Moustache Cup Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Grade: 7-9 Topic: Floor Hockey Lesson Duration: >49 minutes

Overview of Lesson
Students will be split into various teams as they compete in a floor hockey tournament.
Alberta Program of Study

A, C, & D A (7,8,9) - 5&6
C (7,8,9) - 3&5
D (7,8,9) - 3
Critical Questions

Inquiry Question:
 How can a variety of floor hockey skills be used to succeed in a game setting?
Learning Objectives

Students will…
 Apply manipulative skills in a game setting
 Work collaboratively as a team to achieve success
 Display sportsmanship and fair play
Material and Equipment

 Hockey Sticks
 Hockey Nets
 Pucks/Balls
 Tournament Trifold
 Benches
Lesson Procedure

Introduction (min): 5-7

Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:
 Have a high level of work ethic by participating to the best of their abilities within
each activity.
 Be respectful and listen to whoever is speaking.
 Be respectful of the various skill levels.
 Follow rules and guidelines of the game.
 Follow Covid-19 guidelines.

 Have the students seated and prepared to listen.
 Explain that we will be doing a floor hockey tournament and present them the trifold.
 Within this tournament, teams can get points in various ways
 These include:
o Win = 3 pts
o Tie = 1 pt
o Best Name = 5 pts
o Best Sportsmanship = 5 pts
o Hardest Workers = 5 pts
 Explain the schedule and outline which side is A and B
 Read over and explain the rules
 Explain that games will be approximately 3-4 minutes long
 Explain that one person from the winning team needs to come and tell me who won
 Make teams:
o Have them sit in partners and pair groups together to have teams of 4
o One person will always sub
o Have the students choose a team name once they have been paired up

Transition to Body:
 Designate teams to where they are playing or which bench they should sit at

Body (min): 30
Learning Activity #1
 Once players have gone to where they need to go, begin each game with a faceoff
 Play music while students are playing and be sure to time the length of the games.
 Run the tournament
 Continue to update the scores
 Reinforce rules and monitor game play

 Observe student’s ability to perform fundamental skills (stickhandling, passing, and
 Observe student’s strategical thinking while playing
 Observe student’s ability to work appropriately and effectively with one another
 Observe student’s overall effort and participation

Special Considerations:
 Ensure teams are balanced based upon skill
 Ensure students are subbing in frequently and that everyone is taking a turn.

Closure (min): 3
 Bring the students back in
 Count the points from each game
 Around the bonus points
 Inform students of final rankings
 Thank them for the effort and participation and dismiss them from the class

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