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The C2C business involves consumer transactions, whereby consumers, typically in

an online environment, can trade with each other. Traditional markets enable businesses to
have customer relationships in which a customer goes to the business in order to buy a
product or service. Malaysia's Largest Marketplace is an example of customer
to customer (C2C) e-commerce.

The primary advantage of the C2C business is that it is possible to reach sellers and
buyers. It is easy and handy as well and does not take much time to use. In addition, it is
possible to be a seller as well as a buyer. What is more, it offers a rich genuine relationship.
There are numerous community and forum discussions available. This C2C business is
easier for buyers to compare prices, access to stores located remotely, no need for a
physical store, common availability of coupons and deals.

Next, due to direct sales, the main advantage of C2C for vendors are high
profitability. Compared to the high rental space in a store, sellers can cheaply post their
products over the internet. The lower costs contribute to a smaller, yet more profitable
customer base. This means that for entrepreneurs, there is no need to spend money on
facilities such as rent, office supplies or salaries. Furthermore, this form of e-commerce
expands the range of potential customers as it covers not only the domestic market, but also
the international market. It's definitely a plus that the transaction cost is not high. Due to the
reduction of overhead costs when conducting an e-business, probably the most positive
benefit for many small businesses can obtain greater profitability over a C2C compared to a
physical store. Last, but not least, is efficiency in selling personal or unique goods, including
handmade products, handmade gifts, personal artwork and clothing design.

Lastly, mostly due to the reduced price, buyers benefit greatly from using C2C
websites. What's more, they are able to deal with various sellers. In addition to this, there
are searches available using criteria. For example, the best sellers, most popular products or
offers from your area can be selected and much more. One more important thing is that
users can choose the best proposal without intermediary assistance, contacting you directly.

be purchased and sold with ease which is not in case of other types of ecommerce other
types of ecommerce

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