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Adding Details to Sentences

Here are skeletal sentences please add “meat” to each of these simple sentences. We will come

back in 4 or 5 minutes to share out with the class.

Expand these simple “tell” sentences into 3-5 detailed sentences.

Be sure to answer questions like: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, EMOTION/FEELING and
provide sensory details like: SIGHT, SOUND, TOUCH, TASTE, SMELL.

Tell Show

EXAMPLE: On Monday morning after the bleeeep of the bell,

Jan and I walked slowly into A222, Mrs. Bell’s,
We walked into English. and Ms. Hopkin’s brightly lit classroom that
smelled at first of cleaning solution, but suddenly
the salty, buttery odor of popcorn filled the air.
We were both excited because it had been over
three weeks since the last time we actually sat in
the room, and there was a giant bowl of popcorn
for us to enjoy.

1. I walked to school.

2. I was riding in the car.

3. We sat on the beach.

4. I was at the dance.

5. My cat ran to me.

6. I had to walk home.

7. The swing broke.

8. I ate lunch.

9. We hiked a mountain.

10. I read the book.

11. I met my friend.

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