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PA2 Midterm Exam Questions

1-picture of labor positions, ans-Left Occipito Posterior, LOP

Most common/best-ROA, baby posterior facing

2-phase for intense peer involvement, ans-Middle Adolescence

Ages 14-17yrs old

3-What signals start of puberty in males?, ans-Testicular enlargement

4-When would a child transfer objects from hand to hand/feed themselves?, ans-6 months

5-4 yr old is able to draw square, stand on one foot for 8 seconds, draw 4 part person, 3 step command,
speak 250 words, speech is 75% intelligible, what should you tell parents?, ans-The speech is delayed
and should be referred to speech therapist.

Child should be speaking 100% intelligible words at 4yrs old.

6-Patient has poorly managed type 2 DM and renal disease, he has a fever of 102, productive cough,
dyspnea, 32 breaths per min, labored breathing, and 90% oxygen saturation. What is next best step in
managing this patient?, ans-???? Endotracheal intubation

7-Where would you palpate for a direct inguinal area?, ans-Above and lateral to the pubic tubercle

8-What direction would you palpate to feel the prostate during a rectal exam?, ans-Counterclockwise

9-What is the decision support model?, ans-Embed, Share, Use, Integrate

10-If you are dealing with a trauma patient and see bleeding which step should you assess first?, ans-

11-How do you assess mental status of a patient?, ans-AVPU

12-Picture asking what is being palpated?, ans-Inguinal Hernia

13-What position is female generally in for female exam?, ans-Lithotomy

14-What direction is the breast palpated during exam?, ans-Vertical

15-What reflex is being shown when child is moved downward in supine position 1-2ft?, ans-Moro

16-What age do you stop measuring child head circumference?, ans-3yrs old

17-G3P2012, What does 1st P stand for?, ans-The patient has had 2-full term births.

18-Which direction would you apply pressure with speculum for female exam?, ans-Downward

19-Where is sperm produced, stored and transported from?, ans-Epididymis

20-What depression do you feel on the prostate?, ans-Median Sulcus

21-What is the examiner looking for when palpating at the 8oclock or 4oclock region?, ans-Bartholin’s
22-What is female showing at Tanner stage 3?, ans-Female has breast and areolar enlargement, and
curly pigmented pubic hairs.

23-What is an acceptable position for female during breast exam?, ans-Side-Cahan

24-Which reflex is absent and on which side in testicular torsion?, ans-Cremasteric, Ipsilateral

25-Where do you measure the fundal height?, ans-From the top of the pubic symphysis to the fundus

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