Yoga Lesson 2

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Rowan University Health & Physical Education Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Teacher Candidate: Kyle Meier School: Wenonah Date: 11/11/2020
2 of 4 Elementary School
Title of Unit: Yoga Length of Class: Grade Level: 5th
30 min
Central Focus of Unit: Students will gain insight into the health benefits and history of Yoga # in Class:
and develop movement skills to complete various yoga routines. 20
Lesson focus: Students will work on mindfulness and breathing, learn about the history of yoga,
learn 6 new poses and play freeze dance yoga with power yoga poses.

Safety Considerations (Emotional/Physical):

Students will be participating from home and will need appropriate space during the lesson to reduce the risk of injury.
Development of skills will require encouragement and positive teacher feedback to ensure students feel safe and secure
learning new movement skills.
Yoga Mat (optional) Device for logging into lesson platform.
National Standards Addressed: Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns
Learning Outcomes Addressed: Performs curling, twisting and stretching actions with correct application in dance,
gymnastics, small-sided practice tasks and games environments. (S1.E10.5)
NJ  Student Learning Standards Addressed: 2.5 Motor Skill Development: All students will utilize safe, efficient, and
effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
2.6 Fitness: All students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to develop and maintain a
healthy, active lifestyle.
NJ Outcomes (Cumulative Progress Indicators) Addressed:
2.6.4.A.1 Determine the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual benefits of regular physical activity.
2.5.4.A.1 Explain and perform essential elements of movement skills in both isolated settings (i.e., skill practice) and
applied settings (i.e., games, sports, dance, and recreational activities)
Domain Lesson Outcomes/Objectives Assessment Tool: Formal &
Psychomoto SWBAT perform 6 yoga poses with proper form holding each pose Assessment checklist
r for various lengths of time at different levels of intensity in various Observational assessment during
sequencing. activity see appendix)
Affective SWBAT identify how they feel after a yoga session. Thumbs up/down response (see
Cognitive SWBAT to identify one historical fact about Yoga. Group discussion and exit slip
Function: perform, identify, recite

Vocabulary: Yoga, balance, mindfulness,

Meditation, Cat Pose, Extended cat pose, Child’s Pose,
Downward facing Dog, Squat Pose, Locust Pose, Cobra pose,
zUpward Facing Dog, Low Plank,DESCRIPTION
LESSON Plank pose, Chair Pose,
Component Time / Description
Opening 5 min Description of instant activity: Students will be asked to perform the 5 yoga poses that they
Activity learned in the previous lesson. Use the name of the 5 poses and see if the students can
remember the pose, if needed, hold up flash card to remind students of body position.
Students will be asked to give examples of health benefits to yoga discussed in the previous
Transition to next task: Have students sit back down and watch their screens for the next

Introduction, Description of introduction activity: Today we are going to continue with our Yoga unit. We will
Review, watch a video on the history of yoga, learn 6 new poses, and play freeze dance yoga!
Expectations Transition to next task: Please make sure your volume is up and get ready to watch a video on
the benefits of yoga.

Learning Task 5-10 Learning task, demonstrations & class Skill cues: Differentiated Feedback:
1: minutes organization: Students will watch a short video on Watch Instruction: Teacher will
the History of yoga. Instruct students to make noteand listen Change how stop halfway
of one or more Historical facts that they will share
carefully. many facts of through the
later with the class. Stop- sharing screen and haveTake yoga the video and
a few students share the historical fact about Yoganotes of students are remind
that they heard during the video. the 3 looking for, less students to
benefits of to make it make note of yoga. easier, more to one or more
make it harder. historical facts
Transition to next task: Have students stand up put Monitor student
their mat in place and get in place to start screens to
performing Yoga. keep on task.

Learning Task 10 Learning task, demonstrations & class Skill cues: Differentiated Feedback:
2: minutes organization: Model each of the five yoga poses. Locust: Instruction: Teacher will
Use skill cues during modeling. After modeling Flat on use skill cues
each pose have students perform and hold the stomach, .Locust: Keep to reinforce
pose for 10-20 seconds. palms up, legs down to form during the
Pose 1: Locust Pose Exhale make this pose modeling and
Pose 2: Cobra pose and lift easier. Lift observing
Pose 3: Upward Facing Dog legs, higher to make portion.
Pose 4: Low Plank shoulder, harder Encourage
Pose 5: Plank and head. Cobra: Modify students that
Pose 6: Chair Pose how far students are working
lift to make hard to remain
Challenge pose: Side Plank Cobra: easier or harder. focused and
Lay on Upward-facing remind
Transition to next task: Have students shake out stomach, dog: Modify how students to
their bodies and get ready to put all the poses Palms flat, far students lift focus on their
together for a freeze dance Yoga game!. Elbows to make easier breath.
tight, Lift or harder.
head and Low Plank:
shoulders, Have student
hips keep knees
down. down to make
Plank: Have
students on
their knees to
make easier.
Chair: Have
students squat
down, lift
¼ squat to
make easier or
full for harder.

down, Lift
up, back

down, Lift
all the way
up, Back

straight up
over head,
sit in

Learning Task
Application 5 Explanation, demonstrations & class organization: Skill cues: Differentiated Feedback:
Task: minutes Students will participate in Freeze Dance Yoga. Locust: Instruction: Teacher will
Students will be instructed to dance when they hear Flat on give
music, or perform any exercise they want, when the stomach, Locust: Keep encouragement
music stops, the teacher will call out a yoga pose. palms up, legs down to and remain
Students will hold the yoga pose and take deep Exhale make this pose positive
breaths until the music starts again. Remind and lift easier. Lift throughout
students to maintain safe distance from objects in legs, higher to make session and
the room and to focus on their breath when shoulder, harder remind
performing the pose. Hold up flash card of the pose and head. Cobra: Modify students to
if students are not sure of body position. Use both how far students focus on their
the new poses and 5 poses from previous lesson. lift to make breath.
Cobra: easier or harder.
Transition to closing: Have students sit back down Lay on Upward-facing
at their computer. stomach, dog: Modify how
Palms flat, far students lift
Elbows to make easier
tight, Lift or harder.
head and Low Plank:
shoulders, Have student
hips keep knees
down. down to make
Upward Plank: Have
facing students on
dog: their knees to
Stomach, make easier.
palms Chair: Have
down, lift students squat
chest ¼ squat to
toward make easier or
ceiling. full for harder.

down, Lift
up, back

down, Lift
all the way
up, Back

straight up
over head,
sit in

Lesson 2 Description of closing activity: How do we feel after the freeze dance yoga game? Thumbs up if
Closure & minute you liked the game. Who can give me one historical fact they remember from the Video? Take 2
Review s or 3 responses. Were the power yoga poses harder than the ones we learned last week?
Next week we are going to do a Power Yoga session, learn some new poses and continue to
practice our meditation through breath. Great job today!
Teacher Teacher Effectiveness:
Reflection 1. Positive Environment: This will be carried out using positive reinforcement and
encouragement during skill related tasks and positive affirmations during oral response tasks.
2. Student will participate in a discussion around the historical facts of yoga, after watching a
short video.
3. Student Engagement: Students will be aware of the lesson progression and be informed when
transitions are going to happen so they can be ready to transition.
4. Engaging students in learning: Monitoring of student tasks will be done via zoom cameras.
Reinforcement of skill tasks will take place throughout learning segments.
5. Enhancing student learning: Video will go over historical facts of yoga followed by a group
discussion on what was learned during the video. Historical Facts will be repeated during the
physical portion of the lesson as well.
Appendices Affective Assessment: Students will give a thumbs up if they liked the freeze dance yoga game.

Psychomotor Assessment: For each of the 6 poses use the following checklist during the
opening activity.
Student can perform the pose correctly Y/N
Student can maintain balance. Y/N
Student can hold pose for desired time limit. Y/N

Cognitive Assessment: Group discussion on Historical facts of yoga.

Exit Slip: What are two facts about Yoga.


History of Yoga Video:

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