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Regarding q1/2:

and According to her symptom: (runny nose, mild congestion, headache, and itchy eyes,
and disturbed sleep for 1-week duration) she has intermittent 'severe-moderate'
allergic sinusitis

The new home may have garden with trees, grass, weeds that cause of her this allergic

The congestion that she had affect her sleep. Sometimes a child’s nose is congested to the
point that she breathes through her mouth, especially while sleeping. The parents may
hear high-pitched whistle sound as she breathes through her mouth or nose This may also
cause her to not get a restful night’s sleep and then be tired next day

If the congestion and mouth-breathing are left untreated, they can affect the growth of teeth
and the bones of the face.

. Early treatment of the allergies causing the nasal congestion may prevent these

And the headache she had may be due sinus headache

I also want to add this question

What will happen or what is the complication of untreated Allergic rhinitis?

what is the complication that may occur due to

untreated allergic rhinitis

How Can I Prevent Allergic Rhinitis?

The first and best option is to avoid contact with allergens. Other prevention tips are:

 Don’t touch or rub your nose.

 Wash your hands often with soap and water.
 Use a vacuum with a CERTIFIED asthma & allergy friendly® filter to reduce
allergen exposure while vacuuming.
 Wash your bed linens and pillowcases in hot water and detergent to reduce
 Use dust-mite proof covers for pillows, comforters, duvets, mattresses and box
 Keep pets out of the bedroom to reduce pet dander allergen in your bedding.
 Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to reduce pollen getting into your
 Keep windows closed during high pollen and mold seasons. Use the air
conditioner in your car and home

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