Unit 2/ Customs and Traditions

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Unit 2/ Customs and Traditions

custom Noun ritual / an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a society

or a community
tradition Noun heritage/ folklore/ a belief, custom or way of doing something that
has existed for a long time among a particular group of people

host Noun   male entertainer/ a person who invites guests to a meal or a


hostess Noun female entertainer/ a woman who invites guests to a meal or a

offend Verb displease

willing Adjective ready

pattern Noun sample / design

peculiar Adjective strange / odd/ unusual

bond Noun relationship

several Adjective various / different

suppose Verb assume / expect

occasion Noun event / experience

sign Noun signal / hint

Words with Modals Meanings (refer back to S.B P.23 Ex.3)

No. Word Synonym

1 can capable of
2 probably likely
3 will possibly might will
4 would prefer would rather
5 It would be better had better supposed
6 what is (socially) expected supposed to
7 want to willing to
8 should expect
Phrasal Verbs with their Meanings (refer back to A.B Ex.8)

No. Phrasal verb Meaning

1 take place happen

2 dress up put on formal clothes
3 look forward to be excited about
4 catch up with see someone you haven’t seen for a long time
5 join in participate
6 come in enter the house
7 tidy up put things away
8 look (someone) up make contact with

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