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Personal Nursing Philosophy

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Caring and Comfort

Jordan McKaley Boney, RN

Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

NUR 3240: Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing

Trina Gardner, MSN, RN

November 21, 2020

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Personal Nursing Philosophy

Personal Nursing Philosophy

A career in nursing can be very rewarding. It involves caring for individuals and their

families during their most vulnerable moments. A nurse serves many roles on a daily basis. We

promote healing, health, autonomy, and independence while collaborating with other members of

the interdisciplinary team. I personally believe that the center of nursing is based around caring.

Speaking from my own experience as a nurse, I get the most satisfaction knowing that I

made a difference in someone’s life. When caring for my patients, I ask myself one question. If

this were my family member, what would you like to be done and how do you expect them to be

treated? Including the patient and their family in their care can make all the difference in how

their care is perceived. I believe that when a patient feels like they are valued as a human being

and they have a voice in planning their care, they are more likely to feel comfortable. In turn, I

believe comfort promotes healing. I think patients thrive best with strong nurse-patient

relationships, non-stimulating environments, a sense of comfort, and a holistic care approach.

With this being said, my personal nurse philosophy is based on caring and comfort.

I believe that I relate most the Jean Watson’s theory of nursing. “According to Watson’s

theory (1996), the goal of nursing is to help persons attain a higher level of harmony within the

mind-body-spirit. Attainment of that goal can potentiate healing and health. This goal is pursued

through transpersonal caring guided by caritive factors and corresponding caritas processes”

(Master, 2020, p. 57). Watson theory is based mainly on caring. Watson’s theory defines the

concept of person as an “embodied spirit” or valued person receiving care in a way that is

nurturing to the mind, body, and spirit (Masters, 2020, p.58). She defines the environment using

a holistic approach that is healing, yet subtle, energetic, peaceful, and comforting. Health is

defined as “harmony, wholeness, and comfort” which can be attained by practicing the carative
Personal Nursing Philosophy

factors (Masters, 2020, p. 58). Lastly, she defined nursing as a transpersonal relationship

between the nurse and patient that is guided by her clinical caritas process. She states that the

relationship should be kind, loving, and supportive.

The first central concept of nursing is the person. Like Watson, I too believe that the way

a person perceives their care correlates with the way the person heals. I believe that in order to

promote healing, a person should feel respected, important, and cared for. Speaking from my

own experience, when I feel like others don’t care, I may tend to care less myself. However,

when I feel like others are truly concerned and want what’s best for me, I tend to care more.

With my experience, I have noticed the same trend in patients. Relating to a patient personally

can help motivate them to work on their health. For example, if you remind a patient of

something they are looking forward to, they may be more motivate in the promotion of their own

health. Stating, “let’s get you feeling better so you can make it to that wedding next month,” is

one way I have done this in the past. Positivity is contagious and we should embrace it. With that

being said, I don’t believe that nursing should involve providing false hope. Instead, I believe in

promoting the patient as a human being and assisting them with strengthening their spiritual,

mental, and physical wellbeing.

The second concept of nursing is health. If you google the definition of health, you will

find that many define the term as an absence of illness. Unfortunately, this is not achieved for

everyone. I believe that health is the promotion of comfort physically, mentally, spiritually and

emotionally. As nurses, we can help patients reach this state by providing comfort holistically.

We can do through sharing art, praying with the patient (if they wish), playing soothing music,

grooming, etc. Watson defines the term in a similar manor.

Personal Nursing Philosophy

The third concept of nursing is the environment. Similar to Watson’s beliefs, I believe the

optimal healing environment is also revolved around comfort and caring. I believe patients heal

best when surrounded by family, friends and other familiar surroundings. Food should be taken

into consideration, providing the patient with modified familiar meals. For example, a Muslim

patient should not have pork on their menu. The environment should be clean and clutter free. It

should be free of obnoxious aromas and loud noises. Light aromas may be used if the patient

desires. Many believe in the use of essential oils. If the patient wishes to incorporate the use of

essential oils, the we should unless it is contraindicated. Stimuli should be kept as minimal as

possible. On the other hand, I also believe that there should be dedicated times for regular

exercise that is specialized to fit the patient’s physiological capabilities and needs.

The last concept is nursing. I don’t believe I could say it any better than Watson stated in

her theory. Nursing should convey empathy through a strong nurse-patient relationship. The

nurse should be attentive to the patient. Not only should the nurse listen to the patient, they

should provide feedback. By simply restating or rephrasing dialect from a patient conversation,

you are demonstrating and understanding of your learning for their situation and concerns. For

example, if the patient states, “I just don’t feel like I am getting the care I need at home. I had

surgery a month ago and they released me from physical therapy. I am scared that I might fall

again.” The nurse could demonstrate an understanding by stating, “You are concerned for your

safety at home and you feel like you may have been released too early from physical therapy.

Would you consider an extension of home physical therapy or inpatient rehab?” Nursing should

involve advocacy and should promote comfort. The nurse should ensure that the patient feels

valued and cared for. Nursing should include involving family in patient care, as long as the

patient desires. Lastly, there should be an establishment of trust believe the patient and the nurse.
Personal Nursing Philosophy

Bon Secours is a Catholic Health Ministry that is committed to serving others by being

good help to those in need (Bon Secours, n.d.) Bon Secours’ values are human dignity,

compassion, integrity, stewardship, service, and catholic identity. I believe that human dignity,

compassion, and service relate most closely to my philosophy. Human dignity is preserved

through valuing the patient and their life. This is done in my philosophy through caring. Nurses

should provide compassion to all patient and promote caring relationships. Bon Secours notes

that being with the patient both physically and mentally is just as important as doing task for the

promotion of the patient’s health. Nursing is a servant leadership and we should be focused on

embracing our ability to serve others while valuing their wants and needs both physiologically

and psychologically.

In conclusion, my nursing philosophy is a holistic based practice that promotes physical,

mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Nursing is centered around caring and comfort. We

should preserve human dignity and portray compassion as servant leaders. The patient should

feel valued and cared for. The care should be received in a comfortable, peaceful, and familiar

setting. Stimuli should be decreased and there should be allotted time for physical activity as fit

for the patient. Lastly, the nurse will promote health/wellbeing through a strong, caring nurse-

patient relationship.
Personal Nursing Philosophy


Bon Secours. (n.d.). Mission.

Catholic Health Association of the Unites States. (n.d.) A Shared Statement of Identity for

the Catholic Health Ministry.


Masters, K. (2018). Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice (5th ed.). Jones &

Bartlett Learning, 57-59.

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