The Category Partition Method

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A method for creating functional test suites has been developed in zohich a
test engineer analyzes the system specification, writes a series of formal test
specifications, and then uses a generator tool to produce test descriptions
from which test scripts are written. The advantages of this method are that
the tester can easily modify the test specification when necessary, and can
control the complexity and number of the tests by annotating the tests
specification with constraints.


The goal of functional testing of a software system is to Functional tests can be derived from the software’s
find discrepancies between the actual behavior of the specifications, from design information, or from the
implemented system’s functions and the desired behav- code itself. All three test sources provide useful infor-
ior as described in the system’s functional specification. mation, and none of them should be ignored. Code-
To achieve this goal requires first, that tests be exe- based tests relate to the modular structure, logic, con-
cuted for all of the system’s functions, and second, that trol flow, and data flow of the software. They have the
the tests be designed to maximize the chances of find- particular advantage that a program is a formal object,
ing errors in the software. Although a particular and it is therefore easy to make precise statements
method or testing group may emphasize one or the about the adequacy or thoroughness of code-based
other. these two aspects of testing are mutually comple- tests. Design-based tests relate to the progra:mming ab-
mentary, and both are necessary for maximally produc- stractions, data structures, and algorithms used to con-
tive testing. It is not enough merely to “cover all the struct the software. Specification-based tests relate di-
functionality”: the tests must be aimed at the most vul- rectly to what the software is supposed to do, and
nerable parts of the implementation. For functional therefore are probably the most intuitively appealing
testing, this implies testing boundary conditions, special type of functional tests.
cases, error handlers, and cases where inputs and the A standard approach to generating specification-
system environment interact in potentially dangerous based functional tests is first to partition the input do-
ways. Conversely, it is not enough to write excellent, main of a function being tested, and then to select test
error-exposing tests for only some of a system’s func- data from each class of the partition. The idea is that all
tions, or to write tests aimed only at certain types of elements within an equivalence class are essentially
errors or certain characteristics of a specification or im- the same for the purposes of testing. If the testing’s
plementation. main emphasis is to attempt to show the presence of
errors, then the assumption is that any element of a
class will expose the error as well as any otber one. If
A preliminary version of this paper appeared as “Machine-Aided Production the testing’s main emphasis is to attempt to give confi-
of Software Tests,” in the Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Pacific Northwest
Software Quality Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 19-20, 1987. dence in the software’s correctness, then the assump-
tion is that correct results for a single element in a class
will provide confidence that all elements in the class
0 1988 ACM OOOI-0782/88/0600-0676 $1.50 would be processed correctly.

676 Communications of the ACM June 1988 Volume 31 Number 6

Special Section

Various methods of creating a test partition are dis- the specification into an intermediate representation
cussed in the literature [l, 5, 6, 9, lo]. Despite the can be useful for revealing such problems. Frequently,
general agreement on this key technique of functional the tester has to ask the specification writer to clarify
testing, and its use since the earliest days of computing, the intention of a particular section or sentence. These
the partitioning process lacks a systematic approach. questions are themselves a form of testing, as they may
According to Howden [i’], expose errors in the specification before any code is
written or in the implementation before any code is
. . . there have traditionally been no firm guidelines executed.
for the application of the method [of functional The first steps of the category-partition method help
testing] . . . Dissatisfaction with the fuzziness of to accomplish specification coverage and analysis. The
functional testing was partly responsible for the de- later steps provide information used for generating
velopment of systematic approaches to testing error-detecting tests. The method begins with the de-
which may be inadequate in terms of the errors composition of the functional specification into func-
they are capable of discovering, but which have tional units that can be tested independently. A func-
the advantage that they are well defined. tional unit can be either a top-level user command or a
In this article we describe a systematic, specification- function described in the specifications that is called by
based method that uses partitioning to generate func- other functions of the system. For a very large or com-
tional tests for complex software systems. Our ap- plex specification, this decomposition may require sev-
proach, called the category-partition method, includes the eral stages, beginning with the identification of major
use of formal test specifications and is supported by a subcomponents that can be executed independently,
generator tool that produces test case descriptions from and leading eventually to the individual functional
test specifications. The method goes through a series of units. The process is very similar to the high-level de-
decompositions, starting with the original functional composition done by software designers. In fact, a care-
specification, and continuing through the individual fully done software design decomposition could serve
details of each subprogram being tested. as the basis for the test decomposition, and could save
The main characteristics of the category-partition considerable duplication of effort. An advantage of an
method include the following: independent test decomposition, however, is that it pro-
vides a distinct and fresh point of view of the specifica-
A. The test specification is a concise and uniform tion. Independent decomposition is highly recom-
representation of the test information for a func- mended whenever error detection is a high priority
tion. goal, since it greatly increases the chances of finding
B. The test specification can be easily modified, if problems in the specification, and also increases the
this is necessitated by chances that the resulting decomposition will lead to
l changes in the functional specification of a more effective tests for the software.
command; After the functional units of a subcomponent have
l mistakes in an original test specification; been identified, the next decomposition step is to iden-
l a desire for more or fewer test cases. tify the parameters and environment conditions that affect
C. The test specification gives the tester a logical the function’s execution behavior. Parameters are the
way to control the volume of tests. explicit inputs to a functional unit, supplied by either
D. The generator tool provides an automated way to the user or another program. Environment conditions
produce thorough tests for each function, and to are characteristics of the system’s state at the time of
avoid impossible or undesirable combinations of executing a functional unit.
parameters and environments. The actual test cases for a functional unit are com-
E. The method emphasizes both the specification posed of specific values of the parameters and environ-
coverage and the error detection aspects of ment conditions, chosen to maximize the chances of
testing. finding errors in the unit’s implementation. To select
these values, the next step in the decomposition pro-
A STRATEGY FOR TEST CASE GENERATION cess finds categories of information that characterize
Although formal requirements and specification lan- each parameter and environment condition. A category
guages [2, 31 are becoming more widely used, many is a major property or characteristic of a parameter or
software specifications are still written in natural lan- environment condition. Selecting the categories is done
guage. These documents are frequently wordy and un- by careful reading of the specification. For each param-
structured, making them difficult to use directly as a eter or environment condition, the tester marks phrases
basis for functional testing. The tester must transform in the specification that describe how the functional
such a specification into some more concise and struc- unit behaves with respect to some characteristic of the
tured intermediate representation, from which test parameter or environment condition. Each characteris-
cases and test scripts can then be generated. tic that can be identified in this way is recorded as a
Not only do natural language specifications lack category. Ambiguous, contradictory, or missing descrip-
structure, but they are frequently incomplete, ambigu- tions of a function’s behavior are frequently discovered
ous, or self-contradictory. The process of transforming during this process.

]une 1988 Volume 31 Number 6 Communications of the ACM 677

Special Section

Deriving the categories is the final step of analyzing with any of these sizes is essentially as good as one
the specification for coverage purposes. The next de- with any other size in that range.
composition step is to partition each category into dis- A test specification as described so far is art unre-
tinct choices that include all the different kinds of val- stricted specification, since there are no relations indi-
ues that are possible for the category. Each choice cated among any of its choices. Each test frame gener-
within a category is a set of similar values that can be ated from an unrestricted specification conta:ins exactly
assumed by the type of information in the category. one choice from each category. The total number of
The choices are the partition classes from which repre- frames generated from an unrestricted specification is
sentative elements will be taken to build test cases. equal to the product of the number of choices in each
The concepts of category and choice can be illus- category.
trated with an example of a sorting program specifica- Since the choices in different categories frequently
tion. The specification describes the expected input as a interact with each other in ways that affect the result-
variab1.e length array of values of arbitrary type, and ing test cases, the choices in a test specification can be
the expected output as a permutation of the input, with annotated with constraints that indicate these relations.
the values sorted according to some total ordering crite- A typical constraint says that a choice from one cate-
rion. The specification also requires that the program gory cannot occur together in a test frame with certain
produc:e separate outputs containing the minimum and choices from other categories. Constraints are used to
maximum values found in the input array. Based on refine the unrestricted set of test frames to a set consid-
this specification, the tester identifies the following cat- ered both technically effective and economically feasi-
egories: the array’s size, the type of the elements, the ble. The final determination of an appropriate set of test
maximum element value, the minimum element cases is a pragmatic decision that depends or. the criti-
value, and the positions in the array of the maximum cality of the software, the project’s budget, and perhaps,
and minimum values. on the skill levels of the programmers and the testers.
While the categories are derived entirely from infor- After a test specification has been annotated with
mation in the specification, the choices can be based on constraints, it is processed by a generator tool that pro-
the specification, the tester’s past experience in select- duces the test frames. Since this detailed combining of
ing effective test cases, and knowledge of likely situa- information is done by an automated tool, it is rela-
tions for errors to occur. If the code is available for tively easy for the user to make changes to the test
analysis, the tester can also base the choices on the specification, and then rerun the tool to prod.uce a re-
program’s internal structure. In the sorting program ex- vised set of test frames.
ample, one possible way to partition the category array The final steps in the test production process are to
size int.o choices is size = 0, size = 1, 2 + size + 100, transform the generated test frames into test cases, and
and size > 100. These choices are based primarily on then to combine the cases into test scripts. Information
experience with likely errors. If the tester happens to from the parameter categories of a test frame deter-
know that memory for variable size arrays is allocated mines the choice of specific inputs for a test case. The
in blocks of size 256, then it might be wise to include environment categories guide the establishment of the
choices of size C 256, size = 256, and size > 256. system state when the test case is run.
Once the categories and choices have been estab- A test script is a sequence of related test cases for one
lished, they are written into a formal test specification or more functional units. The tester must de’cide
for eac:h functional unit. The test specification consists whether test cases in a script should be independent, or
of a list of the categories, and lists of the choices within share common environment settings. Since each case
each category. The information in a specification is requires that its environment be set up before execut-
used to produce a set of test frames that are the basis for ing the command, an efficient approach groups test
constructing the actual test cases. A test frame consists cases that require the same environment into a single
of a set of choices from the specification, with each script. This technique is most advantageous for test
category contributing either zero or one choice. An ac- cases that do not modify their environment. Another
tual test case is built from a test frame by specifying a approach is to use the result of case K in the script to
single element from each of the choices in the frame. In establish the environment for case K + 1. With both of
the sorting program example, the array size category these methods of test script construction, if a test case
could contribute any of four choices to a test frame. For does not perform as expected, it is possible tlhat the
each of the first two choices, there is only a single remainder of the script is useless. A safer method is to
element to specify for the test case. The third choice set up each test case’s environment individually, just
allows any size between 2 and 100 inclusive to be spec- before executing the test.
ified, while the fourth choice allows any array size over We now summarize this discussion in a series of
100 to be specified. The tester placed 0 and 1 into sepa- steps that constitute the category-partition method. The
rate partition classes of the array size category because section entitled A Test Specification LanguaLge and
he wanted to assure that arrays of those specific sizes Tool describes these steps in more detail, and the
became part of some test cases. Placing 2-100 into a method is illustrated with an example.
single partition class indicates the belief that a test case The category-partition method steps are as follows:

676 Communications of the ACM June 1988 Volume ::I Number 6

Special Section

A. Analyze the specification. The tester identifies rences of a pattern in a file. The command’s natural
individual functional units that can be sepa- language specification is shown in Figure 1.
rately tested. For each unit, the tester identifies:
l parameters of the functional unit; Step A: Analyze the specification.
l characteristics of each parameter; The find command is an individual function that can
l objects in the environment whose state could be separately tested. Its parameters are pattern and file.
affect the functional unit’s operation; The specification mentions four characteristics of the
l characteristics of each environment object. pattern parameter:
The tester then classifies these items into cate-
gories that have an effect on the behavior of the l the length of the pattern;
functional unit. l whether the pattern is enclosed in quotes;
l whether the pattern contains embedded blanks;
If. Partition the categories into choices. The l whether the pattern contains embedded quotes.
tester determines the different significant cases
that can occur within each parameter/environ- There are several additional characteristics of the pat-
ment category. tern that are not explicitly mentioned in the specifica-
C. Determine constraints among the choices. The tion, but that a careful tester might wish to include as
tester decides how the choices interact, how the part of the information from which to construct tests.
occurrence of one choice can affect the existence These include:
of another, and what special restrictions might
l whether a quoted search pattern always has to in-
affect any choice.
clude a blank character;
(Step C and the following two steps frequently occur l whether several successive quotes can be included
repeatedly as the tester refines the test specification to in a pattern;
achieve the desired level of functional tests.) l the possibly ambiguous meaning of a leading quote
in the pattern: is it used to quote the entire pattern,
D. Write and process test specification. The cate-
or is it used to insert a literal quote character?
gory, choice, and constraint information is writ-
ten in a formal Test Specification. The written The file can be considered both as a parameter of the
specification is then processed by a generator find operation and as an object in the environment. We
that produces a set of test frames for the func- take the view that properties relating to the name of the
tional unit. file are parameter characteristics, while properties that
E. Evaluate generator output. The tester exam- have to do with the contents of the file are environment
ines the test frames produced by the generator, characteristics. In terms of the test cases produced by
and determines if any changes to the test specifi- the category-partition method, this distinction is not
cation are necessary. Reasons for changing the important, since the generator tool treats both types of
test specification include the absence of some
obviously necessary test situation, the appear-
ance of impossible test combinations, or a judg-
ment that too many test cases have been pro-
duced. If the specification must be changed, find -qnttern> <file>
Step D is repeated.
F. Transform into test scripts. When the test The find command is used to locate we w more instnnces of
a given pmern in a text file. All lines in the file that contitin
specification is stable, the tester converts the test the pattern we written to stsndard output. A line containing
frames produced by the tool into test cases, and the pattern Is written only once. regardless of the number of
limes the pattern occurs in it.
organizes the test cases into test scripts.
The pclttern is any sequence of characters wbosc length does
not exceed the maximom length of a linc in the ftle. To
A TEST SPECIFICATION LANGUAGE AND TOOL include a blank in the pattern, the cntirc pattern nwt be
enclosed in quotes (‘9. To include J quotation mark in the
The Test Specification Language (TSL) is the means of pattern, two quows in a row (“‘) must be used.
implementing the category-partition strategy described
in the previous section. The tester specifies categories of Examples:
find john myfilc
environments and input values, partitions each cate- displays lines in the file myfile which comaio john
gory into a set of mutually exclusive choices, and de- finch "john smictt" myfile
scribes constraints that govern the interactions between displays lines in the file myfile which cont;lb~ John smith
occurrences of choices from different categories. This firld "john"" bntith" mylilc:
information is written in a formal test specification that displays lines in the file myfile which contain john” smith
can be processed by a test generator tool.
We illustrate the use of TSL and the generator tool
with a simple find command that searches to occur- FIGURE1. Natural Language Specification for FINDCommand

/me 1988 Volume 31 Number 6 Communications of the ACM 619

Special Section

characteristics the same way. The main reason to em- characteristics number of occurrences of patterv in file and
phasiz’e both the parameter and environment charac- pattern occurrences on target line. These charac:teristics
teristics is to remind the tester to think of both when are the categories of the test specification that are parti-
analyzing the specification. tioned in the next step of the method.
When file is considered as a parameter, its significant
characteristic is whether or not it names an existing
Step B: Partition the categories.
file. When file is considered as an object in the environ-
In partitioning the categories, it is important to include
ment, its characteristics are:
any situation that might reasonably occur, plus at least
l number of occurrences of the pattern in the file; some that might not be expected. The latter type of
l number of occurrences of the pattern in a line that situation will become the basis for error tests for the
contains it (in the test specification, we call such a function. For the find function, the categories and
line a target line.); choices are shown in Figure 2. It should be noted that
l maximum line length in the file. the categories are divided into the two broad groups of
Parameters and Environments. Lines beginning with #
These characteristics come directly from the specifi-
are comments.
cation Again, it is possible to consider additional un-
The information in Figure 2 could serve as an unre-
specified characteristics of the file that could affect stricted test specification. However, it will generate
the belhavior of find. Examples are the file type (text,
1,944 test frames, many of which express situations
binary, executable, etc.), whether the pattern over- with contradictory requirements. The frame in Figure 3
laps itself in a line of the file, and whether the pattern is an example. According to this frame, the pattern
extends across more than one line.
parameter is supposed to be an empty string that con-
tains several embedded blanks. In addition, are
# Unrestricted Test Specification for FIND command supposed to be no occurrences of the pattern in the file,
but one occurrence on the target line.
Pattern size:
single character Patternsize : empty
many character Quoting : pattern is quoted
longer than any line in the file
Embeddedblanks : several embedded blanks
Quoting: Embedded quotes : no embedded quotes
pattern is quoted
pattern is not quoted File name : good file name
pattern is improperly quoted Number of occurrences of pattern in file : none
Embeddedblanks: Pattern occurrences ontargetline : one
no embedded blank
one embedded blank
several embedded blanks FIGURE3. Test Frame with Contradictory Requirements
no embedded quotes
one embedded quote Step C: Determine constraints among the choices.
several embedded quotes Contradictory test frames are produced because the
Filename: generator combines choices without any regard to their
good file name meaning and how they might interact. To eliminate the
no file with this name contradictory frames, constraints on the use of choices
are added to an unrestricted specification. Constraints
Environments: are indicated with properties that can be assigned to
Numberof occurrences ofpattern in file: certain choices, and tested for by other choices. Each
none individual choice in a test specification can be anno-
exactly one
more than one tated with a property list and a selector expres.sion. The
Patternoccuxrences ontargetline:
properties assigned to a choice are associated with
# assumes line contains the paiztern every test frame that includes the annotated choice.
one The form of a property list is
moxe than one
[property A, B, . . .]
FIGURE2. Category Partitions for FIND where A, B, are individual property names.
A selector expression is a conjunction of properties
To keep the size of the example reasonable, we use that were previously assigned to other choices. An
only the characteristics that are directly mentioned in expression tells the test frame generator not to include
the specification. We also omit the third file character- the annotated choice in a test frame unless the proper-
istic, maximum line length. We use the five parameter ties in the expression are associated with choices that
characteristics pattern size, quoting, embedded blanks, em- are already in the frame. A selector expression is as-
bedded quotes, and file name, and the two environment signed to a choice by appending a suffix of the form

660 Communications of the ACM June 1988 Volume 31 Number 6

Special Section

[if A] the test frames that will include the choice, and the
properties are assigned to any partial frames containing
the choice.
c-if A and B and . ..I The restricted specification of Figure 4 produces
678 test frames, a reduction of two-thirds from the orig-
to the choice.
inal 1,944. However, 678 is still too many test cases to
Figure 4 shows the find command test specification
be economically and practically feasible for a fairly
annotated with property lists and selector expressions.
simple operation like find.
Since we want to distinguish empty patterns from non-
empty ones, the two properties Empty and NonEmpty
are assigned to the appropriate choices of the category Steps D and E: Write test specification and evaluate
Pattern size. generator output.
When the generator encounters a choice with a selec- If we examine the test frames produced from the re-
tor expression, it omits that choice from any partial test stricted specification, we find that many are redundant;
frame that does not already have the properties speci- they test the same essential situation. They differ only
fied in the selector expression. For example, all of in varying parameters that have no effect on the com-
the choices in the categories Embedded blanks mand’s outcome. This occurs frequently when some
and Embedded quotes, as well as the last two in parameter or environment condition causes an error.
Quoting would never be combined with the choice For instance, every find command for which the
Pattern size: empty. In addition, the second named file does not exist will result in the same error,
and third choices in Embedded blanks would only regardless of the form of the pattern.
be combined with a tuple that contains the choice TSL allows the special annotation [error I to be
Quoting: pattern is quoted. attached to a category choice. [error ] tests are de-
A choice may be annotated with both a selector signed to test a particular feature which will cause an
expression and a property list: for example, the choices exception or other error state. It is assumed that if the
exactly one and more than one in the Environ- annotated parameter or environment has this particu-
ments section. In such a case, both are applied inde- lar value, any call of the function using that choice
pendently; the selector expression is applied to restrict will result in the same error. A choice marked with

#I Test Specification for find command

# Modified: property lists and selector expressions added
Pattern size:
empty Lp=qJerty hlptyl
single character [property NonEmpty]
many character [property NonEmpty]
longer than any line in the file [property NonEmpty]
pattern is quoted [property Quoted1
pattern is not quoted [if NonEmpty]
pattern is improperly quoted [if NonEmpty]
no embedded blank [if NonEmpty]
one embedded blank [if NonEmpty and Quoted1
several embedded blanks [if NonEmpty and Quoted]
no embedded quotes [if NonEmpty]
one embedded quote [if NonEmpty]
several embedded quotes [if NonEmpty]
good file name
no file with this name

Number of occurrences ofpatterninfile:
none [if NonEmpty]
exactly one [if NonEmpty] [property Match]
more than one [if NonEmpty] [property Match]
Pattern occurrencesontargetline:
# assumes line contains the pattern
one [if Match1
more than one [if Match1

FIGURE4. Specification with Property Lists and Selector Expressions

June 1988 Volume 31 Number 6 Communications of the ACM 661

Special Section

[error ] is not combined with choices in the other combinations against the pragmatic limits of time and
categories to create test frames. The generator creates a personnel that usually prevail in a software (develop-
test frame that contains only the [error] choice. The ment project.
test case defined from such a frame must fulfill the Step F: Transform into test scripts.
statement of the marked (error ] choice, but the Figure 6 shows one test frame generated from the final
tester can set the test’s other parameters and environ- specification for find, together with the operating sys-
ment (conditions at will. Adding four [error ] mark- tem command to establish the file environment, the
ings to the restricted specification reduces the number instance of find that performs the test, and a descrip-
of test frames to 125. tion of the test’s expected output.

# Test SpeciEication for find command

# Modified: property lists and selector expressions added
# Modified: error and single annotations added
Pattern size:
empty [property Empty1
single character [property NonEmpty]
many character [property NonEmpty]
longer than any line in the file [fSX0rl
pattern is quoted [property Quoted]
pattern is not quoted
pattern is improperly quoted
no embedded blank [if NonEmpty]
one embeddeil blatik [if NonEmpty and Quoted]
several embedded blLnks [if NonEmpty and Quoted]
Embeddedquotes: _)__
no embedded quotes [if NonEmpty
one embedded -quote [if NonEmpty]
several embedded quotes [if NonEmpty] [single]
File name:
good file name
' no file with this name

Number of occurreficesofpatternin file:
none [if 14onEmptyJ [single1
exactly one (if NonEmptYj (property Match1
more than one [if NonEmpty] [property Match1
Patternoccurrences ontargetline:
# assumes line contains the pattern
one [if Match]
more than one [if Match) [single]

FIGURE5. Final Test Specification for FIND

The number may be further reduced by using The test frame contains two numbers. The “Test
[single I markings. This annotation is intended to Case” number sequentially identifies the test. The
describe special, unusual, or redundant conditions that “Key” number refers to the choices made from each of
do not have to be combined with all possible choices. the frame’s categories (choice 3 from the first category,
As with (error I choices, the generator does not com- choice 1 from the second, and so forth). Once the cate-
bine a [single] choice with any choices from other gories and choices in a test specification are fixed, the
categories. A single frame is produced that contains key number for a given test frame stays the same even
only the marked [ single ] choice. This reduces the if the property lists and selector expressions change.
total number of frames, but assures that one frame will In the example shown in Figure 6, the file case-28
be created with the marked choice. By marking three has been created earlier and stored in another direc-
choices of the find specification as ( single ] , the total tory. It is copied into a testing directory to set up the
number of test frames drops to 40. The final, com- environment for the test. The output of find is either a
pletely marked specification is shown in Figure 5. display of matching lines or a message that no matches
The decision to use a [single ] marking is a judg- were found. Test result checking could be done either
ment by the tester that the marked choice can be ade- manually or by directing the command’s output to a log
quately tested with only one test case. It represents an file which is later compared to a prepared output file.
attempt to balance the desire for complete testing of all In cases where the tested function modifies the system

662 Communications of the ACM June 1988 Volume 31 Number 6

Specinl Se&ion

state, additional commands may be necessary to verify experiential knowledge of the system to write the test
that it performed correctly. specifications. One test specification was written for
Some inconsistencies, redundancies, and ambiguities each of the 91 high-level procedures. All of the test
in the test specifications may only become apparent specifications were written in approximately three
when the actual test scripts are created. A combination weeks.
of parameter values and environment conditions that The four other team members were then given a one-
looked right in the specification may actually be impos- page overview of the TSL format. These team members
sible to test. One test case may be identical to another. individually reviewed the test specifications, noting er-
Such situations require that the tester modify the origi- rors and inconsistencies and suggesting changes. Judg-
nal test specification, usually by adding property lists ing by the quality of the reviews, they found the TSL
and selector expressions, to correct the problem. format to be relatively easy to understand.
Surprisingly, most of the review comments simplified
EXPERIENCE WITH TSL the test specifications. Many environment conditions
The TSL is now being used for the design of functional were eliminated as unnecessary and others were
tests for the version and configuration management marked [ sing 1 e 1. In the few instances where func-
(VCM) component of an interactive programming sup- tionality had changed since the last revisions of the
port environment. The other components of this system program specifications, the entire test specification had
are a text editor and a source-language debugger. The to be rewritten (and the program specification was
entire system has been designed using object-oriented quickly revised).
techniques and is implemented in Ada. The TSL generator was run on each of the test speci-
The TSL has been used to create test scripts for the fications to produce a set of test frames for each proce-
second and third releases of the VCM component. The dure. The entire system required 1,022 test cases.
second release consisted of approximately 35,000 Ada Writing the actual test scripts was the most time-
source statements (counted by semicolons), making up consuming part of the process. Each procedure’s script
over 2,200 Ada procedures in 131 packages. Function consisted of some setup commands, the test cases them-
testing for this release consisted of testing 91 high-level selves, and cleanup commands. Common data struc-
procedures, each roughly equivalent to one user-level tures were used as appropriate. Although it would have
command. cut down on the total number of commands, it was
The VCM design and implementation team consists decided not to use one test case to set the environment
of four members. When functional testing was started, for a following test case (e.g., test case A creates a file,
one team member became primarily responsible for test case B reads the file). Wherever possible, the test
testing. This test engineer used the written specification cases included commands to check the results of the
documents, Ada package specifications, and his own test.

Test Frame:
Test Case 28: (Key =
Pattern size : many character
Quoting : pattern is quoted
Embeddedblanks : several embedded blanks
Embeddedquotes : one embedded quote
Filename : good file name
Number of occurxences ofpatternin file : exactly one
Pattern occurrences ontargetline : one

Commands to set up the test:

copy /testing/sources/case_28 testfile

find command to perform the test:

find "has Nn one quote" testfile

Instructions for checking the test:

The following line should be displayed:
This line has " one quote on it

FIGURE6. A Test Frame and Test Case

June 1988 Volume 31 Number 6 Communications of the ACM 663

Specinl Section

Once the test cases were written, it took approxi- tions to limit the type and number of test that are
mately two weeks to completely run all of the tests. generated.
Many times there were bugs in either the test scripts or
the original test specifications themselves, despite the Cause-Effect Graphing
fact that the test specifications had been reviewed prior Another strategy for transforming a specification is
to the time the test cases were generated and written. cause-effect graphing, originally defined by Elmendorf [4]
This required modifying the scripts, and in a few cases, and illustrated by Myers [8]. This strategy begins with
the test specifications themselves. Thirty-nine bona fide the identification of each individual function or com-
bugs in the software were found and corrected using mand of the system to be tested. Then for each func-
the tests produced with the category-partition method. tion, the tester identifies all significant causes that in-
Following the development group’s testing with the fluence the function’s behavior, and all effects of the
category-partition tests, the system was sent to an inde- function. The next step is to construct a graph that
pendent system testing group for additional testing. relates combinations of the causes to the effects they
This group found 61 additional problems with the VCM produce. Test cases are defined for each effect by con-
software, of which 19 were classified as implementation sidering all combinations of causes that proc!uce that
faults, and the remaining 42 as “documentation errors,” effect.
“unclear messages,” “ operating system errors,” and Although careful use of the cause-effect method can
“suggestions for improvement.” produce effective tests, the method is difficult to apply
The complete suite of test scripts has been saved as a in practice. In particular, the cause-effect graph can
regression test base for future releases. All of the test become very complex when a function has a large
specifications and scripts have been version controlled. number of causes. To keep the complexity under con-
To facilitate checking the regression tests, a transcript trol, the tester must add intermediate nodes to repre-
of the last complete run of the test scripts was saved so sent logical combinations of several causes. .An appro-
that it can be compared mechanically against a tran- priate choice of intermediate nodes is frequently not
script of a run of the same scripts against a future re- obvious. Other problems with the cause-effect graph
lease. are the difficulty of verifying its correctness. or of up-
dating it when the specification changes or when the
RELATION TO OTHER METHODS tester realizes that some information has been over-
looked. If new nodes are added to the input, or cause,
The Condition Table Method side of the graph, much of its internal structure may
Goodenough and Gerhart’s [5] test case definition tech- have to be redesigned.
nique is called the condition table method. They con- By transforming a written specification into a set of
struct a condition table in which each column repre- cause-effect graphs, the tester is replacing one complex
sents a combination of conditions that can occur during representation with another. Any changes that occur in
execution of the program. By examining the program’s the specification must be translated into corresponding
specifications, they try to identify conditions that have changes in the graph. Naturally, changes in the specifi-
a significant impact on the execution behavior of the cation are a problem for any method, but a simpler
program. In the cited article, their main concern was to intermediate representation can ease the difficulty.
provide a method that could be used in conjunction
with their theory of testing, and they do not discuss any Revealing Subdomains
automatization of condition tables. Weyuker and Ostrand [lo] proposed a combined black-
Some aspects of the Goodenough and Gerhart method box and white-box method to derive a partition of a
are quite similar to the category-partition method. The function’s input domain into revealing subdomains. A re-
conditions of Goodenough and Gerhart are what we call vealing subdomain contains elements that are either all
categories. They define the value set of a condition as the processed correctly or all processed incorrectly. Once
possible values for the condition; the value set corre- such a subdomain has been identified, executing the
sponds to what we call choices for each category. Good- program on a single one of its elements is su.fficient to
enough and Gerhart also identify constrnints between test the entire subdomain.
conditions, but use them in a more restricted way than The authors note that, theoretically, the existence of
we do. The Goodenough and Gerhart constraints are a correctly processed input from a subdomain, together
only used to express interactions between conditions with showing that the subdomain is revealing, are
that are consequences of the conditions’ definitions. For equivalent to proving the program’s correctness for all
example, a constraint may say that if condition 1 holds inputs in the subdomain. Given the impossibility in
then neither condition 2 nor condition 3 can hold. This general of proving program correctness, one should not
type of statement limits the number of combinations expect to be able to produce revealing subdomains at
that possible, and hence limits the number of test will. To render the theory somewhat more practically
predicates that must be considered. In the category- applicable, the notion of reuealing subdomain for a spe-
partition method, constraints are used both to express cific error E is introduced. With such a subdomain, if the
defin:ition-based interactions of the above type, and also error E is present and affects some element of the sub-
as a means for the tester to introduce additional restric- domain, then every element of the subdomain is pro-

684 Communications of the ACM June 1988 Volume .31 Number 6

Special Section

cessed incorrectlv. This definition makes it easier to ified in natural language, the category-partition tech-
find revealing s&domains, and guides the tester to con- nique could be used to determine an appropriate set of
centrate on probable errors and the sets of inputs that specification domains. The informal representations of
they might affect. these domains could be converted into a format similar
The article presents a technique that attempts to con- to that produced by symbolic execution of a formal
struct revealing subdomains by identifying the most specification, and the result used to form the procedure
likely places for errors to occur. The technique uses partition required by equivalence partitioning.
information from both the specification and the code.
The tester first creates a problem partition from the spec- PLANNED EXTENSIONS
ification, by looking for classes of inputs that should be The TSL was developed during the implementation of a
treated the same way by the program. The next step is major software project, to meet an immediate need for
to create a path partition, whose equivalence classes a systematic test development strategy and tool. The
contain inputs that actually are treated the same way criteria were to produce an easily usable and easily
by the program. The partition used for functional test- understood system as soon as possible. While the pres-
ing is then created by intersecting the problem partition ent system greatly facilitated testing the VCM software,
and the path partition, creating a set of equivalence we are currently considering the following enhance-
classes whose elements both should be and are treated ments.
the same way by the program. A test set is built by
choosing one element from each of the testing parti- A. More general ways of specifying and checking
tion’s classes. properties. At present, the selector expression
The revealing subdomain concept emphasizes the on a choice can only be the conjunction of previ-
importance of choosing test data from both program- ously assigned properties. A simple change is to
dependent and program-independent sources. The allow any Boolean combination of properties. Al-
main difficulty in its implementation is that there are though in practice the inability to specify any
no formal or systematic guidelines for creating the logical combination has not been a problem, this
problem partition; [lo] states only that it should be generalization would provide more flexibility in
formed “on the basis of common properties implied by specifying combinations.
the specifications, algorithm, and data structures.”
B. Generalize error and single tests. At present,
Since the category-partition method provides a sys-
error and single tests are generated from a single
tematic approach to creating test sets on the basis of the
parameter or environment choice, forcing the
specification, it could conceivably be used to help cre-
tester to make an all-or-nothing decision. The
ate the problem partition.
ability to use Boolean combinations of choices to
specify them would give the tester finer-grained
Equivalence Partitioning
control in designing error or single situations.
Richardson and Clarke’s [9] equivalence partitioning
method is very similar to the revealing subdomain C. Specifying test results. The present version of
approach. They partition a function’s input domain TSL provides no means for specifying results of
into a procedure partition, which is the intersection of a test cases. It is up to the tester to define the
program-based path domain and a specification-based expected results for each case when the test
specification domain. The path domain is constructed by scripts are created from test frames. The next
standard symbolic execution techniques applied to the version of the tool will allow the tester to in-
program. To construct the specification domain, the au- clude a Results section for each function. The
thors assume that the specification is presented in a user will decompose the possible results for a
formal specification language, to which symbolic exe- function into choices that are similar to the
cution techniques can be applied. choices in the decomposition of parameter and
Test data are selected in two ways, depending on the environment influences. A Boolean expression
types of errors the tester is looking for. To find compu- attached to each result choice will describe com-
tation errors (incorrect computations), the tester should binations of the parameter and environment
study the path and specification domains, and use choices that cause that result to occur. The infor-
“computationally sensitive data,” such as extreme val- mation contained in such a result-augmented
ues and special values within those domains. To find test specification will be very similar to the in-
domain errors (input data following the wrong path in formation in a cause-effect graph.
the program), the tester should use test cases that are The test generator will then be able to produce
boundary points of the procedure domain. the following types of output:
Equivalence partitioning depends crucially on a for-
mal specification to allow the symbolic analysis that l Test frames that include a list of expected re-
creates the specification domain. Assuming such a for- sults.
mal specification exists, the method probably will pro- l A result frame that, for a given result, lists all
duce test data that are similar to those produced by the combinations of parameters and environments
revealing subdomain method. For a system that is spec- that produce that result.

June 1988 Volume 31 Number 6 Communications of the ACM 665

Special Section

l A list of results that are not produced by any based functional testing, a task that is generally seen as
allowable combination of choices. tedious but necessary for the implementation of high
l A list of choice combinations for which a test quality software.
frame is produced, but which have no associ-
ated result. REFERENCES
1. Adrian, W.R., Bran&d, M.A.. and Cherniavsky. J.C. Validation, ver-
ification, and testing of computer software. ACM Camp. Sure. 14, 2
D. Automate test script generation. Converting (June 1982). 159-192.
the generator-produced test frames into test 2. Berzins, V.. and Gray, M. Analysis and design in MSG 84: Formaliz-
scripts is the most time-consuming part of the ing functional specifications. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. SE-II, 8 (August
1985). 657-670.
entire testing process. Much of the conversion 3. Bjorner. D.. and Jones. C.B. Formal Specification and Software Develop-
could be automated by taking advantage of fre- ment. Prentice-Hall International, En&wood Cliffs, N J., 1982.
quently occurring environment conditions. In us- 4. Elmendorf. W.R. Functional analysis using cause-effect graphs. In
Proceedinys of SHARE XLIII. SHARE. New York. 1974, .567-577.
ing TSL, the test engineer found that after a few 5. Goodeno;gh; J.B., and Gerhart. S.L. Toward a theory elf test data
test cases were completely written by hand, he selection. 1EEE Trans. Softw. Eng. SE-2. 2 (June 1975), 156-173.
6. Howden, W.H. A survey of dynamic analysis methods In Tutorial:
could rapidly assemble additional cases by cut- Program Testing and Validation Techniques, edited by E.F. Miller and
ting and pasting pieces from the previous ones. A W.H. Howden. IEEE, 1981.
fixed set of commands could be used to establish 7. Howden, W.H. Errors, design properties. and functional program
tests. In Computer Program Testing Summer School, Soge:ita, Itnly. ed-
an environment corresponding to a particular ited by B. Chandrasekaran and S. Radicchi. North-Holland. New
environment category and choice. This idea York, 1981.
could be used to build a version of TSL that 8. Myers, C.J. Software Reliability: Principles and Practices. John Wiley.
New York. 1976.
would automatically supply the appropriate sys- 9. Richardson. D. and Clarke, L. A partition analysis method to in-
tem commands to establish each test case’s crease program reliability. In Proceedings of the 5th lntunafionnl Con-
ference Software Engineering (San Diego. CA, Mar. 9%1211.IEEE. 1981.
environment. pp. 244-253.
10. Weyuker, E.J., and Ostrand, T.J. Theories of program testing and the
SUMMARY application of revealing subdomains. IEEE Trans. Softa. Eng. SE-6 3
[May 1980). 236-246.
The category-partition method provides the tester with
a systematic method for decomposing a functional spec- CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.5. [Testing and Debug-
ification into test specifications for individual functions. ging]: K.6.3 [Software Management]
The test specification language is a concise, easily mod- Additional Key Words and Phrases: Automatic test generator.
partition. software testing, test specification
ified representation of tests that can be understood by
programmers, testers, and managers. A particular bene- Authors’ Present Address: Thomas J. Ostrand and Marc J. Balcer, Soft-
fit is that the tester can control the size of a product’s ware Technology Department, Siemens Research and Technology Labo-
ratories, 105 College Road East, Princeton. N.J. 08540.
test suite, not by arbitrarily stopping when a given
number of tests have been written, but by specifying Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted
the interaction of parameters and environments that provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commer-
determine the tests. cial advantage. the ACM copyright notice and the title of lhe publication
and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of
TSL and the category-partition method are a promis- .
the Association for Comoutine I Machinerv. To cow. _ otherwise. or to
ing foundation for further automation of specification- republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission

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