Life Elementary U2-3

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reading a w _ronunction word stress + speating where it from? jorld of parts * critical thinking close reading * vocabulary countries and nationalities + 2c Global objects Reading 1 Look at the photo of the Mini on page 27. Is this car famous in your country? What are popular cars in your country? 2 Read the article on page 27. Choose the correct answer (A-C) for the questions. A Germany B Britain C Many different countries 1. Which country is BMW from? 2 Where are the parts for a Mini from? 3. Where is the factory for the Mini? Critical thinking close reading 3 Read sentences 1-8, Write answers A, Bor C A=The sentence is true. The information is in the article. B = The sentence is false. The information is in the article. C= We don't know if t's true or false. The information isn’t in the article. In the past, the Mini was a British car Some parts are from Asia. The Mini isa global product. The Mini is famous in Brazil The two types of engine are from two different countries The seats are made in America. The windows are from a factory in France. in Germany. Vocabulary countries and nationalities 4 Complete the table with the countries and nationalities in the article, Country Nationality Britain British Germany Austria ‘The mirrors are from a Canadian company with a factory. emer) ‘Add a sufixsh,- an ian or eset ‘countries to say the nationality: Poland - Polish ‘Australia — Australian Vietnam - Vietnamese Some nationalities are irregular: Far further information and page 19 of the Workbook. a (1.46 Listen tothe countries and nationalities in Exercise 4. Underline the ‘main stress in each word. Example: Britain, British b 4 1.16 Listen again and repeat, 6 Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the parts of the world in the b Unit 2 Possessions GS FORAGE OBJEC Pe a England. There are 2,500 parts in the Mini and they ane nd continents all over the world includin the Americas and Europe. So, what nationality is a car factory i in Britain? Is a global product. Bonnet Thisisfom factory in | Mirrors the Netherlands, but the | Parts of the roof hes arefroma | companys Austin, Part of the roofs from England, factory in Germany, but the company is Sp but the headquarters | isin Canada, q Seats Johnson Controlsisan ‘American company. | They make the car seats Frontand back bumper These are fom Britain, but the company’s headquarters (Canadian Windows The glassin the windows is Engine froma company “The Mini has pot rwo different in France, but ‘engines. Theresa petrol engine the factoryisin ‘and a diesel engine. The petrol Belgium. ‘engine is Brazilian and the diesel engines Japanese, Wheels “The wheel arent fom one country, they are factory (n) /ecktrl where the company produces the object Grae pel Theat die pests tod to ‘headquarters (n)/hed'kw>:ta/ main office of a company and German companies produce them. a > YOUR OBJECTS AND POSSESSIONS » AROOMIN YOURHOME > FINEEAEENE > svorrnc @ > ‘AN ADVERT shopping * en | life shopping 1. Look at the photo of a shop for tourists. What things are for sale? 2 1.17 Listen to conversations in three shops. Match the conversation with the item and the price, Conversation 1 bags 21.00 Conversation2 coffee $19.35 Conversation 3 a football 350 ead these sentences from the conversations. Who says them: the customer (©) or the shop assistant (S)? Listen again and check. Cantnlpyu? 3 Fathewcates plese ¢ Uae oral Are ee en The ona ae iter meu Se? Aether te colour? | nse eared How nce hey? Theyre nineteen lar, hy ve ces Aretha hod ite? Thon red andi hate ese Now musi steno evo, contrastive stress: 4 Work in pairs. Use the prompts to make a conversation between a shop assistant (S) and a customer (C). Then change roles and repeat the conversation. Hello. Can / help? Vd / Tshirt Large / Medium? Medium. / other colours? These / green and blue How much / they? $7.50 eneovae Word focus one/ones 5 Work in pairs. Underline one or ones in the shopping expressions in Exercise 3. Then complete these sentences with one or ones 1 I'dllike a glass of water, please. A small 2 I'dllike two T-shirts. Small please. 3. This ball is nice, but that is horrible! These gloves are small, but those are large Pronunciation contrastive stress © 1.18 Listen to sentences 3 and 4 in Exercise 5. Note the stress on this, that, these and those. Listen agai and repeat, x Work in pairs. Practise two conversations between customer and a shop assistant in the tourist shop. Student A: Turn to page 154. Student B: Turn to page 155, ce pe > YOUR OBJECTS AND POSSESSIONS Pau swear ‘A ROOM IN YOUR HOME. WHERE ST From? > EEN writing adverts * vocabulary adjectives + wr 9 Hy adjecti iting skill describing objects with adjectives | 2e For sale Writing adverts 1 Read these adverts. What is for sale in each one? Unit 2 Possessions COMPUTER DESK AN Car for sale useful, moder Red, white and blue British Mini white desk and |] from 1965 with fast, new engine. chai. Cheap at only $51 ‘Call 0209 671 336 today ‘FCall 0206 685 6978 today, RUCKSACK FOR SALE Large, green rucksack. Good for ‘camping. Never used Emal |taylor@hmail a 2 Vocabulary adjectives Find the opposite of these adjectives in the adverts in Exercise 1. old modern , bad useless slow small expensive 3 Writing skill describing objects with adjectives We can describe objects with adjectives in two ways. Look at the example. Then rewrite sentences 1-4 The desk is modern, = It's a modern desk. 1 Thecaris old, It 2 The computers are modern. They 3. The sofa is brown. It 4 The roller blades are fast. They 4 Read the adverts again. Write in the adjectives before the nouns. Opinion [size [Age | Colour [Nationality _| Noun sof modern | white desk Mini engine rucksack 5 Write the adjectives in the correct order to make sentences from adverts. Use the table in Exercise tohelp you. 1 IW’sa (Japanese / new / fast) motorbike. 1's fast, new, Japanese motorbike 2. They're (red / lovely) gloves. 3. There are two (Italian / beautiful / old) chairs for sale 4 A(nice / grey / small) ‘computer desk for sale. 5 Forsale. A (large / modern / white) house. 6 Think ofan object in your home. Write an advert fr it 7 Display your adverts around the classroom, Read the adverts. Which adjectives are there in the adverts? ‘Are they in the correct order? TRIER > oun ons aorossons + AroOnN TOW gears (HOME > WHEREISITFROM? > SHOPPING Before you watch 4. Look at the photo of the opals. What colours the opals’ 2. Work in pairs. Answer these questions about opals with Yes, No or Don't know Are opals expensive? Are most opals from Australia? 3. Isthe colour important? b | While you watch 'B Watch the video. Check your answers in Exercise 2. 4 Watch the video again. Number these things in the order you see them (1-5). 2 ahome ina tunnel opal shops in Coober Pedy © one opal d five opals the sunset 5 Watch the video again. Choose the correct word to complete these sentences, 1 The video is in northern / southern Australia 2 The people in the video are above / under the ground 3 Coober Pedy is famous because of the opals / 4 All /Red opals are very expensive. 5. There are a lot of tunnels / houses under the ‘ground in the town. 6 There's an office /a house in one tunnel. 7 The miners work here because they are always / sometimes near opals. 8 Alot of miners find opals everyday /don't find pals {6 Watch the video again. Complete the sentences from the video with these words. | 45. 3000 300,000 90. 95 millions 1. Inthe summer, the temperature is over degrees. 2 About Australia 3. About to find opals. 4 These opals are worth about é % of opals have no colour. 6 They always believe they are near opals in the ground. And that these opals are worth —_ of dollars. % of the world’s opals are from dollars. people live here and they all want Unit 2 Possessions After you watch 7 Role play shopping for opals in Coober Pedy Work in pairs. Student A: You are a customer in an opal shop in Coober Pedy. Ask the shop assistant about opals. + Where are they from? * Ate there different colours and sizes? ‘Then, buy an opal in the photo on page 30 for a ‘good price. Student B: You are a shop assistant in an opal shop in Coober Pedy. Answer the customer's questions about opals. Then, sell an opal in the photo on page 30 for a good price. 8 ‘These things are also from under the ground. Match the words with the photos (1-5). coal diamonds gas. gold oil ete ad sees ee 9. Work in groups, Discuss these questions. 1 Are there mines in your country? 2. What isin the mines (e.g. coal, gold)? UNIT2 REVIEW Grammar 41 Write the singular form of these nouns 1 classes class. 5 knives 2 shelves 6 children 3. families 7 boots 4 women 8 shoes 2 Complete the questions with this thet th those 3 Look at the photo. Choose the correct options to complete the text. ‘Thereis/isnt sofa ‘There aresome /are'tany flowers. Vocabulary 4. Cross out the incorrect word in each group 1 coLoul red grey white 1 COLCTNRE sofa ‘doth nap call COUNTRY Austria Dutch Japan China 4 ONYOURFEET shoes rollerblades hat boots carpet blinds rug France British Brazil Spanish _ slow age useless large ON THE FLOOR NATIONALITY 7 ADJECTIVES 5 Complete the sentences with one word from each ‘group in Exercise 4 Stop the car ata _red_ light. ‘The computer is on my isa country in Europe. Are these fast? There's a next to the bed. ‘people speak Portuguese. ‘The opposite of ‘fast’ is 6 Choose seven more words from Exercise 4. Write new sentences with each word. Real life 7 Match the questions with the correct response. Can Ihelp you? Large or small? Is there a medium size? Are there other colours? ‘How much are they? Are they all black and white? a Asmall one, please. b No, there are also blue and grey. Yes please like a coffee. © f Three dollars fifty. mm sorry, but there isn’t. ‘Yes, there’s also blue and grey. | RUC ae acacia FEATURES 1 Look atthe photo and caption, Whereis it Is it day or night? Novarzores 44 1.19 Listen to partof a TV programme about restaurant in diferent places. Answer the questons Some cities are quieter places because they don’t have cars What time is it? Where is the TV presenter? Why is it popular with Norwegians and tourists? Isit spring, summer, autumn or winter? How many hours a day is the restaurant open in 36 Working under the sea the summer? We meet a woman who works under the sea 3. 6 1.20 Complete the times. Then listen, check and repeat. 38 Places and languages half minutes o'clock past. to twelve Many places in the world 2 le 6 have more than one, yy FF : language ty Et 3 Cowley Road 1 Issix 4 Wsquarter_ four. See the people and places | —2_‘It's _pasttthree. 5 IWsthree past two. Poth P 3. It’s twenty-five nine. 6 It's two minutes to onan English road 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. What time is = itnow? + midday? ‘© sunrise and sunset? + your English lesson? YOURLIFE APHOTOGRAPHER FAVOURITE NUMBERS GIVING DIRECTIONS es ‘DESCRIBING A PLACE ces s jectives about 19 cities around the world * vocabulary adj vmmar present simple questions * speal ‘grammar Pr fe 3k oy readin ‘imple Wlyoulwelthey) * listening city ife * ‘grammar present 3a No-car zones Reading Vocabulary adjectives about cities 1 Read the article and match the cities with the photos (1-4) 3 Underline all the adjectives in the article in Exercise Which adjective means: 1 doesn’t cost money 2 Read the article again and answer the ieee ——— 3 has bad ait? What isa problem in many cities? many people lke it? 5. very good? ‘What is beautiful in the centre of 6 quiet 9 cheap oe ce 10 big = Hitmen 4 kip atts orasy or i 7 Why is Bourke Street popular? places in the city are a Popt + polluted and noisy? NO-CAR ZONES Many people have ears in the city. But pollution is a problem because of the trafic. Nowadays some city centres around the world don't have cars. These rno-car zones are aress for people, bicycles and public transport only London Eight milion people lve inthe centre of Landon and another two milion people go to work there ‘every day The city centre is very noisy with hunclreds of cars, buses and taxis, but there ate also a lot of beautiful parks with free music concerts, At lunchtime ‘and after work, many people go there fora break. Tokyo Parts of Tokyo are alvays coowded with hundreds of People, but there are no cars. These modern no-car zones are very popular and peopl ke shopping Bogots In the past, Bogota was polluted because there were lots of cars and trafic. Now the city centre is a no-car zone and the air is clean! Mary people don’t have a ar and half 2 million people go to work by bus every morning, Melbourne In many cites, people don't like she ike shopping in the centre, But in Melbourne, Bourke Street is popular because there are lots of great shops and no cars. {ts expensive, but lots of people eat lunch in the. small cafés. Unit 3 Places Grammar present simple (you/we/they) 9 41.21 Match the journalist's questions with the student's answers, Then listen again and check 1. Doyou have acarin London? 5 Look at the two sentences from the article. What 2 Whores uve mee isthe main verb? What verb do you add fora 3 Doyou like art? negative sentence 4. What do youdo? Many peopie have cas 5 What time do you finish work? Some city centres around the world don’t have cars. I'ma student at university and I work - restaurant at lunehtimes, a) b No.1 don’t. go everywhere by bicycle ive in Tokyo. ¢ Atabout three o'clock. yey Weratin cafes Yes, Ido. And like the theatre. ‘You do’ five in London © Inthe city centre Trey don’t go to work by bus For further information and practice, ee page 159, Grammar present simple 6 Choose the correct form to make these sentences _ WUeStions true for you. Then tell your partner. 10 Look atthe questions (1-5) in Exercise 9, Answer ive /don’t live in the city centre. the questions have / don’t have a car. 11g0 / don’t go to work by bus. Tent / don’t ent in cafés at lunchtime. 1 meet / don’t meet friends in the city centre after work 6 like /don’t like shopping in the city centre. 1. Whats the main verb in each question? 2. What extra verb do you add? 3. Which questions have yes/no answers? "Do you like shopping? Yes, Ido. No, I don't Bo they live in London? Yes, they do. / No, they don't. ‘What do you do? ‘where do you lve? 7 Are your sentences from Exercise 6 also true for most people in your town or city? Make more sentences about life inthe city with these phrases. cn feat lunch gotowork have acar like shopping live work 411. Write do in the correct place in these questions. 1. What you do? 2. Where you live? 5 7 3 You like shopping? Listening 4 What time you finish work? 5 You havea car? i 8 61.21 Listen to a journalist interview a student 6 Yoweat in cafés at lunchtime? about living in London. Complete his notes with 7 What time you eat dinner? 8 You meet friends after work? Speaking 12 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions Exercise 11, fening my job + word focus work * grammar present simple (Re/snefit) « vocabulary places of work + list ‘ing a National Geographic photographer pronunciation -s endings * spel 3b Working under the sea Vocabulary places of work 4 M9122 Linen wan inter ie seth ety 4. Match these jobs with the places of work (1-4) order (1 3 Do you work late? doctor aphotographer apilot di rethas liebe sailor astudent teacher 3 waite Diabet —" Do you have a family? © What time do you start work? 5 ina hospital 1 inan office 2 onashiporaboat 6 ina restaurant elop ian Lisen teamed choose tc cornet ws 3 inastudio 7 ima classroom eee ice the sentences, 4 ona plane 8 ina university sts 1 Istudy places on Twork / don’t work in an office very often. On the boat, I get up just after five / six o' [meet my team for breakfast at about s s eight. 2. Where do you work or study? Tell your partner. Lister 3 Look at the photo and caption. What does 5 After breakfast, I start / finish work. Beverley Goodman do? Where does she work? 6 finish / don’t finish work late when I'm at hom 7 Ilive with my husband and my child favo children Word focus work 6 Complete the sentences from the interview with Beverley with for or with 1 Iwork National Geographic 2. Lwork a team of marine biologists. 7 Make the sentences in Exercise 6 true for you. Tell your partner. " Doctor Beverley Goodman, ‘a marine archaeologist. 00 | Grammar present simple (he/she/it) 8 Underl this text about Beverley Then answer the questions, In afirmative sentences, how does the verb change for hehe/it forms In negative sentences, what verb do you add? Beverley Goodman is a marine archaeologist She studies places under the sea. She has an office, but she doesn’t work there very often, She's usually fon a boat or under the sea. On the boat, she gets up just after five o'clock and she meets her team for breakfast at about seven, She starts work after breakfast and she finishes late. At home, she doesn't finish work late. She lives with her husband and two children. Sometimes her children go to work with her. They love the boats! J PRESENT SIMPLE HESHET | He works in an office, She goes to work every day. He studies archaeology at university She doesn’t work in an office, For further information and practice, see page 160. Complete the text about another archaeologist with the present simple form of the verbs. Dr James E. Campbell * (come) from, England and he’s an archaeologist. He” (study) the ancient pyramids in Egypt. James : (speak) three languages: English, French and Arabic. He * (have) an office, but he *__ (prefer) working in the pyramids with other archaeologists. He © much free time because he” over the world. He® his job! (not /have) (travel) all ___ (not /get) bored in ee ee ure > > FAVOUNTENUMEERS. > GIVING DRECTNS Pvourure > XTEISAER Unit 3 Places 10 Pronunciation -s endings 1.23 Listen to the third person form he thind person form of the Do you hear the sound i /2/ or ln? Listen again and repeat 1 works (5 7 starts 2 ives (2 & loves 3 finishes tz 9 speaks 4 studios 10 teaches, 5 gets 11 goes © meets 12 travels 11% 1.24 Match these questions about Beverley and James with the answers. Then listen and check 1 What does Beverley do? Where does James come from? 3. When does Beverley start work? 4 Does James have an office? 5 Does Beverley finish work early? a Yes, he does, b_ No, she doesn’t After breakfast. d_ She's a marine archaeologist. e England, eee eee) What does he do? He's a doctor, Does she have children? Yes, she does, /No, she doesn't | Ferfurther information and practice, see page 160, Speaking 42 Work in pairs. Exchange information to complete a fact file about Joel Sartore. Student A: Turn to page 153. Student B: Turn to page 154. reading and vocabulary ni pronunciation saying numbers 3c Places and languages Reading and vocabulary 41. How many languages do you speak? Which Janguage(®) do you speak in different places (e.g. at home, at school, at work)? 2. Read the article. Whats it about? Choose the correct answer (2-0). The languages people speak indifferent places Places with new languages © Why English is important in different places 3 Read the article again, What do these numbers refer to? 1 over 190 2. about 7,000 3. over I billion and countries in the world 380 million 400 million cover 300 80% 6 109 1 4 Find these words in the article and match them with the definitions (1-4). ‘ancient first official second the language you leam after your first language the main language that people in a place speak the language of the government avery old language Crenee ‘Mary nouns have adjective and noun collocations: reno pan Misiv ard noun colecatons: fist For further information andj page 27. practice, see Workbook 5 Discuss these questions as a class, 1 What is your first language? Is Engi » ohne \guage? Is English your ‘your country have an official language? 3 What languages do people normally learn at school? Why do they learn these languages? jumbers * critical thinking relevance * vocabulary ©e © © 1s + speaking favourite numbers Critical thinking relevance 6 Read the article again. Add these sentences to the end of each paragraph. 4) Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: English isa second language for many of they people. b That's one point five languages for every island. When he dies, his language dies They all speak Spanish as their first language Vocabulary cardinal and ordinal numbers 7 Look at these two sentences from the article. Which says how many and which says the order 1 In first place is China. 2. There are over one billion speakers of Mandarin Chinese. 8 Work in pairs. Complete the sequence of numbers 9 Pronunciation saying numbers 4 1.25 Listen and check your answers in Exercise 8. Then listen again and repeat. Speaking 10 Write down three favourite numbers (e.g; Your favourite age, di ‘Noutite age, date, number). Tell your parte PLACES LANGUAGES First place and first language The other 6,996 languages cr one hundred and ninety countries in the world Chinese Hind, Spanish and English are the ‘hig « seven thousand languages. In first place is China. languages. About eighty percent ofthe worlds ers of Mandarin Chinese, In Population speak them. But these are only four second place is India with speakers of Hindi. And in third place languages, so what about the other 6,996 languages? Many countries have lots of different languages. For ‘example, on the islands of Vanuatu in the South Pacific (Ocean there are sixty-five different islands and they have one hundred and nine different languages Spain isnt a big country but there are over four Spanish, Spain isnt a big hundred million Spanish speakers in different countries around the world This is very true in Latin America English as a global language Aca first language, English isin fourth place. About three The last speakers wundred and cighty million people are native English speakers. Finally there are some languages with only one speaker But English isin first place as a second language for many ‘They are old people and they speak the language of other people. Over a billion people speak English for doing their parents and grandparents. For example, Charlie business reading the news or studying science and medicine. Muldunga lives in Australia. He speaks English because Tn some countries, English is not the native language, but it is__ it isthe fist language ofthe country. However, his the ofcal language forthe government and in schools. And _ native language is Amurdag. I's an ancient language even in London, the capital city of Britain, there are over three and he is the last speaker of this Aboriginal language. hundred different languages. ancient (ad) Peinfant very old last (ad) as final ‘over (ad) aval more than about (ad) a baut/ approximately os Pi aerial per te ae ee. places inacity + giving directions Ses Look at the expressions for giving directions. Complete places in a city 1. When you are a tourist ina new city, how do you decide conversation atthe visitors’ cent which places to visit? Do you use a map or a travel guide? Then listen again and check 2 Look at the map of Atlanta. Where do you do these things? T = Tourist, G = Guide i= | Looksst the map of Atlanta, 11 x T: Hello, We'd like to go to the 1 gettourist information 6 read a book aquarium. Is it ? 2. lear about history 7 meet clients and Git? ffiecamninaes 3 relax outside colleagues but you go past some interesting 4 seeaplayoramusical 8 lookatsea life Hl ylinehipebinieed 5 park your car map. Go Decat ae Street and then up Marietta Set Real life giving directions ‘ Spring Street and take the first street 3 6 1.26 Listen toa conversation atthe visitors’ centre. What Centennial Olympic Park places on the map do they talk about? is on the comer It’s very nice. Go across the park and on the right there's the World of Coca-Cola, T: Oh, that sounds interesting. G: Yes, it is. * itand the aquarium is opposite. T: Great. Thanks a lot Genes ‘Asking for directions Where is..? Id ike to go to Isitmear here? Giving directions Iesnear here, t's about ten minutes aver = Go past the Go across... ge Bae op Take the fst street on the lt! A Tun ett ! Take the fist steet onthe right. FP Tur ght z 5 Work in pairs. Practice similar conversations at the visitors’ centt®: ‘Ask for and give directions to dif places on the map of Atlanta : KERZXEN > vourure » apiorosnarven > ravounre nueens > KEEGSNVSTENES DESCRIBING a PLACE 3e Describing a place SC a travel website 3 Writing skill capital k whe Which one of these things 1-7 dees not pela Potachouck writes fora travel website. Read about have a capital letter? ver favourite city, Tick the items she describes (1-6) the word at the beginning of a sentence 1 1 the name of her city 2. the pronoun I 3 good places to visit names of people cities or places er favourite time of day, month or season 4 countries, nationalities or languages {places to meet friends 5 days and months % 6 seasons and parts ofthe day her favourite cafés and restaurants streets, roads, parks and squares 2 good ways to travel around the city b Rewrite this description with capital letters. a nee “ee a reste bab Sorted pon ne " Steyr O ‘season is summer because of the surfing. ry Ai eeoeuecioersenr ee ze s ‘saturdays i go with my friends to narabecn beach. it’s quiet and relaxed. afterwards we H MAE nonce cce Fee era of food fram japanese to lebanese. Mya 4. Write a description of your favourite town My favourite place in Russias Red Square in Moscow eS cae Because there ae interesting museums and art galleries But also like other parts of Moscow. Krasnaye Presnys Parks great, On Saturdays in the summer I meet fiends therein the afternoon, We relax and play sport —and it's tel Summer in Moscow is between May and September, but love winter December is my favourite month ecause the snow is beautiful and we go ice-skating 5 Display the descriptions around the eee ym Walk around and read each citer descriptions. Check the capital letters Far CHIT NUE OME TCE «<<< e088: yer Unit 3 Places —_ = _ fou watch 5 Where do you c Before y 2 wate Nee orthepost oti 4. Work in groups. Look at the photo and read the b atthe trafic Hights pion. Discuss the questions © atu one be this city with three adjectives. 6 Which Tes 1 Describe this city with three adjectives. Which types of restaurants do the wo men ak yy do you think Oxford is a popular place for 2 Why Popular place for Pa foes? b Italian a 2. Work in pairs. Imagine you are a visitor to Oxford. Turkish ogee Write three questions to ask local people. Then 7 Whereis the park? eae compare your questions with the class. aon Cowley Road ; bon Manzii Way Fehr a park inthe city? ¢ on Oxford Avenue Ie therea pr 2 8 Whois the park for? 7 a children’ While you watch b students ¢ everyone 3 Watch the video about a road in Oxford. Tick (/) 9 Whereure Gon earregata ae the places you see. a on Manzil Way 1 university 8 post office bon the right 2 church 9 sports centre © opposite each other 3 school 10 resiattane 10. Which small supermarkets does the woman 4 shops: 1 park talk about? 5 mosque 12 hospital a Greek @ Russian 6 busstop 13 supermarkets b Polish © Japanese 7 train station 14 tourist information ¢ Lebanese £ Chinese 4 Work in pairs. Make questions with the words. ‘Then watch the video again and check. After you watch 1 isa post office there near here ? 6 Role play conversation between a visitor - and a local person 2. isto eat good place there a near here ? oie 3. round here a park is there ? ‘Student A: You are in your local town or city. Make 7 er one a list of the important and interesting places for 4 getto the supermarket how do I from here ? tourists. Think about: : es “ + places to visit + places to shop | BRED 5 Watch the vide again. Choose the correct answers Y : S = ae Student B: You area tourist in a new town or city. tothe questions. | 1 Whyis the city of Oxford famous? 2 because ofthe university because ofits history © both answers a and b 2 Which part of Oxford is Cowley Road in? @ north eee See craig = UNIT 3 REVIEW Grammar 4. Complete the sentences with these verbs. eat go have like live work V1 with my family in Dubai 2 We in a restaurant near my house at the weekend 3. [don’t shopping in the city centre because the shops are crowded. 4 They in an office in that building. 5 [don't acarsol to work by bus. 2 Complete the conversation with door don ‘A: Where! B: InNew York. A:?__ you likeit? Br Yes, it’s great. There are lots of places to go. As? youhave a car? B: No,I* ‘And 1° travel by public transport because I have a bicycle. ‘A: Do you like shopping in New York? B: No.1". shop online 3 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 1 come / comes from Egypt. 2. He live / lives in Singapore 3 My friend spenk /spenks four languages! 4 We don't / docsnt have much fre time 5. Shedon't / doesnt work in an office What do / does your husband do? Vocabulary 4 Say these times. 1 500 4 nas 2 715 5 1503 3 925 6 756 5 Match the words with the sentences. carpark hospital hotel library museum office park restaurant ‘There are waiters here. People read books here. Doctors work in this place. Stay the night in this building, Anaccountant is in this room. People relax here at lunchtime. Put your car here. Learn about history here. 6 Complete the adjectives in the article about Bangkok Bangkok in Thilond is @ "b_gciy with about ten milion people. is oso a ?p_p_L cy wih tourists, s0 ifs often 9¢_o_d_d wih hundreds of people. The ciy is an intresting mix of “b_o.1£ old houses and !m_d.r_ office buildings. There's alo a lot of trafic so sometimes the airis‘p Lue. Force noirond*q it places, goto the parks and the river. Real life 7 Complete the word in each sentence. 1 W___isthe museum? 2 Isitn here? 3 It’sabout ten minutes a 4 Goa this street because it’s on the thet side of the road, 5 T.__ the first street on the right. 6 T____ right and go straight up the 10a Speaking 8 Work in pairs. Describe six actions in your day and what time you do each action.

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