RNchat Transcript For February 10, 2011

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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Thu Feb 10 18:10:00 PST 2011
To: Thu Feb 10 19:05:00 PST 2011

Learn more about #RNchat at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

tobemcb Hello from Toronto...community health nurse #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:10:05 PST 2011

RNchat T1 IOM Report on Expanding Nursing Role: Should nurses become doctors to save primary
care? See http://bit.ly/h4pA6I #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:10:19 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @rnchat @onlinenursing @joniwatson @hospitalpatient @practicalwisdom: thanks so much. You

guys are great brain candy. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:10:40 PST 2011

onlinenursing @RNchat - read the post, the comments, and interested to hear what #mdchat said last night
about it #RNChat - T1
Thu Feb 10 18:11:01 PST 2011

HospitalPatient NO. Nurses serve a KEY role of bridging the communication gap between Doctor and Patient.
Without that - the System fails. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:11:18 PST 2011

EllenRichter @consultdoc Hi there! We just started! Welcome! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:12:27 PST 2011

joniwatson @PracticalWisdom what an awesome compliment. Totally stealing that. Aaand I love that you
introduced yourself as a rascal. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:12:38 PST 2011

HospitalPatient Docs "give" Orders - Nurses "execute" them - & Nurses have invaluable "perspective" about their
Patients. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:13:00 PST 2011

SarahBethRN T1, Someone needs to become doctors to save primary care, because doctors are becoming
(PCPs) doctors. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:13:34 PST 2011

RNchat @consultdoc Hi, Mark. Welcome! #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:13:36 PST 2011
PracticalWisdom @joniwatson: Really White girl has deep blush. Thanks #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:13:36 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 I see a totally different picture when I read about the IOM report. Its not about RNs wanting to
be MDs--not at all #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:13:37 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @EllenRichter @HospitalPatient The mere fact that you meaningfully interact w/ patient Families
says a lot about YOU & of Nurses. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:14:03 PST 2011

consultdoc Nurses and doctors bring different skill sets to the table. Expanding role is likely but as part of a
new kind of care team. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:14:39 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Is it true that Phy Assistants came after vietnam b/c they were so well trained? Health care
Positions change to meet new needs? #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:15:51 PST 2011

SarahBethRN agree, care team as we know it will change. RT @consultdoc: Expanding role is likely but as part
of a new kind of care team. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:16:09 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1Some of the roles of primary care-giver can be executed by RNs/RNPs. That doesnt mean
RNs want to be doctors. But their care helps #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:16:59 PST 2011

EllenRichter @PamelaKline Hi Pam!! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:19:00 PST 2011

HospitalPatient I think this entire issue is about "Change" & every Health Care Professional must "adapt." This
tough economy is an oppty 4 docs #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:19:23 PST 2011

NurseSallie PNPs have been around since the 1960s providing primary care to kids. It is not so much about
expanding the role, ... T1 #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:19:37 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Rascal on duty: If roles would changed would this impact level of care but Salaries. Way to save
health care dollars? #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:19:40 PST 2011

consultdoc Pts may begin to sort by need (chronic vs acute) rather than belonging to a practice. Acute care
one place,chronic care another. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:19:44 PST 2011

NurseSallie but rather appropriately recognizing it. T1 #rnchat

Thu Feb 10 18:19:58 PST 2011
PamelaKline @EllenRichter hello! Nice to see you GF:) #RNChat
Thu Feb 10 18:20:15 PST 2011

HospitalPatient but most refuse to roll up their sleeves and think of a different business model. Lawyers adapted
to Faxes & Voice-mails - Y r Docs #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:20:21 PST 2011

KinetiCycle Hi #RNchat folks

Thu Feb 10 18:20:40 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke T1 @ellenrichter-nurses traditional role is irreplaceable. IOM report suggests broad new role, will
require ext. shift in training! #RNChat
Thu Feb 10 18:21:09 PST 2011

joniwatson @consultdoc definitely agree with you. Also include preventive care. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:21:10 PST 2011

HospitalPatient different? What they see as problematic I see as a "Cutting-Edge" opportunity to make "Virtual
House Calls" - just as an example. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:21:19 PST 2011

EllenRichter @PracticalWisdom T1 Yes, I believe it can alter health care dollars by shifting some weight of
care to nursing profession #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:21:24 PST 2011

NurseSallie Preventative care is part of primary care NP education. #rnchat

Thu Feb 10 18:22:19 PST 2011

KinetiCycle Adv practice RNs should augment healthcare delivery, not replace docs #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:22:31 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @consultdoc Great Point. But in the process of meeting Patient Needs - Docs can devise NEW
Business Model which helps THEM as well #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:22:44 PST 2011

RNchat @Kineticycle Hi, good to see you again! #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:23:03 PST 2011

KinetiCycle Healthcare needs to be where the people are, not make it hard to get to. Retail models work for a
reason, access. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:23:56 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom T1:This is the part that concerns me: primary care by U.S. MDs is threatened with extinction; Our
chat groups mention this often. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:24:07 PST 2011

SarahBethRN newly insured + 10000 boomers turning 65 everyday=demand on Primary Care never seen
before. Nurses, PAs, pharmacists new frontline. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:25:03 PST 2011
EllenRichter T1 Healthcare is undergoing so many changes simultaneously-EMR, technology, medicare
changes, HCR, NPs, etc--creates a big challenge #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:25:55 PST 2011

KinetiCycle NPs / APRNs provide access, pts need noncomplicated care, give it to them. Docs be docs, RNs
be RNs, complimentary, not competition #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:26:20 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @sarahbethrn The different Medical Professionals need to truly "Collaborate" & the
Care/Business Model must reflect that. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:26:38 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @DrDeanBurke: Agree, just quoting the article. #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:26:58 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke T1 @sarahbethrn Great point re demographic shifts-need for preventive and acute care will
skyrocket! Who will deliver care? #RNChat
Thu Feb 10 18:27:23 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @HospitalPatient @sarahbethrn: Collaborate/Respect/Honor each skill set. Each piece of the
puzzle is needed. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:28:05 PST 2011

EllenRichter @sarahbethrn T1 You are correct about the new frontline professionals for primary care ie
pharmacists, RNPs, PAs. I agree totally. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:28:11 PST 2011

KinetiCycle Healthcare changes are bringing new opportunities for RNs to be leaders, influencers & role
models. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:28:49 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke T1 @PracticalWisdom I think article written to get attention, not to give solution to problem...
Thu Feb 10 18:29:00 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @EllenRichter @sarahbethrn T1: Health Educators, Counselors, others can be included and
needed. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:29:09 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom GT Point. RT @Kineticycle: Healthcare changes are bringing new opportunities for RNs to be
leaders, influencers & role models. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:29:20 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @Kineticycle Seize the Moment - Nurses DESERVE that opportunity. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:29:40 PST 2011

NurseSallie Is the RN skill set going to be put to best and fullest use? T1 #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:29:51 PST 2011
KinetiCycle Its a great time to be a RN, seek new knowledge, get a MSN, DNP or PHD. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:29:53 PST 2011

EllenRichter What a good tweet! RT @Kineticycle Healthcare changes are bringing new opportunities 4 RNs
to be leaders, influencers & role models #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:29:57 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @DrDeanBurke: Agree. Thought they brought in some good results. Helped our discussion
tonight. Good Point. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:30:14 PST 2011

EllenRichter Absolutely! RT @PracticalWisdom: @EllenRichter @sarahbethrn T1: Health Educators,

Counselors, others can be included and needed #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:30:42 PST 2011

tobemcb @Kineticycle Absolutely!!!! #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:30:50 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 I think that those who are against RNPs as primary care practitioners have never experienced
working with or being cared for by 1 #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:32:19 PST 2011

MsWZ @PracticalWisdom re: T1 - the primary care world is transformed when care teams use
pharmacists & nurses at top of scope of prac #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:32:29 PST 2011

KinetiCycle Do RNs need a national priority list like the TJC annual Pt Safety Goals? How do we focus
efforts? #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:33:30 PST 2011

danasaur82 I think some of us need to evaluate our role and skill set, be open to some reeducation to build a
stronger care team. #RNChat
Thu Feb 10 18:33:42 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @HospitalPatient: This is a classy bunch of folks who are some of the sharpest Crayons in the
Box~Cross my Heart! #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:34:41 PST 2011

Visiting_Nurse Hey there - late 2 #RNchat lurking 2 get caught up. R u on T2 yet?
Thu Feb 10 18:35:18 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @PracticalWisdom @HospitalPatient Amen. #rnchat

Thu Feb 10 18:35:25 PST 2011

onlinenursing Love my NP and wouldnt have the care i have had w/o her. #RNChat
Thu Feb 10 18:36:11 PST 2011
EllenRichter @danasaur82 Actually ALL of us always need to evaluate our roles/skill sets. And we all need to
be open to ongoing education 4ever #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:36:11 PST 2011

danasaur82 Lists and groups are great. Unify ideas and create groups to work towards those goals and
changes! Power is numbers! #RNChat
Thu Feb 10 18:36:15 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @visiting_nurse T1 too much fun tonight LOL! welcome! #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:36:33 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @HospitalPatient: Dan Goldman from Mayo is an amazing hospital attorney. Very generous
sharing social media policy. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:36:56 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom Still on T1? Just checking. #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:38:50 PST 2011

HospitalPatient Nurses do their jobs while often seeing people at their worst - yet they smile and r only concerned
w/ making things better. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:39:00 PST 2011

NurseSallie @joniwatson Yup. T1 #rnchat

Thu Feb 10 18:39:12 PST 2011

PamelaKline @EllenRichter so true Ellen!! #RNChat

Thu Feb 10 18:39:22 PST 2011

SarahBethRN (quick plug for my last blog post on this same topic:
http://sarahbethrn.com/post/3187595643/frontline-in-primary-care ) #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:39:31 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @HospitalPatient: know some Docs and others who are also remarkable. Takes a team. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:39:48 PST 2011

RNchat @PracticalWisdom Yep - will shift it in a bit... #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:40:03 PST 2011

HospitalPatient @PracticalWisdom @HospitalPatient Are U married to a Doctor? :) :) #rnchat

Thu Feb 10 18:40:55 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @rnchat: Not being critical or giving suggestion. Energizer Bunny Girl just needs to keep track for
herself. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:41:13 PST 2011

onlinenursing T1 #RNChat 1 more thing. My patients wouldnt get primary care w/o NP clinic I work 4. No doc,
rural mcd & no insurance.
Thu Feb 10 18:41:14 PST 2011
Visiting_Nurse @rnchat T1 ah I c thanx #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:41:57 PST 2011

joniwatson @NurseSallie most definitely. T1 #rnchat

Thu Feb 10 18:42:06 PST 2011

RNchat T2 Letting docs be docs & nurses be nurses, how might we evaluate what *specific* practices
be shared? (Versus general roles.) #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:43:23 PST 2011

EllenRichter Great advice RT @joniwatson Evidence exists~NPs provide quality care~Do what we know
works~Evidence-based care~Leave power struggles #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:43:23 PST 2011

EllenRichter @chemosabe Welcome! Whats a MO? :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:44:35 PST 2011

chemosabe @onlinenursing thanx Terri, can always count on you for a rt #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:44:52 PST 2011

Visiting_Nurse T1 I love the role of NPs & the different perspectv I am applying 4 skool & purposeful 2 choose
NP over MD becuz of diff focus #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:44:55 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @chemosabe welcome! #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:45:10 PST 2011

chemosabe @EllenRichter moustache...jk... medical officer #rnchat

Thu Feb 10 18:45:30 PST 2011

HospitalPatient Patient Interaction is a very sensitive "skill" & Nurses seem 2 B trained with that sensitivity in
mind. Docs R not. So, Nurses #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:45:35 PST 2011

HospitalPatient should maintain most "Patient-centric" responsibilities. #rnchat

Thu Feb 10 18:46:06 PST 2011

onlinenursing @chemosabe :) thats because you have great points. #RNChat

Thu Feb 10 18:46:13 PST 2011

KinetiCycle Share practice b/t MDs & RNs in continuum cases. In/OutPt frequency or specialist needs.
Thu Feb 10 18:46:19 PST 2011

EllenRichter T2 Assessment skills can be shared by both doctors and nurses. There should be no dispute
about a trained eye & ear. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:46:24 PST 2011
danasaur82 T2 Sit members of the team now. Create a legal framework for who does what, how to
collaborate. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:46:30 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke T2 #RNchat-education re wellness, new group models for chronic illnesses seem to be a great
fit for nurses!
Thu Feb 10 18:46:58 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @HospitalPatient: When you get a chance you might want to learn more about my friend
s_eller: Susan is doing to help W. Sensitivity #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:47:08 PST 2011

EllenRichter @chemosabe And is a medical officer a medical doctor, or is that yet another care deliverer
role? #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:47:11 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @HospitalPatient: Her work is really interesting and important. #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:47:34 PST 2011

NurseSallie Again, I think most NPs know their skill set, what they can manage, and recognizing when they
need more information. T1 #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:47:50 PST 2011

onlinenursing T2 we both manage, educate and monitor meds #RNChat

Thu Feb 10 18:48:13 PST 2011

EllenRichter T2 Preventive/restorative health education is another role both nurses & doctors can easily
swap & share #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:48:13 PST 2011

Visiting_Nurse T2 conflicted NPs R now specializing 2 cardiology, endocrinology where do u draw the
distinction specialties = increasd complexity #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:48:31 PST 2011

NurseSallie T2 That information might come from an MD or another NP or an RN. There is not shame in
asking for assistance. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:48:47 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @EllenRichter: Health Educators are not just Doctors & Nurses. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:49:07 PST 2011

HospitalPatient that it would be detrimental to a Patient to assign certain tasks to a Medical Professional who
is not an "expert" in that area. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:49:33 PST 2011

chemosabe @EllenRichter ah, you call em MD we call em MO. Start as JHO, Jr House Officer, then SHO,
Snr HO, and SMO, Snr MO #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:49:52 PST 2011
EllenRichter @PracticalWisdom Yes but T2 asked what roles doctors & nurses can share, so I was giving
suggestions, not being all inclusive :) #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:50:26 PST 2011

chemosabe @EllenRichter relates really to public pay rates that they are on the MO pay structure! #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:50:30 PST 2011

PhilBaumann @chemosabe Oh, I think we could have a lotta fun with those. ;) @EllenRichter #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:50:52 PST 2011

EllenRichter @chemosabe Thanks! I learned something new today about the "other" sunshine state! :)
Thu Feb 10 18:50:56 PST 2011

KinetiCycle NPs are not just for chronic care. Some of the best RNs are for acute care, showing docs what
they need to do. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:51:17 PST 2011

danasaur82 T2 There is no 1size fits all. Different teams need to talk about what works or them. Listen and
learn from each other. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:52:02 PST 2011

chemosabe thnx everyone for welcomes earlier, makes a guy feel good :) #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:52:16 PST 2011

HospitalPatient Patients need 2 understand Y they R telling their Medical History AGAIN & 2 a 5th different
person in 2 days. Too many cooks ..... #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:52:16 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @philbaumann: You always have fun! Tell the truth. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:52:17 PST 2011

joniwatson T2 new roles/responsibilites laid out in respective Scopes of Practice. Still written in broad
generalities, though (ex: asmnt, dx) #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:52:29 PST 2011

EllenRichter @PracticalWisdom Its quite alright! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:52:31 PST 2011

HospitalPatient More specifically, new job titles & bifurcation of duties is fine - but the cosmetics must make
sense to patients. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:53:18 PST 2011

danasaur82 Bye all, must go provide excellent patient care and help my student become an awesome RN!
Thu Feb 10 18:53:44 PST 2011

KinetiCycle When we move past competition & get to complimentary roles, then the PTs will win. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:54:12 PST 2011
PracticalWisdom @danasaur82: Night. Thanks for your important work. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:54:46 PST 2011

EllenRichter T2 Those nurses & doctors who rise above the bickering of "who does what" & just
concentrate on quality health care are most happy #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:54:58 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @danasaur82 Good luck-need awesome RNs ! #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:55:07 PST 2011

EllenRichter @danasaur82 Glad you came! Great contributions! Enjoy! #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:55:38 PST 2011

Visiting_Nurse T2 discusd very issue w/ NP 2day now pickn up hrs due to recent scrutiny of intern resident
hrs & pt safety #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:55:52 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke @EllenRichter T2 bicker, who bickers??? #RNchat lol!

Thu Feb 10 18:56:05 PST 2011

RNchat @danasaur82 Take good care and thanks for coming! Hope to see you again. Cheers!
Thu Feb 10 18:56:28 PST 2011

SarahBethRN HA!! RT @DrDeanBurke: @EllenRichter T2 bicker, who bickers??? #RNchat lol! #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:56:40 PST 2011

EllenRichter @DrDeanBurke LOL :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 18:57:30 PST 2011

Visiting_Nurse T2 increasd NP use in teaching hospital they r learning how to break out assignments and
effectvly use 1 another. Workn well #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:57:32 PST 2011

InfusionNurse LOL...hi all! lurking here tonite! RT @DrDeanBurke: @EllenRichter T2 bicker, who bickers???
#RNchat lol! #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:57:53 PST 2011

KinetiCycle Fragmentation of care, records, pt care is evidence enough for expanded access to competent
care. NPs do care well. #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:58:20 PST 2011

DrDeanBurke #RNChat-good evening all, must go bicker with my wife (BSN-Public Health-STD/TB!) see you
again soon!
Thu Feb 10 18:58:44 PST 2011

HospitalPatient I must shutdown but THANK YOU 4 letting me participate. If anyone is interested in an
Informative & Funny take on the Politics #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 18:59:25 PST 2011
KinetiCycle @DrDeanBurke May the Force be with you! #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 18:59:26 PST 2011

PamelaKline @DrDeanBurke LOL! Good night. #RNChat

Thu Feb 10 18:59:33 PST 2011

HospitalPatient of Health Care Reform as told through the "Lens" of Jon Stewart - please Watch
http://youtu.be/wXggtaHcCGU Good night. #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 19:00:06 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom @HospitalPatient: Enjoyed your input. So sorry you have so much experience as the PT.
Thu Feb 10 19:00:37 PST 2011

Visiting_Nurse Gnight all! #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 19:00:44 PST 2011

EllenRichter @InfusionNurse Hi there lurker! Nice to "see" you! :) #RNchat

Thu Feb 10 19:01:16 PST 2011

PamelaKline @visiting_nurse Good night! #RNChat

Thu Feb 10 19:01:21 PST 2011

NurseSallie Appreciate all the points of view. Best to all here as well as to people of Egypt. Good Night!
Thu Feb 10 19:01:35 PST 2011

EllenRichter @DrDeanBurke Haha....tell your wife we say hello! She should join us too!! #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 19:01:44 PST 2011

PracticalWisdom rnchat: You did a great job. Thanks for taking our feedback, keeping us focused and being our
60 minute leader. Cheers #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 19:02:47 PST 2011

PamelaKline @rnchat thanks so much. Enjoyed the great discussion as always:) #RNChat
Thu Feb 10 19:03:24 PST 2011

InfusionNurse Thanks Ellen..great chat as always...RT @EllenRichter: @InfusionNurse Hi there lurker! Nice
to "see" you! :) #rnchat
Thu Feb 10 19:03:41 PST 2011

EllenRichter And (non-RNP) RNs rock too!! RT @Kineticycle: MDs & NPs both ROCK! #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 19:03:48 PST 2011

EllenRichter @rnchat LOL, hey, trying to fit it into 140 is one of the best parts of Twitter! ;) #RNchat
Thu Feb 10 19:04:41 PST 2011

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