Creature Essay

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Meredith Julia Muirhead

WSC 001

Professor DeCarlo

01 October 2020

Creature Study-Irrawaddy Dolphins

When one thinks of a dolphin, they’ll think of a sea creature with a long beak and a big

dorsal fin, flipping in and out of the ocean and spraying out water. However, the irrawaddy

dolphin doesn’t quite fit that image. Irrawaddy dolphins are found in both saltwater and

freshwater environments in Southeast Asia, and they have rounded heads with no beak. These

dolphins are like the teddy bear-like creatures of the sea, and they possess several intelligences

that allow them to thrive in their own environment. Although irrawaddy dolphins are an

endangered species due to dolphin hunting in the area, they nevertheless lead productive lives in

their habitats, utilizing various combinations of interpersonal intelligence, spatial intelligence,

and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

The irrawaddy dolphin is a highly social creature that utilizes interpersonal intelligence in

multiple ways. BioExpedition states, “​They are...very social...and they create a very deep bond

with the members of their pod. They are curious and they will look around at their surroundings

when they come to the surface for air.” (​Animal Facts and Interaction,​ 2020) ​Interpersonal

intelligence is defined as the thorough knowledge of others in one's surroundings. For example,

irrawaddy dolphins are never seen swimming alone-they travel in groups of 2-6, although larger

groups of up to 25 have been spotted along some coastlines. Irrawaddy dolphins also exhibit the
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unique behavior of spitting streams of water from their mouths in order to attract both their prey

(that is, smaller fish and cephalapods) and other irrawaddy dolphins. These streams of water

attract the other creatures' attention, therefore making this another example of interpersonal

intelligence. In knowing the behavioral patterns of both their fellow dolphins and of their prey,

irrawaddy dolphins are given the ability to thrive in their environment.

Additionally, irrawaddy dolphins display a spatial intelligence, that is, a knowledge of the

layout of their habitat. This spatial intelligence is vital when it comes to catching fish, as

irrawaddy dolphins have to swim deeper than where they usually stay in order to find the fish

they eat. Using navigational skills as well as echolocation, these dolphins are able to successfully

obtain their prey. Their use of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is combined with their use of

spatial intelligence here as well, as echolocation is a dolphin’s bodily function. The combination

of these two intelligences are the reason dolphins are able to eat, and therefore these intelligences

are a necessary part of their survival. However, irrawaddy dolphins’ combination of these

intelligences are not just essential for their own nourishment, they also are essential for the

maintenance of their habitats. The World Wildlife Fund says, “The irrawaddy dolphin is crucial

for the overall health of the Mekong River..home to an estimated 1100 species of fish.” (WWF,

2020) Irrawaddy dolphins’ health is often reflected by the overall health of their waters, as they

are the top of the food chain in their habitats. Therefore, if the environment is not healthy, the

irrawaddy dolphins will indicate that. states, “Irrawaddy dolphins​ rely on

deep-water areas during the dry season and annual fish migrations to replenish fish stocks.”

(​Save the Whales​, 2018) Overall, irrawaddy dolphins’ usage of their spatial

intelligence/bodily-kinesthetic intelligence combination is essential for their ecosystems.

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Because irrawaddy dolphins were born with larger and heavier bodies, they are not very

acrobatic and showy when jumping in and out of the waters. Irrawaddy dolphins are not highly

active creatures, but they appear at the surface of the water every 2.5 minutes to breathe. They

also spyhop, which is when they playfully bob at the surface as a form of interacting.

Furthermore, they spit streams of water both at each other in play as well as at their prey in order

to attract them. Irrawaddy dolphins use these social opportunities in order to carry out their

necessary life functions such as eating, socializing, and breathing. This exemplifies their uses of

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence as well as interpersonal intelligence. An additional display of

irrawaddy dolphins' social activity is their coexistence with fishers in their habitat. As previously

mentioned, irrawaddy dolphins eat the smaller fish in their habitat, so they have a knowledge of

where these fish dwell. ​Whale and Dolphin Conservation USA​ mentions, “Irrawaddy dolphins

cooperatively fish with [fishers] who use cast or throw nets.” (​Whale and Dolphin Conservation

USA,​ 2020)Therefore, they will swim alongside fishers' boats in order to guide them towards the

fish. When the boats are close to the fish habitats, irrawaddy dolphins will tap the sides of the

boats in order to alert them. Not only does this confirm the use of interpersonal intelligence by

irrawaddy dolphins, it also establishes how essential these animals are to their ecosystem.

Sadly, due to dolphin hunting in their areas, irrawaddy dolphins are labelled “critically

endangered” by IUCN Redlist. The extinction of irrawaddy dolphins will overall decrease the

stability of these waters, as irrawaddy dolphins are a necessary piece of their ecosystem.

Additionally, tourists and dolphin-watchers look for irrawaddy dolphins on tours, so the

extinction of irrawaddy dolphins will decrease tourism in Southeast Asia. However, lower

population numbers do not stop irrawaddy dolphins from carrying out their daily activities and
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living their everyday lives. Irrawaddy dolphins will always rely on social interaction and be able

to skillfully navigate their habitats. Their possession and clever uses of interpersonal intelligence,

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, and spatial intelligence are just a few examples of what make

irrawaddy dolphins such vital (as well as lovable) aquatic mammals in the Southeast Asian

​ Muirhead 5


“Irrawaddy Dolphin.” ​Animal Facts and Information,​ 10 July 2012,

“Irrawaddy Dolphin.” ​Save The Whales,​ 18 Oct. 2018,

“Irrawaddy Dolphin.” ​Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA​, 24 Jan. 2020,

“Irrawaddy Dolphin.” ​WWF​, World Wildlife Fund,

Smith, Brian, et al. “The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.” ​IUCN Red List of

Threatened Species,​ 30 Aug. 2017,

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