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Tl1 ReligioYl of the AYlcieYlt



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The Religion of the

ncient Celts


J. A. MacCullo


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First pu blished 1911

Republished 2007 by Forgotten Books



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About the Book "This book, which appears for the first time on the Internet at sacred-, is one of the best scholarly treatments of the ancie t Celtic religion. Written early in the 20th Century, Religion of the Ancie t Celts includes extensive treatment of that perennially fascinating subj ct, the Druids. There is very little documentary evidence to go on. In particular, e have no actual sacred texts of the ancient Celts, as their texts were tran mitted orally only to initiates, and disappeared forever when the last Druid died. Christianity became the dominant religion in the Celtic area before he oral traditions could become written down, unlike the Vedas in India. ncient Celtic religious beliefs must therefore be inferred from seco d-hand classical accounts, hints from Celtic mythology, legend and folklore as archaeological and comparative anthropological evidence. Ma Culloch marshals this body of evidence, extensively footnoted, so that an au horitative and clea r view of ancie nt Celtic re ligion emerges. MacCullough details the Celtic belief in reincarnation and a otherworld; documents the enormous pantheon of now-obscure g goddesses, including many local deities; and describes totemi ic and animistic beliefs. In addition, MacCulioch does not flinch (nor sen ationalize) when describing the darker side of Celtic practices, including the famous 'Burning Man' human sacrifices, cannibalism and exo amous incest. With so much spurious, flawed and poorly cited information loating around on the Internet about Celtic beliefs, it is important to revie what is actually known about this subject. Hopefully putting this book on ine will provide some balance."

(Quote from sacred-te


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1 3 8 THE CONTINENTAL CELTS 17 34 44 64 85 95


106 110 114

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149 153 165 168 183 192 209


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The Rei igi on of the Anci nt Celts




HE scientific study of ancient Celtic religion is a thing of recent growth. As result of the paucity of materials for such a study, earlier writ rs indulged in the wildest speculative flights and connected the relig on with the distant East, or saw in it the remains of a monotheistic faith r a series of esoteric doctrines Veiled under polytheistic cults. With the wor s of MM. Gaidoz, Bertrand, and D'Arbois de Jubainville in Franee, as well as by the pu blication of Irish texts by such schola rs as Drs. Wi nd isch a nd Stokes, a new era may be said to have dawn ed, and a flood of light was poure upon the scanty remains of Celtic religion. In this country the place 0 honour among students of that religion belongs to Sir John Rhys, whose H bbert Lectures On the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom (1886) was an epoch-making work. Every student of the subj owes to the indefa John Rhys, and I wo him. In his Hibbe Arthurian Legend, school, and tended the darkness, and i ct since that time feels the immense debt which he igable researches and the brilliant suggestions of Sir Id be ungrateful if I did not record my indebtedness to Lectures, and in his later masterly work on The owever, he took the standpoint of the "mythological" 0 see in the old stories myths ofthe sun and dawn and the divinities sun-gods and dawn-goddesses and a host

of dark personages f supernatural character. The present writer, studying the subject rather f om an anthropological point of view and in the light of modern folk surviva s, has found himself in disagreement with Sir John Rhys on more tha none ccasion. But he is convi need th at Sir Joh n wou Id be the last person to rese t this, and that, in spite of his mythological interpretations, his Hibbert L ctu res must rema in as a sou rce of inspi ration to aII Celtic students. Mo e recently the studies of M. Salomon Reinach and of M. Dottin, and the val able little book on Celtic Religion, by Professor Anwyl, have broken fresh g ound. 1 In this book I ha endeavoured to stu in the light of the ea rl ier cu Its by mea e made use of all the available sources, and have y the subject from the comparative point of view and anthropological method. I have also interpreted the s of recent fol k-su rviva Is ove r the Celtic area whe reve r in the

it has seemed legi imate to do so. The results are summarised


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introd uctory cha pter of the work, and students of re ligion, and es ecia Ily of Celtic religion, must judge how far they form a true interpretati n of the earlier faith of our Celtic forefathers, much of which resembles primitive religion and folk-belief everywhere. Unfortunately no Celt left an account of his own religion, and we re left to our own interpretations, more or less valid, of the existing materi Is, and to the light shed on them by the comparative study of religions. As this book was written during a long residence in the Isle of Skye, wher the old language of the people still survives, and where the genius I ci speaks everywhere of things remote and strange, it may have been easier to attempt to realise the ancient religion there than in a busier or more prosaic place. Yet at every point I have felt how much would ave been gained could an old Celt or Druid have revisited his former ha nts, and permitted me to question him on a hundred matters which mu t remain obscu reo But th is, alas, might not be! I have to thank Miss Turner and Miss Annie Gilchrist for valu ble help rendered in the work of research, and the London Library for obt ining for me several works not already in its possession. Its stores are an invaluable aid to all students working at a distance from libraries.

J. A. McCulloch.


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The Rei igi on of the Ancient Celts




sum mon a dead religion from its forgotten grave and to make it tell its story, would require an enchanter's wand. Other old faiths, of Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, are known to us. But in their case liturgies, myths, theogonies, theologies, and the accessories of cult, remain to yield their report of the outward form of human belief and aspiration. How scanty, on the other hand, are the records of Celtic religion! The bygone faith of a people who have inspired the world with noble dreams must be constructed painfully, and often in fear and trembling, out of fragmentary and, in many cases, transformed remains. We have the surface observations of classical observers, dedications in the Romano-Celtic area to gods mostly assimilated to the gods of the conquerors, figured monuments mainly of the same period, coins, symbols, place and personal names. For the Irish Celts there is a mass of written material found mainly in eleventh and twelfth century MSS. Much of this, in spite of alteration and excision, is based on divine and heroic myths, and it also contains occasional notices of ritual. From Wales come documents like the Mabinogion, and strange poems the personages of which are ancient gods transformed, but which tell nothing of rite or cult. 2 Valuable hints are furnished by early ecclesiastical documents, but more important is existing folk-custom, which preserves so much of the old cult, though it has lost its meaning to those who now use it. Folk-tales may also be inquired of, if we discriminate between what in them is Celtic and what is universal. Lastly, Celtic burial-mounds and other remains yield their testimony to ancient belief and custom. From these sources we try to rebuild Celtic paganism and to guess at its inner spirit, though we are working in the twilight on a heap of fragments. No Celt has left us a record of his faith and practice, and the unwritten poems of the Druids died with them. Yet from these fragments we see the Celt as the seeker after God, linking himself by strong ties to the unseen, and eager to conquer the unknown by religious rite or magic art. For the things of the spirit have never appealed in vain to the Celtic soul, and long ago classical observers were struck with the religiosity of the Celts. They


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neither forgot nor transgressed the law 0 the gods, and they thought that no good befell men apart from their will 3 The submission of the Celts to the Druids shows how they welcomed au hority in matters of religion, and all Celtic regions have been characteri ed by religious devotion, easily passing over to su perstition, and by loya Ity to idea Is and lost causes. The Celts were born dreamers, as their exqui ite Elysium belief will show, and much that is spiritual and romantic in mo e than one European literature is due to them. The analogy of religious evolution in other faiths helps us in reconstructing that of the Celts. Though no historic C Itic group was racially pure, the profound influence of the Celtic tem erament soon "Celticised" the religious contributions of the non-Celtic lement which may already have had many Celtic parallels. Because a give Celtic rite or belief seems to be "u n-Arya n," it need not necessa rily be b rrowed. The Celts had a savage past, and, conservative as they were, hey kept much of it alive. Our business, therefore, lies with Celtic reli ion as a whole. These primitive elements were there before the Celts mig ated from the old "Aryan" home; yet since they appear in Celtic religion the end, we speak of them as Celtic. The earliest aspect of that relig on, before the Celts became a separate people, was a cult of nature s irits, or of the life manifested in nature. But men and women probably had separate cults, and, of the two, perha ps that of the latte r is more im port nt. As hu nte rs, me n worsh ipped the animals they slew, apologising to the forthe slaughter. This apologetic attitude, found with all primitive hunte s, is of the nature of a cult. Other animals, too sacred to be slain, would b preserved and worshipped, the cult giving rise to domestication and p storal life, with totemism as a probable factor. Earth, producing vegeta ion, was the fruitful mother; but since the origin of agriculture is mainly due to women, the Earth cult would be practised by them, as well as, later, t at of vegetation and corn spirits, all regarded as female. As men began to interest themselves in agriculture, they would join in the female cults, pro ably with the result of changing the sex of the spirits worshipped. An Eart -god would take the place of the Earth-mother, or stand as her consort 0 son. Vegetation and corn spirits wou Id often become ma Ie, though ma y spi rits, eve n when they were exa Ited into d ivin ities, re ma ined fema Ie. With the growth of religion the vaguer s irits tended to become gods and goddesses, and wo rsh ipfu I anima Is to be ome anth ropomorph ic d ivin ities, with the animals as their symbols, attend nts, or victims. And as the cult of


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The Religion ofth Ancient Celts



vegetation spi its centred in the ritual of planting and sowing, so the cult of the d ivin ities f growth ce ntred in great seasona I an d agricu Itu ra I fest iva Is, in which the ey to the growth of Celtic religion is to be found. But the migrating Celt, conquering new lands, evolved divinities of war; and here the old female influence is still at work, since many of these are female. In spite of posse sing so many local war-gods, the Celts were not merely men of war. Even agriculture as Gaul and Brit dependence 0 flourished the divinities, per attrib uted to t of domestic a worshipful ani to man. Cultu he equites engaged in war only when occasion arose, and well as pastoral industry was constantly practised, both in in, before the conquest. 4 In Ireland, the belief in the fruitfulness upon the king, shows to what extent agriculture e. 5 Music, poetry, crafts, and trade gave rise to culture aps evolved from gods of growth, since later myths em both the origi n of a rts and crafts, and the introd uctio n imals among men. Possibly some culture gods had been als, now worshipped as gods, who had given these animals e-goddesses still held their place among culture-gods, and of these divinities shows

were regarded as their mothers. The prominence that the Celts ere more than a race of warriors.

The pantheon was thus a large one, but on the whole the divinities of growth were ore generally important. The older nature spirits and divine animals were never quite forgotten, especially by the folk, who also preserved the old rituals of vegetation spirits, while the gods of growth were worship ed at the great festivals. Yet in essence the lower and the higher cults ere one and the same, and, save where Roman influence destroyed Cel ic religion, the older primitive strands are everywhere apparent. The temperament of the. Celt kept him close to nature, and he never quite dr pped the primitive elements of his religion. Moreover, the early influenc of female cults of female spirits and goddesses remained to the end as ano her predominant factor. Most of the C Itic divinities were local in character, each tribe possessing its own group, each god having functions similar to those of other groups. Some, howev r, had or gained a more universal character, absorbing divinities with similar functions. Still this local character must be borne in mind. The nu erous divinities of Gaul, with differing names--but, judging by their assimi ation to th e same Roma n d ivin ity, simi lar fu nctions, are best understood as gods of local groups. This is probably true also of Britain and Ireland. But th se gods worshipped far and wide over the Celtic area may be gods of th undivided Celts, or gods of some dominant Celtic group


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des, or, in ';.Orne I bou rids. If it 'See rJ';. ef a people influl!!'no:! of tne ne,1!!'tne sa me , I!!'neiry I!!' in 10CCl a rsss. e g_ thl!!' Soulh of G u _ More I • Ine Ihl!!' v.uiou!p II!!'!!Iim nie'!! of on 100kl!!'f'S nts to a !plmi ,;tv. wn I Ihl!!' pe!,m.anl!!'no:! 0 thl!!' prl mlli'lle I!!'Ieme I In CI!!'IIic: mu have te dl!!'d 10 iceef:! II eVIl.!' wne re thl!!' '!!.a me_ ougn in G have on Iy in'!! rl ption!p .and In I nd on Iv d l!rtOrted hs. Vet Il!!"!!ti n les• .a Wl!!'11 s tne ew:idl!!'n of fol k-su rvlv.als In a reglo n 10 t e !plmILu of '1!!'IIgIou!p phen mena, Thl!!' Dru lds, org,a i'!!1!!'d prl hood. wou Id asslst n f:!'I!!'!Pef\ling Ine ge IvI!!' natu re ·!ppl,it'!! plaO!!' 10 g'I!!'.all!!'r II!!' dl!!'f:!artmenl .an funeelens. Thougn tate them frem Ihl!!' IL Iney neve r q u II i:'Wiu!'!!. tney ga '!!I!!'!'Wiu!!P.had nli:h tne '1!!'f:!'l!!"!!l!!'n i'IIe of .a god WCI'!!sl I I!!'d oVll.!'r.a wldl!!' are. tnO'!!t we,1!!' geds f we,1!!' '!! i,;rs of I!!"Itl!!'ry pla hill. wood. .and I!!'d wllh hI!!' eu II. but Dotn 'I!!' guidl!!'d 0 n god'!!. !PO tnev Del e tn. nowll!!'dg of Ine 1'1 Igne r '!!idl!!' of CI!!'IIic: re ligion i'!! p aetlca IIV .a no dl!!"!!i:' Ion of Ihl!!' Innl!!'r '!!f:!rltua I life has come 0 1!!'1I!p 11-.all!!'d '1!!'ligion in our !Pen!Peof Ihl!!' te rm C:U Ine lsrn, r WI!!"I!!'uoubll!!'d by deef:! '!!l!!'n!Peof sl n Ie wnO'SI!!'!ppl, influl!!'no:! late, Del!!'n so gr a ses of tn !Pethings, Some of I!!'m mu!rt have kn r God. r '!!ougnt .a highl!!'r e ic:.a I sta nd.a,d eha n neh usia le '1!!'o:!f:!lion of Ch'-;tv. Ihl!!' devotlo • .and the c:n.ataClI!!" of tne old ltii: i:hU'i:h • all '!! latle n 0 nolly se OS pasa It. derJi thl!!' Ce 1Iic:i:hu'i:h to aga n lsm wa'!! m.ain II one n adoptll.!'d e II!!'!P'!! .a,mfu I eu n re';tiva I';. in it"; own lou nd i ns ch u rches ins ';.acrerJ well';. to 'Sa int- A ';..jJint 'WOuI

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e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


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Much older tn n .anv hi'!!to That i'!! 'IJII,itt'.!'n n .anv boo Re.ading !Ouch toll!!'r.anO!!' .and III.!"!!!POn Ihl!!' fin!!!' ,!!f:lirll of I

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e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

tna:t Celtir.:-';.p€aleins pee as well as tall anrJ fai -headec B.-etonos, va riou na rnes and crse aspect • nave the character a d tempera me nr, a stnk a';. we II a';. the la nsuase OIT1 tney mi nslerJ- ftn n hins W(J';. ha nderJ dow ich welded d iffer€ nt ';.OC her€ no Celtir.: tongue ect it, and the ';tolid in him';.elt rJue to a folK

leosa re of rJiffu ins I" Hishla ndel"';. or typ€os of Insh n, aelic..· Out a II a ike witne';.'5 to he the Celt'S, wn losir.:aIly ther€ htJ.1T1 the rJay I elelT1ent';. int i';. now osl'olee Anslo-Sa:wn n Celtir.: '5trai

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of the s crt, brar.:hyr.:ep al-

eJt:i';tins there in ~ litn ic timeos, rJ Ao;ia, rhe tyJ:Ie ios founrJ mons the Sia ,in avia, anrJ in rncdern Fra ce in the regie of uvelKna:t';., the O.-etonos,anrJ in LOle.-e nd f:l1!!' n.aV!!!'bl!!'en .a to Und In 1:I1!!'1gi.annd F~ ch a SelKi ca II';. thi';. the • Eu aosia:tic:race, I' nd, entifie-s it with the A.-ya ,a s a vase p€O Ie, Med It.I!!"ta naa n!!'. O!ioe la nguagl!!' t tn inleos tna:t they we themselves an bl!!'fo~ 'I!!'.ai:h g EUrope. who in tu,n V!!!'tneir .ai:qu· d - '!!f:ll!!'lI!(:nto t e P~i:1!!'d Ing masses, L.u r !:ame Ihl!!' I:II!!'I U1,1!!'d Ce e '!!f:ll!!'lI!(:nof Ihl!!' f:lI!!'Of:lleIn Y i:onqul!!"l!!'d, • Ihl!!'!!'pn.alic: peopll!!' frem Ihl!!' l:Ie~. wl!!'~ heir conq ue rors. ne nO!!' 'I!!' ra II .and, • .and IIh Ine Ci!!'~. who InCa!'


and .ai:q i~d hI!!' I.angU,agl!!'0 bV f:I 1'1 110ogl _ Tne Be~ Aq UlIa In • ml -ng genl!!'ta Ily

nq ul!!'~d bv In m ongly ea III!!'d 1Iic: 'tan Gaul. I!!' pt

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


Be!sir.: bloorJ."3I aut befor€ th i-s cenque , t e Celt~ harJ rJ'f min IerJ with the a bori ina I rJolichor.:e.,ha lie: 101 of a u I. I be ria rrs, ed iterr nea nosof Prote~o Se rsi, The I.ime r had a Iy rema inerJ prob.ably Ihl!!' p"uatlve j:lu'l!!' from ad m :w:tu'l!!' in Aq UIta Ina. and ar, :t.=J !Pt e peoj:lll!!' who !:aIled Ga UI'!! by tne R ma . and G.aul'!!. 'I!!' tall a nd fa I,. 1l Hen I!!'t e Ce~ we,1!!' r 1'1 Im'!!1!!'1f !PAVS (I n uding CII.!'~) ntl!!'mj:ll on tne '!! on Roma n'!!, l.<: a 0 'f!llhat Cll.!'lta!' ad tne !PAml!!'Ga u lsh .aj:lj:ll!!'aranee. i.e, ta I a n fa I,. Ca!'!PA"'!! ml!!'nt I at Aquit.ani Ga Iii .and Be ~ d iffI!!" in la n u • In!rtltullon'!!. d laW'!! i!p v.ague .and unsu p rted by I!!"Itldeni:I!!' m.a as 10 la uagl!!' no mere a diffe I!!'ni:1!!'n d la Il!!'tt'!!. Tn ls I'!! a I '!!uggl!!"!!tll.!'dby I e's wo s. Cll.!'lta!'and BI!!' "diffe r .a little- in l.a gl!!'. j) No elasslea I . s.nort. da rk n.aVl!!'bl!!'en ea IIII.!'dI baria ns. witnout 'l!!'!Ppe 10 u II'!!. C!.a!io'!! re not era n lolog· s, Thl!!' shert.!!' hall IYf:II!!' I'!! now Inenl i Fra nee. baea U'!!I!!'t has .alwaY'!! bl!!'l!!'n so, e iml atlng tne tall, pe. Conqul!!',ing C 1t!P.fewe, in n u mber n e bread and II.!'d abe rlglnl!!"!!. inre m.auied or m.adl!!' 1e'!!!P ing a IIi.ani:1!!"!! la with of time Ihl!!' ty of Ine more n u me,o us .ai:1!!' W"a'!!bound 10 In Ca!'!PA"'!!d.aV tn !.ane r preba Diy eutnu bl!!' d Ihl!!' ra II .and e had. noweve,. 1tic:I!Pedthem, Hul da siea wrltl!!'r'!!. wno I r, !PAWthat ~pe only. J u w1!p1t1 ra nee or Ge !Pee!p1'1 I'!!gl!!'nI!!'r.aII'!!1I.!'d ng ty I!!"I!!', L...are, he modifll!!"!! hi!p opinion. D r not do. Ca!'!PA"'!! mj:la Ign'!! must havl!!' dra nl!!'d G.aul of ma ny lIS. Thi'!!. with tn tl!!'ndl!!'nc:y of da rk 1Yf:I1!!'!P 10 Inumbl!!"' In and Cenlra I ,oj:ll!!'. m.aV nelj:l 10 I!!'X la I tne growl ng f Ihl!!' d.a,k type. tough tne tAil. fa I, type fa from u neem-

ne '!!I!!'COd IhMry. a l'l!!'ady eltli: fo . '!!j:ll!!'.aking.a Cll.!'lti I!!'d f' m I reland to A'!!ia of Tl!!'uton le trlb

ntli:ip.alll.!'d. !Pe1!!'!P Ga u I in l.anguagl!!'. and Delongi lner. frem Nonh Gl!!'r !PIIII Ihl!!'V we re drive n ,l' So me HI!!'Igic:uiDe!p c: wo,d !Peldom u'!!l!!'dw·

an to nv Vt 1m

Helga!'.a ta II. I!!'raee wn Ii:h Ihl!!' Po • .and em from Ihl!!' d a Gl!!'rma n le

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

thi'S case 'f not lT1ean euton ic, The fuil" nai r of tn i';. .-e alr;in to the Teutonos- But ma ny su PIJO have r.:allerJ brown nair fair, and the dar na Ily d l!rtl en tne ",· Ga uls and' nd tnei, re I· ion'!! (poIi:1!!'Profl!!"!!!:Or Rn~) dlong In tart tne n.ame!p of Ine I, go I, langu.a_ge!p.a.g,.ain.nough of "A~ n" stoe • t I!!'.ai:holne ran doe!p Ce le from lIa lie. polnling to .a 10 Cll.!'ltli:un ltv. re Ila I· !P.and Celt'!! !Pef:la r.all!!'d .and CII.!' • wiln Tl!!'umn ,a Thl!!' typl aI Ge, differs In manta I a from tne ieal Ce 11_ onrr.a! I!!'.a!rt munuy Te utenie !rt HighlAnde, • .and thl!!' d iffI!!" 1IlY1!!"!!- Cll.!'lts of 1'1!rtO d Iffl!!'r. then. In 1 ry eha r.atte r, gua~, Tne ta II. blo de Tl!!'umn le ~pe of Ine Row gr.a'll'l!!'!P do ls Ihl!!' Cll.!'ltli:~ (a'!!!pu ng that areca '!P"CII.!'II!p" l!!'re nOI ml w 0' brae:ny? roea In in k'!! I I!!'OI!!'Iga!'0' • Kym,i" we rI!!' dolic: mu!rt ag'l!!'e - 1'1 him tn.a the '!!kulk .a,1!!'oo fl!!'w to gen t iron ·agl!!' sku I!p In Brlla In 'I!!' dolli:ho!:e phalle. f:l1!!',ha a ps Ihl!!' aborigl aI type_ B 's " Kym,ic:" '!!kulk are me'!! attlibule'!! I erosslng w· 1'1tne shert rou nd -heads, Tn !PC.anryfer nerallsarlon, hill!!' thl!!' W.alloon'!!. pe,ha ps d o I!!'Ig n.a .a high Ind :t:• .and !:Ome Ga uI'!! of elassi a!'. hl!!'.adl!!'d_ 19
ba rrow!p (e.arly Ceilli: O,on I!!'!rt '!!f:lI!!'i:1 !P !pnowing .affinity 10 NMlil me re nelle (11'10gh thl!!'ir OWnl!!'r'!! we,1!!' S in eh OUI!!'Dy,an D, Bl!!'ddoe thinks Ine n.auo Inforc:ed In msse- 0'!!'f:lha lie: reu 1'1 rnam Ide lirie'!! Ihl!!' lAne r witn tne BI!!' u .al Ga uIi'!!h !P ull!p wl!!'re round, wiln beetll nd Sergi. d I !!!'ga Ing In I!!'I, d 1ff1!!"l!!'nceIn rd :J(. ide nt.ifv Ih m witn Ihl!!' shert Alf:line race ( Dy M, _ M.a I!!' Mighl nOI beth, howe _~~ a eommen st i:k .and Eu rope at d-

n eontaet

qualitll!!'!p nd.anl of to Ine

.aIle:..W.a!P ) dolic:no a ie. but all m, Cellic: ni:1!!'of thls ne



Om.aln_ 0,_ and tn Inks t sors RIpllllY i:l!!'pn.alle:ind i'!! neg.allved !pprung frem

m.ainly I!!'f:lha lie: ).· Belga!' on folk In '!! K~rl). 1 Pf e fl!!"!!· d nigner 1I!p)_ Thi'!! orlgl


Oul do .afl!!' 1'1 nd red !pku ls Ju!rtlfy thl!!'!Pefa Nl!!'aming ee u raess I!!'ndurl g fer thou ds of vea r'!!? At !:Ome 'ltl!!'ry re

lBIB FDlJ'Dllm





with the a .and I!!'nd Gaul!p 0' H!!'p probAbly g notn Ing of as well a'S eved '!!toi:k dlrunl ag tneir eha r tne Eu rasl Ce lu cam book !Pe.a doml n.are f .and

en a Celtir.: tyJ:Ie. a'S an tyJ:Ie- But the Ce It CI~ine';. of Europe and ing olne I"!! witn thl!!'ir Iga!' we re dolii:nocef:l 1'1 .alie:,.wn lie thl!!'ir fa l,nI!!' ne r.all!Ped from Ihl!!' 1'1 ne f:lMpll!!' _ Hut tne 1'1 I ato,1!!'.and colo u r of ha I .and a short, d.a'k. d.a 'i!!l~. a'S well as In n '!!tl!!'ppe. Ihl!!' nYf:lOlne ·'!!tl!!'pplng Wl!!"!!tWel rds. d with 'S1!!'IIe sea ls, n r a nd wldl!!' may .alread 'IJIi.a!P fro m ·tne V!!!' f.a,

classes. of .a pu re r elassas m.aV n.aV!!!'1'1 .and I,i'!!h te:w:u II!!'II I!!'d !rtOd. In Ire la n pll!!' on wnom Ihl!!' 1!!'1t!p m'!!l!!'lw!p, Wh Ine i:r.adle of Ine "Ary.a ms elear to some. men wnO'SI!!' Arya n V!!!'po!PS.e'S!Ped diffe,1!!' Inning,·

in InO'SI!!' It!p i pre'S!Ped t I!!'nl!!'don s, I!!'ni:1!!' thl!!' ut in ruth i'!! .a 'Sf:l1!!'1I.!'C I ty

It!p bl!!'fore !ioI!!'nlngout raes. l!!'V!!!'nif tneir eommen 'Sf:ll!!'een.In!rt common hle IYf:II!!'In Cll.!' .alre.adv m I I!!'d Nl!!'ollthic: fe Ik of frem Ine u m 1:w:1!!'d Ceilli: raeia I ty as fa r a'S uAge. custem. and b Ce hle I!!'le nts f:I,l!!'domin.a11!!'dIn Gaul prod esd fu rthl!!" p.a~lit.n le steek, dolleheee phallc I le 'SWeI rtny olk (H'Oi:a '!PCll.!'1t'S), Tn tne Goldl!!'l • Wl!!'re .a f:lMple of mi tne I!!'eoml ng Brytnon!P. I with thl!!' T uton'S, Hl!!'nc:e.among shert. d.a, • broAd· neaded HretO shert. d.a,k .a eemmen


tnev gaVI!!'I 'SIJeech an character tney nave type';. are asse rtins thelT1';.eIve'5-

!rtI!!',n E u rope, Inte r " I I Eu rope prod uesd unne re b t Inough beeh rea d on e en othl!!" I f we,1!!' eonesrned, 0 tne ole Ihl!!' e 'l!!'!Ppeas_ Tne Cll.!'1· mlgr lion Inm ling wiln de!ioc:enda t'S of Ine old la ns .and Llgu rlans, a brae yc:ef:lha I· n the first Cll.!'ltli: .a ,!p n Hrita In. es, though probabl 'I!!'l.all I te!rt of wnom f:I eba b - -spsa king folk or Ine , dl!!' !.aIL f.air 0' rufeus ign la I!!'n. Hign la n dl!!'l"!! of Nors.e de!ioc:enl. rs, Irl!pnme n. a nd We sh me ··the,1!!' ls na rrow· neaded High la Cll.!'ltli: faell!!'!p. Ihl!!' rasu fold Celtli: ehara ,i'!!t~ f:lOWl!!'rfuI impress Ihl!!'m!Peivl!!"!! n 'Sui:h v.a,ied f:lI!!'Of:lle!Pn spi of Ine Cll.!'ltii: lncemers. f:lMpll!!'!p bl!!'c:.aml!!' ie. an Ce

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

II -Sl'olrien a Celtir.: lansuase a d exh i it the -va n ity. bq uar.:ity, excita bi r ,fidri I ness, ntic:, fide lity, attach ment falT1i unlry. ~ ligio'!!ity p.a!P'!!ing 0 Iv high deg'l!!'e of !Pe:t:ua me I of by elasslea I OD'!!I!!'NI!!'r'!!_ hI!!' in ltia I p of old In de- Eu'o I!!'.an'!! I!!'II!(:I'I. f:l1 and, f:l1!!',ha f:I!P,Cll.!'ltii:f:I ~ (Lat,!!') ps. rlci, ·Ine dwellers by thl!!' '!!I!!'a.·A'I!!'i:lu • "bV bV the Clyde_ I,i'!!h aeha I,. anx ay. and L.uln patsr .and plscls, P eecu ring bl!!' WI!!'e n sora. ·'!!hl!!'l!!'p. i!pfrem!!'ta .fer." r, n.angl!!'look place DeW'1!!' Ine oider ed 1:1 ir.a n In Ihl!!' tenlh cenluty 1:1 ,C '. b ns WI!!"I!!' III In co t.att, !plni:1!!' utens bouowe Te .g, GOln I f.aitg nI • mou nt.ain. from Cll.!'1tic:pe e He ~n Info st. Tne 1o'!!!P mu!rt have eceu r~ I!!'rtne !Pe nIne Goldl!!'lli: grou p .a funhl!!' eha el!p f:I'l!!'!Pe d In '!! und 'I!!'P~!Pentl!!'d bV Llu. 0' me I!!''!!imp Ihi'!! w.a!Pc:.angl!!' in p bV thl!!' rema Ining i:online aI Cel • wno h tham In Ga I. S aIn. Ita Iy. and l:I,ir.ain (tne 1:1 hens] erds Dec:.aml!!' Tne 1:1 11-h Epldil i'!! from G.auli'!!h e pos. Of'Se.· nlm p lsh em (LA _ I!N:I u !io), ne PC! rlsil ta kl!!'tnei, na me f' Qa rl II. Ihl!!' r pic:t,aw:i Pola- rs rem Pic:to'!! (wn Ii:h In Ihl!!' plura I!!'rlved fro qui Tnl!p c:n.ange lOOk pl.a!:e anI!!' Brita In I tne h i:l!!'ntu ry 1:I.e. On thl!!' olhl!!' ha nd. !POme ~ga Inl!!'d thl!!' powe r of f:I'o ounc:in Ll- In !PnOI c:n.anged to f:I• .and a Irl dW1!!'11 on ng '!! eaIII!!'d Ihl!!' Llu n L Thi'!! assumes Seq ua a WeI'!! f:I'l!!'. • f:lo!P'!!ib Llgu l.a ,~) Pfofll.!"!!!POrRh9s tninks. Wl!!'VII.!" that lbes, iden Ifll!!'d im witn Ca!'Sar's Ce 1Ia!'. exl!rtl!!' in Ga I and Ih G.alli. and had P~'!!I!!'NI!!'d Ll In their s II!(:'1 , 1 '!! II as earta In na mes wllh Ll I Sp.ain, 6 Tnl!p i:1!!'n.ain. I at G e ic: Cll.!'1t'!! tne q grou p eceu ied Ga I .and of 'I!!' 'I!!'.ai:hin 1:1 rll.a n nd I~ land, Irl'!!n ltad Ilion .and leaI rm thi'!!_ ~1 But W et e, Ihl!!'lr de!iocend.anrs we,1!!' 'p~'!!l!!'n d by 1!!'1Ia!'·mu De n rta ln, CII.!'~ .and G.alli. aeeerd ng to .and Ine '!! me. ~ an must have Ine sa me ge eta I -I

b,okl!!' .a


l:Iul f:l1Ai:1!!', Go

ea rrll!!'d
in wn Ii:h i'!! In Old I Pic:to nes ·Ph:u"). inva'!!ion i:onll nen GauI Ihl!!' it'!! DAnks Cll.!'ltli: Goidl!!'lii: De n To Ine m at lea'!!t I Sp.aln De dat.a een

WI!!"I!!'on !ppel!!'i:h_

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

rJialect';. of GoirJel ic ';.p€er.:n-lris , elic, an co tinental Goicle ls--prese I"\I'IerJthe e of '!!f:! eh- Ga uhsh, Breton. Wl!!'kh. eo,ni n·· tn Pla!p. f:!1!!',ha con neall!d with I e p. ps nes se nd. wno. Ihl!!'n. WI!!"I!!'Ihl!!' Pirt'!!? A 0' ng to P ofe!P'!!o, P ·A!p.0:"31 but tnev must n.aVl!!'b n nde, tn influl!!'n Ce !P. Dr. steM 'I!!'garded tharn as Go dek '!!f:!I!!'.akl .a Goid B nonic: form'S_~" Mr. Nh::hokon t Ink tnev p !ioe rved tne I ndo·Eu f:!- )j Bu I IhlllY B nonic: g,ouf:!. .auiving ea rly In ne mers P,ofe!P'!!o, wi nd lseh .and to Ihl!!' Btylhon!p ratne, eha n to Ihl!!' mbling tnO'SI!!' f We lsh ratne, tn.a o

t of the 8 rytnonir.: f:!l!!'ech of ad Ihi'!! f:! hIllY were a rytnon le lea with

In tnei,

Idelle: eecu poIlion bV Ine nintn i::1!!' ,!!!pltl!!',ide!p"(.a wo,d of Ihl!!' q grou f:!ill!d a,ir.ain first.. tnev m.aV n.ave w Ich pial!pn Inv.adl!!'r'!!wou Id eha ng Pr aIn.· Prlda la's 1!p11!!'. 1!p11!!' I I!!' or of un ertyins the Greelri np~lriai H 0"01 01" Pir.:t- h Isle-s,en nse may be due to continental p elt trarJin W the Pir.:tiosnoccu pation wou IrJ a he tact tn Pir,:to;who ca me to trelan rJ Cruitn est certa inly arJopted GoirJelir.: OSI'


hI!!' n.aml!!' e Goldl!!'l'!! O1it.ani'!!. lsh ·Yn'f!io o' ousn the

re calle rd 01" Pit:ti, I'ema p'5 from QUicto Iris nsrave .... , )j r.:ame a se e ral na me fer tn i';. p€01'1e. Q narJ b ha nsed into p on h ntinent.: he ce I·Picta'l'iI' 01"- Pir.:tone-s,- l'the ta rJ men, these no nSl"averJ~ I"e-5 on their borJieos, a';. the Pict';. c nai Iy rJicI. i';.p0'5';.e ed nd driven

zm I FlllJ'Dllm I Boou n



inwmins 8rytho nosa nd Be • they ene rnles of ROlT1e, In 306 EUlT1eniu'S descnbes -(aledo ii anrJ other Pitt';., I' while 'SOIT1 of the tri ';. haw B non le na mes 0' na mes wiln au lish ee n.a a. pel"!!onal name'!! In Ihl!!' pi ish i:h,on" II!!' I-.)~ n.aVl!!' Bl"Ylnonic: afflni II!!'!P If thl!!' pi , Colu mba's n~d of .an Inll!!" ,I!!'t.e, whl!!' P eh Ing to Ihl!!' I!!'d_~9 L.all!!'r Ine pia!! we,1!!' e nqul!!'red I I h Goide ls, tn Sc:oni, nowew,. mu!Ol a Iready n.a mingled o' pso IIIl'!!and I!!'k. If Ihlll'!!l!!'we,1!!' .already in B,itain. a n I y m.av n.aVl!!' dOf:!11!!'d I!!'dno n · eusrems tne a be I s, an Ihl!!' oth r ha nd. Ihl!!' .a'i:n.all!!' '!!~m'!! .alone lime 0 n.ave be n 1Iic:..a nd II V haw b~ n no more .a c:on'!!l!!'rvativl!!'!Pu in th P lsh ,0V.a1 he wa'!! ekl!!' I!!'re, ~ Brllon!p • as wl!!'ll as Il!!'donil. h d ing. II wa'!! f:!telaisl!!'d by t Sc:oni ( 1'1 !PC.a d .an d n-e nd Ihl!!' D rhens dVll.!'dtnem'!! Ive!p wllh whill!!' what Tattooing, intlng, mA'ks a ppea r on'!! n o and sear Ing Ihl!!' body a re va rletie!p one gll.!'nI!!' I m • .and litt I!!'stress "d on piCIish lattoolng.a!p Ind" tlng a tel lal Iffl!!'re nO!!' It'!! urpese _ .a!ppea of fie i:l!!'nlll'!!!p. may n.a bel!!'n orn.aml!!' or possi Iy 10 Imf:!.a re ekl!!'whl!!'re 0' thl!!' f ures mAV n.aVl!!'bl!!'l!!'n101em marks . as t !Pe'!!!plng fI.a ng ha I, Ihl!!' de!pi: 1f:!lion of thl!!' Ca II!!'d enil, a pi lsh peopl • a nd mig IV limb!p. '!!hoW'!! that Iney d- red frem tn herr, da rk p ·Ce 1I1e: folk, .u


f:!,oble m m U'!!I rama In eb f:!hilologl • .and I!!'tnnologlsts, Ou' nowledge !PC.anryf ,tne Intl!!"f:!'i!!'t.allon of Cll.!'ltli: religion 10 know Ih t tne pla!p offl!!'red !!!' fo,1!!' w.a, -a a I! thl!!' Ce 1I!p,
!II Ce 1Iic:"k Ingdom" wa!p in I I!!''I!!'gion ine. tne Elbe • .and tne D.anu I!!'.whl!!'n:! tion of Ine I, Ce 1Iic:!ppeei:h s a d 1!Olin baea me known to thl!!' G I!!'ks. pro f:!Mple. ne Hype rborsa ns- ·Ihl!!' folk Wl!!'lling b ra lns wn nee aoraas blll.!'W··witn wn m Hei:a ide ntifl Ine m, Dut Ihll.!'Ywl!!'re now own as c: ile I'GaIat~- wa';. used a'S a ";ynon cenru ry -C- .... Tne n.aml!!'gll.!'nI!!'! lied by tn

punle to anti ua rlas, lerlsh re ligio ls too ffeaed bV it, Bul we 1Iic: eustem, nd had


n tne U ppe waters Diy In NMliln e:tlml!!'!p ngu.age beg n. Hl!!'re

e zm n

IIfZ(I!Im ;11


1'.51 ra:tiv€ .-e t:t€rJ territory, until befor€ 300 e, .lincluded the e ritish





• Ul!!'lgiu m Holland. n uit.e'!! 'lIl'Itolt.ed. e,1!!' as tne G.alalian !P'!! f j:llai:l!!'·na mes, o compound na me'!! et wllh in U,ir.ain. d mou nt.ain na me'!! r.ange of Cu mt.e rd for tnei, in ne'l!!'nl ··(]ree. (]rev.a. eti:, Iry ove, Ihl!!'l r d not prev.ail frem .a la rgl!!' pa rt of Ihl!!' d a lest Celtli: I!!'po'!!. in 10 Gl!!'rma ny• .and rna ny followers. 10 ~6 Mytn lea I as Ihi'!! I!!'en II!!'f oVll.!'r other , 'l!!'!rtI!!'d wllh Ihl!!' bic:.alu!P, Some '!!ui:h I world • .and It wa'!! ,ie'!! of Celtli:i'!!1!!'d ar gatherings of a II .al In i'!! lime. 0' u I. Iney must n.aVll.!' If II w,a!P n!!!'VII.!'r e s rded as an ldea I bV ntra I flgu re ,ound V exi!rtl!!'d In Gau I. I!!'011'1I!!'rtrlbl!!'!P• .and oppo'!!ing 10 Ihl!!'m of tne Sue!P'!!ionl!!"!!. land the "hlgh king" unity of Ine uit.e'!!

SIIlgOVll.!'!pu'!!. w I!!' fer on!!!' trlbl!!' or

I !P!ioervlng as .a Ilis d_ Thl!!' hlllgl!!'m I!!'d j:loWl!!'r OVll.!" I!!'Cll.!'ltii: un ltv wa'!! in tne ha n bmlned, I~ In I

zm n FDlJ'Dllm


The rJiffu';.ion of the A rnbicatu le,genrJ recall ins the lT1'J'lhic:8.-eatne'5';. the past, he Boi i and lnsu bri Ira nsa If:line Gauls for .aid bV 'I!!' ind Ing tne ters. ~ No, would Ihl!!' D'uid!p it 10 Infu I!!'inlO Ihl!!'ir f:luf:lil !Penliml!!'nt of natlena I gtl!!'atn!!!' _ For Ih - .and for ether ,!p. to wnom -tne '!!ove ignity of II Gaul - 'IJIi.a!P a watcnword. endl!!'.avoured 10 '!! f:lf:I'l!!'!P'!! m. ~j Hut Ihl!!' Ce tn widl!!'ly '!!!:anl!!'red I!!'VII.!" 0 ferm 1 rnmf:laCl I!!'mf:lire_!U Tne Ro I!!':Il't.endl!!'d if grad In Ihl!!' nseleusn !P of it'!! po'Wl!!'r;tne it'!!I!!' Ihl!!' Cll.!'1t'!! .an em pl,1!!' 0' und r on!!!' king wa'!! m.adl!!' Imf:lo!P'!!i e In migratlens and diffu!plon_ ThI!!'I, unity. sue as II 'IJIi.a!P. wa'!! til ,lIl'Itolt of Ihl!!' Tl!!'uton le trlbl!!"!!. nd Ine I, ubjugatlo n wa'!! Rome_ Tne drea m'!! of wldl!!' e mp I!!'re m.aine d rea ms, Fo r Ihl!!' of tneir wlgou,. have Del!!'n a r !:e of d,1!!' mars, their c:onq u lime'!!. tho!Pe of Ihl!!' ,!!f:lirll r.alhl!!'r an of thl!!' iled fl!rt.. Tneir su i:on!pl!rted in Impartl ng 10 others ,i'!!tic:'!!; org.ani'!!1!!'d n VCI'!!t em pl,1!!'eeuld neVIl.!"De Ine I

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


ir.:h ~';.jJ'" su InS Ul' the Ga ulish ietty the rJ Me.-r.:u.-y; of him • an rJ th re,ga.-rJ h i .51'5 the invente ...of all lters, anrJ .51'5 po'»e'5';. n,g great influenr.:e 0 r h ilT1th wol'"';.nil' polio and Ma rs, J uppit ey hold ur.:h the ';.jJ e be lief-_;.51'5 orne ...nati rva reach ';. the e Ie nrs of ind U'5t.-yand t war, , , , All the Gaul'5

... r s, e '5

arsain';. and rJ Minervapolio neals , Juppire ... rt that they

be se n in this c a pre ....the au 1'5had ma ny ethe r an ,god'5. by wnose a me'5 ~';.jJ'" ca lis the Iv on I a pprwt:i ely co 1'0nderJ to thelT1 in calle by the n a es of tnei own sod ';.tn cse of Pel'"';.ia,anrJ Baby nia. '50 the FtolT1a'5 identifie Greek. Teuton ic, anrJ c 80rJ';. with tnei - rhe id ntifir.:atio wa'5 '5eldo complete, a nd often e e ded on Iy to rncu la funcnc n ...attri bure But, .51'5 in Ga u I. it wa'5 n 1'.51 of a IT olir.:y. nd there t e fU'5ion of It'S wa'5 inte nderJ to the power Oru irJ The Ga uI seem to h 'Ie adoprerJ f;:olT1anci iii ticn e(J';.ily. have cq uiesced in the p ';.'5of a';.'5ilT1ilation of t e i...d iYinitie';. to of the ... cenque .-.;._Hence have thousa nes .a god ea lied Ihl!!' na me of thl!!' Ronun deity I at.l!!'d a d bV 1'1I!; n Celtli: a ml!!'··Ju pile r Tel ra n I!;. lmes to e na me of hI!!' Roma n god is add dl!!',ived f m a Ci!!'ltli:!!'·na La rss. wllh 1'1Im'!!l!!'lf.a e '!! 10 wnom tne ehara stus, Cu II!; of
er.jn seme

rely nat nwrmed

'!! aldl!!'d by name ee- 'l!!'!Penll!!'d ea rry a n tlve d !\rIM '!!~bol. or. in few cases. I!!',g_11'1.11 0 Ci!!'rnu n nO'S_ u!; thl!!' at Tn paganlsrn bl!!'fo,1!!'Ch'- l.anitv a ppe.a,1!!'d In Ga L

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

,god'S re Ga u I'S, nrJ

'WOr; W€

ilJlJec:I a';. sucb, n fi rJ ther€ al'5o t

Diy In Gaul ma tne arts, of n dl!!'nllfied witn

l!!"l!!'nt namss, god'!!_ ~ar'!p I nef'\I'CI,!!. Mars. god'!! eemmon I god'!!. !;Ome :w:a ln.atlon of m -II '!!how how


name dl!!'rlve god e:w: 1I!d. es cia Ily In thl!!' reg of him n.ave DI!!'e fou nd in .abund dl!!"!!ign d for Ine Af\I'e,ni who h D~ml!!'_~6 Me'i:u war. I I!!'natlvl!!' god'!! .a I!!'plthl!!'

M!P. "bea r. p,
!P'!!O' R n9'!!. he

Wl!!'kh -'. • f:llou wiln a ,ic:u ltu'l!!'. Cultor at Wu a'!!!plmi Ml!!'l"(:u • .and Ih of 'ltl!!'g lion d I wiln t e !Peed e
had n

II!d !.and.· as If )~ Tn ls i'!! '!!uf:lf:l bl!!'rg_ teeal I!!'I"(:U A god ry. '!!wlnl!!' wa'!! a f' Inille!p In EU'0f:l ,n 0' bu,ied In
d animal arne

I!!'of thl!!' god' II!d bV .anolhl!!' '!! of .agrli:ultu m,n·'!!f:li,it or !Ponl!!'n mixed 11Iy_Tne ~ine a re tI'f become an o M rcu ry, pe rnaI'';.


a nth

morpn i ,god of fertility,

e zm n


• '- =-i.. ,<",.




in flock-; anrJ herds, Such a sorJ great alT1on,g the Celt-; a';o an

Comml!!'l"O:!. u!:hd geds wnog .a,dl!!'d wnere tnei, transa Yo,k'!!hire. tne god of roads I!N:IU.a1 Anolhl!!'r go fa'!!tl!!'ned 10 ldentlea I wit

.a ong tne led Ga u ls, gave ,isl!!' to a god 0' • ic:n m eha nt'!! tr.aVl!!'III!!'d .and DoUnd.a,ie'!! 1.a!:1!!'. !:I!!' WI!!' n.aVl!!'.an In!:oC:rlj:llion from H nted !P.and paths. - whill!!' a nothl!!" lmiaeinus, !i3I ech, who draW'!! men bV eha Ins ied in tueia n witn Heracll!!"!!• .and is ue nO!!' and '!!j:ll!!'lI.!'Cn important .a,1!!' this god has mo,1!!' Ilkl!!'nl!!"!!!P 10 !:1e!P.G rel!!'k writers '!!j:ll!!'.ak of Ing

SI!!'ve r.aI Idl!!'nllfied

eu Ito'l!!'. we re tn us
Me reu ry wa'!! !POmetiml!!"!! wor·

of tne god. Du mias, bl!!'lng een, mou nd. Irl'!!n god'!! we,1!!' alse

M.anv leeal neallng and ko In.a Ible • .and tn I is !pU Dotn In 1:1'- in .and wnlch giVl!!"!! wo,d!p come!p alse I lsh grl round bonfl I!!'!Pin "Gr.anno ml .- whi fatne,; e. my

110Dotn in his c:.aj:laciry of god of I'IJIIO funaion'!! a re not lneempatGra n nos. god of tne, '!!j:I,ings I!!'na InI!!'nl. I!!'n.ame is !:onnl!!'Ctl!!'d witn .a '001 urnlng.' -'!!hin Ing, I!!'tc:.. .and from wn I!:h I!!'god I !rtlll 'I!!'ml!!'mDe red In a eha nt su ng !pneaf corn is '!!I!!'t on fire. .and c:.alll!!'d II!!' !pIng, Gr.anno. my f,iend; Gra n no. mv of tne, !pprlng'!! w.a!PBOfVO. nOlhl!!" me is d ,ived frem bervo, wnen!:1!!' WI!!'I'!!h d with tne bu bbling of thl!!' !Por Borvo !iohow that tne offl!!'re rs

Thl!!' n.aml!!' B lenes frolT1 beb-';o, bright, name of a !tic sun ,god, e

a. but ma Inlv in Aquill!!'i.a. come'!! l'the sh inins one.· It i';otn U'5the 0110in tnat character, It he i';othe

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou

by Geo:ffrey

r.:1a~~1 writers ny I'lar.:e an in'!!!:,iptlon!p sh Tne pia nt Helin j:loW'.!'rs, 66 Thl!!' into Iho!ioe of h


I, 6~ nrJ he, too. 'WCI'!! .agod of h Itn a nd of I!!'.all ng·!pprl gs, 'IJI\a!P c:.alll!!'d.afte, him an ve netate for Iu ne ling d's fu naion'!! of liglu and fl!!'rtility ea ily p.a!io'!!1!!'d !\ring,. as 0 u r !rtudV of Ci!!'ltl fI!!"!!tN.aI!p I '!!how_ Ma ponos. con neal!!'d with wo,d'!! de n la nd .and G.auL eq u.ared IIh Apollo D.a! In!ilC:rij:llion, Mot e, god Mo ns 0 r M euerlvll.!'d frem Mayo. -to i crease." .a d '!!uggl!!"!!t!P tne ngth, may De a ferm of I!!''!!un·go • Inough having Del!!'n.a'!!ky.god, 61

of Mcn...,o tn 64 hi';. fro..., the Continent, an he ios afre me nrlcn much late.- Au';.On ius OSI' leos of h ios riesr in Ga nal na meos point to the I'Cl'ularity h i';. r.:ultJ


Ul!!'d to bV !:I.a!io'!! Wfi rs, pleder !P!ppe.aks 0 1'!!lAnd of tne H ~l!!'rDo' ans, ador ed witn tne clrv wne re tne tam 11!!'!rtOod.a d it'!! ove !P." .and everv ninetl!!'l!!'nt 'fI!!'ar Ihl!!' god a ppe da nclng in thl!!' '!! a 1'1 I!!'!pprlng I!!'quinox, 6~ Thl!!' - e ntlfl!:atio !Pof Ihl!!' til.!' wiln SlOne nen .an of Ihl!!' BO'I!!'.ad!p with Ihl!!' B rds are qu h~potnet Apolloniu'!! '!!aY'!! e CI!!'II!p'!!!'garded Ihl!!' 'lJl\a1 rs of Erida n s as dul!!' to II!!'.arsof Aj:lollo· j:I'o Diy a native mVlh artrlbu -ng Ine!:, lion of spr and ,ive rs 10 Ih II!!' of .a god. I!!'quatll.!'dbV tn Greek'!! w 1'1 Apollo_ ~ Ci!!'1ti!:'!!un·god. !Ph Del!!'n'!!I!!'en.wa'!! .agod of 1'1 .allng sprl 1l1e!p Ci!!'ltl!: wa r·god'!! ar of 'I!!' preba Diy trlba I d ttll!!'_Soml!!' of Ihl!!' names '!!how that wa rrlers, e.g, C.atu,ix., " a ln- ·j:ll!!"ha ps mea n Ing ,,1~ Anolhl!!'r na me. Rigi a of -king.llke," Ij Tut.ali'!! a re found in lnse may bl!!' ide ntlfll!!'d wllh tionl!!'d bV him. i'!! regA,dl!!' n Ihl!!' c:.a!ioe we shou Id h hem Tne !ioCho li.a!rt on tu

j:lle Ine ng'!! ne

I!!'r.allyequ red ,dl!!'d.a!p Il!!'a Ing I!!'!ioeod'!! g re latu·Cad ··a nd

-likl!!' to. - glve!p

T.ata n ls and E!pU ,godos- 11 Had Ih mere In!ilC:rlj:llio '!!

Ij:llion!p f,o ea n '!PTeu as one of h,1!!'e panve l!!':t:j:ll!!'CtI!!'to find nv n Idl!!'ntlfl !PTe utate!P ow

e zm





i';. ame i'Scon netted wi teura, "mae, I' sa erJ a'S the elT1borJimen of the tribe in

as a na me con neail!d Ine Irl!pn wa,·god Ne ntlnl!!' Inserl ptions, has pe rn.aj:l!Pseme e n!:l!!'rt.ain whethl!!'r Cu

with Irl!pn ni.a. Anolne r god. nd figu'l!!'d on nnl!!'tllon with al w.a!Pan I,i'!!h

god of mah. • .and bl!!"!!ide'S , e-s- IIIiOUPl-u, rhese 'WOrti'S, of tn i';.sorJ, ic:n tn e rJrin k

of in
sorJoverned heaven_ A So who carrie'S a her, a ,god of thunrJe.-, callerJ T a rani'S, piter, The 'Sun-sorJ witn the wneel wa'S n euuete Apollo, to nave re presented Itic: su n-,god'S orJ';. nealin,g, In some ca ';.the ,god with ney were ';. else a erb It, a nd on some a Ita ,ded ir.:aterJ to un el"bolt are fi,gu red, M ny races nave wheel an a n a'S a r.:i eo wn el, a nd an olrJ f;:olT1a n , Surnrns nU'S, cd, later a';.'5i rJ to J u.,.,ite.-, had a';. h i'S emblelT1 a 1i'SIT1, u';.erJthe and eel ';'Ymbol a'S narJ the r re';tiYa I';. blalin,g wne 1'5, ';'YlT1boli';.i ns o';.'5ibly the sorJ carrie a tn undel"bolt lieverJ tnat li,gntn in,g w ';.a ';.parl; from

Th.-ee rJiv n ities sorJ h ham E';.u'S Si anu';. d iffe nt i'5t ,


that t ese

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou

bly the Tal"a 00';. and ';. eq uated - h J uppiter, ;t9 rhese rJ witn eltic: '!NO rJ';. 101" -thund ....; he nee Tan i';. iosa n tuca n idenlify him ow witn J up Itl!!''. now ntlfli:atl n is su pport.e by nunv w 0 'illga rd itn Ihl!!' .amme, a' ones ara nI'S.and Dis ater, tnough it ea nnot Ih god with Ihl!!' ham e, i!p Tel ranis, an one lnser lion tne lied SUD.!'II !P;hane we may reg,.ad T.ata nls a'S distinct ed. I!N:I ua d witn J f:!f:!ile r, and sl bly 'I!!'f:!' I!!'nted bV I!!'I!pn lall!!' Kulh h. ~
Tal"a ios mentiD ed by
ucan i';. I'l"CIb

of in cnpriens, scmeti

O!ioeonly I!!'.af:!on nd 1001 w,a!P.a '!!tOni!!'.a:w:1!!' ha mmer, 0r 'illga d it a'S.a 'S~ Dol fO'i:I!!'. then of 'Suf:!l!!'rn.a1 I fO'i:I!!'. d 1'!tlnilY_ It ls rspr nli!!'d 0 re nuin'S of e SWnI!!' Ag mbel to hI!!' M Iypn of NI!!' r 10 Ine d Cn.aldl!!'.an!pTne eu It Ihl!!' CelIS. a 10 nunv denote .a I whic:n ha mmers lead. or rs .and !:OIns, and thl!!'V


Hi!p e Ihl!!' Et Cll.!'ltli: eertai like s.e

!rtrlkin and d

ham me, i!p a gta leus Dearded igu,l!!'. dad I Gauli!ioh I!!"!! alse a up. Hls .a!Ot.ii: tyPI!!' ls d rived from I .al of Ine ls, 'ule, the un erworld • an d hat of H.adl!!'·pluto. ~~ bl rns, es In.a of Ine 1'1 m me,. are .a thO!ioeof th pluto of u eans, wi 1'1 who m ne Cll.!'ltshad bl!!'l!!'nin onlaCl_ 09 He ls thus a i a Ie r• .a unde,wo Id god. 'S!ioibly one Ime .an Eart .god and at Iy.a god 0 fl!!'nllity. nd anee r of Ihl!!' Ce le fol k, In 'SO I!!'eases, ls, ne e uil!!"!! a lus on ls neAd • .and hfs, likl!!' tne uf:!. is .an f c:hlho iAn god'S. nd a!ioY bel of Ine fe Ilry of Ihl!!' sei Tne god I!!'voll!!'nt.his ham t, like tn 1001with wh 1'1 man ferm uld on bl!!'.a!ioYm 01 of a atlvl!!' forD.!'_o!oII A'San .ani: god i!pn tu 'I!!' '1!!"!!l!!'nte in Cll.!'1tic: re _In one basd 11O'!!. d n.a!P.a nsert. N nlO'!!velt.a_o!-, .a,iou'S mea n ng'S have a . I!!'d W "SueeIIO'!!. but it reba bly deno !Ptne god's r of -In tne mmer, o'A,boi hl!!'ni:1!!' reg,.a,d hlm a'Sa of bllgnt .a h. IlkI!!' 1:1 lor. I!ICo Bu tnough his Celtli: oi!p d of tne

liYerJ on in the underunrJerworlcl 80rJ wa';. th to rth. anrJ he wa-s atse

';. not nee

wholT1 01" f


a de

m whO';.e

nil ity- To t


ls '1!!'j:!'lIl'!!l!!'n~d on .an .a a ps "Ihl!!' ho,nl!!'d." f,o god'!!. with !plmILu 0'

e is c:.alll!!'dCe rn un.a wnole ,ouj:! of ave afflni les wllh

ernsd. no pre!Pents .a 10'Llul!!' ls ea rs .a,1!!'two sma II nead'!!_ t.iI Lluattin norned god. pre'!!!plng saek, I!!'rpe nt, hill!!' one of Ine m helds 10'Llul!!'

I!!'nrs a simi ar figu,l!!'. '!Pne.adl!!'d '!! rpents, Fnumenl f,o V.andO!'u res I'!! .a 0 ge n Ii ru d De!pldl!!' 1m on a

) Mot e, '!!Lluatting norned I\g tol1:l ue lms, P'IIl'!!!Pe!P D.a.g,. from .a I 1'1 gta In e,!!!:aj:!I!!'!p. nd a 'I!!' fl!!'ed ng, A tat iHl!!'pre'!!l!!'nted tne j:! Imenl.abo a nd A 0110 .and MI!!'rl:U ry, su 0 thl!!' a r of s..alntl!!' god wiln tol1:l ue a nd la, a nd .a sma ller d I\rin rn ueopla an flgu rs. '!!uj:!j:!onl!!'d bV m.ale d I!!'lIie !pldl!!'of Ine .alt.a,_"3Il an I!!'.alIA' of !:lea u ne .a Ith .a i:o,nui:oj:! e r tn e· ne.adl!!'d. u rss. one fema Ie .and n!!!' go i!p th'l!!'l!!'·!!'d. tne erh n.a!P.a o,nurnj:!i.a. I!!'rpent.

rs on .an .a
on o:w: nd '!!tag • .and on e" her !pldl!!' ls a sq ua .a goddl!!' an a ppll!!'_ • ls 'I!!'pre'!! In ree fig old Ing .a .alt.a,_

) Mot e r image '1!!'j:!'lIl'!!l!!'nrsa d_~ !Pon a a Ita r frem a I m.aison i .a block To De omj:!a red w h Ihlll'!!l!!' .a I!!' !PeVl!!'n rej:!'I!!'!Penl In ree m Reim!p. eaeh witn .a Ie faO!!' bUI only on!!!' pa I, of I!!' AboVl!!' Ine'!!l!!' ls a ram's hl!!'.ad_ nan ighlh '!!t1!!'1e e hl!!'ad'!! I!!'sspaI

may In us n.aVl!!' bl!!'e god. wllh .a to'LlUI!!' .an

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm


is sometimes a me rnbe r of a triiJrJ Cemunno';. wa-s a'»OCiarerJ witn oth the -sa me a';. the hornec 80rJ. thous Tne va rleus rel=!'l!!'!i.enlatlon!p are IIn are va rylng ryf:Il!!'!P one god, H 0' s, of uipll!!' hl!!'ad may have been '!!~b ls though ge!n!!!'raIly A"!!!iOC:lated witn CII.!' nu

,Tn eB

l'.-e'5entin yth';. in whic:n tn ree-h d rJ 80rJ may be une a Ita t y sre rJistinc:t, rta In In.n .all

Tne '!!quatting .anltudl!!' of Ihl!!' god afflnitll!!'!p rega rded now as Budd 1'1 I god I'!! a Di'!!l=!ate'. and Ihl!!' anO!!' I g d of Ih Cll.!'lts. - ls Mowat points out. 10 '1!!'1=!'l!!"!!l!!'nl hi whl!!'n '!!ittlng" !pln!:1!!' thl!!'V did nOI u!i.e I!!'a !ioYmbok of I=! WI!!' , and wo,n alse 0 c: aI!PO!Pnow that tne god WA"!!.an .anI ro god. likl!!' Ihl!!' wolf·!pkln of othl!!" god _ H n I!!'aI '!!!'garded as '!!~mbol!p of tne god • .an ehi Ihl!!' Re lms mon uml!!'nt,!p a divin ltie!P wn 0 we re Ine I, a nthrop hl!!'.adl!!'d!i.erpenl 1=!0inlS to hl!!'.adl!!'dand ho,ni!!'d god'!! i'!! enigma I!:. ugn. have bl!!'l!!'ncon neaed with .a !:ult f t e dl!!'.a • while I e !:hlnon lan lll:l TI'Ie!i.e geds '!! of fe rtillry n wo,ld of Ine dl!!'ad, While Ihl!!' ur'!!1!!' inre rc:ha g ( !:o,nu!:ol=!i.a) w,a!P.a !ioYmbol of Me as 1!PO.a'!!~ Ihi'!! may I=!oinl to Ihl!!' faa Ine '!! 0 bl!!' ,it had I!!' as pluto, Thl!!' '!!ignifl!:a nO!!' of tne I 'iI:! doubrf I. offl!!'red torq ues 10 Ine geds • .and th V of thl!!' w,auio,',!! '!!ul!!'ngrh wn 1m pas d wl!:tor l=!'l!!"!!l!!'nli!!'d iI, Tnough rna ny .alte rnpts n.aVl!!'been a Ihl!!' tn reI!!'·neaded d I\rinitll!!"!! 0 r of I e I, Ihl!!' eenceptlen shou Id n01 be CI!!'It- b Tne CelIS had a eu It of 1'1 nead • a o,dl!!" to obtain thl!!' protsetlon of Ih wa rrlors had .a I=!'otl!!'ttive influl!!'n how thl!!' hl!!'ad of thl!!' god Bta n '!!av I'!! ceu myth';. huma n head-s -Sl'ealr;afte.- be OS U bl!!'en belleVl!!'d Ine ,el=!'l!!"!!l!!'n

ini!!'d• .and It!p _ 16 But If Ine


as M,

of tne Gaul!p I!!'re preba Diy s, ~ tnev m.ay ea rlier anima I .ak would be ir 1=!'I!!'!i.en!:1!!' on d be!pldl!!' Ine

n later. it may rpenl wa'!! .a of Ihl!!' underDII!!'with Ine of Plulo. and

lti!: origin of

e rea'!!on whV
ow lost to us, hem up n heir houses In Bodie!p , I!!'.ad!p dl!!'ad of d or trl nd mytn Mid tV from n '!!ion, In other go: II mlgh I us ea'!!ily have d's 1'1 a '!!till more

me m



influe n



loolr; ins n a II d irectie nos,like J Thl!!' !Pig Ifh::ano:! of Ihl!!' triad on Ih tne su p rtlng d I\rinitil!!"!!are ow m II proba IV 'l!!'pre!Pents mytn'!! f whi tne o:! n I flgu re_ PI!:!!P sh gods, 0 tne wholl!!'. as Cl!!'r un nos em DII!!' • .and bV tne co, d I\rlnitl of fe rtillrv- In i:=1!!' goddl!!"!! '!! witn cornucopia ur. .and f:ll!!'r .af:l!P prei:=l!!'dedhim in o'igin god of buada nO!!'and fe rtil at 1'1 and unde,·e.ann fl!!'rtll;tv pring'!! fro m bl!!'iow anether form of tne Ce 1Iic: Ce rn unnos are not fou nd (Di'!!f:la ) .a,1!!' rnest numereu . Th ferms 0 DI!pp.lll!!'r. Tne !ill:! ua Ing Im,agl!!' Ihl!!' .ani:=l!!"!!to, f a o of:ll pll!!'nry. know pi ute !Pco baea us cern .and rnlnara ls e me 0 nh or u nde r·l!!'.anh ged.

Ie. now fe nu tne nomed II nOI be f.a, .a god of aDU neld bV hls ses flgu res of Tne'!!l!!'nuv WI!!' nuv aI!PO nO!!'an Earlh a i:=htne sa ml!!' I 1'1 '!P'!!urfAo:!. Tn

godwa'!! Ing '!!ui:=h by hls prob.ably

rnunnos • I!!'I!!' In I'!! In artn god. I • .and ould bl!!' agl!!"!!of n.amml!!" I!!'d Iff 'I!!'nt lees I n nos ls natu al in thl!!' As, Ihl!!' '!! mbels of I tus, ne god of rlches, t of Ihl!!' I!!'.anh. nd 'I!!' Ihu Ihl!!' gift'!! 1Iic: mvth m ne !PAml!!'

On .a P.a i!p alia rand on o:! n!Ole s a god .anad: .a ser Thl!!' ser nt i'!! a i:=hlnon lan .an rna I. dIne god. ea IdS. DI!pp.l11!!' 1114 God'!! wno .a,1!!'anth pomorpn le . d I\rlnitl • '!!ometime'!! n.aVl!!'t e .ani als as '!!~mbo regA,dl!!' as ho!rtlle te them, In !PO eases Di'!!f:la tne !Pe' I!!'nt '!!~boli'!!m. tne 'f:ll!!'n being '!!!'garde assume tne god witn Ihl!!' e uD i!p Ine !PAm n.amme _But in thl!!' c:.a!Pef C o tne an lma I DI!pp.l11!!'wa'!! a god of g'oWl and I!!'nllity • .and b unde rid of tne dl!!'.ad. n n arllv a d.a,k ds as ls !POoftl!!'n bV w,iters 0 of Ihl!!' lilting_ Thi'!! rely have ies, lT1en came to t e su ce of the ea

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU

.-esiDnJ lilrie II tn insos wnO'Se roots ';t r.:1ri dee IDrd of the u derworlrJ would then eaosi be er a nd the r.:u!' sre a lsc e 'S'J'II'I M, MoW.aI with E!pu'!!.l~ a god :.Ie, A!l:1!!' and ha mmer, no and Ihl!!' !io'tJ su may n.aVl!!' wolf·!pkln. w dl!!'.ad_lM Th '!!!'garded as .and oflhl!!' n.allw Di'!!f:late'··lhl!!' cuf:l and ha mer, a I!PO.a god 0 fe rtillry. tne,1!!' wa'!! ne,1!!' nOlhl!!" II wood!p and atlen, Thl!!' cull of Ih god .a Ga u I. Ihl!!' Rn M prow:ince!p. C1!P.alplM G u I. Cl!!'n OM Inscrlp - n givi!!"!!Ihl!!' n.aml!!'Sll.!'lv.ano• .and - i WCI'!!.a god Selva n us, If so, hls a me !ioelva. "pess !P'!!ion. I,i'!!h '!!I!!'.albn.• pos ssien.' b~ n a i:hlh god of ,ic:ne!P. wn Ii:h In f:I,i of i:at!le, ~ me'!!tlc: .anima ls, in Celtl mytn eeme from I!!'god '!P land, Selva n us u Id t u SIIv.anu!p.a of fIock'S_

of a ,god r.:allerJ ~!ioent.'.!'d i:uning nOI nei:i!!"!!!P.a,iiyI as t.el!!'n '!!Jeen, us and tne Ci!!'ltli:
WI!!'.a, ic: wolf totam-ge of In ighl '!!uf:ll!!' assiml tlon 0 '!!till kef:ll earta In ~bo I Ur'!!I!!'.!!ince tne!.a I!!'rw.a ' k witn Silva n us. wide'!!f:I'l!!'.ad··in p.ain. S I EU'Of:ll!!'.and B'- in, 1:1 u not imf:lo!P'!!ibll!!'In lIne n.ave t.el!!'n dl!!''- d f,o

le DI!pp.all!!'rhad va rleus n lens and eou Id a'!!!ioimilated to diffe'l!!'nl I!!'.anh .a,I!!'!PO l!!'a,lv con neal!!'d. In I'!!d ni:1!!'havl!!' b~ n a a,lie, E.anh· motn t, wh god. and as ui:n pe!Ptook Ihl!!' pi now baeam hi!p eonsert or hi'!! motn numl!!'nt from lsbaeh eu ra. hold Ing a b '!!kl!!'t 0 Di'!!f:late' ls a omf:la n led by a gcddess fru II • .and 0 anether mon u me nt fro bam. tne i:omf:l n Ion 0 Di'!!f:late' he s a eorn ueopla, In Ine !.at! Di'!!f:late' hold'!! .a and i:uf:l• .an tne gcddess m.aV t.e raeu r.a ls a I'SO.a yl!!'t !:e rta In wiln Di'!!f:late In '!!JeW Inserl ptions, ral Ci!!'ltii: godde s, but hI!!" f:IrI!!'!ioeni:1!!' wll thi'!! e d nlly Ci!!'ltli: god i !puffli:ient p of Ine fart, Sne may tn '!! rspr nl Ihl!!' old E.ann· who!ioe f:I!.ai:1!!' I!!'n.aINe Di'!!f:late' grad u Iy usu r

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou

ment- n';. a ,god Eosu';.,who is represe nterJ 0 down a tree, the branches of whic:h a e a Ita r, on whic:h is represe nterJ a b I . Thl!!' sa me figu,l!!'. un n.aml!!'d. oecu ls i:a'!!l!!'Ihl!!' bull'!p .al=ll=ll!!'.ars I in ird _ M. Re lnaeh .a1=l1=l111!!'!P one formul.a 10 iw:i e wood hl!!'ws thl!!' Trel!!' of I I!!' wnole 'l!!'pre'!!l!!'nt'!! seme mvrh unk D'Ar In II seme allu!plon to IIl'Itl!!'nt'!!In tne eLl we '!! all retu n, 1 Bu II and Ul!!'e .a,1!!'pe,ha ps bOlh d 1'111 .an I!!' IlkI!!' t e lma I!!"!! fIne d !\rIM DUII. i'!! Ih,1!!'e-hernee. tel (g"ata u'!!.· n ') may be .a 'I!!'bu!p fer Ih,1!!'e-hern pro bly tn I!!'·h aded (uika rsnes]. j l.<: In In ls CCI'!!I!!' mlgh a II bl!!' I!!'I=I I!!'nUINe'!! of a god of vl!!'gi!!'t.alion. I .anim I. 0' .a al 'l!!'pre!Penutlve!p of tne god we,1!!' 1=1 to I!!' sure f nil • bUI whl!!'n thl!!' god baea ml!!' '!!I!!' I!!'dl!!'wuaion or !playlng WCI'!!'I!!'g.u .a a saer 1i:1!!' 10 !Pa ro'!!l!!'1I!!'IIing how ne once '!! Ih u II. 'I!!'.ally ide ntieal, would bl!!' m 1'1 ea I god whom tnev once rel=l'l!!"!!l!!'nl If i:1!!'rel=l'l!!'!Penli!!'d by a uel!!'. Ihi'!! woul 1=11 ea rel.all!!"!!.huma n !,Wi!:e'!! E'!!u!p to '!! r'!!hipped at P.a,i'!! .and .at T~ve!P; a ,.tE!PU'!! WCI'!! nd in Engla nd; .and pe rsena I na me!p II tsus, .and E un rtu!P. ne wno has Ine '!!ul!!'ngrh of E'!! • .and Sw te,1.a nd. 1U Tn us Ine cull of Ihi'!! tatlvl!!' e'!!I=I'I!!'.ad_:1 ut tne,1!!' i'!! no evldl!!'n!:e 1 nor a m bsr. wllh Teulatl!!'!p a nd Tel r.ani'!!. of i!pui.a • In ,odui:i!!'d by G.aul'!!. 'IJIi.a!P .ai:i:l!!'pted ~ ne D'uid'!!_ nOI gtl!!'at trl exl!rted. some in'!!ta nO!!' of Ine Oi:C r n I!!'of In in erl ption would earta Inly have bl!!'en f u d. d ds as a nor as god'!! of all Ihl!!' Celt'!!. 0 I!!' n of on '1!!'1yon thl!!' fart that Ihll.!'Y we re wo 1'1 p d witn we re .a1=1 re ntly mere 0' less wl!!'ll· k 1=1 a n lees I go

1!!'111Il'Iti!!'d seme of tne I, geds IN that h r such a bl!!'lll!!'fWCI'!! ntana Ini!!'d by Ih e !P 'I!!' worsn 11=1 on hills, like tne Pu ped -rJen of ounta in worship a mon,g the..,- One i ou nta i os-; a ,gorJ of the Pe nnine Alp'S. P~nin u •

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

the ,god of the 'V 0 ';8 in the ,giant su ppose

mountain'S wa'S calle to ha U nt the rn, l16 on the ri,ght . n!p,.unle'!!'!! I.- .and C.a'!!!p1

perJ 80rJ';o,Oii Ca'S';.e';o were wOl";.h i.,.,ed b RnInil.!' • but notn Ing i known reg,A,ding Ih d god'!!. Tne n.aml!!' I!!'.an!p"bea utlfu I- 0' appsars i rsenal .and trlba I n mes • .and a I!POIn ea name of itain. f:!1!!',ha slgn Ing tne nll.!'W ps bl!!'.aulifulan Iho!Pe Ihl!!' Celt'!! n.a len, Wnen II n w.a!Pd Ihl!!' MI!!'L'f , tr.adl!!'r!p ea lied IlLWO[TtP::II:; .afte r Ih whl!!"l!!'il ppe'. - w.a!P!PO lied ea lse VI'Ol"!!hif:!f:!I!!'d, Wne WCI'!!foun • II 'IJI\a!P f:!1Ai:1!!'d nd , tne proteaion u of na me of ml!!' divin l!Ped ,ivl!!'r 0 who!Pe ba n k'!! tne f:!a'!!!Ped 10 I!!'w:illage 1I!Pe1f. nd In d I\rinity bec:.aml!!'Its a HibtaClI!!'. ma U'!!u!P .and vasto • 'I!!' tutelA, divin llie'!! a nd Va I!PO Ine r plaees we,1!!'ea ed anl!!'r Bell!!'nO'!!.0' .a u! Ih atres witn a 10ea I e itne!. 'lJl\a1i:hl!!'dove, Tne fou nd n of a town wa'!! cell!!' .all!!'d In an .annua I fe and Ilbati 10 thl!!' proteal ng d ity. a f:!taaice eomba I!!'lgntn D.!' I rv. Bul tne i:u'!!tom f assoelatlng .a d Ivln ne If:! 10 PAI'- lsm, Tho'!!l!!' wno fe y we re flgntlng fer I I!!'I,god'!!. who a I'SO 1f:!lion'!!. "re tne gll.!'niu of Ine f:!1Ai:1!!'." eceu r I eas of tutelA, god'!! I I,i'!!h tl!!'m. bUI ge ne l.ace, It of goddl!!'!P'!!1!!"!! took dessas, tne lattl!!', ui:h more n u me,ou!p ual goddl!!"!!!Pe'!!WI!!"I!!'wOBn 1f:!f:!l!!'d een as ena lille!p• .and in Ih lAne r c:.a!Pe thl!!' i:ult III me re popu lar 'IJI\a!P cult of grou ped Ihl!!' II ke seme ind !\rldua godde'!!!Pe!p. we re pr '!!ince tne prim llive I!!'nllity·i:ult'!! Ini:luded up as - i:!\rlll'!!.alion" !pum godde!P'!!l!!'!p d mighl tne more 'I!!' d Ily become di'llin lti . Ma ny ind !\rldua I de'!!!Pe!pare known 0 a .,u.-ely lor.:aI ch rscter, ns Soml!!' 10i:

'!!I!!'ttll!!'ml!!'nt I god. 0' Ine WCI'!!f:!1Ai:1!!'d. 0'. Tnu'!! Dl!!'a

raets. N lmes,

of d Ivinilll!!'!p. In d l!rtrla. l1~ lin '!!ac:rlfli:1!!"!! s.. Eiol In Ine

I !P.aint'!!had

grouped god'!!. Ind· I !Pef:!a r.all!!' I!!':Il't.endl!!'d. Ihl!!'


I!!'!p,Of tne!Pe e.a,1y Eann· I mlght Inen Iready m.anv II.!'Claetan!p or I

I!!"Ltl!!'n f o

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU

I!!'quab.!'d Ith ne r, ·ta ughl tne n tne arts." I'!!tn us tne eq u I\ra Il!!'nl of tne IrI'!!h n kel!!'f:ling wilh hI!!' positlon of wonun as tne fil"!!l r ultu rs. !pplnni Ine art pott.I!!'ty. etc_ Du rl ng re i:hiefly WOr'!! ipped. and though tne Cll.!'lts I lIi'IIe ruge. sue eu Itu'l!!'·g ddl!!"!!!ioe!p '!!till reta InI!!'d ess I!!'quab.!'d wi M InI!!'f'\I'CI Southl!!',n!:e .and I rn f:I!Pfrem q'ltal. ' 0 burn" 0' "shlne." Ul Hl!!'nce '!!hl!!' I witn.a cull f fi,l!!'. IlkI!!' 'igit .and IlkI!!' .anolhl!!" 1'1 Mine ath .and in HI!!'!io'!!I!!'.nd in wnO'SI!!' a u rned_ lli Shl!!' '!! a I!PO.a de'!!!p of hOI !pprlng'!!_ 10 Ihl!!' Mers.ev ill and nu V godde'!!!ioe!p In Cll.!'ltli:

I!!'wa, goddl!!'!io'!!l!!"!! f:ll!!'!P itn Ine Irl

tena (in B,it..ain .and n. .and Catn u Dod ua. ar-geddess aa b·i:atn.a.· nle·c:row." who to,1!!' 1 Anolhl!!'r godd !io'!! r.a • "lnvinclble," f:l1!!',haps And a f tne VOi:oni:1!!"!! WCI'!! Of'Sn f:lf:Il!!'dby Ihl!!' peo pll!!' of w a rlfli:I!!'!io.IlkI!!'the .alivl!!' l:Iello of tne Srnrdi'!!i:I, U~ '!! ide ntifll!!'d

asseelatad wil sa me as Ine

!Pwe,1!!' sa rlfli:1!!' as made la I .a!pldl!!'fer I!!'VII.!'ry ated IIh DiAna. @Vl!!"!!_ T 1~1 I!!'fore!rt w "fu rio !Pho!rt· a '!! '!!f:l1!!'k'!! of a "d Ihl!!' godd Ihl!!' fer

Ith Artem ls In Ga latla, wne,1!!' '!!hl!!' _ AI tn fea'!!t of Ine 1f:lf:lI!!'f'S fl!!'.a!rted a nd .a • fl!!'.a!rt and sac . ice being rovldl!!'d oul of monlllY I ra ken In tn ehasa. 1~6 ne r goddl!!'!io'!!e'!!we,1!!' n rues w.a!P I!!'woved in en rtsrlan godde!io'!!l!!"!!nu have bel!!'n thought of as 'u!Pn Ing n attenda nt tr.a n. !ioin!:e In I te, timl!!"!! Dla na. wlln Ie Iy assl mll.all!!'d bec:.aml!!'. Ii Hold.a. Ihl!!' leade, of I!POof wit.c:hI!!'!P' I!!'VII.!'I'!!_ T e Life of Ca!'!P.a,iu'!!of n~ • ea lied Dia n.a tne 'u!rti _ A b,ontl!!' rulul!!'tt.l!!' !P ding a wild bea • m hI!!" '!! Dol a nd. like hl!!'r'!!l!!'lf .a • t at an ea rlier iml!!' ilSl!!'lf divin Iry of wnom Ihl!!' ropomorph le f m.

1 I n FDlJ'Dllm


• the ea diel" ';opirit'5 of iarerJ witn ,god'5 of

lJ.-at€cterJ rN"€'-';' anrJ '5 ring;.,

. Oirona 01" Sirona i'5 a cciete the f;:hine province , and i

r n.aml!!' ml!!'.an!p ·thl!!' ng·INI!!'d" an sa rtn ·godde!io'!!_ A d in'!!i:=,iptl at Pi!!"igUI!!'UJ(. ls pe,h may alse have bl!!'enan sa rtn· Ihl!!' lees I de!io'!!l!!'!pe'!!unna .a V chI!!'_ H ls rntue .aI !PO qua na. m with aor namena In E.a!rte,n " :.:. 1:1,.:.:... Ine eonsert of Lu:.:o us, god ether go dl!!'!io'!!l!!"!! tne 'lJll.a11!!'r'!! fou d of are WI!!"I!!'f:l1A I!!'d in or M.a, them, I!!' Rom n wiln Bo e. we re tne I!!'qui'll'.a nts of t su rvlved nIne 'lJll.all!!'r·,je!p of at.l!!', fol b '!! 10 rna ny rlvll.!'rs In ne Celtl m Abnoba. godde'!!!p Ine se , Dive!p from Divona. c: OIA wa'!! g I!!' "bl!!'ne.aln thl!!' IUi:=ent tne Yon na. SII.!'q uana f thl!!'

d ya In. u", rh U'5 thi'S sodde'5 111rv.f:ll!!'!Pan sa rtn merher 1 Ihis would bl!!' .an a p roprla I!!"!!!P.SUnna. menlion d In a nding 0 r .abld Ing one.· nd Ihu n nos wa'!! alse a'!!!:OC:1t.l!!'dwit. e g.aVl!!'tne I, na me!p re mpll!!' of thl!!' god d!!'d Bo,ma n.a in an geddess • .and Wel!pn ·'!!h p." DI!!' I!!'w.are rs of Lu:':I!!'UII. ames 0 n e:.: voto!P .and plaq U !Pwhic: mpn~. '!!ometime'!! .a late Cll.!'lth:: 'lJll.all!!'r·godde'!! s, wn lil!!'f_ So me ,iVl!!'r·godde ses ga a ··tne numercus A ns be I of tne na n Ube • .and dl!!"!!!P Ihl!!' Clydl!!'. Sa ,in.a n.a of " of tne Sl'l'Itl!!'rn. tea n.a 'IJII.a and Sinna n of thl!!' Sn a non.

ses fore!rt'!! we,1!!' ru

lana, and thl!!'

Abnoba. UoI- Wh lie wllh .a god. I!!'.g_aes ined !ioI!!'f:la r.are. like E an .anim I di'll'in Irv. a nd known om In Ihl!!' most !rtrlk Ing in'!!ta nee ls fou d In tn

baea U'!!I!!' tne ma ny of sses .a,1!!'known onlv 1!!',i:=U in Ea'!!te rn Ga ry !Pa ,ive r-goddass me lens as a nor'!!l!!'·god d g uf:ll!!'d goddl!!"!!!ioe'!!_
ta kl!!'n a LAlin form a

d In rna ny in'!!i:=,iptlon G.aul. DCo In art thl!!'V a a rea. '!!ave in E.a!rt and Nonn· 'l!!'pre'!!l!!'n d as tn reI!!' in n Umbl!!' • nold I it... fiowl!!'r'!!. a eorn ueo infa nt. T WI!!"I!!' thus godde of fl!!' • and preba bly dl!!'rive a 1'1 person Ified_ Sne i:=ult of g'I!!'.a1 MGtne r·godd su rviverJ ';0 a ,godde';.'5 8e.-er.:ynt perJ at A uru n, wne.-e h

usual la, or a


frem .aV ha


zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

borne eQuared wBritain, m s.-adually h


D.lgdA. wh

Al!!'tacuta. e
holding a b

neaded !Pe' MAlre'!!_ Du Berei:~lhiA 1'1 A VI!!' been tnrel!!' A!PA e '!!I!!'A!POn'!!· I .!pp A goddl!!'!P'!! neai!!'d,1)'311 HAlhors in Fatl!!'!p.and '!!oml!!'llme!p In Ihl!!' Moll tne mest originated i A goddlll"!!!p newfunal others are

promote tertiI" or a';. the sorJrJe-5';.e'S ersh i.,.,ed by men on an isla nd near 1JOrJrJe-5';. ben i d many relisiDu'S, but lie wa'S raken an Eartn-god, he Celtic Ois.,are.- 0'I!!'godd !P'!!bl!!'i:ame_ Sne V tne'l!!'fore be thl!!' pia. n mon Uments tne norned god. 0' atl!!". 'A geddess on mon Ume nt AI Ej:linAI nd A e rnucepia, a nd ae omj:la n Il!!'d bV a ram '!p. '!!~ be !Pnow that tn ls de'!!!pwa'!! Akin 10 tne '!! j:I'lIl"!! f\I'I!!'d hl!!'r ind I\rldu lilY. as in Ine c:.a!Pe of Ma I!!'!P.ho gh it I'!! nOI qui t elsa r wny !Pne '!!hould Iy m Itlj:llied A sl milA' pheno I!!'non ls found In Ihl!!' PI!!'r'!!l!!'j:lhon!!!'. ill!!' thl!!' Cll.!'lts regA,dl!!'d w rim lIi'11e diw:ision tne vea r inm tn reI!!' r- -ma V nAve had it'!! effea In uiplic:.aling Ihl!!' eeurse of ne seasons 'IJIiA!P eenrou ps of In ree go dl!!'!P'!!1Il"!! found. thl!!' A'I!!' ens, and Gta Ia!' f G,I!!'I!!'Ce.Ihl!!' ROmAn it ls noti!:eAble hat Ihl!!' Matre!p we rI!!' And Fate!p, j~ of fe rtillry a nd Ie ntv. WI!!' nAve on!!!' of itlvl!!' A!PpeCl!P Cll.!'1Iic:religion, Thll.!'Y CUIII'ltAIi!!'dIhl!!' g'o nd, And Ine Eanh wa'!! j:ll!!'rfo, I!!'d by j:I,ie!rte'!!'!!1!!', Bul in eeurse of tlml!!' d on tne Matre!p, Po'!!!p1IV ,Nl!!'r·godde!P'!!l!!'!P And wnO'!! fu netiens nAve eeme spscla li!Ped_Thl!!' gUA iAn!p 0 ind l'ltld uAk. fAm III s, houses, of town'!!. A II!!' nA ion. A!Ptneir e pllhl!!'t'!! in n!pcrlj:llion'!! !Pnow, Thl!!' euseh Id goddl!!'!P'!!lIl"!!; h t Matre!p TreVl!!'ta!'. 0' tne ethers of T,.}vlll"!!. f Ihl!!' GAllAu.. of thl!!' etiAle'!! 'I!!' guardia ns of g' ve!P,De!pldl!!'!P j:I'lIl"!!idIng mpe r~ thev brought rO'!!j:ll!!'rlry10 mwn!p And men, !ppei:iAlly in en lid I rth. as e:w: VOIO!P j:I'ove. Ak In tne J Unones WOr'!! ij:lj:li!!'d alse in GAul And ddl!!'!io'!!e'!!. a II a IlkI!!' bUI

MAIre'!! Do GAllAu..o Vi!!'dIAnlll; t over thl!!' fll!!' peOj:lll!!',ll] And in Ihi'!! Brita In, Thl!!'

Popular su tnrel!!' bon

hlll"!!l!!' godde'!!!Pe!p in Ihl!!' it.e Woml!!'n. met by






irie';. 01" W


of talk-ta les,

who a pp.eal" at the birth of harefu I has';., rhe Matre';. a rJ oth bl!!'nefiu!nl f.airll!!'!pof reeks a d 'SI' ,ic:I'u:!!p houses. or E!O't.I!!"1!!'111!!' to P who watcned OVll.!" meade erhers. In Gallo.Roma n H f.a, it 'IJI\a!PIndigll.!'nou!p ther Ma mau. "Ihl!!' MOlhl!!'r'!!.· and of a fa Irv benl!!'dic:tion. may f:!'l!!"!!l!!'no:! f !plmil.a, gcddess o of Ine M.aul!!"!! bea ring a en II virgin. whl!!'n fou nd .a~ldl!!'n agl!!'. thl!!'V are known as vie Ch,i' 'Sanc:tua rlas, M.anv !pilI!!"!! hl!!'re an imagl!!' of thl!!' i w Ihl!!' ImAge preba Diy being th t Maul!!'!P at Va l'Son ls now dl!!'dI a

es they nave bewme b bly 'Survived in the A ondl!!' who brought men fru Irfu I. 0' A,il 'SinI!!'. vl\rla na. and ls fou nd. bUI how ame for falnl!!"!!. Y

itac:ulou!p1y fou nd·· ,Iy. an .alt.a, 10 Ine

eed Mothl!!"_"

In In!pcrlf:!lion'S frem Ea'Sll!!'rn a na n u be 'I!!'gion. Ihl!!' Mauon ind h::ative of godde!P'!!1!!"!! IlkI!!'t I!!',g_tne M.a,nI!!' or Meyrone. wiln rivers, Thl!!' MOlhl!!'r rive Ihl!!' eha r.aae rlstle of tne who Akin alse 10 tne Maul!!'!P .a,1!!' in .a fll.!'W In'S!::rlf:!tion!io; Ihl!!' gu.a,!pn If:! 0' po'Wl!!'r; Ihl!!' Ihl!!' na me'S of ml!!'di.a:!v.alfolk of Ihl!!' Maul!!'!p• .and 'Signifh::an in Gaul .and l'l!!'l.and_ ll~ Thl!!' and Ihl!!' Quad rl\rla!'. godde'S!ioe So me god'S .an:! foun natlvl!!' dl!!'itil!!"!!_ II.!'Y may ha Tn Ihll.!'Y had f:!1!!',ha !::omf:!1 ps ml!!'nlloned by ~!ioCI r• .a,1!!'I!!' 50iJturn witn Arva lus, and war, UQ Ag.ain. m.anv n.aINe r lion'S wiln ut I!!'lng eq U.all!!'dwith f:!11!!'d I I!!'G uk a'Snew gods, or bV !ioimilar n tive gods, OIhl!!'r'!!. not natlvl!!' d Juno wlln Cllv.ana. ';. vowerJ ';.poil';. of dl!!'itll!!"!!on

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

inscri iD '5. Ap;jut from the d jyi ities of PyTen not be C Itic:, the names of over 400 native rJe· Ftoma ,g '5 01" net, are known. Some of the-se .and m of tne god'!! are of .a I I eha r.aae r, nether, Only ln a w:ry f:I ow:r Ine wnole Celli .and l'l!!'l.and wll

ions, who may r eQuaterJ with me re epithet'S, bV on!!!' name. that .agod w,a!P seme god'!! in I!!'rt.ain !ioimilar Iv

I!!'on of tne i:onlinenl I Celt'!! w.a!P.a rll!!'d on , Ttaee!p of thl!!' grlcullu ral ,ile'!! • .and f thl!!' prlo,iry goddl!!"!!!p 10 gods, are the vagul!!'r .a!Ppects f:I,imitlvi!!' nato, worsn Ip 'I!!''!!I!!'e behind n d I\rinitil!!"!! of '!!ky.!Po tn unde r, fo,1!!' • ,ivl!!'r'!!. or in dl!!'lIie'!! of In. We eome nM 10 w:idl!!'neeof .a nne, '!!tag in divin llie'!! of .aling. tne chase, wa r, and thl!!' unde rid. WI!!' I!!'edivin llie!p of ups- .god'!! of ind !\rldua!p. Ihl!!' fa mllv. t e uibe. metime'!! w,a,. I!!'dgreat prornl neni:1!!' In liml!!' of w,a,. ,.among tne arl'!! ne dew:lopme nt of m me'i:I!!'. geds '!!!POClatl!!'d llh ltade .and w f:ll!!'aO!!' me to tne f' ne, j~~ At tne!P.a e timl!!' I e popu lar i:ult'!! ea uta I di'!!t,icts mu!!l ha rem.ained as 0 old, Wllh Ine adeption of "11!P.alion. enlighle ned elt'!!!ioepoItatl!!'d I e m'!!l!!'ive from tne 10Wl!!" .a!ppea f tnei, '1!!'IIgIon. but hls wou Id n.a eceurr wiln growing c:1\ri11!P.a had no eve, ntl!!"l!!'d Gaul. I 'uta I d I rlets Ine mere io '!!avAge a I!!'cts of tne eu It wou hat Ihl!!"!!l!!' re we enlire d e to an .abo'igin aI f:lo ulatien ls e rron eus, Tne 1I!pmu!rt n.ave broug I ui:n cults witn Ine m 0' .adof:ltl!!'d c: wne re 'lhll.!'Y ea me. Thl!!' f:l1!!'r'!!. nee of Ihl!!"!!l!!' It'!! i'!! '!lee e thoug C ,i!rtia n IIy mod Ifll!!'d thl!!' • il i:ould nOI ot them ut, .and In outof·tne corners. '!!uf\rl\rals tne old ,itu.a may '!!til bl!!' fou nd. fer eve I!!'tne old '1!!'liglon of tn

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

E rJir.rine anrJ he.-aic: les of lT1ytn'S re kn n in Ire la n , one of the Tuatna Ole nann. the ethe of Cu hulain n anrJ the s, Tn ey sre rJi'5tinct i cha... acre rJ conren ,but the,g 'S of Ie often nelp the h roes of the or e...s.-a 1'';., a';. the S rJ';. of Ind ia a'S';.i';terJthe h roes of tn e epi ,We ha II see that ';.Ome onase';. of these r.:yr.:1 lT1ayhave b n leno n in Ga uI; tn yare ';. rJ in Wale'S, but. in t e HishlanrJ';., ere ries of Cuen la inn re 'Still told, the Tu a De Dana nn a Ie'S';. nown now tan in n e i';.nop Cal"';.ewell me nterJ the 10 of t e H i,gnla nd rs for lent. lying, wol"ldly he Tu ha OerJanan ,. l~ Ar.:n.jlL.jJn-eli,gion in reece anrJ the erJir.:';..jJ red books . h e a borigi nal ,god'S a rJ he roes a';. rJ mon'S nd ,goblin'S. in Ire la nd sornerim ';. ';.pea k of the aIde r ods there. n the • it Wa'5 ma in Iy Chri n scribes wno a n,ge the olrJ lT1yt 010sY , anrJ made the sorJ';. nrJ beroes kins ,Oou ess mytn'S a .-earJ'f Ii ns of the descent rule rs anrJ I' pie fro rJivin itie'S. j st a';. I'olee of their desce from Di'Sl'ate.... r a';. tn Inr.:a'S Pe • the of J al'a n, a nd the in,g'S of U.s.a nd con'S e rerJ them lYe';. the sorJ';., Tn i';. i'5 a univer;a I prar,:t- • and lT1ade it the more ri'5tian r.:h.-anic:lel"';.o ransrnure myt into h i ry, In I reta d, a';. t mvrh dOubtle~ Mid of mon!!l'ou!p r eas In .abitlng Ihl!!' I nd In • of tne wife of tne borlglnl!!'!p.and I come .and of thl!!'i gods, aborlgl geds rna In seme eases have I!!'nide ntifl witn or wor'!!hipped in ir own f:jl!!'rs.on_ Ma ny mytn leaI I!!'le O'I!!' bl!!' looked fer I tne euheml!!" I!!'d !:h onic:ll!!'!pof a I Ihl!!' en ron 1!:1es I m'!!l!!'ive'SWI!!"I!!'but t r contin ul!!' of.a ic:n mu!rt n.ave be .al wo rk a'S n a thl!!' Influl!!' o:! of bsga n 10 bl!!'fl!!'lt, 1~ Tne I, passlon. In I!!'I,i!pn and tne old r peOf:jIe'S m f,o ea r 10 Ine medern nglo·l!!!'lite. n tne wild rema nel of Ihl!!'ehreniel fil"!!t peof:jling ,IUnba. with fifry wom n .and IWO

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

ue. Th e fi'Sh me n neJrt rJi'5r.:ve.-ed 1.-elanrJ,anrJ 'of the a of F a I" Wo n with ha rtI ih orJ they took .,o~ ssion, I' . ';.,.they pe ri';. erJ in the rJeluse Tuath W(J';. that of t COIT1 ins of Ce~a ir, Noah''S ird nun. Lad ru, -I e first ing WeI'!!tne resu of Ihl!!' '!!hif:l 'IJI\a!P tl!!'i:kl!!'d. and aII w cenlu,je!p. P'I'!,i'!!hl!!' In Ihl!!' eha n hI!!" gr.andf:l re nt's I 'IJI\a!P Ihl!!'!!'of P.ann I n. "no wl'!!l!!'r ne Ine otne - who t on I!!'!.and nlil f:l1 e '!!WI!!'pt.ham way. with Ihl!!' eXO!!' 110n of Tua n m.a C.a III. who. fte, a y Ita nwrnuf ns. told Ine !rtOry of l'l!!'!.and to s.. Fin en e nturles ner,1 j I!!''!!uf\liva I of Fin nt.ain and Tua n. ouble'!! Ine i:h,onic:1 rs, 10 e:W:f:lla tha su of In of I!!'.ai:h tne h- ry of cejon l!rt who .a aII P'I'!'i'!!hl!!'d_ atlng, on Ine erh n.and. Ie su ry as I ory 10 !"Jc:rlf:llu,l!!'.!P gge!rt'!! amens," folio rs of Ihl!!' In'll ders, 'I!!'VII.!'.aledall to Ihl!!' Ie!io'!!Ind I!!'d Ih d witn "an iron

ye.ars " Ineya MAg Ith 'I!!' Iney nost had but ne arm nd dl!!"!!

ing. nehes foughl atl!!'d_ Clehel '!! foolle!io'!!. and !PO _ l6a ThI!!'V we I!!'dl!!'mon!p. aeeerd I of Ihl!!' IUi:k '!!!P Ha m, Nenniu!p I!Pwho ea frem Sp.ain to Irela Nl!!'med who 'I!!'IUrned to Sf:IaIn• .a (Tua n)_ I!!'Valse Wl!!'rede nda nt'!! r sejou rn in Ire nd 'IJI\a!P uch d i'!!tu bed by m red frem tneir dl!!'fl!!'at. and flna Ily rpodl!!'.alh of Nem d. lCoJ. From TOry 1!p1nd thl!!' 'i:1!!'d tne Nem iAn!p 10 f:lav Ihl!!'m ) lwo·ln I,d!p tneir cern and mil t, If Ihl!!' Fom ,iAn!p .a,1!!' eds of d ,knl!!'!io'!!. g u!rt be axpla InI!!'d a .a dim wlnll!!'r whl!!'n thl!!' f:lo rs of Fomo ria ns had a we, of ne day '!!l!!'l!!'n tne Mill!!'!plans. at seemed to be me n, A yeal" overwhellT1e in the 'Sea- lCoO: F

su rvivors of a pr€ ClU';.1y w lrish_ Another n !'Nice';. su rviverJ the ir !:Ome to G,1!!'e Ie.a,ni!!'d nugl retu,nI!!' -men of" !Penting I!!"'!!i:aed to I, la nd Tney in p and Ine Ga lioi, Thl!!' re i:onre rnptuou ef:li ets bl!!' Fi'bolg!p we,1!!' tne f:I'I!!'·Celtl divin llie!p. he III!!'I tne god FI'bolg!p .a,1!!' '!!!io.a of AII.II Ga llein .a,1!!''1 ill!!' Cum u I 1 Ihl!!' Tu.aln.a ~ [}.an bly mnfu!Ped_

r,:lcerJ 'Ie eir fleet are rJ cenrJ the the file e aos';.(Ji rrts. Tn rty la them S ins to la nd or Ma n ( he e Ihl!!' Fi,b 19!P).!:O to Ine north, whl!!' tnev as Ihl!!' uatn.a II} na nann, j6) e FI bolg!p. UI!!'.alml!!'nl bV e rel!!'ks. '!! f:Ire par, thl!!' FI ·1Jo helr geds • .and t ls, d on hem. V polnl to Ine folk 0 l'l!!' .and In I!!' Fo of tne 1I!p0' ga rded as da rk a nd Me b. and witn Ine Fir Inn and i!pmen. ~ Ju'!!t as Fomor rlfl!!"'!!of eas a n of tneir god'!! a

Tne 'ruarha [}.a ann a rr eha r.atte, as nl!!'fl I!!'ntgod'!! but !.all!!' north. ThI!!'V ,.ai:h Irela nd on ae flna IIV. ane reo • In olhl!!' and sgtu ri!!'d, unt of I!!"'!!i:Ded In .a i I!!'ntn a I"(:n.aic:rem In i:l!!'n s. .and Tne Firbolg'!!. 1o'!!!Pe,!!_ Ml!!'an a blemi!p muld!Pi and as no kl w f tn Fomorl n E!.alha ann Onl!!' day Ihl!!' '!!I!!'.a_ rom it F pped fo ilu'!!. "r pa I,. likl!!' Ihl!!' OVll.!' Erl'!p se Elatn.a. foreto d I I!!'.auliful runda rd bv 1m WCI'!! 0 part whit 1 who!Pe a,I!!'!P.and bV t ls I '!! late'. tne Tua and obt.ained ls 1'1 i:hild'l!!'n. a,1!!' g' lwic:e !P quid ';.even- lW Tho 1'1 latha an Erl .a,1!!' Tu.alha ~ na .ann 11~ Tne,1!!'

.ru'l!!'n·· n ldea in kl!!'l!!'pl Il!!'gl!!'nd Id now tnev ea nI!!'. shr udi!!'d In a nug ttlI!!"'!!.defl!!'.ali!!'d

on tne and 1'1 I '!!i'!!tl!!'r E't .a w boar !ppel!!'ding I hI!!" CM'S!P aro, and wltho I dl!!'l Y Ine jllD.!'d tnei, wed leek Tne hero, . !:O b .auliful hI!!' hing!p, I!!'gAve har 1'1 I'!! Inge' il hould fil, Thi'!! !Pa n I!!' II!!'.'I!!'rngni!Ped n.a oil} a nann, LI ke oth w.a!P nd '!!i'!!tl!!'r.'!!hl!!'I amo g tne i!!ll!!'n!:y of mytn ne re nd In

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

Thill' R.elillton of hili'

other aceoun
ju';t lanrJee:!, incensisren ".r.e~ d I\r IM n
m"mi.lge as

. Dana n union - The tatter had Fomorlan anrJ Tuatna lready had un iterJ in rriase ith the Fo moria nos- rh ios it poi n to th fact tnat both !:lee:!the en ron ir.:1e rs, 1'1 man. .and that, In ugh In U n do.

f:l1a!:1!!'".r.en t ugnt li~ Ihl!!' fil"'!!l on t M battle ra kl!!' plao:! a ag-ture • 11 j Inmn!pI'S«! ntlv. Ih onquerl II!!' I:I~!P i'!! thelr king. !rt PAV Fomo,!p. Ihi'!! tr u'!!IV in older acceu 1mpo'!!l!!'d Def 'I!!' ne fil"'!!l battle .and ha gods, li~ I n.ave b bly lie'!! ~m.ain'!! to n. Dut Ihl!!' .anWIIl!!'r p '!!ubjection 0' d Ih of d Ivinilll!!'!p IlkI!!' tshr • Adoni'!!. B~'!! n.avlng a I!!'d.a Irl DUtil.!' Ihl!!' milk f a II nor of of l'l!!'la nd ".r.e '!!!ioedIh,ougn fi~ and pe,ha ps on I I!!' lIa ne fl,1!!', m Tn "nought but V WCI'!! n him frem o ~!:OVl!!',I!!'d. c:1 d Ihl!!' In 'OM. ne ".r.en ria ns. who.a I!!' bled against Ine Tu.alh wou nded Og a nd aa 10' '!!lew Nuad.a. ThI!!"l!!'upon I I!!' morlans fll!!'d to thelr 0 Sam n.ain. II na n n rema IMd ma'S«! I!!'dfrem an e ponymou '!!I!!'nt 10 'II.!'CO n II!!'. WCI'!!'!!lain• .and the fo,!:I!!'. In !ppll 0 m l!rt'!!l!!'dbV tne Dr tne Ih,1!!'1!!' prl wno !p11I.!'W dl!!' 111'1. tne la nd. Tn p !:II.!"!! .ag~l!!'d 10 .abide rge n. w 0 ade hls f,je nes 'I!!'·em n 1M WClVII.!"!!_I Y eou Id tnen I!!'ffl!!'tl .a I I whicn wrI!!'!:kl!!'d m.anv • f:ll!!'!P. seme old of Ihl!!' '!!urvlvors of Ine I!!' fa Irv folk • .and Ine Mill!!' .an!:l!!"!!tors of hI!!' i'!!h_ Thl!!' Tuatn.a

Ie look

r Ihl!!' first.. on d. though latll.!', in Ma e. tne ether .al g a ~ na n.ann in Ibule mpo'!!l!!'d bV thl!!' DUtil.!' u!rt havl!!' Del!!'n ea U'!!I!!' l:Iul whV '!!hould _ n in ubjl!!'tllon? Tn I'!! In pa r.a I myrn'!! of thl!!' PI!!'r'!!l!!'f:I M • .and Osirl'!!_ O less du cows. Ine !:ows !P mvtb ba'!!l!!'d ••.a !P'!!ati,i'!!I!!'d• .and n N uada, h.aving a n ar V of Ihl!!' remcn. In t e battll!!' Indl!!'!:n rta IIV u nded by tug.

l'l!!'la n until t e rnming of Ihl!!' ill!!'.sen of Bill!!'. Ith. having Del!!'n ile!plans now in .adl!!'d l'l!!'l.and in ds, tnev a ndl!!'d. nd, h.aving met d in'!!ta n b.anle 0' '!!uul!!'nde r of hI!!'dll.!'Cl!p n of t e M 11e'!! 0 f:lOet rk and r I,I!!' fo tne dim no:! of ding, I~ nd w.a thairs. A m.agl!: • Dut ma Itge n '1!!'!:lIl!!'d 0'It1!!'rc:.aI!!'Ihl!!' da ngl!!'r'!!_ a n.ann '1!!'11'l!!'d into Ihl!!' oldl!!'!'!! r Scots) bl!!'C.aml!!'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

praeti s. d 1mIv 'I!!'me m ~d. ~q u1,1!!'d e:t:f:llanatlo ehren II!!'I"!!. titlng hlste with a purpose and com I w wiln I II!!' reg,.a,d to co l'!!tencv. aII tn ls w.a!P,I!!'d d na rr.allve_ At I I!!'n.and!pof tne f:I'o!P.aic: m I!!'gods, tnough tr !:I!!"!! It '!!till lingl!!"_ of god'!!• and, Deho I • ye. shall d Ie• .and tne wa '!! .a,k nass of time. I tne dl!!'eps of tne yl!!'.af'S.n i Ve!Pn I '!!leef:l as a '!!lain n '!!lel!!'f:I!P. Ihl!!' world '!! and kings,'

ry of the conq uests of I be ins often perse ase';., m Oi"ffe.-ent versions of ';.imilal" occu r myth';. and r.-ad incns, 'f a I ready have been i
rh rou bout the Ions
red u pi ir.:atiDn';., the


e incirJent";

.a mere or 11!!"!!!p d I\rinltv f:la'!!!:ed

n you at Ia!rt, ngl!!"!!of In Ing!p. you fer

.a d mens or plratas, e!:O:!ndl!!'d.along 1'1 III!!'!:onnl!!'tllng wt. "glant" (GoaI!!'II! a'l. f ,ive'!! tne name • ·unde,: and m I,. and 'l!!'gardHnem as !P r I!!'beings, 11'5 Dr, in con neal!!'d Ih witn tne fie I"O!!' f:l0we ne we'!!te rn sea f:l1!!'1"!!0 ifll!!'d. likl!!' tne Mu· artaeh. a kind of!:ea 1'1 Flonn b.allad, m l:Iul Ih .a!P'!!o!:i.alion In Fomo,!p with Ine ecea of V I!!'tne 'I!!"!!ult of a a I!!' from muir, Tne lall!!' Ik·l!!'tymoIogV. wn h wrongly dl!!'rlved tnei, - 1'1 whom Ine Ci!!'1ti!: 1!!':t:f:ll!!'rll!!'n!:ef I I!!' tech l.annl!!'l"!! or Nol"!!l!!' o Fomo la ns a~ asseelata • m wou ld aid Ihl!!' con de mon laeal eha raeter, I!!"!!con nsets Ihl!!' ma ~ in "nighlma~.· f' '0. and 'l!!'gA,d!p '!! su Dt.e,ra naa n Wl!!'11 subma rlnl!!'_ 11~ .a'!! mo~ ion i'!! tnAt of zlm e, .and D'Arbol'!!. from fo rio (mo,. "g~at .). m nlm wou Id thus ,dl!!'d tham as gla nt'!! Tnev we ~ preba Iv Denl!!'fl!:l!!'nt geds of th .aling Ihl!!'m witn Ci!!'ltl!: nq ue rors '!!!'gard d as genl!!' evil pe!,h -I 'I!!'ml!!'mbl!!'~d as Ihl!!' d 'k powe I"!! al'l!!'ad known 10 them, ThI!!'V a DII} DAna n n. l~~ god'!!. nd .a,1!!' c:.alll!!'d·en plens of Ihl!!' ~d." IlkI!!'tn Tn us Ing B,I!!"!!'!!Oughl to '!!ave hls life by f:I,omi!plng I!!'kin I!!'of I~land would alway!p De In milk Ine n Ihl!!' men of I, u Id rea p everv ing. '!!owlng, .and qua ' • .and bV .allng Ihl!!' lucky d.a'f!iofor l"ealJi lM an Iv .an au theneus god !:ould kno th s, and Ine '!!t0rv i!p !pugge tlvl!!' of Ine Itul!!' .alu'l!!' of Ine Fomorla ns, 1'1 o!rtlle eha r.aae r
frem mulr, "ssa." while Ih ng!p from them, P,ofe!P'!!o,

e zm n FDfZ(I!Im Boou

.-e, this destructive I'owe'" 'f -com no ......,ilk in Erin b trlbu I!!'. It.O: rib ure W.jJ';. .jJ1';,O irJ to them on SoiJ...,ha the I' in, rs of b lght fea red bV ml!!' .UI!!'In tne a'!!O:! d.anI. Aga In. n n Ine I, hief. is !rtlll de'!!i:rl d as thl!!' kingdom of eeld, l) ut tI!!'. WCI'!!p.aid 10 Cromm Cr.a" • q uast of Ine Tu.aln.a ~ na a n rli:ultu rs. l~ we rea 11!iethat Ih F ds of fl!!'rtlllrv wnom Ine n nd tnei, god'!!_ Simila rlv. In !!!'tlml!!'!p '!!in1'!!Ie .and de'!!tru a r rles of ·trlbull!!'" uId De di'!!tonl!!'d re mlni!iO!!'n '!! of '!!of I I!!''!!oil. diffe,ing II in eharaetar from tnAt of I e Iml II!!"!!_ hat m.akl!!"!!t i:1!!'rt.a" tne Fomo ria ns wl!!'re a r In i bl!!'fore thl!!' i:oming of th I!!' rly h'l'!/ a P.ann tan, 'l'!/ we re tne god'!! tne f:I'I!!'·Ci!!'ItIi:olk· ·Fi,bolg. f "r .and alioin 1!I6··a II of Ihl!!'m in I !.and bl!!'fo,1!!' Tuatha ~ tne .and 110ft em 'I!!'g.udl!!'d as !P Anol I!!'r f:lo ibllity. hOWl!!"U'l!!'r.ugnt to bl!!' eon !ioidl!!'red.As, h we re Ioc:.all eha r.aae r, and as g,ouf:l!P of Irl De!P wou Id fn:!q u n Iy to 01 erg' ups, Ine remeria '!! m.av n.aVl!!'bl!!'l!!'nIoc:.algod with anothl!!" g,ouf:l. r'!!hippl ng thl!!' Tuatn.a ~ na n n

fruit. e ut in 1.-elanrJ,.jJ';.else by b 88i n8 hem not to de


them i';.'5€en fro

I!!'n~ god of 'l'!/ also erlans g Celt'!! lil!!'f Ihl!!'

e ,
r Celtli: I god'!! is c:oloni'!!t

rife 0 Fomorla ns .and T natu rel!g 0 ns, Demon'!! or g Gree • .and Tl!!'uton le myrnol DeM 1i:l!!'nt nd numul f:l0~ etl!!'rn I of:lf:l !pltion of good.a seer • bUI hinl!!"!! fortn .ag.ain I_ So In mVlh I '!!t,WI!!'Hut must not f:Iush tne Ie men !P.and thl!!''S e!pp@-ally nI!!'re Ine god'!! WI!!' ea'!!i dl!!"ltl!!'lf:ll!!'dIhl!!' !pugge!rtl eMu no' ehtln'," Tne Celt'!! Ire!.a d. and tneir own nO'!!tile

atha De DAna nn !PUWm Ih nts 0' mon!rtl!!'f'S !rtrlvl!!' witn Hindu. • and in PI!!'r'!!i.a tne prlmi II'!!m of of nato,1!!' bl!!'i:ame .an ethew:il. Thl!!' su n is v.anquishl!!' n w:igour. vegeullon dll!!"!!.b I immona I geds .a,1!!' ou nd d .an w f.a, tne an.alogv of Ihl!!' ap Ihl!!' god'!!_ Tne one '!!ugge I!!'Iemenla I f:lOWl!!'r'!!_ ul m h H ; geds Wl!!'re IlkI!!' men .and 0 Id I!!'rgll.!'1 I!!'W of divine eombats Defo I I!!'lr rrlv.alln OWl!!'f'S rI!!' 1!!'.a!pIIV ~ a'!!!plmil.are

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

-"~ob.DI1 II

0' "battl wo,d!p m god,1*-"3Iln bly mlngl ,i!rlll!tl !PO !Ot,u~ of


OlT1orian';. sre rJe-sr.:ribed a - Elaths wa';. 'Son of battle sorJ of th hen Gael, I' i .e. he i';.one of nrJ has a';. will two wal"-sorJrJe';.'5e-s, Bad band mbtes the F0lT10 ia n T h ra wnose wife is a barJb on thl!!' '!!lain, jM- Elat I,!! n.aml!!'. !:onn!!!'tted witn "knowl gII.!'." '!!uw'!!t!! th t n~ !P .an .abo' eulIu'l!!'· naa logl • romorlans and uat oil} nana nn .a,1!!'ne:w:'Uic:.a· I r.arv position .a of thl!!' Tuatha oll}a may OCCCI'!!iona'!!uf:l ma I of Ihl!!' f:l0~rs of bllgnt, ar.a~ rl~ hi!p ~ n. a d .a~, h ls dek!.al.a bern:! r p~'It.ail'!!_ ~!P '!P eensort '!! Brl It. .and tn~ir !POn Ru.adan. Ihl!!' Tuat .a oil} nana nn. '!!lai , Hls motn~,',!! WeI Iling for mou rn I w.ail I!!'VI'.!'r haar In Er n. 1~ Anotn~' god. Indl'!(:n. • a Fomorla n go dl!!"!! of tn~ d~~f:I. I,I!!' of tn~ _ aI!PO ~nililY. of no ay hold a f:lo!pllion among that of na nu mon tn~ Tu.alha oil} nanan n. • who 1'1 Im~ If di of wou nes ~O!!'M:!d from hi!p


w no itn Ihl!!' polsonous aring, TI'I~ ~~II d alion wnom would n.a In Lug at sg-tured, but th I!!' nd !pll!!'wh m, jgj H.alor. li~ a '!!llng· of Ihl!!' "I ~~. se much f:l1!!'r'!!onifl!: influ~no:! m.agi ea I eha rm'!! aw rt it !P m.aIefIO!!' dl!!"!!t'oV'!l T~thta.

sort Ceth I!!'n who~ n.

fu ~q ts g god hI!!' G ~a hen

nagda, H ls on!!!' I!!'YI!!' of .a eeneeetien whic:n hi'!!

1,1!!'d r ml!!'n 10'!!1!!' fou it... n!:1!!'fl!!'lLin tn ls w.aV Halor t enee struck In~ I!!'VI!!' witn ~ k Ml!!'du!io.a.s ~'ha ps a l d by thl!!' Celt'!!_ H~a IIhfu I Lu.g..a bl!!'n!!!'fio:!nl god.

tha, 'u~d oVl'.!'r rI n a om .a f:lh '!!I!!'u!iol!!'d In~ in rv 0 h '0 of Ihl!!' ~n of T~th'.a.. " , D' wllh r, bl!!'.ars d iffl!!"l!!'nt in~ rp f war. mi hI bl!!' ~,dl!!'d a nd of th~• .and wn I!!'n

tn~ coming of Ihl!!' Tu.alha Con nla',!! w:i!ioil10 Elysl u m rbols assumes Tethta tn~ land of In I!!'dl!!'ad, Tn~ n• .and tnough a Fo moria n. of all WeI rrlers, l~ E Iysl u m rboi'!! aquatas Tl!!'tnr.a witn land of heroes. Ihl!!' ~, ana 10 11!!'!p G'~l!!'k witn no gy. i!p mi'!!~.ading_ H~ .aI!PO a'S tempo I"'f kins of the T atn Ole Oanan n, witn ICl"Clno';., in the as of gold, ICl"Clno';., sa in, sla in by .ze U'S,i'SI'a ra llel to

zm n1 FlllJ'Dllm Boou

ra, BI"e'5. and Balor a

Kronos- 1"D "fet thei.- erwnalitie';. are it';. lT1'J'tholDs'f to r i If, a nd, while ot allow these to ov rrirJe the actua I

tn u-s se parare

, of Ihl!!' M IIe'!!ian!pwno lish DI!pp.all!!'r.lord of ut Bill!!'. Mitne, a re and !pn.adowy ersat I!!'d to be eonse rt of nann, j!UI Hell WeI'!! a . d If ne WeI'!!fa Ine r 0

me from Sf:laIn. Ine from ria n nor of thl!!' en, Bill!!' is ne:w:r n. whO'SI!!' mlly fa 1'1 le king wnO!Pl!!' o~n'!P!:hild'l!!'n.

Be Ii

sl ns. Ih I oppone nts aC!:o,ding 0 Ihl!!' an n.all!rt'!!_ I aI!PO quated witn [I ha. a d !pln!:1!!' [}.bn. 'I!!'puted!:o sort of Hell. wa'!! motn , of Llew. e u red w Irl!pn Lug. grandson f sa 10'. H.alor I'!! Il!!'nl 10 Hell. wn I!!' !!!'ga rded by Profi!!'!P'!!o,Rn9!p as re lated logl!: Ily to H.alo '!P, Bolio,. .and El.alha.a thus Goldl!!'ll!: Il!!'n of thl!!' ! tnev .aI!PO .a,1!!' quire d '!!tIna pers.on.all· thl!!'V I!!'VII.!'r n h n!:l!!"!!ttaI god'!! of tne It'!!. or geds of .a e I"IJIIOrld_ In tne unde I"IJIIOrldWeI'!! rob.ablV .a fl!!'nill!!' f:l1.a!:1!!' lig of it'!! geds ha rmful .and e IL as sa 10' wa'!!_ bl!!'regA,dl!!'d as tne owers of nato,1!!' . d bllgnt. wlnll!!'r. d.a,k I!!'!PS • .and dl!!'.alh. I!!'re not wnolly!:a!rt own. '!!ince thl!!' rulers of tne b'ighl ne,·wo,ld. we,1!!' I!!'ir eMmie'!!_ Year 'fI!!'ar thl!!' god'!! as mnq uerers to 'I!!' ew tne '!!t'UUII!!' w:ing ha ppe ned enee f ,.aIL bUI it wenl rta I and on Iv !ioeemed d II!!' _Thl!!''!!t,WI!!' De lieve IhlllY!:a aId the geds by • do nO'!!till!!' Fomorla ns and Tuatn.a oil} in aII mytnologll!!'!P. nd II prob.ably ke'!! place among men HO'!!t111!!' peof:lll!!"!! r Iney have psrieds f,iendline!P'!! .and a '!! 1'1 ls geds in hls 0 ImAgl!!' .and thl!!' • lice the-se, e~e rated no rJoubt by the

InO!!' • Ine ha ppe • wha eons ue n Intl!!',ma rrla prob elT1 i';. best e;ll:plain lrish nnali n y tact

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

in ie n, sre mDr€ then ere t e'f leamerJ ...,a8~ th rJwelr in lou r citie';., In y br ugnt .a m.agii:al UI!!'.a!;~. ·Ihl!!' !rtOne of F.aL r wty Ing." Lug'!; un rnnq ue .able '!!1=I1!!'.a,.uada 's N ir~'!!i'!!tl I !iW'Ord. t e agda' InI!!':w:ha u'!!tibll!!' ea uId,o _ Hul Ihl!!'V a~ mo~ rds or rulds Tnev a~ ~. born as mertal ; Iney ha'lll!!' a divine Ine I, n tn V Inl tfu,1!!' in and Infl usne huma n aff.air'!!_Tne did 0 f.a, I!!' ougn • .and mo~ onO!!' Ihl!!'ir divlniry i!; d, W I!!'n tne Caollte nd a of tne 1=11=1 'I!!' S, pauii:k. hI!!'.a!;k'!!."WhV i'!!'!!hl!!''fOuthfu I .and wtinkled 7''' And ollie ~l=Ille!;. "Shl!!'i'!! an n. he .a,1!!' who!ioe d ur.alion i!; sons of Mlll!!"!!iu'!!. a,1!!' I=Il!!'rl!; fade

r cenve

I n. hI!!' hs, sons of Mile!;1us. I oughl that tne god'!! 110 hills, thl!!'ir fo,ml!!" dWl!!'lling!; nd sanetuaries, 0' In ri g for I!!'ir fo,ml!!" WOBn 11=11=1 I!; tr.aditlon had rs, Tn 1'1 I h ma e tham .a!!' of n i:onqul!!"l!!'d by Ine Cn rl l.anitv ow r'!! and Its geds n.avlng '!!trlfl!!' of raess by thl!!' euhl!!' I!!',i'!!rs_ Thl!!' new f.aitn. n u ~d I old geds, Thl!!' Tu.alh ~ nana nn baea me folk. ill OCCCI'!!iona eaIII!!'d Ihl!!'ir old name. Ju!rt 11"1 r qu ns De.a, Ihl!!' n.aml!!'!;of hI!!'.ani:ienl god'!!_Tne emor ans .a me nstrous .and dl!!' eha raerer, g 10 tne Tuatha ~ [}.an nn; In Ihi'!! contlnuing morl ns WI!!"I!!'nO'!!till!!'and t e Tu.alha ~ na n.ann

s not .a compll!!'le "body of Ivlnity"; lu app.a~nt I!!' en ronoleglca I 0' r of Ihl!!' .annali'!!t!;, found In tne DInd'!!l!!'ehas: olne rs e:w:i'!!t s a e ~a'!!on to Deliew .al aII Ine old myrh!; , H t en ugh remalns to '!!how I!!'Uul!!' natura of tne •• ne" !;upe natural eharaetsr. Ihl!!' power'!!. thalr divine a d rl n Ie. I!!'ir my!rte'iou'!! and De utlfu I abode, In Ihl!!'lr s, in tne aaion!; that a~ d i:,iDed in them, Ine 1Ds~ ~Ie.· ';.now now wirJ Iy it rJifters fro..., the r.:1e';., :_:II!. -Tne while r.adi.ani: of i!!'te,niry- '!!uffu!ioe!;

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

Ie';., lT1as~1 and I"CIlT1a ntir.:




beions fa r rncre to

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm




HE lT1e nins formerly,g" n to T science wno were ,godos dana n I' I'lcnowl ,s.e- - Out the t e mea ';.'5Oan - iss wn ir.:h a,g es witn ot the ,godde';.'5- The na three sons, Bria .fuchar IlerJ fil" tri ndea, - men the t 'Story Oanu a nd her fo are 00

atha Oe Danann wa';. "the

en of beins here conne d - h rJan, ins i'5 l'the tri bes 0 folk of the the cosnate';. Tuatha 01" F r Oea, e W(J';. ,given to the SUI', hou,gn a nd I ucharbs r, Henc the Ul' i'5 .-ee 8OrJ';.. ann The anrJ her r.:hildren_

ve seen tnat thou,gn the sre des ribed a';. kins';. anrJ of their d ivin - appear, In the Cuen u la inn eings anrJ sorner lT1e';. e d nos,hel pins or ha rrn IT1 n, and Ie all these ch racre - ic'5 sre ascri berJ to t em, ut the .-eva iled most i'5 nat wh - h con ner.:ted them - h the hill';. or st .-e'5tins-place of the ishty dead, SolT1e bore na me'S, ile other bel s we.-e atso asscciated with Fomoria s and Mile';.ia n c iek, he es of the osasa';., or t actu l'f been urierJ in them- ~ 1 lesen tolrJ now, aftel" the ,godos the IT1 nes were d jyi alT10 them, the metn va ry S in rJ- .-eDt lfel"';.ion';.,In an ea rly ve rsion the Tuatha 0 imlT1 rtal anrJ the Oa,grJa rJi es the ';.Id, ~ But in a 1'0 Ma n r.:h(0 _ 1056) they a mortal'S anrJ rJie- W ~ow fol olos'f ,g" ns the date'S of ei r.-eis ';.and their deaths. a l.a Coem in (e IlIl'Itl!!'ntn i:1!!'tu ry)_ ~ Oas beins dad, BorJb OealK ivirJed !;,aid ha'lll!!' nfl!!'rred immon lity u po mvrh!p ad 'Shown nt die. wn III!!'in ,itu.a !Penl 1vII.!'!P we I!!''SlAin. .and tn I m.aV h bl!!'l!!'ntne sta rtlng I!!'U n rl!plng process, l:Iul Ih d I\rlnity of Ihl!!' Tu.aln.a oil} 0 d. EOi:h Id Q'F lynn (tenl cenlu • eeu Dtfu I wnethl!!'r I!!'Va men ens, co dude'S. -tnough I have I .ali!!'d of thl!!'!Pedeitll!!"!! In 0' I!!'f. yl!!'t not ado dIne m, E n In l.are lime!p thl!!'V wl!!'re !Ot.ill noug I of as n e:w:ile. '11ll!!'w whii:n .af:lf:l rema rrtle !.all!!"!!and gA!P xi! 'Side "n Ihl!!' notlees .a11!rt'S_ ThI!!'V Wl!!'re a I reg,.a i!!'d a'S f .a diffl!!'renl o,dl!!" f m t O'!!I!!'of
II ~~

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou





the follr;
~ n.a m. but I !iOmll'tl d 0' .a tl

rren i or -sicle 'WOrshipl'ec:I by e ';.jJint oiJnrJ ';.e!ie.-a I bi-shol'';. L.oeg,.ai~. fi' '!!rde. "men of I!!'d ane r tne n.aml!!'!Pof thl!!' I!!'ttad ltion being Ioc:.all'!!edin I!!'!P n neaed wllh on!!!' god. co • fu II of !rtr.ange Ihing!p • .and In In I'!! IhlllY

with Ihl!!' mou nd'!!? If fa I,ie'!!




tne,l!!'. WI!!' but If Ine '!! grad a I .and hi'!! dau h

tne old eu II of thl!!' god!P on u nd'!!. a d now OC!:a'!!ion.a11y !pilI!!"!!of nn e,u Ii:h and 1'1 ls WI!!'I!pneq u I\ra lenl !PIn PennOi:' i:iu m n.ave n.aml!!"!!mea n Ing e Ihl!!' mou nd. D 01 e r meu ds or hill!p had a 1!iO.a '!!aal!!'d god'!! wor'!!h ppe .al me nds, dWl!!'lling 0' 'I!!'VI!!'.aling • !rtill Ilnge'l!!'d In In ha u nte !Ppots; thl!!'V bl!!'C.aml!!' I,ie'!!. fa wllh Ine dl!!' bu I!!'d In tn mounds • as f.airll!!'!pa 1!iOn.aVl!!'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

been, 01" we ha U ntin,g ot who be,g-s G '1!!'Igneth_· ~ undl!!'rg,oun hill!p; In


nave d ierJanrJ bee n burie

the old sorJ';.i';. seen in a prayel" of S i';. host i_e, the olrJ ,god-s al"ClunrJth


1'1 Ilk_ ~1

S .511';.0 te 11'5 how the iie';.ian';. II thl!!' uatha DI!!'.awno ow 'I!!'II ~ '!!.. tn we ~ god'!! of Ihl!!' 1'1 I k wor'!!hip But. WI!!' '!!h II '!!I!!'I!!'. Ihl!!' geds we II el!ioe

Tu mu II may who d Il!!'d In Eg~I_ Aga I lumull; hen enee Ihll.!'Y j:!ointed oul
ether stru

Iready n n tlml!!' haw bl!!'l!!'nj:!oin d oul as 10 mytn 0 , II ~ tn tomes of ze us i C'I!!'~ an • fa I,ie s. a ~ ghosts thl!!' dl!!'.ad • whl!!' fa I,ie'!! tnev I!!'~ In ughl as d d king'!! • .anv n as tnei il ls .a la win folk -bell
ures n

su psrnatu r


n i'!!to, j:!l!!'f'SO n s, If ~dl!!' to ea I Ihl!!' dl!!'.ad god'!! bV tn ls n.a '!! of th de.ad_ ~1j

r meant • .and to

Ma ny stra n '!! Wl!!'nt Ihl!!'~ '!!Iill h ng a ro fml!!'n

j:!lion of I I!!'gods, but man i, of m'f'!!te ry. a d tne De I" hat tnev r mn 1'!!Ient witn it'!!l!!'lf_ ls ea lied I n tne .ann I!!'a kl n to rnenslum na. ·pll!!'n as .a godde nd _ A !:aVl!!' 10 n.aVl!!'De de'!!!ioe!p _ In thl!!' c:

'Ouj:! of god'!! • an mltie IShlar, ~a like thl!!' sons. She m.ay rmae dl!!"!!!:,i !Pas • Il!!'r dll!Oru m hi ne god ,. Ff her .amI!!' hI!!' dl!!'rive!p d ·t e P.aj:!!P Anu_· m Thu!p De an I!!'.aIV Eartn -morher. n u in i!:e r'!!hi~ nfl rm'!! Ihi'!! vi • BI.a!:k Anni!p BoWl!!'r.' and !Pne i'!! sa Id I!!'d 1'1 - ms, sarrhhuma n via rns, a n no I!!'~j:!tio divin llie!p Ertha n a,1!!' godde!io'!!l!!'!p Ikl!!' IJe I!!" Be pnone we, undl!!'l"IJIIo,1d Ihl!!' dl!!' d De I Dl!!'m r's folk_ Thl!!' theil" f"tJIOP_; elDw t e su ce a re then Sift-_;of th ,godde~rh s may ave b en the case witn 0.51n u,




.' .and IWO of j:!1entv a bl!!'.a dim .a !io.a'Itagl!!' .ally haw II of Earth 1'1 Ie Eanh·

earth- 01" for in Ce It

o lBIB FDfZ(I!Im Boou




of thlll'

U nderworlrJ

or from t '5- Prore'»Or rJi, "cha Anu," in an ';. a blisherJ by n is pern n Ih,o t e field!p In .a of hl!!"olll'!!.



se much

ulish gcddess e !P MI nerv.a Belis I !ioCrlf:llion'!!_~~~ 0 rlg.anll!!'!P. of who rig" 0' ' nerlons. Uut ne nd !:ult In Iho!Pe ust not be bre.a

th u.ared h m.a .and B'e of tn


popu la rl f s.. U'igi .a ned on. ,

e old eu II of .a godde!io'!! of
rll!!'!Othood like I!!' Vl!!"!!ta p I oddlll'!!!Pe'!!Be Ii'!!a a and Su • p ls, o:..l j But U'igit... IlkI!!' VI!!"!!t. !Pne r ee n naetlen with C.a Ie lIne Hl!!'brlde!p 0 S. u,id eats in fl!!'m.all!!' elethes do· Thl!!'n thl!!'V Ill!!'d. ild dl!!' of cern and h.ay witn eome as har d wa'!! shes, Ihis wa'!!.a ome n 0 a ko nOlll.!'Wonny I .at if ea .aV It WeI'!!as luxu l.anl as e

knowlll!d I!!' ( .an). f:l1!!',haP'S d by f:lo nd had I'IJIIO neta" a m IIhwo'k_ ':H rms of Brlglt. goddlll'!!!p Ito,1!!' .and of Celt'!!_ Sne ls thus Ine InI!!'f'\I'CI C bV indo. Shl!!' ls I I!!' nsa U, .a1S of ne r na me (d_ 1'_ bri, • honou f. "I!!'nown·) IIl'!!U ne r high !Peen In ths ee lin u.alion f h r f:l1!!'r'!!ona lilY who!P1!!'!!h,ine I Kild.a,I!!'.a ' fire. wn I!:h preached by a ma II!!'.w.a!Pwa hl!!'d da Ily by thl!!' IWI!!'nlleth day by In sa nl neBelf. o:..l~ f:I In ether mon !rte,ie'!!. 1.0:6 an thl!!'V f:loint 10 ire. Ihl!!' nuns I!!'ing !pUC!: of .a w:itgin 1I!!"!!tl!!'!io'!!IIl'!! V a. M n.a b I!!'n '!!l!!'l!!'n.tne of ba bly godde!io'!! of fl,l!!'. bll!!'d B'igit. in as at on!:e a g d of fe rtillry. a I!PO '!!uggl!!"!!t_ !Ped a '!!hl!!'af IIII!d Brlid '!P is coml!!'. urlid is Wl!!'lmm _. r a bed WeI'!! les bu rn Ing be Idl!!' it.. and Brl I!!'WeI'!!invllll!d _ If Ihl!!' ma rk f thl!!' du W !Pel!!'nin thl!!' .a pro'!!f:I OU Vll.!'a, ~I!- It I'!! r naa r S_ B igit.!P '!!h,ine. nI!!':w:I

rlglt. 0' godde'!! a rly 11!!'.a!:hl!!'r e et cu Itie';., .51'5 'Well er 'SOn';.,,god'5 of

!Pwith si II r funttlon'!!. WeI 'I!!'garded IIi'!!atlon In pl,I!!" of le, poeti '5 a ,godd '5';. fi.-e and ferti ity- A';. ';U nowled . he rnust have 0 i,ginarerJ i

I e Ce 1I!pas .an a d ml!!'! leal fa.- excellerJ

wol";.n i.,.,erJ sorJrJe~e-5 .-athe., asr1c:ulture, inospiration--W'e had a ma Ie prie';thoorJ. and lT1en were Ihl!!' tab II!d '!!h,ine at KIId.a,1!!' '!!uggl!!"!!t!P, d. for ma ny '!!h,inl!!"!! of s.. Hrig g p,ag,an '!!h,inl!!"!! of tne geddl!!' f:I,omin nt D.anu. a1!iO a geddess of the geds,

then ,gorJ';.,
women'os perna p'5 e rha ps 1'1 I!!'rfi WI!!"I!!'built _1.0:9 A'!! a of fenility.

de'!!!ioe!pe mem be'l!!'d in tr.aditl r in fa Iry .and wiK:n 10,1!!'.Ine fo,ml!!'r f:ll!!'r .af:l!p.ak 10 rlvll.!', goddl!!"!!!pCOla. In Ihl!!' Clu Ida (.a feunra ln- nymf:lh) of Ine nIl nenra I irs; t e l.alte'. u de, !Pof aul. Dlron _1)a hl!!'r .a ,native na me Dirr.a. pe!P f m of a god a I Knoi::kal yin Alne. 0 I!!'of tne gn:!.al f.airy·q uel!!'n'!!of I land, has h Lime rle • wne re ,;te!P i::onMtted wiln ne f:ll!!'rfo,me fe r fenill'ly on M ldsu mmer eve_ If Ihll.!'Yw nd har U of:l!P f:ll!!'rfo, ed tne m ao::o,ding 10 lees I Il!!'ge d. ~~1 Sne i'!! old godde !Pof fenill'ly wnO'SI!!'cult. IIl'Itl!!'nat a fe!rtl\ra I in whii::n 1.a1te,IV re f:I,omin nt. ls '!!till 'I!!'me mbe redo She i'!! 0 assocla hI!!'waters as a Ea,1 of swate,· ymf:lh i:=af:llu,1I!d fer .a lime as .a fa 1'Y·b,jd bV t mend, ~ Hut oldl!!" Il!!'gl!!'nd'!! on nea hI!!' with Ihl!!'!Pr _Sne c !Pdaughr r of Eoga bA king of Ihl!!' '!!id of Knoi::ka Inv. Ihl!!' grass wn le wa'!! .ann ally n from t em. dl!!"!!t'o d at S.amhaIn bV hi'!! f:lMple. b u!ioeit it'!! rlgn ul owMrs, 011111 olomm and Fe ebus resel S.amhal Eoga bA and 011111ied to oultagl!!' AI • wno bit u Hl!!'ni:=e ls n.ame of "Boa'1!!' E.a,_"~~ In ehi legend we fenill'ly come 10 be 'I!!'garded as nO'!!tile g,owth_ A Iovl!!' Aillen. Eoga bAh sen. for',!! wif Ma nan an, Aine offl!!',1I!d ne r favou rs lone god If h hl!!'r b I!!" • .and "thl!!' complii:=alll!d bit thus ar .angll.!'d_l)1 tne I,i!pn geds .a,1!!'wa rrlers • .a wa rde'!!!ioI!!'!p mo,1!!' prornl nenl. u!P .ally as a g'o .a,1!!' Nema n .and, A fourth. Ihl!!"!!l!!'. ,i'!! Idl!!'nlic:.alwiln 0' h bl!!' gen ,ic:, m H.adb mea ns "a sea ld-e godde I!!'!P .af:lf:ll!!'.a,II!d. roba bly bl!!'i::a p us sla ln, I!!'ls alse c:.allll!dBoadbi::atn.a."ba I!!'·Hadb." an

ree··Mou lai:=eof 0 .al nli::h ferm thl!!'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm


ti n 8n

ubcdua, I'l"CIbably, Cat ubcdua, me ntionec:l in ani m Haut€-Savoie. hile tn is, a-s II a-s perwnal names Ii 8 uo• -shoW";. that a,gorJ ess Bod ua wa known to the Ga uI';.,~)6 T e barJb

o b ttle-r.:I"CIW i'5 associ d witn the F morian Tetn ra, but 8ad belt i-s ns n of a w,a,·god N OM of Ihl!!' T atha oil} nana nn. who nu e ui Il!!'nl of Neton. m ntloMd in Sp.a lsh In!:ail=lllon'!! and equa .a EI!Pewnere Nema n ls NII}I'!peonse • .and !Pnem.av bl!!'tne Ne r I=llion'!!. I!!',g_ Hatn. Ihl!!' eonsert of a rs, Cormac: ea lis Net .an .al emous couple." ieh we may II DeIII!!'VI!!' tham 10 n.aVl!!' e D ae .a we,1!!' dlll'ltored tn hl!!'ad'!!of '!!l.ain nemil!!"!!.·''!!m.a!Ot,.· u .a ee Ing to thl!!' an nall ·IU'I!!'d. though '!!hl!!'re.a 1=1 t e uc:hul.ainn ~ as I I!!' wn ill·ul!!'atmenl led to tne· I!!' Ih ulste rme n. Tn na ml!!' Mo rrlg.a D ,S ke!p. i:onMttlng m r wiln thl!!' sa !ioYllabll!!'n "" I pi lns II .a • igntnu'l!!'·qul!!'l!!'n," ~ Sne work!p g' at n.a,m to tne Fomo,!p at t re • and ane 1"1J... ards p laI m'!! Ihl!!' - ry to Ine 1'1 Ills. ,ive rs. a d 1'1 • utte,ing alse .a p pnei:V of tne e lis to eome at tne end of I S I!!' 1!!'.a1=l1=l1!!'.af'S 1=I,0mine tly In thl!!' C u 1'1 ulaInn saga. nO'!!till!!' 10 I I!!' here '!!I!!'ne 'I!!'Jea!p hl!!'r I 'lte. yl!!'t aIding hI!!' hoses of U I!Ole, and Ih n nd In Ine I!!'nd tty I 10 preVl!!'nl th rem IMnl l=Io!pllion of Ine'!!l!!'godd sses must De con neClI!!'d women went 0 t to wa r··.a i:u m !PaIdto have Del!!'n nan .al hi!p motne ns req ue!rt.. .and that rna ny 1=I,0minent har tee role c:yc:11!!'!p wa rlers, like tne ,ill'!!n Boud lees. who!Pe na are e nMtted wlln Do di, "w:irtory," c:1'!! !P of fem.ale WeI rl rs- -ba! b.anfe Innidi 1!!'1i:, r m !P Ie Ine'!!l!!'god 1!!'!io'!!I!!"!! at il"!!t eon neCll!!'d witn fl!!'nll we,1!!' f n lens eha nging wllh ne g,owing ,II ke tendl!!'ni:ie!p of Ine el!!' s, r '1!!'C.a11!p of ne In reefold that UI!!"!! .and po'!!!plbly Ihl!!' a • ,ill'!!h In!pcrll=llion .al Bl!!'nw II i'!! glo'!!!Ped l.ami.a_~ Sne a. an Eartn .god • .and w h 1!!'f'S I!!'Xpel!ptne eme ria ns wn tnev de'Stroyl!!'d Ihl!!' ag IUral c:e of l'l!!'l.and_~....P b.ably tne!ioc:.a ·i:'OW WeI'!!at enee tne !ioY I .and t e i c:,a,nation of Ihl!!' ar·godde!io'!!l!!"!!. 0 '1!!"!!l!!'mblethl!!' Norse .a 1=1 ,ing !POmetiml!!'!P row!P. and thl!!' 'I!!'e k Ke,I!!'!P. ird ·11 e bl!!'in !P as b k Ihl!!' blood of tne la ln, It ls alse . te'l!!'!rting 10 nore that H.a b h ';. he cha racter of a prophetess of evil, i'5 often irJentifierJ

e In n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


foraDltom1.noh.lII1 I·-ir----

·Wa';oner .jJt tne a rmou r 01" .sa rrnenrs 'She seems

rhe Matl"e';o, ,godde'S';.e';oof tertiI" Ihl!!' trlf:llication of '!!ui:h godde na me of D.lgd.a''!! wife. 0' tne f.a ·molner'!!." whill!!' Bu.anan'!p na may '!!uggl!!"!! '!!ui:h .eto u ped knoW'!! of wn III!!' woml!!'n who as I OVl!!" natu rs. 0'. as in Ihl!!' Batt! who f.all In love witn Cou nailn I, Ihi'!! documenl .and I!!'l'!!lI.!'Whl!!'re I I!!'n," ~ Godde'!!!ioe!p of fe rtillry f:I,ominll.!'nce gi'llen to fl!!'ma 11!!'!p .a ea lied !:II!!'find. ·wn III!!' Wome n 1!!'1'!!lI.!'Wne .and that tnev f,1!!'1!!'1y re • Ihl!!'m witn tn I'!!grou p of godde'!! l'l!!'la nd. In ree king'!! of Ihl!!' FotI.a. who DeWd Irela n gr.anred. bUI only E,iu (E'in) re a!'llologli:a I mytn axpla Ining the bl!!'.agrou p likl!!' thl!!'!!"!!. gu.a,

or a ppe r by name in 1.-elanrJ, ut Mouiga nand B'igit... Ihl!!' tn re Id An u, na u• .and ! are ea I d ml!!'tl me!p ren de red "good moth I!!'!P WI!!"I!!' ot unk nown, Late, pinning, 'lh,1!!'e nAg'!! witn ntry. of I 'I!!'e supsrnatura I wo I!!'n 1m In flgn and heal hls wou nes In ioned tn "'!!rd of tne white w de'!!'!!l!!'!Pof love. and e '!!ide. t e faa that Iney are f.airle!p no 'I!!'pre'!!ent Ine Ma I!!'!P ne I, 10 10 mortAl'!!. may i:onn tne M 11e!!p .aui'lle !P!:aIled E,iu. sa n boa. nd Id bl!!' ea I I!!'d .afti!!', them, Tn ls as In genii.!' I U'!!e, W Thl!!' '!!tOry ls an of l'l!!'la n • bUI In I!!'tn ree wive!p ay tne!.an whii:h took Its n.aml!!'f' m

!:I,ia n. Iueha r, a nd Iueharba, wno . tille to t e wnoll!!' grou p• .a,1!!' a I d e of) D.anu· or. aga In. "god'!! of d n· ui del!!' IJon.and. "thl!!' tn ree geds ( (knowledge). pe!Pas thl!!' , a folk· ology. .a!P'!!0i:1.a11 .an ng wiln thl!!'ir mothl!!"''!! n.aml!!' D.anu ~ rieus att ibute!p .a,1!!'f:ll!!'rs.on Ifll!!'d as n all In re ~~ Thougn some of tn !ioe thelr dl!!"!!i:l!!'nd.anl!P. Wl!iodom Dein attlibure'!! m.av n.aVl!!'bl!!'l!!'naetua I • 1!!"!!f:l1!!'i:1.a1 Ei:nII.!'0' WI'!!dom. Vet i!p mere proboabll!!' that Ihl!!' parson t n i'!! tne I!!"!!ull of tne su DtlI!!'tII!!"!!of I!!"!! eeur _ ,~ an tne other ha nd. ne e ba rd le selsnes. of wn leh !plmi!.a, f.aa that Ec:ne ls Ihl!!' son of Ih,1!!' srs. m.aV rec:.all seme ea rly pra with in Ihl!!' '!!.ag.a!P, M, D'Ar m of f:lolya nd ry of wn Ii:h Inruni:1!!"!! has '!!ugge'!!ted that Iuehar .and I .a,1!!'me, d u plic:.all!!"!!of u! IAke!p Ihl!!' II!!'.ading place. idenlifi tham witn In ree king Ihl!!' Tuatn.a DI!!'.arelgn Ing .alIne of Ihl!!' 11e'!!i.aninv.a!plon·· Mace IlL aeeerdin 10 Keating, baea U'!!I!!' ne Mac:C.i!!'i:hl. .and Mac:Gta Innll.!'.se halel (r.:ollJ, the ., lou,gn (r.:ecntl, a su n (,gria l 'We re ·sorJ';o of 'WOf"'S Oa,grJa, a rJ M, O'Arboi';o re,ga.-rJ';o to the rn, 80tn grou P'" are ,granrJ

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


in,genio upon Irl imlla r person.a fte, tn ne Inei·tu e!rtlnv. Del!!'ntn

';. also tri.,lir.:ate';. of one ,god, beca U'5e their wive';. F a II b names of I relanrJ it';.elt. sre .,ersonifir.:atiDn'5 of lT1ay e ".-erJur.:ed to unity_· m While thi'S reaso in ';., it '5 uld be re me rnbered that we must not lay too much h diw:i e gl!!'ne logie!P. whill!!' I!!'ae:ng,ouf:! of Ih,1!!'e may 1'1 a ea I ds ass i:i.alll!d .al .a LuI!!" tlml!!' as brothers, ThI!!'Ir !Pe ;tv i'!! ggl!!"!!t by Ihl!!' faa tne Tua In.a oil} na n.ann a,1!!'ea I!!'d m ·tn Men Ihl!!' Th,1!!'eGod'!!." and thelr ! .af:!f:!.a In I!!'nt of nagda, Lug,. .and Ogma censu Iting tham bl!!'fo,1!!' hl!!' h t d··a atura I f:!,o!:eeding if IhlllY we re god'!! of k nowll!!' ,:H Tn b'Olhl!!' are '!!aid 10 n.ave !plain Ihl!!' god Cian. and m'!!1!!'1!P'!!lain by Lug, .and on tn ls !Peem!pto ha'lll!!' Del!!'n D.a Tne hild'l!!'n of Tu lren n. in whicn Iney f:!l!!'rl'!!n Ih,oug aIning ne e rle dl!!'manded by Lug. 0:54 He,1!!'thl!!'V .a,1!!' Ily Ine I, motne r na nu 0' B'igit i'!! ml!!'ntlonl!!'d_

'!! Ogma. m.a!rtl!!', of poeuy and inve nter of dl!!',ived frem hls n.aml!!' m It ls mere proba I!!' _ gm.a''!! n.ame rlv.allve frem seme word slgn l'lYing "!ppee h· "wrltl ng" .and Ih i:onnll.!'tlion with "· may bl!!' .a me, 01 y. Og apr'!! as Ihl!!' e:n.amf:!ion of Ihl!!' gods, 0:56 a positle g hlm f:!1!!' af:!!pf m rhe 'imitive i:u'!!tom of rou'!!ing tne warriors' I!!' 011 by aleq I!!'nt!p ei:hl!!"!! bl!!'fo,1!!'.a battll!!'. Slmila,1y tne Babylon lan '!!•• w.a alse Ihl!!'lr eha mf:!ion In flgnt. Ogm.a foughl a ut In 0 ne r aeeou nts ne su rvlvl!!'!P.ea ptures Tethta '!P ees on Ihl!!' q I!!"!!t for D.agd.a''!!ha rp• .and i!p given .a !p[d anl!!'r tne lao'Y_ Ogma' i:ounl In GauI i'!! Ogmio'!! • .a Hl!!'r.ak a nd a II!!"!! lequen • Ihu De.a,in Ihl!!' dua I eha r.aae r of Ogm.a. while Ogm.a''!! ,i.ana In i:n." tha s Iling i:ounll!!'n.ani:I!!'." 'I!!'!:alk tuela n'!Paceeunt of "!pmlling face" of Og io'!!_~)1 Ogm.a''!! 1'1 Ign po'!!itlon ls thl!!' re'!!ult f n of .ardle loqul!!'n!:e among tne Ce hs, who!Pe lequac prove rb aI• .an to him Irs o'igin wa'!! doubtle!P'S .a!ioCrlbll!d. s we II as a poet'Y- ne gl!!' e.aloge:W:f:!lain1 I'!! '1!!'Iatlon!pnIf:! to Ihl!!' other d I\rin - in 1' way!P. bUI tne i:onfu'!!ion'!! may rasu It from Ihl!!' faa go !P .ad f wh leh thl!!' .anna lim m.adl!!'!Pe!!'person II more I IIII!d Brlglt''!! son. He, fu netiens we,1!!' IlkI!!' n· 0 MO'!!t u ne laer asl ng su pre of god'!! ove r goddl!!'!P'Sl!!"!!. n h , but In '!! reallye

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


Ure sorJ';. we the rJevelol'...,e of Celtir.: art rk ner.:e'5';.itatins ttl ,god'5 of thi'S art, Such a sorJ i'S G ibniu, on'fmDU'5,god of '5 gob.a. "srnhh"]. nd tne divlnl!!' r.a rna n a Ine battll!!' of Mag· !ppeaI"!! whic:n ne , fa IIII!d to kil _~ Smitn n.ave '.!'lIe ryIJIIhl!!'reb as u nea nny··a r.aditlon '!!urY -n frem tne fil"!!t Inlrodutt among I 1'10 !PI!!' h10 see I!!'wl!!'.aj:lon!p.and j:ltayed aga In!rt s. and D'uid!P.·.an it ls th su rprl!plng 10 fl Ch,i'!!!p, A !P S, Gall. appe.a !:onnll!Cted wiln ne culin.ary a fea'!!t of tne god • wn lie hi'!! .a j:I,odu!:1I!d by h dV Ilq UOI"!! immona l;tv. Ii Som.a. Ihl!!' Sae • to whom Ine Anotne, god of ea I'd. ·tinkl!!"·). su pplied with Attord Ing to Ih Sj:IaIn, O;6l4 Luch battll!!'. and with hl!!'.ad!p, ~i!U r.aft'!! WeI'!! re- n C who a'!!!pI!rted glea I ra pldity p.a !Pof .anna li'!!t!p.hI!!' a drown ine. god of r\l'ellou'!! '!!k II ,.; d_ Si:OI!P we.aj:lon!p u'!!ed at whill!!' brl ngl ng go en 0' j:I,ovldll!d spsar-ha die'!! fIne m inlO thl!!' '!!o!:kl!!'lS f Ihl!!'!:lI!(:nt. wn na ml!!' may , ha nd fer Nuad _ 0:6) H !POn and. with C'l!!'ld e's hl!!'lp. f.a!p Mi.a!:n re plaO!!'d hls by .a magic: , of Ihl!!' rea I ha nd• .a d In je lou'!!V hi'!! f.alne r !plew him··.a Vll.!'f'Slo ;::I rehs n formulA Ihl!!' J leus master, Tnrel!!' h nd'l!!'d and sl grew from hi'!!gr • and Wl!!'re arr.anged accer ng to thelr pr hls !p1'!!te AI rmed. ut Di.a I!!'!:nt r _. ~t.L I Ihl!!' aga In !:onfu'!!lI!d ne m "! saeend b.anle·tu red. hl!!'.all ·well n !:onr.aining mag- ne res. Tne!Pe n woundl!!'d who re j:lla!:l!!'d in I of hl!!'.altn," D a neecht, asse i.a wiln a hl!!'.all g·well. m.a bl!!' ee ate n wiln Gta nnO'S_ I!!'ls alse ,I!!'fl!!" II!d to in I e S, Gall MS,. whl!!' I!!' hls 1'1 aling

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


tne profl!!"!!

with .a VI!!"!! '!!id. wn .a glee place fo'k. a

the ,gorJ';.is OasrJa, who, in the ry of the battle of Masbe ';.0 ca I rJ beca u-se he rJ to rJ more than II the they ';.(JicL -I soorJ hanrJ- (dasla lns oagd.a .a a Ig and dl!!-.a. Thl!!' O!P.-good: .an though Dr. ~'!! rtl!!'d with dag da, - eu n n In.'' 0:66 word pe! ar a nd eon n d nd othl!!" nam .ad·rofhl!!"!!!io.a.lord " EOi:n.aid ol!.al alr, -g I!!'.al f.a 1'1 er," -fo, a g'I!!'.a1 na n n wa'!! hI!!'.' o:6l' He i'!! a 1!iOCCI III!!'d "a bl!!' utihd of thl!!' p.aga s,- ~~ nl!!'r I battll!!' hI!!'d . es .among tn god'!!. but hls on Oe us. 1'1 Ing Del!!'n0 ittI!!'d. '!!u~l!!'dl!!'d in ou! hls .alne r f m 1'1 ls ~d. OVll.!"wh 1'1 hI!!' Igned 0:6"31.. o!P'!!ibly tha su 0 mytn Ie IIIn nagda '!P eu It by Oe n us, .a eemmon e ough II '1!!'ligion . In a notne r rslon, D.agda DeIng dead. Bodb hI!!''!!id. an ke!p th Tuatn DI!!'.aInvl!plbl .and lse nelp'!! whl!!' Ol!!'ngu'!! n w 11vII.!'!p ad. as ~ja T s' !.and. In a II 'I!!'!P ets re!Pembling tne Be.a EI iu m a nd a enee laeas Ihl!!' euhl!!' I!!'rl'!!l!!'d geds a d 10CCl form'!! f thl!!' d Ivln!!!' land, I r Rn9s reg.ud!p 0 da as .an arm spheri god; t, Mac:Ba In '!! '!! in !pkv-go More pr ba bly hI!!' ls a ea rly E.anh· ed .and a of has POWI!!' O'Itl!!'reorn an milk. nd ag' '!! to preve t Ihl!!' m dl!!"!!t'o ng tne'!!l!!' ane thalr V Ihl!!' Mil iansnt geds bing '!!!'garded hurd I• .a no uncommon I!!'!PU II of a nll.!'W .aitn. m D.agd d "Ine god of thl!!' a rth" I!!'g'I!!'.alnl!!"!! of hls powe ieal bJeas as .atl!!'d m su !rt f:!1e nand fe rtillry- i!p!:a d,on nlm !io.all!Ofi a II 1'1 i'!! un .ailing '!!wln • one .always I ing. In otne ready for king • I of a II!!' and tn reI!!' trel!!'!Pa Iw.a'f!ioI den w· 1'1 fru I Tne!Pe WI!!"I!!'In 1'1 I'!! 'I!!' non I!!"Itl!!'rsst t deatn; ~lj hI!!' ce hi'!! 'IJIi.a!P lees I EIy!ioI u nOI V !.and of dl!!'ath. ut tne undl!!'r ,Id In '!! prl lIive a'!!f:!l!!'tt !PIhl!!' god'!! fe rtillrv. n seme m'flh hl!!'.af:! I!!'ars IIh a 1'1 ugl!!' e b 0' d M. 'Arbol'!!!pu I!!'m hI!!' ay thu bl!!' a equivall!!'nt god wi Ihl!!' ma I t. ~11 Tn ls I'!!pr ba bll!!'. I!!'Ga u llsh go I!!'n.afe m of Oi'!!f:!a ' • .an Earth 0 r under- nh g d of fl!!'nllity.





e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


Mou nd, I' or • Blo doyHearJ or C 'S~ nr," m Va Iia nC€'f. citi ns a te • 'Says tnat C.-o eocha 'Wa';. a na e of OasrJa, and that a ';..jJ rific:ia I pia ce at T ra r€arJ." Let tn alta.- ever blare to OasrJa • m st IT tn i';.irJentifi tion. rhe cu It of C.-o mm i pr€

To him without glo Tn y would kllllhl!!'l r W 1'1 much wa lling a To peur Ine I, blood M k and cern Tn y would ask f,o urn fer a In I rd at wa'!! tne horro

iteo us wreli:h d pe,il rou nd C:,om m hlm !ppel!!'dily f thelr ne.altny i .and fl!!'.a,of 1'1 I

EI wne re wI!!' 11!!'.a, tn ls !,Wi in relu,n fer Ine gift'!! of ee n .an f m Ihl!!' god lOOk aoa at S.amha In .and that on one eeeasien I!!'v 0 1=1'strarlons of Ine r'!!hippef'S ea U'!! d In ree·founh!p of them d II!!'_ ·t bl!!'.al thl!!'ir pa I s, Ihll.!'Y l=Ioun d tneir bodil!!"!! . . _ thl!!'V hl!!'d sh rs of tl!!'ars." ~ ThI!!"!!I!!' .a,1!!''I!!' in lseanees of orgi.a!rtli: rll In pa nand pll!!'a'!!u,1!!' II Inlo on!!!'_Th god m ust n.aVl!!'bl!!'en a god of fl!!' Ih blood of Ihl!!' vi on thl!!' Imagl!!'. Ihl!!' fll!!"!!h .a In a .a • OU '!!avAge ,ite!P .an ay n.aVl!!'bl!!'en bu rll!!'d In I 1=1'mOIl!!' fl!!'nllity. If • Ihl!!' vlaim!p' h W.a'!! in!rtintt with Ihl!!' d- in Irv. and, Inough In I!!'I,numbl!!" ls obvlou'!!ly e:w:aggetated. '!!I!!' m y n.ave ra ken Ihl!!' pl.a!:e of .an I!!'a lie r !p1.ainrel=l'l!!"!!l!!'nl.alNI!!' of m ii: Crom Dubh. ' alack Crom. 0!Pefe'!! eeeurs on tne rst S. in ugust, m.aV De.a olhl!!" form of ,omm Cru.aii:n. In On!!!'M Ihl!!' i'!! n'!!k! rred to S. uick',!! !Perv.anl, who i!p.a!pked by Ihl!!' f.airll!!'!pwne wi I go 10 Pa r.adi'!!l!!'. 'Not lill tne da of juLigmenl.· ls thl!!' ans Ih Ihll.!'Ycea'!!l!!'10 h 11=1 in tne 1=1i:1!!"!!!Pe'!! ,agtii:u II u 'I!!'_ Bul n a men of M nan nan bid'!! C:'O a'!!k tn ls que 10n. and Ihl!!' sa me 'I!!"!!ull folio Tn '!!e ra II!!"!!n us en rl ne tne idea I at C:,om .and Ine f.airll!!'!p re a t '!! of growtn wno i:1!!'.a!Ped ne 11=1en wnen tnev de!Pertl!!'d I I!!'m to C:h i'!! fa Ith_ If tne acrlflO!!' 'IJIi.a!P 'I!!'d .allhl!!' Au 'erust fe!rtiva • or. 0 'SUS8e' Sa nain, after ha



e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


the neJrt yea r's crop, anrJ the fl


h the ';.eerJ

ase Og


.a F wn ule

.a nuv In us n.a~ t.een .a go of growtn ress w.a!P thl!!' ,ive r-goddass H .and (thl!!' H Ibl!!'d to hlm WI!!"I!!' Ol!!'ngu!P D 1Je.atg. . Thl!!' I!!'U me rim made 1'1 m ie of Cethle ne II!!' of Mag·tu red in wn Ich I!!' ,ka Diy frel!!' frem ob!iO!!'nI!!' n g'OIe'!!qul!!' , ,ound D.agd.a. We hea r G.arg,antu.a bV Ihl!!' Fomorla ns. a nd of i 1'1 ne .all!!' !PO im to moVl!!' .and un!Pel!!'mly !P ls .a1=11=1a rel, mo, t.e.aury. Anolhl!!'r a 0' of 1'1 I'!! 'IJIi.a!P re il oecu rred bl!!'ing stlll kn as -Thl!!' Co D.agd.a acts as cook 10 Cona I I!!'I I!!'g'I!!'.aI. m

Thl!!' DI!!'.auliful .and f.a~nating of I I!!'You ng one!p. i.e, D.agd.a Th· na me. like Ine mytn of hls '!!ul=l r'!!l!!'ding of nagda, If '!! • 1'1 old r ged, as WCI'!!requl!!'nlly do e i f nu tn us n.aVl!!'t.el!!'n Ihl!!' high g d seme uit.e ou ing Ine 1'1 ign god of anether rl I!!'.un less WI!!' pre 1!!'1Iic: wiln funaion,!!!p1 god II.a 10 Iho!Pe of ado II!!'d hls i:ult bUI gel V I!!'that f I!!'ngu!P.a 1'1 ign '!!ul=lI!!'macv of Ol!!'ngu!p, ls '!!el!!'n, fie tne fil"!!t ba fer 10 t.ei:oml!!' Ihl!!' !plavl!!'of wn Mort'!! Ihl!!' t.e'!!t l=lieD.!'!Pf o lion'!!. Fol ne ot on Iy eauses tne lampoo e r !Pde.aln. bUI ria n . ~0!011 an inwffii:lenl g'ou ds nuinly bl!!' Dla maid. t.e 10Vl!!'dof women. a d ea U'!!I!!'hls wn I I=Il!!'redIoVl!!' thoughts 10 vo h .and ma Idl!!'n tne EM'!! of tne Gae ls, Mo,1!!' 1=1' ba Iy bl!!' WCI'!!1=1 g'o h. wno oo::a'!!!pu re edip'!!1!!' d u r 'I!!'. like Tel mmu t .and Adon!p. nd tn ls may M -tu red. Thl!!' bl!!'.auliful !rtOty h !Pvl'!!lon of .a '11101 ntly in 10Vl!!'eonta Ins too m ologlea I or re ligiou'!! v.alue H e for her, but without ali i I. t Ia';t -she hrer of a ';.e1T1 H:Iivine lo.-rJ a irJ, but only t

oe. -Thl!!' oung Son,I!!'• m.av pol t re 1'1 I'!!eu II bl!!'l!!'n.aff. I II!!'d to Ihl!!' g. In Elab on. Ol!!'ngu'!! .a!io'!!uml!!'d pre nui:V. su I!!' gd.a w.a!P.a us• .and I at tne Cll.!'1t'!! I!!'myrn thl!!' d. nagda I'!!

of Ol!!'ngu'!!. Ihl!!' remoPAuon of I ird'!! whii:n •a I!!'l!!'nc:.alll!!'d me god of i deatn in in hi'!! .a !Peni:1!!' from I!!'n wllh om ne fl!!'ll

ig I Iu


to bet h e

h the hel

of morta ls

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

wa'5 the secret of h

ma iden, .jJnrJ on .jJ c became his wife. T oi:i:a!plon.altv 'I!N:I uI, Influl!!'no:!d ruin and Fuamnae ruin • .and tra nm,

IT1 him. She wa'5 .jJ '5 btain he ....Ultimate it ';.hO'lH5how the

bUI Fuamn.ach tel I ruir • .a no bll!!'of U

rough a '!!mo~ nole Inlo a golde n e: I r's wit" • of nom !Pne wa'!! 'I!!'Do' .and wn myrn. Ol!!'ngu'!! n'!!l!!'of tne !pkv. ~~j l:Iul tne enD.!'. '!! ruin did under tn I!!'d.a bl'.!'gin

me I!!'nt. of p of _~~6 Ine awn lof

hI!!' Wl!!'11· Brol ars." b wn I!!'grl ls I!!' Ce le eq u I\ra lenl of 'It.a ieus 11.a-IYf:I • In w Ii:h thl!!' hl!!',oine mn I!!'.al!p Ine 1'1 ro .and kef:ll in his room. ~MI,!! divln funeei ns. but it Illu!rtr.a1 I" se 001 in d !iomW' hic:.a 0' not. Oe ngu'!! appea I"!! I Di,um.aid. ~"J witn whl!!'n Ihl!!Y d l!!"!!I'Ov Tn ls m.av pol nt 10 1'1 I Allhougn Mide rap l:I,i lJ}it.h. ne I'!!alse onn 11!!'.a!pIhl!!' I!!'rerand f:I'OI edb, and Mo 'iga n. I!!'expel'!! In I!!'Fomo .an!p and ilk of I I!!'Tuatn.a D.} na _asn

Inly.a a king tha sl I!!'.and ru II!!"of tne br d w 1'1 tne T .aln.a a, m Le.a,ning that in arrll!!'d King echa ld, ne ,1!!'CO'Ite re ne r from him. bUI 10 , I!!'n Eoc: .aid a e:kl!!'d his brug, HI!!' W.a'!! tr.agii: nli:h II!!'d10 thl!!' dea 1'1 of ultima Ie tv .aVl'.!'ngI'.!'d thl!!' In

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou

1 ';0 H enC€ o..-rJ , reg,.udl!!'d as c:.auldron. WI!!' Brl LII}lth bV told now va rl tne I,i!pn eq u with .a rnw 0 Thl!!'virtorv 0 vlaorv folio b.anle InN n.alu'l!!'• .and powe I"'!!of lig d II!!'In winte,. tne god'!! as AI Ihl!!' seeon

la nC€ to E Iysiu m e a ppea rs .jJ';oru Iyslum, Thl!!'no:! I!!'!rtOll!!'n by Cui:h ithl!!"nI!!' ~!U •• pe,h u!P.anim.ak and lenl of a bull, m tne Tu.alha Ol!!'a d. nowl!!"lter, bV mDe r, may polnl nneal!!'d wiln Ih I and gowtn.a, Ch,i'!! e uhem uiol"'!! who we re b.anle. N uada 10

hou h his ';oirJ is ""ide..- IT1U e..the losleof i!p da pll!!'r BLh lain .and Cu rol P'S


f;iJtec:! in 1.-elanrJ,· has ';.0 be re,ga..-rJec:!.jJ';o n of it';. Fa!,ga, t.e. the 1';01
nat, hi!p m.agi!:al .and hls Ih,1!!'1!!' era !Pfrom lens of Ihl!!' myI '!! whii:n god's land, Mid V bl!!' • def:lirted on 'I!!'III!!'k·IUred. in J n • tnei, e I!!'.alh!p m ny of Ihl!!'m at Ih I!!'rnnd of 01 mvrh!p dra atislng Ihl!!' phen I of su m r .and wi ntl!!', fe'!!t" in I I!!'a'!!i:l!!'nd.a In '!!umml!!"; thl!!' '!! ,i'!!t!P Ihl!!'!ioe mvrh!p. bUI sla In who d Ie .and '1!!"It" !P1'1 fil"'!!t. tnough hi'!! ff b Ihl!!' Fomo Stl!!'ng,.for e vlao,iou'!! th god'!! mu!rt su '!!il'iter n.a d w.a!P m.adl!!' fo Dlano:!i:hl. a d neni:1!!'hI!!''IJIi.a!P Nu.ada Arg lam.·of tne '!!il r hand,· Profl!!"!!!POr !P'I!!'ga!"d'!!him as Rn le us. pol Iy baea U'!!I!!' i'!!ki ne Tuatn.a oil} ann. pa rtly baea . like leu!P r 1\11. who Io'!!t te .a ha nd tn rou h Ine will!!"!! of e II g ds, ls alse .aimed, o:M Slmil.a Rlg·ved.a Ihl!!' lns '!!ub!rtllule II!!'gof lren fer hI!!'leg, of VI!ppoIla. off in b.anle • .and t e sun ls CCI III!!'d old n-ha nded DeCCl e t off 1'1 I'!! U'!!I!!' n.and and Ine prlssts 'I!!'!d bV ne of gold. Thl!!' mvrh of Nua.a n.and m.aV have arl n from f:I,imit .a rnpts .al re lacing lopped ·off i bs, as we II as frem Ine f.att that no I,i!pn king must ave .anv bodily po'!!!plbly bl!!'!:a ! Imagl!!' of uad m.av havl!!' i:kl!!'d a n.and 0' one ohllVll.!'r, magI!!"!! l!!'re ofte rna I!!'dor glvl!!' .anific:laillmb!p. a w tnen aI"O'!!I!!' e:t:f:llaIn Ine eu m, as Nuad.a ap aI"'!!10 bl!!'.agod g,owrh. bUI ls not .a !pun·go . Hi!pWekh I!!'qu· .all!!'nt ls Lltid LI.a "!pIIVII.!'r·ha nde • wno dellve hi!p f:lMple f' m va rleus !ioCOU d.augntl!!" C,I!!' ~Iad ls 10 bl!!'we ded Gwvthu, bUI ls kid!!'d Anhu' dl!!'i:ld ! Ihll.!'Ymu!rt iglu r hl!!'r 'fI!!'.a V on l!rt M.av un of J udgmsrrt, wnen tne w:itto wo Id ga In h n.and. m P,ofe'!! re_g,.a,d!p 'I!!'I lad as a PI!!'I"'!!I!!'Pne wedded.a C o ,natelv 10 highl d I\rlnitll!!"!!. o:JJ' ut thl!!' !rtOry ma rsth , De 1!!':t:f:l1a atory of '!!ui:h rieu I .a,1!!'fou nd in felk-su!p In Ine rm of fig t'!! DetWl!!'l!!'nsu m

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

wint€ r, in h ic:n a of the 80 ';.of 8 I'.-oba ble od of ,g Mas-tu .a a'S Nod ns in Roma no·l:I,itl!pn timl!!'!P..Tne Ine out of t e 5@VII.!'rn.and Ine god m.aV • 1'1 !ioYmbols 'Sl!!'em 10 !:onnl!!'tl n Irl!pn mytn I!: poet N uada ic: wl!!'ll wnen!:1!!' i'!!!pued Ine 'lJll.all!!'r·god 'IJII.a!P .a!P'!!o!:l.ared 111c:Nej:lIUni!!', ~1l:I 1:1ut Ihl!!' n.age!pare ebseu rs. nor ls it

n.ame as we II fro '1Il'!!l!!'nred ot DeIng whl!!'n thl!!' da ughll!!' dl!!'.alh. h m.auied !!p,IB Le, ls In ) Sn.aklll'!!j:ll!!' re as Ki


.an!p·'S.a.· and !Pof t BOn whic:h m.adl!!' , of 1:10 har 'SI I!N:I u Iv.a

'S.a god of thl!!' 'S1!!'.a. f.alne r of ls Ih bl!!'.auliful!Ototy c:.alll!!'dTne !:ally II that ls kn own of 1'1 lm. He a. bUI WeI'Slatl!!', 'II.!'COnc:lled e hlm as hi'!! wife, On har ed har '!!te p-ch Ild'l!!'n into LIy,. l.all!!'r immonali'!!1!!'d bV

Tne gre.n 1Il'!!!Pf M n.anna o that hI!!' a psars in m.anv lrad Ilion nd folk· Ie, He

Ih 'Sl!!'a.· i'!! j:I,oVll.!'d bV Ihl!!' ie'S. nd ls !Olill 'I!!'ml!!'mDe red In

Tu.alha lrad Ilion pokl!!' of !puW!rtl!!'d by tne Orbsen, '5 n of All trader wn dwelt i

';. de';.CriberJ a';. a re nowned I'ilot';., weatne.--wi'5e, and

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



of thlll'

rhe COi.- An..., nn a ds that the d of the sea. iJlI Th t pcsmon i'5 pia inly seen in ma n tale';., e-s, in nru nt !,aos~ of T e Voyase ot Bran. whe.-e he su de n Iv OSW"ee ht. rirJins in a t across the 'IJII.a~!Pf,o m tne La d of Proml'!! hI!!' tAle of CLl 's SIi:kn!!!'!P'!!. .a•• rnming man of Ihl!!' er aeress Ihl!!' w.aVl!!"!!_ n tne Agalla noraeh hI!!' .apf:l ars '!! a i:av.alle, brea'!!ling Ihl!!' wave , "For thl!!' !P '!!ubml!!'rgl!!'d e w.aVl!!"!!hI!!' wo Id In Ine ssa, but WOu rl!Pe on tne !rt of ne tenth witno Ing ml!!'!rt 0' brea'!!l_· )iJ'!i In one reha le ra II!!'hI!!' . 'lJll.aVl!!' whli:n '!!WI!!'f:l1 .away,. ile Ihl!!' 'IJII.a sen of Li"'!! nor'!!l!!"!!·••.a na ml!!' '!!II Ieu rrenl in I wlfl!!', HI'!! f:lo!plI- n as god of Ihl!!' belief ne wa'!! 'ule r 0 tne oVl!!'f'SI.!'a m.a_gli:aI dom.ain rm lneus wit l'!!le of Ma n. wn 1m ay OWl!!'Its n lsla nd. 'IJII.a!P reg.ud by tne Gold I l'!!le of Fa Ig.a_ HI!!'i'!!.a !PO Ihl!!' Ma n.a able to tra n'Sform
II ~~

M.anan nan .af:lf:lears in thl!!' C:ui:hu Flonn i:Yi:Ie!P. u ua I as .a 'ule r of tne Othl!!',·world, H wifl!!' Fand C:ui:h lain n '!Pmlstrsss Di.a aid wa'!! 1'1 I'!! 1'1 ls g e!rt Ihl!!'re_ EVI!!'nIn C rlstla n II me!p pu pll in '!!u f\Ii w:i ng n nd be bu'!!V wit hi!p na me, KIng w.a!P fighli g Ihl!!' Srnrs nd I g'I!!'.a1 da ngl!!'r. ne .a !rtr.angll.!" ne wou Id '!!ave !pD.and',!!lifl!!' .af:lf:ll!!'.a'l!!'d hi'!! w 10 .and an nou n 10 1'1 lm. Shl!!' , ntly .agrel!!'d. If !Pne would eons I 10 aba ndo .and tne eh lid of tne a mou r wa'!! In h-eentu ry King n. of wnom tne an n.all!rt '!!aY'!!. VI!!''VOn!!!'kno ls rea I f.alhl!!'r Mongan wa'!! alse belie~d to a 'I!!' irtn of Fionn_ remembl!!"l!!'d in fol ·tr.aditlon. an n tn l'!!le of Ma n. wn be '!!I!!'e seme of i'!! rltua I su n. un II latl!!'ly. bundle on wo hill!p, )[I!. Ba placed for him on mid'!!um me, Anhu' 10 tne fortu .are i'!!11!!"!! • .an ,Ba I. who i:'0!P'!!1!!'d may n.aVl!!'be n legenda ry f '!! of 10!:a1sea-ged M.ana n nan. or of MAna n 1'1 !PeIf, )[I'J HI'!! !PEn barr. • wa r f m 0' hair, rna ned sea." a rln s, f:ll!!'!P .and Ma n.anna n 'IJII.a con neal!!'d witn D.a would In us bl!!' a su na me of Ihl!!' god who rode on E ba rr, thl!!' fo.a lms If tne 'lJll.aVl!!'. S, am, if such wn i Ie h i';. my:thic: '5e -rirJins wa';. t.a person eve.- ejl(i';t rJII II II II

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

Variou'5 lT1as~1 po'S';.e ';,'word, the one ma ki ns 'W'ea.-erinwlnerable, t e bl!!'neld it.: hls horse an nos: hls '!!WIM. wn Ii::h ea killl!!'d; 1'1 I'!! nugli:: elea k; i'!! eu p wn Ii::h b,okl!!' wn n ra blll.!'Clolh. whicn. wne .aVll.!' uesd food. I!!"Itl!!'rylJllhl!!'re M1:Irene In nd Ihl!!'re ls neeh Ing j:llI.!'C nl!!'ed nOI. Ihl!!'refo,l!!'. Ihl!!' mvtbo leglsts, !ilee I i::loud'!! 0 r In hls !ioWOrd I tning or Ine sua's r.a'f!io. as Wl!!'11s Ine faa a much wlt.udrv ls .attrlb 10 .a eopleus mytnology I '!!tl!!'rlng rou nd Ihl!!' god. 0

a rrneur anrJ i -ns all wno .agAin wne n !ppok@n; hi!p I!!'.a,1!!'ound f
n tham, We

ne v.aj:lourv lea I natu rs,

hicn nukl!!'!P Tne PA'l!!'nUgl!!' of Lug I Iffe'l!!'ntlv '!!t.all!!'d. but at d. ):t.=I Folk. him sen of .and of E hne, da ughll!!'r of B.alor. i!p De, l!\ring In ltad Ilion stlll raea 11!ph I latlon of Lug and aa 10' B ler • .a TOry tsla nd. had .a d.aug , wnO'SI!!'son wa'!! to kil h r f.alhl!!'r I!!'Inerefore sh ut hI!!" up In a nina !io'!!ibll!!'plaes, bUI In 'I!!' n fer 1:1 I r's staa ling!!'eIV'!! i::OW.Ihl!!' la , g.ained aeeass 10 her, II Ine re that Elnne bo,1!!' tn reI!!' se ns, wno a 10' i:=a!rt Inlo tne sea, 0 I!!' of I Lu.g. 'IJIi.a!P ,1!!'CO'Ite red bV nee d fo!Ole'l!!'d by 1'1 ls b,olh r 0' now '!!lew Mac:lnl!!'e Iv. but wa'!! hi If sla In by Lug. wno j:lie ~ witn a ,I!!'d -het iron. ~1j In an e r version. Kian ra kl!!"!! Inl!!'eIV laO!!' and ls a Idl!!'d by M.ana n nan. In a eerda nee witn oldl!!'r I I!!'n!j._ m B Lug'!P blnh· !rtOry has Del!!'n influe n in tne!ile ta 11!!'!p tne M by I!!'n for la of Ihl!!' gi,1 hidde n .away baea U'!!I!!' 1'1 !PDel!!'n foretold '!!h it II have on wno will !play har fatne,_ Lug ls assoelated wllh Tu.nha Dl!!'a aga In!rt Ihl!!' bv In ls brillia nt wa rrler' Vll.!'rslon. found in Thl!!' !rtOry of Mag·lu'l!!'d_ H !ilerYh::1!!"!! .a cr.aftsnu as -tne ma n of I!!'am .and N uada 'l!!'!Pign'!!hi'!! In ron Ihl!!' v.a,iou'!! i::ransml!!'n (I ma Nl!!'llou!p j:ll!!'r'Son rlski and '!!ing!phi'!! wa r-song, his rJeath decirJec:I the n.anna n. from whO'SI!!'I.a d e eem mo,!p. Hi'!! a ppsara n w '!! MWI!!"!!!P Ihl!!' hosts wl!!'re u 'IV de n:! n of Tuire n n. diffe rs f' m Ihl!!' Lug a rrlve!p at Ine g.a '!! Tel r.a aeh offl!!'r i'!! refu'!!l!!'d. u Iii ne p ry a rt, or !PAmIId.anacn him fer Ihirtel!!'n d.alf'!!• .an thl!!' gods]. and though 1'1 Im!ile If in fight hI!!' e j:I 10'. Ine I!!'w:il·~d. hI!!''!!I.a a'f asa in';t the Forno - n';. the d jyine IJatron'5 of c

venl '!!ui::h a ne wa rrlers, ·!rtOne • .and unt lUS

'WO.-rJ';., he i';.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

perior to a whole,g u pi of '5. e 'Wa';. a 1';.0 inve tor of rJ.-auS y, anrJ norse man';.n . aut, as ,O'Ar'boi'5 sh ,';.oiJlT1ildanach i'5 e uiva lent of • inve nrc of all 11";,. al'l'lierJ by C to tn e Gallo- 0


g L ( L

.ale of Lug,. )l~ Thi e,!:uty. who ls tn us eunds, A'!! Lug'!P na rs In Irish Loulh (L magh) and in ri .aIL !PO In G.aul th n.ame!p LugU un gu ·v.allum. M.a, Ha ria n's ns]. Lugud laeus • .a d Lug Iva ('dl!!'vollI!d to Lug !p") !Pnow Gaul h fl!!'a'!!t of tugus in Augu!rt··tne 0 gu'!! 'WCI'!! worsn 1f:lf:l1I!d Lug'!Pfl!!'!Ot.ivalIn I,I!!' aps su f:l1!!'r'!!lI!ded OM in hen u by ustus, No ded leaf '!! 'f'.!'1 been fou d. Dut images f ugudunum Con narum m A'!! tn re In ree B'igit'!!. se t e,e rna ha'll bel!!'n '!!l!!"Itl!!'r.a1 ms of tugus • .a d fe di!:'.nion'!! to tne '!! ha I!!'b n found In Sp.ain and Swrul!!', • tham in'!!!:,ibed by t e shee a Ice of uea rna, ~l6 hu!p Ine Luge VI!!' bel!!'n mu lIipllll!d rms Lug!P 0' tugeves, - ne ro,- thl!!' n 10 - Lug- bV 0' avoren m oe· rna king 'WCI'!! l!!"!!!Oed V Lug, bUI rofl!!'!io'!!' Rh raca II'!! Ihl!!' fa b om hI!!' aquatas wit. Lug. l!iogu· II!d him!iol!!'lfas a heema Ice r, )It. sldes be Ing a mlgnty here, s a reat CI!!'IIic:eu lIu I!!'.god. su pe,io har eu lIu'l!!' d I\rin ltil!!"!!.

e.'!!h m ed Ih

nd re

M ay

I!!'e uneme,i'!!t!p .a!io'!!igII!d .a d in II d.atl!!' to Lug'!Pd ath, Dut !plde V!P dl!!' th Ihis tne memoty hls d "nity revallll!d • .and ne appsars as Ihl!!' d nelf:ll!!'r of Cu!:hul.a nn. wn 'WCI po'!!!plbly.a rebi 1'1 of Ihl!!' god, 1'1 f:lo!pllion appsars i Ihl!!' f Ih tIne Ga u hsh as Lugu !Pneld In 1'1 I'!! honou fe of Lugna!io.adin l'l!!'l.and. Cr.a '!! ughl thelr w,a,1!!"!! to . aI of In I!!'god f !:r.aft'!!. wh lie e n.aVl!!' l!!'en .a n.a b Wn !!!'tne, il 'WCI'!! !rtrlaly!PO lar uDt'fuL though P,ofe !PO Rh r ethers In'!!i'!!ttn.a Lug ls .a'!!un·g n ml!!' of tne wel!pn Il!!'u. 'T hr." ls equ.aled wi Lug, .and thl!!' !io.a I!!' .aning asslgned 10 I latte, jH T ls equation has I!!'l!!'n c:onte!rted an I'!! uDt'fuL LUgu!P prob Diy man I - ne ro." j~~ Stl lIne su n·llke tr it'!! .a rlbll!d to Lug befo,1!!' ag-tu d '!! I!!"!!t hI!!'wa a sun-ged • .an ds I!!'l'!!lI.!'Whl!!'re. I!!',g.t e poly Ma uI• .a,1!!' u lIu I!!'.god'!! as wl!!'ll. B e ould be rl!!'membar wllh tne tru

Ine ~ nana nn ls !Oeduf:lon a '!!I!!'II!!' of record tha of the sod'5 of he r.:ontine nta I Ce , '5 in cl ssic I a urhors and el wne.-e, com fm

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


e.z ....
ide, t the I" ngln';. ce rta i Iv the 1'1 !P of growl. lig Ing fl!!'rtllity. _g. tn be jur;Jsed, tnoush the a funcnc nosmust h ave be n ur.:h a lilrie, and lT1e- rhe Tuatna Ole Oa a n 'We re natu re dg'ic:u l'Iu'l!!'· -tha I, '!!~bol nd po'!!!Oe!P'!!ion!p uId ron. ThIllY we,1!!' divl n ie of C:U l'Iu'l!!' .and have been nunv other g din Ire la nd ml!!' of Iho!Oe nuv nOI ha'll en wol"!!hipped I!!'.akng, Ine re we re nunv I I I geds in G.aul . ila r fu naion but d re nt n.aml!!'!p,. and In I'!! ma h ve bel!!'n Uul!!' of n . Pe,ha ps Ih d iffe I!!' I n.ame!p give n to D.agd. ana n nan. and erh I"!! we,1!!' !plmply nam !plml!.a, lees I god'!!. on!!!' of whom baea me I!!'nt. and att c:tI!!'d im'!!1!!'1f tne n.ame!p of Ihl!!' rs, So. too. Ine of na nu .an nt be axpla Inl!!'d. 0' Ihl!!' f tt thl!!"l!!' Wl!!'re rlgl'l!p.. WI!!' n the te:I:U of tne god 0 nn.augnt. 0' of , and tne!Oe 'I!!'ntly 'I!!'glona I di'llin ltil!!"!!. 0' of "Ihl!!' god of I m· f:jl!!',haps I"!!hipped ! bV Dru I '!! m Thl!!' 'I!!'mOII!!' some of Ih i les nuv be soughr in tne itlvl!!' eu It of tne .a fl!!'n I being • .and in that of tlon .and eornnatu re In all I'I!Paspeets, e of Ihl!!"!!l!!'!Olill when Ihl!!' grl!!'atl!!" god'!! a nItll!!"!! wno are '!! not In l'l!!'!.and. III!!" an·god'!! are 1e'!!!P I f c:ullu rs, i:r.aft'!!• .and wa r, n of dl!!'f:jartml!!'nl!P rs. must ha I!!' sle .a!P'!!uml!!'dIhl!!' dl!!'flnit.e I"!! na lity asslgned _ HUI. d umle!P'!!. IhlllY al'l!!'ady pos !Oed that Defore I'I!!'!.a Suic:tly !ppe.aking. Ihl!!' un I!!' ,ound dema In oil} DAna nn be lengs only ui:h of tham as ass n d latl!!', 10 In But in eeurse of liml!!' me f thl!!' g,ouf:j • as sseelatad wit i:onn!!!'!:ted witn growth .a d Inal!!'a'!!l!!'.Tne!Oe ,ound dW1!!'11 blighll!!'d n!!!'mie!p. or tnev thl!!'m!Oe eeuld witn nold offe nded Ine m. )~ nen thalr WO


hologv h

ne 1!!'.a,IVf:j'I!!'·l!!'mineni:1!!' arts wl!!'re fir'!!t in Ine 'I!!' preO!!'dl!!'d gods, and n wa r·godde'!!'!!l!!'!Pare p oftl!!'n c:.alled .afte, thelr I!!'Iyin Ine !.all!!"!!of I,i'!!h co 0 i'!!atlon. wn III!!'in important parr, Goddeos ';.sive their name here ,godosare promine , ei r a~ionos are

e lin


FDlJ'Dllm Boou

, their persena litie';o 'Still r.:lea IV rJefined. Th su prema men of I nsh trad itiDn i';o once ere see n i th fat:t" that a nd win herces: wh iIe th .- cal'acity 10 love, the i

of he d jyine pa
n, the ir

I!!' you Infulnl!!"!!!p and t.ea uty ddl!!"!!!Pe'!! f eve'·'!!f:I,inging fl!!'nll o i'!! '!!uf:l'l!!'macy of godde'!!!Pe!p i'!! bouowed by thl!!' CelIS frem pre!io'!!l!!'don Ihl!!' f.ab,ic: of Ce 1Iic: VI!!' no rea'!!on 10 suppese 11'1.011 I e Cll.!'1t'!!'1.01 1 nlch su eh a '!!tall!!' of th Ing'!! WCI'!! ermal, Th t em to f:I'l!!"!!l!!'f\I'I!!' mere eha none r raees it. at!!!' of tn Ing'!!_

IvI!!' of tnei,

ea Iy i:h r.aae r as

I ne

t.e no Ir I he

Bul other tn.a p.a!io'!!1!!'d th nate con long


as on·CeIIIc:,. ls I e deef:lly • a nd WI!!' 'Stage in i:au'!!l!!'d

o lBIB




of t e ,god-s of the B non-s, t.e. a';. ta r a';. rJ, i-sde ri rJ, al'a from in cri ption';.,. from the hou h lou urreenrh century nt';. from a re past, ntury o~in, the Tar -sin, and rtific:ia I. t e 'WOrkot man 'f a" ntu';.ed s of the

on ancient IT1 lT1e.-eMa rch n of the olrJ rJivin itie';. ha texts.

rJ-The d initie';. have becom anrJ if ';.0 of the e pisodes a tir.: ';.pirit, Other epis reclria,ge some rir.:hsa lleon, t to const ucr a new ta bric, an the I'erwna,ge';. of

';.Ome C(J';.e';. re i';. ce ta les, ~~~A.-e, ten, t e So Go irJelir.:a';. e Ana Anwyl has sh they associared Gwynedd. of

ar ';.ilT1 na me-s lal" in -silT1 rity of i r.:ident';. to these of la

';. rJim .-evealed in Wel'5h lite ratu re ';.in,g th inr.:ident';. of the Mabin08ion, P have a entire Iv I r.:alcharacter, anrJ a ';. of a nd 'We nr, of A nsle';.e'f' ion .UI!!' '1!!'!Ppe!al oidelic the-se oirJel'5 re the origi nal in nab ant';. of hens; au 0 r Irl t.e wno had !ioettled In ~ from l:w:ru'l!!'of beth, n .anv i:a'!!l!!'tnev 1'1 d bl!!'en b eeme Btyl onic: In !Ppe!I!!'i:n m I!!'flftn f,o I of t ls Goide lie: Il!!'ml!!'nt. 1'1 has t.el!!'n i:1.aimed Ma tilln ion .a,1!!' u ~Iy Goidl!!'lii:, But amlnapara II I in n.aml!!'with I,i'!!h d vlnitll!!'!p. nta I Ilicen sses, Ihl!!' Inc:ident'!! - 1'1 Irl!pn lela I berr wings. to that Inll!!'rl: .angl!!'of ic:n has Vll.!'rvwne,1!!'eceurr ,Manv


element pre

B,itain. d rlvl!!' l'l!!'land. m 0 i:OnLlul!!'~d

1 I n FDlJ'Dllm


no Irish e from count

fcr t

f:!lain whV. I!!'nfl!!'wor d Qs!planh::

t .n Iney. t mmunltv ds, more I • Ine like ne

"'.51 ltels, and rncst I tsh rJivi n ities, He likene';.";e';. IT1 u'Stalso aecou n gion is dul!!' to Irl In WI!!'I!pnlit.etatu whV • .al a lime Id n.ave Del!!'nra k natlvl!!' WI!!'I'!!hGoi Ihl!!' Irl!pn Goid thl!!'m In divl ne n.aml!!'!P an II n eha r.a I!!'r.wou Id d Iffl!!'r I

ce any thee

to ...he rJiffe nces, and rnust t

tne com
compositl hens

in a ming u h seme le d I\rinitl ie!P,This

enie g' runi::1!!'0 .and erh hI!!' I),bn g We lsh I including f:!u,1!!'1y:1 1 '!! king!p a 'I!!'

1'1 GoldeI-!!. Ih re shou Id n.aVl!!' f,o m Ihl!!' po ular CUi::hul.ainn nen IH'vt.honii:: ele me nts we re n 10 f:!'I!!'!Pef\l'l!!' Idl!!'lli::mytn'!!_ 1!!'1!p. 1!!':t:f:!1.a tne ation miglu bl!!' s, must n.aVl!!'had .a eerta In mytn'!!. wn lie ethers of tne I, n.aml!!',0, if I are 1:1 rytnon· an e.arly co un ltv in mVlh on .ani:=e'!!lOf'Sf B hens and G ide ls, m But as o n of Ihl!!' Ma blno Ion is comp.a tlvely late • .al .a rru n Ine'!!l!!' Go dl!!'lli::diruitt'!!. more probAbly ing of Goldl!!'lli:: (I lsh 0' We lsh and 1:1 rytnon le tne!Pe may De '!! f\liva ls of Ihl!!' com mon Cll.!'ltli:: wl!!'re mAinly of Ioc:.aLuibAl e .atarte, _ Heni::1!!' I!!'lii::d I\rinltil!!"!!. ot srs, i::I.a!io'!!1!!'d Ihl!!'!Pe. lees I 111'1 uld e:t:f:!l.aintne a I!!'nceof divin ie'!!.and hl!!'Me!p ups, I!!'..g,. Artn u r, m tne Ma bl oglon, l:Iut wiln thl!!'!Pe.Ihll.!'Yattta d 10 Ihl!!'lr II!!' nd Ihl!!' folk of r tAle'!!_ Tne!Pe .a I!!' a'!!!!!'dwitn A rthu' In uf:! mingle!p wllh of T.alle!p1 in thl!!' Tel Ill!!"!!in I!!'r.alu'l!!'.as f.a, as nosrns Ihl!!' n:! ligion. may bOlh Goldel c and Brytno le divl nllie!p. of 0 n le are Anhu' Gwyn n. T.aliI!!'In. I!!'IC,))6 ThIl.!'Y qul!!'l!!'n'!!.or as I,ie'!!. 0 r Ine ha'lll!!' magii:=al nd die. and Ine laO!!'of tneir uria I ls polnll!!'d .a!io'!!Oi::lated ilh w em. All tn ls I para llel to thl!!' now tne

I!!' !rtOry of ls told In Ihl!!' binogion of ra nwe n .and of P'Wy11 g,ouf:!. nd .af:!f:!a renlly ppo'!!l!!'d 10 Br.anwen is m.a ied 10 Math I~h. king of I l.and. but 1'1 on aceou nt Im tne rniseh levr the in'!!ult by us E'ltnis~ • n !iof:Iireof hI!!' fart that Bta ow he crosses n'f Sift';., i c ud ins tnat of a cauld ron of r.:hilrJ, to wnom ith a n a rm'f Iretand, ere E'l'Dis';'Yen th


it, B.Ha rle At th dl!!'p"I

om i';. Siv€ n, on the f . A itaterJ in the ca u ldren, ut E n i';. ';.1.51 anrJ by his rJi in, h. tnen 10 Gwa 11!!'!p. wne end of tn.n tlml!!' It is ing wllh thl!!' baa ref'S. 1'1 III!!' C'.a!ioWa llyn. 'Son of thl!!' hl!!'.ad .a,1!!'Mol a


t ensues: the

F Ina I • WI!!' Ie.a,n how M.ana bl!!'t:.a !Pe of an in'Sult offe'l!!'d made Rn la nnon .and P",""I!!',i !Pel!!'ks fu rthl!!" revenge. no

of Ine c:r.aftsml!!'n, n anre r Llwyt,. wno. rlend Gw.awl. had 0,1!!'d • .and LI

Tne ry of Br.anwen is sim la r Te u ii: and Seand 'S l.anl!!'r pO!P'!!ibiya simlla r for II eha raetsrs e:w:i!!ll!!' ng Ilkeiv wa'S bouowed from Sea I

ivin llie!p or ne,ol!!' rssman. but more 1'1 'Side!pof Ine I,ish d by furnl!pnlng I

Pe,ha ps Ihl!!' two wI!!' 'Son of Alloid (. LJudd).

,dl!!'lia 0' C'l!!'iddy· na is !POml!!'tlml!!' 'So of Le,. jolJ. Bul Ine

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



of thlll'

confu';.ion may be ar.:r.:icle ta I. no'- is li n sea-god. llyr'';. pri n 'Wa';. that of E abrJur.:ted anrJ hen then B.-an is call Inll!!'rp~tatlo n of hI!!' name. wn h::h ssa-ged. 0 ut tn ls !::onll!!"!!til!d bV P Llyl. Ine na ml!!' be ng in hls vll!!'w a Geoff~V and thl!!' 1'1 ron 1!::1e Llyl b rs .and that of hi'!! d.a 11!!'r'!! wa'!! imm rete rs to Llyr'!p DU aI in a v.ault built i Rn9!p build'!! .a Ih ry Llyl 'WCI'!! .and 'ule, of .a wo of da rkness, )114 DI!pp.all!!'rwa'!! lord '!!I!!'.a·d IvlnilY_

ce rta in that fIIodonosor LlucI rJ ';.wyQ, ~ wh0'5e wi he ma ment. In the e lack Ir; of Ca

me'!! .a king of 0 rltai lisl!!'d bV Sha ke'!!f:!I!!'.a, eaeur of Janes. ~ Ihi'!! p,o rm of Ine Celtl!:: Di'!! witn IWO f I Ine ~ i'!! no l!!"Itiden Ine C 'Id. and 1'1 i'!! bl!!'!rt 10 I!!'gard L r

0' !::I!!"!! Itl!:: sa i'!! 01 god- IlkI!!' In In I!!' tAle!P In Ine '!!I!!'n'!! I!!' m.ajl!!"!!tic:Ma nan n n of Irl!pn '!!tOty i'!!. ougn eisl!!'whl!!"l!!' we I arn tnAt 'd 'IJIi.a!Pi'!! eou n'!!l!!'l.· ~ Tnough not a agleian, ne bAffil!!"!! 0 e of tne g h wlla rds of We lsh !rtOry. an hI!!' ls aI .a m.a!rte, c:r.aft'!!man who In r ets pryde rl In Ihl!!' .art'!! f shoe- rna klng,,!p I Id·m.aking • .and !io.add I'!! .akin to M.ana nn.a • tne 11!!'.a!::hl!!'r ",m.ald, In!::ide nts of refleaed In Ihl!!' iad'!!• .and hi!p un I wiln Rhi.annon m.av mytn in whic:n In y WI!!'~ frem tne a d Ivln!!!' pa I,. pa Thi'!! would glvl!!' Inl 10 hls dl!!'llvI!!' of Ptyde,i and R 1'1 I nO'!!till!!' m.aglc:i.an_ 1e!P tne I,i'!!h Ely'!!ium Ilk M.ana n nan. ls 10' f Ely'!!ium In a T.alle!p1 .a ! and oilOW'!! ag'ic:u l'Iu' • pe!!P.a 'I!!'min I belief that fl!!'nll" and !::ultu ~ co from In I!!'god '!P!.and Ma n.a .an. IlkI!!'other d Ivlnille • 'WCI'!! drawn Inlo 1'1 Artn uria n ! i!pon!!!' of 1'1 I!!' h Trwvth- )II!-

aran. 0' Be nd Ige - Vra n (. Bra n tne !P'!!iI!d probAbly an old "). wn 1m .appmf:!, Iv enougn de n one wno flgu ~d la 'in Ch n.agloIogV. ls !PO1'1 gl!!' that no hou!ioe sh If:! ea n hold him, I!!'ni:=e ne ove r 10 Irela nd. a as ne draW'!! ne.a I thought 10 be a me nta In, Tn od of e:t:f:!'I!!'!P'!!ing I dlvlnity··a gig.anlic: n n·nato I likl!!' !POmeof Ihl!!' .aln.a Dea .and 0 - ni!:: hl!!'rO@!p, Ora n I!PO Bul .af:!f:! tne u,dawl Be n. 0 • Noble Hl!!'ad.· w " 1'1 m.akl!!"!!lime pass it'!! baar a rJ.-eam, anrJ wh buried protects 1.51 nd frolT1 invaosiDn, Both as 8 osQuattins on a ro k and as a head, n i';. eq uated by P sor f;:h~


O'-an'';.na the '5ulJe uth, .UI!!' t who!:oe wa Y.ama. wh 'ule r, )51 1:1 is god of a

Ch,istian Ca r.adawe. ~tu Ie~nd arl Ing i:onfu'!!ing f h!ppo~n of of many'!! l:lranwl!!'n. ·Vl!!'nu!p of Ihl!!' !:auld

uatti n8 ,god, r€1J.-e'5ented al'5o wnO'Se nbure 'Wa';. a raven, t e su PP'D'" mea nin,g of e furth eq uetes him witn IJth.- Oen, ·Won e rful Head." , ha rper nd piper of a Talie';.in IJ em- asu U - n, Bran, and rms of a god we rsh Ipped by boa, s, a nd a ·d ,k· d I\rin ltv. r 10 I,I!!' nd slgn Ifie!p i:,o!P'!!ing to H.adl!!'!P. of nli:h he. li~ eressad thl!!' waters 10 th la nd of I!!'.alh. i!p tne is nOI a "da rk" god in tne !:oe n'!!l!!' m plied har _ Ci!!'rnu n nos u nde rid. and tne,1!!' is nOlhin da rk 0' 1!!'It" in him or In ners, P ofe!P'!!o, Rh~''!! "da rk" d- In ltie!P .a,1!!' metlml!!'!j.,. In s. but I!!'Vea n not bl!!' both, Th Ce Itie: lo,d of tne dl!!'ad .araal!!". nd as god'!! of fl!!'rtllltv t ey WI!!"I!!'.'!! to '!!f:ll!!'a in Ie. un-god, ne !plaYl!!'rof• .a!:CO Ing 10 P I!!'!P'!!O' Rn~'!P , And .alt ough to distracted Irl'!!n '!!l!!'Cretarll!!' l'l!!'la nd m.aV uetlen into this Ma bl nogi me,1!!' points to I!!'inte'f:I'l!!'· -h l!>tor eon neaion bl!!'tween .a1e!P .and I, !.and_Tn us if s, this is l!!'!:oe ls .a lord of tn undl!!'l"IJIIo, of fl!!'nllity. hI!!' f whii:n I Ihl!!' d lrunl EIy!plum. 10 nli:h l:lra n ems r.alne r of his hl!!'.ad. II me pas In fe.a! true Ely'!! n not!!!'• .and Ihl!!' !.abul!!' !rtOry I'!!.aI !PO I!!' ta bu!p of Elysl u m whie:n wn eb me n of 10 Ine I!!'r of Ihl!!' hl!!'.ad in 'Oll!!'c:tlng tela nd. this ustorn a d belief '!!!'ga rd Ing tne, 111!!'!p Ihl!!' I!!'.adand tne of !Por scu 1f:llu,1!!'dnead'!!_ m Th god Bra n as bll.!'COmea r in thl!!' .abinogion and thl!!' T'- ds, )!.4 whil Geoff~V of ibe!p 1'1 Bl!!'linus a nd B~ n n us. I Ihl!!' wel!p version l:Iell n of 1:1 In. a ~ raee n led • .and fl .ally conq ue r rita hie: 1:1an I'!!confu!:oed - 1'1 1:1nnu!p. I!!'.adl!!"of Ine r ~ 1:I.e.. and Bl!!'llnu!p m.a be thl!!' Bl!!'leno!p as • 1:1an alse flgo,l!!'!P as a r .a'Y, He is dl!!'!Paibl!!'d as hostag .al Rome fo, his !POn ing thl!!' i:1!!'as f:I'I!!'.ai:hl!!'r of en rl la n ltv to ne Cymry··a t of a lsu nde !"!!tanding of his plthl!!'l "1:11 !:oed· .and .a HI!!'nc:e sr n's fa mllv ls I!!'histerie Ca raetaeus. I!!'e !P.aintly f.amllle!p of P dl!!'ln. and

d.aughll!!" of .a !:oe.a·god •• ):II!- unless with M,_ tt WI!!' een har Il!!'gII.!'nd.)~ '!!~mDoI j an otgla

le eu It. and

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

r as a sodde'5';. ility, eut the r.:onnettion ory. t oush in ';.Ome e rli r myth the ca uId ron ma pe , A'5 e'-answa ine. '5 e a ppeal"';.in romance, Sivi

dea.- i the

ave bee

isua m •pe!P ~min - o:! o:! of hI!!" fo,ml!!" funaio a .a godd arller of fl!!'nllity, n hI!!' Ma binogion '!!hl!!'ls bu r In Angle'!! Wl!!'n.wne ~ a ea I -In bone!p d I~ ~d in 1 :3 !Pneld and remalns of H n I!!' i:hil ren of I:)bn. Ine q I\ra lenl of D.anu. and 1=1' ba ddl!!"!!!P fl!!'nllity. a~ G of ion. GII'U'~n'lll'!f. Am~ho •,h • wllh har sens, n .and Llew, )6l ThI!!'!ioI!!' i:OU !P pa rt I tne Tu.alha DI!!'.a. 0 I Ihl!!' 0 n Iv ml!!'mbl!!'r'!!of I n mes s mlLu 10 Ine I,ish a~ Go'lt.annon (. Goibniu) an ( Lug)_ wyd Ion as .aeu lIu cerrespends to Ogma, I t Ill!!'d f.a hl!!'r of A ria n rhod, nd assu mlng this A,i nr Ith tne da ugnte r of D~n. fe'!!!POrRh9s reg.ud!p HI!!'II.a h t Ihl!!' dl!!'ntlfli:atlon ls f.a, f' m o:! rtal n. and Ine In Mry bu Ii ls 0 e wllh In I!!'Irl!pn BII. nd bOlh .a,1!!' lord'!! of .a da !P.aln:! dV Del!!'n fou nd 1=1 ,iou'!!_ ~6) In l.all!!'r bl!!'lil!!'f 0 n Ith th stars, thl!!' i:on!rtel atl n C.a!io'!!iope DeIng c:.alll!!'dh la d serlbe as ·wisl!!'" in a sl 1=10I!!'m, ~64

.al bl!!'




1=I0000!Plbly LlII.!'W

e Triad'!! I!!'III'!!
od ls ide !pD.andof It ul=l0n II k unde tical

en, rid.

a magica I trli:k. procures !Penl him by Atawn. king trli:k is d 1!ioCO'IIe'l!!'d. Gwyd I Vll.!'r'!! GII'U'~n'lll'!f has .a d Ir.a !Ofo,m'!! hlm and dion '!!u~!io'!!iVll.!'ly Inlo 1'IIe!p, 'StO~d to huma n fe m. Gwyd ion pMpo'!!l!!"!! Matn !Pfool· holder, but 1'1 by.a m.agii: te'!!t d I~ 'It rgl n. S I!!'bl!!'.arsI'IJIIOsons lan, fostl!!'~d by Math • .a nurturas .and fer m hI!!'.aftl!!'rwards by .a Irl nrn ed. wno n neve, 10 n.aml!!'1'1 Im, Thl!!' n ," By m.agie. M.alh .and oul of floWl!!'rs, 1'1 ls !:aIled Blodeuwedd. I ! n of .a 10Vll.!'r. ,on • hI!!'disi:OVll.!'rsnow Llew ea G eks nd wou nes 1'1 lm, nd ne flle!p off as an eagle, Lew. d i r.:overs him. anrJ ran~rm'5 him to human
c anse';. lorJeuwedd into n wI. anrJ ';.lays Gl"Clnw- )Co) S

, f nnwfn, I n lay!p Pf'yd !Pe ui:1!!'dG '!!WIM. Ar an rnod '!! !Pne ls d notne r


Ihl!!' ri by win • .and ould


ta Ie'S ha'V'egone t the formatiD here lT1e.-ely with he" ht it miJY in it,

L but we are concerned

i ne characters who fisu re

a n old divl n IIy of G'lll'!fned. magicla n. p~·e mln!!!'nl In rlad hI!!'ls ea III!!'d0 ne of tne in, )61 Mo~ Irnportanr .Ul!!' ju'Slic:e witn no trace of , Ih I!!' a~ derlvll.!'d from hi!p Iy Id al, It ls 1mpo'S!plble to '!!ay. Iy, Po ibly hls '!!uf:!'l!!'ml!!'magical of D'uid lsm," but In ls i'!! I!!'dwllh tne!Pe, nlly ta II!!' At _ orses a nd dog'!!• .and afte 1"1J... ards ; hI!!' rod ueas .a flel!!'t by magic: If:! hI!!' form'!! alodl!!'uwl!!'dd oul of whl!!'n hI!!' fl nes him as .a wa!rted 'I!!'ed I In II dro pplng frem 1'1 1m; owl. Some of tne!Pe and • wn III!!'T .alle!pln de!ioC:rlbl!!'!P ds hI!!' i'!! on!!!' of Ine Ih,1!!'e

•• GI!!' wutn. "rage," and Ine I!!"!! - I!!' of Ine e!:!Ota'!!v of In!ppl ratle n ea. I thl!!' Mabinogion hI!!' I'!! a nam of GwI!!'I,. i'!! imf:!,i'!!onl!!'d In !P d. thu ~!:I!!'I'ltlng in!pplratlon frem h -di Inar. ,of:!hl!!'t...a nd poet • .and thus de!ioC:rlbl!!"!! how Ihl!!' Ce 1Iic: Cll!!'r ls glvll.!'n In a peem to ts and magicla ns. )1] But w I!!' 10 ml!!' from Ihl!!' god'!!' !.and_ For e has 1'1 Im!PeIf ~!:I!!'lved Ihl!!' '!!wine tha hI!!' 1'1 Im!PeIf WeI'!!.a 10rd of of G ion' 0;. theft n-olT1 An nwfn

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



of thlll'

tna:t be. a';. G'W'ei.... iml' anrJ PryrJeri. I' m A ... irJ i';. benefit of men, anrJ it is 'V'e rsiDn of the raic! tol

- cned the.-e "t ere marJe rJir€ n'Su~';.';fu L bu - PernaI'';. G ne of the th,1!!'


ls Moen. "~ine "··a n glo once !Pile'Sof Ine i:ult. of a we re 'Soc:.alled_

d nd fa har of ~ Pl!!'!P tv in 0 les• .and A hu' .a'!!!iOC:lat.ed ith w Odin n. and 'illga rds tnough m.any of Ihl!!' not 100 obvlou'S_ ~n Am~hon Ihl!!' good I de'Si:r Ded in Kuln'lJll1lC eou Id nll er d,I!!'!io'!! nain ieD.!' of land. tn a to force him or to m kl!!' 1'1 I follow him. ) Am~hon. frem Cl(m le a • "la DoU re r" highl on 1'1 ls fu netlens, 1? HI!!' !Pa god asseel one who m.adl!!'w,a pia 'S f,uitfu L 0' corn divl n try_ But I!!'k hI!!' hi'!! tAking .a T'iAd. a lapwl ng frem taw. king of An nwf wn Ich hI!!'foughl A r.a • .aid d bv Gwyd 10 n. 0a w,auiof'S. by d- i:OVll.!"ng hls n.ame_ )I!o[I Am on. .anima ls from thl!!' god 'I.and plaY'!!tne !PAml!!' rt as wyd I 'SwiM. Thl!!' dog .and d I!!'r.a, frequl!!'nl 'I!!'pre I!!'n II !Pof wn Ich Am~non m.a ha'lll!!' Del!!'n anan In ro mer hie: fe tne, may ha bl!!' n ea rlier wor'!!h pful .a AIT1a:'thon a'S his ";ym ile la:ter mytn IrJh n-olT1 An nwfn-reuton le are. mytnologll!!' .a,1!!'

n'!P bring'S u I!!'ful n, bringer ne i:o,n·'Sf:li t, of m. 0' tney. with .a!PSOC:lat.ed wltn procu r€rJ hem

e zm n



The divine

of lIew

Ma binOSi- Th
M1:I rml!!'n fer ul.a of Ihl!!' Ifl!!'.ai: hU!pD.and',!!ifl!!' and tn us puts h l nOI '!!l.ain. but ha ngl!!"!! o eagle t WeI'!! nce a b o divin Iry. tne e mu!rt haw to d of hi'!! deatn. who dil!!'d. fe a pcsm mentle MVl!!'r gaw ju tli:1!!'to .anv OM, " hl!!'re mea nt. nd flnd!p In In ls Rh~. fer 'I!!'.a WeI'!! .a mi'!!a ·Iiglu_· )I!.l Tho ml!!'.aning ne al '!!!'gard Ing Dol as sua-gods. He ha nd. " witn L '!PI!!'plthl!!'l t...a m haw maant " ng." althougn whii:n e.a,nl!!'d hlm Ihl!!' litle, :!*4 him the sun. f r th ls w.a!Pa !=I,ivi wiln Ine sun, lew'!p unfonuna su n myth_ 1:1 e uwedd ls a d.a su n·god .and l.anl!!'r. bUI i'!! I!!"StO,1!!'dy tne b ,iva L Tne tra n rmatien of B has bll.!'COml!!' e Du!pk_~~~A'!! wiln no mytn eaI '!!ignifi!:a nO!!'_ inte'!=I'l!!'l.alio i'!! fu rn I'!!hl!!'dfro Cu,oi''!! wife. su ppo'!!l!!'d su hU!PD.and .a of

law Gyff€os sre ha rtliy al' a re nt in the werJ 's unfa thfu Iness i'5 osi Iv that of the - I!!'w 0 d I!ia)wrs Ih ,!!lI!(:ret of ne r r low 's mercy, )t.j B '!!ino:! Lll!!'w ls i!punu ual ending ma ne , Dei: ming hi'!! '!!~ L Soml!!' mvtn as .a rw.a,d!p rega,d d .a'!! .a mb • .a d add'!!. • ne !P.a rna n wno t, Sk M!PU I!!'m truth not ju!!.i!p ni:1!!'to Llew'!p di'!!gu1!Pe_m P,ofe'!!!POr by M, teeh. nold'!! tn Llew. ·Iion." LJl!!'u. Inll!!'rp!!!'ted bV hlm I!N:I u.aling Lug nd Lll!!'w. and aw Gvtfl!!"!!" st .adV or 'St,ong . •• '!!ugge'Stlng at gyffl!!"!! m.aV '!! Il!!'w'!! ad IM!io'!!of ha d In shooting aIn Lll!!'w'!! tel pld gl"OViln n ed nOI ma Ice ma ny e,ol!!"!!who e con neaion mat Imon la aff.airs .a,1!!' !PO regA,dl!!'d as a .aI de!io'!! I\rid Ing hl!!'r I DetWl!!'l!!'ntne I!!"!!!p, Llew.a tne sun i!p 0'Lt rcome by Ine Itu •ne ro wyd ion. wno l.a'f!iothl!!' d.a,k dd Inl an owl!p Ine [}.awn sssn. II In I'!! i'!! a M.a i:ne n fo'mula I!!'of I I!!'!=I'II!(:,a,iou'!!n !io'!! f such .an o imlla r nll!!"!=I'i!!'t.allon thl!!' !rtOry of Cui:h in n !Plew Cu i,)1!16Hl!!'re a here '!! vill.a n wno kill!p .a d.a,k d I\rlnity.

If Lll!!'w ls a !P n.god. tne eq u Lug" It ls i:u'iou'!! tn i:onnll!(:ted w 1'1 Ihl!!' Augu'St In aII!!"!! whicn e Lugna'!!ad in I!!'l.and_Thl!!'re m upport 10 tne ma kl!!"!!him.a un·god In a T,ia one of Ine tn who !:au!Pe a ar's 'Ste riliry Artn ur ~I!p ne m for hI!!' ea u 10 Ihl!!' scorch I of v!!!'gi!!'t.alion thl!!' su mm r su n? Thl!!' m nOI m.adl!!'u'!!e f Ihi'!! Inc:idl!!'nt, tne ole I I!!'evldl!!'nce for god ls nOI ee w:inclng, Thl!!' !rt gl!!"St'I!!'a'!!on for Idenl~ng

I hI!!' ls nl!!'Wr ul!!'!Ppond'!! to tneorv whicn I!!'ruddvoawc: ougn In thls ees tn ls !=Ioint ologim haw Llew as a su nhlm with Lug"

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



of thlll'

nalT1ey-Gova nnon nrJ Ga'l'i artful" or '511'1 (8 ,I'';omit itn nelf:l must De g.ained 10 wa It tne f:llough. ~t.iI Hl!!'re ne i'!! bre mytn 10 whi!:n Ihl!!' erds ref M.aln·· "I havl!!' Del!!'n .and refl!!'r'!! to hi'!! Ca

';omit ';0 anrJ nave ';oilT1ilal" unr.:Ie'5who a Goibniu I· like mil'"tn n, Gova nnon, the I') i';omentie nerJ lCuln h .51'5 one wn0'5e tee nd of tne fu !!:oeIne iron of g t Inlo !:onnl!!'ttl ne plough, but thl!!' r i lest, A T.alie!p1 ~0!:i.a1e'S him wltn d witn Gova n non. " • with Ihl!!' old

A,,hod. "!pIIVI!!'r 'IIIrgl n. and d lsela 1m Gwydion, In tne nl d'S 'Shl!!'a lad 11!!'!p a,ir.ain, ~~ I!!'!P of to .a dive rge nce b geddess of wnom Eartn ·godde~. at 'IIIrgl n godde~. yet .add'I!!"!!!:oedas at on Devond su mme r's wn." I'S late, asseelatad wit Ine co n n.aml!!' 'IJIi.a!P fotgOttl!!' • and tn I "Cae r A,,hod.·.a O!:i.ali!!'d . .a d.awn godde'S!io. ther of I" obvlou'S. m oyla n. wn Ich bl!!'!:ame hi'!!. nen!:1!!' W.a'!! c:.alll!!'d 'Slew him. .an In!:ide .away to lu rk In tne as a blonde. Thl!!' 'Sho,l!!'. 'Sl!!'l!!'k .aVl!!' to sound," but pepula r bl!!'lll!!'f Id nt tnev press inlO thl!!' nway ls . tne w.aVl!!'." but a 1'S0 II Mlr. "0 .and like Ma n.anna n I!!'ntlfled 'Since Iney mou rn e:t:f:llaining now an geddess A,,hod Another Mabin08io Ftniannon, and the

I!!'IWO .a!Ppects on .and mvrh I!!' In Ing'!!

nlioned in a T lion Coron.a A,,hod d h her, Tne Inll!!'

f:I'l!!'le nes to De .a !Pne i'!! mi'!!t,I!!"!!!Pof bll!!"!!!:oed(or white) a r.aal!!'r m.av polnl V. I I!!' C:U of .a w:itgln It More I ely 'Shl!!''IJIi.a!P old an likl!!' Artemi!p. Ihl!!' ikl!!'.a gcddess Aria n r od. • Dea uty f.aml!!'d ie!pln eem, and !Pne wa'S rea 11!p, j po~ibly har rea I rived f m a plaos- name. retatl n wn I!:h ma kl!!"!!hI!!" k ness. DylAn. ls fa r from Ihl!!' I!!'a. Ihl!!' n.alu re of m IlkI!!'.a fl!pn; an d ve,· G .annon. hls uncle, of da knsss. wn I!:h "hie!p

da'Sh .ag.ain'!!t thl!!' ma kl!!"!! a 'Sullen wav • .and thelr noi!:oe a'S d~ng groan, on Iv· ne Ell Ton. "son of of tne !:oe.a ) He ls t U'Sa lees I 'S1!!'.a·god .• • yet pa r.all!!'frem them, I!!' M.abinogi g I!!' de brls of mytn'S rph I!: 'S1!!'.a·god'IJIi.a!P n nec:tl!!'d with thl!!' god Gova n non OyverJ, hi'S wife A r.awn. king of




e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou II I

vel" his lr;insrJolT1 aw ''5 riYal v,ga n, Al"awn sen Ir;nown .51'5 Pen I" H ad of A nwln, a title ';."0 -ns that he wa'5 on bl!!'longlng 10 leg ds' land. lall!!'r Idenlified wi now .agree!p - 1'1 hia nno .:m wno appe.a mvste,iou'SIV on a hilloi:k • .and w om e c:.aj:llu I!!"!!. o ,id hI!!" of n unwe leeme su Ito, t I bag, and Rh- non wi!!'d'S ~IL Tn rmula of tne B,ide. bUI It j:lavl!!"!! ",""I!!'rl .and R 1'1 la n on by Gw.awl'!p f,il!!'n Il!!'na'S'Soon a'Sb rn, Shl!!'I'!Ped of rnon ,~rs I i:hild from it'S 'Suj:ll!!' U rebber .and ea I'S 1'1 m GwrL A'!! ne grow'!! up. TIIlY,nOn notlees hi'!! blani:1!!' 10 ~ I• .a d t.akl!!"!! 1m 10 hls court, R 1'1 la nnon i'!! reinrn bl!!'!Pe e "'S at hl!!'r ngui'!!h (j:I",""l!!',i) I gone. thl!!' boy i'!! n 'Shl!!' P",""I!!',i, H I!!'re."(:nen Ini:ide ts. whii:n aI!POappea Flonn 'Saga, )116 Tnough tne,1!!' e i mVlhologic:.a1 hI!!' • It ls I!!'w:ide t n god .and Rn la n on a godd s, who!Pe I!!'a I portanea, IlkI!!' rly Cll.!'ltli:goddl!!"!! 'S .a j:ll!!'.arsf' • qul!!'e n. [1!Pew ere hea r i:omj:la n lens f mvth in wn Ich in seme olne r (. Ilgl!!'mono!p fr.agmenl!p of 1'1 le bl!!'en mere tn

P",""I!!"i as n.a b WI!!"I!!'Ihl!!' gift. f Ar from Annwfn P",""I!!',i a,1!!'th doml!!'!Ot.ii:anI assoelated wit. ing_ A poem 'S Ihi'!! polnts 10 way from tne eee im!,ri'5oned in e Pryderi, I' sss Tn y a

i!p 'Swinl!!' bV Gwydio

wn. but In tne Triad'S thl!!' 'S1!!'e 10 n.aVl!!'bl!!'l!!'n m

prydl!!'rl artl!!'d.a!p wine ne,d_ ~ BOlh Ith Iho!Pe mVlh!p ic:n Mid of tne brl m Ihl!!' 'S' land, Hul 'S" ce thl!!'V .a,1!!'!:e rta In god'S' la d. tn ls ls pe rn.aj:l!P I!!''I!!"!!ult of misu nd of Ihl!!' aglc ea uId,on of Pen Annwfn. LI!!', 1'1 I!!' Ing hi'!! con neaio with Annwfn in .a d nl in tn Ma blnogl, Thl!!' Sid i (= nnwfnl l'thl"Clush e lT1e';.'j€ nser of P tn U'SI rds of An nwfn. w 0!Pe'Swine Gweir (G

neV nt


o lBIB FlllJ'Dllm Boou


ries to 'Steal, El';.ewne.-e Caer 5icI ryde ri, pe rnaI'';. a refere nee to the ryde ri and Pw:yll beloos to the b orJ';. of fertility a';.';or.:iated witn th .an!p .a wo,1d of da rkness, wn.a ryde rl .al tne ha nes of Gwyd Ion. II tave_ ~

may once ion, whic:n

ning of tn late, ,1Il'f1!!" ness 10 hi'!!

fou rth gro upi'!! of I:II!!'II.and r.anwen. whl!!'re on!!!' of them, Ca ke!p Ma IlkI!!',1'lg .a:W:l!!'n. thl!!' IY'!!- IL"IO: Ge rev !:all'!! ens of l:Iell are Lludd. C.a!ioWa l!.awn. mity wllh I'!! brotne, Ii Heli and !ppeaks of an ea rlie r re n n lus, ~IB 1:1 ut 1=I,0bably Beli or el .and I:II!!'II u!P 'I!!' one and tne same. C.a!ioWI!!'I!.awnbl!!'Olme'!! nd Dot 1'1 'l!!'pre'!!l!!'nt Ine 1!!'.a,lle, !P'!!Nl!!'lla n us. oppone nt of Ca!'Sar, b t in Ihl!!' u i:1!!' Llyr • .and In I'!!may De i:onn!!!' of wllh eeou nt of tne nO'!!tillly of 1:II!!'IInu rha ps. like Ihl!!' en miry of tne ra ne !rtrife of ,iva I uiblll'!! 0' of Goldl!!' .a

Ie nde, _ Nor. If ne ls I:Il!!'leno!p.tne e u da rk- god, HI!!' ls regA,dl!!'d as a I

hon!!!'V l'!!le- .and of tne sta bllity of ne T'iad'!!_ o4D'!i
1'1 I

I!!'I=II!!'r'!!ona of C.a!P'!!WCI lilY l!.awn ls I ut In .a ,1Il'f1!!"l!!'nee him in Ine 10 ia '!! whl!!"l!!' wi d. hI!!' De.ars Ihl!!' tille kingn.ataCll!!'r. of a god of in'lll i ui:h I!!'mbodied in g'l!!'at chim who offre~'!p l=Iagll.!'!p Nenniu!p. wno d .a'!! 'I!!'.al g,ief of C.a!P'!!NI!!'I!.aunu!p,

-w,a, w,a,.

I!!' Ineory Lludd Llaw Erei r Lode n ta rgenlio'!! odl!!'n'!! (N uada] I..Jm.atgll.!'nlio'!!. tne c: .ange bl!!'l rasu It of as Del!!'n eon Ie'!!ted. Q while if Ihl!!' lsh Llud and Nudd WI!!"I!!'ldentlea I II I 'Str.ange tnev shou Id have b me di'!!ti 1=1 rson.alllie!p. n. sen Nudd. bl!!'lng thl!!' love, of Creiddy d.augnte of ludd oI(I'J unl a rller mytn Ihl!!'ir Iovl!!' w.a!Pthat of 0 hl!!'r .and i'!!tl!!' Lludd ls a I

e I nsh ter i';. ith Alloiel. He i-sprobably the udd and Lie Iys, by the arJvir.:e of L levelys s, ~j" The';.e .-e, tim, the Corani,an';. who e de'5troy';. b th.-owins over them ware.- in V L I!!'ve Iys n.a t.el!!'n bru l!:oed_TI'Ie '!!I!!'rnnd ls !P!.and and te, ba rre n• .and is ea u'!!l!!'d bV d. Tne'!!l!!' LJudd c:.aj:llu'l!!"!! and I!!"I!!' Iney a 1"1J... ards ea U'!!I!!' trou Die to !rtll!!'. Thl!!' Ihir ls that of Ihl!!' d l!PAj:lj:ll!!'.araee n agic:la n. wh IUlis everv on!!!' to '!!ll!!'ej:l .and gh Ihl!!' ns a ppoear In tne T'iad'!! as a I!!'l!!'na su poern IU ral folk. sl nO!!'tneir n.aml!!' ls dw.uf. .and Ihll.!'Y .a,1!!' now reg.udl!!'d as tn us t.e ana ogou'!! to tne Fomo,!p. and on .and Ihl!!' agic:la n who j:I,odui:1!!' bllgnt d on olde, 'fIh 0' rltua I I!!'mDod~ng tne I • tnough it. I not elsa r wny I 1'10 !PI!!' j:lOWl!!'f'S day. Bul In I'!! may bl!!' a mlsundersta nd Ing" on May·I!!''lte_ I!!' refl!!'re nO!!'!Pin tne ra II!!'to in gl\ring fee may ,1!!'fI1!!'rt 1'1 ls funaion as .a hl!!'ml!!'rl!:oed g ds, ne i!p alse ea lied .a migluv uilt Ine wa II of Cae, Ludd (Londo n). his Hili.· wne,1!!' e 'IJII.a!Pu'il!!'d. U~ TI'I1!plege nd b t eu It of LI udd at In I'!!'!!j:lOI.

disi:u'!!!:oed undl!!' nO'SI!!' flgnt wll ,itua I cembats

is tille Nodo Gwtn u r wI!!' rlor, 1]1 ·thl!!' bl!!'i:a me a go n. and 'l!!'gCI I!!'gend of s.. of Gwyn an j:I,oof from 10 mel!!'l Ih h .a fla'!!k of h

s. ls Ie!io'!! prominent hls ave e:W:j:I!.ainl!!'das a m'flhic: of feniliry _ He a I!PO.aj:lj:ll!!'.af'S oj:ll!!' of a rmles, and thu!P ne of wa rand Ihl!!' ma'!!l!!' _ But ed him. IlkI!!' Ihl!!' Tuatha Dea. lien. Ihl!!' sa Inl 11!!'11!p me n. two thl!!' fa I rles, tne!:oe are wyn. sa Id one of them, and king of An nwfn on G laseonV wate, . .and !PAWon 1I!p10j:l .a youlnful fol k. whill!!' Ihl!!' a I, • wno j:lollIl!!'iy offl!!'red hlm e, I' r.:rierJthe ';.(Jint; anrJ whe n , all he would -say W(J';. that

1 I n FlllJ'Dllm



he blue c lei ness. T en he left bu the ba

tn re

Iv wate.Gwyn'os

Gwyn, tn.rt hI!!' dianl vll!!'w I fou nd in uln'lJll1lCh wne,1!!' il is I!!'dl!!'mon!p 0 ne II Ie!rt ney shou d de!rtroy I e pso god'!! • .a reat nugh::and

er, oIj.jJ


Anolhl!!'r gro p. unknown 0 thl!!' M blnoglon. !PAve that tne bea re rs f 0',!!hea I'!!fou nd in Ihl!!' Do k of Tel llesi '!!tory of Tel Ii in, Tne'!!e. II tne An u, ~II!!'. tne M.abin ion; nen!::1!!' gather 10 g,ouf:!!P of d l!rtlna.. we l.all!!'r mingle in !!lory. hI!!'refl!!' nces in Ine tn ls mingll n _ Lat!!!' as is tne !P T.a111!!'!P1 or!rtO ry e:W:f:!'I!!'!P'!!1!!'d a much of 1'1 ls in .a M1:I en form la, il i!p bas .aboul Cll.!'uid n .and 'ra lie in of wn I h irs co pile r m.adl!!' old ttad ltio al'l!!'ady '!!tl!!' otyped I one of hI!!' POI!!'m'!! fo,mula of t e!!fo,m ien Com 1_ oIj.U Du tne mytn I alse mingled witn lrad l'lio '!! reg.a,di tha sl h cenlury oldl!!" !io.aga !Ppe!!P dl!!' loped in .a di'!!t,jrt seuth of Ih In Lake Teg dW1!!'11 l!!'gi VOI!!'i. C rrldwen • .and tneir T m.aid I!!'n C,I!!' rvIf/. Morvra • and I I!!' ugly vagddu_ T knowledge. is merher pare'!! a ca Id,on of n'!!f:!iration f 0 drops of lns lration will produ ,Tne!Pe lion tne wnom '!!hl!!' to !rtj, 1'1_ H put Ihl!!' tne in'!!f:! Ce rrld aeeemmeda d to Ihl!!' Tr.a !>fo,m.all as a ne n '!! IloW'!! Gwlon as .a gra I .and be.a wnom !Pne 'oW'!! into tne '!!I!!'.a_ Elf:!hI ues him. .and bring'!! 1'1 I uf:! as a D.a oI.i:~

.a!P'!!o!::iared defended f, wn i Ie a norh .- osl'ealrios of h .-cha ir, of Talie';.in """elf in Cae Sid i- In

o lBIB





poetry ';.now tna:t 'She may h 'Ie been we .-an beins the sou rce of their in l'ira:tiDn, o4.i:..l I'Oi to some to......, of the Celtir.: h of the t r.:ult re from the ,god'S' la nd, aut the utdren 'Wa';. a fl!!' 11;tveu II. o4.i:..l .and Cll.!'rrld".r,enm u of f nll;tv. wno. IlkI!!' U'igit... w,a!Pl.a~ wol"!!hipped ha t.een.a corn ·goddl!!'!P'!!.sl nO!!' !P e i'!! ea III!!'d lrad ion asseeiates Ihl!!' plg··.a eem n I!!'mDodI wil har _4.:1~ If tne tr.aditlon i'!!eorrset. tn ls wou Id b Ol!!' I!!'te, .and tne f:lig. of .an mbodiml!!'nt een I!!'rted witn a !.all!!'ra nth ropomor ic: rnrn·god

h il'l' rJ by ba rds•
the eleme n ro;t of II a'S';.OCiaterJ t.el!!'n a god by ba s, Shl!!' may !P'!!of gr.ain. n Ine corn -spl it • nee, II Ice eha f of Ih i:o,n·'!!f:lirll I er eft

a n e.- at Gwion


!pIn w,a!Pprobablv .an old god of poetic: in'!!f:lir lion c:e nturv f:l01!!'1 Ine !PAml!!'nam • pe!Pbl!!' U'!!e i'!! boamu I of -fll!!'d 1'1 Im!PeIf 0 r WCI'!!denlifil!!'d b ether b,a,d!p lin t e geds. He !P i of 1'1 '!! ·'!!f:l1e Id eha I,. in!pplratlon of f ul!!'nt .and u rg nt se nd in Cae r Sid Ely'!! u m and, '!!f:ll!!'a ing In Ihl!!' god 's .ame 0' Iden ~ng him!Pe1f wlln k I dl!!"!! ,it.e'!! hi'!! f:I'l!!'!Peni:1!!' witn LJII.!'W. Bra • Gwydion. nd 01 I!!'I"!!.as Wl!!'11s h a ion and hls I!!'ne:n.anlml!!'nt bl!!' bl!!' bl!!'!:a im rul, ~0:5 HI!!' nl wiln Artn u r whl!!'n a ea u Id,o w,a!P!Otoll!!'nf m A nwfn • .and b,a . I"!!I!!'!P Ihl!!' mytn le!Ofo,m.a11 ns .and n:! bl hs of ne god'!!. raee n on IV Infl.a~d !.angUAge hls own umerous fe m'!! .a d rebinn'!!_ 4.:16 H i:!.ai '1!!"!!l!!'mbleIho!Pe of Ihl!!' n wno has I!!'I!!' l"4l!eof Ihl!!' !Ppr wo, d .and ea n tra nwrm 1'1 Im'!!1!!'1f II. Tel Ill!!"!!in'!P blnh I'!!con neal!!'d .al hi'!! i:quirlng of lasplratlon, ThI!!"!!I!!' ide nts a ppe.a '!!I!!'p.a tely In tne In of F n n. who .aa:ju Ired hls In'!!f:lir.alio bV an aeeid nt..a ha bl!!'l!!'nreborn as Mong.an_ ThI!!'V.a myth!p eem on I!!'Celtli: peopll!!'. and .af:lf:llll!!'dIn Iffe'l!!'nl eem Inatl 0' hI!!'Me,!!_oI,i:l Thl!!' Tel lil!!"!!in poe 0' two mytn le .a!Ppeas of on!!!' f thl!!' geddess .and d".r,eII'!! In Ih d!\rine !.and. 'Ste.allng from tne divln!!!' la nd, PI!!"haps tn menl of thl!!' eu It of .a god 0 that of.a dde. 1'1 I'!! worsn If:I I!!' rd Ing hlm as hl!!'r sen. hl!!'r wol"!!h ppe I"!! ,l!!'fIea ng Ih I, ho!rtiliry 10 n god In a mytn of har en miry 10 1'1 , Fina Ily. th Il!!'ge d of In I!!''1!!'!PCu T all !pIn Ine f:loe1 frem Ihl!!' w,ave!P t.ei: me a mytn 0 tne . Ine oulC.a!rt e rese I!!'d by Elpn In. and f:I,ovlng hlm If a b,a,d hen Inf.anl!P ml!!" Iv ba bbling_

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU


I and obscure refere the ather IT1 m ers of tn i';. SI'"ClUI' little lisht on their fu netic lie tnal Mo iberJ in Ku I nwyr.:n .jJ';.'5 uSly.jJ rJ te i ble tnal no DArtll!!' of (.amla n. H may 1'1 1!!"!!!Pe'!! Irel.and. and h I'!!a I of

In I!!' U try and spacu latien

1'1 ~

I!!'I"!!0nagl!!"!! Ihl!!' Anh of i cldl!!'nrs of tne rema n e!Pe 1=I1!!'1"!!0nagl!!"!!· -the eems 0' in Gl!!'off,IIlY' ro nlic: 1=I'I!!'!Penlml!!'nl f t o tn I oth Ing earta In ea n De ologV. much 11!!"!!!p Ihl!!' of 'I!!'.allifl!!' as well.a!p eve r q u ItII.!'ebvleus Ihl!!' eenquest of a da InII.!'by one k n lght wh -geddess '!!ha,ing ne r r • d I\rlnity, 0 r, eVll.!'ngr on CI!!'IIic:'1!!'1!glon?

bu Ing to 1=I'0~ ne IH'vthon!p. and ,ian ~ Ie a Ine old geds !Pfrag I!!'nt'!!of thl!!' old ogy, Wn III!!'seme old Wekh tAle!P .a1'I!!'.ad pre I!!'nt in genui Hi'!!to -a re mlni!:Cl!!'nl ne old god'!!. Ihl!!' em in hI!!'e Ie it.'!!l!!'lfls la I!!'Iyim.aglnative. nding of tne old a Inl!!'d '0 m Id reI" ion, 'I!!' tne common • .and f roma ce .anolne r she u Id V tne 1.a~1 k d I\rln - by n '!!hl!!'I De I f.avou • no with tne '!! nIl ng I I!!'tru 1'1 of thi'!! me

nth cenluty aln, bUI In


tne myrhtne l.all!!'r A aga, wnli:h Inere i'!! no

h nic: god wllh Ihl!!' re '!P ha nd ling of II n lus Anhu' i!pthl!!' I!!' n:!fl!!'rence 10 1'1 I'!! A 1'1 u r me menla rlly u of '0 mAni:l!!'• an d as e IIhl!!'r of 'I!!'c:enl ni:1!!'to Artn u r in

u, Ihl!!' god 0' Ih f'uil of Ige rna's n 's sha pe_ Anhu' uers ma nv hoses as II as g a nt'!!• .and hls ceu i'!! tne re'!!on of a II nded by hls w- '!P'!!I!!'du!:er, and eus parsons. l:Iul hI!!' I of 1'1 i'!! wou n nd neeh Ing mere d to tne l'!!le of Ava 110 .- hea.-rJ of h ilT1, Ij 1 So In Ine '!!tOrll!!'!P of and • .and I

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

r.:hilrJ anrJ his final d i';.iJl'l'ea ... nC€ a r.:01T11T10n all bra riches of the eel to local 80rJ 0'" hero Arthu.... ,giYins afterwa.-rJ';. adderJ eve nt';. from the ~ mu!rt Ihl!!'n haw aC(!u l'l!!'d a wi look it'S plaes, a'S I'S'Suggl!!"!!tll!d by Ihl!!' O'l!!'am of R non.abWV. In Ihl!!' Ihl!!' Ma blneglen figu,1!!' in Ann u r's Artn u r of tne romances. S.por.adic: IltI!!'ratu'l!!'. a nd to tne I!!'arlie r 'Saga it'S c:.auldron In a T.alle!pln peern, 011.) histo,ic:.. Ihl!!' 'Saga• .and tne latl!!', ro Ihl!!' growing j:loj:lu!.a'iry of Ihl!!' mere rema pe rsen eha n tne j:I!.ai::I!!'·na es OVll.!" tne 1:1 rytnon le a m j:loj:lu!.a'iry of Ine 'Saga tnAt in'!!ta nee t.eing found in Ihl!!' Go Idl!!'!.aas a 'I!!'!PU1 of tne 'Sj:I' 1'

nto f . 00:1 T ri';.e t lite of I!!" f.a

rylanrJ sre cc i-s'Wa';. fine the lor.:aI he historic I!!'10ng t.efo I!!' Iv Wekh I I me r wn h::h tne Ira In. hough hI!!' I fl!!'re n s 10 Artn u I

of a tale i';tOry of the which 'Wa';.

I'SEly'!!iu m of ling of Ihl!!' 'Sa re!pul'l of Triad'S as a


om tnev a ar more prob of tn late, rom.a I" nl of O'!!!pla le pi n d of I I!!'Flonn 'Sag .

I!!"!!ult of Ine • a para III!!'I !P O'Itl!!'r tne

Tne eha r.aae r of tne rema nee Artn WeIrrlor-an d tne ble nd Ing of Ine hi Artn u r, 'Suggl!!"!!t that Ine !.ane r grou ps• as Flon n an d eLl eh u lal n n bl!!'en tne objl!!'Cl of .a cull as tne here pe,ha ps bl!!'en .a god more and mere Idea I" I!!'d a'S a hare, If na me WeI'S Artor ." .a ple ugh rna n.· b t j:ll!!'rn j:I!P wl'lh .a havl ng .an I!N:I u Iv.alent in Art:! lus• .a au hsh may haw t.el!!'n a god of agrlcullu wn bl!!'c:.aml!!' a a I!PO'!!!'garded as .a i::ultu reone ro, I!!'.all a c:.auldron ng Ihl!!' geds' !.and. Ine la'!!t Inc:ldl!!'nt eu I!!'mI!!'rI II!d Inlo In I!!' fu I Ihl!!"l1 from M.a'i::h. !POnof Me lre ion. I wn lie. Ilice hI!!' ls .a ba rd. To hls '!!tory WeI'S1!!'.a!P fllte V havl ng flna 11"1 disa ppe.a,1I!d into l'f!iolum would rea ppea r one d.aV. IlkI!!' Fion Artn u r .an.ainll!d .a f.aml!!' f.a,

.and .agreat Ihl!!' mytnlc: In Btylhonic: e m.aV haw e m.aV haw form of hi!p Iflca nee. and 'i::ury • .u~ ne l:Iut ne w.a!P

unsueeessu Ureone Me!P. ·child. wno. laston buty). II!!' _Tne lees I

Ml!!'rlin. 0' M~ddin • .aj:lj:ll!!'a in In rs fina 11'fovercome by the LarJ'f of 1T1'('5te rieus invisible pe rwnase

er he i-schosen ir.:ianr;.,but he built. nalT1ely. 1'1 I'!! propnei:ie!P tne!rtOry of 1'1 I'!! d to lis pre!Penl '!!tOni!!'i:1'i:Ie, H ls wa'!!hl!!'d Ihl!!' to some WI!!' hea r of 1'1 I'!! Ulfln • as Wl!!'11s a m.ag1i:iAn. O'!!I!!'egl!!'nd had l ion, P,ofe'!! r Rn9s '!!!'gards l!!!'gl!!'nd!p I!!'IIof hls d l!· pea r.ani:1!!'In a lass house Inlo Ine Ine e:W:f:la of n'!!l!!' highl tr.aVll.!'lli - 1'1 thl!!' sun (MI!!"lln). kl!!'wno come!p d.aily to sol O!!' I!!'rlln in hi!p eneha n de!io'!!_ Stone· l!!!'gl!!'nda '!!l!!'lf ry nenge 'IJII.a!Pro blV a temf:lll!!' of Ihi'!! we n.ave In M rlln_·~)t. Sucn!.are rna ntie a n ~Iolog,i!:al myrn h rd t.e 'l!!'gCIded as .afro ding !io.a r e!Pe vlI!!'W!io.and • ne sun i'!! neVIl.!" tneir mVlho I Intl!!"f:I'i!!'t.alion ls O'I!!' tn.a hls glass house prl!POner of ne d.awn as Me,lin i'!! 0 vl\rla ne E'It I!!' t 1'1e tnO'!!t n d l!!!'a , rf r, Dut tne sun 'I!!'.af:l ry mo,nin poetic: mVlh V must rnnform In se to aetual tn ls c:.annol I!!' id of tne ~!O't.I!!'m!pf o ea I Inll!!'rp taelon, If Ml!!'rlin t.elong'!! to ne aga n pe rled at .all. wa'!! f:I ba Diy a n I I!!'aI magicla n or god of m i:1.a s. promlnent, f:ll!!'rn.a s, in Ih Artn u r '!!ag as in Ihl!!' !.all!!'r romances. a d I!!'dited witn .a mvste eus or I a nd .an .ally my'!!tl!!'rlou'!! ending, tne r dl!!"!!i:,it.ed in m.anv d ffe'l!!'nt .ay!P,

.reP_; Merlin, Ar;.a so n -sacrifir.:e fer Vort" rn's to and r;.nowr;. why the tower baea U'!!I!!' of tagon!p in Ihl!!' f:l001 nl!!'ath reg.uding I I!!' r.agon!p .and Ine futu of thl!!' u ntry • .an of I!!'GiAnI',!! na nee. 0' So • from Irela '!!ite··a n ~I 10 eal m'ft,h e:W:f:I!.ain I Ing thl!!' grea ow tne gia nts u!Ped t wate, IIh wn Ich 'I!!' of !pli:knl!!'!io'!! or u nd'!!. p b.abiV f:loin n neerion wiln thes meg,.al s, Fina Ily. tne love lern Ulne rand of " rnnflda n


Thl!!' bo.a!Olfu Geoffrev h poetry; ne I a powe I"'!! as 10 m.aV tn us 1'1 VII.!' de!pcrlbl!!'d i a a

I of Ine rema ness a psars a rthur's '!!I!!'nl!!"!!i:ha.Lj NODII!!" L ighry w.auior. fighlin eVll.!'n I!!'r.a,1!!' lse great, HI!!' I!!'.too. a bl!!'l!!'na god of 'IJII.a'. nd hi!p urleus f:la'!!~ refe, "ng to !Pand ninl!!' nighl!p un I!!" 'lJll.a1 , He eou ld r;.a e .,eriorJ- No pnysir.:i n cou IrJ ea I a 'WOu h plea-SeQ he CClulrJma h ilT1

'IJII1ICh. n III!!'in w In l.arer Wl!!'kh red. though hi'!! ml!!'nred, U," HI!!' Y bl!!' f:lol!!'tli:aIly 1'1: H ls Dre.aln re m.ain wilhoul in"flir.:ted by h ir;. e ta 11e'5t tree in

e zm n FDfZ(I!Im Boou

rJ hardest, whatever he ca - rJ the rJista nee of a hanrJb

inee:! rJry

es in Ku Ihwych and Ihl!!' 0 pl. ml!!'.ans •.a vo uth.· may 110 In l:I,ilain .and G.auL 1:1 Hls meth r's name. Mod ron. ls a Mauona • .a d 1:I,0ba Iy OM of Ine rnetha r·godd!io'!!1!!"!! s hl!!'r na me T!p Mab n ls OM of tne th,1!!'1!!'I!!' Inenl . OMf'S of al i'!! 1:1' mu!rt De Ihl!!'m !Pnow tne Immen I of hi!p immona lity. 0444 1:1 ut I Nanlile. 044!. wn leh. like G

!Pgeds .and hl!!"ol!!"!! of tne T.aken as a w !Ptnev re!Pembll!!' Ihl!!' Irl'!!h Ihll.!'Y are k bl!!'en LUl!!'r , a rd d as me a ls, magicla ns• .and fa I,ie!p !POIn un lens, di Iy as tne!Pe are pe'!::l!!'ived. neV ar ne a re lord'!! f fe rrillry .and growtn. of th sea. f WeI • Thl!!' 1:1'0 ine nt l:Io!pllion of !::I!!'rt.aing ddl!!'!io'!! y Del!!'nd I red of Ihl!!'m in Ga u l an Ire la n e pendl!!'n . Bul, like tne d I\rinitil!!"!! G.aul re ma In lees I in c:n.ataClI!!"• .and 0 Iv In attained .a l:Iul.a,itv nd !::ult. I!!'don In!pcrll:llion'!! may De ens witn Nudd 0' LIude, 1:1 on. T.ata nos (in rnntlMnr.a Ih~h_ .LU Otne rs a re ref of vic:to ry. to wnom l:Ioud atl!!'d with MI nef'\I"CIal BAlh_ . ddl!!"!!!P;B'iga ntla, pe,ha

hI!!'a rts of may pol nt ·tneir pre· dire la nd.

In Bl!!'linu!p in!Pai rred eca pr s In .a fo

ens only).

n !::I.a!io'!! ; ....~ SuL lion'!! a I!PO of B'igit..:

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


(the Me.-.;.e'f in lelT1ayJ, 45" a 8 fer to the grou pi ,g desses, the -ca1T1 u 10';.,Ir;nown 1';.0on the Con ther of Flon n; B latueadres, "e s. Har~:w:. a nd To atls (f:ll!!'rna ps e uate witn Apollo In his n.ataClI!!".a!P a G nn !P(at Mu'!!!PeIburgn a d In rna ny co M n. 1!!'t.C:. Mo!rt of tne!Pe nd m.anv othl!!' , ba Diy 10!:a1 In eha .a!:te r, though n attained a - ar popularltv. 10 tne latte, m.aV b due to G.aull!pn

rJrJe'5';.in Gauli'S insc rres, 50 me ,go sre QuarerJ nenr and IJema the a me a'S I!!'Iy in !PIa ugh r"; C -diu'!!. uean's Te utate 1_ Otn rs .a,1!!' of hea ling·· ne:M."ti ine nta I in'!!i:,ipt ens]. fou n d on 1! In



n.aml!!'!P nd fou

Ane:w:rio aru'!! Anonl~ Anu" Hodua riot of

HI!!'I. Belinu'!! 8e i';.(JlT1a 8 antia

Hl!!'leno!p 8eli';.(JlT1a 8ri,ginrJu 8.-ennu';. 8uanu

B.- n


Ca rnu 10'5

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou

Goibniu Granno';. ler lUS n, Ma Manannan Matr€';. Miele, Ml!!'d,o!p nos Lusu'5, L Mapon

Nemon Net Nu.ada • Lludd ( Ogma

Nl!!'meto Nl!!'t.On

Ogmlo!p SII\ra n us Tar.anis lis. Tulatl Tl!!'ut.a11!!"!!

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


HE eve of the Cu h u lain n ~ e sre su pposed besin ni S of the Ch ian era-I( ns Conr.:hoba r's ins wit the crucifi ion. But t u,gh some I'e me ntioned in e Annals f ure in the Ie';., on the wh perwn-s wn 0 ve ...ei(i'5ted. T ney be 10 to a wortcl of anrJ emborJy t idea I';. of C Itir.: I'a,gani';. ,moc:I ifierJ by C ri - n influence';. anrJ those of anrJ I"CIlT1a ic -sasa';. of other n ion-s. mainly rrn of the t Ie';. a';. they exist n he Book of the Lein ';te'" IT1 st nave bee n S n them in the y mate ria I';. 0 fa r olde ...dare. seventh 0'" eis th ce ntul"'f, ut they em ay nave ha a 1T10!'"er Ie'S';. o inite form, but At an eal"ly ti the -sasa new tale-s we beins con ntly arJrJed 0 it.. and ';.Ome he 10nse r tale-s inr.:ident';. tch once h h each ether.

Oei.-rJ!'"e, nd a
sre pernaps e

te.-.-e'5trial,god COncnoba nana nn. thou god Lug. 0 url sen of lJei:hli god Lug.. of

Dei:oml!!'!O I, Ine Cu lann thl!!' sm .aa as hls neni:l!!'fo rlh De '!!l!!'U'l!!'n obtai ne tne!Pe ne OVll.!" hls • b.anle·fu

Cattle 5i:Ioi Oecnti!'"e, lill and M -son';.of Us ach, Some bemerised ivinitie-s; . anrJ Oer.:hti a ,godde-s of Catn barJ nd of ~e In an olde r re'!!o:!n'!!ion Coni:hoba r' 'I!!'ign ove r I!!'lthl!!" bV S. alta I m 0 r I'SObl!!'.a 'I!!'i ngth and s 'flowers t .adVll.!'ntu h. and hls a pe.a!ioingIh •dog,. bad now CLl Cn ulaIn "Cul.ann',!! i!!'dConeno r's !Opea rs. me tn reI!!' Ignty eha m

Ie. and it'S cent al el'i'5orJe i'5tnat of Cooley-I' orn ... ersensges sre b, Fersu-s. Cona I mach, Cu roi, these sre of d jy n descent, some choba ... i';. r.:alle ia talmaide, "a The cycle open ith the birth of rJauShte r of on f tne ule ne I!O e a's !PO n by Ihl!!'
1!rtI!!', LlenulaInn C '!! born. He wa'!! har brether Co e ob.a,. 0' bV Ihl!!' c:,a,nation_ 4~~ li her nerces of ill at a tende r a,g. nd, ';.enins out eking 's "boV 0 !O." and thl!!'n i'!! thl!!' !01.a~ngof t 'lJll.a1i:h·dogof angl!!'r of lu ow e by offe,ing 10 nnouni:i!!'d that 1'1 I na ml!!' would mAlu'l!!' .age of ariot. and wlln I!!'d lstortien of I!!'.Ine woml!!'n

o lBIB FlllJ'Dllm Boou



went forth n lcerJ to meet h ilT1- He

into three ';.u~~ive

od ';tty cave an' breast, T ars of colrJ

appea r.ani:1!!' as ~'!!tO,1I!d to him. a from hi!p hl!!'.al 4'Sli g'l!!'W uj:!. hi!p '!!ul!!'n unsu rp.a!io'!!1I!dII women fl!!'ll in love bennes fortu as, thl!!' men of Uml!!'r

is eye-s. for it 'Wa';. ken unawa r€-S. he .- until hi';. natura I boilll!d .and hi'!!!:oed

w,auiors.. He ag'l!!'ed. !pkll!d fer on 1'1 I'!!~tu'n. Il!!'r. pomolla, who I!!'nc:ene we nt to In '!!afll.!'tyIhl!!' gulf rnming aII Ihl!!' da ngl!!'r'!!of e r lsla nd• .afti!!', I!!"!!!io.a~nin In 10 e na rrow. '!!wlnglng hI!!'Ie.a,nll!d su 'I!!' I!!''!!kIII In and O'LtI!!'rc:.aml!!' r ne al Aifl!!'_He bl!!'gat a sen d hl!!'r to eall hlm hlm 1'1 ls fatne,',!! ring, 'I!!'VII.!'a hls n.ame_ In l u in n. un.awa ~ that II!!' di'!!i:oVll.!',ing hi!p son. !p11!!'W him in sl own '!!.ag.a fo,mula I!!'ring whic:n hI!!'WO'I!!' Th ls Ine n hls ,I!!'turn frem of Sohta Ru'Stum. of Tne!:oeus nd Hippo',!! i'!! I!!' Cui:n ulaInn de'Stroy otg,all''!! r witn rna ny of 1I!p inmatl!!'!P,.Ind ding Forgall. and earrl [mer. I!!'Il!!'n vea rs whic:n folloWll.!'d. du' ng wn Ii:h ne w,a!PIhl!!' g l!rte'. belong m.anv I!!'Dl!!'bllity of Ine ra II!!"!!n wn I hI!!'figu'l!!'!P promlnentl i , j:!'l!!'gnanc:y. w,a!p. U!p. Th wa'!! !:au!:oed bV Mac: a. u .an them, bUI gave forced 10 ru n .a!!' with Coni:hoba ns 1'1 birtn Immed I tely 10 twln!p • and, in I!!" ne men of uml!!'r. wiln a eu r'!!1!!' at. in time of oj:!j:!'I!!"!!!P1. I!!'Vwou I n Wl!!'a knass of ildbinn. From this CUi: ul.a nn w,a!PI!!' U l!rte'. bUI a on of Lug. I~ v.a,iou!p Ite pts 1'1 I!!' n madl!!' 10 I!!'Xplaln Ihi'!! "debillty_ 1'1 may be a mytn e:W:j:!ini g a Cll.!'lti of tne ·c:ouv.adl!!'." though no mj:!11!!' .a !ioimult.anM of known. un 11!!"!!!p we have hl!!"l!!'an nrun!:e of We!rte,m.a'i: 's " season In prim lIive time-s/' with it-; consequenr -simu I n fer WOlT1en and

matcn. .and should go 10 ~I aII olne whateve, hI!!' Dona II',!! da ug 0 su rrou nd Ing b,idgl!!'. F,om rl Conla. to give forbid him

.and bl!!'auty wl!!'~ resta II a '!!I!!',je!pof 1m. Hut Ihl!!' here's eed In .a 'Str.ange e i:on!:oenlll!d 10 be !Peppesad to tne ugge'!!ted Ihat ne if hI!!'VI'OU Id

e zm n FDfZ(I!Im Boou

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