k290 Brain Energizer Lesson Plan

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Activity Title: Ice Cream Dance

Type: Brain Energizer

Date: 4/4/19
Target Audience: DL2, Grade 3
Equipment: None

Psychomotor- Jumps and lands in the horizontal and vertical planes using a mature pattern.
Cognitive- Recognizes the concept of open spaces in a movement con-text. (S2.E1.3)
Affective- Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in physical activity with peers. (S4.E5.3)

Organization of Students: Have the students find their own space by telling them to make sure
they are an arm’s length apart from their peers or any objects.

 The object of this brain energizer is to spark student’s creativity when creating their
favorite ice cream and to participate in quick fitness exercises.
 First, have the students take out a piece of paper/give them paper.
 Show the students a list of popular ice cream flavors and toppings and have them write
down which flavor and two toppings they like.
 Show another slide that shows which flavors and toppings go with each activity
 Have the students complete the fitness activities based on what they wrote down
 Below is the corresponding ice cream flavors to the exercises that go along with them
o Vanilla – hop on 1 foot 10 times
o Strawberry – spin around 5 times
o Chocolate – 10 jumping jacks
o Mint Chip – 10 arm circles
o Peanut Butter – pretend to jump rope for 10 seconds
o Fudge – floss for 10 seconds
o Caramel – touch your toes and jump up 5 times
o Sprinkles – squat 5 times
o Cherry – pat your head and rub your tummy for 10 seconds
o Whipped Cream – whip and nae nae for 10 seconds
o Peanuts – 10 second jog in place
o Cookie Dough – high knees for 10 seconds
o Oreos – hula hoop for 10 seconds
Teaching Tips:
 Have activities that students will be able to do easily in the classroom (ex: job in place,
butt kickers, jumping jacks).
 Make sure the students have pen and paper ready
 Emphasize to students to not choose what their friends are choosing (use your own

 Make sure students are standing arm length apart
 Make sure there is an open space around the students so that they have room to do the
fitness exercise.

Other Resources: Google slides with ice cream flavors, toppings, and exercises
 This brain energizer was an original idea

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