Writing Part 1: Paraphrase

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Writing Part 1

We will use an example task as an illustration:

You have watched a TV programme about scholarship and who should get in in your country. You
have made the following notes:
Who should receive scholarship?
 People with exceptional academic performance
 Foreign exchange students
 Members of low-income families
Some of the opinions expressed in the programme:
“Students have to earn their right for free education.”
“Children of parents with low income are usually more diligent learners.”
“Students from abroad should feel welcomed in our country.”
- Use the task input to help you plan but try to avoid copying phrases from the input in Part 1 Use
your own words.
- Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs. In the introduction, state the topic clearly, give
brief outline of the issue, saying why it is important or why people have different opinions about it.
- DO NOT express you opinion at the beginning of your essay (develop you essay in such a way
that it
guides the reader to the conclusion you draw).
- DO give your opinion in the final paragraph.
- Structure your argument. Each new paragraph has one main idea, stated in a topic sentence.
- Include relevant details to support the main idea: these might include examples, rhetorical

You should write an essay for your tutor discussing two groups of people that should get
scholarship. You are free to use any of the opinions from the programme if you like, but you should
use your own words whenever possible.
Your introductory paragraph should state the topic of your essay and its purpose. It is recommended
to make it clear which two points (out of three) you will be writing about. Alternatively you may
choose to state that in the first sentence of each body paragraph. It is possible to use both
approaches together — then you will have to make sure to paraphrase these statements. Avoid
making your introduction too long — 3-5 sentences is an optimal length for your opening
Body paragraphs are the tools which you use to deliver the key message of your essay. As you will
be writing about two different points it is natural to dedicate one paragraph to each point. You are
advised to keep body paragraphs approximately the same size — both points should be developed
equally well. Some of the tasks require you to choose which of the two aspects is more important,
and to state the reason for it being more important. In that case it is acceptable to make one of the
paragraphs slightly bigger. This can be done both in the body paragraph and conclusion.
Your conclusion is commonly the shortest of all paragraphs. Most students tend to write a slightly
paraphrased version of ideas already mentioned in introduction or body paragraphs. This is a valid
technique and there is nothing wrong about it. It is especially useful when you have exhausted the
topic and therefore you have nothing else to contribute to the text. Another possible approach is to
introduce extra ideas as shown in the example essay below.

CAE Writing Part 1 Sample Essay

Tuition fees have never been low — on the contrary, only the chosen few can comfortably afford
paying their studying costs. To participate in a scholarship programme has always been every
student’s aspiration. Not only does the scholarship spare serious expenses, it also looks good on
one’s CV. In the paragraphs below I will explain my opinion on why members of poor families and
students with outstanding marks should be getting preferences for scholarship programme
Young people from families with insufficient means are generally unable to to pay for their
education. Conversely, children of financially-sound households are more likely to get into
scholarship, as they usually have much better secondary education — not to mention their parents
being well able to cover tuition fees. These facts eventually lead to further widening of the wealth
gap between the rich and the poor, entailing a number of social and economic issues. Such
opportunity inequality could be mitigated by lowering the scholarship requirements for the less
Prospective students with impressive academic records should not be discouraged from continuing
their education by charging for it. Considering their mental aptitude and zeal, these young people
are very likely to become highly-qualified professionals, potentially making an appreciable
contribution to society. Therefore they ought to be eligible for scholarship participation even if they
do not meet other, non-academic requirements.
Provision of scholarship grants is not an easy task. The decision-making system should be fair and
impartial, ensuring that only the most worthy and needy have their academic expenses taken care of
by the government. It is only then we can ensure that the programme serves its initial purpose.
(272 words)

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