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Caitlin Lyons

Dr. Bacon

ITEC 7460

29 November 2020

Evaluation Instrument


The Evaluation Instrument I created is a combination of a Likert scale and short response

anonymous survey. I addressed the first four Guskey Levels with Likert scale questions ranging

from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. The survey also addressed the last Guskey Level with

short response questions about teacher implementation and student performance. I would use the

collected data to improvement my own coaching abilities. I would also use it to help guide

further coaching sessions and provide input to administration on the effectiveness of the material


At the end of my training session, I would put a short link to this survey on the board and

have participants complete it before leaving. If a participant would like further coaching on this

topic, I would have contact cards on each table that they could fill out and leave. I chose this

method instead of including it in the survey so participants would feel comfortable sharing their

true feelings and plans for implementation because of the anonymity of the survey.

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