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REGISTRATION. NO: 230050060/T.18.

To visit available literature and search different speeches of prominent leaders in the
world and identify one speech and do the following;

(a) State powers contained in the speech and paraphrase the section.

(b) Own your own opinion explain the extent those powers can be effective to the
audience based on the nature of the speech.
1.0 Introduction

On the 2nd July 2018 the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E. Dr. John
Pombe Magufuli, addressed Government leaders and the Nation during the swearing
in ceremony of newly appointed Ministers, Deputy Minister and other Public
Officials. The President seized the moment to address a number issues that plagued
the Government as a result of which he had decided to make some changes in his
Cabinet. It was the perfect moment because it was just one day after the new
Financial Year, 2018/2019 had started and he clearly stated he wanted the date to be
special for ‘telling the truth’ about the state of accountability within the Government.

2.0 The Powers of The President of the United Republic of Tanzania

In the first place, the President has powers to appoint Ministers and Deputy Ministers.
The said powers are vested on the President by virtue of Article 55(1) of the
Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 which provides that;

“All Ministers who are members of Cabinet by virtue of Article 54 shall be

appointed by the President after consultation with the Prime Minister…”

Under article 55(2) it is provided that;

“In addition to the Ministers referred in Sub-article (1) the President may,
after consultation with the Prime Minister appoint Deputy Ministers…”

Furthermore, the President is vested with the power to administer Oaths of Allegiance
to the Ministers and Deputy Ministers before they assume office. This is provided for
under Article 56 of the Constitution. This power is also vested on the President in
respect of certain public officials such Judges, Commissioners and other senior public
servants appointed by the President.

And lastly, the President has the power to revoke the appointment of the Minister or
Deputy Minister (and any other public official appointed by him). Article 57(c) of the
Constitution provides that;

The Office of a Minister or Deputy Minister shall become vacant upon the
occurrence of any of the following:

(c) Where the President revokes the appointment thereby removing the
incumbent from the office.

These are individual powers of the President that are clothed on him by virtues of his
position. In exercising his powers to appoint and revoke the appointment of Ministers
and Deputy Ministers the President was exercising what is known as legitimate
powers, that is, power derived from a person’s position or nature of work and based
on the hierarchical set up of the organization or institution.

3.0 Powers contained in the Speech by the President, H.E. Dr. John Pombe
Magufuli on 2nd July 2018:

The speech by the President contained administrative or individual powers, that is,
both legitimate, coercive and reward powers. Coercive power is the power that a
leader exercises by the use of punishment or threats to influence human, individual or
collective, behaviours. The President while expressing his displeasure with the
performance of the Ministry of Home Affairs stated, “ajali za barabarani zimekuwa
nyingi nimechoka kutuma rambirambi hakuna hatua zinachukuliwa. Hakuna
hatua hata kumwambia RPC na RTO wajiuzulu…si umpunguzie hata nyota. Sasa
ukaanze na RPC na RTO wa Mbeya”.

An informal translation of the statement is that, “road accidents are increasing, I am

tired to send condolences and no action is taken. Even to tell the RPC and the RTO
to resign..why don’t you demote him. Now, you go and start with the RPC and RTO
of Mbeya region.

From the words quoted above it is clear that the President was using coercive power.
The words contained threats on the consequences of failure to take appropriate action
by those in authority, which included demotion of the RPC and RTO which is a
punishment. The message was directed to the newly appointed Minister for Home
Affairs, Hon. Kangi Lugola (MP).

Indirectly the President also used reward power during his speech by directing the
Minister for Home Affairs, Hon. Kangi Lugola, (MP) to go and ensure that all those
who have not been promoted in the Police Force for more than ten years are

Also in the same speech the President while addressing the importance of Air
Tanzania to the economy and the tourism industry he again used both coercive power
and legitimate powers. He was addressing the newly appointed Minister Hon. Eng.
Isaack Kamwele that, “nimeshatoa maelekezo kwa CDF kuna maflight engineers
kule wazuri sana na ni wanajeshi lakini wasomi wazuri wa ndege wahamishiwe
ATCL…atakayeona hawezi kufanya nao kazi aondoke yeye”

An informal translation is that, “I have directed the CDF (Chief of Defence Forces)
tha we have flight engineers who are very good and are military personnel but also
experts in aviation, they should be transferred to ATCL...any one who feels cannot
work with them should be the one to leave”

The statement contained threats to those who would not want to work with the
engineers from the army once they are transferred to ATCL. But also he exercised his
legitimate power as the Commander-In-Chief to direct the Chief of Defence Forces to
transfer the experts to ATCL.

4.0 The Extent the Powers Can Be Effective to the Audience

The audience on the 2nd July 2018 included Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Judges,
Permanent Secretaries, Chief of Defence Forces, Inspector General of Police,
Regional Commissioner for Dar Es Salaam and other Principal and Senior Public
Servants. The speech by the President was very clear and the instructions or directives
given were essentially applicable to all those present.

I am of the opinion that the powers exercised by the President were to a large extent
effective because the Minister for Home Affairs took administrative actions after the
speech including the immediate removal of the RPC and RTO of Mbeya region.

Other Ministers such as the Minister responsible for water projects and the Minister
for infrastructure have continued to work hard to ensure that pending project are
completed. Since then projects such as the Ubungo Fly-Over under the Minsitry of
Infrastructure, the Arusha Water Project which costs more that 500 billion under the
Ministry of Water are on-going at a decent speed.

Therefore, combining both powers, that is, legitimate, coercive and reward powers, is
quite important if a leader wants to succeed in positively influencing human behavior
of both the subordinates and all those that are being led. The citizens wants to see
their leader as acting both within the parameters of the law, appreciates hard word
those who are under him and is firm when it comes to ensuring discipline in the
Government and public at large.

The Speech is available online at
under the Title: “JPM Nimechoka Kutoa Rambirambi”. It was a live coverage by the
TBC and hosted online by Global TV Online. It was accessed on the 25th June 2019.


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