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‘Stop motion fight scene’

This film will be a Stop motion animation of a fight scene between 2 characters, one of the
characters in a Ninja who has his bag stolen from him by a wizard, this results in a action
packed fight between the wizard of ninja where each one is battling for the bag. Each
character will use their own skill to their advantage in the fight which will move through
different locations and dimensions. At the end the ninja gets the bag until another portal
opens and he gets squished by a car. There will be very little plot to this production as the
main appeal of this is the fight which will make up most of the run time. The film will be
cartoony with the characters themselves being just animated clothing with the backgrounds
being made with house hold items which will be animated on my living room floor. The fight
will have the characters jumping around a lot but not really getting injured and there will be
no blood or gore either as that would be inappropriate for my target demographic.

Why are you producing this production?

I choose a stop motion as it is something, I can do all at home which would allow me to
shoot it after college and during the Christmas holidays. The stop motion also only requires
myself to film with so I do not have to worry about actors or extra crew which would be
difficult to organise especially during lockdown. The film will also only be shot in my own
house so if there is another lockdown, I can still complete the film. I also wanted to do a
more extravagant action sequence which would be a new challenge to animate, this new
film will have motion blur and some harder elements to animate such as portals and very
fast motions which should make for a nice challenge. I also wanted to expand my knowledge
on lighting so the different dimensions and locations will give me plenty of chances to test
out a range of different lighting looks and designs. I also felt this would work well for my
target demographic especially boys as they like action and fight sequences so this should
appeal to them.

 The deadline for the planning is the 4th December 2020
 The deadline of the production is the 12 January 2020
 The final pitch will be completed on the 18th January 2020

Target audience:
My target audience is 5 to 12 years old. The characters will all be unisex so this should allow
the characters to appeal to both genders however boys tend to like more action and fighting
so this will may appeal to them more.

What they want to see:

My target audience does not have a long attention span so they want very fast paced and
quick stories which do not focus to much on backstories, the want to see lots of action very
quickly, they do not care about realism and would much rather elements be more cartoony
and interesting than slow and realistic. Children also want simple characters and settings;
they want to be able to work out who they are meant to support and why. The locations
must also be simple and appropriate, they should either be somewhere they can relate too
or somewhere magical they can dream about going too. The film should also be very bright
and colourful as these attract the eyes of the audience and keep them invested.

What I am creating based on my research:

The fight and action will be very fast paced so the audience will not get bored with it as it is
going too slowly for them, the action will be visually fast with the fight scene being
unrealistic in speed but will also have the characters move between different locations very
quickly so that the viewer has something new to look at in almost every scene. The
characters will be simple, there will be the hero which will be the Ninja and the Wizard who
will be the villain, they will have no backstories they are just characters that the audience
can root for. This film will be very bright and colourful with the characters being dressed in
colourful clothing; the whole thing will have lighting that suits the environment which will
change constantly making it more appealing to the viewer.

Where the production will be aired:

My production will be shown on YouTube or traditional TV. Most of my older demographic
watch YouTube which would allow me to access more viewers from around the world and
would let me be more creative as I am not restricted by the restraints of conventional TV
however broadcasting it would guarantee me views and more financial reward. My
production would fit better into traditional children’s TV channels such as CBBC and ITV as
they often go for short stop motion animation such as Shaun the sheep and Ooglies whereas
my music video is not something usually aired by these channels. For this film I would Ideally
like it to be shown on TV so it catches the younger end of my demographic and then release
it on YouTube for the higher end of the age group.

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