尼日利亚 Ogunjinni-Owulade Irawo 公路软土路基处理说明 Treatment instructions for Soft soil foundation of Ogunjinni-owulade Irawo Road, Nigeria

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尼日利亚 Ogunjinni-Owulade Irawo 公路软土路基处理说明

Treatment instructions for Soft soil foundation of Ogunjinni-owulade

Irawo Road, Nigeria
根据现场钻探结果,沼泽地段软土厚度约 25m 左右。为满足工后沉降
和承载力要求,沼泽地段地基采用水泥搅拌桩加固,桩长 8m,桩间距
According to the results of Field borehole exploration, the thickness of
the soft soil in the marsh area is about 25m. In order to meet the
requirements of post-construction settlement and bearing capacity, the
foundation of the marsh area shall be strengthened with concrete piles, the
pile length is 8m with pile spacing is 1.3m and shall be arranged in the shape
of the plum blossom. The representative cross section of concrete pile
arrangement is as follows:

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