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Reading Selection 1.

The Farewell Sermon
Q1. When and where did the Holy Prophet (SAW) deliver his last sermon?
Ans: The Holy prophet (SAW) delivered his last sermon on the ninth day of DhulHijjah 10 AH (632 CE) in
the Uranah valley of mount Arafat (in Makkah) at the end of his first and last pilgrimage to Makkah.
Q2. Whom did the Holy Prophet (SAW) ask to repeat the sermon after him and why?
Ans: There was a crowd of over 120,000 pilgrims, the voice of the Holy Prophet could not reach out to all
those were present. Therefore, he asked Rab’ah Ibn Umayya Ibn Khalaf, who was known for his loud
voice, to repeat the sermon after him ‘sentence by sentence’ so that the people could hear the sermon
clearly and correctly.
Q3. State in your own words what did the Holy Prophet (SAW) say about the sanctity of the life and
properties of Muslim brethren?
Ans: The Holy Prophet (SAW) forbade the people from taking the lives and properties of others illegally.
He advised the people to regard the lives and properties of Muslim Brethren as a sacred trust. He
emphasized the sanctity of these things by comparing them with the sacred month, the sacred day and
the sacred city where he was delivering the sermon.
Q4. What did holy prophet (SAW) instruct the people with regard of their women?
Ans: The Holy Prophet (SAW) instructed the people to be kind with their women. He said that the
women have rights unto men and men have rights unto them. He warned the people that they had taken
their women as wives under Allah’s trust and permission, therefore they should be provided with food
and clothe if they abide by their husbands’ rights. The Holy Prophet asked the people to treat their wives
well and with kindness. Women have been stated as the helpers and committed partners to men. Men
have to feed and clothe them if they abide by their husbands and remain true to them.
Q5. What did the Holy Prophet (SAW) say about the superiority of one individual over another?
What it depends upon?
Ans. The Holy Prophet (SAW) told the people that all mankind is from Adam and Eve, therefore, no
individual is superior to other on the basis of his color and creed. He clearly stated that no Arab has any
superiority over a non Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor does a black have any
superiority over a white except by piety and good action.
Q6. What did he say about Khatm-e-Nabowat?
Ans. Holy Prophet (SAW) very clearly announced that no prophet or apostle would come after him and no
new faith would be born.

Q7. What did the Holy Prophet (SAW) ask the people towards the end of the sermon?
Ans. Towards the end of the sermon, the Holy Prophet (SAW) entrusted to the people the duty to pass his
words to those who were not present over there and those to others again. He anticipated that it was
possible that the last ones might understand his words better than those who were listening to him
Q8. What was the significance of the verses recited by the Holy prophet (SAW)? One tradition has
it that Abu Baker Siddiq (RA) cried when he heard these verses. Why? And why did the Holy
Prophet (SAW) say that he may not be amongst his people the year after?
Ans. As part of the sermon, the Holy Prophet (SAW) recited to them a revelation from Allah which he had
just received. The verse contained a very significant message wherein Allah informed that the He had
completed and perfected the religion fulfilled His favor unto people. Allah expressed His pleasure in
choosing Islam as religion for us.
These verses bear great significance in its context because it meant that the religion had been completed
and there would be no more revelation thereafter. According to one tradition, Abu Bakar Siddiq (RA)
cried after hearing these verses because he got the clue that the Holy Prophet (SAW) will leave them
In the same sermon, the Holy Prophet (SAW) informed his people that he knew that he might not be
amongst them the year after. He said that because he was aware of the fact that his duty was over after
completion of the religion.
Q9. There is only clause about worshiping Allah. The rest are all the about rights of men and
women and how they should live in the society and their obligations with regard to one another.
Why is there more emphasis on man in the society?
Ans: Yes, there is only one clause about worshipping Allah and the rest is all about rights of men and
women and how they should live in the society and their obligations with regard to one another. This is
because Islam believes in peace and tranquility among its believers. There is more emphasis on man and
their obligations with regard to one another. Allah clearly states in Quran that He wants people to fear
Him. It is now the prime duty of every Muslim to abide by what He demands of them. He demands us to
fulfill our obligations with regard to one another. This should be the main focus of man in the society.
Q10. What do the religious Scholars of today emphasize most often upon? What has it resulted in?
Ans. Today, most religious scholars emphasize most often upon worshipping Allah and not the teachings
of Allah. They do not focus on what Allah demands from them. They create a fear of Allah by mentioning
the punishment by Allah and not the favors He has promised for His believers.
This has resulted in selfishness, chaos, injustice, disrespect and violence in the society.

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