’ | poscse’ | roseco Poste Witt] Fotrcigo_| reves | Porictoo | pevatco | Porictoo | Fersico | possioo | povectoo | Portion ‘CENTERING TUBE ASSEWEL PART NUMBERS Tae] — FE — ors —— po ft epee ron) —Po eat fos | reer | poss | eee | post pont | porn |_ pod Txpandeo nETAL PROTECTIVE AUMBERE iris] Far — Foes FT ae a8 100 ror eal fer_| fa pies | pias prer_| fies | plop F ee ER (TOP OND_BOTTOM)RARY NUMBERS Fewer SATPE AND BO TOMAR MMOS a arr Sony | pn | ne prt | ei | rin | ma | pie | pus 2 “ra —nyotAuue Ons cOoLANTS LURRCANIS-225 SSU @ 100" F 'S_ PHOSPHATE ESTER BASE Fee RESISTANT FLUIDS 225 S8U G2. 100° F N—AQUEOUS BASE [WATER GLYCOU FRE RESISTANT FLUIDS 225 SSU'@ 100" F Wowater60" F {Pant NUMMER FOR "W" ALTERS IS #307 FPART NUMBERS FOR STANDARD MESH “CHANGE SUFFIX TO CORMESPOND FOR OTHER MESH SIZES

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