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Megan Meyer

Elementary Lesson Plan

Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Summarize a Podcast
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 4th and 5th Grade
Duration ~40 minutes
Big Idea Active listeners make meaning from what they hear by
questioning, reflecting, responding, and evaluating
Essential Question What do good listeners do?
How do active listeners make meaning?
Model Curriculum Competencies  Identify facts and details that support reasons.
 Restate part of text read aloud or presented orally
or in other media formats
 Use own words when restating
 Summarize information from notes into final
 Use digital media legally and ethically, practicing
Educational Fair Use.
AASL Standards I.B.3. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes generating products that illustrate
I.C.1. Learners adapt, communicate, and exchange
learning products with others in a cycle that includes
interacting with content presented by others.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Listen to a podcast episode of their choosing from
the podcast list provided and then summarize what
they listened to.
Content Specific Vocabulary Podcast – a digital audio file made available on the
Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device,
typically as a series, new installments of which can be
received by subscribers
Summarize – give a brief statement of the main points of
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Chromebooks
 Headphones
 Google Classroom
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
 Brains On Podcast
 Storynory Podcast
 But Why? Podcast
 The Past and The Curious Podcast
 Story Pirates Podcast
 Stories Podcast
 Summary Template Assignment
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them sanitize their hands and then sit in a
seat above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
 Listening to podcasts
 Log into Chromebooks
 Go to Google Classroom
 Read through the directions with them
 Get their headphones
 Send them off to work
End Class.
 Pack up and line up.
Formative Assessment Complete the Google Slide pages summarizing the
podcast episode they listened to.
Assignment Listen to a podcast episode of their choice and summarize
what they listened to after.
Accommodations Mark – break it down into very specific directions and
check-in; needs a lot of direction and repetition
Olivia and Justin – provide an easier alternative like let
them listen to the podcasts or some read-to-me epic books
Franklin, Briley, and Aron – a few extra check-ins and
repetition, if necessary

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